Prototype Sentence Examples
It is the prototype of all lighthouses in the world.
The prototype is believed to suffer whatever is done to the image.
Now it is felt the time is right to develop the prototype further.
The chief interest of the mosque at Kairawan lies in its being the prototype of the great mosque at Cordova, which was built by Abdarrahman in A.D.
For instance, the construction of a prototype spreadsheet simulation will allow you to develop a scenario for the student to attempt.
The overhanging leaf sees here its prototype.
Despite missing two of the first 10 races, Braun currently ranks sixth in the Daytona Prototype championship standings.
A prototype temperature controller was produced, small enough to fit into the handle of the seaming iron.
Its skull can be taken as the prototype of all tetrapod skulls.
Plus we have arguably the ultimate " geek bling " prize for the producer of the winning prototype.
AdvertisementCoded Arms for PSP is your bare-bones prototype for future First Person Shooters on Sony's handheld system.
Siegfried, to be sure, is buried with all the pomp of medieval Catholic rites; but Kriemhild, while praying for his soul like a good Christian, plots horrible vengeance like her pagan prototype.
Observe the prototype in line 4 where the second variable has an ampersand in front of the variable name.
A prototype 5.7-litre pushrod V-8 engine featuring hemispherical combustion chambers and two spark plugs per cylinder powers the Super8.
The performance of the technology will be proved in the form of Internet-accessible prototype demonstrators.
AdvertisementThe prototype is being built entirely in wood epoxy.
Some of us kids also made a prototype skateboard with a large book on a single skate.
For the prototype objects B and C the results are similar with the pairwise geometric histogram and with the simple shape descriptors.
They chased government grants to build huge, high technology prototype machines.
It is easy enough for you to make your code work by moving the definition of struct mumble above the prototype.
AdvertisementAs a matter of implementation pragmatism, this should be left out of the first prototype, and made a goal for later.
Process medical patient data to enable rapid prototype 3-D medical models to be created.
A functional prototype of an SRA was demonstrated at the conclusion of the project.
A proof-of-concept prototype to demonstrate the viability of the scheme is described.
Sonyâs developments in artificial intelligence have also allowed us to develop QRIO, the prototype humanoid robot.
AdvertisementA prototype system has proved robust enough to work with.
Get 100% completion in career mode to unlock the prototype mods for all cars in career mode and Extreme Nitrous Series in Arcade mode.
It's not a fully developed game, but BIOME can act as an excellent prototype for what you can expect when Spore arrives in stores.
In July 2004, Lunar was granted access to the final tranche of funding to complete the Prototype design.
The formant structure of the nasal prototype has little effect on the nasal percept when it is preceded by a vowel.
The culmination of a series of trials was the first prototype of a Harwood automatic wristwatch.
His father, a Genoese, who had established himself as a grocer and had married a Frenchwoman named Massabie, is said to have been his son's prototype in vigour and fluency of speech.
The mosque of Sidi Okba is the prototype of many other notable mosques (see Mosque).
After completing the prototype, I suggested we put a lot of color into the bottle caps that were to become the fabric, so that the suit made sense with our other very colorful prints and solid colors.
The first prototype of the modern swim trunk was created by Jantzen and weighed nine pounds when wet.
The styles mentioned above are by no means the only types of revealing looks available to swim lovers, but one should keep in mind that these styles are the basic prototype of most swimsuits.
Still, it was the prototype that would eventually be reduced to the extremely brief bikinis that exist today.
After the invention of the type of first simple prototype toaster, the history of the toaster becomes a bit confusing and it is somewhat unclear who invented the toaster as you know it today.
After you have completed your initial testing and finalized your game concept, you need to develop a prototype of your game.
Test your prototype with your prior testers and add new testers to give you a fresh outlook.
Design to show - It's easier to describe the game to a designer or a potential investor if you can show a design prototype.
Keep in mind most supermarket bakeries follow a prototype for their cake designs and don't venture too far off the path when preparing your cake.
There is a video on which you can see a SpeakJet box (the prototype for the Talker kit) being used by Rob Fitzgerald of the Dead Science Podcast.
This prototype was Sperry's vision of a sturdy, stable shoe that would easily combat even the harshest elements.
A new, high-performance athletic shoe from this well-known company is the Under Armour Prototype.
These Under Armour Prototype cross trainers have been designed in three styles - the Proto Power, the Proto Speed, and the Proto Evade.
The Prototype Trainers are also equipped with the HeatGear Moisture Transport System to keep feet cool even during intense workouts.
If you're not sure which prototype is best for your needs, Under Armour has developed a unique Prototype Engine that gives you a recommendation based on your input for several types if information.
The UA Prototype footwear is scheduled to be released in May 2008, when they will be available at major athletic shoe stores and sporting goods stores nationwide, as well as via the Under Armour website and online retailers.
You can pre-order the shoes by visiting the Prototype Pre-Order page of the Under Armour website.
The new Prototype commercial received plenty of publicity with its airplay during the 2008 Superbowl.
Whether the commercial receives accolades or not, Under Armour has proven itself to be a strong brand with a reputation for quality - and for many, that's reason enough to be wear the latest Under Armour Prototype footwear.
Then the company continued construction on the rest of the shoe, and developed the first prototype of its now famous shoe - the Masai Sensor.
Then, a prototype of the watch is created and any problems are fixed.
In 1928, Jean-Léon Reutter, a Swiss engineer, built the first Atmos prototype, which used a mercury-in-glass expansion device that utilized temperature alone rather than temperature combined with atmospheric pressure.
The original sports bra prototype was basically constructed out of two jockstraps that were cut up and then sewn together.
The surprise attack on Caprica eliminated all the daggits so making the prototype is a good thing because many citizens wanted to replace their recently lost daggits.
Marvin is a GPP prototype android created by author Douglas Adams for his The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.
The idea to connect with people around us lingered- and a few months later we started on the prototype which would later develop into City Chatter.
The so-called "hard boiled hat" patented by the Bullard company was the prototype for the modern hard hat and internal suspension that would become synonymous with factory safety. is a prototype created to learn where your site ranks on Google, Yahoo, and MSN based on certain keywords.
In Philo, Alexandrian Judaism had already seized upon Plato as " the Attic Moses," and done its best to combine his speculations with the teaching of his Jewish prototype.
The pandean pipes continued in favour with the rustic populations of the West long after the organ evolved from it had eclipsed this humble prototype.
The letters, which are a form of the Indian Sanskrit characters of that period, follow the same arrangement as their Sanskritic prototype.
This brief sketch may be taken as the prototype of viking invasion of any region of western Christendom which was the object of their continuous attacks.
When of one cable, called the taravita, the passenger and his luggage are drawn across in a rude kind of basket suspended from it; but when two or more cables are used, transverse sticks of bamboo and reeds are laid upon them, forming a rude prototype of the regular suspension bridge.
Khian, the powerful but obscure Hyksos king of Egypt, whose prenomen might be pronounced Sweserenre, is perhaps a possible prototype, for objects inscribed with his name have been found from Bagdad to Cnossus.
He had such pains that he expected to burst asunder like Judas, whom he regarded as his prototype.
When they saw the prototype they began to take it more seriously, but still balked at spending money on development.
Welcome to this, the first CD-ROM based Instruction and Prototype Guide which we have developed.
Three prizes attracted even more competitors than the prototype quiz offered in 2004.
A prototype version of the multisource decoder was reported in Barker et al.
For Faust, he uses three different prototype dulcimers, including a microtonal dulcimer of his own design.
In order to rigorously evaluate the efficacy of this approach, they have developed a prototype " vaccine " for allergies triggered by cats.
Toyota's Rav 4 prototype uses a metal hydride to carry hydrogen in solid form.
The prototype that most readily suggests itself is the Old testament patriarch Joseph.
These illustrate the design skills of the children and the diversity of games that have resulted from children playing in our prototype playgrounds.
The National Reading Panel Results I have constructed a fairly detailed prototype despite the lack of direct evidence from experimental research on reading methods.
Finally, section 2 shows how this model has been put into practice through the use of an experimental prototype.
Going Beyond the ' Complexity Effect ' with an Agent-Based Computational prototype.
It can also include the creation and testing of a pre-production prototype.
It's probably best to prototype new functions, not retrofit prototyping into older ones.
Results A prototype of the endovascular simulator was implemented on an SGI O2 machine running IRIX 6.3.
Such a novel mode of action was believed to make taxol a prototype for a new class of anticancer drugs.
The project progressed as far as prototype tooling before it was canned.
We in Jodrell Bank have submitted a proposal to PPARC to construct and built an SKA prototype array for pulsar timing observations.
It 's probably best to prototype new functions, not retrofit prototyping into older ones.
Rapid tooling techniques can be used to turn a non-functioning model of a part into a functional prototype.
The design was verified using six sigma design of experiments on prototype 4+4 impression two-shot molding.
He went to his product team and asked how long it would take to build a prototype.
In 1981, Sony built the first digital camera prototype, called the Mavica.
In 1975, Steve Sasson of the Eastman Kodak company built the first digital camera prototype.
The orange color originated from leftover orange resin during the prototype phase and is now even trademarked.
Alba was selected by show creator James Cameron out of 1,200 hopefuls for the part of Max Guevera - the so called "genetically enhanced superhuman prototype" around whom the show's plot revolved.
Complete all of the series in Arcade Mode (except for the Extreme Nitrous Series) to unlock Gold, Silver, and Bronze Prototype Challenge Series.
Well, as we look toward the pending launch of another major game, BIOME is meant to be a prototype or trial version of one aspect of that game.
In the meantime, enjoy the free "prototype" demo of BIOME.
As an original founder of the Xbox, he guided the way for the prototype and development.
Erythromycin, the prototype of this class, has a spectrum and use similar to penicillin.
In a study conducted in February of 2008 by these scientists, a plane that was 2.8 inches long and 2 inches wide flew as a prototype.
Specially designed headgear was invented for the job, which became the prototype for today's hardhat.
Very different is the medieval theory, which arose from the gradual acceptance of the belief that the Jewish was the prototype of the Christian priest.
This remark applies especially to the statement of Thomas Ardsruni, 2 that Moses, like his Hebrew prototype, lived to the age of 120 years, and recorded his own death in a fourth book of his great work.
It is therefore necessary first to examine the nature and characteristics of her Eastern prototype, and then to see how far they reappear in the Greek Aphrodite.
Like her oriental prototype, the Greek Aphrodite was closely connected with the sea.
It invaded all the markets of western Europe, and became the prototype of the gold issues of the Netherlands, Scotland, and even parts of Germany It is in the latter years of Edward III.
Judson was perhaps the greatest, as he was practically the first, of the many missionaries sent from the United States into foreign fields; his fervour, his devotion to duty, and his fortitude in the face of danger mark him as the prototype of the American missionary.
That the benu is the prototype of the phoenix is further confirmed by the fact that the former word in Egyptian means also "palm-tree," just as the latter does in Greek.
The article also describes a second project where a group of young entrepreneurs who look as if they could be in a garage band are fitting deceptively innocent-looking hardware into a prototype 'Internet in a suitcase.'
Worcester, his crowning victory, has been indicated by a German critic as the prototype of Sedan.
Not merely as exemplifying the tactical envelopment, but also as embodying the central idea of grand strategy, was Worcester the prototype of Sedan.
In Moses (q.v.) was seen the founder of Israel's religion and laws; in Aaron (q.v.) the prototype of the Israelite priesthood.
Power such as this was never wielded by his prototype, Charlemagne.
The "Regency portable fountain," patented in 1825 by Charles Plinth, was the prototype of the modern siphon, from which it differed in having a stopcock in place of a spring valve.
The count of the stable, originally the imperial master of the horse, developed into the "illustrious" commander-in-chief of the imperial army (Stilicho, e.g., bore the full title as given above), and became the prototype of the medieval constable.
The prototype of the historico-literary periodical may be discovered in La Clef du cabinet des princes de l'Europe (1704-1706), familiarly known as Journal de Verdun, and carried on under various titles down to 1794.
From the same group of myths must be derived the idea of the goddess who descends to the under-world, and is there taken prisoner against her will by the lower powers; the direct prototype of this myth is to be found, e.g.
It is possible that the relations between the sexes - in this prototype of Rabelais's Abbey of Theleme - were not entirely what is termed Platonic. But there is on the other hand scarcely a doubt that the tales of licentiousness circulated by opponents are groundless.
A year later he noticed that spongy platinum in presence of oxygen can bring about the ignition of hydrogen, and utilized this fact to construct his "hydrogen lamp," the prototype of numerous devices for the self-ignition of coal-gas burners.
The fate of the individual in this combination of planets with the zodiac was made dependent not merely upon the planet which happened to be rising at the time of birth or of conception, but also upon its local relationship to a special sign or to certain signs of the zodiac. The zodiac was regarded as the prototype of the human body, the different parts of which all had their corresponding section in the zodiac itself.
Hibil's contest with darkness has its prototype in Marduk's battle with chaos, the dragon Tiamat, which (another striking parallel) partially swallows Marduk, just as is related of Hibil and the Manichaean primal man.
The early history was rendered unquiet at times by wars with the Indians, the chief of which were the Pequot War in 1637, and King Philip's War in 16 75-7 6; and for better combining against these enemies, Massachusetts, with Connecticut, New Haven and New Plymouth, formed a confederacy in 1643, considered the prototype of the larger union of the colonies which conducted the War of American Independence (1 7758 3).
Ultramontanism regards the state, not as a divinely established order but, like its ancient prototype, as a profane institution and, for that reason, not co-ordinate with, but subordinate to the Church.
Gilgamesh's conquest of the divine bull was placed under Taurus; his slaying of the tyrant Khumbaba (the prototype of Geryon) in the fifth month typified the victory of light over darkness, represented in plastic art by the group of a lion killing a bull, which is the form ordinarily given to the sign Leo on Ninevite cylinders.
Rich as its romanceiro is, its volume is far less than the Spanish, but the cancioneiros remain to prove that the early love songs of the whole Peninsula were written in Portuguese, while the primitive prose redaction of Amadis, the prototype of all romances of chivalry, was almost certainly made in Portugal, and a native of the same country produced in the Diana of Montemor (Montemayor) the masterpiece of the pastoral novel.
She has much in common with the oriental prototype of Aphrodite, and the Cappadocian goddess Ma, another form of Cybele.
The most interesting of the seven tales is the fourth, the story of the Russian princess, in which we recognize at once the prototype of Gozzi's well-known Turandot, which was afterwards adapted by Schiller for the German stage.
Hadrian's policy in this respect was matched later on by the edict of the caliph Omar (c. 638), who, like his Roman prototype, prevented the Jews from settling in the capital of their ancient country.
By later Judaism, which fixed its attention chiefly on the altar scene, he was regarded as the pattern and prototype of all martyrs.
But, being Buddhas, they were supposed to have their Bodhisats; and thus out of the five last Buddhas of the earlier teaching there grew up five mystic trinities, each group consisting of one of these five Buddhas, his prototype in heaven the Dhyani Buddha, and his celestial Bodhisat.