Psychologist Sentence Examples
The psychologist and the formal logician do indeed join hands in the denial of a real movement of thought in syllogism.
The best thing I ever did was to see a clinical psychologist.
The psychologist investigates the ideal construction of the self, i.e.
Mind, as studied by the psychologist - mind as a mere fact or phenomenon - grounds no inference to anything beyond itself.
A psychologist will be able to do psychological testing to find a definitive diagnosis of anxiety or panic disorder.
But how little does the psychologist know about the association of ideas, compared with what the logician has discovered about the processes of inference!
We now have an educational psychologist based at our school.
Peter is also a sports psychologist, working with elite athletes in a number of sports.
Get a good behaviorist psychologist who can come up with a contract with the patient.
After all possible physical sources of pain have been ruled out, make an appointment with a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist.
AdvertisementIn desperation the family hired a private educational psychologist, had expensive audiology and optometry testing done and changed schools.
Other team members may include the dietitian, social worker, psychologist and surgical ward staff.
If you are experiencing significant symptoms of depression or feel unable to cope, seek professional help from a psychologist.
Sari Shepphird, Ph.D. is a psychologist and eating disorder specialist.
A person may visit a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist in order to sort through the sleep disturbances.
AdvertisementA trainee psychologist saw Miss J regularly, excluding Mrs J from the sessions.
Mosso, the Italian psychologist, consists in recording the physical phenomena which are observed to accompany modifications of the affective consciousness.
On the advice of the educational psychologist and the health visitor, I put him back in pull-ups at night.
If your child is seeing a psychologist, or will see one, this would be the ideal place for him or her to take one of these tests.
However, a psychologist can't prescribe medication.
AdvertisementSeeing a psychologist is widely recommended as well.
The doctor may refer the child to a speech therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist.
Developmental psychologist Nancy Bayley authored the Bayley Scales of Infant Development in the mid-twentieth century.
Apperception tests are administered to children individually by a trained psychologist to assess personality, maturity, and psychological health.
Parents who are concerned that their child may have a mood disorder should seek help, such as from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor.
AdvertisementThough today's society is rapidly advancing, many psychologist argue that there is merit in keeping a child's preschool years simple.
Credentials. If the article discusses psychology, is the writer a certified therapist or psychologist?
Is the creator a clinical psychologist or freelance writer?
If your family has unusual circumstances, psychological concerns, or physical disabilities, the best advice is to consult a professional child psychologist in your region.
Silva was essentially a self-taught amateur psychologist with no formal education.
Thought to be the subject of hallucinations and emotional or psychological problems, he confides to psychologist Malcolm Crowe that "I see dead people".
Did you know, for instance, that the famous psychologist Chappy Jung based his character archetypes on what he learned from the Tarot?
There is also an exceptionally lucid psychologist who explains just how attractive terrorism can seem to a confused teenager.
A child psychologist working with me wanted to try biofeedback on ADD.
Registry will require an assessment which has been carried out by an appropriately qualified chartered psychologist (or approved equivalent ).
The members include ethicists from an academic institution, clinicians (doctors and nurses ), a psychologist, solicitor and a cleric.
The jointly instructed psychologist had not received a transcript of the judge's findings prior to preparing her report.
However, the downside of this approach is that the psychologist may become too involved and unable to make recordings in an objective manner.
Last year I had the opportunity to work with a Russian developmental psychologist who uses Brain Gym and educational kinesiology.
He would gladly pay good money to any psychologist who can cure him of the recurrent nightmares.
I am a psychologist who has MS and a moderate level of mobility problems.
If your child is at school, it is likely that they will be assessed there by the educational psychologist.
Reasons to consult a clinical psychologist The Coaching & Mentoring Network maintain relationships with a range of therapists offering specialist coaching assessments.
This is a serious problem and it is unlikely to improve without some help from your doctor or accredited psychologist.
Kerry Anderson is a Trainee forensic psychologist at HMP Chelmsford.
We may also instruct an expert independent psychologist to counter any negative comments made by the prison psychologist.
That claims are of California psychologist matching the low environmental insurance.
Dr. Parsons, also a psychologist, has previously used virtual reality to observe the behaviors of children with autism.
The psychologist finds among the earliest of his problems the question as to the process from the perception of things seen and heard to mental conceptions, which are ultimately distinct from immediate perception (see Psychology).
Dr. William Staso, child psychologist and author of Brain Under Construction, believes that the period of development between the ages of 8 months and 18 months is the key time for children's brains to form their architectural structure.
Blumberg, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and director of Interpersonal Communication Options.
Seminars are generally run by a psychologist, trained therapist or behavior specialist.
The setting is usually right (calm and soothing) and a psychologist (or psychiatrist) will have the required training needed to provide this type of test.
Group counseling or individualized therapy with a psychologist can help you learn to recognize and deal with anger.
To learn more about self harm, LoveToKnow Teens editor, Charlotte Gerber, interviewed Dr. Alvera Milberg, a clinical and school psychologist with experience in treating this disorder.
The psychologist is needed for both the parents' own support and for their teen.
They should notify a trusted adult like their teacher and the school psychologist or the parents if possible.
Besides having a passion for working in eating disorders recovery, I am a psychologist, eating disorder specialist, and author of the book 100 Questions and Answers about Anorexia Nervosa.
For the past twenty years, I have been working with young people who have eating disorders and body image issues, beginning in college as an undergraduate peer counselor and into my professional career as a psychologist.
Many people use the terms interchangeably, but a psychiatrist is not the same as a psychologist.
Contact your physician who will most likely give you a referral for a psychiatric evaluation by a psychiatrist or psychologist.
He or she may also refer you to a counselor for further evaluation from a psychiatrist or psychologist.
For the first series of Celebrity Fit Club, Marisa Peer served as psychologist while Dr. David Katz dispensed the medical advice.
All subsequent series have included Linda Pappadopoulos in the psychologist chair and Dr. Ian Smith keeping an eye the teams' medical needs.
Psychotherapist Stacey Kaiser is new this season, replacing psychologist Linda Papadopoulos.
Finding work as a psychology professor or practicing psychologist is possible for master's grads but more common for candidates who have doctoral degrees in the field.
Some services also require applicants to take a personality evaluation or meet with a staff psychologist.
A psychologist may request this type of journal be kept to help the patient to pinpoint any emotional issues that may be dealing with.
A licensed clinical psychologist typically conducts the therapy over a series of visits.
As Dr. Vagdevi Meunier, staff psychologist at the University of Texas, recently said at an IGDA panel, "If you had an autistic child banging their head against the wall over and over again, you might find increased dopamine.
Schools that accept at-risk children and adolescents require psychological and educational testing, as well as references or recommendations from a professional (usually a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist).
Having an independent psychologist or psychiatrist complete testing as well can provide a second opinion.
If this is suspected, a pediatrician, psychologist, or other specialist should be consulted.
These two facts give additional impetus to quickly involving a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Serious and repetitive lying may require the professional intervention of a school psychologist or a community mental health agency.
Tests may be administered in an outpatient or hospital setting by a pediatrician, general practitioner, social worker, psychiatrist, or psychologist.
One workplace psychologist estimates that businesses in the United States lose more than $10 billion annually due to problems related to stepfamily issues, working parents, and other marital stresses.
The SIB-R evaluation can be completed by a teacher, psychologist, or social worker directly or with the help of special interview materials that involve parents.
Conduct disorder may be diagnosed by a family physician or pediatrician, social worker, school counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist.
The MMPI should be administered, scored, and interpreted by a qualified clinical professional trained in its use, preferably a psychologist or psychiatrist.
The concept of gender constancy, influenced by the cognitive development theory of French psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980), was introduced by Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987).
The CAT, developed by psychiatrist and psychologist Leopold Bellak and Sonya Sorel Bellak and first published in 1949, is based on the picture-story test called the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).
The CAT, which takes 20-45 minutes to administer, is conducted by a trained professional-psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, teacher or specially trained pediatrician-in a clinical, research, or educational setting.
Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, explored how children developed moral reasoning.
Lawrence Kohlberg, an American psychologist, extended Piaget's work in cognitive reasoning into adolescence and adulthood.
Usually, a referral to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist will be given.
Parents who are concerned that their child is or may be suicidal should seek help immediately, such as from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor.
A psychologist may be able to improve a teenager's vision of life by listening to the young person and conveying optimism regarding the future.
The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale is a direct descendent of the Binet-Simon scale, the first intelligence scale created in 1905 by psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911) and Theophilus Simon.
The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale should be administered, scored, and interpreted by a trained professional, preferably a psychologist.
A trained psychologist evaluates and interprets an individual's performance on the scale's subtests to discover strengths and weaknesses and offer recommendations based upon these findings.
If no organic cause is suspected, a psychologist or other mental healthcare professional will meet with the child and her parents or guardians to conduct an interview and take a detailed social and medical history.
Depending on the type and cause of the delay, the healthcare team may include a physician, a speech/language pathologist, an audiologist, a psychologist, an occupational therapist, and a social worker.
Children who are thought to pose potentially life-threatening danger to themselves may require hospitalization, and a referral to a child psychologist or therapist will be necessary.
Diagnosis of these disorders usually requires consultation and assessment by a specialist in childhood developmental disorders, such as a child psychiatrist, pediatric neurologist, neuropsychologist, or developmental child psychologist.
The most well-known and influential theory of cognitive development is that of French psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980).
Doctors may recommend seeing a psychologist to determine if depression or anxiety is present.
Neuropsychologist-A clinical psychologist who specializes in assessing psychological status caused by a brain disorder.
Renowned psychologist Carl Rogers emphasized how childhood experiences affect personality development.
Parents who suspect that their child or adolescent has been raped or sexually assaulted should take the child to see a doctor and psychologist or psychiatrist.
When rape is suspected, diagnosis may be made by a psychiatrist or psychologist based on sessions with the victim.
Within the history of developmental psychology, the work of Jean Piaget (1896-1980), the Swiss psychologist, has had the greatest impact on the study of cognitive development.
All psychological tests should be administered, scored, and interpreted by a trained professional, preferably a psychologist or psychiatrist with expertise in the appropriate area.
There are many different psychological tests, and the psychologist must choose the ones that will provide the most relevant and reliable information in each situation.
One well-known projective test is the Rorschach Psycho-diagnostic Test, or inkblot test, first devised by the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach in the 1920s.
Parents may also want to discuss appropriate assessments with their child's pediatrician and ask for a referral to a child psychologist or psychiatrist.
Typically, children who experience this type of irrational fear, or phobia, should get treatment from a psychologist.
Bipolar disorder usually is diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist and/or a psychologist.
This may include an eye exam by an ophthalmologist, a psychological exam by a psychologist, and an exam by an otolaryngologist (an ear, nose, and throat doctor, or ENT).
A psychoeducational assessment should be performed by a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropsychologist, or learning specialist.
Binge eating disorder is usually diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist and/or a psychologist.
Antisocial behavior and childhood antisocial disorders such as conduct disorder may be diagnosed by a family physician or pediatrician, social worker, school counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist.
In his pioneering work on child behavior, the American developmental psychologist Arnold Gesell claimed that infants as young as four weeks display signs of handedness and that right-handedness is clearly established by age one.
Attachment theory originated in the early 1950s with John Bowlby, a child psychiatrist, and Mary Ainsworth, a psychologist, who both became interested in young children's responses to experiencing loss.
Parents of children who have been diagnosed with dependent personality disorder may wish to seek a second opinion from a trained psychologist or psychiatrist specializing in pediatric care.
The Wechsler intelligence tests are a widely used series of intelligence tests developed by clinical psychologist David Wechsler.
A trained psychologist evaluates and interprets an child's performance on the scale's subtests to discover their strengths and weaknesses and offer recommendations based upon these findings.
If no organic problem can be found, a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropsychologist, or learning specialist is typically consulted to perform a comprehensive AD/HD assessment.
A pediatrician can also provide a referral to a psychologist or pediatric specialist for AD/HD assessment.
According to Nancy Wesson, a licensed psychologist, it can take ten to twenty "ask attempts" before you get a "yes" from someone about a date.
One of the most often quoted experts on the subject of school uniforms is Dr. Alan Hilfer, senior psychologist in the Children's and Adolescent Unit at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn.
The term "authoritative parenting style" came out of the research of clinical psychologist Diana Baumrind.
In 1967, a psychologist named Diana Baumrind studied 100 children and their parents, conducting interviews and observing interactions in natural settings.
The Bell Witch haunting is considered one of America's greatest ghost stories according to paranormal researcher, psychologist Dr. Nandor Fodor.
He also sees Lauren's father (Ernie Hudson, formerly of Ghostbusters, Bones, and Desperate Housewives), a psychologist who counsels him about his previous sexual abuse by his father.
A team of specialists, including an occupational therapist, a speech/language therapist, and a psychologist, will assess your child.
A physician, clinical social worker or psychologist (each with proper licenses) determines which interventions are medically necessary, according to the child's treatment plan.
Joan Nash founded Children Succeed inspired by the activities she developed as a school psychologist.
For many insurers, care provided by a healthcare professional other than a licensed medical doctor, physical therapist, or psychologist, etc., falls under the umbrella of alternative medicine.
Ty's mother Yvonne Pennington is a psychologist who specializes in ADHD and depression.
What fewer people know is that the character was the creation of William Moulton Marston, a psychologist and inventor of the polygraph.
Reitor, depict country life and scenery with loving sympathy, and hold the reader by the charm of the characters, but Diniz is a rather subjective monotonous writer who lacks the power to analyse, and he is no psychologist.
If your primary care physician determines that you may be suffering from depression, he/she will probably refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for further evaluation.
A psychologist has a doctoral degree in psychology.
It's important to talk about your feelings to a psychologist, therapist, or social worker.
Finally, to the psychologist it spelt the failure of intellectualism, and encouraged, therefore, some form of rehabilitated experientialism.
When a psychologist asked her if Miss Keller spelled on her fingers in her sleep, Miss Sullivan replied that she did not think it worth while to sit up and watch, such matters were of so little consequence.
The psychologist must study mankind from the historical or comparative standpoint, analysing the elements which constitute the fabric of society, with its customs, its conventions and the main tendencies of its evolution.
As mere subjective function, which it is to the psychologist, it is best spoken of by an unambiguous name, and for this there seems none better than Intellection.