Protein Sentence Examples
Protein is carefully balanced with vegetables and grains.
She always starts out her day with a protein shake because it will satisfy her hunger until lunch.
Scientists are conducting more research on the structure of the protein.
This is especially unfortunate because a major crop in Africa, grain sorghum, has a somewhat indigestible protein which our bodies have a hard time metabolizing.
When he said he was becoming a vegetarian, his parents were worried he wouldn't get enough protein in his diet.
This is exactly the kind of problem geneticists can sink their teeth into, so to speak, to make the protein in this grain digestible.
The thin filament is made of a protein called actin.
The thick filament is made of a protein called myosin.
In MS, damage or scarring occurs to the myelin sheath a layer of fatty protein that protects the nerves.
Carrageenan copper finings help to settle out malt protein and the hop bed is used to filter the hopped wort.
AdvertisementThe cell monolayers will also be employed in transport studies to investigate the ability of ZOT to facilitate protein transport across the tight junctions.
There was no indication that any of the protein kinase genes was frequently mutated in this set of breast cancer samples.
Importantly, in rare families, a gene mutation has been shown to cause the abnormal build up of tau protein in the brain.
Davis came from the " high protein " generation which preceded today's high carbohydrate orthodoxy.
Virus resistant papaya derived from tissues bombarded with the coat protein gene of papaya ringspot virus.
AdvertisementThe gene that underlies this disorder encodes a muscle protein called dystrophin.
In both cases, protein of Mr ca 10,000 constituted approximately 40% of these secreted proteins.
The purified protein is active toward histone H1, demonstrating phosphorylation of the protein.
Research on human tissues has confirmed that people of all genetic types can have the rogue prion protein responsible for the disease.
The hybridization data are consistent with partial sequence analysis of the AC1 gene and the capsid protein gene.
AdvertisementNephritis ranges from asymptomatic proteinuria (presence of protein in the urine) to sudden onset of renal insufficiency.
Contains sprouted quinoa (high in amino acids and minerals) and sprouted millet (high protein ).
An enzyme is a highly active protein that accelerates a chemical reaction.
Used in various vegetarian recipes; tests found traces of GM maize H & B soya protein mince What is it?
Low protein diets during early pregnancy in rats were found to significantly reduce birth weight of pups.
AdvertisementUnderlying molecular defect CF is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein.
Feeding A high protein diet is required for these fish, with live foods being particularly relished.
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The structure was solved by molecular replacement using the same protein solved in a different space group.
In the present case index I will refer to our particular cationic nitrogen in our particular lysine residue in our particular protein Target molecule.
I am currently drinking some rather revolting protein drinks twice a day to help build me up.
Within these cells is a pigment called rhodopsin which is a complex of opsin, a protein, and retinol.
For another example, see notes on the protein rhodopsin.
For example, tetracycline binds to bacterial ribosomes, which make proteins, and in doing so hinders protein production.
Our research interests focus on understanding the process by which genetic information is translated by the ribosome into protein.
A gene fragment, coding for the coat protein of the virus, is introduced into cells of healthy grapevine rootstock.
The ruminant feed ban prohibited the inclusion of ruminant protein in ruminant rations.
At the first appointment, you will usually be asked to bring a urine sample which will be tested for the presence of protein.
These diets are also said to help food cravings and help fill you up as protein foods promote satiety.
Use an acidic liquid - lemon juice, soy sauce, vinegar, or broth - to break down the tough protein fibers.
In both instances the residues of the protein kinases that are dephosphorylated are situated within the activation segment of the kinase.
The new therapy uses a known anti-cancer gene called p53, which makes a protein that triggers the self-destruction of cancer cells.
The protein was then purified and used to immunize rabbits to raise polyclonal sera.
Lifting the ban on fishmeal in ruminant feeds would play a significant role in making up the anticipated shortfall in protein.
Some spiders may consume it, for the protein in spider silk is not to be wasted.
A peak average protein sequence similarity of 80% was seen at a Tanimoto similarity score of 0.9.
Needle wheel protein skimmer - with Ocean Runner PH 2000 pump.
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Protein rich foods make you feel more alert and help combat afternoon sleepiness.
The structure was solved by molecular replacement using the same protein solved by molecular replacement using the same protein solved in a different space group.
Personalized Protein Powder This powerful product adds 100% soy and whey protein to your daily nutrition.
Later I walked back in and said, " Sorry to have had a soy protein spaz on you.
X-ray crystallography can thus be used to determine three-dimensional protein structures.
Consequently a 2D protein substructure search can be more easily carried out via a Sequence Search (see Section 3.1 ).
Protein substructures are displayed in blue, ligand substructures in black and water atoms in pink in the sketcher window.
Evolution of the serum amyloid A (SAA) protein superfamily.
Other yet undiscovered genes outside the prion protein gene locus might also confer susceptibility.
Canada Geese at the sympatric and allopatric sites ingested higher protein plant material than White-fronts at the sympatric site.
In some cases the protein leak may be large enough to cause nephrotic syndrome.
Scientists still don't why, but NO stimulates protein synthesis in the muscle.
They may have helped protein synthesis in a couple of key ways.
In particular, we have studied by DFS the role of tryptophan residues in membrane protein anchoring using synthetic WALP peptides.
The neurofibrillary tangles -- which look like knotted string -- are mostly made up of a protein called tau.
Each filament is made up of many molecules of a protein called tau.
Pick's disease is thought to be due to a build up in the brain of an abnormal form of the protein tau.
A high protein diet boosts your body's supplies of an amino acid called taurine.
This record shows that the carboxy terminus of a protein chain has been reached.
In my protein, PCA is indeed found at the amino terminus.
Protein topology pattern searching over TOPS databases We have developed a system which supports fast pattern searching over TOPS protein topology databases.
Once inside a cell the diphtheria toxin interferes with protein synthesis which ultimately kills the cancer cell.
Another target that is attracting some interest is an enzyme called farnesyl protein transferase.
Nuclear translocation - In every known clock, a key step is the translocation of a protein from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
Gram negative bacteria have evolved a number of different protein translocation pathways across the outer membrane.
First, protein transmembrane profiles (propensities) are generated by support vector machines.
A transgenic tobacco trichome cell containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) targeted to the chloroplast outer envelope.
They are unbranched hollow tubular structures, made of the protein tubulin (see below ).
The Mn cluster donates electrons to P680+ via a redox active tyrosine located at position 161 on the D1 protein (3 ).
Therefore, the transport protein responsible for neuronal uptake of NE has been extensively investigated in the past decade.
The greater the protein breakdown, the more urea is created and therefore more water is required for dilution.
The implications of these findings in relation to the current model for protein sorting to storage vacuoles are discussed.
A particular gene that produces a protein called vasopressin in their brains contributes to these behaviors.
This binding site is the synaptic vesicle protein 2A, believed to be involved in vesicle protein 2A, believed to be involved in vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter exocytosis.
The muscle wastage is due to the body not getting enough protein.
The most commonly used non EC imported wheat is Canadian Western Red Springs with an average (Dumas) protein of 16.5% .
First baby formula is based on the main protein which is naturally found in breastmilk; this protein is called whey.
You also want to look for whey that contains the greatest amounts of those important whey protein fractions.
One study examined the effects of supplementation with a high quality whey protein in comparison to casein in healthy adults.
Recent projects have included processes for the production of fungal meat substitute, biodegradable plastic, and protein and ethanol from cheese whey.
Making liquid egg white the purest form of protein, known to man.
The same group also provides the protein structure workbench.
X-ray crystallographye determination x-ray protein crystallography is still the best tool available today.
It appears to be a combination of a protein with nucleic acid.
Its chemical composition - containing, as it invariably does, one or more forms of a complex compound of carbon, hydrogen, pro- oxygen and nitrogen, the so-called protein or albumin The perties of (which has never yet been obtained except as a pro living duct of living bodies), united with a large proportion matter.
Not only does exposure to heat sufficient to coagulate protein matter destroy life, by demolishing Life con- the molecular structure upon which life depends; but ditioned all vital activity, all phenomena of nutritive growth, by tern' movement and reproduction are possible only be- perature.
If from some cause the cell be damaged in such a way as to produce disintegration of the cytoplasm, there will be a breaking down of that combination, so that the fat will be set free from the complex protein molecule in which it was combined as a soap-albumin, and will become demonstrable by the usual methods as small droplets of oil.
Haemosiderin, an iron-containing pigment (probably an hydrated ferrous oxide), is found in more or less loose combination with protein substances in an amorphous form as brownish or black granules.
Virchow's conjecture as to the starchy nature of the substance was disproved by Friedrich and Kekule, who confirmed Professor Miller's previous finding as to its albuminous or protein nature.
As probably the protein constituent varies in the different organs, one infers that this will account for the varying results got from the analysis of the substance obtained from different organs in such cases.
It is believed rather that the condition is due to deleterious toxic substances which act for prolonged periods on the tissue elements and so alter their histon proteins that they combine in situ with other protein substances which are brought by the blood or lymph.
Contains sprouted quinoa (high in amino acids and minerals) and sprouted millet (high protein).
The team found the mystery protein through screening random mutations in mice.
Making cheeses using rennet enzymes which break down casein (milk protein) and cause the separation of the curds from the whey.
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This research in the area of molecular biology, involved reporter assay methods to quantify gene expression and immunological techniques to measure protein concentrations.
The C-terminal SSX domain present in SYT-SSX translocation protein contributes a transcriptional repressor domain to the protein.
A very important controlling player in this process is the retinoblastoma protein.
Immunohistochemical analysis of retinoblastoma protein expression revealed low levels of expression, but no histopathological signs of malignancy.
May 's symposium offering, Reversible protein acetylation, also addressed a burgeoning field.
The rhesus factor protein only becomes important during pregnancy; it has little effect on the body at other times.
Anti-D antibody An alternative recently adopted approach is anti-D which comprises antibodies to a rhesus blood group protein ' D '.
A single nucleotide change in the c-myc internal ribosome entry segment leads to enhanced binding of a group of protein factors.
France banned the feeding of ruminant protein to cattle on 13 August.
The specific activity of the protein samples were determined by liquid scintillation counting.
To determine heavy atoms such as Selenium atoms in a protein the atomic resolution data is not needed.
Popular in Middle Eastern cuisine, tahini is a thick, smooth sesame paste rich in both calcium and protein.
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The resulting protein was very pure and could be stably stored at +4 C for months in 10 mM sodium phosphate pH 6.5.
Later I walked back in and said, Sorry to have had a soy protein spaz on you.
In order to make descriptors specific enough, you may need to define subsets of atoms in the protein.
Consequently a 2D protein substructure search can be more easily carried out via a Sequence Search (see Section 3.1).
They looked at surfactant protein A, which is essential for normal breathing outside the womb.
Crucial to this process is a protein called the NMDA receptor, which sits at synapses in the central nervous system.
The structure of each protein will have to be determined in big synchrotron X-ray facilities.
Scientists still do n't why, but NO stimulates protein synthesis in the muscle.
This enabled the tat protein to be expressed in plants.
The tau protein is one such scaffold protein in brain cells.
Pick 's disease is thought to be due to a build up in the brain of an abnormal form of the protein tau.
A high protein diet boosts your body 's supplies of an amino acid called taurine.
We have also shown that the major tegument protein VP22 interacts with and stabilizes cellular microtubules.
This suggests an alternative model of protein folding based on the thermodynamics of phase transitions in hydrogen-bonded networks.
These characteristics are required for high throughput protein crystallography, where samples of unknown quality will arrive for screening and immediate data collection.
In a person infected with CJD, the prion protein can often be seen in a sample (biopsy) of tonsil tissue.
Rapid changes of protein phosphorylation are involved in transduction of the elicitor signal in plant cells.
Transfection of insect cells with the recombinant baculovirus DNA resulted in expression of the JV capsid protein.
A number of transgenic mice have been established by various groups to study prion protein function.
At the same time, the protein pumps protons across the membrane generating a transmembrane gradient.
Production of transgenic citrus plants expressing the citrus tristeza virus coat protein gene.
Or, they may be translated, but only a truncated protein is produced.
We also exploit a wide range of assays and functional studies to determine the precise role that the protein plays in trypanosome biology.
The needles carry tiny amounts of tuberculin protein, which is derived from the bacteria.
The role of CCT in protein folding in eukaryotic cytosol is mainly concerned with the actin and tubulin protein families.
They are unbranched hollow tubular structures, made of the protein tubulin (see below).
This is typified by the presence of intracytoplasmic protein inclusions composed largely of alpha-synuclein fibrils.
The Mn cluster donates electrons to P680+ via a redox active tyrosine located at position 161 on the D1 protein (3).
They also give protein molecules the odd ability to coil and uncoil like tiny, cellular snakes.
Contrary to expectation, the weight of mice deficient in a major uncoupling protein, UCP2, has been found to be normal.
An uncoupling protein called UCP1 short-circuits the process by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation.
The instrument will be used to follow large-scale unfolding of a short protein triggered by breaking a disulfide bond.
This binding site is the synaptic vesicle protein 2A, believed to be involved in vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter exocytosis.
Keeping an adequate intake of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals is vital to maintain the immune system and prevent illness.
Most Westerners eat far too much protein, which disrupts liver enzyme activity.
The most commonly used non EC imported wheat is Canadian Western Red Springs with an average (Dumas) protein of 16.5 %.
True ion exchange whey protein is clear in a solution.
Research has shown that the highest rate of nitrogen retention is achieved with 100% whey protein.
This removes the protein layer from the surface of the teeth so that the whitening agent will work.
In protein structure determination x-ray protein crystallography is still the best tool available today.
All the nutrients required for embryo development are already present within the fertilized egg, stored in the form of yolk protein molecules.
The ribosome is the site of biological protein synthesis in cells.
Ribosomes are known as the "protein factories" of the cell.
The differences in formulas basically come down to the amounts of sugar and protein that are in them.
Lactose-free infant formulas do not have lactose in them, but they are made with cow's milk protein.
These formulas are best for infants who have protein allergies because they are made hydrolysate proteins.
If dairy allergies may be a factor, it's important to know that milk-based infant formulas are made from cow's milk protein along with supplementary carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
When it comes to infant formulas, the types of sugar and protein they contain differ.
Simple ingredients include minced chicken breast, white potatoes, and more, you can create this delicious finger food that's packed with protein.
Aim for variety in your child's protein intake, and remember that there's no need to include meat at every meal, as all those dairy products also include a large amount of protein.
You should also be on the lookout to see if the first ingredient listed on the food you're considering comes from an animal protein.
Go for the higher quality, specialized dog food (look for one with a 30-40% protein content) that you buy in a pet store.
Therefore all food must be high in protein from good meat sources, not by-products.
This means your cat receives real meat as the main ingredient in its food, not a lower quality, secondary protein source.
This dry recipe is low carb and high protein with five meat sources.
Soy - This item is another inexpensive filler that provides little protein, interferes with normal digestion, and has been known to cause allergic reactions in pets.
This is an inferior substitute for real meat protein.
It's merely the protein found in typical varieties of wheat, and this gluten is often added to food products because of its ability to act as a thickening agent.
When cats groom themselves, they distribute this protein over their entire coat.
Believe it or not, science has been tampering with feline genetics for years, trying to genetically alter cats to produce a viable breeding strain that lacks the Fel d1 protein.
The theory has always been that Siberians produce a significantly lower level of the Fel d1 protein than most other cat breeds.
When testing was carried out against a limited number of other breeds, including Abyssinians and the average Tabby, the Siberian did indeed show lower levels of the protein in fur and skin samples.
Perhaps, but this title is still largely dependent on an individual's sensitivity to the offending protein.
Although some cat breeds produce less irritation in allergy sufferers, some people are more sensitive than others to the protein these animals produce.
Because of this they have a very high protein requirement.
Cats are able to derive glucose from the glycogenic amino acids found in protein and fats.
This protein is produced in the cat's saliva, its urine and the sebaceous glands of its skin.
Orijen foods are high in protein, low in carbohydrates and grain-free to allow your pet the opportunity to consume a more a natural diet.
Orijen formulates their cat foods with a minimum of 75 percent protein.
Your cat will need to eat less of the Orijen because of the high quality protein in the food.
A cat's system requires 60 percent protein to about 40 percent carbohydrates.
Just make sure to keep all of the proportions the same 60/40 protein to carbohydrate ratio as previously suggested.
Taste of the Wild cat food is formulated with unique protein ingredients and contains no grain products.
It is important to note that all of the protein sources are meat based.
There is a wide difference in the quality and digestibility of these two protein sources.
Both detect a protein component of the virus as it circulates in the bloodstream.
This might include some raw foods, but the diet would be a very high in protein.
If you see ingredients like by-products and corn in the first five ingredients, it's probably better to select another brand that provides real meat protein.
You'll want to look into high protein foods with very little processing and fillers.
You usually don't need to add anything or worry about whether or not your cat is getting enough vitamins, protein and other nutrients.
Following the wild diet as an example, you will primarily use chicken as the protein source for your cat.
While vegetables and other plants have some protein, they do not have the full range of amino acids that are required by a cat's system.
For example, taurine is necessary for a cat's health and is only found in animal protein.
Soy and other plant protein sources are not good substitutes.
When you read the label you should be able to tell which type of protein is in the food.
While these sources technically have protein, they are not the quality protein source your pet needs.
The most likely explanation for this phenomenon is that a cat with two faces is actually the result of a protein that disrupts embryo development.
Kidney and heart problems are also common in cats that are fed high-protein and high-fat diets composed of poor protein and fat sources.
They need protein in the form of meat to be healthy.
Elderly cats may often need senior cat formulas that are lower in protein and fortified with vitamins and nutrients.
Lower protein formulas are highly recommended for cats with impaired kidney function.
This means a food which is high in protein is best for your cat's overall health.
A lean protein is ideal since many cats are indoor pets.
The type of protein is another consideration.
These substances are the building blocks of protein.
It will contain good sources of protein while limiting the amount of carbohydrates.
Since cats evolved living on a high protein diet, their bodies are not as well equipped to properly digest a diet high in carbohydrates.
All cats should receive a diet that is high in protein.
It is difficult for the average consumer to discern whether these foods are made from healthy and safe protein sources.
Since cats are obligatory carnivores, their diet should be high in protein.
The physiology of a cat favors a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
From a nutritional standpoint, these foods are higher in protein.
If your cat has allergies, you can feed her a food with an alternative protein such as duck or venison.
Cats require a certain amount of animal protein to function.
Yes, there are vegetarian cat food brands available, but the biology of a cat and the overall performance of felines displays a need for bio-available animal protein of a high quality.
Fillers are then added to increase the bulk of the food, but not the actual protein and nutrient content.
That means in terms of nutritional content, the food should be higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates since meat has this proportion of nutrients.
Wilderness has about 40 percent protein and 18 percent fat.
They are a superior source of fiber, omega fatty acids, antioxidants and even protein.
Acai provides an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Naturopaths taught that a diet based on red meat as the primary protein source was unhealthy and would lead to disease and ill health.
Additionally, acai berries are rich in protein and many other vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
The fruit is also full of protein, dietary fiber and high levels of both omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.
Infused with pearl powders, it provides a matte finish by absorbing oil with rice starch, oat protein and coral seaweed.
Potato soup is also rich in vitamins and protein.
A high protein delicacy, caviar is best served chilled on a bed of ice with crackers, or toast points, and chilled vodka.
Korean entrees supply an adequate amount of protein and carbohydrates and are quite satisfying.
Eating a diet that consists only of low carb and high protein foods, if followed over a prolonged period of time, can have serious effects on your health.
Excessive amounts of protein can leach calcium from bones.
Diets that are high in protein and low in carbs can put a tremendous strain on the liver and kidneys.
Carbohydrates and protein only carry four calories per gram.
They're excellent sources of protein and iron.
High in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, your mom will love both the taste and health value.
If you use whole wheat pasta, this dish will have an added value of more fiber and protein!
Most of the salads that have a lump of protein on top, such as chicken, bacon, or turkey, have a lot of hidden fat as well.
Black-eyed peas and other legumes found in Soul food are a great source of protein as well as vitamins and minerals.
Spelt is distantly related to the wheat that we know and eat today, but it has more protein, fat, and fiber than common wheat.
When you're in training for any type of sports, it's important to fuel your body with sufficient protein and carbohydrates, and to make sure you are getting the right combination of vitamins and minerals.
Eat a light, well-balanced lunch and dinner full of whole grains, a small amount of protein and vegetables.
This means eating a balanced, healthy diet with lots of healthy protein and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
You need to eat a well balanced diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates.
Teens need diets high in protein and fiber to build strong amino acids for muscles.
Protein comes in large sums from animal sources like fish, while fiber can come from yogurts or grains.
Protein is especially important for those who do sports or work out a lot.
While it is true that meat is full of protein and vitamins, the same amount of nutrients can be derived from plant-based sources, without the excess of saturated fat and cholesterol that accompanies even lean cuts of meat.
One concern people have when switching to a vegetarian diet is that they won't get enough protein.
Tofu is a good source of protein, but it is a concentrated protein and should be consumed in small amounts that equal around four tablespoons for an adult serving.
That means even for meat eaters, protein should not be eaten in large quantities.
However, when compared to meat, tofu is a better source of protein.
The argument is that cooking plants destroys most of their nutritional value, including vitamins, minerals, protein and the enzymes needed for optimum digestion.
One of the perceived disadvantages of vegetarianism is it can be harder to get certain nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and protein.
It's not impossible for these people to adapt to a vegetarian diet, but they'll have to consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure they are eating the right foods to get the protein they need.
Instead of being made with soy protein, this cheese is produced with nutritional yeast, making it suitable for vegans with soy allergies.
While this may seem extremely restrictive to the non-vegan, it leaves a vegan with a rich choice of pulses, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and nuts plus the many soy derived protein sources.
They typically are also a good source of protein which is important to those eating a vegan diet.
One of the most obvious benefits of vegetarianism is that, unless you rely exclusively on cheese for your protein needs, you will keep your body mass index down.
Adequate protein, as well as iron, are some common concerns regarding vegetarianism, particularly for children.
The truth is that the average American diet tends to include an excess of animal protein.
When you confine your protein choices to plant-based products, you reap extra rewards with accompanying vitamins and minerals.
One pound of kale, for example, has more protein than a pound of beef, as well as being full of fiber, iron and vitamin C, which helps you absorb that iron.
Beans, grains and vegetables all contain protein, and when you combine them, like beans and brown rice, you are getting a full complement of nutrients.
In reality, the diet plan that Clinton chose to shape up was a low carb diet plan, which is heavy in protein and not compatible with grain and fiber rich vegetarian diets.
Within India, their heart disease rates are five times those of their Northern counterparts, who eat a protein rich, meat based diet.
How to cook tofu, a great source of calcium and plant-based protein.
Tofu fans, especially vegetarians, who typically eat the off-white, soy-based rectangular blocks of protein in large amounts, were instantly alarmed by the news.
In the United States, tofu is extremely popular with vegetarians who use it as a protein substitute.
Whey protein shakes provide a delicious way to add supplemental protein to the diet.
Although not suitable for vegans, whey protein, a byproduct of the dairy industry, may be useful for vegetarians seeking additional protein in the diet.
The amount of protein in whey concentrate can vary tremendously, from around 29% to as high as 89%, depending on how it was processed.
It is also the highest in protein, coming in at around 90% protein by weight.
They aren't the healthiest forms of whey, and have a taste most people find unpleasant, so they're rarely used in whey protein shakes or products.
If you visit a vitamin, supplement, or body building products shop, you'll often find whey protein packages in big containers or as shake mixes in envelopes.
Check the package to determine which form of whey protein is used in the product.
There are many uses of whey protein as a supplement.
Many body builders drink whey shakes or use whey protein powders to increase their protein intake.
Extensive strength training and other exercises can raise the body's demand for protein.
Some diet plans call for drinking protein powder shakes to decrease hunger and increase feelings of fullness.
Whey powder can be found by itself or included in whey protein shakes.
Bio Pro, a whey protein manufacturer, offers dozens of recipes to use whey protein powder.
If you're vegan and wish to incorporate additional protein sources into your diet, soy protein powder supplements are a vegan-friendly and plant-based alternative.Some people find that whey powders are difficult to digest.
If you experience these side effects are drinking whey powder shakes, discontinue use, or try soy protein powders.
The high levels of protein and iron make coconut an excellent addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.
Soy protein powder supplement packages are found in health food stores, nutrition aisles, and natural supermarkets nationwide.
Soy protein powder supplements makes a great protein source for vegans who choose not to consume whey protein shakes because whey derives from cow's milk.
Soy protein powders derive from the soybean.
Soy protein isolates were used with printing ink and paper in the printing process to bind the inks and make them colorfast.
Soy protein isn't just nutritious - it's also a lifesaver.
Although soy is listed as the second-most allergic substance for humans, coming in second only to peanuts, for those who can tolerate it, soy provides a dense plant-based protein source.
Numerous studies point to benefits and drawbacks of soy protein powders and protein sources.
In 2007, the American Association of Cancer Research, however, published an interesting study linking soy protein powder supplement intake with a decrease in testosterone in young men.
Soy protein powder typically contains soy isolates.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.
Protein is essential for muscle growth and development and other functions.
Vegetarians and vegans must obtain additional protein through plant-based sources, with vegans facing the greatest challenge since they cannot eat eggs or dairy.
The solution for vegans is often a soy-based protein product like soy protein powders.
Soy protein powders are most often used as meal replacement shakes.
Many bodybuilders turn to soy protein powders to increase muscle mass, and drink soy beverages or other protein-packed beverages after a weight training session to build muscle mass.
Sinai Hopsital features a wide range of yummy vegan protein drink recipes ranging from Cinnamon Mocha to Peanut Butter and Banana soy based drinks.
You'll think you're drinking a dessert instead of increasing your protein intake when you try these recipes.
Body Building for You includes shake and breakfast recipes that include soy protein powders.
Others attest that the problems may lie with the fact that like the traditional vegan diet this one may lack sufficient amounts of B vitamins, protein and iron.
Additionally, the diet may result in calcium, omega-3 fatty acid, iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, as well as a lack of protein and a marked decrease in calorie intake.
Check specific nutritional data on different greens and you may be surprised to find that not only do they contain vitamins and minerals but also protein.
According to the Engine 2 Diet, "spinach is 51 percent protein."
Once of the biggest concerns that vegetarians have is how they will get enough protein in their diets.
Even though lacto ovo vegetarians can get animal protein from milk and eggs, they may worry it will not be an adequate amount.
A popular source of protein for vegetarians is soy products.
These include not only the ubiquitous tofu but also soy milk, soy yogurt and various items made of textured soy protein.
Vitamins and minerals are destroyed by cooking; 84% of the vitamins are destroyed and the minerals and protein become less bioavailable in cooked food.
Tempeh can be used in many vegetarian dishes as a high quality protein and is one of the few vegetarian sources of vitamin B12.
On the other hand, critics judge the diet to be too restrictive, and feel that dieters could be lacking in certain essential nutrients, such as protein and iron.
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach helps separate vitamin B12 from the protein in food.
Fortified plant products, such as soy-based milk, and meat alternatives like texturized vegetable protein (TVP).
Prevagen is a nutritional supplement derived from a protein occurring naturally in some jellyfish that is designed to prevent and reverse memory loss.
However, the manufacturer asserts that the protein is grown "in a safe and controlled manufacturing process" today.
If you are looking for a nutritious yet convenient drink, then perhaps free protein shake recipes may provide inspiration.
Receiving enough protein in a diet is a challenge faced by many vegetarians and vegans.
Protein is an essential nutrient and is important for good health.
Ensuring that a vegetarian or vegan receives the optimum amount of protein can sometimes be difficult, however a protein shake can be a great way to maintain protein levels without too much preparation.
Free protein shake recipes are available for many different types of smoothies or shakes, and this ensures that you have plenty of opportunity to vary the types of shakes you enjoy.
There are some important benefits to making your own protein shakes.
Making your own protein shakes ensures that you can make the shake so it tastes great to you, regardless of what others think.
If you are looking to make your own protein shakes at home, then free protein shake recipes can help to provide you with an extensive source of ideas.
Soy milk is a source of vegan protein as well as good for people looking to cut down on the amount of dairy products in their diet.
Protein - Getting enough protein can be a concern for vegans and vegetarians.
While most protein sources are not vegetables, some green veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, and peas do contain protein.
There's no reason to worry about getting enough foods that contain protein if you follow a sensible, balanced vegetarian diet.
It's true that meats are a significant source of protein, but even a diet without them should naturally contain the amount of protein needed to meet an adult's recommended daily value.
There are many strong sources of protein in a vegetarian diet, including dairy products, nuts, legumes, beans, and raw vegetables.
If you feel you aren't getting enough protein in your everyday diet and would like to supplement, protein shakes or vitamins containing protein can help round out your daily doses.
All healthy diets should include some amount of protein.
In addition to containing essential amino acids that aid your body with dietary processes, protein helps the body build muscle, create and repair strong tissues, manufacture antibodies, and maintain energy.
Dairy products can be some of the most important foods that contain protein in a vegetarian's diet.
Cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, and eggs all contain large amounts of protein, and most are complete proteins (providing all of the essential amino acids that the body requires).
Two to three servings of these dairy products is usually sufficient to meet the body's requirement for daily protein intake.
Since vegans do not eat the dairy products that many vegetarians eat, they need to look elsewhere for their protein.
Many if not most vegan foods contain at least some protein.
The following foods have large amounts of protein and can be used as significant protein sources in a healthy vegan diet.
Tofu, tempeh, pure soybeans, and soy products contain, on average, 10 grams of protein or more per serving.
Tempeh may contain as much as 40 grams of protein in a single serving.
Nuts, nut butters, and seeds are also strong sources of protein for vegans.
Quinoa, a type of seed, contains all essential amino acids and is thus considered a complete protein.
In addition to being healthy sources of protein, nuts and nut butters contain large amounts of monounsaturated fats, another essential component of a healthy diet.
If you don't currently eat many foods that contain protein, think about ways to incorporate protein-rich foods in what you eat every day.
Simple combinations such as toast with peanut butter or oatmeal with walnuts can provide a boost of protein and help keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
Planning sample menus is another good way to ensure that you'll get your recommended amount of protein every day and enjoy all of the important benefits that it has to offer.
But if a vegan is eating enough they are not lacking protein.
The key to getting the protein you need in a vegan diet is to make sure you take in enough calories.
When you are following a special diet, raw food protein smoothies recipes can make meals fast, easy, and delicious.
Many people that follow raw food diets or drink lots of protein smoothies believe that a Vitamix is indispensable for making smoothies at home.
You may add raw hemp seed protein powder for an extra boost of protein.
Raw food protein smoothies recipes are easy to make with your favorite foods once you have the basic formulas down.
There are plenty of delicious raw sources of protein, including seeds, nuts, many vegetables and sprouted grains such as quinoa.
The Vegetarian Resource Group - Need more protein in your diet?
Since meat is a primary source of protein in an omnivore's diet, it's important for people who do not eat meat to find worthwhile vegetarian protein sources.
Protein and its amino acids are essential for building and repairing tissue and muscle as well as maintaining proper cell growth and sustaining strength in the body.
While protein deficiency can be a risk for some vegetarians and vegans, most meat-free foods contain at least some protein, and eating a healthy and varied vegetarian diet provides a sufficient amount of protein for most adults.
If you are a vegetarian who regularly eats a variety of beans, legumes, nuts, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and grains, you should have no reason to worry about protein deficiency.
Soy, dairy, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are some of the most substantial sources of protein in a vegetarian diet.
Tofu, textured vegetable protein, seitan, soy milk, and other soy products can provide a large percentage of the protein that vegetarians need every day.
Some soy products and prepackaged meat substitutes contain high amounts of sodium and are not as nutritious as whole foods, so vegetarians should strive to combine these products with other protein sources in their diets.
Most dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, and cream, are significant sources of meat-free protein.
Eggs are often grouped with dairy products and also provide very high amounts of protein.
Though vegans do not eat these foods, vegetarians can include them in their diets and reap the benefits of the natural protein, vitamins, and minerals they provide.
Whole grains and products made with whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, multigrain rolls, or oat bran, all contain varying amounts of protein.
Nuts, nut butters, and seeds are rich in heart-healthy monounsatured fats and oils and are excellent sources of protein that provide the body with many helpful nutrients.
Beans and legumes are strong vegetarian protein sources that are an important part of the vegan diet as well.
If you'd like to fit more of these vegetarian protein sources into your diet on a daily basis, start with small changes.
You can get protein in this meal with fruit yogurt, Greek yogurt, a small serving of chickpea curry, or a nut-butter sandwich on whole-grain bread.
Chocolate is a variety of chocolate soy milk that contains five grams of soy protein.
An original flavor is fortified with extra calcium and DHA Omega-3, and a vanilla flavor emphasizes soy protein and phytosterols.
From lentils to textured vegetable protein, each base ingredient offers a different taste, texture, and appearance to the finished burger.
Beans - Kidney beans, black beans, and other legumes from the bean family are packed with protein and perfectly suited to vegetarian burger recipes.
Textured Vegetable Protein - Textured vegetable protein, or TVP, can be purchased at most grocery or health food stores.
Sunflower seeds in their raw, unprocessed form are packed with vitamins, protein, and essential fatty acids.
Sunflower seeds contain high protein content which means the food is rich in amino acids.
Protein rich foods like sunflower seeds that offer good quality fats and natural vitamins can sometimes curb meat cravings.
This is why vegetarians and vegans often depend largely on nuts and seeds to maintain adequate protein levels.
Protein found in sunflower seeds is most readily processed by the human body when the seeds are in their raw form and the protein molecules remain unaltered by heat.
Many people avoid a vegan diet due to concerns about protein deficiency.
The fact is that protein deficiency is rare and easily avoided by eating protein-rich plant foods such as nuts, seeds, beans and grains.
Although the average person thinks "meat" when protein is mentioned, plants contain protein, too.
Many authors, diet experts and holistic health experts believe you can obtain all the protein you need from a plant-based diet.
Books such as The China Study include a good deal of strong research supporting the idea that a plant based diet provides adequate protein.
When people hear about a vegetarian diet, they often assume it's low in protein, but there is such a thing as a high-protein vegetarian diet.
Protein occurs in the plant kingdom as well as in the animal kingdom.
You don't have to eat meat, eggs, cheese, or other flesh foods in order to get adequate protein.
Some vegetarians who still drink milk or eat eggs can use such foods as protein sources, too.
Proteins are formed from about 20 amino acids that combine in different ways to form protein molecules.
Some plant foods contain complete proteins, while others contain only some of the amino acids necessary to link up with others and form protein.
Other sources of vegetarian protein are nuts such as almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts, nut butters, and milks made from nuts.
Vegan protein bars provide a portable snack food rich in protein, too.
Ounce for ounce, seeds also contain a good amount of protein and make a convenient snack.
Green leafy vegetables also contain protein.
A meal rich in protein for a vegetarian may be lentils and brown rice with a side of steamed chard.
Most people learned in school that protein was good for them.
It's said over and over again that protein builds muscles.
Conditioned to get plenty of protein, the typical American eats far too much.
The original dietary recommendations for protein were developed during the country's agrarian past, when people needed the energy from abundant protein to chop wood, fetch water, plow fields, and walk five miles to school every day.
Now, most people get far less exercise but still eat enough protein to fuel a lumberjack.
It automatically calculates the nutrient amounts, too, so you can see how much protein you're actually eating in a given day.
Vegetarians should choose from the plethora of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes provided by the plant kingdom to ensure not just adequate protein intake, but good overall nutrition.
Cook veggie burgers or tofu alongside vegetables on the grill to round out a meal with some extra protein.
Many people choose to mix the powder into protein shakes, oatmeal, or other meals that will absorb the powder and flavor.
Many vegetarians attempt to put extra protein into their stir fries by tossing in some tofu, but seitan, tempeh, faux meats, or even cheeses such as paneer are other options for bumping up protein content.
To add protein to pasta recipes, try mixing in tofu, low-fat cheese, faux meat, beans, or a milk-based sauce.
Pineapple is not a good source of protein.
Those who consume a mostly plant-based diet, like vegans and vegetarians, should look to foods like soy and beans for protein.
You may also want to consider getting supplements for vitamins that are hard to obtain without animal protein.
Sprouted chia seeds are edible and contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, provide ample dietary fiber and are also a source of protein.
Since vegetarians don't eat animal products, one of the first and foremost important things to do when creating new vegetarian recipes is to find a new protein source.
Tacos - Instead of ground meat, consider using beans, chickpeas, or textured vegetable protein.
Beans or tofu can also amp up the protein in a vegetable lasagna.
Many people like to avoid processed and frozen vegetarian protein products in favor of whole, natural, or organic foods.
There are many ways to increase the protein content of a vegetarian diet.
Nuts are full of protein and act as healthy fats that can help you stay full.
Greek yogurt is considered a health food for its high concentration of protein.
Vegetarians who eat eggs are able to easily add protein to many meals.
Shop the perimeters of the grocery store to ensure that you get adequate nutrition from a variety of vegetables, grains, and protein sources.
Dairy-free protein powder is a great way to get in your protein while maintaining a vegan diet or guarding against dairy-related health issues.
This "milk sugar" is present in all things that contain dairy, including protein powder.
However, it's still possible to find vegan liquid protein sources.
Luckily for these individuals, there are still several ways to get protein without using any dairy.
Soy Protein - Soybeans and soy products can amp up daily protein servings for both vegans and vegetarians.
Next to dairy protein powder, often referred to as whey protein powder, soy protein is the most common type and is readily available online, in health-food stores, and even in some grocery stores.
Nutritionally, soy protein powders vary, but most contain very little fat and carbohydrates and about 10 grams or more of protein per two tablespoons.
Rice Protein - Rice protein is a vegetarian protein generally made from sprouted brown rice.
The powder is usually high in fiber, protein, and is ideal for those with milk allergies.
Rice protein powders may contain up to 15 grams of protein per two tablespoons.
Hemp Protein - Another non-dairy alternative is hemp protein.
Hemp protein powder is a vegetable-based powder low in fat and carbohydrates.
It contains approximately six grams of protein per two tablespoons.
Pea Protein - Pea protein is a highly digestible, vegan source of protein.
This type of dairy-free protein powder is especially good for those with allergies.
Pea protein powder contains about 10 grams of protein per two tablespoons but varies based on manufacturer.
Protein shakes can include both vegetables and fruits, a milk or juice of your choice, and a scoop of your favorite protein powder.
Protein powders come plain or in several flavors.
Most protein powders should not be cooked.
Get your protein with your caffeine fix!
After your coffee cools to warm (not hot), mix in some of your favorite flavored protein powder for a delicious morning protein boost.
Dairy-free protein powder is plentifully available online, where you will most likely find the best prices and the biggest variety.
For more information about finding the right protein powder for your unique nutritional and health needs, consult a physician or registered dietitian.
Textured vegetable protein (TVP) is a dehydrated soy product used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes.
Which form of textured vegetable protein you choose for your recipe depends directly on the meat you want it to replace.
To reconstitute textured vegetable protein, you must combine it with liquid in a one-to-one ratio before adding it to your recipe.
The following recipe for green curry can be made with beef-flavored, chicken-flavored, or unflavored textured vegetable protein.
Plant protein powder is a convenient way for vegetarians to boost their protein intake.
In the past, non-vegetarians often pointed a finger at the plant-based diet and said that it didn't provide enough protein because the mindset was that people need meat for protein.
The fact is that all plants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, contain some protein.
Eating a balanced vegetarian diet can provide all the protein you need, along with the benefit of natural vitamins, minerals, and essential enzymes.
As with much of the controversy around protein in the vegetarian diet, some people question the quality of protein available in plant-based protein powders.
One study conducted by a German professor put those doubts to rest as he showed that when athletes changed from 100 grams of animal protein a day to 50 grams of vegetable protein, their performance improved.
The trend toward high-protein diets is starting to wane as healthcare experts warn about the side effects of too much protein.
However, how much protein any person needs isn't a one-size-fits-all formula, because your requirements depend on your size and activity level.
In one study conducted by a Japanese researcher, results suggested that 25-30 grams of protein daily is all that's needed to maintain good health.
If you are concerned about protein in your diet, it's best to talk with a nutritionist or your healthcare provider for recommendations tailored to fit your physical needs.
When people hear the word "plant" and think of protein powder, the first thing that comes to mind is soy protein, but vegetarians and vegans have a few more types of powders to choose from.
Soy protein has been used by vegetarians and others for decades.
Hemp seeds are a healthy source of protein and essential amino acids.
There are a number of vegetarian protein powders that claim to be "raw" and can work for those who follow a raw food diet.
When the body breaks down protein, it discharges nitrogen, which is eliminated through the kidneys.
For people who suffer from kidney issues, too much protein can lead to further health problems.
Remember that fruits, vegetables, and other plants contain protein, so before you add more protein to your diet in powder form, talk with your doctor.
If you have already purchased a plant protein powder supplement, bring it to the doctor's office so she can read the label.
In most cases, protein powders, can be a healthy way to add protein to your diet, but they're usually not necessary.
They're full of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, but it is important to keep in mind that veggies alone don't form a balanced meal, so add some forms of protein and complex carbohydrates to any dishes that feature vegetables.
Get in a little bit of protein with tofu cubes, seeds, crumbled cheese, brown rice, nuts, or a sliced hard-boiled egg.
This type of engineering involves the use of biological substances and the application of engineering principles to the fields of protein chemistry, immunology, molecular biology, cytology, pharmacology, microbiology and biochemistry.
Listing the quantities of substances such as crude protein, it does not mean that the kibble provides nutrition from these substances.
For instance, crude protein can come from sources such as ground beaks and feathers and pass through the dog's body completely undigested.
Pro Plan Selects reflect the latest advancements in dog nutrition.This division uses real turkey and lamb as the main protein sources.
Natural Blends contain white chicken meat for protein, oatmeal and brown rice to aid digestion, sweet potatoes for anti-oxidants, and Omega fatty acids for healthy skin and coats.
Aside from their cleaning properties, these treats also provide your dog with some actual nutrition since they contain added vitamins, minerals and protein.
Poultry is one of the most common protein sources used because it is less expensive and healthier than serving beef, and readily available.
Fresh food is a great alternative to commercial dog food mixes that usually contain chemical preservatives and questionable protein sources.
A basic dog food diet should contain protein, vegetables, carbohydrates and a small amount of additional fat to provide balanced nutrition.
Your dog will receive some fat from the protein content of your mix, but it may not be enough to maintain healthy skin and coat.
This protein is highly digestible, so dogs can extract more nutrition from every bite.
If a dog can't efficiently digest a protein source, he won't be able to render the nutrients from it.
Not only does this recipe have a little extra protein boost in it, when you slice it open it's very pretty.
They contain a combination of liver, whey protein, barley, and yucca that is supposed to neutralize high pH urine.
All of your pet's current foods are removed from the diet, and your dog will begin feeding on a single protein source, such as plain chicken.
There's plenty of good protein, highly digestible fats and calcium left over, and the meal is made from this.
The protein content of this meal ranges between 65 and 69 percent.
Timberwolf formulas generally deliver between 22 and 28 percent protein.
Only fresh ingredients are used - No chemical additives, flavor enhancers and questionable protein sources.
In keeping with Orijen philosophy of feeding dogs the way they would naturally feed in the wild, the formula is heavy on protein.
Chicken, turkey, fish and eggs are mainstays of Orijen's high protein formulas.
Additionally, Orijen offers a 6 Fresh Fish formula that is full of fish protein and essential fatty acids and even makes a cat food formula for our feline friends.
As we learn to truly understand those food labels, we realize how important it is to feed a balanced, protein based diet to our pets, and avoid kibbles that are high in cereal fillers and unhealthy fat sources.
However, by-products are generally harder to digest than real meat, so it's doubtful that a dog receives the full amount of protein intended when a significant portion of the food passes through his system undigested.
Most dog foods are processed at high temperatures, with the nutritional additives processed together with the protein sources.
This leads to two types of kibble in every blend, the larger protein food bites and the smaller LifeSource® Bits that contain valuable minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
Peanut butter can be a tasty source of protein, but it is also fairly high in fat.