Prospective Sentence Examples
Three prospective buyers had looked at the house and at least one seemed interested.
If she openly admired him in front of her prospective employer, what would she do when she was alone with him?
I was delighted, for my mind was full of the prospective joys and of the wonderful stories I had heard about the sea.
The crop is very variable, according to seasons and prospective markets; ranging e.g.
If, owing to proximity to a town or otherwise, the prospective value were too high, the council might hire such land for the purpose of letting it.
For many prospective parents, choosing a baby name is a difficult process.
The campaign site will launch in Q3 and be supported by direct mail and possibly email marketing initiatives to current and prospective customers.
The term 'volunteer ' can put off prospective participants.
We take great care to verify the credentials of prospective clients.
Prospective randomized trial of polypropylene mesh compared with nylon darn in inguinal hernia repair.
AdvertisementThe onus will be on the prospective developer to prove to the Council that the first or second preferences cannot be met.
First, AFS told every prospective vendor that it wouldn't pay a single dime until the technology was up and running.
Very often organizations in a crisis are already handling the emotional fallout of the prospective failure.
At the last election Geoffrey Cox, Conservative, was elected MP by a narrow majority over our prospective parliamentary candidate David Walter.
Design - Prospective, randomized, open cross-over study of women with proven recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.
AdvertisementYou will enjoy enhanced visibility - prospective clients will be drawn to your bolder listing rather than the basic listing of your competitors.
However, to illustrate to prospective customers our capabilities in this area, our work can be described in abstract.
Look here for answers to some questions that we are often asked by prospective undergraduate students.
Cameron Diaz also admits to being the kind of former L.A. club girl who used to torture prospective male suitors at will.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine ' .
AdvertisementWe reviewed our experience with a prospective ongoing protocol for the treatment of benign ovarian teratomas, between January 1990 and December 1996.
Most of the prospective trainees that I come across tell me they have made " 27 " applications.
There is already evidence from recent interviews that prospective employers and postgraduate course tutors are taking EHE experience very seriously.
Information for prospective undergraduates You can study Modern Greek language and literature at Oxford whether you already know some of the language or not.
Revocation of authorisation conferred by Community license because of disability or prospective disability 15C.
AdvertisementThe short-circuit rating of equipment must be higher than the prospective fault current at the position where the equipment is installed.
These pages are intended both for the information of current Trinity undergraduates and to whet the curiosity of prospective admissions candidates.
This prospective agreement is subject to ratification by the GMB in consultation with ASDA workplace reps.
Our proposed business model resembled that of other online companies featuring job sites; we charged prospective employer to post jobs and obtain access to our pool of job seekers.
We decided to turn the model upside down and instead of charging the prospective employers for job listings, we would charge the job seekers a monthly subscription.
Prospective parents need to educate themselves thoroughly on their state's laws as well as the various types of infant adoptions that are available.
An adoption agency should offer prospective parents plenty of information and support during the adoptive process.
It is important for prospective parents to talk to other parents who have successfully adopted a baby.
Prospective parents may create portfolios outlining and illustrating their own lives.
In many agencies, the birth mothers select the prospective parents by searching through detailed portfolios that prospective parents have made.
Once they've made their choice, the agency then approaches the prospective adoptive parents with the details of the adoption.
An independent adoption consists of prospective parents locating a birth mother wanting to put her baby up for adoption.
Search for adoptive parents who have already completed the process, and ask their advice on prospective agencies and attorneys.
Prospective parents are advised that the adoption process can ultimately cost between $20,000 and $35,000.
Prospective parents often turn to Christian adoption agencies in their quest to adopt a child.
The details and requirements should be spelled out in the initial interview so that prospective parents know immediately if they can proceed with that particular agency.
As with any adoption agency, Christian adoption agencies may have specific requirements established regarding prospective parents and adoptable babies.
For example, some Christian adoption agencies will accept gays and lesbians as prospective parents, providing their home study meets with approval.
Prospective parents must complete a home study.
Prospective parents must be in good health.
In some cases, prospective parents don't want to wait the sometimes years it takes to adopt an infant.
This form is a petition to classify an orphan child as an immediate relative, and it must be filed in person by at least one of the prospective parents.
As a prospective bird owner, care should be taken when considering the source of where you find your new feathered companion.
Low allergen and hypoallergenic cats may be the answer for many allergy sufferers who dream of sharing their life with a feline friend, but it's clear prospective owners will have to pay a hefty price for that pleasure.
If your medical information is relevant to your prospective employment.
Prospective homebuyers want tubs in their new homes.
As the green build movement gathers momentum, prospective home buyers will start to add sustainability to the top of their home shopping list.
In fact, a master bathroom is considered the second most important part of the interior to prospective home buyers.
If you prefer to create a bathroom that will have a good resale value, then you want to design it with prospective buyers in mind.
The web site also has a "King Material Job Generator" where prospective employees can copy and paste their resume or type in a few words that describe their dream jobs.
Every serious photographer should have a portfolio to show prospective employers.
To make it easier for prospective clients to visualize their photos on your pages, group your designs by theme.
Review the feedback on each prospective seller to make sure you're making a good investment.
Call agents to find out if they have any open calls so you can meet and greet prospective agents in person.
Those who charge a huge fee to include your photo on their website or in their model book that they send to prospective clients.
Prospective government workers can search by keyword, job title, location, salary and education level to find a job they are qualified for.
His prospective father-in-law wants to flush it out with dynamite but Steve says that will damage the remaining wildlife.
A feature article in the current June issue of Country Living has produced an overwhelming level of interest from prospective franchisees.
From time to time we need to ask prospective tenants to provide a guarantor for the rent.
Buying a Home offers advice, tips, and guides for both homeowners and prospective homeowners.
Should get me off on the right foot with the prospective in-laws.
By the time of the ballot there may be fewer than thirty prospective jurors in attendance.
The form will capture the prospective licensee 's customer details, together with a signed declaration from the existing licensee agreeing to the take-over.
Prospective candidates must submit a limerick with their applications.
This site is about the design of the engineered Mab, supplying data and raising design issues to help the prospective antibody designer.
Bob informed members that John was at present working on a new portfolio to be handed out to prospective sponsors.
The bewildering choice of prospective partners is so mind-boggling that too often they never make a choice at all.
He finds himself facing a big obstacle in the shape of his prospective mother-in-law.
This question is put into sharp focus when we consider what advice we would give to a prospective ordinand in the current situation.
As employers are often out-of-date, you are advised to print off the relevant pages to show a prospective employer.
Rank first it's to prospective policyholders in mediation not.
However, the only prospective clinical study shows no increased risk of crippling pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema ).
The Department provides a service to both staff and managers employed within the Trust and also prospective employees and other external bodies.
We hope to broaden this range, and so prospective authors are invited to contact us.
What are chancellors, let alone prospective prime ministers, doing deciding the level of tolls on bridges?
Prospective studies comparing one regimen over another are lacking.
The indexing and lists provide prospective registrants with a structured basis for determining names and viewing those selected by other registrants.
Using both retrospective and prospective data we then explore the relationship between human isolates and those identified from cattle and retail poultry.
Success at the TGT-2X well confirms the presence of a highly prospective section of clastic reservoirs in Block 16-1.
All prospective seminarians are given a spiritual director whom they are to meet at least once a month.
This will give you the opportunity to sample the night life and meet other prospective students in a more informal and relaxed setting.
His prospective sister-in-law, Alison, has hearing dog Bob.
What advice can you give prospective economics students to help them get the most from studying the subject?
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine '.
Information for Prospective Undergraduates You can study Modern Greek language and literature at Oxford whether you already know some of the language or not.
For those prospective parents who do not find a child in the current list, potential referrals may be submitted by the agency at a later date.
Capital One online account services provides prospective and current account holders with information and tools.
Attorneys' fees may be negotiable, so be sure to tell a prospective attorney if his rate is higher than you can afford.
When you have a short list of names of prospective lawyers, contact each one and ask to set up a brief meeting.
Good retailers will be pleased to advise prospective purchasers about the energy efficiency of a device and provide information about effective usage.
Before you register at a prospective college, be sure to check whether or not they are currently accredited.
Prospective members must meet a number of regulations before they are accepted into the organization.
To find such an individual, get recommendations from friends, co-workers, and family, if possible, and ask your prospective designer about their education and design training.
Once a prospective designer passes the NCIDQ exam, they can apply for membership in the ASID (Association of Interior Designers).
Make sure your parents are aware of your modeling desires before you start sending out your photos and resume to prospective agents.
Prospective teenage models should seriously consider all facets of a modeling career before they invest their time in this choice.
Agents send out comp cards to prospective clients; they include several photographs of a model in different poses.
An open call is a time when a modeling agency will see prospective tween models in person.
From this prospective, it's easy to see how one's self-esteem benefits.
Prospective buyers can browse online, or print off a PDF version of a catalog to flip through with friends.
Women start lining up in the wee hours and they come prepared - prospective brides bring mothers, sisters, or friends, and they may even have walkie-talkies or dress alike to more efficiently navigate the waters.
Couples should also be aware that many of their prospective guests may have their own holiday traditions to celebrate and could be unwilling to interrupt them for a wedding, even for a close friend or another family member.
All prospective members need is a desire to dedicate themselves to remaining sober one day at a time.
Prospective residents should be prepared to fill out a short application form, be interviewed, and give a deposit for rent at Oxford House.
This requires prospective parents to live in the country during this timeframe.
According to People magazine, Madonna left Malawi with the 1-year-old boy, although laws there state that prospective adoptive parents are required to foster the child in the country for up to 24 months.
While the number seems large, it is actually small when you consider the number of prospective students who apply on an annual basis.
To help prospective distance learning students, U.S. News & World Report has compiled a list of colleges and universities that offer online courses.
Do you want your grandparents, your pastor, or a prospective boss to see you like this on the net?
As a prospective student, your odds of winning at least one of the scholarships is very good.
Prospective students are encouraged to concentrate their studies before law school on courses that develop analytical skills and effective written and oral expression.
Prospective students and their parents can schedule a visit to the campus for a tour.
Prospective students interested in enrolling at Johnson County Community College should visit their website or plan to visit the campus.
Clark Atlanta University scholarships can help current and prospective students achieve their educational goals.
Prospective students can visit the Columbus State Community College website or contact the school by phone at 800-621-6407 to learn more about the program of their choice.
The College Board and some other higher-education Web sites have a series of online tools that are designed to help prospective students calculate and compare tuition costs and other college expenses.
Prospective students do not need to submit standardized test scores.
The Paradise Valley Community College website provides more information for current and prospective students.
Villanova prompts prospective students to figure out if they're a "Type V" personality looking to make a responsible investment in themselves by receiving an MBA from their school.
Focused lessons involve teaching prospective planners how to budget with clients, choose entertainment for an event, better understand a client's needs, throw an engagement party or shower, write contracts, and draft a business plan.
Another option for prospective wedding planners is to earn a career diploma in bridal consulting from Ashworth College.
Grants, loans, and scholarships can all help distance learning students, and in many cases, school officials are willing to talk with prospective students about financial planning options.
There are many prospective students who learn over time that a regular MBA is better suited for their needs, and the specialization in understanding the business of health care does not in fact further their career goals.
The courses, for both existing teachers and those who want to become teachers, can help expand prospective students' educational backgrounds, skills, and depth of abilities.
Teachers have an advantage over some other prospective distance education students because their flexible schedules allow them to adjust to independent learning models.
One important consideration for prospective students is location.
For reading and literacy, programs can be very useful to acting educators as well as prospective teachers and scholars.
There are a wide variety of program choices available, so prospective students have the opportunity to pick and choose those that seem best suited to their own interests, lifestyles, and learning methods.
A master's degree program is intended to open a number of personal and professional doors for prospective students.
Though there are a glut of opportunities available in the distance learning field for prospective and current businesspeople, those that are a cut above the rest distinguish themselves by their practical applications and immediate value.
However, some prospective students with unique needs and situations can truly benefit from print-based courses.
Regardless of where prospective students live, looking at distance learning programs in Wisconsin can be a wise use of time because the University of Wisconsin's programs in some subjects are among the best available.
Prospective students or just those who are curious can use the free version to compare select school criteria and create a list of personalized "top schools".
While numerous schools have various college admission requirements, as a prospective student you should have requirements of your own for each school.
It's rare for a four-year liberal arts college or any university to offer similar programs to prospective or current students.
Most often, distance learning courses cost just as much as on-site classes, if not more, so it's certainly worthwhile for prospective and current students to look into various options for funding their education choice.
For that reason, it's important for prospective students to seek out accredited degree programs that are backed by regional or federal educational boards.
It can be confusing to know about the commitment level of a course, or how much time the course will take to complete - but the University of Oklahoma explains this clearly for prospective students.
Prospective students may view the rankings as an unofficial guide to schools that they don't have a chance to visit in person.
Prospective students and parents who are investigating schools that have made The Princeton Review's list should be aware of both the positives and negatives that the colleges have to offer.
After tallying the results of the surveys, The Princeton Review uses them to determine and share information with current and prospective students about the "best" academic institutions in the country.
Many people don't give the Review's student surveys a second thought, but they're vitally important for current and prospective students as well as educators, administrators, and college counselors across the country.
Internet databases and search directories can make the process easier, as they allow prospective students to filter by subject field, program format, school location, and other factors.
It's essential for prospective students to compare tuition for distance graduate degree programs before narrowing their lists of final choices and submitting applications.
Some prospective students even find it helpful to make up spreadsheets of price information so that they can easily compare costs at a glance.
For that reason, some prospective students prefer to widen their range of potential schools by doing concurrent searches limited by geography, size, or other factors.
Many prospective college students aren't sure what they want to do after they graduate or which school subjects might turn out to be most interesting to them.
Not all major college information portals offer you the option of filtering your search to focus on Christian schools, but they are useful for facts and tips that are relevant to all prospective college students.
There are a huge number of associate degree programs in Pittsburgh to choose from if you're a prospective student.
But, what most prospective college students look for is the organization's academic rankings.
For details about specific tours, prospective passengers should consult an experienced travel agent or communicate directly with the cruise line.
For updated information about where each ship is based, prospective passengers should consult a cruise travel agent.
Before booking a cruise, however, prospective travelers should investigate the city and what it offers for cruise passengers.
Prospective passengers can also call 1-800-CARNIVAL or request brochures directly from the website.
Royal Caribbean cruise discounts are not hard to find, and with so many choices of ships and itineraries, prospective passengers can find great deals to make their next cruise vacation a bargain as well as a wonderful vacation.
To guarantee special diet arrangements, prospective passengers should notify their travel agent when making their cruise reservations.
While driving to San Francisco is less feasible, prospective passengers can easily catch one of the many 90-minute flights connecting Palm Springs to the Bay Area.
Most adventure cruises are operated by local or regional cruise lines who intimately know the culture they will be presenting, and prospective passengers should thoroughly investigate lines before choosing their voyage.
Before booking the cheapest European cruise possible, prospective travelers need to consider the difference between a discount offer and one that may be a better value, even if it has a higher price.
Because the line is so competitive for new employees, however, prospective applicants should take great care to make their qualifications stand out as valuable to the cruise line.
With more than 20 ships sailing worldwide, there is a Carnival cruise right for everyone, and reviews can help prospective passengers find the best cruise vacation for their needs and preferences.
The ship offers both weekend and mid-week departures, giving prospective passengers great flexibility with their travel plans.
By understanding what to expect on this type of itinerary, prospective guests can easily decide if it is the right type of cruise for them.
During a gay cruise you can dance the night away with current or prospective love interests, take in exciting shows with like-minded friends, and just enjoy being yourself in a supportive environment.
Making an unannounced visit to a prospective dog boarding kennel can tell you a lot about how the establishment is run.
This year, Helen Woodward Animal Center will team with Iams, Academy Award-winner Diane Keaton and Kristen Bell, star of the hit TV show Veronica Mars, to encourage prospective pet parents to take a shelter pet home for the holidays.
When possible, a volunteer meets with the prospective guardians to make certain they are aware of the needs of a this breed and make suggestions regarding caring for their new dog.
Although some prospective owners feel these applications are too detailed, they are this way for good reason.
Volunteers review the application and if a suitable animal is available, they will set up telephone interviews, home visits and a meeting with the prospective pet.
The luxury of having your own sink may outweigh other factors now, but when you're ready to sell your home, prospective buyers may not share your enthusiasm and decide that your bathroom is poorly designed.
If you are unsure about the size, contours or shape of your prospective deck, or you're just hoping to get a feel for material or labor costs, deck designs can go a long way toward helping you out.
Prospective brides shopping for plus size wedding dresses in Wisconsin can find several shops that have plus sample sizes available for trying on.
Independent senior facilities differ from assisted living facilities in that prospective residents must be in good health and be self-sufficient.
The Bar Association will provide names of qualified practitioners, and a prospective client still needs to contact the attorneys on the list to find one who would be a good fit for his or her needs.
Also concerned with integrity, this site is very clear that all prospective members must be honest with their information and presentation of themselves.
After completing the extensive questionnaire, prospective members have to pass a somewhat controversial screening process before receiving possible matches.
Great Expectations has locations in select cities around the U.S. Each location hosts events and intimate gatherings, but senior singles can also look for prospective partners online.
Individuals seeking employment with companies which actively recruit mature workers may benefit from using the list of current and past honorees as a starting point for developing a list of prospective employers.
Prospective members are also welcome to join the regulars for morning coffee, sit in on a game of cards or play a lively game of pool.
Top Retirements provides a guide for retirees and prospective retirees that includes facts and comprehensive information on each state.
There are many different types of Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park tickets, allowing prospective guests to choose the perfect admission for their visit to this southern California amusement park.
Exact ticket prices, restrictions, and conditions can vary, and prospective guests should contact the appropriate Disney theme park for updated information before they choose their Disney tickets.
Disney theme park tickets are highly customizable, and prospective guests can personalize their vacation experience with just the type of admission they need.
These retailers are able to offer discounts because they sell so many tickets, but prospective buyers should be aware that not every ticket sold online is necessarily discounted.
Disneyland annual passes can be a great deal for prospective visitors who plan to spend more than a day or two at the theme parks.
Prospective guests can also view or download a basic park map on the official Cedar Point Website.
For more information about the Sandusky Great Wolf Lodge, prospective guests can visit the official website or call 1-888-779-2327.
To join this time share travel club, prospective owners must be prepared for the initial buy-in of more than $16,000 plus closing costs.
You can also view your win (or loss) to your opponent by viewing a replay from your or the opponent's prospective.
This is a very common question asked by prospective PlayStation 3 buyers, because they want to know if they'll be able to enjoy the massive library of games that are offered through the legendary PS2.
If a prospective company is located in a smaller city or town, then try finding similar jobs in the closest large cities.
Every reputable school will have a package they send to prospective students with information about the school as well as on the video game design program and how it fits in with their overall educational offerings.
However, you don't want to set the price so high that prospective buyers don't even bother to look at your RV.
Prospective parents with a family history of Marfan syndrome should check with their doctor concerning genetic counseling.
However, for prospective parents with a family history of Marfan syndrome, genetic counseling is recommended.
Genetic counseling and testing are recommended for prospective parents with a family history of FA.
Genetic counseling is also of benefit to prospective parents with a family history of ataxia-telangiectasia.
As of 2004, prenatal surgery for spina bifida was available only as part of a prospective randomized clinical trial.
One prospective study done at Yale reported in 2004 that new GABHS infections do not appear to cause a worsening of tics in children diagnosed with OCD or Tourette syndrome.
Genetic counseling may help prospective parents with a family history of fragile X syndrome.
Tests performed on fetal cells found in the sample can reveal the presence of many types of genetic disorders, thus allowing doctors and prospective parents to make important decisions about early treatment and intervention.
Prospective parents are then faced with emotionally and ethically difficult choices regarding treatment options, the prospect of dealing with a severely affected newborn, and the option of elective abortion.
Prospective parents with first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, or other children) who have been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy should consider including counseling in their family planning process.
Healthcare professionals can help prospective users weigh the benefits of being protected against unwanted pregnancy against the risks of possible health problems.
If there is a family history of galactosemia, genetic counseling is recommended for prospective parents as they make decisions regarding pregnancy and prenatal testing.
Because of the rapidly increasing interest in infant adoptions, many state laws demanded investigations of prospective adoptive parents and court approval before the adoption could be completed.
In response to a shortage of healthy, Caucasian infants, prospective adoptive white parents started adopting children from Japan and Europe.
The Rockettes host a summer intensive each year, and prospective students of the intensive are invited by audition only.
It helps to put death in prospective, and is a great comfort to those who believe eternal life proceeds physical death.
The purpose of using feng shui when selling a house is to make it more appealing to prospective buyers.
By making it a place where every room is filled with positive energy -known as chi- prospective buyers will have an overall good feeling about the house.
Your front door creates the first impression of the inside of your house as prospective buyers enter.
After World War I, the newly established United States embassies worldwide were able to provide prospective immigrants with visas and health and legal inspections at their countries of origin.
Prospective students should consider if they are willing to work sometimes erratic hours (early mornings for wedding and prom appointments, weekends, etc.), and whether or not they can handle potential criticism from dissatisfied clients.
These side effects are rare, but prospective patients need to be aware of the possible risks before undergoing treatments.
Before scheduling an appointment, prospective clients are urged to learn more about hair salons by contacting them directly and inquiring about the services they offer for everyone's individual needs.
For the best results, prospective clients should contact different clinics for consultations and fee estimates before making a final choice.
Once you've found a few salon and hairdresser options, book consultations and meet with any prospective stylists.
Throughout the years, the prospective teachers attending her college continued to swell in number.
Wearing the appropriate clothing for a job interview sends the right impression to a prospective employer.
Your clothes are a way to signal to the prospective employer that you are interested in the job.
Drive by the prospective employer at a time when employees are entering or leaving the building.
Consider getting advice on your chosen outfit from someone who is knowledgeable about your prospective job or employer.
A well-written job interview thank you letter gives you the opportunity to sell yourself one more time and to leave a final positive thought with your prospective employer.
After all, if you say negative things about your former employer, prospective employers will assume that you'll do the same thing to them someday.
When you're looking for a telecommuting job, it's important to be on the lookout for prospective scams.
The first thing the prospective employer will want to know is your full legal name and your address.
Be sure to provide all the information the prospective employer has asked for.
If the form has a spot for indicating whether the prospective employer can contact your current one and you don't want them to do so, don't hesitate to say, "No."
It may lead to an awkward situation if your current employer doesn't know that you are looking for work and a prospective employer calls for a reference.
You're a student or prospective student attempting to decide upon a major.
Prospective employees can apply for jobs at Target in person or online.
Prospective FedEx employees can search for open positions by visiting the Careers page on the company's web site.
The key to finding this type of employment is to conduct a thorough search for job openings and to present yourself to prospective employers in the right light.
The cover letter submitted by prospective interns should include a statement about the individual's area of interest and what they hope to gain from the experience of being an intern at DreamWorks.
Connecting with a prospective boss over your shared love for bad television is not the aim of the interview- you want to connect on a business level.
This online list includes all of the possible opportunities that the Sears corporate umbrella has to offer prospective employees like you.
The Professional Positions page on the company web site has a search function where prospective Sears employees can find out whether an opening exists at a location near them.
Sears considers a prospective intern's extracurricular activities, as well as whether he or she has good communication skills and is dedicated to providing good customer service.
Many companies and prospective employers allow you to apply for a summer job online.
Below is an interview thank you letter sample that could give you some ideas about how to communicate with prospective employers after you meet with their staff in person.
The 100 best careers offer relatively good pay and prospective job openings in the future.
The key is to make the home attractive to prospective buyers so they can picture it as their new home.
The key to successful home improvement remodeling for resale is that it helps prospective buyers picture themselves as the new owners with minimal effort.
Canada has become a popular area for real estate investors and homebuyers, and Canada mortgage calculators can help prospective buyers in many ways.
Prospective applicants can apply for prequalification over the phone or by using the website.
While the premise of this program isn't to teach people how to flip houses, it has practical applications that all prospective renovators can use.
Free online rent versus buy calculators help prospective home buyers discover the financial difference between renting a property and buying a home, and whether or not it is advantageous to buy or instead keep renting.
Free online rent versus buy calculators help prospective buyers compare the costs and advantages in owning a home over renting.
Prospective customers can benefit from Everyday Lending's commitment to technology before beginning the application process. also features a variety of mortgage affordability calculators that can help prospective borrowers analyze the implications of different financing options.
As such, it is important for sellers to be able to show prospective buyers the condition of the property on which they are negotiating.
A written report from a home inspector can be immediately valuable to show the prospective buyers the condition of the home, often with more creditability than if the same information had been said by the seller.
The purpose of the pre sale home inspection is to give a prospective buyer an independent opinion on the readily accessible flaws or deficiencies in the major components of a home.
An Internet search can easily give you a list of names of prospective inspectors in your geographic area.
This report can then be provided to prospective homebuyers.
It is usually viewed by the prospective homebuyer as a non-biased statement showing the structural and functional integrity of the home.
It can be an early-warning for the prospective homebuyer of any structural and cosmetic issues.
This gives the homeowner the opportunity to fix any defects found in the inspection before the house is viewed by prospective buyers.
The more the inspector is able to detail the specific issues, the greater the value of the inspection to the prospective homebuyer.
The amount of debt prospective homebuyers carry affects the three primary variables that determine interest rate on the loans they will receive.
Prospective homebuyers will want to factor in the full costs of buying as they save toward a home purchase.
Prospective buyers also can determine the property tax amount - the largest part of the escrow payment - by checking with their real estate agent or the county property tax assessor before buying.
To qualify for this benefit program, you must be a current or prospective homeowner.
Every bit of information is spelled out for the prospective home buyer to provide the least amount of legwork possible.
However, a notable exception does exist; if a home goes on the market and a family does not come forward to purchase it for a private residence, the home may still be auctioned off, this time as a property opened to all prospective buyers.
Most banks that offer this listing offer it online free of charge so prospective buyers can peruse the offerings and find a suitable property.
Along with the submission of the application, prospective brokers must agree to a fingerprint test to conduct a criminal background search.
Prospective mortgage brokers must await the approval of their license before they are allowed to legally act as a mortgage broker within the state of Florida.
Assuming a woman is healthy and ovulating, and assuming her prospective mate has healthy sperm, and assuming they have regular sexual intercourse, it is sometimes rather hard for her not to get pregnant!
Nutritionists often advise both prospective parents to include foods high in Vitamin E-eggs and whole grains-or take a daily Vitamin E supplement of 200 to 400 IU.
In the case of a planned pregnancy, prospective parents can find out whether their health care costs relating to the birth and recovery will be covered under an existing health insurance plan.
Adoption agencies conduct careful screenings of prospective families to make sure they are committed to raising a child.
Call the office of the prospective dentist.
Your friends, not to mention any prospective love interests, will literally have stars in their eyes!
Typically, a capital campaign involves a combination of fundraising letter writing and personal contact with past and prospective donors.
With so many nonprofit groups holding fundraising events and sales, it's important that your event stand out from the other programs that prospective donors are also being asked to support.
You'll likely enjoy much greater success when the members of your sales force are properly educated before they begin approaching prospective customers.
Try to make your project stand out so that each prospective funder will see it as something worthy of funding.
Meeting people online also provides the opportunity to both present the most flattering images to prospective dates.
It is through services like Adult Dating that you are able to exchange information with prospective partners and then decide if you'd like to meet or "hook up".
From the parents prospective they want to protect their child from pain and mistakes.
From the child prospective, she wants her parents' approval.
When seeing the marriage from this prospective, it is easier to see what drew the two of you to each other and the roles that each of you took within the marriage.
In addition, if you specify in your profile that you are "looking for someone in the medical field," that will help let prospective MD's find you more easily.
The website,, has extensive search tools for online shoppers, or prospective customers can call toll-free at 1-800-562-2835 for assistance.
It is important to remember that even if a diamond ring isn't meant to symbolize a prospective union or ongoing relationship, it should still be a quality piece of jewelry.
Despite knowing how to be romantic, many prospective grooms are stumped when trying to think of romantic ways to propose marriage.
Because it is an unexpected time, it may be easier to surprise the prospective bride.
Even while the timing and setup of this all important question may be a surprise, the idea of a marital commitment should never be a surprise for the prospective bride-to-be.
Enlisting assistants may be required, and they should be able to keep secrets and improvise to keep the prospective bride from suspecting what is about to happen.
If the prospective employer asks for a resume, send one.
If you're interested in freelancing for particular types of companies in the Orlando area, the first thing you'll need to do is develop a list of prospective clients.
When you join, you'll also have access to a database of members, which can be a valuable resource for identifying prospective clients.
If you're just starting out, you may want to volunteer your services for a worthy non-profit organization in order to get a few samples for prospective clients.
Having your name attached to an article gives you more credibility in the eyes of prospective clients.
They may post their samples online so that prospective clients will see what they've done in the past.
The Internet has made it easier than ever to apply for freelance writing jobs, but you still need to follow the basic rules of professional behavior when you're communicating with prospective clients.
Send your resume and writing samples to prospective employers.
An e-card is an appropriate response for prospective guests who are not close to the couple.
Perhaps you were in a job slump, and while you were waiting to hear back from prospective employers, you killed time watching daily soap operas.
Ask a prospective agent what training she has taken advantage of.
Mat positions utilize a different prospective, and because you're often sitting or lying down, some poses seem simple.
Prospective instructors receive training, certification, and different levels of specialized training at a variety of locations.
When you can demonstrate to prospective studio owners that you have experience teaching all types of people in various situations, they have confidence that your style will serve their clients well.
An early bird price is offered to those who register in advance; all prospective students must apply for acceptance to the training program.Check the site for fees and registration information.
The 100-hour certification includes the basics to get started teaching yoga, while the 200-hour certification broadens prospective teachers' knowledge in all areas.
In the first session, the theme is on what yoga teachers should know; the second session teaches prospective teachers how to teach what they learned in session one, while the third session focuses on the business of yoga.
Think of your cover letter as a tool to let your prospective employer know why they should hire you and why you would be an asset to the company.
Your prospective employer can find your skills and education information in the resume.
If you're looking for financing for an existing or soon to be launched business, you will need a business plan outline or summary to present to prospective investors, venture capitalists, or lender.
Talk with prospective clients, such as realtors, account executives, multi-level marketing agents and other small businesses to discover the types of customers they'll send baskets to.
Perhaps you can build a simple Web site to display your work or provide a digital brochure on CD to prospective clients.
If you're thinking of writing your resume and you decide to begin by reviewing example documents, then you're on your way to pulling together the information you need to sell yourself to prospective employers.
Supporting documentation, which could be anything from prospective partnerships to management team qualifications.
Generalities say nothing about you and thus, prospective employers will tune out.
The biggest challenge for professionals changing careers is how to demonstrate that all the experience accumulated so far will be attractive to a prospective employer in a new field.
Tell your writer the key points to stress to a prospective employer, adoption agency or landlord if you know they're looking for something in particular.
Once you've identified the most positive aspects of a person, sell them in a way that would catch your attention as a prospective employer, professor, evaluator or what have you.
There is much more to job application forms than simply typing up some questions and handing the form to prospective employees.
These forms can be a quick solution for businesses which need simple application forms for prospective employees.
Many schools provide free teleconferences and information sessions for prospective students.
Blogging has the potential to be a powerful tool to encourage existing and prospective customers to seek out your company's website several times each week.
A company's name has a major impact on how prospective customers perceive the business, in terms of its overall image, appeal, and relevance to their needs.
You'll need to strike a balance between spending money wisely and spreading the word to prospective customers.
When you apply for a job using your resume, it provides the only information the prospective employer knows about you.
That way, a prospective employer will not consider you for a position that doesn't fit with your plans.
At that point, you and the prospective employer can get to know each other to determine if a position with the company would be a good fit for both of you.
Valuable skills like this will be one of the highlights on your resume, and gives prospective employers something tangible to make you and stand-out candidate.
Your resume forms the basis for the first impression you make on prospective employers.
When a prospective employer glances at your skill-based resume, what should be immediately obvious is your skills are related to the job for which you are applying.
By grouping information according to skills, you can highlight essential assets you offer any prospective employer.
Explore your options to draft a professional resume that helps you gain interviews and meetings with prospective employers.
To catch the prospective employer's eye, your resume must be impressive looking, quick and easy to read, and properly showcase your waitress, food and beverage serving talents.
Your summary of qualifications will get things moving and inspire the prospective employer to pick up the phone or write an email to invite you in for the interview.
When people are drafting letters designed to pitch your qualifications to prospective employers, you want to take the stress out of formatting the document and deciding what to include.
When you are preparing to meet with a prospective employer, it's a good strategy to review some sample interview questions as part of the process.
When you are preparing to sit down with a prospective employer, take the time to come up with some sample interview questions to ask as well.
You can also use a resume objective as a way to let the prospective employer know something about your skills before they review the rest of the document.
You can also include your e-mail address if you are open to having a prospective employer contact you in this way.
Include these details on your resume so that a prospective employer can see that you would make a good employee.
You may want to hold back on supplying a prospective employer with references until you are asked to do so after you have met with the hiring manager and have been asked to provide them.
Your resume is a document that tells a prospective employer about you in one or two pages.
Be sure to review the finished product before you send it to a prospective employer.
Using a free resume builder will give you something presentable to show to a prospective employer, but it only formats the information that you give it.
This tells the prospective employer that you are a person of integrity who does what they say they are going to do.
The best resume objectives are direct and to the point, making it easy for prospective employers to see what kind of job you are applying for and the type of organization where you want to work.
The first piece of information a prospective employer should see when reviewing the resume should be the candidate's full name, address, and phone number. shows a template with added tips that a job applicant can follow to create a resume that will create a good impression on a prospective employer.
List certifications, licenses and educational achievements prominently near the top of the resume, since this is one of the most important things your prospective employer will be looking for.
The objective statement on a resume is intended to be a phrase that conveys information to prospective employers about the type of job hope to obtain.
This paragraph is used to show the prospective employer why you are qualified for the job.
Some fields are required for every resume, while others are optional and should be selected to best highlight your unique qualities and to meet the needs and expectations of prospective employers.
If you are active in civic or charitable organizations in your community, this optional section provides you with a way to share that information with prospective employers.
Any time you send a resume to a prospective employer, it should be accompanied by a cover letter.
Take what you have learned from looking at various examples and draft a document that presents you to prospective employers in the best possible light.
Once the document seems perfect to you, it's advisable to have at least two other individuals critique the document before sending it to prospective employers.
Typically you follow up on a cover letter and resume submission within one week of its receipt by your prospective employers.
Your cover letter is your first opportunity to present yourself to a prospective employer, so do your best to be assertive and thoughtful, without coming off as overly confident.
There are plenty of dishonest individuals and organizations seeking to take advantage of prospective entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to earn a living working from home.
Many companies, like Geico and American Family, offer current and prospective customers quotes online.
Cigna refers prospective actuaries to the SOA to find out more about the profession and available training programs.
Parents or prospective students may be wondering if there is special health insurance for college students.
When you are selling your home, one way to get the attention of prospective buyers is to include a warranty on the home for a year or more.
An individual must ask this type of question to prospective agents, because each company has different theft limitations.
Demo auto insurance lets prospective customers take a guided tour through the insurer's products.
One of the single biggest factors that affect the amount of money charged for health care coverage is the health of the prospective insured.
Not all health insurance companies sell individual policies, but those that do will often provide the prospective customer the opportunity to pick and choose among available coverage to create an affordable policy.
As a prospective insurance customer, you will need to consider what kinds of medical services are covered before you make your final decision.
Be sure to reveal to your prospective insurance company that you live (and have your studio) in a condo, because this can change the type of policy you are eligible for.
A car insurance broker is someone who is trained to evaluate the type and level of coverage that a prospective policyholder needs.
A prospective investor should take the time to consider all the Metlife annuities offered by the company before making a final decision.
Before making a final decision about whether fixed index or other annuities are right for you, prospective investors should take some time to educate themselves about their options.
The other main reason for hosting a lingerie party is in conjunction with a bridal shower - although the lingerie party will probably be a different event, as prospective brides probably don't want their mothers there.
The party could also be themed around the graduate's prospective college or career.
However, during an audition for The Biggest Loser, prospective participants will have to prove through their plea on a videotape to producers and network officials why a television show will help them lose weight.
Prospective reality TV show contestants face stiff competition.
Once you've learned all there is to know about your prospective reality show, the next aspect is attending the casting call.
Founded by Robert Galinsky, the school offers programs in reality television training for prospective contestants, as well as corporate communications.
You can find tips on writing cover letters, dressing for an interview, appropriate interview make-up, resume building and how to sell yourself to prospective employers after an extended period of unemployment.
Channels that are a combination of the two allow prospective members to see what type of group it is without having access to any other member's personal information.
The chat room available requires a log-in, so prospective members must register with the site.
The ProBlogger site offers prospective blog owners hints, tips and advice to monetize blogs.
Their employees engineer websites to increase a company's profitability by generating sales and targeting prospective customers.
Beyond conveying the mission of hope and opportunity to the general community and prospective new members of the church, it is also an important communication tool for the existing congregation.
All the same, Saturday found her at a restaurant in Bartlesville, where she was supposed to meet her prospective employer.
It seemed to me that my wife's brief but profound statement put all else in prospective.
If he was an innocent prospective purchaser, he might very well reply.
At first his literary activity was limited to sectional publications, and he addressed his public, now as editor and now as leading contributor, in the Monthly Repository, the Christian Reformer, the Prospective, the Westminster and the National Review.
The canal system of Canada, linking together the great natural waterways, is also of much present and prospective importance in cheapening the transportation of agricultural produce.
The supreme issue was, however, delayed for a few weeks by the intervention of Napoleon, who, urged on by the loud alarm of the French people at the prospective aggrandizement of Prussia, attempted to detach Italy.
That assessments have ceased to be made upon prospective assets.
At this time he was a prospective candidate for the consulship, and was obliged by the hostility of the nobles towards " new men " to look for help wherever it was to be found.
But in 1202 the war was renewed, John having seized some castles from the family of Lusignan, whose head was the count of La Marche, and taken for his queen a prospective bride, Isabelle Taille*, from Hugh, son of Hugh IX., count of La Marche.
The bays of Agiobampo and Topolobampo are prospective railway terminals with fine harbours.
None of the prospective tenants were therefore able to assess how easy or difficult it would be to afford a housing association rent.
Included studies were those reporting on people undergoing tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy, that were prospective, and had groups without concomitant illness.
Open days offer a flexible program of activities specifically designed to assist prospective applicants in the decision-making process for 2006 entry.
Whether you choose business or casual dress, the most important factor is to look approachable to a prospective client.
Prospective applicants are advised that days will be long and hot, and the work physically arduous.
Their policy seems to consist entirely of sitting on their fat backsides doing absolutely bugger all in response to enquiries from prospective customers.
A marriage was arranged between the two houses, although the prospective bride fled at the idea.
In order to obtain a wife, a negotiated brideprice has to be paid by the prospective bridegroom to the father of the bride.
The assessment of traffic of prospective buyers dropped to 32 from 39.
Parents and schools of prospective candidates are urged to contact the Director of Music in advance.
This is a prospective cohort of persons aged 65 or older in 1982.
Prospective purchasers are advised to obtain legal advice prior to purchasing any property.
Nothing about the blinds was mention by the then prospective tenants when the rental offer was made.
You are welcome to discuss outline ideas with prospective supervisors.
An introductory meeting for prospective volunteers will take place at the YMCA on December 6 at 7pm.
According to its so fifth report, it originated " in the prospective fears of a portion of the trade that some dire calamity must inevitably, sooner or later, overtake the cotton manufacture of Lancashire, whose vast superstructure had so long rested upon the treacherous foundation of restricted slave labour as the main source of supply for its raw material."
She may have had interviews, with French agents who helped to foment the insurrection; but she was strong and wary enough to avoid Henry II.'s, as she had avoided Northumberland's, toils; for even in case of success she would have been the French king's puppet, placed on the throne, if at all, merely to keep it warm for Henry's prospective daughter-in-law, Mary Stuart.
Darnley at once threw himself into the arms of the party opposed to the policy of the queen and her secretary - a policy which at that moment was doubly and trebly calculated to exasperate the fears of the religious and the pride of the patriotic. Mary was invited if not induced by the king of Spain to join his league for the suppression of Protestantism; while the actual or prospective endowment of Rizzio with Morton's office of chancellor, and the projected attainder of Murray and his allies, combined to inflame at once the anger and the apprehension of the Protestant nobles.
In 1880, the Russian manufacturers depending chiefly on the barter-trade in tea at Kiakhta, their production was regulated principally by the prices of tea established at the fair; but now cotton takes the lead, and the prospective output for the year of the mills of central Russia is determined at the fair by the price of raw cotton imported from Asia, by that of madder, and by the results of the year's crop, which became known during the fair.
On Friday the Rostovs were to return to the country, but on Wednesday the count went with the prospective purchaser to his estate near Moscow.
I found this placement was a great introduction to professional work and stood me in great stead with prospective employers for many years afterward.
There are numerous adoption sites that prospective parents can access online in their quest for a successful adoption.
The actress and her partner, Brad Pitt , chose a prospective child from the Tam Bihn orphanage near Ho Chi Minh City in November 2006.
If you are writing a reference letter for a person who is applying for a scholarship or in support of a college application, the tone will be different than if the letter is going to be read by a prospective employer.
Such information is extremely helpful to prospective employers who may be interested in different types of individuals.
The cover letter is meant to introduce a job applicant to the prospective employer.
From prospective interns to senior executives, the site has a variety of examples available.
Looking at cover letter examples can help you decide how you want to present yourself to a prospective employer.
They may have limited employment experience, and asking for a personal reference is a good way to show a prospective employer that they would make a good employee.
It provides a prospective employer with more information about the kind of person they are and can be used to supplement a letter of recommendation written by a former employer.
This portion of your business plan is often the first look that prospective business lenders will have.
A reference letter that highlights strong research skills, for example, would be of little use to a person seeking a sales job, while a letter touting marketing experience might not be helpful to a prospective law student.
Baron Sidney Sonnino, minister of finance in the Crispi cabinet, found a prospective deficit of 7,080,000, and in spite of economies was obliged to face an actual deficit of more than 6,ooo,000.
Napoleon determined that he, like all the Bonapartist rulers, should act merely as a Napoleonic satrap. They were to be to him what the counts of the marches were to Charlemagne, warlike feudatories defending the empire or overawing its prospective foes.
Meanwhile about 150,000 acres had been sold to prospective settlers in France, and in October 1790 the French immigrants, who had been detained for two months at Alexandria, Virginia, arrived on the site of Gallipolis, where rude huts had been built for them.
A further fact of great prospective importance was the immigration, after an abortive rising against the Turks, of some 30,000 Slav and Albanian families into Slavonia and southern Hungary, where they were granted by the emperor Leopold a certain autonomy and the recognition of the Orthodox religion.
Those of the firstnamed province have been discovered since the war between Chile and Peru, and have greatly extended the prospective life of the industry.
The county board also elects a county highway commissioner for a term of three years, is required to designate a system of prospective county highways, and may levy a special tax and borrow money for the development of the system.
English Unitarian periodical literature begins with Priestley's Theological Repository (1769-1788), and includes the Monthly Repository (1806-1838), The Christian Reformer (1834-1863), the Prospective Review (1845-1854), the National Review (1855-1864), the Theological Review (1864-1879), and now the Hibbert Journal, one of the enterprises of the Ilibbert Trust, founded by Robert Hibbert (1770-1849) and originally designated the Anti-Trinitarian Fund.
When this was reported to the Turks, they at once decided to prevent the formation of such a league by attacking its prospective members one by one.
Concessions or immigration circulars were issued in 1663 and 1665 offering most liberal terms to prospective colonists.
In 1819 the emperor Alexander first mentioned his intention to abdicate in favour of Nicholas, Constantine consenting to stand aside; but he took no steps to initiate his prospective heir in affairs of state, and the grand-duke continued to be confined to his military duties.
Notwithstanding this prospective loss of revenue, parliament showed great reluctance to vote any new impost, although hardly a year previously it had sanctioned (3oth June 1879) Depretiss scheme for spending during the next eighteen years 43,200,000 in building 5000 kilometres of railway, an expenditure not wholly justified by the importance of the lines, and useful principally as a source of electoral sops for the constituents of ministerial deputies.
Nor can it be said that the first works of a more extensive and deliberate character show any consciousness of pure art as we find it in contemporary writings in England, though the fact that they are translations has some prospective significance.
The Indian budget, giving the results of income and expenditure in the year ending 31st of December, and the prospective estimates, is laid before the imperial parliament in the course of the ensuing session.
The nearest equivalent in the ancient Church was the local and temporary African practice of restoring lapsed Christians to communion at the intercession of confessors and prospective martyrs in prison.
A betrothed girl, seduced by her prospective father-in-law, took her dowry and returned to her family, and was free to marry as she chose.