Provincialism Sentence Examples
Politics, cleared of the cross-issues of provincialism and Maori warfare, took the usual shape of a struggle between wealth and radicalism.
In others it encourages a truculent provincialism which takes a perverse pride in stressing the peculiarity and complexities of our conflict.
Her language, however, shows little trace of Anglo-Norman provincialism.
Belgian writers were commonly charged with provincialism, but the prejudice against them has been destroyed by the brilliant writers of 1870-1880.
Burke and Goldsmith, coming later, though they might not call themselves Englishmen, were not less free from provincialism.
The Gospel and the First Epistle are written in correct and flowing Greek, and there is not a barbarism, a solecism, or a provincialism in them; whereas the Greek of the Apocalypse is inaccurate, disfigured by unusual or foreign words and even at times by solecisms."