Psychological Sentence Examples
The third and fourth books give evidence of acuteness in psychological analysis; the fourth and sixth of the most active and varied observation of natural phenomena; the fifth of original insight and strong common sense in conceiving the origin of society and the progressive advance of man to civilization.
This has been criticized both from the biological and from the psychological standpoint.
Whether it was physiological or psychological didn't matter at this point.
From the biological point of view the reference of certain modes of behaviour, termed instinctive, to faculties of mind for which "instinct" is the generic term is scarcely satisfactory; from the psychological point of view the phrase "without necessary knowledge of the relation between the means employed and the end attained" is ambiguous.
He then gave himself up to philosophical work, especially in connexion with the phenomena of hypnotism and occultism from the modern psychological standpoint.
The scholastic mysticism was, for the most part, practical and psychological in character.
His work embraces in its scope many psychological and more strictly metaphysical discussions, but it is chiefly in connexion with ethics that Tucker's speculations are remembered.
He was a psychological idealist and a metaphysical realist.
According to one alternative, which consistently flowed from the psychological idealism of Descartes, as well as from his own monadism, he suggested that bodies are real phenomena; phenomena, because they are aggregates of monads, which derive their unity only from appearing together to our perceptions; real phenomena well founded, because they result from real monads.
The contrary method is psychological metaphysics, which makes metaphysics dependent on psychology, on the ground that the origin of knowledge determines its limits.
AdvertisementWithout here aiming at exhaustiveness, we may bring forward against the dominant idealism a psychological theory of sense and reason.
But their psychological method and idealism produced another mistake - the tendency to a modicum of realism, as much as seemed to this or that author to follow from psychological idealism.
Gunther (1783-1863), " Cartesius correctus," erected too mystical an edifice on the psychological basis of Descartes to sustain a satisfactory realism.
But Cousin's psychological method of proceeding from consciousness outwards, and the emphasis laid by him on spirit in comparison with body, prevented a real revival of realism.
From Reid he adopted the belief in an external world beyond sensation, from Biran the explanation of personality by will, from Schelling the identification of all reason in what he called " impersonal reason," which he supposed to be identical in God and man, to be subjective and objective, psychological and ontological.
AdvertisementWe start, according to him, from a psychological triplicity in consciousness, consisting of sensation, personal will and impersonal reason, which by a priori laws of causality and substance carries us to the ontological triplicity of oneself as ego willing, the non-ego as cause of sensation, and God as the absolute cause beneath these relative causes.
The psychological metaphysics of Cousin and of Janet was, however, too flimsy a realism to withstand its passage into this very idealism of matter which has become the dominant French metaphysics.
These examples are enough to show that the psychological metaphysics of spiritual realism has not been able to withstand the rise and progress of spiritual idealism in France.
It was the first attempt to recognize psychological factors in historical movements, but otherwise its importance was exaggerated.
It was left for Hume to approach the theory of knowledge with full consciousness from the psychological point of view, and to work out the final consequences of that view so far as cognition is concerned.
AdvertisementIn Hume's theory of knowledge we have the final expression of what may be called psychological individualism or atomism, while his ethics and doctrine of religion are but the logical consequences of this theory.
So far as metaphysic is concerned, Hume has given the final word of the empirical school, and all additions, whether from the specifically psychological side or from the general history of human culture, are subordinate in character, and affect in no way the nature of his results.
The results of these explorations were made public in a long series of separate publications comprising several on Buddhism, and on the psychological problems presented by native superstitions.
As perhaps the first clear exposition and defence of the psychological doctrine of determinism, Hobbes's own two pieces must ever retain a classical importance in the history of the free-will controversy; while Bramhall's are still worth study as specimens of scholastic fence.
In default of clear allusions to well-known events, or events whose date can be determined, we might indeed endeavour to trace the psychological development of the Prophet by means of the Koran, and arrange its parts accordingly.
AdvertisementIt arises from a general awakening to the fact that the growth of our psychological and biological knowledge must profoundly transform the traditional epistemology.
These, however, may be conveniently classified under four main heads - psychological, logical, ethical and religious - and the history of the subject shows that all these have contributed to the development of pragmatism.
The strict psychological use of the term "image" is by analogy from the physiological for a purely mental idea which is taken as being observed by the eye of the mind.
The introduction to this translation, published under the title of Buddhist Psychology, contains the fullest account that has yet appeared of the psychological conceptions on which Buddhist ethics are throughout based.
Though the progress of his psychological thought compelled him to abandon the positive theology of the Moravians, he always retained an appreciation of its spiritual or symbolic significance.
His most important treatise, the Neue oder anthropologische Kritik der Vernunft (2nd ed., 1828-1831), was an attempt to give a new foundation of psychological analysis to the critical theory of Kant.
The school system was reorganized by new regulations, in accordance with which Hegel wrote a series of lessons in the outlines of philosophy - ethical, logical and psychological.
In the first case he treats the formal or psychological aspect of the difference; in the latter he presents his doctrine less in its essential character than in special relations to the prominent systems of his time.
In what we may call their psychological aspect these three stages are known as the abstract stage, or that of understanding (Verstand), the dialectical stage, or that of negative reason, and the speculative stage, or that of positive reason (Vernunft).
The purely psychological branch of the subject takes up half of the space allotted to Geist in the Encyklopadie.
Faust is Germany's most national drama, and it remains perhaps for the theatre of the future to prove itself capable of popularizing psychological masterpieces like Tasso and Iphigenie.
He arrived at St Petersburg at the psychological moment when the tsar had made up his mind to break with Napoleon.
In philosophy his method was psychological; he attempted to explain the Ego by examining the nature of its reflection upon the facts of consciousness.
He upheld Reid's psychological method and expounded the "common-sense" doctrine, which was attacked by the two Mills.
The De Interpretatione opens with a reference to this psychological distinction, implying that names represent conceptions, propositions represent combinations of conceptions.
Thirdly, there is a determination to reveal the psychological basis of logical processes, and not merely to describe them as they are in adult reasoning, but to explain also how they arise from simpler mental operations and primarily from sense.
This attempt is connected with the psychological turn given to recent philosophy by Wundt and others, and is dangerous only so far as psychology itself is hypothetical.
That is, logic is grounded by them, not upon an effete tradition but upon a new investigation of thought as it actually is in its psychological foundations, in its significance for knowledge, and its actual operation in scientific methods."
Starting, then, from this fundamental distinction between judgments of existence and judgments of non-existence, we may hope to steer our way between two extreme views which emanate from two important thinkers, each of whom has produced a flourishing school of psychological logic.
Yet they must have something to develop from, and thereupon Aristotle gives an account of a process in the psychological mechanism which he illustrates by comparative psychology, wherein a Xo yos or meaning emerges, a "first" universal recognized by induction.
On the other we have a stage at which the rational but as yet not reasoned concepts developed in the medium of the psychological mechanism are subjected to processes of reflective comparison and analysis, and, with some modification, maintained against challenge, till at length the ultimate universals emerge, which rational insight can posit as certain, and the whole hierarchy of concepts from the " first " universals to Ta apEA are intuited in a coherent system.
Axioms, on the other hand, in which the sciences interconnect" through the employment of them in a parity of relation, seem to be implicit indeed in the psychological mechanism, but to come to a kind of explicitness in the first reflective reaction upon it, and without reference to any particular content of it.
The relation, then, of the two orders of principle to the psychological mechanism is different.
There is in the first place the action of the psychological mechanism in the process from discriminative sense upwards wherein we realize " first " universals.
It is only then in the rather mystical relation of vous to the first type of induction as the process of the psychological mechanism that an indication of the direction in which the bridge from individual being to universal knowledge is to be found can be held to lie.
There was necessarily a " sense " or direction in every proposition, with more than the purely psychological import that the advance was from the already mastered and familiar taken as relatively stable, to the new and strange.
Locke, when Cartesianism had raised the problem of the contents of consciousness, and the spirit of Baconian positivism could not accept of anything that bore the ill-omened name of innate ideas, elaborated a theory of knowledge which is psychological in the sense that its problem is how the simple data with which the individual is in contact in sensation are worked up into a system.
Drawing upon Gassendi for his psychological atomism and upon Hobbes for a thoroughgoing nominalism, he reproduces, as the logical conclusion from Locke's premises, the position of Antisthenes.
The exponents of psychological atomism, on the other hand, with the association of ideas for their one principle of agglutination had come to mean by experience the mental phantasmagoria of the individual.
The upshot is a psychological account of what from one aspect is evidence, from the other, belief.
This is manifestly, when all is said, a particular psychological event, a collective fact of the associative consciousness.
Normally he thinks of what he calls phenomena no longer as psychological groupings of sensations, as " states of mind," but as things and events in a physical world howsoever constituted and apprehended.
Though obviously not exhaustive, the unique extent of this induction was held to render it competent to give practical certainty or psychological necessity.
It is true, of course, that ultimate laws need discovery, that they are discovered in some sense in the medium of the psychological mechanism, and that they are nevertheless the grounds of all specific inferences.
It is of course a newer type of psychological logic that is in question, one that is aware of Kant's " answer to Hume."
They are confined to the determination of what the truth of any matter of thought, taken for granted upon grounds psychological or other, which are extraneous to logic, includes or excludes.
Logical forms have for him neither psychological nor metaphysical reference.
In the second, there is no claim that thought at one and the same time imposes form on " the given " and is susceptible of treatment in isolation by logic. With Herbart the forms of common experience, and indeed all that we can regard as his categories, are products of the psychological mechanism and destitute of logical import.
Reference has been made above to the effect upon the rise of the later psychological logic produced by Herbart's psychology of apperception, when disengaged from the background of his metaphysic taken in conjunction with his treatment in his practical philosophy of the judgment of value or what he calls the aesthetic judgment.
Accordingly, though he regards logic as formal, its forms come into relation to objectivity in some sort even within the logical field itself, while when taken in the setting of his system as a whole, its formal character is not of a kind that ultimately excludes psychological and metaphysical reference, at least speculatively.
The " theory of the object," itself, while affecting logic alike in the formal and in the psychological conception of it very deeply, does not claim to be regarded as logic or a logic, apart from a setting supplied from elsewhere.
Finally we have a logic of a type fundamentally psychological, if it be not more properly characterized as a psychology which claims to cover the whole field of philosophy, including the logical field.
Historically this doctrine was formulated as the declaration of independence of the insurgents in revolt against the pretensions of absolutist logic. It drew for support upon the psychological movement that begins with Fries and Herbart.
The explanation of the apparent bounding of Christianity by Europe and its offspring is not, however, to be found in any psychological peculiarity separating the European races from those of other continents, nor in any special characteristic of Christianity which fits it for European soil.
On the latter, it may well be questioned whether the presence or absence of "we" be not due to psychological causes, rather than to the writer's mere presence or absence.'
The most unpleasant portions of Jefferson's Anas are those in which, with an air of psychological dissection, he details the storms of passion into which the president was driven by the newspaper attacks upon him.
In ethics the term is used, like indeterminism, to denote the theory that mental change cannot always be ascribed to previously ascertained psychological states, and that volition is not causally related to the motives involved.
Bacon is, therefore, regarded by many as the father of what is most characteristic in English psychological speculation.
This is part of that larger and pressing psychological problem of adjusting the " authority " ascribed to past writings to that of the collective human experience; it does not confront Judaism alone, and it must suffice to refer to the writings of " Reformed Judaism "; see, e.g.
This bracing of the vital feeling takes place by means of imaginative appeal to the great forces man perceives stirring within him and about him, such appeal proving effective doubtless by reason of the psychological law that to conceive strongly is XXIII.
But, besides removing the psychological slag which clung to Kant's ideas from their matrix and presenting reason as the active principle in the formation of a universe, his successors carried out with far more detail, and far more enthusiasm and historical scope, his principle that in reason lay the a priori or the anticipation of the world, moral and physical.
The Logos, which had been an ethical or psychological principle to the Cynics,.
Among the moralists of the time three at least deserve the title of masters of prose style, Heitor Pinto for his Imagens da vida Christa, Bishop Arraez for his Dialogos, and Frei Thome de Jesus for his noble devotional treatise Trabalhos de Jesus, while the maxims of Joanna da Gama, entitled Ditos da Freira, though lacking depth, form a curious psychological document.
His psychological doctrine explained all the functions of the soul as modes of motion, and denied any separation of the reason from the faculties of sense-perception.
It is a psychological impossibility."
It is in assigning to man his place in nature on psychological grounds that the greater difficulty arises.
Huxley acknowledged an immeasurable and practically infinite divergence, ending in the present enormous psychological gulf between ape and man.
To regard the intellectual functions of the brain and nervous system as alone to be considered in the psychological comparison of man with the lower animals, is a view satisfactory to those thinkers who hold materialistic views.
No ethnical relationship can ever have existed between the Aztecs and the Egyptians; yet each race developed the idea of the pyramid tomb through that psychological similarity which is as much a characteristic of the species man as is his physique.
The Bengal native army was their tool, which circumstances put into their hands at the psychological moment when British power seemed to be at its lowest point.
Leonardo sought to achieve that conquest and at the same time to carry the old Florentine excellences of linear drawing and psychological expression to a perfection of which other men had not dreamed.
The distinction between psychology and theory of knowledge was first clearly made by Kant, who repeatedly insisted that the Critique of Pure Reason was not to be taken as a psychological inquiry.
But, because time had not yet made the matter clear, Locke suffered himself to digress in his second book into the psychological question of the origin of our ideas; and his theory of knowledge is ruined by the failure to distinguish between the epistemological sense of "idea" as significant content and the psychological sense in which it is applied to a fact or process in the individual mind.
If we look in Longfellow's poetry for originality of thought, profound psychological analysis or new insights into nature, we shall be disappointed.
He disliked the psychological school of art, believing it to be essentially morbid and unhealthy.
Not that there was any direct, deliberate borrowing by one nation from the other, but all of them seem to have stood for a long time under identical psychological influences and to have developed on similar lines.
The university is well-equipped with laboratories, the psychological laboratory, the laboratories of Sibley college and the hydraulic laboratory of the college of civil engineering being especially noteworthy; the last is on Fall Creek, where a curved concrete masonry dam has been built, forming Beebe Lake.
The ceremony of turning to the west three times with renunciation of the Evil One, then to the east, is exactly paralleled in a rite of purification by water common among the Malays and described by Skeat in his book on Malay magic. If the Malay rite is not derived through Nlahommedanism from Christianity, it is a remarkable example of how similar psychological conditions can produce almost identical rites.
There was still another thinker who influenced him at this early period, - Maine de Biran, whom Cousin regarded as the unequalled psychological observer of his time in France.
The three great results of psychological observation are Sensibility, Activity or Liberty, and Reason.
The reason given to us by psychological observation, the reason of our consciousness, is impersonal in its nature.
But he left very interesting psychological analyses, and several new, just, and true expositions of philosophical systems, especially that of Locke and the philosophers of Scotland.
Often the theologians in question look to psychology as the permanent basis of religion; who is to deny that religion is a psychological fact, and the natural expression of something in man's constitution?
And there are not wanting signs of a revival in recent years of the earlier tendency of philosophical speculation to subordinate the necessities of metaphysical, scientific and even psychological inquiries to the prima facie demands of the moral consciousness.
And there is much that is anticipatory of modern libertarian views in the psychological argument by which Carneades attempted at once to avoid the Epicurean identification of will with chance, and to prove the rationality of choice, undetermined by any external or antecedent necessity, as an explanation of human actions Xxviii.
In more recent times the controversy has been concerned either with the attempted proof of determinism by the advocates of psychological Hedonism, an attempt which at the present time is generally admitted to have failed; or with the new biological knowledge concerning the influence of heredity and environment in its bearing upon the development of character and the possibility of freedom.
Bergson is perhaps the most notable instance of a philosopher fully conversant with psychological studies and methods who remains a convinced libertarian.
It is sometimes maintained that the proper method of ethics is the psychological method; ethics, we are told, should examine as its subject-matter moral sentiments wherever found, without raising ultimate questions as to the nature of obligation or moral authority in general.
But such a line of argument is certain to make necessary an inquiry into the nature of the objects of psychological study which may produce quite unforeseen results for psychology.
A distinct step in psychological analysis was taken when Plato recognized that its effect was to produce the " harmony " above mentioned among different parts of the soul, by subordinating the impulsive elements to reason.
In the Philebus, however, though a more careful psychological analysis leads him to soften down the exaggerations of this attack on sensual pleasure, the antithesis of knowledge and pleasure is again sharpened, and a desire to depreciate even good pleasures is more strongly shown; still even here pleasure is recognized as a constituent of that philosophic life which is the highest human good, while in the Laws, where the subject is more popularly treated, it is admitted that we cannot convince man that the just life is the best unless we can also prove it to be the pleasantest.
Thus, on the whole, the impressive earnestness with which Clarke enforces the doctrine of rational morality only rendered more manifest the difficulty of establishing ethics on an independent philosophical basis; so long at least as the psychological egoism of Hobbes is not definitely assailed and overthrown.
It remains to try another psychological basis for ethical construction; instead of presenting the principle of social duty as abstract reason, liable to conflict to any extent naturalness of man's social affections, and demonstrate a normal harmony between these and his self-regarding impulses.
The identification is slightly qualified in Hutcheson's posthumously published System of Moral Philosophy (1755), in which the general view of Shaftesbury is more fully developed, with several new psychological distinctions, including Butler's, separation of " calm " benevolence - as well as, after Butler, " calm self-love " - from the " turbulent " passions, selfish or social.
A reaction, in one form or another, against the tendency to dissolve ethics into psychology was inevitable; since mankind generally could not be so far absorbed by the interest of psychological hypothesis as to forget their need of establishing practical principles.
Thus we have a new zoological factor in the history of the moral sentiments; which, though in no way opposed to the older psychological theory of their formation through coalescence of more primitive feelings, must yet be conceived as controlling and modifying the effects of the law of association by preventing the formation of sentiments other than those tending to the preservation of human life.
His accounts of the genesis of the conceptions of obligation and responsibility as of most of the ultimate conceptions with which moral philosophy deals will be accepted or rejected to the extent to which the main contention concerning the psychological basis of ethics commends itself to the reader.
Similarly the notion of Conscience as a special faculty giving its pronouncements immediately and without reflection cannot be maintained in the face of modern psychological analysis and is untrue to the nature of moral judgment itself.
He gave up the psychological hedonism of Mill, and adopted instead a position which may be described as ethical hedonism, according to which the criterion of goodness in any given action is that it produces the greatest possible amount of pleasure.
The ontological basis of ethics is the unity of the real and the ideal, and the psychological and actual basis of the ethical process is the tendency of reason and nature to unite in the form of the complete organization of the latter by the former.
In Beneke's moral system his fundamental idea was worked out in its psychological relations.
Method is with him a synthetic, subjective and psychological instrument.
To attempt at this stage a psychological inquiry into the origin of these conceptions would be doubly a mistake; for we should have to use these unlegitimated conceptions in the course of it, and the task of clearing up their contradictions would still remain, whether we succeeded in our enquiry or not.
These forms then cannot be merely the products of our psychological mechanism, though they may turn out to coincide with these.
The first and simplest law in psychological mechanics relates to the "sinking" of inhibited presentations.
Regarded from the individualist point of view, this line of inquiry becomes purely psychological, and the answer may be presented, as it was presented by Locke, in the fashion of a natural history of the growth of conscious experience in the mind of the subject.
Consider, first, the application of the method on its psychological side, as it appears in Locke.
There is no metaphysics in it at all, only psychological ethics of a peculiarly dry and scholastic kind.
The doctor said that he thought it might be psychological and Carmen asked if it was possible that he would recover faster at home.
He still thought the inability to talk was a psychological thing.
Maybe it was physical instead of psychological, but he was the one who spoke last night.
This wouldn't be true with a purely psychological phenomenon like a hallucination.
At this point you should digress briefly into the concept of psychological structure.
Is there a particular type of person that is especially vulnerable to psychological problems?
For example, an insight into a psychological problem causes the abreaction of guilt. [¹] .
So I also call it ' moral abreaction '. The abreaction '. The abreactional process starts from an insight into the cause of a psychological problem.
We are faced with the yawning psychological abyss of patricide.
The subjects covered include induction, home/school liaison, combating racism, and the psychological adaption of refugee young people.
In moderate to severe depression antidepressants are suitable treatment and they are as effective as psychological intervention.
Activities included architectural modeling, psychological testing, map making, a photographic portraiture project, and a memorial plaque sculpture project.
In some cases engineering measures are psychological in effect, red asphalt surfaces, the village gates we have just heard about.
He started writing regular astrology articles in a Turkish astrology magazine and in 1991 he published the first psychological astrology book in Turkey.
Referral to other agencies e.g. audiology, schools psychological service, child development center.
No known factors in the psychological environment of a child have been shown to cause autism.
Rachel's safe, predictable existence is shaken up by an invitation to conduct a psychological autopsy on a colleague, Alix Price.
I reserve the term " radical " for the psychological behaviorism of B. F. Skinner.
We are training cadres of psychological workers ready to go into action.
The diagnosis may produce a psychological catharsis which may benefit the afflicted in relation to the real fear of witchcraft.
Eating disorders are a range of illnesses characterized by psychological and behavioral disturbances associated with food and weight.
Both unintended and unwanted childbearing can have negative health, social, and psychological consequences.
It heralds her masterful entrance into the world of the deeply disturbing psychological chiller.
Researchers will take a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating clinical, psychological and economic aspects, to develop and evaluate the dataset.
The physiological concomitants of this psychological effort form the basis for the operations of the " lie-detector " .
Such an approach recognizes that chronic disease is multifactorial involving a confluence of genetic, environmental, social, psychological and physical events.
You are forced by your own psychological cowardice to believe impossibilities for fear of actually dying when you die.
Isn't Christianity Just A psychological crutch For The Weak?
What patients call ' addicted ', clinicians might call ' psychological dependency ' .
It brought about a rapid economic, physical, and psychological disintegration of the Germans which might have been avoided.
This is an eminently disposable relic of his attempt in A Treatise of Human Nature to develop a sort of psychological mechanics.
Greater psychological distress in the best to have some.
Although the treatment of weight problems is in the realm of psychological therapy, overweight people are not necessarily psychologically disturbed.
Moreover, at one point, Stirner explicitly considers adopting the explanatory stance of psychological egoism only to reject it.
Marx and Durkheim are obviously close, both hostile to Stirnerite egoism, even if Marx is in some respects a psychological egoist.
In both cases, the refusal is part of a case made against psychological essentialism.
Experimentation The system could be used in the context of a psychological experimentation The system could be used in the context of a psychological experiment.
Beside being unsightly, fluorosis can have a psychological impact, and cosmetic dentistry is expensive.
Quot state insurance psychological distress scale regulatory economics jensen gical distress scale regulatory economics jensen g describe any experience.
A Multidisciplinary Institute, encompassing social, psychological and biological gerontology.
There was no traumatic experience or psychological hang-ups or whatever.
Thinking of the 18 th century I am tempted to agree with Butler's attack on psychological hedonism.
Some suffered serious psychological problems and required psychiatric hospitalization, said Gareth Peirce, a lawyer who represented some of the suspects.
Art makes people humane, forms a wholesome personality; moreover, art is able to correct psychological pathologies.
This may involve hypnotism, drugs, psychological pressure, blackmail or other inducements which undermine your free will.
We've just completed the second part of a two-stage website project for psychological illusionist Derren Brown.
One classic expression of psychological projection is head-over-heels infatuation.
Explosive, scolding and harsh notes are so intermingled with its song that the psychological meaning of its varied utterance is obscure.
The MBTI® is a self-report inventory with four psychological dimensions, energizing, attending, deciding and living.
This is why psychological karma is different from moral karma.
Covering induction, home/school liaison, combating racism, and the psychological adaptation of refugee young people.
Thus, language planning is a very complex process, involving linguistic, social, psychological, environmental and other variables.
One of these possibilities is to enrich the psychological makeup of our agents.
I'd say we are not actually blind, just fighting against massive psychological warfare, too subtle, too methodical to perceive.
A consequence of psychological trauma is often depression; psychological trauma is routinely misdiagnosed in this way.
Our concerns are legitimate practical, physical, environmental and psychological concerns by those of us who live close to the proposed mortuary.
Like Flaubert, Eça was concerned with revealing the detailed psychological motives behind his character's behavior.
His next novel is ' The Killing Circle ', a gripping psychological thriller about a mysterious, possibly murderous, book group.
Topics include neuropsychology, sensation and perception, learning and memory, emotion, language, personality, and psychological disorders.
It is actually very difficult to use essential oils for purely physiological or purely psychological treatment.
The case was, it seems, built on the work of an undercover policewoman attempting to fit Stagg to a predetermined psychological profile.
Odd it may sound, but there is a psychological connection between abolishing pounds and inches and abolishing Trial by Jury.
Hobbes started his political philosophy with a psychological profile of his contemporary, seventeenth-century Englishmen.
Staff have psychological rather than medical qualifications and consequently do not prescribe medication or have statutory powers under the Mental Health Acts.
Ethical practice Safety and injury General wellbeing, which can cover psychological as well as physiological wellbeing.
Factors affecting a change in currency exchange include political factors, economic factors, market factors, even psychological factors.
For most people too much psychological stress is associated with giving up long held beliefs, values or prejudices.
But in 85 per cent of cases, the cause is organic or drug induced and not psychological.
Obviously you realize the belief in God is a very psychological need in many people apart from any religious reasons.
Animal rights extremists used psychological warfare, verbal abuse, criminal acts and very offensive propaganda in their quest to close our business.
Louise Triance is a British Psychological Society level A&B trained assessor, conducting psychometrics on behalf of recruiters.
The ability to keep on searching for the new, new thing is a psychological quirk.
There is a psychological readjustment to the change in their self and body image.
There is no need for psychological development to recapitulate historical development.
Could there be an Abraham and Isaac episode in our era of psychological reductionism and media over-exposure?
This is why Buddha thought that no actual entity reincarnated; in his view only bundles of psychological characteristics were being endlessly recycled.
The relationship between psychological factors, paranormal belief, and personal religiosity will also be investigated.
The Coalition is now trying to have psychological counseling and financial reparations written into the law.
Based on psychological theories of habit formation, the easy-to-follow tips can be incorporated into people's everyday routines without major lifestyle change.
Less than optimal intake of selenium may have adverse effects on psychological function, even in the absence of signs of frank selenium deficiency.
In addition, he suffered psychological sequelae that would have been avoided with prompt re-admission and early control of the post-operative infection.
The RCOG's own website mentions " psychological sequelae " which it says only a minority of women experience.
Self-pity came up with ' Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be '. Top of Page Psychological.
Many politicians used the psychological fears of the West Coasters against the Japanese Americans to gain political stature among the voters.
To penetrate this shield, the person has first to bring to the surface his psychological stratagems by identifying with them.
In true Banachek style, each move, gesture and psychological subtlety is covered in detail.
He also constructed an amazing level of psychological suspense from very simple stories.
Here we look at psychological theory and methods relevant to decision making, interviewing, witness testimony within criminal justice settings.
Most recently he starred in ITV's two-part psychological thriller, ' Donovan ' .
Cuamba claimed he made this confession because of " psychological torture " .
The psychological boundaries of the traditional thinker formed a perspective of denying validity to the material world.
However, people can learn to associate tightrope walking, fighting in battles or defusing a bomb with a state of psychological calm.
Some titles include achieving inner peace, achieving psychological wellness, .. .
Zen exercise for me, a sense of âdoing nothingâ where the psychological me is evacuated.
He pushed the sensualistic principles of Condillac to their last consequences, being in full agreement with the materialistic views of Cabanis, though the attention of the latter was devoted more to the physiological, that of Tracy to the psychological or "ideological" side of man.
As a thinker George Eliot is vastly superior; her knowledge is more profound and her psychological analysis subtler and more scientific. But as an artist, in unity of design, in harmony of treatment, in purity and simplicity of language, so felicitous and yet so unstudied, in those qualities which make the best of George Sand's novels masterpieces of art, she is as much her inferior.
The fundamental principle of his philosophy was that truth must be sought not in metaphysical or a priori abstractions but in psychological investigation, and further that this investigation cannot confine itself successfully to the individual consciousness, but must be devoted primarily to society as a whole.
Accordingly Aquinas prepared himself on this side by commentaries on Aristotle's De Inter pretatione, on his Posterior Analytics, on the Metaphysics, the Physics, the De Anima, and on Aristotle's other psychological and physical writings, each commentary having for its aim to lay hold of the material and grasp the method contained and employed in each treatise.
Lord Rayleigh had an interest in abnormal psychological investigations, and became a member and vicepresident of the Society for Psychical Research.
In Perkin Warbeck (printed 1634; probably acted a year later) he chose an historical subject of great dramatic promise and psychological interest, and sought to emulate the glory of the great series of Shakespeare's national histories.
Buffier's aversion to scholastic refinements has given to his writings an appearance of shallowness and want of metaphysical insight, and unquestionably he failed entirely even to indicate the nature of that universality and necessity which he ascribed to his "eternal verities"; he was, however, one of the earliest to recognize the psychological as distinguished from the metaphysical side of Descartes's principle, and to use it, with no inconsiderable skill, as the basis of an analysis of the human mind, similar to that enjoined by Locke.
It is indeed sometimes urged that instinctive modes of behaviour should be so defined as to entirely exclude any reference to their psychological concomitants in consciousness, which are, it is said, entirely inferential.
Hence, for purposes of psychological interpretation it seems necessary to assume that instinctive behaviour, including the stimulation by which it is initiated and conditioned, affords that naive awareness which forms an integral part of what may be termed the primordial tissue of experience.
Hyacinth Ronay in his Mutatvdny (Representation) and Jellemisme (Characteristics) endeavoured to popularize psychological studies.
The transition from the evolutionist criterion of survival - which in itself it is difficult to regard as anything but non-moral - to the criterion of happiness is effected by means of the psychological argument that pleasure promotes function and that living beings must, upon pain of extinction, sooner or later take pleasure in actions which are conducive to their survival.
Like many of the leading modern utilitarians, they combined with their psychological distrust of popular judgments of right and wrong, and their firm conviction that all such distinctions are based solely on law and convention, the equally unwavering principle that the wise man who would pursue pleasure logically must abstain from that which is usually denominated "wrong" or "unjust."
Animals vary very greatly in viability (see Longevity), and practical experience has shown that certain species bear captivity well, whilst others for reasons that appear to be psychological as well as physical quickly succumb.
Psychological idealism assumes without proof that we perceive nothing but mental objects, and metaphysical idealism draws the logical but hypothetical conclusion that all we can know from these mental objects of sense is mental objects of knowledge.
This first position is psychological idealism in a new form and supported by new reasons; for, if experience derives its matter from mental sensations and its form from mental synthesis of sensations, it can apprehend nothing but mental objects of sense, which, according to Kant, are sensible ideas having no existence outside our thought, not things in themselves; or phenomena, not noumena.
Again, in his Grundproblem der Erkenntnisstheorie (1889) he uses without proof the hypothesis of psychological idealism, that we perceive psychical effects, to infer with merely hypothetical consistency the conclusion of noumenal metaphysical idealism that all we can thereby know is psychical causes, or something transcendent, beyond phenomena indeed, yet not beyond mind.
There is only one Neo-Kantian way out of this dilemma, but it is to alter the original assumptions of Kant's psychological idealism.
But in any case, - and, as we shall see, Hume endeavours so to state his psychological premises as to conceal the assumption made openly by Locke, - it is apparent that this psychological solution does not contain the answer to the wider and radically distinct problem of the theory of knowledge.
It expressly refers itself to the maxim of Protagoras that "man is the measure of all things," and is best conceived as a protest against the assumption that logic can treat thought in abstraction from its psychological context and the personality of the knower, i.e.
At Aix he came for the first time into intimate contact with Metternich, and the astute Austrian was swift to take advantage of the psychological moment.
The psychological distinction between the 3 Art, three forms is that sensuous perception (Anschauung) religion is the organon of the first, presentative conception and (Vorstellung) of the second and free thought of the third.
Much that would otherwise be unintelligible becomes more clear when one realizes the readiness with which settlers adopt the traditional belief and custom of a land, and the psychological fact that teaching must be relevant and must satisfy the primary religious feelings and aspirations, that it must not be at entire variance with current beliefs, but must represent the older beliefs in a new form.
Such " psychological certainty " was denied by their agnostic opponents, and in the history of Stoicism we have apparently a modification of the doctrine of 4avra rta KaraXnirnici with a view to meet the critics, an approximation to a recognition that the primary conviction might meet with a counter-conviction, and must then persist undissipated in face of the challenge and in the last resort find verification in the haphazard instance, under varying conditions, in actual working.
It is the paradox involved in the function of intuition, the acceptance of the psychological characters of clearness and distinctness as warranty of a truth presumed to be trans-subjective, that leads to Descartes's distinctive contribution to the theory of knowledge.
The revival gave Edwards an opportunity of studying the process of conversion in all its phases and varieties, and he recorded his observations with psychological minuteness and discrimination in A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton (1737).
The reincarnation theory stressed in the Gita gives psychological comfort.
Based on psychological theories of habit formation, the easy-to-follow tips can be incorporated into people 's everyday routines without major lifestyle change.
The RCOG 's own website mentions " psychological sequelae " which it says only a minority of women experience.
Gail Fairfield focuses on the psychological meanings that can be found in the symbolism of the cards.
Most recently he starred in ITV 's two-part psychological thriller, ' Donovan '.
No amount of psychological or psychic manipulation can undo the over tightened wheel nuts on a 3.5 ton truck !
Cuamba claimed he made this confession because of " psychological torture ".
Hell can be a physical location such as a prison or a psychological state experienced as a consequence of unwholesome actions.
Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women 's psychological issues.
And writing is close to a zen exercise for me, a sense of âdoing nothingâ where the psychological me is evacuated.
Tinkering may feel necessary for those of you with a lab rat's mindset, but it's a psychological crutch.
Special Needs-Special needs forums often feature topics such as adoption subsidies, drug dependency, learning disorders, psychological disorders, autism, and any other special needs adoption subjects.
They cannot be receiving treatment or medication for depression or other psychological concerns.
Over the next three months, there will be many physical and psychological changes in your cat that begin almost immediately.
Many people find this arrangement helps them to pay their debt faster because the debt is less daunting in a psychological sense.
While solutions may be mixed and matched depending on prevailing conditions, the physical, psychological and emotional health and stability of the children should be the primary concern.
Regardless of your emotional and psychological conflicts with your partner, never let them dictate your behavior or language.
Safety is an important family value in many ways, including physical, psychological, and emotional safety.
In addition, most of today's television families are made up of divorced, separated, estranged or unmarried couples with blurred parenting roles and children with a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges.
As a psychiatrist today, I now understand some of the psychological and evolutionary basis behind maintaining one's self in proper standing within a group for fear of being ostracized.
Naturopaths-Naturopaths are natural health practitioners who believe in disease prevention and focus on removing the root causes of disease, which may include diet, spinal mal-alignment, poor posture, muscle tension or psychological causes.
Additional medications may be prescribed by a psychiatrist, a physician specializing in mood and psychological disorders.
The Mayo Clinic recommends herbs such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba and yohimbe, but each of these herbs addresses different causes of erectile dysfunction from the psychological to the circulatory aspects of this condition.
Color has immense power, and the colors we paint our homes have a psychological impact on our lives, afecting our perception of space and influencing our mental state.
There are certain psychological factors you may wish to consider when selecting kitchen colors.
In psychological studies conducted where patients were denied access to the color green, there was a marked increase in depression and in extreme cases suicidal tendencies.
While it's certainly true that different colors have different psychological effects, you need to choose ones that will make you happy.
Stress is one of the most dangerous health threats facing both your body as well as your psychological well-being.
While the physical effects of exercise are certainly beneficial, the psychological effects that come from focusing your mind on your body provides a feeling of being "centered" that will last far after your workout is over.
Psychological signs might include an increased desire to drink or use drugs, depression or fantasies of revenge.
Emotional contagion is the psychological term used to describe the effect of how we can effectively catch the moods of others.
American Psychological Association- This site offers many articles on anger management.
A psychologist will be able to do psychological testing to find a definitive diagnosis of anxiety or panic disorder.
This helps on a psychological level as well because as humans, we often take social cues from those that are around us.
Even though the charm may not have any "super powers", as long as it's something you really believe in, it may help to calm you down, feel protected, and safe, and that can have a beneficial psychological effects.
The physical and psychological symptoms of stress are debilitating if left untreated.
Because everyone reacts differently to stress, identification of the physical and psychological symptoms of stress often go unnoticed until they become severe and overall health begins to decline.
People experience a strong psychological response to stress, and stress has a wide range of effects on mood, behavior, and psychological functioning.
If you are suffering from the physical or psychological symptoms listed above, you are dealing with dangerously high stress levels.
It is possible to manage the physical and psychological symptoms of stress.
More useful facts on anger management are available on the website of the American Psychological Association.
Women are even more vulnerable to holiday stress than men are, according to the American Psychological Association.
Not only will you be able to learn to use effective strategies to help combat your anger, but you may also be introduced to terms and psychological concepts that you might not have been aware of before.
Identifying the main sources of stress in your life involves examining your relationships, physical health, financial stability, and psychological health.
Psychological stressors are types of personal stress, generally resulting from unrealistic expectations or low self-esteem and self-worth.
Anxiety attacks are not just a physical reaction - there are a lot of emotions and psychological symptoms of these attacks as well.
In many cases, psychological counseling is necessary to help treat even the physical symptoms of your anxiety.
Mental health professionals look more toward the psychological impact of the worry as opposed to the physical symptoms, although alleviation of the worry and anxiety oftentimes makes the physical symptoms lessen or diminish completely.
Unfortunately, it does cause physical and psychological dependency, which doesn't make a choice for individuals who are at risk for substance abuse.
Usually medical intervention is combined with psychological counseling, group therapy, and other treatments.
When it comes to fitness, one can really see the mind-body connection, and the psychological benefits of exercise may be particularly helpful to teenagers.
Drunk high school girls risk a lot when drinking, including physical and psychological risks.
While changes as a pre-teen seem to be more physical, changes as a pre-teenager tend to be psychological and emotional.
Another is that bullying can permanently harm both the children being bullied and the children who are doing the bullying, and the damage can be both psychological and physical.
It's important for addicts to seek help because this addiction can have devastating effects on their lives and cause organ damage, memory loss, isolation from loved ones, psychological problems and even death.
These include both mental and psychological symptoms as well as dangerous physical effects.
Very often the crisis onset creates negative coping behavior creating personal or psychological barrier issues for the individual and the family.
The interventionist is a trained professional who understands the medical and psychological aspects of the addiction problem, and is usually a trained counselor.
Alcohol rehab is a process where an alcohol dependant person restores his/her physiological, psychological and mental equilibrium by participation in a structured and professionally monitored program.
These offer a community environment, a therapeutic community focusing on the person and their particular psychological or emotional needs with an equal focus on the actual alcohol problem.
They say that your emotional and psychological development stops when you really begin drinking.
Physical need for drugs is cured, but psychological one may still exist.
Both psychological and physical signs present themselves when a patient becomes addicted to Vicodin.
Psychological addiction will be treated after detox has occurred.
Experts can't be certain what causes depression, but most mental health professionals believe the condition is the result of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
He/she has advanced training in psychological testing, counseling, and psychotherapy.
This treatment program keeps the physical cravings at bay, lessens withdrawal symptoms, and helps with the psychological need for nicotine.
In addiction to detox, medical and psychological assessments, and self-help programs, counselors can provide individual or group counseling, as well as couples or family therapy.
Most medical treatments are most effective when combined with a form of psychological therapy.
Antidepressants. These may help with the psychological effects of stopping the drug.
For years, scientists have been studying both the psychological and the physiological causes of drug addiction.
While this may be true, there are also psychological causes at play.Because of the way the brain is set up, people can easily develop a psychological dependence on a drug.
Every drug affects the brain differently, but all psychological addictions have one thing in common.
A psychological addiction can monopolize an addict's thoughts long after the drug is out of the physical system.
This is why the physiological causes of drug addiction should be taken just as seriously as the psychological causes.
Smoking has been shown to be a physically and psychological addiction.
As a person's drinking increases so does their physical and psychological alcohol addiction.
Nicotine is an addictive drug, and this means you have to deal with physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when you decide to stop smoking.
The following tips on stopping smoking will help both the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms you may experience.
It is not considered a disorder in itself, but it's instead regarded as a symptom of another psychological disorder such as a borderline personality disorder or depression.
The psychological aspect of the addiction comes into play when the user keeps on taking it to experience the "rush" associated with it.
A personality disorder is a chronic psychological condition.
While chronic lying is not a psychological disorder recognized by the DSM-IV (the Diagnostic Manual used by health care professionals to diagnose mental disorders), it has been associated with other issues.
This is both a physical and psychological symptom.
Irritability comes from many physical and psychological factors.
This is again fueled by your psychological and physical cravings and feeling ill.
Percocet can not only result in a physical dependence, but a psychological one as well.
The level of dependency (physical and psychological) that a person has on the drug.
A lot of the symptoms can also vary according to each individual, since everyone's physical, neurological and psychological processes are different.
The exception to this rule includes people with psychological disorders that either mute remorse over lying or lead the person to believe that the lie is indeed the truth.
People who use it regularly will require a gradual tapering off from the drug in order to avoid painful and relatively debilitating symptoms, both physical and psychological.
There are different reasons for this, including the need to keep company with people who can supply this drug as well as a subconscious psychological need to somehow make the deviant behavior acceptable by peers.
Do you need help for other afflictions, such as eating disorders, trauma and abuse, psychological and mental health issues?
Therapy can also be helpful in breaking the psychological dependency that accompanies the physical dependency the nicotine produces in the system.