Psychometry Sentence Examples
Psychometry is the ability to read the history of an object by touching the object.
Keep in mind that the term "psychic" is a broad one that encompasses clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometry and a host of other psychic abilities.
One of the most elementary forms of discernment is (rather absurdly) called psychometry.
Natasha uses psychometry, and Kiell uses Shere Khan to " sniff out " Harris.
Psychometry is the phenomenon of inherently knowing things about an object that you hold in your hands.
Some people compare it to other related psychic abilities such as clairsentience and psychometry.
Psychometry is the ability to receive information that can include all of the senses by simply touching an object or person without the intensity an empath experiences.
For example, the empath may unknowingly use psychometry abilities to receive information simply by touching a person or object.