Prophecies Sentence Examples
He is instead to write down the new book of prophecies.
A development of ideals and a growth of spirituality can be traced which render the biblical writings with their series of prophecies a unique 1 This is philosophically handled by the Arabian historian Ibn Khaldun, whose Prolegomena is well worthy of attention; see De Slane, Not.
As the main support of his proof of the truth of Christianity appears his detailed demonstration that the prophecies of the old dispensation, which are older than the Pagan poets and philosophers, have found their fulfilment in Christianity.
When, as often, the great figures have been made the spokesmen of the thought of subsequent generations, the historical criticism of the prophecies becomes one of peculiar difficulty.
The period under review, with its relations between Judah and Egypt, can be illustrated by prophecies ascribed to a similar situation in the time of Hezekiah.
The ass was a hollow wooden effigy, within which a priest capered and uttered prophecies.
On the other hand, he came to look upon the Old Testament prophets as approved by their antiquity, sanctity, mystery and prophecies to be interpreters of the truth.
Cobden has left a deep mark on English history, but he was not himself a "scientific economist," and many of his confident prophecies were completely falsified.
We know but little of Isaiah's predecessors and models in the prophetic art (it were fanaticism to exclude the element of human preparation); but certainly even the acknowledged prophecies of Isaiah (and much more the disputed ones) could no more have come into existence suddenly and without warning than the masterpieces of Shakespeare.
It seems, in short, to have originally formed the preface to the small group of prophecies which now follows it, viz.
AdvertisementThe Sennacherib prophecies must be taken in connexion with the historical appendix, chaps.
I, 1-2), to the Septuagint version of the book (produced between 260 and 130 B.C.), in which the disputed prophecies are already found, and to the Greek translation of the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach, which distinctly refers to Isaiah as the comforter of those that mourned in Zion (Eccles.
There is only one of these prophecies which may, with any degree of apparent plausibility, be referred to the age of Isaiah, and that is chaps.
There is an equally striking difference among the disp uted prophecies themselves, and one of no small moment as a subsidiary indication of their origin.
In the same work, chap. x., he speaks of " the Sacrament of the Passion foreshadowed in prophecies."
AdvertisementHence the new phenomenon of written prophecies.
Mr Fraser lived to see the fulfilment of these prophecies.
It is evident from these facts that the book of Isaiah did not assume its present form till considerably after the return of the Jews from exile in 537, when a compiler, or series of compilers, arranged the genuine prophecies of Isaiah which had come to his hands, together with others which at the time were attributed to Isaiah, and gave the book its present form.
Jeremiah was keenly conscious of his people's sin; and the aim of most of his earlier prophecies is to bring his countrymen, if possible, to a better mind, in the hope that thereby the doom which he sees impending may be averted - an end which eventually he saw clearly to be unattainable.
Prophecies of restoration are contained in chs.
AdvertisementThe prophecies of the first twenty-three years of his ministry, as we are expressly told in ch.
But the chronological disorder of the book, and other indications, show that Baruch could not have been the compiler of the book, but that the prophecies and narratives contained in it were collected together gradually, and that it reached its present form by a succession of stages, which were not finally completed till long after Israel's return from Babylon.
His prophecies (which are regularly dated) are assigned to various years from 592 to 570 B.C. The theme of the first twenty-four chapters of his book is the impending fall of Jerusalem, which took place actually in 586, and which Ezekiel foretells in a series of prophecies, distinguished by great variety of symbolism and imagery.
The book of Ezekiel bears throughout the stamp of a single mind; the prophecies contained in it are arranged methodically; and to all appearance - in striking contrast to the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah - it received the form in which we still have it from the prophet himself.
There is little noticeable in Hobbes' dating of the prophets, though he considers it " not apparent " whether Amos wrote, as well as composed, his prophecy, or whether Jeremiah and the other prophets of the time of Josiah and Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai and Zechariah, who lived in the captivity, edited the prophecies ascribed to them.
AdvertisementThe starting-point of this newer criticism of the prophets is the clearer practical recognition of the fact that all pre-exilic prophecy has come down to us in the works of post-exilic editors, and that for the old statement of the problem of the prophetic books - What prophecies or elements in Isaiah, Jeremiah and the rest are later than these prophets ?
Her whole history rests on the flimsiest authority, but her alleged prophecies have had from the 17th century until quite recently an extraordinary hold on the popular imagination.
In Stuart times all ranks of society believed in her, and referring to her supposed foretelling of the Great Fire, Pepys relates that when Prince Rupert heard, while sailing up the Thames on the 10th of October 1666, of the outbreak of the fire "all he said was, ` now Shipton's prophecy was out.'" One of her prophecies was supposed to have menaced Yeovil, Somerset, with an earthquake and flood in 1879, and so convinced were the peasantry of the truth of her prognostications that hundreds moved from their cottages on the eve of the expected disaster, while spectators swarmed in from all quarters of the county to see the town's destruction.
Ostensibly it is written in opposition to Whiston's attempt to show that the books of the Old Testament did originally contain prophecies of events in the New Testament story, but that these had been eliminated or corrupted by the Jews, and to prove that the fulfilment of prophecy by the events of Christ's life is all "secondary, secret, allegorical, and mystical," since the original and literal reference is always to some other fact.
To these, but with special reference to the work of Chandler, which maintained that a number of prophecies were literally fulfilled in Christ, Collins replied by his Scheme of Literal Prophecy Considered (1727).
This conception, however, is not one of the constant elements of prophecy; other prophecies of Isaiah look for the decisive interposition of Yahweh in the crisis of history without a kingly deliverer.
The scribes were mainly busied with the law; but no religion can subsist on mere law; and the systematization of the prophetic hopes, and of those more ideal parts of the other sacred literature which, because ideal and dissevered from the present, were now set on one line with the prophecies, went on side by side with the systematization of the law, by means of a harmonistic exegesis, which sought to gather up every prophetic image in one grand panorama of the issue of Israel's and the world's history.
In 1863, however, Bah& declared himself to be " He whom God shall manifest " (Man Yuz-hiruhu'llah, with prophecies of whose advent the works of the Bab are filled), and called on all the Babis to recognize his claim.
At the end of 1794 he began to print his interpretations of prophecy, his first book being A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times.
It included also a number of forgeries, circulated under the names of famous Greek authors, verses fathered upon Aeschylus or Sophocles, or books like the false Hecataeus, or above all the pretended prophecies of ancient Sibyls in epic verse.
When railways were first started in England dismal prophecies were made that the end of hunting would speedily be brought about.
Especially the wild ecstatic character and the prophecies of the Montanists recall the old type of religion.
Among the visionary Franciscans, enthusiastic adherents of Joachim's prophecies, arose above all the conviction that the pope was Antichrist, or at least his precursor.
Accordingly, some years after the fall of Jerusalem - we cannot tell the exact date or the author's name - the book which we call the Gospel according to St Matthew was written to give the Palestinian Christians a of St full account of Jesus Christ, which should present Him as the promised Messiah, fulfilling the ancient Hebrew prophecies, proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, and founding the Christian society.
He was also famous for his prophecies and the support he gave to visionaries.
On the whole, the question must be left open, and with it both the problem of the extension of the name Musri and Mizraim outside Egypt in the Assyrian and Hebrew records of this period and the true historical background of a number of the Isaianic prophecies.
Yet no interpretation or rearrangement of the text of Old Testament prophecies will secure a fair and non-allegorical correspondence between these and their alleged fulfilment in the New Testament.
The inference is not expressly drawn, though it becomes perfectly clear from his refutation of William Whiston's curious counter theory that there were in the original Hebrew scriptures prophecies which were literally fulfilled in the New Testament, but had been expunged at an early date by Jewish scribes.
Collins indicates the possible extent to which the Jews may have been indebted to Chaldeans and Egyptians for their theological views, especially as great part of the Old Testament would appear to have been remodelled by Ezra; and, after dwelling on the points in which the prophecies attributed to Daniel differ from all other Old Testament predictions, he states the greater number of the arguments still used to show that the book of Daniel deals with events past and contemporaneous, and is from the pen of awriter of theMaccabean period, a view now generally accepted.
This was the First Captivity, and from it Ezekiel (one of the exiles) dates his prophecies.
He writes of it with despondency as a degenerate and declining age; and, instead of triumphant prophecies of world-wide rule, such as we find in Horace, Livy contents himself with pointing out the dangers which already threatened Rome, and exhorting his contemporaries to learn, in good time, the lessons which the past history of the state had to teach.
We have also a number of genuine prophecies which admit us into Jeremiah's inner nature.
They add that in the next year Jeremiah's scribe Baruch read the prophecies of Jeremiah first to the people assembled in the Temple, then to the " princes," and then to the king, who decided his own future policy by burning Baruch's roll in the brazier.
Conceivably enough the story of Jeremiah's journey to Egypt (or Mizrim) may have been imagined to supply a background for the artificial prophecies ascribed to Jeremiah in chs.
The first of these sense-divisions deals only with narratives regarding the reign of Nebuchadrezzar and his supposed son Belshazzar, while the second section consists exclusively of apocalyptic prophecies.
Had the work been composed during the Babylonian era, it would be more natural to expect prophecies of the return of the exiled Jews to Palestine, as in Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah, rather than the acclamation of an ideal Messianic kingdom such as is emphasized in the second part of Daniel.
If the book be properly understood, it must not only be admitted that the author made no pretence at accuracy of detail, but also that his prophecies were clearly intended to be merely an historical resume, clothed for the sake of greater literary vividness in a prophetic garb.
Syene is twice mentioned (as Seveneh) in the prophecies of Ezekiel, and papyri, discovered on the island, and dated in the reigns of Artaxerxes and Darius II.
Sarili is believed by many persons to have been the instigator of the prophecies.
At length the day dawned which, according to the prophecies, was to usher in the terrestrial paradise.
From an early period of his life Newton had paid great attention to theological studies, and it is well known that he had begun to study the subject of the prophecies before the year 1690.
Sir Isaac Newton left behind him in manuscript a work entitled Observations on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St John, which was published in London in 1733, in one volume 4to; another work, entitled Lexicon Propheticum, with a dissertation on the sacred cubit of the Jews, which was printed in 1737; and four letters addressed to Bentley, containing some arguments in proof of a Deity, which were published by Cumberland, a nephew of Bentley, in 1756.
Zephaniah's prophecies are characterized by the denunciation of Judah and Jerusalem and the promise of a peaceful future, and these are interwoven with the idea of a world-wide judgment resulting in the sovereignty of a universally recognized Yahweh.
It is a natural assumption that prophecies have a practical end and refer to existing or impending conditions.
These prophecies 1 The idea of " righteousness " (s-d-k), or loyalty, appears to have implied the mutual bonds uniting the community and its deity, see Journ.
In Isaiah and Zechariah, notably, older and later groups of prophecies are preserved, whereas here the new preludes and new sequels suggest that the original nucleus has passed through the hands of writers in touch with those vicissitudes of thought which can be studied more completely elsewhere.
It is not to be supposed that the elimination of all later passages and traces of revision will give us Zephaniah's prophecies in their original extent.
It was one of the least memorable of his prophecies.
The fact is that Numbers is the result of a long literary process of amalgamation both of traditions and of documents, a process that began in the closing decades of the 9th century B.C. and did not finally end till the 2nd century B.C., the earliest date being that of J, and the latest probably that of the various addenda to Balaam's prophecies, e.g.
But as the narrative is only exact in details down to the death of Frederick William, the great elector, in 1688, and as all prophecies of the period subsequent to that time were falsified by events, the poem came to be regarded as a compilation and the date of its authorship placed about the year 1684.
Mr Chamberlain had relied on his personal influence, which from 1895 to 1902 had been supreme; but his own resignation, and the course of events, had since 1903 made his personality less authoritative, and new interests - such as the opposition to the Education Act, to the heavy taxation, and to Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and indignation over the revelations concerned with the war - were monopolizing attention, to the weakening of his hold on the public. The revival in trade, and the production of new statistics which appeared to stultify Mr Chamberlain's prophecies of progressive decline, enabled the free-trade champions to reassure their audiences as to the very foundation of his case, and to represent the whole tariff reform movement as no less unnecessary than risky.
These prophecies affected the public funds much as telegrams do nowadays.
He gave himself out as an angel sent from God to elucidate the prophecies.
All those prophecies of impending calamity were outright bollocks, of course.
This archeological detective story attempts to reveal the true meaning of the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments.
But so far our companies have been coping well, and prophecies of doom from the strong pound have proved false.
The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies which have come to pass.
Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master, and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe.
However, the prophecies tell of a human - damned to immortality, bound to the power of the ancient runes.
The prophet has a track record of empirically verifiable prophecies concerning events of a most extraordinary nature.
The Latin verses explain the theology of their prophecies.
They would indulge in prophecies of the last judgment, and back their threats with a string of strange, half-frantic and utterly unmeaning sounds, the sense of which no one with any intelligence could discover; for they were obscure gibberish, and merely furnished any fool or impostor with an occasion to twist the utterances as he chose to his own purposes.
Carmarthen is commonly reputed to occupy the site of the Roman station of Maridunum, and its present name is popularly associated with the wizard-statesman Merlin, or Merddyn, whose memory and prophecies are well remembered in these parts of Wales and whose home is popularly believed to have been the conspicuous hill above Abergwili, known as Merlin's Hill.
I) of what we may call the occasional prophecies of Isaiah (i.e.
We have already spoken of the difference of tone between parts of the latter half of the book; and, when we compare the disputed prophecies of the former half with the Prophecy of Israel's Restoration, how inferior (with all reverence be it said) do they appear!
The defect of the disputed prophecies in the former part of the book (a defect, as long as we regard them in isolation, and not as supplemented by those which come after) is that they emphasize too much for the Christian sentiment the stern, destructive side of the series of divine interpositions in the latter days.
But the non-fulfilment of prophecies relating to this or that individual event or people served to popularize the methods of apocalyptic in a very slight degree in comparison with the nonfulfilment of the greatest of all prophecies - the advent of the Messianic kingdom.
Murray, who edited The Romance and Prophecies (E.E.T.S., 1875), thinks that he was living three years later in a Cluniac priory in Ayrshire.
Murray's edition of The Romance and Prophecies (E.E.T.S., 1875); Brandl's Thomas of Erceldoune (Berlin, 1880), and Kiilbing's Die nordische and die englische Version der Tristransage (Heilbronn,i 882); also McNeill's Sir Tristrem (S.T.S., 1886); Lumby's Early Scottish Prophecies (E.E.T.S., 1870), and the reprint of the Whole Prophesie of Scotland (1603) by the Bannatyne Club (1833).
It was in crises of national anguish that men turned most eagerly to the prophecies, and sought to construe their teachings as a promise of speedy deliverance (see Apocalyptic Literature).
He had believed in the prophecies of a 16th-century shoemaker poet, Bandarra, dealing with the coming of a ruler who would inaugurate an epoch of unparalleled prosperity for the church and for Portugal, and in the Quinto Imperio or Clavis Prophetarum he had endeavoured to prove the truth of his dreams from passages of Scripture.
In this article, we will follow their lead by sidestepping completely the question of whether or not any apparent prophecies are actual ones.
The town fortune teller is thought by most to speak only folly, but I believe that his prophecies are truly vatic.
With the calendar ticking ever closer to the day, many more people are starting to pay attention to 2012 Mayan prophecies.
Why did the Mayans find 2012 to be such an important year, and more importantly, do their prophecies hold water?
The prophecies about the year 2012 we attribute to the Mayans have their root in the writings of one Mayan philosopher, Pacal Votan, also known as the Sage King of the Classic Maya.
Pacal Votan and the Mayans are most closely associated with December 21, 2012 prophecies, but they are not the only culture to believe that this day holds special significance.
Further, skeptics question why we should take the prophecies of the Mayans any more seriously than any other ancient civilization.
Even non-believers sometimes use the writings of the 2012 Mayan prophecies and other ancient civilizations to illustrate their case that humans need to take climate change seriously.
Other prophecies warn about a cataclysm that will end the world, but December 21, 2012 is the date that caught the world's attention.
It's important to note that there are over thirty Mayan calendars, but because this one ends abruptly without any explanation, it has become fodder for doomsday prophecies and theories.
Between the release of the movie 2012 and the stress of the Mayan prophecies, many people wonder what the 2012 planet alignment is going to bring.
Many people now find themselves worried about predictions from Nostradamus, 2012 and the Mayan prophecies.
Born in December 1503 (scholars peg the precise date as either December 14 or December 21), Nostradamus was a French man known for writing down numerous poetic prophecies about the future.
Nicholas Cage plays the father who soon learns the codes are prophecies and predictions that have all come true.
After his death, many claim that his prophecies predicted the reign of Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, the two World Wars and many other major world events.
When considering prophetic visions of the future, it is difficult to ignore his prophecies.
Two of Cayce's prophecies seems remarkably prescient.
The nature of prophecies including those of Edgar Cayce, is that they are usually stated in vague or confusing language that seems far more significant after the fact.
While Edgar Cayce appears to be accurate in his prophecies, if you read the language of them, it is difficult to pinpoint exact events that will occur.
It is the nature of prophecy to be non-specific, and many of Cayce's prophecies were no different in this way.
Through the 1970s, Jane published several books based on those channeled sessions that eventually became known by her fans as the Seth Prophecies.
Some Jedi thought he might be the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, and that he marked the coming of the Chosen One.
Elven writing exists on objects, books and documents, and much of the writing that exists in the story tells both the history of Middle Earth, as well as prophecies about the future and the Fellowship of the Ring.
The book of Haggai contains four short prophecies delivered between the first day of the sixth month and the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month - that is, between September and December - of the second year of Darius the king.
In thus looking forward to a shaking of all nations Haggai agrees with earlier prophecies, especially Isa.
The older records utilized by the Deuteronomic and later compilers indicate some common tradition which has found expression in these varying forms. Different religious standpoints are represented in the biblical writings, and it is now important to observe that the prophecies of Hosea unmistakably show another attitude to the Israelite priesthood.
The talismanic name Immanuel became the nucleus out of which the later Messianic prophecies of Isaiah grew.
The Messianic prophecies of Isaiah, the prophet of faith and deliverance, were destined to reverberate through all subsequent centuries.
All modern 1 It is useful to compare the critical study of the Koran, where, however, the investigation of its various " revelations " is simpler than that of the biblical " prophecies " on account of the greater wealth of independent historical tradition.
This was followed in 1777 by A Letter to Dr Hurd, Bishop of Worcester, wherein the Importance of the Prophecies of the New Testament and the Nature of the Grand Apostasy predicted in them are particularly and impartially considered.
Most Hebrew prophecies contain pointed references to the foreign politics and social relations of the nation at the time.
Joel's eschatological picture appears indeed to be largely a combination of elements from older unfulfilled prophecies.
The question of the Isaianic or non-Isaianic origin of the disputed prophecies (especially xl.-lxvi.) must be decided on grounds of exegesis alone.
The horizon of these prophecies is everywhere limited by the narrow conditions of the time, and their aim is clearly seen.
A Brescian friar relates that a halo of light was seen to flash round his head, and the citizens remembered his awful prophecies when in 1512 their town was put to the sack by Gaston de Foix.
Thus another of the friar's prophecies was verified, and its fulfilment cost him his sole protector.
Yahweh appears to plead with His people for their sins, but the sinners are no longer a careless and oppressive aristocracy buoyed up by deceptive assurances of Yahweh's help, by prophecies of wine and strong drink; they are bowed down by a religion of terror, wearied with attempts to propitiate an angry God by countless offerings, and even by the sacrifice of the first-born.
A minor composition, the Prophecies of Merlin, was written before 1136, and afterwards incorporated with the Historia, of which it forms the seventh book.
This latter apocalypse consisted of a series of independent prophecies which appeared to have the same crisis in view.
Prophecies current among the Christians in Syria of the destruction of Mahomet's sect after six centuries of duration added to the excitement attending these rumours.
He was also either the first, or one of the first, to write down, or to get written down, the substance of his spoken prophecies, and perhaps also prophecies which he never delivered at all.
Christians have no standing in the Old Testament prophecies, and their talk of a resurrection that was only revealed to some of their own adherents is foolishness.
And its third stage, Jesus' prophecies to Peter and to the beloved disciple concerning their future, and the declaration " This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who has written them, and we know that his testimony is true," is doubtless written by the redactor of the previous two stages.
It is, however, to say the least, doubtful whether any of the extant prophecies are as early as the reign of Uzziah.
That certain prophecies relating to the coming kingdom of God had clearly not been fulfilled was a matter of religious difficulty to the returned exiles from Babylon.
But he displays a superstitious regard for miracles and prophecies; he has nothing to say against the arbitrary acts of the emperors, which he seems to take as a matter of course; and his work, although far more than a mere compilation, is not remarkable for impartiality, vigour of judgment or critical historical faculty.