Protagonist Sentence Examples
For the next nine years he was the protagonist of Reform.
He took up the task with the greatest zeal, although Berengar had been his personal friend; he was the protagonist of orthodoxy at the councils of Vercelli (1050), Tours (1054) and Rome (1059).
Mario is the main protagonist in Mario game video games.
Alan Wake, the game's protagonist, is a bestselling horror writer, who writes a novel about his darkest nightmares.
Fairy tales always involve some type of transformation for the protagonist.
The alien protagonist of the story, whose name we never discover, is one of a party of scientists.
While the main protagonist is a young lady who goes to her grandfather's mansion after he is brutally murdered by an unknown monster, you get to take on the persona of eleven different characters in this game, spanning over two millenia.
Could these suggestions connect him as an unseen influence in the protagonist's current predicament?
This observation best reflects Lucking's thesis that language is an " unnamed protagonist " in the plays.
I just did notes on a studio project where the female protagonist had a series of blind dates in a number of foreign locales.
AdvertisementThe game 's protagonist is Nikki Connors, a hardened (yet surprisingly voluptuous) military type.
Because he (and his protagonist) isn't perfect, Jeff Kinney is able to find readers who can especially appreciate that.
His first actual developed game was Lost Warld, a war-themed platformer with a masked female wrestler for a protagonist.
The core gameplay involves issuing real-time commands to "minions", a collection of gremlin-like creatures controlled by the self-titled protagonist of the game.
Arthur is our protagonist, the Earth-born human through whose eyes we experience his 'wholly remarkable' adventure.
AdvertisementThis name fits Luke Skywalker's character as the protagonist who fights for the light side of the Force.
Wallander is a superb protagonist, and while just now I said he was the stereotypical loner, in all honesty he isn't.
The protagonist of the novel, nicknamed Birdy, is approaching marriageable age at 14, and she is not interested in serving traditional feminine roles.
The game's original protagonist and hero, Little Mac, has decided to strap on the gloves and boots again to recapture his crown as the boxing champion.
Catherine Jones, the protagonist of Second Skin, undergoes a similar initiation.
AdvertisementIn the telenovela Rubi, for example, the protagonist is a young woman named Rubi who aspires to be wealthy and successful.
Patera (Father) Silk, the protagonist, is a priest and auger; he divines the intention of the gods through the reading of animal entrails.
The protagonist is 'Griffin', a scientist who discovers the means to make himself invisible.
In these novels, which are murder mysteries, the unnamed protagonist is a thirty-ish writer living in Venice, California in the early '50s.
The protagonist is Louis Wu, a human 'everyman', if every man were a genius zillionaire.
AdvertisementThe embodiment of youthful energy and enthusiasm, Luke Skywalker is the protagonist of episodes IV, V, and VI.
An old author's trick is having a protagonist who is outside the culture you want to explore, because that character can comment on aspects of the culture, which explains it nicely to the reader.
The latter part of the Perceval is indeed devoted to the recital of his adventures at the Chastel Merveilleus, but of none of Chretien's poems is he the protagonist.
To meet this special perplexity, the author holds up the picture of early days, when the great protagonist of the Gospel constantly enjoyed protection at the hands of Roman justice.
The protagonist is the court instructress who guides the ladies of the imperial harem on correct behavior.
Both are declamatory, extravagant in character, highly lyrical and immediately establish the soloist as a romantic protagonist.
This film is not so easily pigeonholed, nor is its protagonist.
There's Sarah (McDonald ), the film's main protagonist, still suffering from a personal loss.
Another man enters clutching a live rooster, presents the protagonist with an ax, then leaves the room.
The game's protagonist is Nikki Connors, a hardened (yet surprisingly voluptuous) military type.
The aristocracy of birth, despite its reverses, still remained the elite of society; and Griffenfeldt, the son of a burgess as well as the protagonist of monarchy, was its most determined enemy.
Throughout Europe the governing classes regarded this " union of throne and altar " as axiomatic. For the pope, as eldest legitimate sovereign and protagonist against the Revolution, Consalvi obtained from the Congress of Vienna the restitution of the States of the Church in practically their full extent.
As such the protagonist is not only here to seduce the viewer but also to provide him with a peculiar vision of Indian History.
It's about a Mexican-American protagonist living in L.A. -- I got to write about my city and my culture.
That is why this book's character is very much a protagonist -- she's a smart, proactive and determined character.
Along the way, the main protagonist may be joined by other adventurers and the player may be able to control them as well.
The protagonist seems to have a never-ending bag of tricks, but do these include cheat codes too?
Since Link is the sole protagonist in Twilight Princess and he doesn't always have the opportunity to back to a home base to replenish his needs on the fly, the portable wallet becomes an indispensable tool.
Avatar Jake Sully - The protagonist of the story, you can find this character in a variety of poses and colors, including an action figure featuring Jake Sulley as he is on earth-in a wheelchair.
The struggle between good and evil is also very clear in kids' movies, with the movie's villains typically being thwarted and the protagonist resolving all or most of the story's problems.
Three actors play Anakin Skywalker, the protagonist of the Star Wars prequel trilogy and tragic figure of the final episode.
The insensitivity of the male protagonist and his consequent inability to satisfy the basic needs of the female is thus a recurring theme.
Where my books feature a child protagonist, that protagonist is always black.
In consequence of his prominence as a labour protagonist of the war, his life was threatened, along with the Prime Minister's, by the conspiracy of a Derby family of anarchists, who were duly convicted, and sentenced to considerable terms of penal servitude, in March 1917.
By emphasizing the purely moral character of Yahweh's demands from Israel, by teaching that the mere payment of service and worship at Yahweh's shrines did not entitle Israel's sins to be treated one whit more lightly than the sins of other nations, and by enforcing these doctrines through the conception that the approach of the all-destroying empire, before which Israel must fall equally with all its neighbours, was the proof of Yahweh's impartial righteousness, they gave for the first time a really broad and fruitful conception of the moral government of the whole earth by the one true God.1 It is impossible to read the books of the older prophets, and especially of their protagonist Amos, without seeing that the new thing which they are compelled to speak is not Yahweh's grace but His inexorable and righteous wrath.
Protagonist Carl Johnson left his hometown in San Andreas five years earlier to escape the corruption, drugs and gangs of the inner city.
In Resident Evil 4, you resume the role of Leon Kennedy, whom you might remember as the rookie cop protagonist from Resident Evil 2.
The human protagonist of the story, Jake Sully, is a paraplegic former Marine.
One of the most well known Christmas movies for children, protagonist Charlie Brown is a bit down during the holiday season.
Though the program focused heavily on the family as a unit, its protagonist was American Bandstand dancer Meg Pryor, played by actress Brittany Snow.
But humanism, first of all in its protagonist Erasmus, afterwards in the long 'a ' list of critical scholars and editors, Lipsius, Heinsius sc and Grotius, in the printers Elzevir and-Plantin, developed ship. itself from the centre of the Leiden university with massive energy, and proved that it was still a motive force of intellectual progress.
Until the end of his life he remained a protagonist in theological controversy and a keen fighter against latitudinarianism and liberalism; but the sharpest religious or political differences never broke his personal friendships and his Christian charity.
It was perhaps the most wanton of all Mary's acts of persecution; Ferrar had been no such protagonist of the Reformation as Cranmer, Ridley, Hooper and Latimer; he had had nothing to do with Northumberland's or Wyatt's conspiracy.
The story with Nicodemus as protagonist is told of the Saint-Sang relic at Fecamp; and, as stated already, a similar origin is ascribed to the Volto Santo at Lucca.
Though still comparatively young, Gerhard had already come to be regarded as the greatest living theologian of Protestant Germany; in the numerous "disputations" of the period he was always protagonist, while on all public and domestic questions touching on religion or morals his advice was widely sought.
A second protagonist of error, this time of Gentile philosophic criticism directed against fundamental Judaism, is Apion, the notorious anti-Jewish Alexandrine grammarian of Peter's day; while the role of upholder of astrological fatalism (Genesis) is played by Faustus, father of Clement, with whom Peter and Clement debate at Laodicea.
The Czechs came under the sceptre of the Habsburgs after the battle with the Turks at Mohacs (1526), through an inheritance treaty confirmed by the vote of their Estates; an unsuccessful rebellion which they made in 1621 against the ruling house as protagonist of the counter-Reformation, brought them under the power of a ruthless conqueror, who wished to crush both their faith and their national independence.