Propellants Sentence Examples
A current example is the replacement of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as refrigerants and aerosol propellants by less harmful substitutes.
Light shells with a high range using standard propellants.
Abel, the cotton is ground into a pulp, a process which greatly facilitates the complete removal of acids, &c. This pulp is finally drained, and is then either compressed,while still moist, into slabs or blocks when required for blasting purposes, or it is dried when required for the manufacture of propellants.
But as solid-fuel replaces liquid-fuel propellants in China's missiles, this position may well change.
Until solid propellants were developed for such big rockets, this was a universal problem.
These, together with the development of smokeless propellants in rifle caliber cartridges, assisted Maxim's work.
Apparently, so I am told, CFCs have been replaced in these aerosols by flammable propellants.
Able to dispense with normal chemical propellants, the EM tank should be capable of extremely rapid firing.