Pronunciation Sentence Examples
Her pronunciation of his name was pleasantly accented.
Her friend, Mr. John Hitz, whose native tongue is German, says that her pronunciation is excellent.
And the whole shows plainly that the written forms of words which are not of later remodelling are really the representatives of the pronunciation of the language as it was spoken at the time of the transcription.
Lane, of Harvard, that a reformed pronunciation of Latin was adopted in all the colleges and schools of the United States.
Another goddess, specially honoured at Carthage, is Tanith (pronunciation uncertain); nothing is known of her characteristics; she is regularly connected with Ba'al on the Carthaginian votive tablets, and called " the face of Ba'al," i.e.
There are works on the spelling and right pronunciation of the Koran, works on the beauty of its language, on the number of its verses, words and letters, &c.; nay, there are even works which would nowadays be called " historical and critical introductions."
The sh sound is sometimes not even written with a sibilant, as in the pronunciation of the ci and ti of words like rhetorician and nation.
The extremely primitive writing of those clays was quite incapable of rendering such minute differences as can have existed between the pronunciation of Mecca and that of Medina.
Begin today, Spanish Phrases, Spanish pronunciation, learn to speak Spanish today, for free.
You can read, listen and play the audio recording for correct pronunciation.
AdvertisementIn Late Latin there was a tendency to this spirant pronunciation which appears as early as the beginning of the 2nd century A.D.; by the 3rd century b and consonantal u are inextricably confused.
In the modern pronunciation the principal differences are between the Ashkenazim (German and Polish Jews) and the Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese Jews), and concern not only the vowels but also certain consonants, and in some cases probably go back to early times.
An effort was made by many to establish a more refined pronunciation for the Koran than was usual in common life or in secular literature.
By the end of the 13th century appears the form Faukirke (the present local pronunciation), which is merely a translation of the Gaelic fau or faw, meaning "dun," "pale red."
Compare the modern Arabic pronunciation Maalbek for Baalbek.
AdvertisementIt is recorded in the Talmud that Rabbis communicated the true pronunciation to their disciples once in seven years (Qiddushin, 71a).
In the time of the civil war the marshlands in Irak between Basra and Wasit had been occupied by a large population of Indians, called yat, or, according to the Arabic pronunciation, Zoti, who infested the roads and levied a heavy tribute from the ships ascending and descending the Tigris.
I even tried, without aid, to master the French pronunciation, as I found all the letters and sounds described in the book.
Unfortunately, it is not clear how many sibilants were distinguished in Greek pronunciation, nor over what areas a particular pronunciation extended.
Thebes (anciently 00ac, Thebae, or in poetry sometimes 07' 7 0a, in modern Greek Phiva, or, according to the corrected pronunciation, Thivae), an ancient Greek city in Boeotia, is situated on low hilly ground of gentle slope a little north of the range of Cithaeron, which divides Boeotia from Attica, and on the edge of the Boeotian plain, about 44 m.
AdvertisementThe Bohmerwald, which, like its parallel range, the 1 As a guide to the English-speaking reader, the following notes on the pronunciation of Bohemian names are appended.
Certain letters, however, vary in pronunciation, and are distinguished by diacritical marks, a device orginated by J ohn Huss.
The chief products 1 "Kansas" - in archaic variants of spelling and pronunciation, "Kansaw," and still called, locally and colloquially, the "Kaw."
The pronunciation as hospodar of a word written gospodar in all but one of the Slavonic languages which retain the Cyrillic alphabet is not, as is sometimes alleged, due to the influence of Little Russian, but to that of Church Slavonic. In both of these g is frequently pronounced h.
The " Chrisom " or " chrysom," a variant of " chrism," lengthened through pronunciation, is a white cloth with which the head of a newly baptized child was covered to prevent the holy oil from being rubbed off.
AdvertisementThis is a good method to both work on your pronunciation AND learn what the phrase means.
When you go on to attempt learning the proper pronunciation, you will first have to unlearn the incorrect pronunciation, which will make the entire process take twice as long.
The pronunciation of merci beaucoup can be approximated as 'mare-see bo-KOO'.
The phrase is pronounced 'mare-see bee-YEH', which may seem like a really strange pronunciation, but it's because of the final 'n' on 'bien'.
In order to perfect your pronunciation of 'merci' in French, you can listen to this pronunciation lesson on YouTube.
As to which of the first two methods of pronunciation had chronological precedence, the weight of opinion is that the ken came later than the go.
Castilian, which is the literary language of Spain, and with certain differences, of Spanish America, is spoken in Old and New Castile, Aragon, Estremadura, and the greater part of Leon; in Andalusia it is subject to various modifications of accent and pronunciation.
In addition to the nuances of pronunciation already alluded to, there is a semi-musical modulation.
Besides the three main disciplines the student takes up according to his tastes other subjects, such as rhetoric (ma`ani wabayan), logic (mantiq), prosody (`arud), and the doctrine of the correct pronunciation of the Koran (gira'a watajwid).
The derivation and pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is still doubtful.
In the vulgar dialect already mentioned, the sound begins as a more open sound than in the cultivated pronunciation, so that no is really pronounced as naou.
There is some evidence which seems to point to a pronunciation of the voiced mutes which, like the South German pronunciation of g, d, b, but slightly differentiated them from the unvoiced mutes, so that confusion might easily arise.
The pronunciation of the Semitic Koph (Qof) was that of a velar guttural produced against the back part of the soft palate with great energy (hence called an "emphatic" sound).
Some anomalies, both of metre and of sense, may be removed by judicious emendation; and many lines become smooth enough, if we assume a crasis of open vowels of the same class, or a diphthongal pronunciation of others, or contraction or silence of certain suffixes as in Syriac. The oldest elegiac utterances are not couched in this metre; e.g.
Joan's knowledge of the prophecy does not, however, appear till 1429; and already before that, from 1424, according to her account at her trial, she 1 In the"act of ennoblement the name is spelt Day, due probably to the peculiar pronunciation.
A second name of the city, which perhaps originally denoted a separate village or quarter, was Su-anna, and in later inscriptions it is often represented ideographically by E-ki, the pronunciation and meaning of which are uncertain.
His biting wit involved him in many controversies with well-known contemporaries, such as Lavater, whose science of physiognomy he ridiculed, and Voss, whose views on Greek pronunciation called forth a powerful satire, Ober die Pronunciation der Schopse des alten Griechenlandes (1782).
On this point Catalan is more hesitating than Provenal; it does not distinguish so clearly the pronunciation of e according to its origin; while e (1) is capable of yielding an open e, the is often pronounced close, and the poets have no difficulty in making words in e close and in e open rhyme together, which is not the case in.
Latin u persists with the Latin pronunciation, and, as already said, does not take the FrancoProvenal pronunciation it.
This e is neither open nor close, but a surd e the pronunciation of which comes very near a.
V, wherever it has been preserved, has the same pronunciation as at the end of a word and between vowels it becomes vocalized into u (suau, s u a vi s; viure, vi v e r e).
Sometimes the ny becomes reduced to y; one occasionally meets in manuscripts with seyor, ay, for senyor, any, but this pronunciation has not become general, as has been the case with the y having its origin in it.
H is merely an orthographic sign; it is used to indicate that two consecutive vowels do not form a diphthong (vehs raho), and, added to c, it denotes the pronunciation of the guttural c at the end of a word (arnich).
Bach flower remedies are frequently mispronounced as "Bauch" flower remedies due to the original Welsh pronunciation of this British physician's name.
For this reason, it is far more efficient to learn the proper pronunciation at the same time as you learn the phrase itself.
Read and listen to French pronunciation, or play interactive games online to build vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Some online dictionaries even give pronunciation guidelines and show how the word can be used in context.
Pairing pictures with audio pronunciation is always an effective way to memorize material.
While learning vocabulary and grammar rules are important, it is also important to be exposed to French pronunciation and hear the rhythm of the French language when it is spoken naturally.
While many English speakers have adopted the French word 'merci' into English, saying things like 'Mercy Buckets', the pronunciation of 'merci' should be approximated as 'mair-SEE'.
While 'merci' may be a very easy translation to learn, the pronunciation can cause significant difficulties.
The study of the spirants, c, 1, 1; g, j is made a very delicate one by the circumstance that the interdental pronunciation of c, 1 on the one hand, and the guttural pronunciation of g, j on the other, are of comparatively recent date, and convey no notion of the value of these letters before the 17th century.
Many peculiarities isf pronunciation, however, are commonly called Andalusian which are far from being confined to Andalusia proper, but are met with in the vulgar speech of many parts of the Castilian domain, both in Europe and in America.
It is stated, for example, that Gallego does not possess nasal diphthongs; still it may be conceded once for all that such a word as p 1 a n u s, which in Galician is written sometimes chau and sometimes c/ian, cannot be very remote from the Portuguese nasal pronunciation chao.
The name of the town is locally Uxeter, or an approximate pronunciation.
The most important feature of this vowel is the rounding of the lips in its production, which, according to its degree, modifies the nature of the vowel considerably, as can be observed in the pronunciation of the increasingly rounded series saw, no, who.
The oldest certain form is the Aramaic Urhai (" Western " pronunciation Urhoi), which appears in Greek as an adjective as Oppor i vi t, 2 -voi 3 (perhaps also as a fortress with spring, as Oppa),4 and in Latin as Orr(h)ei, 5 and (in the inscription on Abgar's grave) Orrhenoru(m).
Talk to Me uses a purely conversational method, Tell Me More includes also grammar, written exercises, pronunciation and more.
The songs and calls are extremely well notated, even tho the pronunciation takes some getting used too.
Here are 10 ideas for teaching pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet.
This is useful because students can listen to their own recordings and practice pronunciation as well as the use of the language.
The brackets [] are used in this book to mark all symbols indicating pronunciation.
Develop listening skills by slowing down the native speaker to hear the correct pronunciation.
There are certain peculiarities in the spelling and grammar that perhaps reflects the pronunciation of Hebrew at the time when the manuscripts were copied.
We're told it's going to replace fuddy-duddy old received pronunciation as the standard accent.
Good quality communication begins with the correct pronunciation of a person's name.
The articulate and accurate pronunciation will help you to dramatically improve your command of English.
Secondly, cross-word pronunciation variation was modeled using two different approaches.
You also get the correct pronunciation for the French terms in rather scratchy sound.
Each of these is likewise accompanied by its pronunciation, meaning and an example sentence (also transliterated and translated ).
First, within-word pronunciation variants were generated by applying a set of five optional phonological rules to the words in the baseline lexicon.
There Peter acquired such arcane arts as the proper pronunciation of Daniel Jones's cardinal vowels.
After the formation of the province and the familiar use of the provincial name in the Dominion parliament, where it has occupied much attention for a generation, the pronunciation has changed, so that the province is universally known from ocean to ocean as Man-i-tõ-ba.
In .other cases the pronunciation can be ascertained only from the context, as in use, unvoiced for the substantive, voiced for the verb.
In the English dialects of Kent, Essex and Norfolk there is a common change of v to w, but Ellis says (English Pronunciation, V, pp. 132, 229) that though he has made diligent search he has never been able to hear the v for w which is so characteristic of Sam and Tony Weller in the Pickwick Papers.
Josephus, who as a priest knew the pronunciation of the name, declares that religion forbids him to divulge it; Philo calls it ineffable, and says that it is lawful for those only whose ears and tongues are purified by wisdom to hear and utter it in a holy place (that is, for priests in the Temple); and in another passage, commenting on Lev.
The uniformity, however, of the Old Testament text is due to the labours of successive schools of grammarians who elaborated the Massorah (see Hebrew Literature), thereby obliterating local or dialectic differences, which undoubtedly existed, and establishing the pronunciation current in the synagogues about the 7th century A.D.
The outward frontiers of both were the sea; no difficult physical barriers divided the two territories; the majority of Scots spoke an intelligible form of English, differing from northern English more in spelling and pronunciation than in idiom and vocabulary; and after the Reformation the State religion in both countries was Protestant.
Each of these is likewise accompanied by its pronunciation, meaning and an example sentence (also transliterated and translated).
The spelling of his name is rare, but not the pronunciation.
Spelling and pronunciation are essential to the understanding of the English language, and are a key component in the school systems.
Before the day of the shower, let a couple of other people read over your speech, looking for pronunciation errors and any other problems that might occur.
The child can stop and look up the meaning and pronunciation of any word at anytime.
With its size, the Oxford English Dictionary is the standard by which many academic institutions and publications, as well as world groups like the United Nations go to when there's a dispute with spelling or pronunciation with words.
Enter the word or as much as the word you know and the included options (matching whole word, case sensitive or through pronunciation) and click search.
Omniglot provides a brief history of the Yiddish language, and also includes the alphabet with pronunciation.
If you're looking for a quick audio translation or pronunciation, there's a good chance you're on the go and not sitting in front of your computer.
It does not need clear mental (or verbal) pronunciation.
If that is the case, so not concern yourself with clear pronunciation.
The proper pronunciation is peeno nwahr.
Even if the two languages do not share similarities in pronunciation, children eventually master them both.
To understand how the characters are represented or written out, you must learn how to decipher the Pronunciation Romanization.
It's distinction as a symbol for happiness is simply because the pronunciation of the word, Magpie, in Chinese is similar to the pronunciation of the word "happiness."
These lengths can be varied to create more movement and manageability without the defined pronunciation of layers.
Early readers will need to master alphabetization while intermediate learners will be expected to use guide words and to understand pronunciation guidelines.
Alphabet games go over small and large case letters, pronunciation, and using the letter in simple words in colorful presentations.
The site also has interactive stories to develop reading where the kid must click on words to read the story and hear the word pronunciation.
Faux Cyrillic substitutes Russian characters that look similar to Latin letters without regard for the actual pronunciation of the Russian letter.
Even if your pronunciation isn't perfect, your effort may endear you to the locals and provide an ice breaker for further conversation.
There really isn't any such thing as easy French pronunciation, unfortunately.
Listening to and practicing the pronunciation of vowel sounds in particular can make speaking easier, and daily pronunciation practice is recommended.
Many websites, such as Jump's French Pronunciation include audio clips of vowel sounds, vowel combinations, and lists or words these vowels commonly appear in.
Another tip or making pronunciation easier is to look at the way the mouth forms the sounds when French words are spoken.
Two factors make for easy French pronunciation with respect to English speakers.
By far the most difficult and particular pronunciation happens in Paris, where people speak very quickly, with lots of nasal emphasis, and by dropping letters and connecting words, also known as liason and élision.
University of Toronto and BBC French Steps offer easy french pronunciation instruction.French pronunciation isn't always easy, but there are certainly easier words and places to speak to make it less difficult to learn.
This will help you obtain a firmer grasp of French grammar, and it will also improve your pronunciation.
There are many online resources, such as French Tutorial's Audio Alphabet that have audio tools for listening to the French alphabet and make for easier French pronunciation.
This will allow you to begin to get the feel for the language, as well as the pronunciation.
Unfortunately, French pronunciation takes quite some time and effort to achieve, but learning the most basic French phrases can be done in no time.
French pronunciation is quite different from English pronunciation, so investing in a phrase dictionary is not always the best way to start.
One great way to work on your French pronunciation is to use some of the Internet's many learn French free audio sites that teachers and language enthusiasts have developed.
Each phrase or word has an arrow next to it, which when clicked starts the audio so that you can hear the proper French pronunciation of it.
Since French pronunciation is so different from English pronunciation, learning how to say things in French is one of the most difficult aspects of learning French for many students.
While it can be tempting to rely on first learning to read and write French, and then after you know the basic vocabulary and phrases to begin learning pronunciation, this can actually make learning pronunciation even more difficult.
As there is no accent in Indian words, the natural pronunciation of this name would be Man-i-CO-ba.
Guideand travel-books generally spell the name Sebastiyeh, which is not a correct rendering of the local pronunciation.
The religion and language have both died out, being only preserved by a few priests of the old cult; but even among them the tradition of the pronunciation of the language has been lost.
The Samoan language is soft and liquid in pronunciation, and has been called "the Italian of the Pacific."
When, in the 5th century A.D., owing to theological differences the Syriac-using Christians became divided into Nestorians or East Syrians and Jacobites (Monophysites) or West Syrians, certain differences of pronunciation, chiefly in the vowels, began to develop themselves.
Moreover the scruple as to the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton seems to have arisen earlier, as in the LXX.
Genebrardus seems to have been the first to suggest the pronunciation Iahue, 12 but it was not until the 10th century that it became generally accepted.
The word Morashtite (Morashti) was therefore obscure to them; but this only gives greater weight to the traditional pronunciation with o in the first syllable, which is as old as the LXX., and goes against the view, taken by the Targum both on Micah and on Jeremiah, and followed by some moderns (including Cheyne, E.B., 3198), that Micah came from Mareshah.
The symbol G was a new coinage in the 3rd century B.C. The pronunciation of C throughout the period of classical Latin was that of an unvoiced guttural stop (k).
It is a golden yellow bronze, called seniokuthis being the Japanese pronunciation of Suen-t, the era of the Ming dynasty of China when this compound was invented.
A later change is that which is seen in the pronunciation of nature as neits a .
This arises from the pronunciation of u as yu, and does not affect the English dialects which have not thus modified the u sound.
The original seceders in Virginia and North Carolina bore for a time the name "Republican Methodists," and then called themselves simply "Christians," a designation which with the pronunciation "Christ-yans" is still of ten applied to them.
The word as spelled represents the pronunciation of the Cape Dutch milje, an adaptation of milho (da India), the millet of India, the Portuguese name for millet, used in South Africa for maize.
Further efficiency in classical education has been the aim of the movement in favour of the reform of Latin pronunciation.
In Reform 1871 this movement resulted in Munro and Palmer's Syllabus of Latin Pronunciation.
Bennett of Cornell in 1901, a year in which it was estimated that this pronunciation was in use by more than 96% of the Latin pupils in the secondary schools.
Jaeschke from 1860 to 1867 made several important communications, chiefly with reference to the phonetics and the dialectical pronunciation, to the academies of Berlin and St Petersburg, and in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
The question has turned mainly upon the elucidation of the phenomenon of the silent letters, generally prefixed, which differentiate the spelling of many words from their pronunciation, in the central dialect or current speech of Lhasa.
Foucaux, in his Grammaire (1858), quoted a fragment from a native work on grammar several centuries old, in which the pronunciation of the supposed silent letters is carefully described.
The old language seems to have pronounced prefixes extensively which in modern pronunciation in central Tibet are largely lost, whilst the soft initials have become aspirated or hardened and tones have developed, and in the west and east, where prefixes and soft initials have been preserved, there are no tones.
Although Bucharest is the conventional English spelling, the forms Bucarest and Bukarest more nearly represent the correct pronunciation.
The Arabic spoken by the middle and higher classes is generally inferior in grammatical correctness and pronunciation to that of the Bedouins of Arabia, but is purer than that of Syria or the dialect spoken by the Western Arabs.
The distinctions between the dialects consist largely in pronunciation, but extend also to the vocabulary, word-formation and syntax.
Coptic is the only stage of the language in which the spelling gives a clear idea of the pronunciation.
At the same time, the significance which the word " viking " has had in our language is due in part to a false etymology, connecting the word with " king "; the effect of which still remains in the customary pronunciation vi-king instead of vik-ing, now so much embedded in the language that it is a pedantry to try and change it.
Together with Sir Thomas Smith, he introduced a new method of Greek pronunciation very similar to that commonly used in England in the 19th century.
In the Phoenician alphabet Zain was the seventh letter, occupying the same position and having the same form approximately (i) as the early Greek Z, while in pronunciation it was a voiced s-sound; Samech () followed the 'symbol for n of and was the ordinary s-sound, though, as we have seen, e it is in different Greek states at the earliest period as well as E; after the symbol for p came Zade (v), which was a strong palatal s, though in name it corresponds to the Greek Nra; while lastly Shin (W) follows the symbol for r, and was an sh-sound.
An American English dictionary uses the pronunciation of American accented speech.
These programs will help you achieve flawless English pronunciation.
In action it was an assembly court, deciding all questions by discussion and the weight of opinion, though its decisions obtained their legal validity by the formal pronunciation of the presiding member, i.e.
Though many refer to it as Chinese ying yang, the correct pronunciation is "yin yang".
If you first spend a lot of time memorizing phrases and learning to read and spell them, you will develop a pronunciation of them in your head.
While approximations of the pronunciation of these French phrases are given, it is impossible to provide a perfect pronunciation key using English sounds to guide French pronunciation.
In addition, any time a fluent French speaker says these phrases, pay attention to his or her pronunciation so that you can try to copy it.
While learning how to say 'thank you' in French is pretty easy in terms of vocabulary, learning native-like pronunciation requires a lot of practicing and hard work.
Using these phrases appropriately includes not just learning the French pronunciation of them, but also learning when French social customs indicate that you should use them.
In fact, the term "weskit" is a word that developed from the English pronunciation of the word "waistcoat."
One of the greatest builders among them was Untas -GAL (the pronunciation of the second element in the name is uncertain).
According to Scheil, Gis-ukh is represented by Jokha, south of Fara and west of the Shatt el-Hai, and since two of its rulers are called kings of Te on a seal-cylinder, this may have been the pronunciation of the name.'
They are called by the French (with their usual inaccuracy of pronunciation and spelling) "chotts"; the word should really be the Arabic shat, an Arab term for a broad canal, an estuary or lake.
Such Italian as is spoken by the lingering minority has marked divergences of pronunciation and inflexion from the language of Rome and Florence.
According to Gerhard Rohlfs, the last form given to the word most correctly represents the Arabic pronunciation, but the other forms are more often used in Europe.
The diphthongal pronunciation of 'the termination aim is probably a much later development.
This letter corresponds to the second symbol in the Phoenician alphabet, and appears in the same position in all the European alphabets, except those derived, like the Russian, from medieval Greek, in which the pronunciation of this symbol had changed from b to v.
In other cases the pronunciation can be ascertained only from the context, as in use, unvoiced for the substantive, voiced for the verb.
Recent scholars, accordingly, with but few exceptions, are agreed that the ancient pronunciation of the name was Yahweh (the first h sounded at the end of the syllable).
In Egyptian the name of Cheops (Chemmisor Chembisin Diodorus Siculus, Suphis in Manetho) is spelt Hwfw (Khufu), but the pronunciation, in late times perhaps Khoouf, is uncertain.
The traditional pronunciation (MoX6x), which goes back Fas far as the Septuagint version of Kings, probably means that the old form was perverted by giving it the vowels of bosheth " shame," the contemptuous name for Baal.
A hard-and-fast rule of pronunciation is that only vowel or diphthong sounds, or the letters" m," n," ng," k," t "and" p "are permissible at the end of words, and hence the final letter of all words ending in anything else is simply suppressed or is pronounced as though it were a letter naturally producing one or other of those sounds.
Thus many of the words procured from foreign sources, not excluding Bali and Sanskrit, are more or less mutilated in pronunciation, though the entirely suppressed or altered letter is still retained in writing.
The popular pronunciation to and tau for tab has given rise to the spellings Toris and Tauris met with in older travellers and used even now.
Many even of these readings merely relate to variations of spelling, pronunciation or grammatical forms; others substitute a more decent expression for the coarser phrase of the text, but in some instances the suggested reading really affects the sense of the passage.
The language then underwent certain changes which gradually distinguished it from the French spoken in France; but, except for some graphical characteristics, from which certain rules of pronunciation are to be inferred, the changes to which the language was subjected were the individual modifications of the various authors, so that, while we may still speak of AngloNorman writers, an Anglo-Norman language, properly so called, gradually ceased to exist.
The letters r and t have been discarded in favour of 1 and k, as expressing more accurately the native pronunciation, so that, for example, taro, the former name of the Colocasia plant, is now kalo.
Her pronunciation of this gradually became indistinct, and when I first knew her it was nothing more than a peculiar noise.
The v, for f, is common in southern English pronunciation; vox, for fox, is found in the Ancren Riwle, c. 1230.
There is no reason to impugn the soundness of this substantially consentient testimony to the pronunciation Yahweh or Jahveh, coming as it does through several independent channels.
When she was at the Wright-Humason School in New York, Dr. Humason tried to improve her voice, not only her word pronunciation, but the voice itself, and gave her lessons in tone and vocal exercises.
The ability to read the lips helps Miss Keller in getting corrections of her pronunciation from Miss Sullivan and others, just as it was the means of her learning to speak at all, but it is rather an accomplishment than a necessity.
He now took the lead in the reform of the pronunciation of Greek, his views after considerable controversy being universally adopted.
Their long lists of the occurrences of words and forms fixed with accuracy the present (Masoretic) text, which they had produced, and were invaluable to subsequent lexicographers, while their system of vowel-points and accents not only gives us the pronunciation and manner of reading traditional about the 7th century A.D., but frequently serves also the purpose of an explanatory commentary.
Even where, as in the Vedas, the sacred books of India, there is proof that the work has been transmitted without change through many centuries, the existence of unintelligible passages and unmetrical verses shows that here too there is work for textual criticism to perform, though in the opinion of most scholars it should be confined to the restoration of such forms as would be unconsciously and inevitably corrupted through changes of pronunciation and the like.
At Ramsey he wrote for his pupils a scholarly work dealing with points of prosody and pronunciation, and exhibiting an accurate knowledge of Virgil and Horace.
In the next century we have Velius Longus's treatise De Orthographia, and then a much more important work, the Noctes Atticae of Aulus Gellius, and (c. 200) a treatise in verse by Terentianus, an African, upon Latin pronunciation, prosody and metre.