Protective Sentence Examples
He's really protective of the people he cares about.
He's very protective of his family.
When the protective headgear was removed, Dean saw why.
Jonny was pissed, his stance like Brandon's when the cousin was on protective mode when guys at the mall flirted with his sister.
Being the only child, she was probably over protective of him.
He was sweet and thoughtful, protective and an ardent lover.
He took up a protective stance within direct sight of them, so still, he seemed like a statue.
He almost sounded … protective of his mate.
In cushion plants the leaves are very small, very close together, and the low habit is protective against winds.
It was much easier to sleep with his protective arm around her waist.
AdvertisementIn spite of the protective gear worn, the challenge definitely excluded the weak of heart, and, in Dean's estimation, the strong of brain.
Well, I'm sure Fred wasn't a hooker but I'm content to accept him on a present day basis, regardless of why he's so protective of his past.
The fighters were armed as well as the army and the government's special protective services and in many cases, with the same equipment.
He's a little over protective at times, but he means well.
She couldn't have found a more attentive or protective husband.
AdvertisementAs always, he was protective and decisive.
Protective anger stirred at his dismissive tone.
Protective of his sole treasure, he had never entrusted anyone else with guarding it.
You're somewhat protective of women, even if you refuse to form attachments, and you're aggressive with men.
On the one hand the retributive principle itself has been very largely superseded by the protective and the reformative; on the other punishments involving bodily pain have become objectionable to the general sense of society.
AdvertisementThe rise of the industry has been favored by protective tariffs and by a system of excise which allows a considerable premium to manufacturers.
In all green plants which have a special protective epidermis, the cortex of the shoot has to perform the primitive fundamental function of carbon assimilation.
He was protective of you before he even met you.
When she opened them, she lay on her side with her back to her protective wave.
The coriaceous leaves of sclerophyllous plants also, to some extent, are similarly protective.
AdvertisementThe protective instinct was responsible for much of this interference with the natural impulse of men of various creeds towards mutual esteem and forbearance.
When, however, the tariff bill of 1828, which was still more protective, came up for discussion, Webster had ceased to oppose protection; but he did not attempt to argue in favour of it.
Marine; generally carnivorous, and brightly coloured, affording many instances of protective resemblance.
There alone we have proof that the art of writing was commonly practised, and there tribute-tallies suggest an imperial organization; there the arts of painting and sculpture in stone were most highly developed; there the royal residences, which had never been violently destroyed, though remodelled, continued unfortified; whereas on the Greek mainland they required strong protective works.
A gnat pupa swims through the water by powerful strokes of its abdomen, while the caddis-fly pupa, in preparation for its final ecdysis, bites its way out of its subaqueous protective case and rises through the water, so that the fly may emerge into the air.
The theory of the government, a theory expressed throughout the whole commercial career of the republic, the theory which made Venice a rigidly protective state, was that the Levant trade belonged solely to Venice and her citizens.
Similar instances of protective coloration could be cited without end.
Hence it is probable that no factor has had a greater influence than these wasps in moulding the protective instincts and habits of spiders.
The exact extent, however, to which each particular class of enemy has affected the protective habits and attributes of spiders is by no means always evident; and it is impossible to discuss the question in detail within the limits of a short article.
In 1829 the hand of its leaders was shown, when, in addition to its antagonism to the Masons, it became a champion of internal improvements and of the protective tariff.
It forms part of the long line of islands which are interposed as a protective barrier between the Asiatic coast and the outer Pacific, and is the cause of the immunity from typhoons enjoyed by the ports of China from Amoy to the Yellow Sea.
A consistent advocate of the protective tariff, he was one of the organizers, and for many years president, of the American Protective Tariff League.
Recourse was then had to protective legislation.
Only in very recent years have oysters, though plentiful, become of competitive importance in the national market; they are greatly favoured by state protective legislation.
Many improvements and extra protective works were carried out after 1816, and it was estimated that the total cost of this great engineering undertaking from 1807 to 1902 amounted to about X200,000, the date for the completion of the work being 1911.
Zoologists are familiar with many instances (fishes, crustaceans) in which the protective walls of a water-breathing organ or gill-apparatus become converted into an air-breathing organ or lung, but there is no other case known of the conversion of gill processes themselves into air-breathing plates.
Since the creation of the republic, extreme protective measures have caused the creation of a large number of cotton factories and other manufactures, but these are able to supply only a part of the consumption, and the importation of cotton and woollen fabrics, silks, readymade clothing, boots and shoes, &c., is large.
Although the protective tariffs thus imposed have resulted in a large increase in manufacturing industries, some of them have been antagonistic to the productive interests of the country, as in the case of weaving mills which use imported yarns.
He also appointed Hungarian consuls in foreign trade centres, and established a system of protective tariffs.
The imperishable Record invests the human race like a protective atmosphere, a new and yet a natural dispensation, giving to man, as compared with his animal ancestry, a new heaven and a new earth !
Though theoretically a free trader, he was largely instrumental in creating the Italian protective system.
It is to be noted, however, that these limits apply to the living matter itself, and many of the apparent exceptions are due to cases in which the living matter is enclosed in protective wrappings capable of resisting heat and cold.
In warm-blooded animals, such as birds and mammals, protective mechanisms for the regulation of temperature enable them to endure exposure to extreme heat or cold, but in such cases the actually living cells do not appreciably rise or fall in temperature.
Doubtless many of the smaller objects with which primitive man adorned himself, especially trophies from the animal world, were supposed to exert some beneficial or protective influence on the wearer, or to produce in him the distinguishing characteristics attributed to the object, or to the whole of which the object was a part.
The value of such protective inoculations is demonstrated in the treatment against small-pox (Jenner), cholera, plague (Haffkine) and typhoid (Wright and Semple).
The ferment thus set free brings about the coagulation of the serum, which acts as a protective and temporary scaffolding to the injured tissues.
Thus the digestive function, in its largest sense, is now seen to consist, not only in preparation and supply, but in no small measure also of protective and antidotal conversions of the matters submitted to it; coincidently with agents of digestion proper are found in the circuit of normal digestion "anti-substances" which neutralize or convert peptones in their poisonous phases; an autochthonous ferment, such as rennet for instance, calling forth an anti-rennet, and so on.
Thus, much of infection and immunity are proving to be but special cases of digestion, and teleological conceptions of protective processes are modified.
The glass is first dipped in this protective liquid, and when the paint has set the pattern is scratched through it with a sharp point.
In accordance with this we can regard the development as an adaptive one and the scolex as invaginated for protective FIG.
Many of the manufacturing industries are carried on with difficulty and maintained only by protective duties on competing goods.
The body is enveloped by a thick striated protective cuticle which is frequently raised into hooks or spines.
The evil rose to alarming proportions during Grant's presidency, partly because of the immense extension of the civil service, partly because of the growing tendency to alliance between spoilsmen and the persons benefited by protective tariffs, and partly because the public attention was still so much absorbed in Southern affairs that little energy was left for curbing rascality in the North.
The Carpathians, like the Alps, form a protective wall to the regions south of them, which enjoy a much milder climate than those, situated to the north.
With true philosophic insight he shows that France failed in the struggle not because of any inferiority in the ability and character of the men to whom the work was entrusted, but chiefly by reason of her despotic and protective regime.
To the north of the walls the site of old Herat was indicated by a vast mass of debris - mounds of bricks and pottery intersected by a network of shallow trenches, where the only semblance of a protective wall was the irregular line of the Tal-i-Bangi.
In the Coccids the forma tion of a protective waxy secretion - present in many genera of Homoptera - reaches its most extreme development.
It is clear from these illustrations that within the New Testament there is development from spontaneous towards strictly regulated methods; also that the use of excommunication is chiefly for disciplinary and protective rather than punitive purposes.
A protective tariff was imposed in early colonial times and protection was generally approved in the state until toward the close of the 19th century, when a strong demand became apparent for reciprocity with Canada and for tariff reductions on the raw materials (notably hides) of Massachusetts manufactures.
The book has an outer protective shell of acutely polemical and exclusive moods and insistences, whilst certain splendid Synoptic breadths and reconciliations are nowhere reached; but this is primarily because it is fighting, more consciously than they, for that inalienable ideal of all deepest religion, unity, even external and corporate, amongst all believers.
The circulation of The Daily Tribune was never proportionately great - its advocacy of a protective tariff, prohibitory liquor legislation and other peculiarities, repelling a large support which it might otherwise have commanded in New York.
From boyhood he had believed in a protective tariff, and throughout his active life he was its most trenchant advocate and propagandist.
The subsidiary protective forces on either flank of Zasulich had promptly abandoned their look-out positions and fallen back to join him.
But the commander-in-chief, soon realizing that the Japanese were not pursuing, reasserted himself, sent the protective troops back to their posts, and cancelled all orders for the evacuation of LiaoYang.
The Eastern protective detachment, now strengthened and placed under the orders of Count Keller, was disposed with a view to countering any advance on Liao-Yang from the east by a combination of manoeuvre and fighting.
The largest class are the unilocular, or simple, external galls, divided by Lacaze-Duthiers into those with and those without a superficial protective layer or rind, and composed of hard, or spongy, or cellular tissue.
This circumstance strengthens the hold of the protective system, especially in countries where customs duties are an important source of revenue, the combination of fiscal convenience and of protection to home industry being a highly attractive one.
An attempt had indeed been made in 1786 to modify the rigidly protective legislation of the 18th century.
A considerable breach was thus made in the protective system; and some further changes in the same direction were made in the next decade, especially under Lord Althorp in 1833.
In 1842 great reductions of duty were made on a large number of articles; in 1846 still further reductions of duty were made; another series of changes came in 185 3; and finally, in 1860, the last remnant of protective duties disappeared.
In 1892, however, the precise year in which France gave up her system of commercial treaties, some moderation was brought about in Germany's protective system by commercial treaties with Austria, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and shortly afterwards with Russia.
On the other hand, the spirit of the act of 1789 was protective.
But the pressure from the representatives of some of the states, notably Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, compelled him to incorporate in the Tariff Act certain specific duties borrowed from the Tariff Acts then in force in these states, which had a distinctly protective aim.
Thus the act of 1789, although the duties levied by it were moderate, yet had a protective intent.
But the so-called abominations were removed in 1832, when the protective system was deliberately and carefully rearranged.
On the other hand, the maintenance of the protective duties, and the gradual consolidation of feeling in favour of a permanent policy of strong protection, led to other revisions and rearrangements in the direction of protection.
Thus the ten years immediately following the close of the war brought about the gradual transformation of the high duties levied on all commodities for revenue purposes into a system of high duties almost wholly on protective commodities.
In his Presidential Message of December 1887 he attacked the protective system in unqualified terms; and in the session of 1887-88 the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives prepared a bill providing for great reductions.
A further step towards consolidating the protective system was taken by abolishing the duty on sugar, mainly a revenue duty.
The necessity for reducing the revenue and cutting down the continued surplus was met in this way rather than by lowering the protective duties.
For consistency in maintaining the protective principle a direct bounty was given to the domestic producers of sugar in Louisiana.
The currency issue had been foremost in the campaign, but the Republicans had also proclaimed themselves in favour of a return to the unqualified protective system.
The tariff system of the United States at the beginning of the 20th century thus remained rigidly and unqualifiedly protective, with rates higher than those of even the most restrictive tariffs of the countries of the European continent.
The ectoderm loses entirely the ciliation which it had in the planula and actinula stages and commonly secretes on its external surface a protective or supporting investment, the perisarc. Contrasting with this, the anthopolyp is generally of s q uat form, the diameter often exceeding the height; the peristome is wide, a hypostome is lacking, and the ectoderm, or so much of it as is exposed, i.e.
The European porcupine (Hystrix cristata) is the typical representative of a family of Old World rodents, the Hystricidae, all the members of which have the same protective covering.
In general the Planters' Protective Association in the Black Patch was more successful in its pool than the Burley Tobacco Society in its, and there was more violence in the " regie " than in the " Burley " district.
The policy of the Mexican government is to encourage national manufactures, and protective duties are levied for that purpose.
The Conservative party took the position that commercial union, involving as it would a common protective tariff against all other countries, including the motherland, with a new company to complete the Canadian Pacific railway within ten years, on condition of receiving a Pacific grant of $25,000,000 and 25,000,000 acres of land, would inevitably lead to political unification with the United States.
Under the protective policy thus repeatedly confirmed, Canada gradually became more independent of the American market than in earlier times, and enjoyed great commercial prosperity.
Protective resemblance is exhibited by some Nudibranch Gastropods which have assumed the colour and appearance of their habitat.
In the Federal Congress (1789-1793) he favoured the assumption of the state debts, the establishment of a national bank and the adoption of a protective tariff policy.
The development and expansion of silk manufacture, owing to the importance and extent of the home market, coupled with high protective tariffs, has been enormous.
The American spinning industry shows little signs of expansion in spite of a protective tariff of some 35%.
The sum of 12 crores is regularly set aside for this purpose, and is devoted as a rule to the construction of protective irrigation works, and for investigating and preparing new projects falling under the head of protective works.
Believing protective tariff duties to be unconstitutional, he voted against the "tariff of abominations" in 1828, and also against the tariff of 1832, since the latter measure, though reducing duties, showed no abandonment of the protective principle.
This division includes the single family of the Phasmidae whose members, generally known as " stick-insects " (q.v.) and " leaf-insects " (q.v.), are among the best-known examples of " protective resemblance " to be found in the whole animal kingdom.
Mimicry is a special form of protective resemblance, differing from ordinary protective resemblance as exemplified by the similarity of the resting goat-sucker to a piece of bark or of leafand stick-insects to the objects after which they are named, in that the imitated object belongs to the animal kingdom and not to the vegetable kingdom or to inorganic nature.
Although, like protective resemblance, quite independent of affinity between the organisms concerned in the likeness, mimicry occurs most commonly between animals structurally similar, and therefore related, to one another, the relationship may be close or remote.
But in no case does it appear that the modifications in shape and colour, which contribute to bring about a mimetic resemblance, are greater and more elaborate than those which result in the simpler examples of ordinary protective resemblance.
This phenomenon is termed " aggressive mimicry " as opposed to the Batesian and Mullerian phenomena, which are termed " protective mimicry."
There seem to be no reasons for doubting that these are cases of genuine protective mimicry.
For protective purposes soles, which are edible, also lie buried in or on the sand which they match in colour, with the exception of the right or upper pectoral fin which has a large black patch.
In insects of the order Orthoptera, departure from the normal in form and colour, carrying with it similarity to other living things, usually takes the line of protective resemblance to parts of plants.
Hence it is probable that this case of mimicry is purely of a protective and not of an aggressive nature and serves to save the flies from destruction by insectivorous enemies.
The males are without these protective spines and are exposed to special dangers as they wander in search of the webs of the females.
An epidermis-like or cortical protective outer layer is very common, and is usually characterized by the close septation of the densely interwoven hyphae and the thickening and dark colour of their outer walls (sclerotia, Xylaria, &c.).
Meanwhile differences in consistency appear in various strata, and a dense outer protective layer (peridium), soft gelatinous layers, and so on are formed, the whole eventually attaining great complexity - e.g.
If the membrane is of some impermeable substance, like gold leaf, the hyphae cannot dissolve its way through, but the tip finds the most minute pore and traverses the barrier by means of it, as it does a stoma on a leaf, We may hence conclude that a parasitic hyphae pierces some plants or their stomata and refuses to enter others, because in the former case there are chemotropically attractive substances present which are absent from the latter, or are there replaced by repellent poisonous or protective substances such as enzymes or antitoxins.
The effect of the abnormal conditions is probably to stop the production of, or weaken or destroy the protective enzymes or antitoxins, the presence of which normally confers immunity on the leaf.
On the other hand, he approves of a protective tax on German linen in favour of home manufactures, and of a tax on brandy as encouraging the sale of rum and so supporting our southern colonies.
This suggests that the colouring of the okapi is of purely protective type.
In plants of warm climates the buds have often no protective appendages, and are then said to be naked.
He opposed the policy of protective duties, but supported Pitt's famous commercial propositions in 1785 for establishing free trade between Great Britain and Ireland, which, however, had to be abandoned owing to the hostility of the English mercantile classes.
Protective works downstream of the dam were completed in 1906 at a cost of about £E304,000.
Among protective works the first place was given to works of irrigation.
Among the four protective works of irrigation which were said above to have irrigated 200,733 acres in 1896-1897, one of the most important is the Betwa canal, in the parched district of Bundelkhand.
The last of those given in the table above was not expected to be remunerative, but it should prove a valuable protective against famine.
In this year, however, a rigid protective system was introduced by the Zolltarifgesetz, since modified by the commercial treaties between Germany and Austria-Hungary, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium, of the 1st of February 1892, and by a customs tariff law of the 25th of December 1902.
At the beginning of the autumn session a union of 204 members of the Reichstag was formed for the discussion of econolnic questions, and they accepted Bismarcks reforms. In December he was therefore able to issue a memorandum explaining his policy; it included a moderate duty, about 5%, on all imported goods, with the exception of raw material required for German manufactures (this was a return to the old Prussian principle); high finance duties on tobacco, beer, brandy and petroleum; and protective duties on iron, corn, cattle, wood, wine and sugar.
The acquisition of German colonies was really the logical and almost necessary sequel of a protective policy.
Lowell worked hard to secure a protective tariff on cotton goods.
After the year 1873, a strong movement in favour of protective duties made itself felt among the Austrian manufacturers who were affected by the competition of German, English and Belgian goods, and Austria was influenced by the general movement in economic thought which about this time caused the reaction 2 Matlekovits, Die Zollpolitik der osterreichish-ungarischen Monarchie (Leipzig, 1891),., gives the Hungarian point of view; Bazant, Die Handelspolitik OsterreichUngarns (1875-1892, Leipzig, 1894).
During 1881-1882 Hungary, desiring means of retaliation against the duties on corn and the impediments to the importation of cattle recently introduced into Germany, withdrew her opposition to protective duties; the tariff was completely revised, protective duties were introduced on all articles of home production, and high finance duties on other articles such as coffee and petroleum.
Usually, however, other leaves are present which are only indirectly concerned with the reproductive process, acting as protective organs for the sporophylls or forming an attractive envelope.
Both these preparations should only be used in cases where it is possible to exclude any tuberculous foci, or by their action in breaking down protective fibrous tissues they may cause a quiescent lesion to become active.
Unfortunately Buckle either could not define, or cared not to define, the general conceptions with which he worked, such as those denoted by the terms "civilization," "history," "science," "law," "scepticism," and "protective spirit"; the consequence is that his arguments are often fallacies.
To this relatively conservative bill, which substituted in many instances ad valorem for specific duties, and was intended by its author to be a revenue as well as a protective measure, were added many amendments which made the bill more strongly protectionist, and in some cases were vigorously opposed by Morrill.
The state also makes annual grants directly to owners who are willing to place their plantations under state supervision, for the sale of plants at half price to the poorer peasantry, for making protective or sheltering plantations, and for free transport of marl or loam.
Various artificial protective coatings are applied to the plates of steel ships.
The Irrigation Commission of 1901 advised an expenditure of 30 millions sterling, spread over a term of twenty years, and irrigating 62 million acres in addition to the 47 millions already irrigated at that time; but it was estimated that that programme would practically exhaust the irrigable land in India, and that some of the later works would be merely protective against the danger of famine, and would not be financially productive.
On the same constitutional grounds Madison objected to the carrying out of the recommendations in Hamilton's famous report on manufactures (Dec. 5, 1791), which favoured a protective tariff.
At home, whereas at first markets had been free and open to any comer, a more and more protective policy set in, traders from other towns being subjected more and more to vexatious restrictions.
In this re-alignment of parties McKinley, who had expected to make the campaign on the issue of a high protective tariff, was diverted to the defence of the gold standard as the main issue.
He endeavours to show that all social laws are the crystallized results of selfish aggrandizement and protective alliances among the weak.
Inoculation is harmless, and the results obtained in India justify a favourable opinion of its protective efficacy.'
In 1816 Calhoun delivered in favour of a protective tariff a speech that was ever held up by his opponents as evidence of his inconsistency in the tariff controversy.
In 1824 there was a very large increase in protective duties.
Neither as financial nor as protective expedients were the custom duties of classical societies of much importance.
In this region many species of reptiles and insects are almost perfectly white - an interesting example of protective coloration.
With regard to international commerce Colbert was equally unfortunate in not being in advance of his age; the tariffs he published were protective to an extreme.
In addition to these 6 divisions, there are "army troops" at the disposal of the commander-in-chief, consisting of two mixed "mounted brigades" (cavalry, mounted infantry, and horse artillery) serving as the "protective cavalry," and of various technical troops, such as balloon companies and bridging train.
The second line army consists of 14 mixed mounted brigades as protective cavalry and 14 army divisions of much the same combatant strength as the regular divisions, the only important variation being that the artillery consists of 4-gun instead of 6-gun batteries.
The centre of the beetsugar industry is Skane, but it is also carried on in the island of Gotland; its great access of prosperity is chiefly owing to the existence of a protective duty on imported sugar.
Both inflammation and fever are protective processes calculated to defend the organism against the attacks of microbes.
But protective processes misdirected or carried to excess may become injurious or even dangerous to the organism.
Two methods of protective inoculation have been used.
The customs tariff in the Portuguese possessions is of a highly protective nature; goods coming from Portugal pay one-tenth of the dues levied on foreign goods.
In March 1906 the customs convention was provisionally renewed (on a strongly protective basis, and with preference for British goods) but there was a distinct prospect of a tariff war when the convention expired in 1908.
After oxidation, the product is reduced by heating with carbon, care being taken to prevent any loss through volatilization, by covering the mass with a layer of some protective substance such as potash, soda or glauber salt, which also aids the refining.
The Methuen Treaty of 1703 prevented the establishment of some manufacturing industries in Portugal by securing a monopoly for British textiles, and it was only after 1892 that Portuguese cotton-spinning and weaving were fostered by heavy protective duties.
After the conquest of Peru by the Spaniards in the 16th century the natives were subjected to much tyranny and oppression, though it must in fairness be said that much of it was carried out in defiance of the efforts and the wishes of the Spanish home government, whose legislative efforts to protect the Indians from serfdom and ill-usage met with scant respect at the hands of the distant settlers and mine-owners, who bid defiance to the humane and protective regulations of the council of the Indies, and treated the unhappy natives little better than beasts of burden.
The serum of an animal thus actively immunized has powerful protective properties towards another animal, the amount necessary for protection being sometimes almost inconceivably small.
From this we may pass through various grades of " commensalism," like that of the hermit-crab with its protective anemones, to the cases of actual parasitism.
During the time of the barbarian invasions much of the protective system was allowed to fall into decay; but the latter part of the middle ages saw the works resumed with great energy, so that the main features of the present arrangement were in existence by the close of the 15th century.
Marquette, Mich., Presque Ile Point, Mich., Agate Bay, Minn., Grand Marais, Minn., and Ashland, Wis., are on bays which have protective breakwaters across their mouths.
It is urged that in time industries are set up that would not otherwise have existed, and population thereby attracted, this being especially the argument for protective duties in new countries; but even so, there is loss to set against the final gain, if any, and we have not yet had an account in which a balance of loss and gain is attempted..
Entering politics as a Jacksonian Democrat, Mason was throughout his career a consistent strict constructionist, opposing protective tariffs, internal improvements by the national government, and all attempts to restrict or control the spread of slavery, which he sincerely believed to be essential to the social and political welfare of the South.
The tariff, revised in 1906, is protective with a general ad valorem rate of 15% on goods not specifically enumerated.
As the result of an inter-colonial conference held in Pietermaritzburg in the early months of 1906, a new customs convention of a strongly protective character came into force on the 1st of June of that year.
Those on the other hand which reside on the ground have much duller, although as a rule equally protective hues.
They are timid, defenceless animals, depending for safety on the comparative inaccessibility of their arboreal haunts, and their protective colouring, which is rendered even more effective by their remaining still on the approach of danger.
The uniformly reddish or chestnut-brown specimens approach most nearly to the wild mouflon or urial in colour, but the chestnut extends over the whole of the underparts and flanks; domestication having probably led to the elimination of the white belly and dark flank band, which are doubtless protective characters.
The American Protective Association (A.P.A.), a secret order opposed to Roman Catholicism, was formed here in 1887.
The distress inevitable in connection with such an industrial revolution was increased by the immense burden of the war and by the high protective policy of the parliament, which restricted trade and deliberately increased the price of food in the interests of the agricultural classes.
The term of office of the latter was marked by the first tentative efforts to modify the high protective system by which British trade was hampered, especially by the Reciprocity of Duties Act (1823), a modification of the Navigation Acts, by which British and foreign shipping were placed on an equal footing, while the right to impose restrictive duties on ships of powers refusing to reciprocate was retained.
He decided, therefore, to reduce the protective duties on cotton, woollen, silk, metal and other goods, as well as on raw materials still liable to heavy taxation, such as timber and tallow.
The acts, therefore, were in the strictest sense protective, but they were also designed to increase the strength of Great Britain at sea, by maintaining large numbers of British seamen.
Generally towards the end of the first year the original thin protective layer of a stem or branch is replaced by a thin layer of "cork," that is a layer of cells the living contents of which have disappeared while the walls have become thickened and toughened as the result of the formation in them of a substance known as suberin.
Meanwhile (12th of February 1816) Dallas, in a notable report, recommended a protective tariff, which was enacted late in April, largely in accordance with his recommendation.
His career in Congress was marked by a notable speech in defence of a protective tariff.
External trade, owing to high protective tariffs, was mainly with Portugal; in the period of 1910-20 it was valued at from L3,500,- 000 to L4,500,000 yearly, with a tendency for exports to decrease.
But with the abolition of the protective duties in 1826 a decline set in; and though Irish poplin is still celebrated, the industry now gives employment to a mere handful of people in Dublin.
The victims of this process were the urban proletariat, whose treatment by their employers in trade became less and less protective and beneficent, and the nobility, straitened in their financial resources, uprooted from their ancient strongholds, and gradually despoiled of their power by a monarchy based On popular support.
Manufactures have been developed to a limited extent only, though protective tariff laws have been adopted for their encouragement.
Mr Chamberlain and his supporters argued that since 1870 certain other countries (Germany and the United States), with protective tariffs, had increased their trade in much larger proportion, while English trade had only been maintained by the increased business done with British colonies.
In many cases bracts act as protective organs, within or beneath which the young flowers are concealed in their earliest stage of growth.
Of these whorls the two internal, forming the sporophylls, constitute the essential organs of reproduction; the two outer whorls are the protective coverings or floral envelopes.
The sepals are generally of a greenish colour; their function is mainly protective, shielding the more delicate internal organs before the flower opens.
Consequent upon this, after a longer or shorter period, those changes commence in the embryo-sac which result in the formation of the embryo plant, the ovule also undergoing changes which convert it into the seed, and fit it for a protective covering, and a store of nutriment for the embryo.
In his criticism on Adam Smith, and his arguments for a system of moderate protective duties associated with the deliberate policy of promoting national interests, his work was the inspiration of Friedrich List, and so the foundation of the economic system of Germany in a later day, and again, still later, of the policy of Tariff Reform and Colonial Preference in England, as advocated by Mr Chamberlain and his supporters.
He felt unusually protective of the vulnerable human on the bed before him.
He almost sounded … protective of his mate.
Unable to shake the memory of her interaction with the soul from the lake, she felt protective of the one in her head.
The pulse of the protective field surrounding the compound mixed with the distant howls of coyotes inhabiting the forest.
They were hearty, dedicated men, but their gear was damaged, their protective suits sloppily stitched in many places, their boots in need of soles.
Andre appeared before her suddenly, and she stopped. The phantom looked at her then past her. Katie glanced back without seeing anything. The phantom had moved when her gaze returned to where he had been. He stood a short distance away, pointed to a small hollow in a tree then took up a protective position several feet away, watching the way she'd come.
Josh was different then — loving and protective.
Tutelarius. You know, protective - like a guardian – teaching me...
He should wear protective amulets like the Secret Dragon to empower his work.
Fiber helps to sweep toxins out of the body and the rich supply of protective antioxidants protect body cells against damage.
Or you may have experience in general protective apparel / clothing / hats / face masks / eye protection.
Yes they can but we provide plastic table clothes and protective aprons for the children.
X-Clip Sports armband Adjustable, cushioned armband for iPod nano with a detachable protective case.
The wooden protective cover folds out to provide two sturdy wooden ben... .
Workers cleaning towers must have protective clothing and respirators to protect them from both bacteria and chlorine (or other biocides ).
It features a stainless steel burner, a 520mm diameter reflector, a protective chrome wire guard, an anti-tilt switch and piezo ignition.
Screw protective black cap back on to cylinder valve outlet.
The imagines (adults) have flattened bodies with their top side forming a protective carapace over the animal.
Both units incorporate the latest digital circuitry with protective coated electronics in a waterproof sealed case.
Some 75 percent of protective clothing sold in the UK is imported.
Now, by teaming up with AEA to add a protective coating, the thermal resistance of these parts can be enhanced still further.
Not the latest dance fad, but the process by which they spin a protective cocoon around themselves and develop into adults.
Fresh Start rapidly removes these toxic chemicals and minerals and contains a natural colloid which coats the fish with a protective barrier.
Some take on the protective coloration of the people they write about.
The use of protective clothing for farmers in Brazil presents a conundrum.
Wind is particularly damaging when the ground is frozen and there is no protective snow cover.
We provide protective coveralls, however it is advisable to bring a change of clothes.
In a wet spring however any such protective covering should be removed to avoid rotting of the young shoots.
An employer is required to provide competent co-workers, adequate materials, safety equipment, protective clothing and a safe system of work.
There is no reason to keep her in protective custody, Mulder.
This is reflected in the number of protective designations that exist throughout the area.
However, we do not know that the levels of antibodies detected are actually protective levels.
Thus 1,000 extra sandbags have been used to strengthen the protective dike at Luabo.
Charles Fripp left the protective transporting eiderdown under the bonnet (to accelerate warming up he says ).
I would only take elecampane if I had an active infection; it has little protective value.
Do you think designers in general should be more helpful and less protective of ideas and less elitist?
In addition, they are fully encased in a protective rubber housing.
Here was her precious son being whisked out of her protective bosom into an unknown arch enemy... .
Do I have to provide my employees with protective equipment?
However, 90% of such injuries are thought to be preventable with the use of protective eyewear.
It was not normal practice at the time to provide goggles or other protective eyewear for such work.
The systems function in open mode, i.e. attached to a full face mask, or covered mode, i.e. inside a protective suit.
The work will attempt to install a protective fencing to secure the affected areas.
Once the post is removed the protective flap is closed to ensure a flush ground surface.
Safety helmets, protective footgear and high visibility jackets must be worn by all personal on this site.
More steel plate protective steel midsole safety footwear Drivers protective steel midsole safety footwear Talking On Cell Phones.
The man wears a linen smock frock originally a protective overall.
Just touching a cold milk bottle without using protective gloves can cause the fingers to go numb.
They should also provide you with protective goggles to protect your eyes.
This was a very exposed location, apart from the 8 gun turrets, the remaining gun turrets, the remaining guns had very little protective armor.
You should not go into a potentially hazardous work place without the required protective clothing.
He added that health and safety regulations made it imperative that all protective clothing, including headgear, be worn.
A rider whilst racing or training shall wear properly affixed protective headgear which must be of a hard/soft shell construction.
A child under the age of 14 must wear approved protective headgear when riding a horse or pony on a public road.
The only rational response to such tactics is at minimum to wear some form of protective headgear.
As they don their protective helmets, little do they suspect this will be their final battle.
Protective front headlight grille for use off-road (not homologated for on-road use ).
Personal protective clothing should be worn when handling cal hypo.
They come in their own protective suede bag, with Robs own hand blended cone incense.
The boot is fitted with an integral protective stone guard and also features a removable PES insole.
When dry, we dust the batt with dry powdered kaolin (china clay ), which acts as a second protective layer.
However, the sign would have benefited from the application of a protective lacquer.
Between the outer shell and the insulating layers is a 100% waterproof, breathable, seamless inner protective glove.
These cells are thus being transformed into a hard protective layer.
Condoms, gloves and plenty of water-based lube are likely to be protective.
A protective lubricant must be used to protect the bore between shooting outings.
The basic individual protection against a biological agent attack is the wearing of the protective mask with hood attached.
Your vet may also suggest using Cosequin as a protective measure.
Sometimes described as Olive, it is pale brown thanks to its naturally high levels of protective melanin.
Hundreds of children in Cape Townâs inner city metro pole are living on the streets or are being housed in protective shelters.
More steel plate protective steel midsole safety footwear Drivers protective steel midsole safety footwear Drivers protective steel midsole safety footwear Talking On Cell Phones.
High speed explosive motorboats were to blast breaches in the protective booms and nets allowing two SLCs to penetrate the harbor.
Remember that fish have protective mucus on the surface of their body to protect them from disease.
If necessary, supply personnel should arrange for resupply of protective overgarments and other Class II NBC-related gear.
David was not wearing any protective padding for the escape, nor were there any crash mats to land on.
Finished off with a protective coat of handmade beeswax polish and presented on a [non-leather] cord thong approx.
Made from durable polycarbonate, a shatter proof material used to make protective eyewear.
Bubble wrap Bubble wrap is a protective cushioning material made from low-density polyethylene.
These products may suggest a change in readiness posture, protective actions, or response that should be implemented in a timely manner.
This is so that the necessary preventive and protective measures can be identified.
He was especially acknowledged for the discovery of a protective factor, which he called prostacyclin, which helps to keep blood vessels healthy.
Well known for being good mothers and can be fiercely protective with calves at foot, particularly toward dogs.
Researchers have developed a plant-based vaccine against bacterial Shiga toxin, and show that it is highly protective in mice.
It is all too easy for families to be over protective.
Manfred is quite rightly extremely protective of his music.
Anyway why should the PPA be so protective over the data that they consider a request must be dealt with by them?
I remember feeling fiercly protective of him which is only normal.
There is no doubt the commercial judges have become far more protective of the claimant, insured or reinsured.
One that, much to Mike's distress, Sully seems to like having around and is even getting protective over.
Despite our open and co-operative relationships with many other countries in the world, we remain jealously protective of our position and affluence.
This is the sign of coiled rope surrounding all the cartouches of the Pharaohs and is considered powerfully protective.
But I don't know, puppeteers are very protective of their puppets as well.
How can I establish whether the new house I am planning to buy should have radon protective measures?
Note, need FAST system to respond, rapid protective reflexes.
There is a clear entrance, flanked by an outer protective work, now very ruinous.
Cable - This is a 4 core fully screened, cable with protective outer sheath suitable for direct burial.
The securing of property, especially the covering with protective sheeting, is called ' battening down ' .
Is the protective shield established for the benefit of the young person themselves?
A naked singularity, by contrast, has no such protective barrier.
Each item shall be placed in a protective sleeve upon which the vendor's personalized reference is marked on the reverse.
The dust jacket is handsomely designed and is repeated on the outside of the protective slipcase.
Protective taping of the ankles is often necessary to prevent sprains or fractures.
The Swim Safe combination swimming jacket and UV sun protective sunsuit is available inside in a choice of colors.
It is also popular with swimmers, surfers and body boarders due to the protective westerly swells.
All the UV protective swimwear we offer provides a tested UPF50+ protection.
This amulet would have been valued for exuding divine energy and was probably worn as a protective talisman by a pious Buddhist.
They should also bring hard hats and stout shoes with rubber soles (protective toecaps are even better ).
Sweep on a protective topcoat daily to increase your nail polish's staying power.
Police were in riot gear and carrying truncheons as protective clothing.
Alexandra was a very protective mother, but she was also determined to see that her son became tsar.
Officers wore protective clothing and stab vests as they searched the homes, but were not armed, a police spokesman said.
They had to wear protective visors to prevent them from being dazzled by the sun.
The yellow paper of this map is the protective wrapping from an X-ray film.
As has been shown above, the closing up of the sub-umbral cavity is one of the earliest degenerative changes in the evolution of the gonophore, and we may regard it as the umbrellar fold taking on a protective function, either temporarily for the bud or permanently for the gonophore.
In Limnocodium the body secretes a gelatinous mucus to which adhere particles of mud, &c., forming a protective covering.
The sporophylls (stamens and carpels) are generally associated with other leaves, known as the perianth, to form a flower; these subsidiary leaves are protective and attractive in function and their development is correlated with the transport of pollen by insect agency (see ANGI0sPERM5; POLLINATION, and FLOWER).
For example, the egg may be raised above the surface on which it is laid by an elongate stalk; the eggs may be protected by a secretion, which in some cases forms a hard protective capsule or " purse "; or they may be covered with shed hairs of the mother, while among waterinsects a gelatinous envelope, often of rope-like form, is common.
The phenomena, known as "protective resemblance," or similarity to inanimate objects or vegetation, and the kindred phenomenon of "mimicry," or beneficial likeness to certain protected species of animals, are common in the group. In these particulars, considered in their entirety, spiders show a marked contrast to other Arachnida, such as the scorpions, pedipalps, book-scorpions and so-called harvest spiders, which by comparison are remarkably uniform, within the limits of the orders, in structure, habits and other respects.
Sheets of mica are used as a surface for painting, especially in India; for lantern slides; for carrying photographic films; as a protective covering for pictures and historical documents; for mounting soft and collapsible natural history specimens preserved in spirit; for the vanes of anemometers; mirrors of delicate physical instruments; for various optical and many other purposes.
This acquired immunity is brought about by the development of a protective body as a result of the struggle of the cells and fluids of the body with the invading bacteria and their toxins.
The planters in the Black Patch had met a combination of the buyers by forming a pool, the Planters' Protective Association, into which 40,000 growers were forced by " night-riding " and other forms of coercion and persuasion, and had thus secured an advance to I I cents a pound from the "regie " buyers and had shown the efficacy of pooling methods in securing better prices for the tobacco crop. Following their example, the planters of the Burley formed the Burley Tobacco Society, a Burley pool, with headquarters at Winchester and associated with the American Society of Equity, which promoted in general the pooling of different crops throughout the country.
They begin to be formed after the origin of the leaves, but grow much more rapidly than the leaves, and in this way they arch over the young leaves and form protective chambers wherein the parts of the leaf may develop. In the figs, magnolia and pondweeds they are very large and completely envelop the young leaf-bud.
The customs are of a protective character, while there is a rebate on goods from Great Britain and British possessions' (see below, History).
He cordially concurred in the cooperative and protective resolutions then adopted (see English History) and joined Mr. Asquith in recommending them to the House of Commons.
But I do n't know, puppeteers are very protective of their puppets as well.
In response to their restive populations, governments are likely to return to protective barriers.
A self-sealing female coupling with protective cap is fitted to the adjacent hose end for the air supply connection.
The securing of property, especially the covering with protective sheeting, is called ' battening down '.
Product information Ideal for commuters, this 15 liter daysack features a protective laptop compartment and an adjustable shoulder strap for comfort.
Each item shall be placed in a protective sleeve upon which the vendor 's personalized reference is marked on the reverse.
I also always fit a stock sock, a simple slip-on protective cover that stops solvent spillage from stripping that beautiful walnut finish.
However, at elevated temperatures, long term exposures eventually result in the spallation of the protective coatings.
Each time you go on a diet, your protective mechanism goes a little deeper into the starvation mode.
Since a diffusion bond is also formed between the superalloy substrate and bond coat, the protective ceramic layers adhere to the metal substrate.
Induction of a protective response in swine vaccinated with DNA encoding foot-and mouth disease virus empty capsid proteins and the 3D RNA polymerase.
Protective Clothing - All RideWise instructors must wear the high visibility tabard provided by RideWise.
They should also bring hard hats and stout shoes with rubber soles (protective toecaps are even better).
Sweep on a protective topcoat daily to increase your nail polish 's staying power.
The London Ambulance Service conducted triage of casualties by personnel in appropriate personal protective equipment.
There 's an extra two inches of ground clearance, and the bumpers include protective underbody shields.
Great care is required to avoid contact with unprotected human skin or tissue, heavy protective gloves need to be worn at all times.
The viral vectors carrying the GFP were injected into the space between the egg and its protective vitelline membrane.
As with all our packing products, these cardboard boxes will be delivered to you shrink wrapped in protective polythene.
Mattress pads-Your baby will probably wet her clothing and her bed, so be sure your have protective padding under the sheets.
Don't be surprised if your firstborn becomes more protective and territorial of her belongings and of you!
All-In-One Diapers-Since many cloth diapers must be used with a protective cover, all-in-one diapers offer a convenient solution.
Parents of infants are naturally protective and cautious about the delivery of their needs.
If you notice any skin irritation on baby's bottom, you may want to use a diaper cream such as Boudreaux's Butte Paste or Desitin to provide a protective layer between baby's skin and the diaper.
It is in your best interest to purchase some form of protective case for your iPod Nano if you plan on keeping it in as pristine a shape as possible.
The Nano does not come with much included in the box (just a dock adapter, USB cable and headphones), so you may need to invest in a protective case, armband, or other accessories -- these quickly add up and Apple knows it.
The least protective helmets are the half-helmets.
Check that the sheet still has the protective layer of plastic over it with no scratches.
It is often caused by pain, loss of sight or hearing, or some sort of illness.Any of these conditions can cause your pet to be become grouchy and more protective of himself, so try to keep your cat's stress level to a minimum.