Proximity Sentence Examples
His close proximity sent her heart racing.
This time, their proximity seemed too intimate.
It was bad enough that she probably smelled, but the warmth from his body combined with the excitement of his proximity left her feeling a little nauseous.
Its proximity to Liverpool and Manchester has drawn to it a large resident population, and its visitors number many thousands annually.
Until that was done, the back 80 and its proximity were off limits to all of them.
Dean had all he could do to maintain reasonable proximity to the speed limit after letting Fred know where he was going.
Goethite, limonite and haematite are found in New South Wales, at the junction of the Hawkesbury sandstone formation and the Wianamatta shale, near Nattai, and are enhanced in their value by their proximity to coal-beds.
It is probably easier to extend the area under cotton rapidly when crops are raised from many places in proximity to other crops than when the mass of the cotton is obtained from a few highly specialized districts.
There are, owing perhaps to the proximity of Lima, few industrial establishments in the city; among them are a large sugar refinery, some flour-mills, a brewery, a factory for making effervescent drinks, and a number of foundries and repair shops.
It was overrun by the Goths on several occasions, and subsequently by the Huns; but its proximity to Constantinople caused its fortunes to be closely connected with those of that city, from the time when it became the capital of the Eastern Empire.
AdvertisementIt is significant in this connexion that there were two cities named Sippar, one under the protection of Shamash, the sun-god, and one under this Anunit, a fact which points strongly tothe probable proximity of Sippar and Agade.
This rapid absorption of the khanates brought Russia into close proximity to Afghanistan, and the reception of Kaufmann's emissaries by the Amir was a main cause of the British war with Afghanistan in 1878.
It might be thought that the "futures" of different months, being substitutes in proportion to their temporal proximity to one another, should vary together exactly; but it would seem to be a sufficient reply that as they are not perfect substitutes they are in some slight degree independent variables.
No one was aware of the dangerous proximity of the French army.
What makes it harder are the many details that couples living in close proximity don't have to deal with.
AdvertisementThe establishment of the Hatti at Carchemish not only made them a commercial people and probably sapped their highland vigour, but also brought them into closer proximity to the rising North Semitic power of Assyria, whose advent had been regarded with apprehension by Hattusil II.
The proximity of dangerous barbarian tribes (Quadi, Marcomanni) necessitated the presence of a large number of troops (seven legions in later times), and numerous fortresses were built on the bank of the Danube.
The harbour is too shallow to admit vessels of large size, but the proximity of the town to Odessa secures for it a thriving business in wine, salt, fish, wool and tallow.
But this advance brought them into dangerous proximity to Can Grande della.
Immediately on the right of entrance was the abbot's house (G), in close proximity to the guest-house (F).
AdvertisementBeing in close physical proximity is an example of intimate flirting.
Located at 5 West 56th Street in New York City, the Suarez shop is within close proximity to the very famous Fifth Avenue.
The end result of this proximity is that the planets act as one.
Parenting classes serve a variety of purposes, and they can be quite beneficial due not only to the information they offer participants, but also due to their proximity and relevance to the people attending them.
Proximity to your house – You don’t want your savings on groceries to be offset by the extra money you’re spending on gas.
AdvertisementIts close proximity to both Milwaukee and Chicago make it popular with commuters and with Young and the Restless fans.
Parents will love the close proximity to Broadway.
Located on the banks of the Williamette River, the Avalon Hotel & Spa is in close proximity to the downtown scene, yet offers a scenic and peaceful detour from the bustle of city life.
Its proximity to the East Coast makes it ideal for last-minute spring break jaunts.
The site offers a search function that allows you to sort by yoga style, country, proximity, and teaching level.
This comprehensive guide outlines yoga studios and practices by borough to help you narrow the scope of offerings by proximity.
Meeting and communicating by proximity is an exciting new feat.
It is in close proximity to many of the more populated cities in California and Nevada.
The town's proximity to the river offers easy access to white water rafting, canoeing and kayaking.
Almost two hundred years old, this tavern establishment provides friendly service and proximity to a number of fantastic wineries.
Among elements of unhealthiness is next to be reckoned the proximity of native villages, the inhabitants of which are infected.
The historical interest of the place centres in its proximity to the castle of Dinefawr, now commonly called Dynevor, which was originally erected by Rhodri Mawr or his son Cadell about the year 876 on the steep wooded slopes overhanging the Towy.
The central public baths in Infirmary Street, with branch establishments in other parts of the town, including Portobello, are largely resorted to, and the proximity of the Firth of Forth induces the keener swimmers to visit Granton every morning.
Poor and squalid streets are found, in close proximity to the wealthiest localities, between Marylebone Road and St John's Wood Road, and about High Street in the south, the .site of the original village.
The air is unusually dry, owing to the proximity of the Kalahari Desert on the west and to the interception on the east by the Drakensberg of the moisture bearing clouds from the Indian Ocean.
Other similar institutions exist primarily for special purposes, as the St Bride Foundation Institute, near Fleet Street, in immediate proximity to the great newspaper offices, for the printing trade, and the Herolds' Institute, a branch of the Borough Polytechnic situated in Bermondsey, for the purposes of the leather trade.
In practice the proximity to chalk pits or lime kilns, the cost of the lime and cartage, will determine which is most economical.
In the wars of 1848 and 1864 Schleswig was an important strategical point on account of its proximity to the Dannewerk and was occupied by the different contending parties in turn.
Akhdar in the east, which with a temperate climate, due to their great elevation and their proximity to the sea, deserve, if any part of Arabia does, the name of Arabia Felix - the population is settled and agricultural, and the soil, wherever the rainfall is sufficient, is productive.
The town grew up around three forts established in close proximity - St James (British), Crevecoeur (Dutch) and Christiansborg (Danish).
The post of Anadyrsk was founded on the river Anadyr, and overland communications were gradually opened up. A Russian named Popov first learnt a rumour of the existence of islands east of Cape Dezhnev, and of the proximity of America, and presently there followed the explorations of Vitus Bering.
After the Franco-German War the embarrassed Bey turned towards Great Britain for advice, and a British protectorate - suggested by the proximity of Malta - was not an impossibility under the remarkable influence of the celebrated Sir Richard Wood, British diplomatic agent at the court of Tunis from 1855 to 1879.
Soon after the Norman invasion it became of the first importance as a port, a fact attested by the remains of no fewer than five castles in close proximity, which give the town a picturesque aspect.
Electroscopes and electrometers, therefore, standing in proximity to electrified bodies can be perfectly shielded from influence by enclosing them in cylinders of metal gauze.
Owing to the close proximity of powerful opposed religious sects, the modern history of the city is not without its record of riot and bloodshed, as in 1880 and 1886, and in August 1907 serious rioting followed upon a strike of carters; but the prosperity of the city has been happily unaffected.
The enormous rate at which aphids multiply under favourable conditions makes them of the greatest economic importance, since the growth of immense numbers of the same kind of plant in close proximity - as in ordinary farm-crops - is especially advantageous to the insects that feed on them.
The proximity of the Delaware and Chesapeake bays help to give Delaware a mild and temperate climate.
The development of manufacturing in Delaware has not been so extensive as its favourable situation relative to the other states, the facilities for water and railway transportation, and the proximity of the coal and iron fields of Pennsylvania, would seem to warrant.
In former times Mexico was overrun with mendicants (pordioseros), vagrants and criminals (rateros), and the " Portales de las Flores " on the east of the Plaza Mayor was a favourite " hunting-ground " for them because of its proximity to the cathedral; but modern conditions have largely reduced this evil.
As a ruler of a rising great power in search of a seaboard he was the natural adversary of the Venetian republic, which already aimed at making the Adriatic a purely Venetian sea and resented the proximity of the Magyars in Dalmatia.
The proximity of Lake Michigan cools the atmosphere in summer and tempers the cold in winter.
Penang has an excellent harbour, but has suffered from its proximity to Singapore.
Kent, from its proximity to London, has been intimately concerned in every great historical movement which has agitated the country, while its busy industrial population has steadily resisted any infringement of its rights and liberties.
In proximity to the upper side of the disk is placed a coil of wire having an iron core, which is a shunt coil, the ends of the coil being connected to the terminals of the supply mains.
Coal, ironstone and clay are mined in close proximity, and every sort of iron and steel goods is produced.
Open protest or organized revolt, however, was impossible owing to the proximity and indeed the presence in overwhelming numbers of German and Hungarian troops, who were expressly garrisoned among the Czech population in order to stifle any possible outburst of national and pro-Ally sentiment.
Only the clergy, naturally conservative, still clung to the king, and Sigismund III., who was no coward, at once proceeded to Cracow to overawe the rokoszanie, or insurrectionists, by his proximity, and take the necessary measures for his own protection.
It rises among the Kuenlun mountains in central Asia, its head-waters being in close proximity to those of the Yangtsze-Kiang.
This country consists of seven oases, five in close proximity and two isolated.
Owing to its proximity to the French frontier it has undergone many sieges, the last of which was in 1640, when Turenne gave orders that it should be reduced to such ruin that it could never stand another.
In 1892 he distinguished the former as those in which the first antennae of the male have both members modified for holding the female, and the genital openings of the female have a ventral position, sometimes in close proximity, sometimes strongly lateral; the latter as those in which the first antennae of the male are similar to those of the female, the function of holding her being transferred to the male maxillipeds, while the genital openings of the female are dorsal, though at times strongly lateral.
It is to be noted that the chronological grouping of the epistles by minute comparison of style is apt to be deceptive; resemblances of this kind are due more to similarity of subject than to proximity in date.
Owing to the proximity of two oceans, and the varied configuration of the surface of Costa Rica, an area of a few square miles may exhibit the most striking extremes of climate; but, over the entire country, it is possible to distinguish three climatic zones - tropical, temperate and cold.
The coast is low and extremely arid, and would be uninhabitable were it not for the proximity of the Sierra Madre, where a light rainfall is experienced, and for the numerous rivers that cross the arid belt between the mountains and the sea.
Its proximity to the southern outskirts of Epping Forest has brought it into favour both with residents and with holiday visitors from London.
Such a state of affairs is produced by the march of civilization into the " hinterlands " of the various colonies, when man, together with the numerous domesticated animals which accompany him, is brought into proximity to big game, &c., and, what is equally important, into the zone of the particular blood-sucking insects which prey upon the same.
The outer school, with its headmaster's house against the opposite wall of the church, stands outside the convent enclosure, in close proximity to the abbot's house, that he might have a constant eye over them.
The proximity of the sea or of great lakes, the elevation and the direction of mountain chains, the usual path of storms and of prevalent winds, and the relative length of day and amount of sunshine in summer and winter all have their effect on different parts of Canada.
The neighbourhood of the fertile Lelantian or Lelantine plain, and their proximity to the place of passage to the mainland, were evidently the causes of the choice of site, as well as of their prosperity.
The Athenians fully recognized its importance to them, as supplying them with corn and cattle, as securing their commerce, and as guaranteeing them against piracy, for its proximity to the coast of Attica rendered it extremely dangerous to them when in other hands, so that Demosthenes, in the De corona, speaks of a time when the pirates that made it their headquarters so infested the neighbouring sea as to prevent all navigation.
This growth in cotton manufactures is due to various causes, among them being_ the proximity of raw material, convenient water-power, municipal exemption from taxation and the cheapness of labour.
Its proximity to Dublin, the seat of government and of the Irish parliament, in which the primates were such prominent figures, induced them to prefer it to Ardmacha inter Hibernicos.
The application of electricity is widely developed on account of the proximity of Alpine valleys rich in torrents.
Lord Lansdowne called the attention of the Russian foreign office to the extreme inconvenience to neutral commerce of the Russian search for contraband not only in the proximity of the scene of war, but over all the world, and especially at places at which neutral commerce could be most effectually intercepted.
Schuster suggested that the proximity of molecules vibrating in the same period might be the cause of the diminished frequency, and suggested that according to this view the shifts would be similar if the increase of density were produced by the presence of molecules of a different kind from those whose lines are being examined.
Under Augustus the greater part of the peninsula was added to Italy, and, when the seat of empire was removed to Ravenna, Istria reaped many benefits from the proximity of the capital.
Perth has long been famous for its dyeing and bleaching, the bleach-fields being mostly situated outside of the city, in convenient proximity to the Tay and Almond.
Owing to proximity to the magnetic compass the whole of the tube must be non-magnetic. High-strength bronze was used in the earlier practice in the British navy.
Although two periscopes are provided when attacking, one only would be shown for short periods to get check observation so as to prevent the wash of the upper tube revealing the proximity of the submarine.
This is one of the villages which has become the centre of a residential district, and is frequented by holiday-makers from London, owing to its proximity to the pleasant woodland scenery of Epping Forest.
These hills (especially the Palatine, the site of the original settlement) with their naturally steep sides, partly surrounded at the base by marshes and situated not far from the confluence of the Anio with the Tiber, possessed natural advantages not shared by the other primitive settlements of the district; and their proximity to one another rendered it easy to bring them into a larger whole.
The place probably owes its Celtic name of Llan-ym-ddyffri (the church amid the waters) to the proximity of Llandingat church to the streams of the Towy, Bran and Gwydderig.
But the country sloping to the Paraguay, and comprising the greater part of the settled districts, is, in keeping with its proximity to the vast plains of Argentina, grassy and open, though the hills are usually covered with forest and clumps of trees are frequent in the lowlands.
Its situation on the broad and navigable Rhine, and at the centre of an extensive network of railways, giving it direct communication with all the important cities of Europe, has greatly fostered its trade, while its close proximity to the beautiful scenery of the Rhine, has rendered it a favourite tourist resort.
Mons is now a flourishing town with a good trade in cloth, lace, sugar refinery, &c.; but its chief importance is derived from its proximity to the Borinage (place of boring), district containing mines of the finest coal in Belgium.
Kinsale, with the neighbouring villages of Scilly and Cove, is much frequented by summer visitors, and is the headquarters of the South of Ireland Fishing Company, with a fishery pier and a commodious harbour with 6 to 8 fathoms of water; but the general trade is of little importance owing to the proximity of Queenstown and Cork.
Its proximity to the coal fields of Pennsylvania and to the great markets of New York and Philadelphia, and its excellent transportation facilities by rail and by water, have promoted the development of its manufactures.
Isis was perhaps the 1 goddess of Buto, a town not far distant from Busiris; geographical proximity would suffice to explain her conon with Osiris in the tale.
The highest summit in the south of Scotland - Merrick (2764 ft.) - consists of Silurian strata much altered by proximity to the granite, while the rest of the more prominent heights (all in Kirkcudbrightshire) - Rinns of Kells (2668 ft.), Cairnsmuir of Carsphairn (2612), and Cairnsmore of Fleet (2331) - are formed of granite.
All the great iron foundries and engineering works are situated in the Central Plain or Lowlands, in close proximity to the shipbuilding yards and coalfields, especially in the lower and part of the middle wards of Lanarkshire, in certain districts of Ayrshire and Renfrewshire, at and near Dumbarton, in south Stirlingshire and in some parts of East and Mid Lothian and Fife.
The port of Recife is one of the most important of Brazil, on account of its proximity to Europe and its convenience for vessels passing around the east shoulder of the continent.
There are conflicting ideas of death and the dead, and among them the belief in the very human feelings and needs of the dead and in their influence for good or ev11.2 Moreover, the proximity of burial-place and sanctuary and the belief in the kindly care of the famous dead for their descendants reflect " primitive " and persisting ideas which find their Holy parallel in the holy tombs of religious or seckular p y g?
Old tradition suggests the " schools of the prophets " at Jericho, Gilgal and Bethel, and in fact the proximity of these places, especially Bethel, to Judaean soil may be connected with the friendly and sometimes markedly favourable attitude to Judah in these narratives.
Since that catastrophe it has been rebuilt, and has not further suffered from its proximity to Etna.
The real difficulty in India is to find the ore, the fuel, and the flux in sufficiently close proximity to yield a profit.
Its trade is due to its position in the agricultural and horsebreeding district known as the "Campagne de Caen" and to its proximity to the iron mines of the Orne valley, and to manufacturing towns such as Falaise, Le Mans, &c. In the south-east of the town there is a floating basin lined with quays and connected with the Orne and with the canal which debouches into the sea at Ouistreham 9 m.
The slowness both of the rise and decline is in great contrast with the cases the proximity is only apparent; one star may be really at a vast distance behind the other, but, being in the same line of vision, they appear close together.
These theories are of varying value in proportion to their proximity to Aristotle's point that predication is about things, and to Mill's point that judgments and propositions are about things, not about ideas.
Lying as it did in the closest proximity to Phoenicians and Aramaeans, its population must have been exceptionally mixed, and the description of the occupation of Palestine in Judg.
In all, about sixty kinds of timber of marketable quality are furnished in more or less profusion, but the difficulty of extraction, even in the regions situated in close proximity to the large waterways, renders it improbable that the timber trade of Borneo will attain to any very great dimensions until other and easier sources of supply have become exhausted.
The proximity of the mountain range to the seashore causes the rivers of the west coast, with the single exception of the Padas, to be rapid, boulder-obstructed, shallow streams of little value as means of communication for a distance of more than half a dozen miles from their mouths.
In Madras especially the idea of ceremonial pollution by the proximity of an unclean caste has been developed with much elaboration.
They generally breed in association, often in the closest proximity - their nests, containing three eggs at most, being made on the shingle or among herbage.
The list in this case is called table of Absence in Proximity.
The proximity of the weighted roller or rollers to the fixed ones depends upon the large cylinder.
East of Skeppsholm an inlet, Ladugardslandsviken, so named from the proximity of the former royal farm-yard (ladugard), and bordered on the mainland by a quay with handsome houses called Strandvagen, throws off a narrow branch (Djurgardsbrunnsviken) and separates from the mainland an island about 2 m.
The climate is admirably suited to cattle-raising, as the winters are mild and pasture is to be found throughout the whole year, but the proximity of the Argentine pampas is fatal to its profitable development.
It lies in close proximity to Korea, Port Arthur and Wei-hai-Wei, and it shared to some extent in the excitement to which the military and naval operations in these quarters gave rise.
The general characteristics of the climate are determined more by the physical conformation of the land than its proximity to the equator.
Four fjords were selected in the south coast of Norway in proximity to the hatchery, and the usual number of fry (10-30 millions) were planted in the spring in alternate fjords, leaving the intermediate fjords unsupplied.
Terre Haute's industrial and commercial importance is largely due to its proximity to the valuable coal-fields of Clay, Sullivan, Park, Vermilion, Greene and Vigo counties.
Roman remains have been discovered in proximity to Hadrian's Wall.
They are known as the Sierras de Chiquitos, and are geologically interesting because of their proximity to the eastern projection of the Andes.
The provincial court of the counts of Champagne had long been a distinguished one, and the action of Thibaut the poet, together with the proximity of the district to Paris, made the province less rebellious than most of the great feudal divisions of France to the royal authority.
The name must have been given derisively, as the barren coasts of Lower California could not have suggested the proximity of a "terrestrial paradise."
Satyrus (431-387), the successor of Spartocus, established his rule over the whole district, adding Nymphaeum to his dominions and laying siege to Theodosia, which was a serious commercial rival by reason of its ice-free port and direct proximity to the cornfields of the eastern Crimea.
During the Civil War Leavenworth enjoyed great prosperity, at the expense of more inland towns, partly owing to the proximity of the fort, which gave it immunity from border raids from Missouri and was an important depot of supplies and a place for mustering troops into and out of the service.
On account of the proximity to the sea, New Jersey has a more equable climate than have some of the states in the same latitude farther west.
This rapid development is due to the excellent transportation facilities, and to the proximity of!
The occurrence of short tracheids in close proximity to the veins is a characteristic of coniferous leaves; these elements assume two distinct forms - (I) the short isodiametric tracheids (transfusion-tracheids) closely associated with the veins; (2) longer tracheids extending across the mesophyll at right angles to the veins, and no doubt functioning as representatives of lateral veins.
No certain guide has been found to tell which stars are nearest to us; both brightness and large proper motion, though of course increased by proximity, are apparently without systematic average relation to parallax.
The proximity of this range to the coast limits them to short, precipitous courses, with comparatively short navigable channels.
Saltcoats (pop. 8120), a mile to the south, is a popular seaside resort, with a brisk trade, due to its proximity to Ardrossan and Stevenston; the making of salt, once a leading industry, has ceased.
Of the other towns Somerset West (2613), Somerset West Strand (3059), Stellenbosch (4969), Paarl (11,293), Wellington (4881), Ceres (2410), Malmesbury (3811), Caledon (3508), Worcester (7885), Robertson (3244) and Swellendam (2406) are named in the order of proximity to Cape Town, from which Swellendam is distant 134 m.
The proximity of coal-mines, the abundance and variety of food supplies furnished by the state, the great quantity and variety of the city's manufactured goods, the excellent shipping facilities, and the consequent low cost of living, are prominent features of the physical life of the city.
The proximity of such good markets as Chicago, Cincinnati, St Louis and Louisville, in addition to the local markets, and the unusual opportunities afforded by the railways that traverse every portion of the state, have been important factors in the rapid agricultural advance which has enabled Indiana to keep pace with the newly developed states farther west.
Thespiae figures chiefly in history as an enemy of Thebes, whose centralizing policy it had all the more to fear because of the proximity of the two towns.
Ladybrand is the centre of a rich arable district, has a large wheat market and is also a health resort, the climate, owing to the proximity of the Maluti Mountains, being bracing even during the summer months (November-March).
It is only for geographical purposes that we include this district under Attica, for both the Dorian race of the inhabitants, and its dangerous proximity to Athens, caused it to be at perpetual feud with that city; but its position as an outpost for the Peloponnesians, together with the fact of its having once been Ionian soil, sufficiently explains the bitter hostility of the Athenians towards the Megarians.
The deep bay which here runs into the land is bounded on its southern side by the rocky island of Salamis, which was at all times an important possession to the Athenians on account of its proximity to their city; and the winding channel which separates that island from the mainland in the direction of the Peiraeus was the scene of the battle of Salamis, while on the last declivities of Mt.
Among the stars our sun is to be included, as it has no properties which distinguish it from the great mass of stars except our proximity to it.
The proximity of the factory to Murshidabad, the Mahommedan capital, while it was the main source of its wealth and of its political importance, exposed it to constant danger.
On account of its proximity to the fertile Betuwe district and its situation near the confluence of the Rhine and Ysel, the markets and shipping of Arnhem are in a flourishing condition.
The cultivation of the former is practically confined to Ulster and as compared with 20 or 30 years ago has fallen off by considerably more than 50%, despite the proximity of the linen industry.
The proximity of the rich wheatfields of the northwest, and the extensive timber forests, have made Minneapolis the greatest lumber and flour centre in the world.
In proof thereof, we may quote the case of an extensive grower in the midland counties - sending fruit to the London market in tons - whose crop of gooseberries increased nearly fourfold after establishing a number of stocks of bees in close proximity to the gooseberry bushes.
The name was derived from a space in the chancery, surrounded by a grating, in which the officials sat, which is called higher or lower (major or minor) according to the proximity of the seats to that of the vice-chancellor.
Strong systems produce in the proximity of their back focal plane an image of the scale, which can be inspected with a weak auxiliary microscope, and the length of the visible part of the graduation determined.
Moreover, by virtue of an imperial promise made in 1485 and renewed in 1 495, the elector of Saxony claimed the duchies of Julich and Berg, while the proximity of the coveted lands to the Netherlands made their fate a matter of great moment to the Dutch.
His close proximity had the usual effect of quickening her pulse.
Given its proximity to the base, a derivational affix represents the best index.
I think he had not realized his proximity to his old alma mater.
In close proximity are Bossiney Cove and Trebarwith Strand, both are ideal bathing and surfing beaches.
The Lowther Hæmatite Iron and Steel Works are in close proximity to the Lonsdale Dock, and consist of three large modern blast furnaces.
Both operate through the rear command post, normally collocated with or in close proximity to the support command's command post.
Reasons for demand vary, from necessity to wish to live on an easy commute, to proximity to good schools.
This tension belt indicates the limit of profitable cultivation, notwithstanding its proximity to a large industrial population.
Well actually we have two dimers in close proximity.
The Bathing Water Directive led to a major national program to stop sewage discharges in proximity to bathing areas.
It is extremely unusual to find all features associated with this ice disintegration so well preserved in such close proximity.
Infants welcome however, no children under five due to proximity of working farmyard.
A special electric proximity fuse which was designed for these bombs.
The Ordnance department's first products were highly classified miniature radio components for the proximity fuze.
Some, no doubt, would find this prolonged proximity hateful.
Even given the locality's proximity to navigable rivers, the area is still fairly hilly.
Even straight wire has some inductance, and there is always at least some capacitance between two wires in proximity to each other.
Even now his very proximity still infused many Germans with the certainty of eventual victory.
Unsurprisingly given their proximity to livestock, cheese proved a mainstay in securing the girls's romantic futures.
Generally, however, there is no correlation with either native state shift perturbations or with sequence proximity to aromatic groups.
Your leg usage is what gives you control of proximity, adjusting level and making pirouettes.
The wayleave agreements that NIE have with landowners however do not prohibit the planting of trees in proximity to OELs.
Guest artists present showcases of varying styles, many influenced by the proximity of the sea.
Increased concentrations of selected elements can indicate the near proximity of mineralization.
I expect this game to be tight reflecting the close proximity of the respective world rankings.
There is no pool on the complex due to close proximity of beach.
The close proximity to Temple station is obvious here.
It is quite possible for users in close geographical proximity to receive services with different speeds.
Of course, Taiwan and China are in close geographic proximity with only the Taiwan Strait between us.
From a research perspective, one cannot infer causal relationships from the temporal proximity of events captured in a factor structure.
However spatial proximity would clearly not be sufficient, or even desirable, for linking all kinds of information.
Even where physical proximity occurs, the level of social integration was still low.
Continuous odds ratios for trend with proximity to sites were estimated.
The proximity of coal-beds now being worked should accelerate the development of the iron deposits, which, on an average, contain 41% of metal.
In the north it is influenced, of course, by its proximity to Papuasia, whence there is a considerable admixture of genera which do not proceed beyond the tropics, and of these Casuarius is a striking example.
The southern latitude, the low elevation and the proximity to the Gulf of Mexico produce in southern Mississippi a rather mild and equable climate, but to the northward the extremes increase.
The vegetation of the Malayan Islands is for the most part that of the wetter and hotter region of India; but the greater uniformity of the temperature and humidity leads to the predomin ance of certain tropical forms not so conspicuous in India, while the proximity of the Australian continent has permitted the partial diffusion of Australian types which are not seen in India.
The heat makes itself evident by raising the temperature and therefore elongating the wire, whilst the magnetic field creates mechanical forces which act on pieces of iron or other conductors conveying electric currents when placed in proximity to the conductor in question.
Large numbers of business men and others who must of necessity live in proximity to the metropolis have their homes aloof from its centre.
Its lake, the broad Mall leading up to Buckingham Palace, and the proximity of the government buildings in Whitehall, combine to beautify it.
A few of such preserves still exist, and it is noticeable that in the Palace-moats of Tokyo all kinds of water-birds, attracted by the absolute immunity they enjoy there, assemble in countless numbers at the approach of winter and remain until the following spring, wholly indifferent to the close proximity of the city.
The Vesta of the state is in fact the king's hearth, standing in close proximity to the Regia, the king's palace; the Vestal Virgins, who have charge of the sacred fire, are the "king's daughters," and as such even in republican times were in the manus of the pontifex maximus, who was the successor of the king on the legal side of his religious duties, as the rex sacrorum was on the sacrificial side.
To take the example given under Confusions of Words above, loin for lion in Cranford is probably a printer's error, but it is conceivable that it is due to a deflexion of the authoress's mind or pen through the accidental proximity of the "mutton chop."
The proximity of coalfields and iron mines has made Chattanooga an iron manufacturing place of importance, its plants including car shops, blast furnaces, foundries, agricultural implement and machinery works, and stove factories; the city has had an important part in the development of the iron and steel industries in this part of the South.
Set top aerials gave little trouble - probably due to the proximity of the relay transmitter.
By just being in close proximity, the Referee can (without actually doing anything) provoke a spontaneous outburst from irate players.
Anyone suffering from, or in close proximity to, an infectious illness.
Section 55 British Transport Commission Act 1949 penalizes trespass on railroad lines or property in dangerous proximity to such lines or electrical apparatus.
He now claims he shot " in proximity to an unarmed civilian in order to deter him ".
The rhyolite dikes in the mine often have chilled margins and the occasional xenolith of granite indicates the near proximity of granite at depth.
With such a close proximity to Seattle, Washington and Canada, the outlet mall at Tulalip makes a great diversion to grab some discounts on popular brand-name clothing.
With its close proximity to Chicago, the Aurora outlet center is accessible by other means.
Since the Waterloo Outlet Mall is in close proximity to Canada, they have special hours for Victoria Day, which is around May 24 and is always held on Mondays.
Outdoor containers should be placed in convenient proximity to your back door so you'll be more likely to add food waste from the kitchen.
Due to their close proximity, the overall look and feel of these spaces should complement each other.
It's always a good idea to compare prices, amenities and proximity to conveniences such as public transportation and grocery stores.
In fact, numerous cities around the world offer "trading rooms." In a trading room, a group of day traders may sit in very close proximity to each other with their eyes glued to their computer screens at all times.
You'll get the price, the mileage, and the proximity to your zip code.
Italy has twenty different regions that are carved out by the Apennines and the Alps and shaped by their proximity to the many nearby seas, including the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, and the Ionian.
In looking at the various Vermont skiing maps, you will probably notice that many of the ski resorts are in close proximity to each other.
For example, Sugarbush is in close proximity to Mad River Glen, but these are two completely different resorts.
Fortunately, their close proximity to each other means that families and groups of mixed levels, or groups of skiers and snowboarders can share lodging but visit different areas.
Furthermore, their close proximity to the City of Toronto means that they are easily accessible.
If you study the world map for a few minutes each day, while brushing your teeth, you will learn to identify countries by their shape and proximity to other places.
Palm Springs is a popular wedding and vacation destination, and its proximity to all four significant California departure ports makes it a prime target for pre- and post-cruise getaways.
Situated off the Yucatan peninsula in close proximity to Cancun, Cozumel boasts some of the world's most famous scuba diving locations.
Again, you should book early if you want to make sure all of your staterooms are in close proximity to each other.
Another factor when starting vegetable gardens and considering the location is proximity to water sources.
Companion gardening requires that two or more complementary plants be grown in close proximity.
The reduced airflow plus proximity to the object and sometimes dark conditions lead to the development of mold.
Carrot flies are deadly to young carrot plants and strong smelling plants such as sage, dill, and radishes help repel the flies when planted in close proximity to carrots.
Since this type of electrical work involves electricity in close proximity to water, it poses greater risks than simple electrical work, like replacing a light switch.
A proximity tester lets you place the device tip near an electrical wire and it will light up if there is power on that circuit.
Test whether you've successfully turned off power by inserting your proximity tester into the outlet's terminals.
Double-check each of the side terminal screws with your proximity switch to be sure none of them have any voltage.
Test the new outlet with your proximity probe to make sure it works.
Look for a level spot in your yard that has good drainage and is located in close proximity to your garden.
Since you spend one third of your life sleeping in close proximity to the materials you put on your bed, you should consider using organic items.
It's important to exercise the highest level of driving safety precautions when you are driving near areas where kids can be expected to be in close proximity.
For example, some accidents take place in parking lots where there are pedestrians of all ages in close proximity.
If you have chronic health conditions, proximity to a medical center is an important consideration.
Seniors who want independent retirement living in Connecticut will enjoy the active communities and proximity to a host of cities and events.
Even though Connecticut is a small state, its proximity to big cities like Boston and New York make it an excellent choice when it comes to picking a place for retirement.
The location gives seniors close proximity to many of Chicago's transportation services, attractions, restaurants and shopping areas.
The close proximity of the communities to the corporate location enables members of the corporate staff to make frequent visits to the facilities, providing close personal involvement with all of the operations regarding the communities.
There are many other hotels in close proximity to Disneyland in addition to the official resort hotels at Disneyland.
Guests interested in getting their workout outdoors can take advantage of the resort's proximity to one of the nation's largest metropolitan parks and its more than 17,000 acres of recreational space.
With its close neighbors and proximity to many lodging options, you can often walk to the park from many hotels.
Situated less than a mile from the theme park's entrance, you can't beat Days Inn for its price and proximity to all things Hershey.
The Santa Monica office was launched in 2004, with hopes to take advantage of the close proximity to the Hollywood machine as well as the West Coast's Asia connections.
The North Coast benefits from a proximity to a maritime climate that is buffered by steep mountain ranges.
Within this enormous area a wide diversity of climates and conditions exist, the one constant perhaps being a close proximity to the ocean.
Depending on the what types of Art Deco pieces interest you, and your proximity to local dealers, an online retailer might be your best option.
Because flame levels can be difficult to predict, the best way to control the proximity of your meal to the flames is by using a grill that lets you move the grill grate up and down during the cooking process.
Badgerland RV - This RV rental provider is located in southern Wisconsin, in close proximity to Madison and Milwaukee.
The park is home to the Coquille River Lighthouse and is conveniently located in close proximity to excellent shopping and dining opportunities in the town of Bandon by the Sea.
Further still, the top row of keys can be uncomfortable to use due to its proximity to the lower edge of the top slider.
Family-Two or more emotionally involved people living in close proximity and having reciprocal obligations with a sense of commonness, caring, and commitment.
The condition occurs most often in spring and fall and can occur in epidemics within dormitories, army barracks, or other locations where young people live in close proximity to each other.
For this reason, continued use of the drugs is important to family members and those in close proximity to the patient.
However, you have to listen to what they are telling you with their body - with their proximity to you, how they are holding your hands, what kind of eye contact.
Choose a location within close proximity if possible.
This means that if you are in close proximity to another person who has been infested, the lice can spread to your hair and scalp.
Be sure to consider things like square footage, proximity to schools and shopping, and the age of the home among other factors when deciding what you will look for.
The second factor is that the city lies in close proximity to both the San Andreas and Hayward faults, both of which are major sources of earthquake activity.
Shoppers will delight in Palace Hotel's close proximity to some of San Francisco's best shopping.
The Presidio is in close proximity to many area attractions, including the famous aquarium, the SFB Morse Botanical Reserve and the Spanish Bay Resort Golf Course.
Select a cabinet that is in close proximity to an electrical outlet so that you will be able to plug in the unit easily.
While Toms River is a relatively small community, there are a number of thrift stores that accept furniture donations located in close proximity to the town.
Tune in to how a person stands in proximity to you, what they do with their hands, their eye contact (steady or fleeting) and what their expression--not their words--is saying to you.
When you lived in close proximity of your girlfriend, the two of you could do things together whenever you wanted.
To start, realize that having a long distance relationship is not the same as having a relationship living in close proximity to each other.
A conjunction is formed when two or more planets are within close proximity.
Due to Hell's Kitchen's close proximity to Broadway, the area is also becoming popular with those with acting careers.
It compared school district data to industrial mercury release data, with results showing a statistically significant association between ASD risk and proximity to a mercury source.
If colleges offer MBA programs through remote locations, you receive your degree from that college, even if you attend different campuses closer in proximity to your home.
The principle of proximity is related to how close objects are to each other.
Read between the lines here, and be prepared to be in close proximity to a bathroom.
Sometimes the home or apartment's proximity to a fire station can bring the cost of insurance down.
Proximity to a fire hydrant or fire station will often help lower your rates.
Discounts are available to homeowners who have specific organizational affiliations or who have certain safety features on the home, such as a burglar alarm or a close proximity to a fire station.
You could stick with the brand of insurance you already work with or you could just choose a company according to the proximity of their offices to your house.
You may also be asked about the proximity to the local police department, fire department, and other emergency response organizations.
Their proximity to some of the finest lace producers in the EU is quickly evident by the types they use on panties, camisoles, and bras.
Safety is very important for the members of a pit crew as they are in close proximity to speeding cars, hot tires, and the possibility of flying debris.
Fort Pierce web design businesses flourish in Fort Pierce because of its proximity to so many bustling industrial, scientific and commercial centers.
The vicissitudes of fruit raising have also caused increasing attention to be paid to market gardening, dairying and stock raising, particularly to market gardening, an industry which is favoured by the proximity of large cities.
But with these exceptions he remained in proximity to the court, living much at Louvain, where he took great interest in the foundation of Hieronymus Busleiden's Collegium Trilingue.
The gametophyte or prothallial generation is thus extremely reduced, consisting of but little more than the male and female sexual cells - the two sperm-cells in the pollen-tube and the egg-cell (with the synergidae) in the embryo-sac. At the period of fertilization the embryo-sac lies in close proximity tube has penetrated, the separating cell-wall becomes absorbed, and the male or sperm-cells are ejected into the embryosac. Guided by the synergidae one male-cell passes into the oosphere with which it fuses, the two nuclei uniting, while the other fuses with the definitive nucleus, or, as it is also called, the endosperm nucleus.
North of Chiloe there are few islands in close proximity to the coast.
With this exception these regions are the most arid on the face of the globe, highly heated by a tropical sun during the day and chilled at night by the proximity of snow-covered heights and a cold ocean current.
Coffee cultivation in the Santa Marta region is receiving much attention on account of its proximity to the coast.
In any case, his close proximity was unsettling.
Owing to the proximity of the capital this group is comparatively subject to the Turkish power, and pays a small annual tribute; the chiefs, who assess and collect the tribute, form a kind of administrative council; the confederation has also an official representative council at Scutari, called the Jibal, under the presidency of a Serkarde or Moslem official.
If, then, a long copper bar which forms part of this circuit is placed in proximity to the transmitting antenna and the handle moved, some position can be found in which the natural time period of the cymometer circuit is made equal to the actual time period of the telegraphic antenna.
Central Italy also presents striking differences of climate and temperature according to the greater or less proximity to the mountains.
In later times, towns have been more often founded in proximity to valuable mineral resources, and at critical points or nodes on lines of communication.
The city's central geographical position, its extensive' railway connexions, and its proximity to important coal-fields have combined to make it one of the principal industrial centres of the Middle West.
The subterranean passage of the Alpheus in the upper part of its course (confirmed by modern explorers), and the freshness of the water of Arethusa in spite of its proximity to the sea, led to the belief that it was the outlet of the river.
The moderating effect of the proximity of the ocean is felt in an important degree along the southern and eastern parts of Asia, where the land is broken up into islands or peninsulas.
It seems inconceivable, however, that any other site should have been preferred by the primitive settlers to the Acropolis, which offered the greatest advantages for defence; the Pnyx, owing to its proximity to the centres of civic life, can never have been deserted, and that portion which lay within the city walls must have been fully occupied when Athens was crowded during the Peloponnesian War.
That island, which had been ceded by France in 1810, three years after the abolition, had special facilities for escaping observation in consequence of the proximity of the African coast; but it was soon obliged to conform.
Napoleon, directly he realized Moore's proximity, had ordered Soult to Astorga to cut him off from Galicia; recalled his other troops from their march towards Lisbon and Andalusia, and, with 50,000 men and 150 guns, had left Madrid himself (Dec. 22).
Owing, however, to the close proximity of stigma and anthers, very slight irregularity in the movements of the visiting insect will cause self-pollination, which may also occur by the dropping of pollen from the anthers of the larger stamens on to the stigma.
Apparently there was never any royal residence in the town, owing to the proximity of Perth.
South of Cape Frio there are no large rivers along the coast because of the proximity of the Serra do Mar - the coastal plain being very narrow and in places disappearing altogether.
Perhaps no Ecuadorean volcano is better known than Pichincha, the " boiling mountain," because of its destructive eruptions and its proximity to the city of Quito.
Calcutta, Bombay and Madras all possess the equable climate that is induced by proximity to the sea, but Calcutta enjoys a cold season which is not to be found in the other presidency towns, while the hot season is more unendurable there.
The Rovuma, Rufiji, Tana, Juba and Webi Shebeli principally drain the outer slopes of the East African highlands, the last named losing itself in the sands in close proximity to the sea.
Moving troops in close proximity to an enemy is always dangerous, and military history supports that view.
When Grekov returned, Count Orlov-Denisov, excited both by the abandoned attempt and by vainly awaiting the infantry columns that still did not appear, as well as by the proximity of the enemy, resolved to advance.
Buy a proximity tester from your local hardware store and use it to make sure the circuit is dead.
Because of its central proximity to other larger cities, this quaint town gets a fair share of adventure travelers and college students.
The restaurant's proximity to the oceanfront means seafood and fish figure heavily in most menu offerings.
Notwithstanding the proximity of the two countries, there is not much parallelism between the data.
From the proximity of the mountains to the sea none of the rivers in this part of Italy has a long course, and they are generally mere mountain torrents, rapid and swollen in winter and spring, and almost dry in summer.
In this way we account most simply for the uniformity in the direction in which the planets revolve, and for the mutual proximity of the planes in which their orbits are contained.
Some of the Siberian forms, thus brought into proximity with the Indian flora, extend to the rainy parts of the mountains, and even to the plains of upper India.
The earliest known forms of intensive husbandry were based chiefly upon the proximity of rivers and irrigation.
If, owing to proximity to a town or otherwise, the prospective value were too high, the council might hire such land for the purpose of letting it.
It is equally true that, when under the influence of special local or other demand - proximity to towns, easy railway or other communication, for example - the products which would otherwise be retained on the farm are exported from it, the import of town or other manures is generally an essential condition of such practice.
The heart c lying in the pericardium is seen in close proximity to the renal organ, and consists of a single auricle receiving blood from the gill, and of a single ventricle which pumps it through the body by an anterior and posterior aorta.
On account of the shortness of the visceral loop and the proximity of the right visceral ganglion to the oesophageal nerve-ring, the nerve to the osphradium and olfactory ganglion is very long.
Lying to the east of the Euphrates, at once in close contact with the Armenians, and in near proximity to the great route of trade which came up the Euphrates to Rakka, and thence diverged to Antioch and Damascus, the county of Edessa had an eventful if brief life.
At the same time the relative proximity of three natural harbours, Peiraeus, Zea and Munychia, favoured the development of maritime commerce and of the sea power which formed the basis of Athenian hegemony.
These habitations would naturally in the first instance lie in close proximity to the western approach; after the building of the Pelasgicum they seem to have extended beyond its walls towards the south and south-west - towards the sea and the waters of the Ilissus.
Field spaniels are excellent shooting dogs, and are readily trained to give notice of the proximity of game.
A comparatively low cost of labour, the fact that labour is not, as in the days of slavery, that of unintelligent blacks but of intelligent free labourers, the centralized organization and modern methods that prevail on the plantations, the remarkable fertility of the soil (which yields 5 or 6 crops on good soil and with good management, without replanting), and the proximity of the United States, in whose markets Cuba disposes of almost all her crop, have long enabled her to distance her smaller West Indian rivals and to compete with the bounty-fed beet.
Its proximity to Athens and the islands of the Saronic gulf, the commercial advantages of its position, and the fame of its temple of Asclepius combined to make Epidaurus a place of no small importance.
The extraordinary numbers of utilizable water-powers, the unusual transport facilities affording ample means of reaching the great markets, and finally the proximity to the raw materials of manufacture, have made Minnesota of great importance as a manufacturing state.
The north-eastern portion of the Aegean, owing to its proximity to the coast of Thrace, was known as the Thracian Sea, and in this were situated the islands of Thasos, Samothrace and Imbros.
The wounded soldier was so dirty, coarse, and revolting that his proximity to the Emperor shocked Rostov.
Ermolov, Miloradovich, Platov, and others in proximity to the French near Vyazma could not resist their desire to cut off and break up two French corps, and by way of reporting their intention to Kutuzov they sent him a blank sheet of paper in an envelope.
Given its close proximity to the beach, the city is no stranger to visitors.
Favoured by its proximity to two great waterways and by its two ports, Nisaea on the Saronic and Pegae on the Corinthian Gulf, Megara took a prominent part in the commercial expansion of Greece from the 8th century onwards, and for two hundred years enjoyed prosperity out of proportion to the slight resources of its narrow territory.
The arm which moves round over the segments rotates at the rate of three revolutions per second, and is kept in motion by means of an iron toothed wheel, the rim of which is set in close proximity to the poles of an electromagnet.
In many of the Fungi the non-motile male cell or nucleus is carried by means of a fertilizing tube actually into the interior of the egg-cell, and is extruded through the apex in close proximity to the egg nucleus.
The Hamburg stations, connected with the other by the Verbindungs-Bahn (or metropolitan railway) crossing the Lombards-Brucke, are those of the Venloer (or Hanoverian, as it is often called) Bahnhof on the south-east, in close proximity to the harbour, into which converge the lines from Cologne and Bremen, Hanover and Frankfort-on-Main, and from Berlin, via Nelzen; the Klostertor-Bahnhof (on the metropolitan line) which temporarily superseded the old Berlin station, and the Lubeck station a little to the north-east, during the erection of the new central station, which occupies a site between the Klostertor-Bahnhof and the Lombards-Brucke.
But the proximity of the snarls behind told her she wasn't going to make it to the barn, either.
The arms that rescued her continued to cradle her gently, and what the fall had failed to do to her heart beat, his close proximity completed.
Had anyone else been that close, she would have felt her space was being invaded, but in this case the smell of his cologne and his close proximity increased her pulse.