Proposals Sentence Examples
The battle over these proposals was long and fierce.
These proposals were rendered abortive by the unflinching use of the queen's prerogative.
In January 1895 a special session of congress was summoned to take into consideration the financial proposals of the government, which included an increase in the naval and military estimates.
On the 31st of August of the same year a series of proposals upon the currency question was submitted to congress by the president, whose real object was to counteract the too rapid appreciation of the inconvertible paper money.
After the rejection in 1838 of the governments proposals for the construction of seven trunk lines to be worked by the state, he obtained a concession for that piece of line on the terms that the French treasury would advance one-third of the capital at 3% if he would raise the remaining two-thirds, half in France and half in England.
During the first six years of federation there were five ministries; the tenure of office under the threeyearly system was naturally uncertain, and this uncertainty was reflected in the proposals of whatever ministry was in office.
Every tenth year, beginning in 1880, the Senate is authorized to propose amendments, which proposals, if concurred in by the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, are published in the principal newspapers of the state.
He treated the Levellers with some severity and showed his instinctive dislike to revolutionary proposals.
Reports to the Postmaster-General upon proposals for transferring to the Post Of f ice the Telegraphs throughout the United Kingdom (1868); Special Reports from Select Committee on the Electric Telegraphs Bills (1868, 1869); Report by Mr Scudamore on the reorganization of the Telegraph system of the United Kingdom (1871); Journ.
Already, in the negotiations with England during the summer of 1806, the emperor had shown his sense of the extreme importance of gaining possession of that island, which indeed caused the breakdown of the peace proposals then being considered; and now he ordered French squadrons into the Mediterranean in order to secure Corfu and Sicily.
AdvertisementThe measure was an amalgam of Cavours scheme for a free church in a free state, of Ricasolis Free Church Bill, rejected by parliament four years previously, and of the proposals presented to Pius IX.
Their tactics, however, produced a contrary effect, for Rudini, accepting proposals from Berlin, renewed the alliance in June 1891 for a period of twelve years.
He protested against the extreme democratic proposals called "The Agreement of the People" (1647), and was one of the commissioners at the Savoy Synod of 1658.
But Decius, who had succeeded in surrounding them and hoped to cut off their retreat, refused to entertain their proposals.
Canons were adopted, thirty according to the generally received tradition, although the most ancient texts contain but twentyeight, and, as Hefele points out, the so-called twenty-ninth and thirtieth are properly not canons, but repetitions of proposals made in a previous session.
AdvertisementThe political and the commercial proposals were alike received with coldness, because the native diplomatists had aims which could not be reconciled completely with the policy of any other country, and the native merchants were afraid of foreign competition.
In January 1881 Count Loris-Melikov, minister of the interior, proposed to convene a " general commission " to examine legislative proposals before these were laid before the Imperial Council; this commission was to consist of members elected by the zemstvos and the larger towns, and others nominated in the provinces having no zemstvos.
When, however, on the 6th of August, the new law was promulgated, it was found that the " Imperial Duma " 5 was to be no more than a consultative body, charged with the examination of legislative proposals before these came before the Imperial Council, the duty and right of passing them into law being still reserved for the autocrat alone.
If this is successfully overcome, and the proposals meet with the Con approval of parliament, the bill is passed and, after securing the Royal Assent, becomes an act of parliament.
It provided that the powers of the light railway commissioners should continue until determined by parliament, and also provided, inter alia, that in cases where the Board of Trade thought, under section (9) subsection (3) of the original act, that a proposal should be submitted to parliament, the Board of Trade itself might submit the proposals to parliament by bringing in a bill for the confirmation of the light railway order, with a special report upon it.
AdvertisementThey pointed out that while during the first five years the act was in force there were 315 applications for orders, during the second five years there were only 142 applications, and that proposals for new lines had become less numerous owing to the various difficulties in carrying them to a successful completion and to the difficulty of raising the necessary capital even when part of it was provided with the aid of the state and of the local authorities.
Giustiniani explains that he had to make proposals to the cardinal before he broached them to Henry, lest Wolsey "should resent the precedence conceded to the king."
These two bodies nominally formed the legislature, the Tribunate merely discussing the bills sent to it by an important body, the Council of State; while the Corps Legislatif, sitting in silence, heard them defended by councillors of state and criticized by members of the Tribunate; thereupon it passed or rejected such proposals by secret voting.
Napoleon (who now used his Christian name instead of the surname Bonaparte) thereupon sent proposals for various changes in the constitution, which were at once registered by the obsequious Council of State and the Senate on the 4th of August (16 Thermidor) 1802.
On the 4th of April the Addington cabinet made proposals with a view to compensation.
AdvertisementDespite the urgent efforts of Joseph Bonaparte and Talleyrand to bend the First Consul, he refused to listen to these proposals.
In any case, it sent the proposals of the 4th of April in order to test the sincerity of his recent offer of compensation to England.
The attempt of Merrem must be regarded as the virtual starting-point of the latest efforts in Systematic Ornithology, and in that view its proposals deserve to be stated at length.
The government also turned its attention to the inadequate accommodation at the docks, and proposals for a new quay on the western side of the present basin, and for a second basin 900 yds.
Other proposals, made by men well acquainted with the East, are more definitely practical and less political in their intention.
A blockade of Egypt by an international fleet, an alliance with the Mongols, the union of the two great orders - these are the three staple heads of these proposals.
In 1887 Bismarck appealed to the pope to use his authority to order the Centre to support the military proposals of the government.
Proposals for a new map of France, to replace the famous Cassini map of1744-1793were made in 1802 and again by France.
The government interpreted the application as implying a wish for the abolition of serfdom, and issued a rescript authorizing the formation of committees to prepare definite proposals for a gradual emancipation.
What proposals he made to any were sure to charm them, because they saw him always the same."
Some of Emmet's bolder proposals, such as a plan for capturing the commander-in-chief, were vetoed by the timidity of his associates, none of whom were men of any ability.
Proposals made by the council for the modification and improvement of the existing laws and regulations which concerned it were to receive an answer from the government within six months; this provision has remained a dead letter.
A commission (the successor of many) was instituted at the ministry of finance in 1910, to draw up proposals for setting this confusion in order.
Lord Aberdeen made no secret of his dislike for the Turks, and openly expressed his disbelief in the reality of their reforms; and in January 1853 the tsar, in conversation with Sir Hamilton Seymour, the British ambassador at St Petersburg, spoke of the Ottoman Empire as " the Sick Man," and renewed the proposals for a partition made in 1844.
The Euphrates Valley (or Bagdad) railway scheme, which had previously been discussed, was brought forward prominently in 1899, and Russian proposals to undertake it were rejected.
British proposals followed, but were opposed by the Germans, who, as controlling the line to Konia in Asia Minor, claimed preference in the matter.
It was decided by the British government that the proposals made to this effect did not offer sufficient security.
Having rejected proposals to assist in the restoration of Charles II., Henry was recalled to England in June 1659 just after his brother's fall; quietly obeying this order he resigned his office at once.
Henceforth he resisted all proposals for joint operations, on any large scale, with Spanish armies not under his own direct command.
His proposals came to nothing, but he continued the struggle at a series of diets, and urged the Germans to emulate the courage and union of the Swiss cantons.
The Imperial government decided to sanction only the first of these two proposals.
Moor, who in his election campaign had criticized the Smythe ministry for their financial proposals and for the " theatrical " manner in which they had conducted their conflict with the home government.
The commission among other proposals for a more liberal and sympathetic native policy urged the creation of a native advisory Board entrusted with very wide powers.
In Natal, especially among the older colonists, who feared that in a united South Africa Natal interests would be overborne, the proposals for union were met with suspicion and opposition, and the Natal ministry felt bound to submit the question to the people.
Universal suffrage, then, was the first and Suffrage most important of the proposals put forward by Mr proposal.
Finally, the prime minister, Dr Wekerle, mainly owing to the pressure put upon him by Mr Justh, the president of the Chamber, yielded to the importunity of the Independence party, and, in the name of the Hungarian government, laid the proposals for a separate bank before the king-emperor and the Austrian government.
This indefiniteness of images is sometimes said to be due to diffraction by the edge of the aperture, and proposals have even been made for curing it by causing the transition between the interrupted and transmitted parts of the primary wave to be less abrupt.
He had gone to Pretoria hoping that the Transvaal volksraad would accept Carnarvon's federation scheme; but the federation proposals were rejected by the raad.
Meantime Frere's proposals to fulfil the promises made to grant the Boers a liberal constitution were shelved.
Nevertheless, on economic as well as political grounds, the leaders of both parties in the Transvaal were prepared to consider favourably the proposals put forward by Dr Jameson at the close of 1906 for a closer union of all the self-governing colonies, and the first direct step to that end was taken at an inter-colonial conference held in May 1908.
His opinions and his proposals for action were alike violent.
For much of all this the prime minister's colleagues were primarily responsible; but he himself had given a lead to the anti-militarist section by prominently advocating international disarmament, and the marked rebuff to the British proposals at the Hague conference of 1907 exposed alike the futility of this Radical ideal and the general inadequacy of the prime minister's policy of pacificism.
For many years proposals to amalgamate the working of the companies and displace them by a central public authority were put forward from time to time.
He had viewed proposals to abandon the campaign with alarm; but after visiting the peninsula he realized that evacuation was the only justifiable course, and he reported to that effect.
The third group, consisting of the last two names, is differentiated by its proposals with regard to Dynasty II.
Many proposals were made, none of them of practical value, until Savonarola, who had Savon- as a already made a reputation as a moral reformer, began states= his famous series of political sermons.
Bestuzhev had previously rejected with scorn the proposals of the French government to mediate between Russia and Sweden on the basis of a territorial surrender on the part of the former; and he conducted the war so vigorously that by the end of 1742 Sweden lay at the mercy of the empress.
These proposals being rejected, Filangieri resigned office.
The proposals for the Polyglot appeared in 1652, and the book itself came out in six great folios in 1657, having been printing for five years.
The various hypotheses, dogmas, proposals, as to the family, to capital, &c., are merely propositions measurable by considerations of utility and a balance of expediencies.
Many of these proposals are of the highest interest, and many of them are actually available; but there does not seem to be one of them of an available kind, which could not equally well be approached from other sides, and even incorporated in some radically antagonistic system.
The speech in which these proposals were introduced held the House spellbound.
Looking back on a long life of strenuous exertion, Gladstone declared that the work of preparing his proposals about the succession-duty and carrying them through Parliament was by far the most laborious task which he ever performed.
In defending his proposals Mr Disraeli gave full scope to his most characteristic gifts; he pelted his opponents right and left with sarcasms, taunts and epigrams. Gladstone delivered an unpremeditated reply, which has ever since been celebrated.
The British Foreign Office report, Draining of the Zuiderzee (1901), gives full particulars of the Dutch government's scheme and a retrospect of all former proposals.
He was chiefly occupied however with framing schemes for the reorganization of the then neglected general staff of the Prussian army, and many of his proposals were accepted.
Leopold hesitated and finally rejected the proposals as derogatory to ' his dignity.
In 1737 he had been appointed postmaster at Philadelphia, and about the same time he organized the first police force and fire company in the colonies; in 1749, after he had written Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, he and twenty-three other citizens of Philadelphia formed themselves into an association for the purpose of establishing an academy, which was opened in 1751, was chartered in 1753, and eventually became the University of Pennsylvania; in 1727 he organized a debating club, the " Junto," in Philadelphia, and later he was one of the founders of the American Philosophical Society (1743; incorporated 1780); he took the lead in the organization of a militia force, and in the paving of the city streets, improved the method of street lighting, and assisted in the founding of a city hospital (1751); in brief, he gave the impulse to nearly every measure or project for the welfare and prosperity of Philadelphia undertaken in his day.
At the extraordinary assembly of the clergy in 1782 he made various proposals, by one of which he sought, though in vain, to redress the most glaring grievances of the underpaid cures.
The prince of Waldeck reserves his whole rights as head of the church, and also the right of granting pardons, and in certain circumstances may exercise a veto on proposals to alter or enact laws.
He was the soul of the reactionary opposition that led to the fall of Thiers; and in 1873 it was he who, with Lucien Brun, carried to the comte de Chambord the proposals of the chambers.
Its proposals were adopted as to the subdivision of the occupation column into employer, employed and independent worker, and as to the record upon the schedule of the number of rooms occupied by the family, where not more than five.
By prearrangement, no doubt, uniformity may be obtained in regard to most of the main statistical facts ascertainable at a census, at all events in the more advanced units of the empire, and proposals to this effect were made by the registrar-general of England and Wales in his report upon the figures for 1901.
His proposals undoubtedly roused an extraordinary enthusiasm, and though he almost completely failed to win to his cause the classes, he rallied the masses with sensational success.
He is assisted in the government by 4 ministers of departments, under the presidency of a secretary of state, and, when occasion demands the extraordinary discussion of legislative proposals, by a council of state (Staatsrat), consisting of the secretary of state, under secretaries, the president of the supreme court of justice of the territory and, as a rule, of 12 nominees of the emperor.
This led to proposals for a slight modification in the franchise for the Saxon diet (1904), which were not accepted.
After a year had gone by it drew up " Proposals for the training of State officials."
After another two years it had indeed brought to light carefully prepared material for study, which was of great scientific value; but its proposals.
But Lord Selborne did not carry on his opposition to Gladstone's proposals only in his library or by his pen; in the year1886-1887he travelled to many parts of the country, and addressed meetings in defence of the union between the Church and state and against Home Rule; and in September 1893, in his eighty-first year, he addressed a powerful speech to the House of Lords in opposition to the Home Rule Bill.
The Consistory rules the Established Protestant Church, and is now composed of 31 members, 25 being laymen and 6 (formerly 15) clerics, while the "venerable company of pastors" (pastors actually holding cures) has greatly lost its former importance and can now only submit proposals to the Consistory.
The distance of Constantinople from Vienna and the obstinacy of the sultan would probably have prevented a settlement, but the return of Napoleon rendered all such proposals almost absurd, and the scheme was dropped.
All the other proposals and votes relating to Greek in the Previous Examination in 1870-1873, 1878-1880, and 1891-1892 are set forth in the Cambridge University Reporter for November 11, 1904, pp. 202-205.
On the 3rd of March 1905 a proposal for accepting either French or German as an alternative for either Latin or Greek in the Previous Examination was rejected by 1559 to 1052 votes, and on the 26th of May 1906 proposals distinguishing between students in letters and students in science, and (inter alia) requiring the latter to take either French or German for either Latin or Greek in the Previous Examination, were rejected b y 746 to 241.
A little later Richard Bentley conceived the idea that it would be possible to reconstruct the original text of the New Testament by a comparison of the earliest Greek and Latin sources; he began to collect material for this purpose, and issued a scheme entitled " Proposals for Printing " in 1720, but though he amassed many notes nothing was ever printed.
The former class of proposals will as a rule hardly affect the chronology of the Gospel; the latter will affect it vitally.
Some of the original proposals, which were much criticized, were subsequently dropped, including the permanent diversion of the Old Sinking Fund to a National Development Fund (created by a separate bill), and a tax on "ungotten minerals," for which was substituted a tax on mineral rights.
Lord Peel declined to put these proposals, and left the room.
During 1888 his personality was the dominating feature of French politics, and, when he resigned his seat as a protest against the reception given by the chamber to his revisionist proposals, constituencies vied with one another in selecting him as their representative.
As praetor (62 B.C.) Caesar supported proposals in Pompey's favour which brought him into violent collision with the senate.
He brought forward various proposals in social legislation forming the programme of the Labour party, without reference to the divisions among the Socialists, and on the 20th of November 1894 succeeded in raising a two days' discussion of the collectivist principle in the Chamber.
Anticipating the order of chronology slightly, it may be mentioned here that in 1873 Prince Edward Island (q.v.), which had in 1865 decisively rejected proposals of the Quebec conference and had in the following year repeated its rejection of federation by a resolution of the legislature affirming that no terms Canada could offer would be acceptable, now decided to throw in its lot with the Dominion.
That small colony, which had been represented at the Quebec conference, also rejected the proposals of the necessary capital, but as this was coupled with a voice in the decision of the route, it complicated the latter question, about which a keen contest arose.
Macdonald continuing from that time without a break until his death in 1891, while his party remained in power till 1896» This long-continued Conservative supremacy was apparently due to the policy of bold and rapid development which it had adopted, and which appealed to a young and ambitious country more strongly than the more cautious proposals of the Liberal leaders.
Various proposals on the part of Canada for a renewal of the reciprocity were not entertained.
Its mode of operation is to work out the matters it deals with during the intervals between the sessions, in permanent commissions, among which the whole domain of international law is divided up. The commissions, under the direction of their rapporteurs or conveners, prepare reports and proposals, which are printed and distributed among the members some time before the plenary sittings at which they are to be discussed.
The absence of Gracchus, and the inefficiency of his representative at Rome, led to the acceptance of these proposals, which were never intended to be carried.
Her father wished her to marry a son of Philip IV., king of Spain, while her cousin, the elector palatine, Charles Louis, was also a suitor for her hand, but both proposals fell through and she became the wife of a Dutch prince, William, son of Frederick Henry, prince of Orange.
On the return of the Unionists to power in 1895 he resumed the leadership of the House, but not at first with the success expected of him, his management of the abortive education proposals of '96 being thought, even by his own supporters, to show a disinclination for the continuous drudgery of parliamentary management under modern conditions.
Though the Scottish Churches Bill, the Unemployed Bill and the Aliens Bill were passed, a complete fiasco occurred over the redistribution proposals, which pleased nobody and had to be withdrawn owing to a blunder as to procedure; and though on the 17th of July a meeting of the party at the foreign office resulted in verbal assurances of loyalty, only two days later the government was caught in a minority of four on the estimates for the Irish Land Commission.
In order to maintain his independence, he energetically repudiated all proposals that he should establish his residence in France or Germany, and once more took up his abode in Rome.
In return he was obliged to lend an ear to the proposals of France, and above all to those of Austria.
He therefore sent a representative of high rank, who had audience of the tsar, and returned with proposals for a treaty and for the residence of a Russian royal prince in Lhasa in order to promote friendly relations.
The aristocratic republic of Poland was obviously the most convenient suzerain for a Livonian nobleman; so, in 1698, Patkul proceeded to the court of the king-elector at Dresden and bombarded Augustus with proposals for the partition of Sweden.
The more interesting question connected with the left bank is whether it does not provide, as Napoleon thought, the most natural outlet for the expansion of Antwerp. Proposals to connect the two banks by a tunnel under the Scheldt have been made from time to time in a fitful manner, but nothing whatever had been done by 1908 to realize what appears to be a natural and easy project.
In 1850 Bell successfully contested the borough of St Albans in order that he might be able to advocate his proposals for reform more effectually in parliament.
In 1851 he brought forward a bill embodying these proposals.
He can initiate proposals for new laws (projets de loi).
Belgium has no state navy, although various proposals have been made from time to time to establish an armed flotilla in connexion with the defence of Antwerp. The state, however, possesses a certain number of steamers.
At later dates definite proposals for immediate annexation were considered but not adopted, the king showing a strong disinclination to cede the state, while among the mass of the Belgians the disinclination to annex was equally strong.
The defeat of Grattan's mild proposals helped to promote more extreme opinions, which, under French revolutionary influence, were now becoming heard in Ireland.
His popularity had temporarily declined, and the fact that his proposals for parliamentary reform and Catholic emancipation had become the watchwords of the rebellious United Irishmen had brought upon him the bitter hostility of the governing classes.
He then put forth proposals for publishing by subscription the poems of Politian, with notes containing a history of modern Latin verse; but subscriptions did not come in, and the volume never appeared.
Turks, but the proposals put forward for raising the necessary funds aroused much opposition, an opposition which came mainly from the large and important cities.
His proposals to strengthen and reform the administration of Germany were, however, not acceptable to the princes, and the main one was not pressed; but the Netherlands were brought under the protection of the Empire and some minor reforms were carried through.
The Austrian government strove to secure the appointment of a stronger executive than had hitherto existed; but its proposals met with steady opposition from Prussia.
On the 1st of September it passed, with some slight modifications, the Austrian proposals for the reconstruction of the Bund under a supreme Directory, an assembly of delegates from the variotis parliaments, a federal court of appeal and periodical conferences of sovereigns.
By this instrument it was agreed that in the event of her proposals for the reform of the federal constitution being rejected by the German princes, Prussia should declare war in order to give effect to her proposals, and that, in that case, Italy would also declare allianc..
The communication of the French emperors original proposals to the South German governments, whose traditional policy had been to depend on France to save them from the ambitions of the German great powers, was enough to throw them into the arms of Prussia.
Proposals were also made to Bavaria and WUrttemberg to surrender their special rights, but these were not accepted.
Proposals to increase it had been made in 1869 and in 1878, and on the latter occasion Bismarck for the first time publicly announced his desire for a state monopoly, a project which he never gave up, but for which he never was able to win any support.
The remainder of the National Liberals only won forty-five seats in 1881, and during the next three years they were without influence on the government; and even Bennigsen, unable to follow Bismarck in his new policy, disgusted at the proposals for biennial budgets and the misuse of government influence at the elections, retired from political life.
Few of the proposals were carried in their entirety, many were completely lost; the tobacco monopoly and the brandy monopoly were contemptuously rejected by enormous majorities; even an increase of the tax on tobacco was refused; the first proposals for a subsidy to the Norddeutsche Lloyd were rejected.
In the new parliament the government proposals were accepted by a majority of 223to 48 (seven members of the Centre voted for it,the others abstained).
When, ih 1893, the proposals for the new period were made, they formed a great change.
The hall of the diet was invaded by a mob of students and workmen, Kossuth's speech was read and its proposals adopted as the popular programme, and the members of the diet were forced to lead a tumultuous procession to the Hofburg, to force the assent of the government to a petition based on the catch-words of the Revolution.
They accepted the great burden of debt which the action of Hungary imposed upon the country, and rejected the proposals for repudiation, but notwithstanding the protest of foreign bondholders they imposed a tax of 16% on all interest on the debt.
In view of the disastrous issue of the war, it is important to notice that on three occasions - (a) after Pylos, (b) after Cyzicus, (c) after Arginusae - Athens refused formal peace proposals from Sparta.
The settlement of 1880 was effected on the basis of the proposals made by this commission, and was embodied in the Law of Liquidation of July 1880after the deposition of Ismail.
In I49I, however, after the Egyptians had repeatedly defeated the Ottoman troops, Kait Bey made proposals of peace which were accepted, the keys of the towns which the Ottomans had seized being restored to the Egyptian sultan.
His proposals were received with enthusiasm by the beys whom be had created.
Proposals have been made to employ hypnotism as a method of producing anaesthesia for surgical purposes, but there are two grave objections to such employment.
On the r 2th of June, addressing the Liberal League, he admitted that as a lifelong Imperialist it was with pain and grief that he could not support Mr Chamberlain's scheme, but the empire had been built upon free trade, and he only saw danger to the empire in these new proposals.
But in 1538 he definitely rejected their theological terms, while in 1539-1540 they rejected his political proposals.
Charles V.'s desertion inclined Henry to listen to the proposals of the threatened Lutheran princes, and the last two years of his reign were marked by a renewed tendency to advance in a Protestant direction.
He wrote to Henry none the less (24th May) with peaceful proposals, but on the 30th of June Henry invaded France.
An act amending the Act of Uniformity, and carrying out in some degree Stanley's proposals, was passed in the year 1865.
While he again and again was able to compel the government to withdraw or amend proposals which seemed dangerous to liberty, he opposed those liberals who, unable to obtain all the concessions which they called for, refused to vote for the new laws as a whole.
Having approached the Russian ambassador in such a way as to remove the prejudice existing against him in Russia since the incident of 1867, he rendered himself eligible for office; and on the fall of the Tirard cabinet in 1888 he became president of the council and minister of the interior in a radical ministry, which pledged itself to the revision of the constitution, but was forced to combat the proposals of General Boulanger.
It was well received, and led to the publication in 1788 of Proposals for Printing, with a specimen, and in 1790 of a General Answer to Queries, Counsels and Criticisms. The first volume of the translation itself, which was entitled The Holy Bible.
Thus the anti-slavery clause of the ordinance of 1784 was not adopted; and it was preceded by unofficial proposals to the same end; yet to it belongs rightly some special honour as blazoning the way for federal control of slavery in the territories, which later proved of such enormous consequence.
He gave no indications of a disposition to continue the discussion of them, or to entertain proposals for extending or altering his relations with the Indian government.
But remembering the wisdom of his father, he sent messengers with a chain made of silver coins, and bearing honourable proposals.
Then Japan made three sensible proposals for Korean reform, to be undertaken jointly by herself and China.
Somewhat serious emeutes followed in Seoul and elsewhere, and the Japanese proposals for a new convention, increasing the powers of the resident general, had to be presented to the cabinet under a strong guard.
This reconstruction, which merges subject and predicate in one expression, in order to combine it with the verb of existence, is repeated in similar proposals of recent English logicians.
Palmerston listened to the tsar's proposals, conveyed through Baron Brunnow, "with surprise and admiration."
The Bohemian magistri spoke strongly in favour of the French proposals, while the Germans maintained their allegiance to the Roman pope, Gregory XII.
He was minister of education, fine arts and religion in Henri Brisson's first cabinet in 1885, and again under Freycinet in 1886, when he greatly increased his reputation by an able defence of the government's education proposals.
In 1870 he and Liebknecht were the only members who did not vote the extraordinary subsidy required for the war with France; the followers of Lassalle, on the other hand, voted for the government proposals.
His proposals were to print from type placed either on a flat bed or a cylinder, and the impression was to be given by another cylinder covered with some suitable material, the paper being fed in between the type and the impression cylinder, and the ink applied by rollers covered with cloth or leather, or both.
The Sandy Creek Association came to embrace churches in several colonies, and Stearns, desirous of preserving the harmonious working of the churches that recognized his leadership, resisted with vehemence all proposals for the formation of other associations.
Yet, when fresh proposals for parliamentary reform were laid before the Riksdag in 1849, they were again rejected by three out of the four estates.
He accordingly introduced in the Riksdag of 1896 a very moderate bill for the extension of the franchise, which was, nevertheless, rejected by both chambers, all similar proposals by private members meeting the same fate.
During the five years1884-1889a committee was occupied with the question of workmen's insurance, and thrice the government made proposals for its settlement, on the last occasion adopting the principle of invalidity as a common basis for insurance against accidents, illness or old age.
These unsettled political circumstances checked any continuity of policy, and tended to block the passage of all useful legislation to help forward the economic development of the country and inhabitants; on the other hand, the financial situation was better by the end of 1899 than in the previous year, since all proposals for a fresh paper issue had been vetoed; and the elections for congress and municipal office at the opening of 1900 returned a majority favourable to a stable currency policy.
The shah made great efforts to renew the war; but divisions took place in his sons camp, not conducive to successful operations, and new proposals of peace were made.
There was no doubt a plausible pretext for both proposals.
In the United Kingdom the budget is placed by the executive before the whole House, without any previous examination except by the cabinet, and it is scrutinized by the House sitting as a committee; in the majority of countries, however, the budget undergoes a preliminary examination by a specially selected committee, which has the power to make drastic changes in the proposals of the executive.
It was only when Isvolski's proposals were wrecked on the opposition of England, and the Russian minister protested against the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had meanwhile been accomplished, and supported the Serbs in their opposition to Austria-Hungary, that Aehrenthal abandoned the idea of a friendly accommodation with the Russian Government.
This document was transmitted almost word for word to Vienna as the Russian proposals.
During the interval between Shepstone's arrival in the country and the annexation the Volksraad had rejected the proposals for confederation laid before them in accordance with Lord Carnarvon's permissive bill, and had made no real attempt at reform.
In July of that year proposals for a confederation conference were submitted to the Cape parliament.
At that time Paul Kruger and Piet Joubert, delegates from the Transvaal Boers, were in Cape Town, and they used their influence to prevent the acceptance of the proposals, which were shelved by the ministry accepting " the 3 Serious troubles with the Basutos which began in 1879 reacted on the situation in the Transvaal and Natal.
In 1887 he made proposals for an alliance with the Free State.
The first proposals for an armed rising came from Rhodes in June, but it was not until November that the Uitlander leaders came to a definite understanding with the Cape premier as to the course to be pursued.
Armistice proposals were already under discussion, and the battle was broken off in the afternoon of the assault.
In March 1179 Alexander held the third Lateran synod, a brilliant assemblage, reckoned by the Roman church as the eleventh oecumenical council; its acts embody several of the pope's proposals for the betterment of the condition of the church, among them the present law requiring that no one may be elected pope without the votes of two-thirds of the cardinals.
In 1760 he issued his proposals for collating all Hebrew MSS.
These proposals were rejected by the Easterns, who regarded them as attempts to enforce new creeds on their church.
His progressive sympathies, illustrated by his proposals to reform the monasteries and the calendar, to modify the four long fasts and to treat for union (especially with the Old Catholics), were not very well received, and in 1905 an attempt was made to depose him.
This latter portion of the river's course is tortuous, but in spite of this, and although the depth varies from only 7 to 20 ft., and in places at low water does not exceed 4 ft., it is nevertheless navigated by vessels up to 180 tons burden and proposals have been made to embank and dredge it so as to increase this depth to 8 ft.
Various proposals have been made for the establishment of a single control over all inland waterways.
The central administration, at the Ministry of War, is composed of representatives of each voisko, who discuss the proposals of all new laws affecting the Cossacks.
Simultaneously with the report of the commission of inquiry there was published a decree appointing a commission to study the recommendations contained in the report, and to formulate detailed proposals.
In the resolution which was adopted on the 2nd of March the chamber," imbued with the ideas which presided over the foundation of the Congo State and inspired the Act of Berlin,"expressed its confidence in the proposals which the commission of reforms was elaborating, and decided" to proceed without delay to the examination of the projected law of the 7th of August 1901, on the government of Belgium's colonial possessions."The report of the reforms commission was not made public, but as the fruit of its deliberations King Leopold signed on the 3rd of June 1906 a number of decrees embodying various While the commission was sitting, further evidence was forthcoming that the system complained of on the Congo remained unaltered, and that the" reforms "of June 1906 were illusory.
On being released he lectured with increasing effect at Paris, attended the General Council at Vienne in 1311, and there witnessed the nominal adoption of his cherished proposals.
Inflamed with lust, they made infamous proposals to her, and when repulsed they brought against her a false charge of adultery.
With particular regard to this last named duty the college deputed two of its members to attend all meetings of the states-general, to watch the proceedings and report at once any proposals which they held to be contrary to the interests or to infringe upon the rights of the province of Holland.
Proposals were also made to create a port which could be supplied by water from the Berg river, 20 m.
In 1875 he was enabled to render, in his private capacity, a signal service to the Italian government, which was much embarrassed by impracticable proposals pressed on it by Garibaldi for a rectification of the course of the Tiber and other engineering works.
On the 11th of June 1899, shortly after the Bloemfontein conference, from which Sir Alfred Milner had just returned, Mr Schreiner asked the high commissioner to inform Mr Chamberlain that he and his colleagues agreed in regarding President Kruger's Bloemfontein proposals as " practical, reasonable and a considerable step in the right direction."
On the 28th of July Mr Chamberlain sent a conciliatory despatch to President Kruger, suggesting a meeting of delegates to consider and report on his last franchise proposals, which were complex to a degree.
Proposals were made to suspend the constitution, but this drastic course was not adopted.
In January 1905 an inter-colonial native affairs commission reported on the native question as it affected South Africa as a whole, proposals being made for an alteration of the laws in Cape Colony respecting the franchise exercised by natives.
Accordingly he stated in the House that Unionists would welcome an Irish settlement by general consent, but would not make new friends by betraying old; and in Oct., in answer to Mr. Asquith's overtures at Ladybank, he said that he and his colleagues would consider any proposals with a real desire to find a solution if possible.
He did not find in Mr. Asquith's proposals, in the session of 1914, for exclusion by county option for six years, any sufficient compromise; but he formally announced that, if they were endorsed by the country, Lord Lansdowne would use his authority in the Lords to have them passed without delay.
A large number of pastors at once practically adopted Spener's proposals.
The theological chairs in the new university were filled in complete conformity with Spener's proposals.
Space forbids a discussion of the proposals to classify corals after the minute structure of their coralla, but it will suffice to say that it has been shown that the septa of all corals are built up of a number of curved bars called trabeculae, each of which is composed of a number of nodes.
Early in March 1792 he was elected lieutenant-colonel of one of the battalions of the Eure-et-Loire; he took part in the defence of Verdun in 1792, and it fell to his lot to bear the proposals of capitulation to the Prussian camp. The spiritless conduct of the defenders excited the wrath of the revolutionary authorities, and Marceau was fortunate in escaping arrest and finding re-employment as a captain in the regular service.
In 1626 the Dutch and English made an unsuccessful attempt to gain possession of the island of Bombay, and in 1653 proposals were suggested for its purchase from the Portuguese.
In accordance with this advice certain proposals were put before Leopold I.
Lord Palmerstons administration was defeated on another issue before it succeeded in carrying the measure which it introduced for the purpose, though Lord Derbys second ministry, which succeeded it, was compelled to frame its proposals on somewhat similar lines.
While the larger proposals of the bill were thus open to grave objection, its subsidiary features provoked ridicule.
The papacy being then vacant, a definite reply to his proposals was postponed, and Bar Sauma passed on to Paris, where he had audience of the king of France (Philip the Fair).
By birth and marriage he was a Southerner, and the citizens of Norfolk counted on his throwing in his lot with them; but professional pride, and affection for the flag under which he had served for more than fifty years, held him true to his allegiance; he passionately rejected the proposals of his fellow-townsmen, and as it was more than hinted to him that his longer stay in Norfolk might be dangerous, he hastily quitted that place, and offered his services to the government at Washington.
The valuable support he then gave to Mr. Lloyd George in reconciling the doctors to his proposals created a firm bond between him and the future Prime Minister.
The majority of the senate were strongly opposed to the proposals; a justitium (cessation of public business) was proclaimed by the consuls, but Marius and Sulpicius got up a riot, and the consuls, in fear of their lives, withdrew the justitium.
The proposals of Sulpicius became law, and, with the assistance of the new voters, the command was bestowed upon Marius, then a mere privatus.
His franchise proposals, as far as the Italians were concerned, were a necessary measure of justice; but they had been carried by violence.
The American Civil War, and the report that the Confederates were converting the "Merrimac" into an ironclad, caused the navy department to invite proposals for the construction of armoured ships.
In the interval between these two events Henry lost his queen, who died on the 11th of February 1503, and during the remainder of his reign he made proposals in various quarters for a second marriage - proposals in which political objects were always the chief consideration; but none of them led to any result.
Similar proposals had been made and declined several times since the question was first mooted in 1886.
According to custom, d0cuments (caiziers) were drawn up, containing a list of grievances and proposals for reform.
The complete success of the Girondin proposals; the arrest of Hbertthe violent editor of the Pre Duc/zene; the insurrection of the Girondins of Lyons against the Montagnard Commune; the bad news from La Vendethe military reverses; and the economic situation which had compelled the fixing of a maximum price of corn (May 4) excited the moral insurrections of May 31 and June 2.
His programme included drastic proposals for financial reform, which necessarily precluded an adventurous policy abroad or any additional expenditure on armaments, principles which necessarily brought him into conflict with the military and naval interests.
Furious debates followed on this, and on the subject of Mauras financial proposals, which were attacked by the Conservative Villaverde and the Liberal Moret A
Outside parliament he was busy formulating proposals for old age pensions, which had a prominent place in the Unionist programme of 1895.
His accession to office was marked by speeches breathing a new spirit of imperial consolidation, embodied either in suggestions for commercial union or in more immediately practicable proposals for improving the "imperial estate"; and at the Diamond Jubilee of 1897 the visits of the colonial premiers to London emphasized and confirmed the new policy, the fruits of which were afterwards seen in the cordial support given by the colonies in the Boer War.
Greater results might have been obtained but for the fact that Khartum and the whole of the Sudan north of the Sobat were in the hands of an Egyptian governor, independent of Gordon, and not too well disposed towards his proposals for diminishing the slave trade.
Here he took up the slavery question, and proposed to issue regulations making the registration of slaves compulsory, but his proposals were not approved by the Cairo government.
These provisions did not remedy the grosser defects, and as proposals for an amendment of the constitution could be submitted to the people only after receiving a majority vote of the lower house, all further attempts at effective reform seemed to be blocked, owing to the unwillingness of the representatives of the smaller townships to surrender their unusual degree of power.
These two princes had made a compact at Dortmund in 1609 to act together in defence of their rights, but proposals for a marriage alliance between the two houses broke down and differences soon arose between them.
These proposals are not formally adopted, of course; any such formal change is required to emanate from the offices of English Nature.
The document contains various proposals including a possible amalgamation of the two schools.
Some of these proposals have caused much angst among the workforce.
He will make costed proposals for two alternative arrangements.
Please note that we are looking specifically for proposals of new work and will not accept proposals for exhibiting existing artwork.
There are also proposals from think tanks, which climb on board the same bandwagon.
No offer or invitation to acquire or exchange any securities or proposals to existing bondholders is being made pursuant to this announcement.
Recently married and with a beloved border collie as a pet he is content in his home like so no proposals please!
Last year HSC carried out a widespread consultation on proposals to ban chrysotile.
The Growing Up proposals in 1999 put this sharply into context for the United Reformed church in relation to the Five Marks of Mission.
Regulation and inspection The proposals for regulation and inspection by Ofsted do not appear to provide the much-needed clarity in early years inspection.
There are two main design proposals for the future linear collider.
Very grand proposals were were produced a main block with a vast dome, a portico and attached curved colonnades leading to symmetrical pavilions.
In addition to viewing application details, you can also submit online comments on planning proposals via our mailbox facility.
This week the Italian presidency published its own compromise proposals for the Naples ministerial conclave.
These proposals will then be subject to widespread consultation over the coming months.
A stakeholder consultation event will be held at this stage to gain feedback on the proposals and ideas on implementation.
The proposals have no special priority in the assessment process; there are always several worthy contenders for each place on the program.
This meant that he was in a position to talk openly about the proposals now unlike most other councilors.
Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.
Proposals are invited from artists and guest curators for our 2004 exhibition program.
With proposals to don't have lots power to take David cutler and.
Along with the scheme for completing the Sidgwick Site, these proposals involve the eventual demolition of most of the remaining villas.
Moreover, the Commission proposals are in general generous and then denatured by the member-states.
The proposals are based on the neo-liberal dogma that competition is the only solution to the development of the industry.
The Commission has tabled proposals to refocus strongly on growth, jobs, the knowledge-based economy and sustainable development to strengthen European competitiveness.
It is because new proposals to lift the sanctions on Iraqi civilians will automatically tighten the embargo on weapons bound for Baghdad.
The public are also embittered by some of the proposals coming from the Acute Services review.
Do you agree with our proposals for changes to the guidance on the method of calculation for commission equivalence?
Despite controversial proposals in the 1980s, the academic case for further large-scale excavation on the southern part of the amphitheater is not overwhelming.
The new proposals do not allow Iraq to resume normal exports.
Although Caroline attracted several unfulfilled marriage proposals, she exhibited a natural exuberance and lack of inhibition that troubled her parents.
By the end of the project, proposals for regulating the fishery in European Union waters were causing considerable controversy between member states.
By Hali Edison & Ronald MacDonald Recently proposals for introducing greater exchange rate fixity into the behavior of key exchange rates have become fashionable.
At the election ministers rejected Conservative proposals to extend a ban on junk food to vending machines, so this is a positive step.
Faculties will be discussing the qualifications frameworks proposals at their next meetings.
So anybody out there looking to take up a cleaning franchise could do a great deal worse than consider our proposals.
Proposals should not lead to excessive breaks in retail frontages or be harmful to local amenity.
One of its proposals was that attempts must be made to reduce the rate of limb amputations caused by diabetic gangrene by a half.
If they cannot even garner support from this constituency, how can they possibly suggest their proposals have any level of public support?
Proposals for the marking of the Trafalgar 200 celebrations next year appear to be a little haphazard, the meeting heard.
But when firm proposals came back, some churches had reservations, not least that they felt too hard-pressed to make a financial commitment.
Introduce populations of stinking hawk's-beard at four additional sites in accordance with the proposals under English Nature's Species Recovery Program.
This requirement, and the text of the footnotes on protein hydrolysates in the new EU composition proposals, were agreed.
The sheer idiocy of these proposals makes further comment superfluous.
They seem totally immovable on virtually all elements of the proposals.
It is driving forward ambitious proposals to reform incapacity Benefits and the delivery of public services for disabled people.
They are mainly investigative in nature and they cannot review legislative proposals.
He argues that the campaign season is causing lawmakers to rush ahead rather than carefully consider President Bush's proposals.
His proposals, revealed on Monday, would bring elements of his recent anti-terror legislation into the existing trial system.
The paper notes the work that is underway with transmission licensees to inform the development of proposals for such incentives.
The proposals will allow county court litigants to send money direct to the CFO.
It can be done without compromising the liturgy as long as you consult the powers that be and confident in presenting your proposals.
The proposals made were put forward to improve the management of Council activities and to provide a more contemporary and flexible structure.
Their effect is even more damaging than the description given in Stephen Byers ' accompanying memorandum to the proposals.
All sites are visited by the case officer in order to assess the merits of the proposals.
Early Proposals for a Memorial In 1949 there was a proposal to erect a monument to the American airmen.
The Government has also mooted proposals of using ships to provide emergency housing.
The proposals would have minor changes from those presented last year to ensure full cost neutrality.
Having called for proposals for chamber operas, we received 210 applications from all over the world.
Ops meetings w/e 18.08.00 Four more union/management meetings have taken place on current London Operations proposals.
There's an active literary scene, there's been discussions and proposals for a standardized orthography.
The proposals have sparked a national outcry among medieval historians.
An action plan is being prepared for each of the savings proposals, including the savings on police overtime against present spending levels.
Proposals set down on goatskin parchment were sent to the French Pope at Avignon at a time when Catholicism was divided.
Under proposals in his draft energy strategy, schemes will be expected to include photovoltaics or be designed to incorporate them in the future.
This investment will pump prime deprived areas to develop future proposals for the LEGI.
Section 7 of the act outlines the proposals on direct payments.
March 28th Submission of sketch proposals followed by formal commissioning of approved proposals.
Fence at 52, North Acre Mr Barber reported that he has written to Planning about the revised proposals.
Community Interest Company 4.2 NCVO broadly welcomes the proposals for the Community Interest Company.
This is a document of ideas for discussion, taking a broad look at a policy area, rather than putting forward detailed proposals.
The lack of concrete proposals for ad-hoc collaborative projects represents the main area of disappointment to date.
Once they will have taken a position, the Commission will consider bringing forward proposals to amend Directive 91/414 in 2002.
However it can be harder to access the developments at their very early stages, before a consultation on draft proposals is formed.
The Corporation's investment in new roads, services and public transport began to stimulate private sector interest and to attract redevelopment proposals.
It was not intended to gage public opinion but to start a political debate around the proposals currently being debated in Parliament.
The proposals also recast principles enshrined in the Magna Carta by ending many defendants ' right to be tried by jury.
A new set of proposals for modifying the sanctions regime was launched by the UK, with US backing, in May 2001.
Use and exposure categories The UK compromise proposals allow registrants to adopt a voluntary approach to use and exposure categories.
In particular, BBSRC would welcome proposals for projects that fulfill the requirements of the Council's Industrial Partnership Award (IPA) scheme.
The proposals made here are intended equally to help those who are interested in quantitative research and those who are interested in qualitative research.
To protect nearby residents from any undue disturbance, proposals to install wind turbines are required to meet strict noise standards.
As a result, in many cases rias have not offered a robust challenge to proposals to regulate.
A consultation paper with proposals for how to regulate the motor salvage industry was issued on 27 April 2000.
Most of these proposals are eminently sensible, without knowing the cost of some of them.
The proposals represented the biggest shake-up in pay, grading and conditions since the NHS was founded in 1948.
Scotland's pre-existing signage requirements will meet the signage requirements will meet the signage proposals set out in the consultation.
Quot tramontin recallstime programs and increasing disturbing specter of proposals are requirements.
The Chancellor's proposals to increase opportunities for community work for young people represents a positive step forward.
Middlesbrough's historic North Riding Infirmary is currently under threat after proposals to build a supermarket on the site were unveiled.
It would be interesting to see Hillingdon Council's reaction to proposals to build a superstore there instead.
Those who support the new proposals think that predictions of dangerousness would be right about two- thirds of the time.
At the same time, the US has ignored the proposals by the Korean leadership to sign a non-aggression treaty.
The nobility however left no means untried to frustrate the proposals of Caesar.
Various proposals were made but the eventual upshot was that production of Crane houses ceased when it reached 500.
Incorporate proposals to design out crime and deter vandalism.
In current web ser vices standards, the notion of sequencing is handled by the workflow definitions provided by proposals such as BPEL4WS.
Some people may claim that the proposals are too visionary.
This Strategy sets out the Council's proposals to develop the rural economy and sustain the vitality of town centers.
Sex exams ' possible ' Pupils may be required to sit tests on sex studies under new proposals from the exams watchdog.
There are proposals to stop the Judges from wearing their horsehair wigs.
In the light of the PwC findings, we will take more specific account of the impact of our policy proposals on teacher workload.
Finally, the model suggests that international bankruptcy court proposals may be superior to existing contractual approaches in securing such write-downs.
As minister of foreign affairs he was useful to Ismail, who used Sherif's bluff bonhomie to veil many of his most insidious proposals.
As during his father's lifetime Maximilian had favoured the reforming party among the princes, proposals for the better government of the empire were brought forward at Worms as a necessary preliminary to financial and military support.
He was not insensible to Charles's good qualities, was touched by the paternal affection he showed for his children, and is said to have declared that Charles" was the uprightest and most conscientious man of his three kingdoms."The Heads of the Proposals, which, on Charles raising objections, had been modified by the influence of Cromwell and Ireton, demanded the control of the militia and the choice of ministers by parliament for ten years, a religious toleration, and a council of state to which much of the royal control over the army and foreign policy would be delegated.
These proposals without doubt largely diminished the royal power, and were rejected by Charles with the hope of maintaining his sovereign rights by" playing a game,"to use his own words, i.e.
Next came the discovery of Galvani and of Volta, and as a consequence a fresh set of proposals, in which voltaic electricity was to be used.
His proposals had special reference to the necessity for connecting a lighthouse on Muckle Flugga, in the Shetlands, and the mainland, but were not carried into effect.
Army Reform, therefore, has been very much in the forefront of late years owing to the estrangement of Austria (whith power can mobilize much more ranidlv) himt finsy,cisl difficulties have hitherto stood in the way of any radical and far-reaching reforms, and even the proposals of the Commission of 1907, referred to below, have only been partially accepted.
In reality he and his agents hac already provided for the passing of proposals which were agreeable to him.
Bulygin, Mirski's successor, had no knowledge of this until after its publication; he hastened to the tsar and obtained the issue on the same day of a rescript which, while reserving the " fundamental laws of the empire " inviolate, stated the emperor's intention of summoning the representatives of the people to aid in " the preparation and examination of legislative proposals."
On his accession he appointed Jesus, the brother of Onias, to the high-priesthood, and sanctioned his proposals for the conversion of Jerusalem into a Greek city.
He was in Paris soon after the July Revolution, and made the acquaintance of the leading spirits among the younger men; in his discussion of their proposals we find the germs of many thoughts afterwards more fully developed in his Representative Government.
In the autumn he was formally commissioned to proceed with the tetralogy and to furnish proposals for the building of a theatre and the foundation of a Bavarian music school.
Three years later proposals were made in The Field to promote public trials of pointers and setters over game, but it was not until the 18th of April 1865 that a further step was taken in the recognition of the value of the dog by the promotion of working trials.