Proves Sentence Examples
That only proves my point.
This series of operations proves the constitution of the acid.
We can prepare, in the laboratory, a white powder that proves to be calcium carbonate, that is, it appears to be wholly composed of carbon dioxide and lime.
The story of Nicodromus, while it proves the existence of a democratic party, suggests, at the same time, that it could count upon little support.; (2) Modern.
The Cosmological argument proves, with the help of the first-named intuition, that there is one great First Cause; and the Design argument shows the First Cause to be intelligent or personal.
Such an association proves that there is very little difference between the dog and the wolf in recognition of man as an object of affection and veneration.
Their condition only proves what squalidness may consist with civilization.
That proves it isn't the plants or location that are the cause of your visions.
The possession of an entocodon proves the medusa-nature of the bud,.
Palaeontological evidence conclusively proves that the surface of the earth has been successively occupied by vegetative forms of increasing complexity, rising from the simplest algae to the most highly organized flowering plant.
AdvertisementThere is no family of birds common to the Nearctic area and the Antillean subregion without occurring also in other parts of the Neotropical region, a fact which proves its, affinity to the latter.
The ease with which explicit invocations attach themselves to many of these apparently self-contained forms proves that there is not necessarily any perceived difference of kind, and that implicit address as towards a "something not-ourselves" is often the true designation of the latter.
That coat-armour has been lavishly granted and often assumed without right, that the word "gentleman" has acquired various secondary senses, proves nothing; that is the natural result of a state of things in which the status of gentry carries with it no legal advantage, and yet is eagerly sought after on social grounds.
The natives have also a remedy against the aggression of their rulers in their own hands; it is called Metilas, consists in a general rising and renunciation of allegiance, and proves mostly successful.
Next in date comes the huge temple G, which, as an inscription proves, was dedicated to Apollo; though it was never entirely completed (many of the columns still remain unfluted), it was in use.
AdvertisementThese words were calculated to inflame a people whom history proves to have been haughty and high-spirited, and the great Israel renounced its union with the small district of Judah.
This proves that the use of the mitre had been for some time established at Rome; that it was specifically a Roman ornament; and that the right to wear it was only granted to ecclesiastics elsewhere as an exceptional honour.
But while we have yet to wait for that expansion of principal triangulation which will bring Asia into connexion with Europe by the direct process of earth measurement, a topobetween graphical connexion has been effected between Russian Russ/an and Indian surveys which sufficiently proves that the and deductive methods employed by both countries for the Indian determination of the co-ordinate values of fixed points so surveys.
Mill remarks that the uncertainty hanging over the very elements of moral and social philosophy proves that the means of arriving at the truth in those sciences are not yet properly understood.
The minute structure of the epithelium which clothes it, as well as the origin of the nerve which is distributed to the parabranchia, proves it to be the same organ which is found universally in molluscs at the base of each gill-plume, and tests the indrawn current of water by the sense of ?,g smell.
AdvertisementIn the future Korea may become an important source of supply for Japan, especially if, as appears likely, Korea proves suited to the cultivation of American cotton.
The preface to the prose life of Cuthbert proves that he had stayed at Lindisfarne prior to 721, while the Epistle to Egbert shows that he had visited him at York in 733.
Still, the presence of dicotyledonous leaves, such as Magnolia alternans, in the Atanakerdluk strata, proves their close alliance with the Dakota series of the United States.
The power to bless in this ecclesiastical sense is reserved to priests alone; the blessing of the paschal candle on Holy Saturday by the deacon being the one exception that proves the rule, for he uses for the purpose grains of incense previously blessed by the priest at the altar.
There is a touch of Byron, Swinburne and even of Schopenhauer in many of his rubais, which clearly proves that the modern pessimist is by no means a novel creature in the realm of philo- sophic thought and poetical imagination.
AdvertisementOn the one hand, assuming the quartic to have the form 4xix 2, we find i=j=o, and on the other hand, assuming i=j=o, we find that the quartic must have the form a o xi+4a 1 xix 2 which proves the proposition.
He proves, by means of the six linear partial differential equations satisfied by the concomitants, that, if any concomitant be expanded in powers of xi, x 2, x 3, the point variables-and of u 8, u 2, u3, the contragredient line variables-it is completely determinate if its leading coefficient be known.
This experiment proves that the condition of magnetization is not confined to those parts where polar phenomena are exhibited, but exists throughout the whole body of the magnet; it also suggests the idea of molecular magnetism, upon which the accepted theory of magnetization is based.
It is all the more remarkable that the scorpion proves to be the oldest animal form of high elaboration which has persisted to the present day.
Privation had made a man of him, and in these little books he proves himself a poet of deep feeling and considerable power of expression.
That it was used also in official documents and ordinances is shown by copies of formularies of oaths, the import of which proves beyond a doubt that the originals belonged 1301- to the reigns of Louis I.
Herodotus adduces this to show how much the Scyths hated foreign customs, but with the things found in the graves it rather proves how strong was the attraction exercised upon the nomads by the higher culture of their neighbours.
Assur is there called A-usar(ki),2 in which combination the ending -ki ("land territory") proves that even at that early period there was a province of Assur more extensive than the city proper.
All in all the study of oriental costume down to the days of Hellenism proves to be something more than that of mere apparel, and any close survey of the evidence speedily raises questions which concern old oriental history and thought.
The Platonic testimony, if it proved anything, would prove too much, namely, that the doctrine of the unity of Being originated, not with Xenophanes, but before him; and, in fact, the passage from the Sophist no more proves that Plato attributed to Xenophanes the philosophy of Parmenides than Theaetetus, 160 D, proves that Plato attributed to Homer the philosophy of Heraclitus.
The large amount of building at this time proves that the citizens were wealthy.
Round's remarkable discovery among the manuscripts of the British Museum of the Oath of the Commune proves for the first time that London in 1193 possessed a fully developed " Commune " of the continental pattern.
If the property proves valuable the returns may be very great.
Even a Geisler's stop-cock requires to be lubricated to be absolutely gas-tight, and this occasionally proves a nuisance.
It is in this book that Hero proves the expression for the area of a triangle in terms of its sides.
In this neighbourhood fragments and lumps of glass are still constantly being dug up, and analysis proves that the glass contains a considerable proportion of magnesia.
Most of the pieces have evidently been made by casting, but the discovery of fragments of sheet-glass at Silchester proves that the process of making sheet-glass was known to the Romans.
This proves a temptation to the vermin too great to be resisted.
But this proves nothing because, in the case of distances so great, centuries or even thousands of years of accurate observation will be required to show any action.
The great variety in the apparent motions of meteors proves that they are not directed from the plane of the ecliptic; hence their orbits are not like the orbits of planets and short-period comets, which are little inclined, but like the orbits of parabolic comets, which often have great inclinations.
CeramicsAll research proves that up to the 12th century of the Christian era the ceramic ware produced in Japan was of a very rude character.
About 488 B.C. Anaxilas and the Samians occupied Zancle in the absence of Skythes, and it was then that the name was changed to Messene, as the existence of coins of the Samian type, bearing the new name, proves.
Thus, a number of copper-tin alloys when digested with hydrochloric acid leave the same crystalline residue, which on analysis proves to be the compound Cu 3 Sn.
The polygonal terrace wall at the back, on being cleared, proves to be covered with inscriptions, most of them concerning the manumission of slaves.
This proves the existence of two kinds of electricity, called positive and negative.
This experiment proves that when a charged body acts by induction on an insulated conductor it causes an electrical separation to take place; electricity of opposite sign is drawn to the side nearest the inducing body, and that of like sign is repelled to the remote side, and these quantities are equal in amount.
The creed of Niceta of Remesiana in Dacia proves that c. A.D.
Here they explored the Kuru, or Lhobrak Chu, which proves to be the largest river in Bhutan.
In the sequel Daniel proves to the king that the priests with their wives and children came in through privy doors and consumed the viands set before the god; and the king, angered at their trickery, slew them all and gave Bel over to Daniel for destruction.
The identical character of the pottery found in the sesi with that found in the prehistoric village proves that the former are the tombs of the inhabitants of the latter.
Though for many centuries they have thus been treated as separate compositions, we have abundant evidence that they were anciently regarded as forming but one book, and a careful examination proves that together with the book of Chronicles they constitute one single work.
But he proves that Nennius should be regarded as the compiler of the Historia proper (§§ 7-65).
Then the result proves that the values of the coordinates and momenta remain distributed in this way throughout the whole motion of the systems. Thus, if there is any characteristic which is common to all the systems after the motion has been in progress for any interval of time, this same characteristic must equally have been common to all the systems initially.
True, before differences can be united they must have been separated, but this merely proves that differentiation or analysis is only one factor in a single process.
Although the heliocentric system is not mentioned in the treatise, a quotation in the Arenarius of Archimedes from a work of Aristarchus proves that he anticipated the great discovery of Copernicus.
This proves the proposition.
The historical value of these lists is very unequal; a careful study of the names often proves the lateness of the source, although an appreciation of the principles of genealogies sometimes reveals important historical information; see Caleb, Genealogy, Judah.
The language of the people of Mosul is a dialect of Arabic, partly influenced by Kurdish and Syriac. The Moslems call themselves either Arabs or Kurds, but the prevalent type, very different from the true Arabian of Bagdad, proves the Aramaean origin of many of their number.
The recovery of its concluding sections in the same MS. which brought the Didache to light, proves beyond question that we have here the earliest extant sermon preached before a Christian congregation, about A.D.
The production of dates in Egypt, by bringing two kinds of flowers into contact, proves that in very remote periods some notions were entertained on the subject.
This proves once more the ancient capacity of the Greeks for the assimilation of foreign elements.
The inscription of Si-ngan-fu (before 781) proves a surprisingly widespread extension of the Christian faith in that country.
Though vigorous in thought and in some passages clear and eloquent, the style of the Systeme is diffuse and declamatory, and asserts rather than proves its statements.
The Eocene beds are nummulitic. There is a lacustrine group which has usually been placed in the Lower Eocene, but the discovery of Anthracotherium magnum in the interbedded lignites proves it to be Oligocene, in part at least.
There is no doubt but that in the Maccabean times and onward 218 was the shekel; but the use of the word darkemon by Ezra and Nehemiah, and the probabilities of their case, point to the daragmaneh, 1/60 maneh or shekel of Assyria; and the mention of 1/3 shekel by Nehemiah as poll tax nearly proves that the 129 and not 218 grains is intended, as 218 is not divisible by 3.
Recent discoveries of vertebrates are of the same significance, the most primitive fishes being traced to the Ordovician or base of the Silurian, 2 which proves that we shall discover more 2 Professor Bashford Dean doubts the fish characters of these Ordovic Rocky Mountain forms. Frech admits their fish character but considers the rocks infaulted Devonic.
Among still other causes are great bulk, which proves fatal under certain new conditions; relatively slow breeding; extreme specialization and development of dominant organs, such as horns and tusks, on which for a time selection centres to the detriment of more useful characters.
The archaeological and linguistic evidence proves also that a great part of Salvador and Honduras was once occupied by peoples of the Maya race - Pokomam, Chorti and perhaps other unknown tribes.
The De spectaculis and De idololatria show that Tertullian was already in a certain sense a Montanist before he formally went over to that creed; on the other hand, his De poenitentia proves that his earlier views on church discipline were much more tolerant than his later.
Surely, the harmony of these three moral gospels proves that Aristotle wrote them, and wrote the Eudemian Ethics and the Magna Moralia as preludes to the Nicomachean Ethics.
As regards the last point, the authority of Andronicus proves that he at all events did not exaggerate his own share in publishing Aristotle's works; but it does not prove either that this correspondence between Alexander and Aristotle took place, or that Aristotle called his philosophical writings acroamatic, or that he had published them wholesale to the world.
The sword in the perron (stone pillar or block), the withdrawal of which proves his right to the kingdom, is the sword of the Branstock.
But his whole career sufficiently proves him to have been a man of extraordinary qualities.
If any such circular or document sent to an infant purports to issue from any address named therein or indicates any address as the place at which application is to be made with reference to the subject matter of the document, and at that place there is carried on any business connected with loans, every person who attends such place for the purpose of taking part in or assisting in the carrying on of such business will be deemed to have sent or caused to be sent such circular or document, unless he proves that he was not in any way a party to and was wholly ignorant of the sending of such document.
Moreover, by section 5 of the Money-lenders Act 1900, where any proceedings are taken against the senders of these circulars to infants, if it is proved that the person to whom the document was sent is an infant, the person charged will be deemed to have been cognisant of the fact unless he proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing the infant to be of full age.
The fact that the addition of the term introduced by Ritz not only gives a more satisfactory representation of each series, but verifies the above relationship with a much closer degree of approximation, proves that Ritz's equation forms a marked step in the right direction.
The experiment proves only the transparency of the gases experimented upon, and this is confirmed by the fact that bodies like bromine and iodine give on heating an emission spectrum corresponding to the absorption spectrum seen at ordinary temperatures.
He is certain, however, that the law of substance somehow proves that conscious soul is a mere function of brain, that soul is a function of all substances, and that God is the force or energy, or soul or spirit, of nature.
The first question he answered from his imagination by supposing that, while the external world is stimulus of the nervous process, the nervous process is the immediate stimulus of the sensation, and that the sensation increases by a constant fraction of the previous stimulus in the nervous system, when Weber's law proves only that it increases by a constant fraction of the previous stimulus in the external world.
Shall we resign our traditional belief that the greater part of the world is mere body, but that its general adaptability to conscious organisms proves its creation and government by God, and take to the new hypothesis, which, by a transfer of design from God to Nature, supposes that everything physical is alive, and conducts its life by psychical impulses of its own?
Science, says the materialist, proves that all known things are material phenomena.
Yes, rejoins Lange, but Kant has proved that material are merely mental phenomena; so that the more the materialist proves his case the more surely he is playing into the hands of the idealist - an answer which would be complete if it did not turn on the equivocation of the word " phenomenon," which in science means any positive fact, and not a mere appearance, much less a mental appearance, to sense and sensory experience.
Wundt proves that all idealisms are in a way one.
The refusal of the emperor William to entertain this project shows that in such matters his judgment was more correct than that of his counsellor, and the incident proves that the latter had anything but a clear insight into the historical position.
However, we do hear of versions of Nestorian writers like Diodore of Tarsus being in circulation, and the Disputation of Archelaus proves that the current orthodoxy of eastern Armenia was Adoptianist, if not Ebionite in tone.
On the adjacent Borough Hill arc extensive earthworks, and the discovery of remains here and at Burnt Walls, immediately south, proves the existence of a considerable Roman station.
An inscription confirms the fact of the struggle between the native and the foreign soldiery, and proves that Apries was killed and honourably buried in the 3rd year of Amasis.
It proves to be a fine decorative potplant, and invaluable for forcing during the spring.
Protect fig-trees, if the weather proves frosty, as soon as they have cast their leaves.
This proves that the regular descent of the material in its pasty state can take place even in a space which is narrowing downwards.
The conduct of the king proves that he had a most sincere regard for the welfare of his the Academy of Science, and he consistently restrained the undue intervention of the church in secular affairs, and placed restrictions upon the accumulation of property in the hands of religious bodies.
Next to this comes the sanctuary of the Lares of the city, a square room with a large apse; and beyond this, as Mau proves, the small temple of Vespasian.
Pepys's often-quoted mention of the fact that on the 25th September 1660, "I did send for a cup of tee, a China drink, of which I never had drunk before," proves the novelty of tea in England at that date.
The evidence of Diogenes proves that it still subsisted as a school a century later, but its spirit lasted longer than its formal organization as a school.
Even the silence of Paul in the epistles of the captivity proves nothing except that Peter was not then present; the same is true of 2 Tim.
The Clementine literature throws light upon a very obscure phase of Christian development, that of JudaeoChristianity, and proves that it embraced more intermediate types, between Ebionism proper and Catholicism, than has generally been realized.
Rhymed prose was a favourite form of composition among the Arabs of that day, and Mahomet adopted it; but if it imparts a certain sprightliness to some passages, it proves on the whole a burdensome yoke.
The smallest detachment of our troops cannot pass through that district without meeting everywhere eager and exulting gratulations, the tone of which proves them to come from glowing hearts.
No siege engines are depicted, even in the time of the Empire,, and the absence of original representations after the XXth Dynasty renders it difficult to judge the advances made in the art of war during the first half of the last millennium Bc. The inscription of Pankhi, however, proves that in the 8th century approaches and towers were raised against the walls of besieged cities Priesthood.The priesthood was in a great degree hereditary, though perhaps not essentially so.
But precisely the example of Ammon proves the hopelessness of any attempt to change .the time-honored religious creed; his priests identified him with the sun-god Re, whose cult-centre was thus merely transferred a few hundred miles to the South.
And even in such distant parts as Central Asia the law founded on the conditions of the Prophet's lifetime proves so unsuited to modern life that cases are often referred to civil authorities rather than to canonical jurists.
At any rate a whole series of extant drawings enables us to trace the German gradually working out his own ideas of a canon of human proportion in the composition of his famous engraving of "Adam and Eve" (1504); which at first, as a drawing in the British Museum proves, had been intended to be an Apollo and Diana conceived on lines somewhat similar to one of Barbari's.
The epithet ha-zaken (" the elder"), which usually accompanies his name, proves him to have been a member of the Sanhedrin, and according to a trustworthy authority Hillel filled his leading position for forty years, dying, therefore, about A.D.
The knowledge that the deepest devotion underlies misunderstandings is often a very imperfect consolation; but such devotion clearly existed all through, and proves the defect to have been relatively superficial.
His diplomacy in France proves him to have been a man of education, and his honour is unimpeached; he never wavered, he never was liegeman of Edward, while bishops, nobles, and, above all, Bruce, perjured themselves and turned their coats again and again.
Nothing proves more clearly the firm adherence of the nation to the blood of Bruce, and the parliamentary II.
This statement, that the Christians of the 3rd and 4th centuries were in the habit of visiting Jerusalem for prayer, proves that the non-Christian conception of the religious pilgrimage had already entered the sphere of Christian thought.
This teaching leads to a conflict with certain Judaeans who seem to have come from Jerusalem, and it proves a severe test even to the faith of disciples.
The influence of a superior power upon the culture of a people cannot of course be denied; but history proves that it depends upon the resemblance between the two peoples and their respective levels of thought, and that it is not necessarily either deep or lasting.
During the changes from the 8th century onwards a nonmonarchical constitution naturally prevailed, first in the north and then in the south, and while in the north the mingled peoples of Samaria came to regard themselves as Israelite, the southern portion, the tribe of Judah, proves in I Chron.
In any case Joseph borrowed money from his friends in Samaria; and this point in the story proves that the Jews were supposed to have dealings with the Samaritans at the time and could require of them the last proof of friendship. Armed with his borrowed money, Joseph betook himself to Egypt; and there outbid the magnates of Syria when the taxes of the province were put up to auction.
The numerous objects of bronze and other metals brought to light by the excavations in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys, though mostly on a small scale, bear witness to the great skill and artistic power of the people who produced them; while the discovery of some bronze statuettes, shown by inscriptions on them to be not later than 2200 B.C., proves how early was the development of this branch of art among the people of Assyria.
The whole history of his researches proves how fully he was aware of the conditions necessary for the attainment of achromatism in refracting telescopes, and he may be well excused if he so long placed implicit reliance on the accuracy of experiments made by so illustrious a philosopher as Newton.
In the part of Herculaneum already excavated the corridors in the upper portions of the theatre are compactly filled, up to the head of the arches, with pozzolana and pumice transformed into tufa (which proves that the formation of this stone may take place in a comparatively short time).
This leaves no room for doubt that an invisible companion passes between us and Algol about the time the diminution of light takes place, and so proves the correctness of the explanation.
Heriot, the surrender of the best horse or ox, is also considered as the common incident of villein tenure, although, of course, its very name proves its intimate connexion with the outfit of soldiers (here-geatu).
Abstraction proves to be synthesis with compensatory universal marks in the place of the particular marks abstracted from.
With Lotze the ideal that at last the forms of thought shall be realized to be adequate to that which at any stage of actual knowledge always proves relatively intractable is an illuminating projection of faith.
Failure to catch or induce plague from clothing that has been worn by plague patients proves nothing.
The traditional idea of a barren middle r age and a single glorious renaissance proves false.
If it proves anything, it proves that Cynaethus, who was a Chian and a rhapsodist, made no claim to Homeric descent.
The single case of Ben Jonson sufficiently proves this.
Speaking generally, irrigation is essential to successful cultivation, but wherever irrigation is practicable the soil proves richly productive.
The recognition of even the most elementary rules has been a very slow process, as the course of financial history abundantly proves.
Theoretically, if both type and press were new, little or no preparation should be necessary, but practical experience proves that this need of preparation has not yet been entirely obviated and still remains an important factor.
This advice occurs even in classical and Chinese agricultural books as well as in those of our own day, and proves that the close adaptation of each variety or breed to the country in which it originated has always been recognized.
If the human race constitutes a single species, then the mere fact that man now inhabits every region, and is in each case constitutionally adapted to the climate, proves that acclimatization has occurred.
His poem is rather lyrical than narrative, which may account for some obscurities in the connexion of thought; but his alphabetic scheme proves that he designed twenty-two stanzas, not sixty-six detached couplets.
Stripped of the myth which had attracted so much attention to his name, Lucidor proves to be an occasional rhymester of a very low order.
This, however, proves nothing.
The Antiphonary of Bangor proves that Ireland accepted the Gallican version in the 7th century, and the English Church did so in the loth.
The lake-village discovered in 1892 proves that there was a Celtic settlement about 300-200 B.C. on an island in the midst of swamps, and therefore easily defensible.
At the same time it produces a poison which causes inflammation of the nerves, leading to paralysis, which sometimes proves fatal.
The employment of electricity, in long continued and intractable forms of neuralgia, proves in many instances eminently serviceable.
The undoubted reference to Juvenal in Sidonius Apollinaris as the victim of the rage of an actor only proves that the original story from which all the varying versions of the lives are derived was generally believed before the middle of the 5th century of our era.
On the other hand Jose Sim p es Dias broke with the Romantic tradition in which he had been educated, and successfully sought inspiration from popular sources, as his Peninsulares proves.
The probability is that Herod built an entirely new city; in fact, the circumstance that it was necessary to disturb an ancient graveyard proves that there were here no buildings previously.
The fact that every known geological formation (except the Miocene) is represented, proves of itself how long the history has been, and how multifarious the changes.
The intrinsic P equation is s =4a sin 4,, and the equation to the evolute is s= 4a cos 1P, which proves the evolute to be a similar cycloid placed as in fig.
His record of the relations between England and other states proves his thorough knowledge of contemporary European history, and is rendered specially valuable by his researches among manuscript sources which have enabled him to expound for the first time some intricate pieces of diplomacy.
In the civil war of Stephen's reign the county suffered severely; the great Roll of the Exchequer of 1165 proves the shire receipts had depreciated in value to two-thirds of the assessment for the Danegeld.
This did not satisfy the Radical Republicans, and on the issue of came of the plan, and the manner of its defeat proves that it could not possibly have been pushed to success The trouble over Lovejoy's printing office at St Louis (1833-1836) put an effectual end to the movement for emancipation.
Hinks, and includes the material from some hundreds of plates taken at twelve observatories; in general it may be said the discussion proves that the material is distinctly heterogeneous, and that in places where it would hardly be expected.
With all these precautions the best seed time is often missed, and this usually proves the prelude to a scanty crop, or to a late and disastrous harvest.
In 1915 the official massacre of Armenians occurred, but evidence conclusively proves that, though there were cases of Kurdish participation, the greater portion of the nation not only held aloof, but, as in the case of the Dersim Kurds (who actually saved 25,000 Armenians), displayed their repugnance to the Turkish orders in a practical manner.
Nothing proves more conclusively the strength of the Angevin monarchy, and the decreasing power of feudalism, than that an unpopular king like John.
Consequently, the presence of nearly allied groups of mammals in areas now separated by considerable stretches of sea proves that at no very distant date such tracts must have had a landconnexion.
But the very passage which proves the early origin of " quadragesima," conclusively shows how uncertain it was in its character, and how unlike the Catholic " Lent."
To complain of the over-subtlety of a theological adversary is a recognized move in the game; it may constantly be played in good faith; it proves little or nothing.
The dryness of the air proves very beneficial to persons suffering from pulmonary complaints.
Thomas Aquinas, for example, develops the Platonic Scholas- argument which proves the dependence of the will ticism.
For the very argument from the undeveloped possibilities of each man's character by which the determinist proves the compatibility of his theory with the phenomenon of sudden conversion and the like is sufficient also to prove that the state can never be sure that the punishments which it inflicts upon the individual will have the effect upon his character and conduct which it desires.
This immediate pleasure that we take in goodness (and displeasure in its opposite) is due to a susceptibility which he calls the " reflex " or " moral " sense, and compares with our susceptibility to beauty and deformity in external things; it furnishes both an additional direct impulse to good conduct, and an additional gratification to be taken into account in the reckoning which proves the coincidence of virtue and happiness.
The volcanic ash frequently proves extremely harmful, destroying the pastures so that the sheep and cattle die of hunger and disease.
The result was the publication, in 1349, of the Zakonik Tsara Dushana (Tsar Dushan's Book of Laws), a code of great historical interest which proves that Servia was not much behind the foremost European states in 1 Dushan is a term of endearment, derived from dusha, "the soul," and not, as formerly believed by Western philologists, from dushiti, " to strangle."
But commonly it proves to be extremely long and cumbrous, and modifications have to be resorted to.
Notwithstanding his vices and his lack of all solid capacity, there is no reason to suppose that Napper Tandy was dishonest or insincere; and the manner in which his name was introduced in the well-known ballad, "The Wearing of the Green," proves that he succeeded in impressing the popular imagination of the rebel party in Ireland.
The first line proves that this poem is not by D, who speaks invariably of Horeb, never of Sinai.
This appendix, containing, as it does, manifest traces of P, proves that even Deuteronomy was not put into its present form until after the exile.
All these ideas are the stuff of which myths are made, and the evidence of savage institutions, in every part of the world, proves that these ideas are the universal inheritance of savages.
Schwartz (Prahistorisch-anthropologische Studien) readily proves Cronus to be the storm, swallowing the clouds.
Any careful perusal of modern attempts to recover historical facts or an historical outline from the book will show how very inadequate the material proves to be, and the reconstructions will be found to depend upon an interpretation of the narratives which is often liberal and not rarely precarious, and to imply such reshaping and rewriting of the presumed facts that the cautious reader can place little reliance on them.
Nevertheless, though one cannot look to Genesis for the history of the early part of the second millennium B.C., the study of what was thought of the past, proves in this, as in many other cases, to be more instructive than the facts of the past, and it is distinctly more important for the biblical student and the theologian to understand the thought of the ages immediately preceding the foundation of Judaism in the 5th century B.C. than the actual history of many centuries earlier.
Selmi in 1864 proves that he was at this time so far attracted towards a religious life as to have joined the novitiate; but his father, who had other designs for him, seized the opportunity of an attack of ophthalmia to withdraw him permanently from the care of the monks.
But the continued existence of the obscure Suevic kingdom in the north-west, the effective independence of several districts, and the rule of others by the Roman senators, proves that the regions actually under Visigothic rule were not extensive.
Where the structure of the leaves is preserved it proves to be of an extremely simple type; the narrow lamina is traversed by a single vascular bundle, separated by a sheath from the surrounding palisadeparenchyma.
The structure of a Bothrodendron has recently been investigated and proves to be identical with that of the petrified stem which Williamson named Lepidodendron mundum.
In the case of Ullmannia the anatomical structure of the leaf, investigated by Solms-Laubach, proves at any rate that the tree was Coniferous.
It cannot be argued, however, that these were the only stars and constellations named in his time; the omission proves nothing.
We learn in them how Caliban (democracy), the mindless brute, educated to his own responsibility, makes after all an adequate ruler; how Prospero (the aristocratic principle, or, if we will, the mind) accepts his dethronement for the sake of greater liberty in the intellectual world, since Caliban proves an effective policeman, and leaves his superiors a free hand in the laboratory; how Ariel (the religious principle) acquires a firmer hold on life, and no longer gives up the ghost at the faintest hint of change.
I might add if this additional person were to join your ranks and proves acceptable in all ways, I'll allot the same financial benefits as you and your present group.
He may have only suspected a connection and his break-in no more than a fishing expedition but it proves his capabilities are admirable.
The elevation of long chain acyl carnitine reappeared in the F2 generation proves its heritability.
Proves tougher to know with three televisions airtime with major may also elicit.
It proves the old aphorism that if something looks too good to be true then it probably is.
It proves once again that learning low-level Apis in detail is still a good way to learn Windows programming.
It proves that owners can exercise absolute power irrespective of whether they possess the aptitude to run a company more successfully than its board.
I might get very quickly undone if it proves that *I* am easily bamboozled by brackets.
Wife of the worldwide media baron, Elliot Carver, Paris has a secret past which proves her undoing.
Research rarely proves things with 100 per cent certainty, there are always exceptions.
However, this proves to be no ordinary group therapy as events reach a nail-biting climax.
Now, in the first and only comprehensive history of this bitter controversy, Saul Cornell proves conclusively that both sides are wrong.
Features AC or battery powered The PDW-V1 can be AC or battery powered, a feature that proves convenient in the field.
Relative to the number of elements in the detector the discrete cosine proves inefficient, particularly with regard to modulation information.
Service technician Lewis Jackson, of Robin Hood Watersports, believes regular servicing often proves more economical than repair following a breakdown.
This call for learner involvement in formative and summative evaluation, however, proves problematic on two counts.
The year 2006 proves no exception and we extend our sincere thanks to the company for their continuing support and encouragement.
The mere existence of earlier registrations which you may feel are analogous to your case actually proves nothing.
The evidence proves to be quite favorable for the Markov switching model.
With a generous leg gusset, this wrap proves a good fit on most shapes of baby.
A local gymkhana, which Mariette wins, proves to be the final catalyst.
In her innocence she ruins all their plans and proves impervious to their attempts to bump her off.
Aimed at critics of the government, the Act proves impossible to enforce.
Where it proves impractical to test cull animals a full herd test must be carried out annually.
However, his claustrophobic world and the huge pressure to conform proves inescapable.
However, this characterisation proves to be too insubstantial for the promises of the minimal theory to be properly satisfied.
Regardless of whom I save, however, my choice proves nothing about the moral legitimacy of experimenting on animals.
The legacy of his work across the world proves that his faith and his efforts were not misdirected.
The movie proves again that you ca n't pigeonhole Spielberg into one genre or even one type of movie.
This tiny piglet who has been crushed to death by the mother proves this to be false.
For many students, the most valuable part of the course proves to be the six-week work placement within a relevant heritage tourism organization.
Training Research proves that good quality training helps retain and motivate staff as well as making businesses more productive.
If you think you have trouble with English punctuation, this book proves that the English have the same problem.
For non-UK residents this service often proves invaluable as Coddan are familiar with UK authorities and procedures.
Particle physicists at CERN have published the results of an experiment that conclusively proves Jimmy Saville cannot exist on Thursdays.
Brown proves himself as ever a master of detail, providing a superb analysis of public hall showman Sydney Carter's New Century Pictures.
Delatombe proves only a minor threat compared to the evil sorcery of the Mirror Queen.
A whole small whiting or half a dab proves the better bait for tope, rays and huss, especially the whiting.
The occurrence of a large number of common roots proves them to be derived from one source, but the great variety of dialects - sometimes unintelligible between tribes separated by only a few miles - cannot be explained except by supposing a vast period to have elapsed since their first settlement.
This has been achieved by employing a microphone transmitter at the sending end to vary the amplitude but not the wave-length of the emitted waves, and at the receiving end using an electrolytic receiver, which proves to be not merely a qualitative but also a quantitative instrument, to make these variations audible on a telephone.
Teignmouth (Tennemue, Tengemue) possessed a church of St Michael as early as 1044, when what is now East Teignmouth was granted by Edward the Confessor to Leofric, bishop of Exeter, and an allusion to salterers in the same grant proves the existence of the.
Trustworthy information also regarding the weather which may be expected in the north and east of India, is obtained at the islands, and this proves of the utmost value to the controllers of the great trades dependent upon the rainfall.
The modern apologist must do ephemeral work - unless it should chance that he proves to be the skirmisher, pioneering for a modified dogmatic. He holds a watching brief.
It would be erroneous to confuse the extant sources with the historical material which might or must have been accessible, or to assume that the antiquity of the elements of history proves or presupposes the antiquity of the records themselves, or even to deny the presence of some historical kernel merely on account of unhistorical elements or the late dress in which the events are now clothed.
Instead of seizing all provisions and burning what they could not remove, the Prussian generals enforced on their men the utmost forbearance towards the inhabitants, and the fact that they were obeyed, in spite of the inhumanity the people showed to their sick and wounded countrymen, proves that discipline was by no means so far gone as has generally been believed.
The Nicene Creed of the liturgies, often called the Constantinopolitan creed, is the old baptismal creed of Jerusalem revised by the insertion of Nicene terms. The idea that the council merely added to the last section has been disproved by Hort's famous dissertation in 1876.3 The text of the creed of the Nicene Council was based on the creed of Eusebius of Caesarea, and a comparison of the four creeds side by side proves to demonstration their distinctness, in spite of the tendency of copyists to confuse and assimilate the forms.4 Creed of Eusebius, A.D.
Philology proves that, though called " Canaanites " from having sojourned in that land, the Phoenicians have no racial connexion with the African descendants of Ham.
On the one hand, the general agreement everywhere between the Hebrew accounts and contemporaneous records from Mesopotamia proves beyond cavil that, broadly speaking, the Bible accounts are historically true, and were written by persons who in the main had access to contemporaneous documents.
This is strong evidence for the view that the archetype of B came from Alexandria or the neighbourhood, and was older than the time of Athanasius, but it scarcely proves that B itself is Alexandrian, for the order of epistles which it gives is also that adopted by the council of Laodicea in A.D.
If any individual blow proves to be too hot, it may be cooled by throwing cold " scrap " steel such as the waste ends of rails and other pieces, into the converter, or by injecting with the blast a little steam, which is decomposed by the iron by the endothermic reaction H20+Fe=2H+Fe0.
For the early period, on the other hand, he only proves how rapidly the tradition had degenerated since Herodotus; and here his narrations can only be utilized in isolated cases, and that with the greatest caution.
The most recent work of Egyptologists proves a systematic civilization to have existed in the valley of the Nile at least 6000 to 7000 years ago (see Chronology).
Euclid discusses them in the thirteenth book of his Elements, where he proves that no more regular bodies are possible, and shows how to inscribe them in a sphere.
But a low and smooth shore proves him shallow on that side.
History proves this at every turn.
I hope this proves to be a useful extension to their discussions, rather than just a rehash of old material !
This rumbustious farce proves Molière to be a master of the comedic genre.
Again, I do n't think this proves the Searchlight strategy is wrong, just that on its own it is insufficient.
John proves himself to be a cad, a bounder and a rotter, bedding whichever ladies his eye settles upon.
Brown proves himself as ever a master of detail, providing a superb analysis of public hall showman Sydney Carter 's New Century Pictures.
A teenage hacker stumbles across a file, which proves a hacker within a large corporation is siphoning money into a secret bank account.
Between outings, snorkeling off the beach proves very rewarding with a Hawksbill Turtle grazing the sea grass literally 25 yards from the shore.
The tidal wave of violence in Gotham proves to be the work of someone the Batman trusted.
In practice this proves to be quite difficult and severely limits the application of this simple two-step method.
There is a gift wrapping service which is often proves useful for those last minute rushes.
Absolutions are not commonly offered by officials when given evidence that proves a person's guilt.
Jacob's constant bad luck proves that karma is a myth because he is the kindest person I know.
I hope one or more of these suggestions proves useful.
Unspayed females may wail into the night or even go as far as to change their defecation habits so that the litter box proves less adequate than the carpet.
With fun games and a clever superhero motif, this site proves that reading can be cool!
If coping with a divorce proves to be difficult, consider seeking out help from a therapist.
Big Blo 1 Armchair - This luxurious option proves that inflatable furniture can look and feel high-end.
While there seems to be no concrete evidence that proves the curing abilities of the EPO oil, GLA and omega-6 fatty acids, studies are ongoing.
Until science proves otherwise, follow the package directions, don't use it if you are diabetic or pregnant, and talk to a doctor, naturopathic doctor, herbalist or nutritionist with any questions.
My book proves that, and many other raw chefs and people are creating amazing new recipes and products everyday.
For many scrapbookers, organizing patterned paper proves to be a tricky task.
These are jeans for everyone, and their availability proves the point.
Men tend to lean more towards gift certificates or electronic gifts, which once again proves the difference between males and females!
If this proves too difficult, you may try to substitute a beverage with less caffeine for your usual choice.
Born in 1943, Jagger proves rock 'n' roll isn't only for the young.
Rebecca Jarvis may have come in second to Randal Pinkett, but she proves she's a true winner.
The Duchess of Cambridge is the last person you'd expect a wardrobe malfunction from, but this incident proves that no celebrity is immune from such occurrences.
The Martha Stewart biography proves that business savvy, combined with talent and a strong work ethic, can make the American dream come true.
Scott Baio's Twitter rage further proves the point that some people just need their Twitter taken away.
This proves that acting ability isn't limited by or dependent on appearance, background, or genes.
The recent rise of the Yorkie proves that many modern dog owners prefer a portable, pint-sized pet that fits their modern, fast-paced lifestyle.
Experience proves, however, that it revels in cool rich loam and leaf soil, and flowers profusely when with these are associated broken sandstone, over which the rhizomes creep and flower.
O. Halleri has charming, compact flowers, of as deep a blue as that of the Gentians, and proves a manageable plant in the rock garden in deep moist loam.
In spite of the group's frivolity, the quality of their music proves they are serious contenders for the best American band of the 2000s.
Obtain copies of certification from manufacturers that proves your appliances or products meet the minimum energy requirements.
Consider hiring a professional if the project proves to be too much for you to handle on your own.
Delta Burke proves polka dots can be a little sexy, too!
Unfortunately, finding plus size Dallas Cowboys lingerie proves a bit more challenging.
It may sound like a simple concept, but one glance at a crowd anywhere in the world proves that not everyone actually heeds it.
The selection at this online lingerie store proves otherwise.
After 30 days, if the mask proves to be too uncomfortable with no indication of getting used to it, then it's time to try a new mask.
Psychoanalysis, including dream interpretation, proves to be too exhaustive and potentially ineffective.
Once again, Aspex Eyewear proves the doubting Thomas wrong thanks in large part to Easy Twist.
Again accentuating the unisex appeal of this type of eyewear, Ellen proves that women can wear this style without being overly girly or over the top.
Morrowind proves that you can have smooth graphics and in-depth gameplay without pushing the limits of Big Green; Test Drive says that you can combine fast racing and excellent looks with no slowdown or jaggedness.
Still, this proves no help.At this point the problem could be any number of PS3 troubleshooting evils.
Not everyone will choose to take advantage of these features, but the fact that they are present just proves how much loving care went into the crafting of this masterpiece.
The graphics of all the Soul Caliber games have been exceptional and viewing the screenshots and videos of the game in action proves SC3 is right on track.
WarioWare proves that minigames are fun no matter if you're good or evil.
World of Goo proves that you don't need a multi-million dollar budget to create a simple and addictive game.
There is no definitive data that proves that exposure to video game violence is detrimental to normal children or teens.
All teenagers with amenorrhea should seek medical care, and an adolescent who has had sexual intercourse even once and then missed a period should assume she is pregnant until a reliable pregnancy test proves otherwise.
Retinal surveillance should be performed unless DNA testing proves that their child does not possess the RB1 gene change/deletion.
Influenza is a serious disease, and approximately one in 1,000 cases proves fatal.
Having such names on your resumé proves that you've received a high-caliber level of instruction.
This discovery about the psychological effect on workers is an excellent example of how basic feng shui principles founded in ancient theories that later science proves them to be true.
You can mix funky with red carpet, as Halle Berry's spunky ponytail here proves.
As the newest crop of short hair trends proves, women don't have to settle for masculine cuts when it comes to sporting less lengthy locks.
If you're seeking flattering forty something women's hair styles, throw caution to the wind and opt for any of these longer or shorter styles for a look that proves beauty has no age limits.
Helen Mirren proves that a bob can make thin, fine hair look thicker.
If the bank proves that they hold the mortgage note and that the homeowner has failed to pay, the process continues.
In many cases, a couple conceives as a result of luck rather than judgement, which proves that rigorous timing and monitoring is not always necessary.
Fears of infection and other complications may deter some women, though research proves the IUD does not increase risks of infections and does not cause infertility (as previously supposed).
Dr. George Markle prides himself on being approachable to any type of dental patient, and he proves that by posting a video of his practice on the front page of his website.
As for the question, Who designed the Golden Gate Bridge?, the answer proves to be more of a committee than a single individual.
Dropsy is caused by a bacterial infection that almost always proves deadly to the fish.
The recent Miami Fashion Week extravaganza proves that a cut out bathing suit monokini is the next hot thing in swimwear.
Our G string bikini gallery proves that just a little bit of Lycra can bring you a lot of attention.
Longitude's Macrame one piece proves that black doesn't have to equal boring.
Megan's side and back tattoo is on full display, and once again, the addition of water, this time in the form of a melting ice cube, proves to be the perfect prop.
Raven proves that a curvy girl can have a successful career in a business that's heavily invested in looks and she's done it without baring all - or anything.
Selena Gomez, as her television series proves, is a talented up-and-comer who also happens to look fantastic in a bikini.
The other two suits are one-pieces, which Serena Williams proves can be sexy without being minimalist.
It is possible to find a dress with a built-in belt, but if this proves impossible, go with a dress that features a waist-side bow.
Banish all thoughts of fuzzy, snowflake-adorned sweaters from your mind; those may have their time and place on occasion, but today's winter wear proves that a woman can be both stylish and warm even in the coldest conditions.
A long and lean maxi dress proves that chic summer dresses come in all lengths.
The warranty excludes gaskets, knobs, valves and pumps, unless the consumer proves these pieces were defective at purchase.
This proves his self-esteem is low and mine is at times too.
As with all celebrity rings, it has both admirers and critics, but the simple fact that the ring is noticed by so many proves that it serves its purpose of highlighting the love two people share and announcing that love to the world.
The biggest mistake I see couples making when shopping for an engagement ring is basing their decision on a piece of paper that proves their diamond is certified.
Yet Vittadini proves time and time again that she knows when to halt her creativity.
Though it doesn't necessarily meet the credentials of a formal bag, it proves just how dominant the embroidery craze has become in recent years.
Made with durable materials and great style, Quiksilver proves you don't have to shell out a lot of cash to stay looking great.
Potential thieves typically attempt to steal handbags and wallets that are easily accessible, but theft proves much more difficult with a cross-body bag design such as the Buxton organizer.
One glance at these stylish bags proves just how much attention to detail, color, and design is put into each style.
Just a glance at Kiely's vibrant designs proves she has a great affinity for intriguing shapes, cheerful motifs and vibrant hues.
Their intellectual natures can also lead to periods of boredom, especially if Virgo proves to be the dominant partner and reigns in Gemini too much.
The existence of Bollywood, however, and its emphasis on Bollywood babes, proves that we are more alike than we may realize.
Paranormal investigators attempt to use various tests and tools to prove that ESP exists, but to date, no rigorous scientific research proves that ESP in humans is a fact. proves that England has its fair share of spooky ghost stories.
Even though a scary clip of a ghost may not explain where the phenomenon comes from, it proves that the event is not just in your own imagination.
It just proves that a woman doesn't have to go overboard or reveal too much of anything in order to look alluring.
Outlets are great for the best sales, but their inventory goes a lot quicker than department or retail stores, so it's good to have a few other options if your outlet search proves unsuccessful.
The non-marking rubber sole of the Sling King proves this water shoe can adapt to wet or dry environments.
The University of Tennessee-Martin Rodeo Team wears the Cowboy Certified boots, which proves that they are durable enough to hold up during the most rigorous activities.
Of course, the spoilers are teasers and Soap Central doesn't share specifics, only generalities like "Sonny proves that he's even more dangerous than ever."
The long running soap proves its popularity and success by holding the title of number one soap opera in the United States since its 1988-1989 season.
He and Ephram become friends, but Colin's increasingly erratic behavior proves something is wrong with him.
Back in Everwood, Amy reluctantly agrees to help Ephram locate the baby, but the matter proves fatal for their relationship and they break-up.
MaryAnn proves to Sam that she can control his patrons, even if she can't control him.
If the love proves to be a lasting one, you can ask your tattoo artist to add more petals to alter the rose into full bloom.
If choosing your design proves difficult, try combining your Gemini symbol with Chinese astrological art of the animal that represents you, which is defined by the year you were born.
Kat Von D is not only an inspiration to the entire tattoo industry, her success and passion in her craft proves that commitment and professionalism in any field can be rewarding.
While body branding is an extreme form of modification that may only appeal to a select group, the rise in popularity of this technique proves it may be worth considering if you want an alternative to a ink.
A Chinese visa is a stamp on your passport that proves that you have been granted permission by the Chinese authorities to enter, transit through and exit China.
This men's watch proves its skin with Certificate of Authenticity.