Promising Sentence Examples
I sure hope you're going to deliver what you've been promising all evening.
Ed had suffered needlessly for hours because she had done something careless – after promising she wouldn't.
She'd located two promising missing children cases from the past forty-eight hours.
I'm not promising any miracles. We got a lot to do to prepare the world for Hazel.
At Rhandea he laid down his diadem at the foot of the emperor's statue, promising not to resume it until he received it from the hand of Nero himself in Rome.
By his premature death science lost one of her most promising disciples.
The guests got up and took their leave, promising to return to dinner.
Coffee-raising was once a flourishing and very promising industry.
Autumn had begun to creep over New England, promising to transform the landscape into the backdrop that Jackson Parrish so loved.
Mr. Balcom, a promising young architect, designs it on the back of his Vitruvius, with hard pencil and ruler, and the job is let out to Dobson & Sons, stonecutters.
AdvertisementShe was tough but expressive, a combination he found odd but promising.
His faint smile was far from promising.
He heard his sister's voice in his mind again, promising they'd meet again soon.
Maybe I know he's promising more than he can deliver.
This is sounding more promising all the time.
AdvertisementMoved by this language and conscious of the weakness of Edward, the pope exhorted him to make peace with Scotland, and three years later Randolph, now earl of Moray, procured the recognition of Bruce as king from the papal see by promising aid for a crusade.
The former of these were designed for the completion of the training of the most promising pupils in the communal elementary schools, and were left to local control or even to management by private individuals.
There's a bunch of run away kids; I could try to pick the most likely but none of them look promising.
Did you read any that looked promising?
He didn't think he could do much worse, but the fact the Dark One held the key to something he might need to know was not promising.
AdvertisementHe was alive, but even that didn't sound promising.
The enormous programme of constitutional reform foreshadowed in the manifesto had to be elaborated in haste by Count Witte, the minister of the interior, under circumstances by no means promising.
The intervening distance, through country exceedingly unhealthy for white men, and therefore promising no traffic except raw materials, does not seem a likely field for rapid railway extension.
A current development is the application of superheaters to locomotives, and the results obtained with them are exceedingly promising.
On the breaking out of the Rye House Plot, of which neither he, Essex, nor Sidney had the slightest knowledge, he was accused by informers of promising his assistance to raise an insurrection and compass the death of the king.
AdvertisementThe copper deposits of Minas Geraes are said to be promising.
A promising home industry, started under English auspices after the war of 1899-1902, is the weaving by women of rugs, carpets, blankets, &c., from native wool.
The Angevin king was thereupon set free, leaving three of his sons and sixty Provencal nobles as hostages, promising to pay 30,000 marks and to return a prisoner if the conditions were not fulfilled within three years.
He reversed the Hippocratic maxim "art is long," promising his scholars to teach them the whole of medicine in six months, and had inscribed upon his tomb iaTpovLKc, 7 r, as being superior to all living and bygone physicians.
Russia had in consequence been virtually cut off from intercourse by water with the outer world, seeing that the Baltic likewise was closed owing to action of the German navy; no adequate outlet for the Russian Empire's produce remained available; the most promising avenue for the introduction of warlike stores into the Tsar's dominions from without had been effectually barred.
A certain number of the most promising of these, from the purely optical point of view, had unfortunately to be abandoned for practical use owing to their chemical instability, and the problem of Fraunhofer, viz.
On the 1st of November Charles reached Florence, promising to respect its laws; but he permitted Corso Donati and his friends to attack the Bianchi, and the new podestd,Cante dei Gabrielli of Gubbio, who had come with Charles, punished many of that faction; among those whom he exiled was the poet Dante (1302).
The promising title may have had something to do with the temporary success of the Memoires secrets de la republique des lettres (1744-1748) of the marquis d'Argens.
This was especially the case on the " Mother Lode,".where highly promising results were obtained.
Subsequently, however, he married the handsome and promising youth to Agnes of Chatillon, duchess of Antioch, and in 1173 placed him, by force of arms, on the Hungarian throne, first expelling Bela's younger brother Geza, who was supported by the Catholic party.
Out of it sprang the rebellion of Megabyzus, who was greatly exasperated because, though he had persuaded Inarus to surrender by promising that his life would be spared, Artaxerxes, yielding to the entreaties of his wife Amytis, who wanted to take revenge on Inarus for the death of her brother Achaemenes, the satrap of Egypt, had surrendered him to her for execution.
Polycarp replied, promising to carry out their request and enclosing a number of the letters of Ignatius which he had in his possession.
Williams remained in Uganda, where the outlook was now fairly promising, and every effort 1 Since reduced to one.
So Christ instituted confirmation non exhibendo sed promittendo, not by undergoing it and so setting it forth in His own person, but by promising to send the Paraclete.
Joanna refused to adopt Louis owing to the influence of Caracciolo, who hated Sforza; she appealed for help instead to Alphonso of Aragon, promising to make him her heir.
In 1882 the Poles lost, in the prime of life, a very promising historian Szujski (born in 1835), and also Schmitt, who died in his sixty-sixth year.
Among the inscriptions one of the most interesting is the letter of the Tyrian merchants resident at Puteoli to the senate of Tyre, written in 174, asking the latter to undertake the payment of the rent of their factory, and the reply of the senate promising to do so.
Even more promising appeared the gold-fields.
The most promising sources of new animals for collections are young creatures which have been partly tamed by hunters, traders or natives, and which have been acquired by travellers.
The career of another promising cruiser, the "Nashville," was summarily ended by the Federal monitor "Montauk" (February 28, 1863).
The state grants scholarships tenable at European universities to promising pupils, and there are three important public libraries.
Fresh conflicts broke out between him and the Congress, and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, captain-general of Vera Cruz, proclaimed a republic, promising to support the Plan of Iguala.
As yet, however, he had little knowledge of, and less inclination for, astronomy; and it was with extreme reluctance that he turned aside from the more promising career of the ministry to accept, early in 1594, the vacant chair of that science at Gratz, placed at the disposal of the Tubingen professors by the Lutheran states of Styria.
Experiments are also conducted to test the merits of new or untried varieties of cereals and other field crops, of grasses, forage plants, fruits, vegetables, plants and trees; and samples, particularly of the most promising cereals, are distributed freely among farmers for trial, so that those which promise to be most profitable may be rapidly brought into general cultivation.
The most direct and therefore commercially most promising line of construction passed near the boundary of the United States.
On the way he received a revelation at Bethel ("house of God") promising to him and to his descendants the whole extent of the land.
Next in promising qualities is the muga or moonga worm of Assam, Antheraea assaina, a species to some extent domesticated in its native country.
In 1879 he entered the German Foreign Office, where he was regarded as one of the most promising members of the small clique that gathered round the celebrated and much over-rated Herr von Holstein.
On his arrival in Norway Haakon gained the support of the landowners by promising to give up the rights of taxation claimed by his father over inherited real property.
Drusus now sought a closer alliance with the Italians, promising them the longcoveted boon of the Roman franchise.
Thus a West African native who wants a suhman takes a rudely-cut wooden image or a stone, a root of a plant, or some red earth placed in a pan, and then he calls on a spirit of Sasabonsum ("a genus of deities, every member of which possesses identical characteristics") to enter the object prepared, promising it offerings and worship. If a spirit consents to take up its residence in the object, a low hissing sound is heard, and the suhman is complete.
The second and much more serious host of warriors, led by Godfrey of Bouillon, he conducted also into Asia, promising to supply them with provisions in return for an oath of homage, and by their victories recovered for the Empire a number of important cities and islands - Nicaea, Chios, Rhodes, Smyrna, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Sardis, and in fact most of Asia Minor (1097-1099).
His elder brother, Edward Stanley Poole (1830-1867), who was chief clerk in the science and art department at South Kensington, was an Arabic scholar, whose early death cut short a promising career.
To them Alexius, son of the deposed Isaac, made appeal, promising as a crowning bribe to heal the schism of East and West if they would help him to depose his uncle.
His eldest brother being a prodigal he succeeded to the paternal estate, but threw the will into the fire on his brother's promising to reform.
By promising to restore Schwiebus to Silesia after his accession he won the support of the emperor Leopold I.; but eventually he gained his end in a peaceable fashion.
In the Eastern Sudan a promising beginning has been made, but the regions south of Kordofan have hardly been touched.
The new emperor secured the help of John George for the impending campaign in Bohemia by promising that he should be undisturbed in his possession of certain ecclesiastical lands.
Before his abdication Louis had issued, on the 6th of March, a proclamation promising the zealous co-operation of the Bavarian government in the work of German freedom and unity.
Its immediate results were far from promising.
In the most promising form of this process an acid converter and a basic open-hearth furnace are used.
These are usually made of sand containing enough clay to give it the needed coherence, but of late promising attempts have been made to use permanent iron moulds.
The present philosophy, therefore, has a promising aspect.
Rice is the staple crop; there are promising plantations of coffee and rubber.
But his plans were traversed again and again by unforeseen complications, the failure of the most promising presumptions, the perpetual shifting of apparently stable alliances; and again and again he had to modify his means to attain his ends.
It was through his initiative, too, that the convention of KlosterSeven was signed (loth of September 1757), and on the 4th of May 1758 he concluded a still more promising treaty with France, whereby, in consideration of Denmark's holding an army-corps of 24,000 men in Holstein till the end of the war, to secure Hamburg, Lubeck and the Gottorp part of Holstein from invasion, France, and ultimately Austria also, engaged to bring about an exchange between the king of Denmark and the cesarevitch, as regards Holstein.
Even as late as August 1679 he was promising his publisher " somewhat to print in English."
He disclaimed any intention to invade, subjugate or oppress 1 Without Lincoln's knowledge or consent, the managers of his candidacy before the convention bargained for Cameron's votes by promising to Cameron a place in Lincoln's cabinet, should Lincoln be elected.
These schools are in close touch with the sovereigns and the governments, and the more promising pupils are thus from the first assured of a career, especially in connection with the decoration of public buildings and monuments.
Anxious to regain these lands Henry allied himself with some Slavonic tribes, promising not to interfere with the exercise of their heathen religion, while Boleslaus found supporters among the discontented German nobles.
After Bouvines he purchased the assistance of Valdemar II., king of Denmark, by ceding to him a large stretch of land along the Baltic coast; and, promising to go on crusade, he secured his coronation at Aix-la-Chapelle in July 1215.
Committees of students and national guards were formed; on the 13th of May a Central Committee was established; and on the 15th a fresh insurrection broke out, as a result of which the government once more yielded, recognizing the Central Committee, admitting the right of the National Guard to take an active part in politics, and promising the convocation of a National Convention on the basis of a single chamber elected by universal suffrage.
This was agreed to; and on the 12th of September at the opening of the diet, the governor read a royal message recognizing the separate existence of the Bohemian kingdom, and promising that the emperor should be crowned as king at Prague.
Germans and Czechs, induced the Chamber to sanction the estimates, the contingent of recruits and other " necessities of state " for 1901 and 1902, by promising to undertake large public works in which Czechs and Germans were alike interested.
Inquiries made under the auspices of the British Cotton Growing Association have led to the conclusion that Northern Nigeria offers the most promising field contained within the empire for the growth of cotton required to render Lancashire looms independent of foreign supplies.
The second period passes from the highest point to which this art attained to a luxuriance promising decay.
In great alarm lest the beys should join them, especially as they were far north of his position, he immediately sent messengers to his rivals, promising to comply with all their demands if they should join in.
The harbours of Copenhagen, Elsinore and other towns were enlarged; many decaying towns were abolished and many new ones built under more promising conditions, including Christiania, which was founded in August 1624, on the ruins of the ancient city of Oslo.
He forwarded all promising schemes to the organization.
Alexander (1260) won the western isles and the Isle of Man from Norway, paying 4000 merks, and promising a yearly rent of 100 merks.
In October 1357 David was permitted to return to Scotland, giving hostages and promising ioo,000 merks in ten yearly payments.
The Saras are remarkable for their herculean stature, and are one of the most promising of African races.
The rumour proved false, but he retained the crown, promising to leave the kingdom to Conradin at his death and to defend his rights.
It is granted only according to act, and merits as the law in enlightening, warning or promising reward.
On the news of Yazid's accession, the numerous partisans of the family of Ali in Kufa sent addresses to Hosain, inviting him to take refuge with them, and promising to have him proclaimed caliph in Irak.
Reluctant, however, to fight against a descendant of the Prophet, Facil first attempted to induce him to submit by promising him safety and a brilliant position at the court of Bagdad.
Philip supported the clergy against the feudal lords, and in many cases against the burgesses of the towns, but rigidly exacted from them the performance of their secular duties, ironically promising to aid the clergy of Reims, who had failed to do so, "with his prayers only" against the violence of the lords of Rethel and Roucy.
Elsewhere the presence of large numbers of turbulent country nobles furnished the first germ for the unending dissensions which ruined such promising beginnings.
The representatives of France and Great Britain made every effort to secure a reversal of this fatal step; but, while they were threatening and promising, Russia was acting, and on the 10th of February a Russian squadron entered the Bosporus.
In return Anne gave her support to William's government, though about this time, in 1696 - according to James, in consequence of the near prospect of the throne - she wrote to her father asking for his leave to wear the crown at William's death, and promising its restoration at a convenient opportunity.'
On the 3rd of March 1714 James wrote to Anne, Oxford and Bolingbroke, urging the necessity of taking steps to secure his succession, and promising, on the condition of his recognition, to make no further attempts against the queen's government; and in April a report was circulated in Holland that Anne had secretly determined to associate James with her in the government.
According to another story, Zeus himself broke off the horn and gave it to Amaltheia, promising that it would supply whatever she desired in abundance.
He secretly supported Catiline, but Cicero won him over by promising him the rich province of Macedonia.
Siemens on the electric furnace was continued and greatly extended by Henri Moissan and others on its scientific side, and electro-chemistry took its place as one of the most promising departments of technical research and invention.
Gold is found in the alluvial deposits, but the results of exploration have not been very promising.
Anxious to retain so promising an adherent, and probably desirous at the same time to avoid public scandal, the chiefs of the community offered him a yearly pension of r000 florins if he would outwardly conform and appear now and then in the synagogue.
It was the cause of immense disasters to France; for after a promising beginning, both by land and sea, France suffered reverses which lost her both India and Canada and deprived her of the leading po s ition which she had so long held in Europe.
He became secretary to Vice-Admiral Cornelis Kruse, who had a standing commission from Peter the Great to pick up promising young men, and in 1767 entered the tsar's service.
In May and June the shah issued proclamations declaring his fidelity to the constitution, and promising an amnesty to all political offenders; but he was powerless to stay the advance of the combined Bakhtiari and Nationalist troops, who entered Teheran.
In those days victims of robberies constantly compounded with felonies and paid blackmail to thieves, promising not to prosecute on the restitution of a portion of the stolen property.
In 1661 under Clarendon's rule, the evil precedent had been admitted of receiving money from France, in 1662 Dunkirk had been sold to Louis, and in February 1667 during the Dutch war a secret alliance had been made with Louis, Charles promising him a free hand in the Netherlands and Louis undertaking to support Charles's designs " in or out of the kingdom."
There is already a promising khafila traffic along it and the railway has been extended from Quetta to Nushki.
The same year he turned his attention to politics and was regarded as one of the most promising young orators of the day, especially during the sessions of the diet of 1832-1836, when he had the courage to oppose Kossuth.
The hatching of eggs, whether of fresh-water or salt-water fishes, presents no serious difficulties, if suitable apparatus is employed; but the rearing of fry to an advanced stage, without serious losses, is less easy, and in the case of sea-fishes with pelagic eggs, the larvae of which are exceedingly small and tender, is still an unsolved problem, although recent work, carried out at the Plymouth laboratory of the Marine Biological Association, is at least promising.
There are numerous French and Latin letters, his Apologie, a promising fragment of comic prose narrative, and a large collection of occasional verses, odes, elegies, stanzas, &c.
At the very outset of a promising career he suddenly succumbed to an attack of smallpox on the 6th of November 1650, his son William III.
A royal ordinance, promising reforms in administration, was promulgated on the 27th of May 1413, and some of the royal advisers were executed.
The cultivation of fruit is receiving increased attention, but the growing of sugar cane and tobacco and the production of wine, until recently so promising, are, if not declining, at least stationary, in spite of the suitability of the soil of many districts for these crops.
In 1682 the party of progress, headed by Artamon Matvyeev and the tsaritsa Natalia, passed Ivan over and placed his half-brother, the vigorous and promising little tsarevich Peter, on the throne.
The most promising of these little seaside places are Anapa, Gelenjik and Gagry.
He built and endowed a grammar-school at a cost of upwards of X500, educated and maintained a large number of poor children at his own charge, and provided the more promising pupils with means of studying at the universities.
An instance of this occurred in the promising export of live cattle to Cuba and Panama, which was completely suppressed in 1906 because of a new export tax of $3 gold per head.
At last the fear of awakening Yasodhara prevailed; he tore himself away, promising himself to return to them as soon as his mind had become clear, as soon as he had become a Buddha, - i.e.
Beyond the colony proper there are promising vine stocks in the Gordonia division of Bechuanaland and in the Umtata district of Tembuland.
The dairy business is a promising industry in the farming regions, especially in the Willamette Valley.
Aware that the resources of his own duchy were inadequate to the conquest of England, he sent all over Europe to hire mercenaries, promising every knight who would join him broad lands beyond the Channel in the event of victory.
Henry at once issued a proclamation and charter promising the redress of all the grievances with which his brother had afflicted his feudal tenants, the clergy and the whole nation.
Henry bought him off, before the would-be rebels had time to join him, by promising him an annual tribute of 3000 marks and surrendering to him all his estates in Normandy (1101).
From this depth of despair the party which, with all its faults, represented the national sentiment of France was rescued by the astonishing exploits of Joan of Arc. Charles and joan Of his counsellors had no great confidence in the mission of this prophetess and champion, when she presented herself to them, promising to relieve Orleans and turn back the English.
This promising scheme was to be supported by a rising of those Yorkists who rejected the usurpation of Richard III.,
Looking upon London as a promising field for enterprise, he came over to England, and at the commencement of 180 4 took the Lyceum theatre, where he gave demonstrations of his process.
The French adventurers, bent on finding either a "North-west passage" or some land route to the Pacific (which they believed to be no farther west than the Mississippi), naturally went west by the water routes of Wisconsin; as a fine field for their bartering and trading with water-courses by which they could convey their pelts and skins back to Montreal, the region attracted the coureurs de bois and fur traders; and it seemed promising also to the zealous French Catholic missionaries.
Gerard Cauvin began to suspect that he had not chosen the most lucrative profession for his son, and that the law offered to a youth of his talents and industry a more promising sphere.
The excrement from this large colony has changed the carbonate of lime in the soil and the coral nodules on the surface into phosphates, to the extent in some cases of 60-70%, thus forming a valuable deposit, beneficial to the vegetation of the island itself and promising commercial value.
Other causes of trouble probably existed, for in 1231 Henry not only refused to appear at the diet at Ravenna, but opposed the privileges granted by Frederick to the princes at Worms. In 1232, however, he submitted to his father, promising to adopt the emperor's policy and to obey his commands.
Pejacevic succeeded him as ban, and restored quiet by promising freedom of assembly and greater liberty of the press.
By promising to cede the Portuguese colony of Brazil to her, and by the sale of part of his jewels, Antonio secured means to fit out a fleet manned by Portuguese exiles and French and English adventurers.
Finally the Hansa intervened, and by the compact of Lindholm (1395) Albert was released by Margaret on promising to pay 60,000 marks within three years, the Hansa in the meantime to hold Stockholm in pawn.
At the age of twenty he was recognized as one of the most promising scholars of the time.
The majority of these theories are too vague to be profitably discussed in an article like the present, but there can be little doubt that the study of thermoelectricity affords one of the most promising roads to the discovery of the true relations between heat and electricity.
But Alphonso did not use his freedom to act legibus solutus except against such hoary and incorrigible intriguers as Don Juan ci Tuerto or the Caballero Diego Gil, whom he beheaded with seventeen of his men after promising them security for their lives.
The mek, promising compliance, invited Ismail and his chief officers to a feast in his house, around which he had piled heaps of straw.
Of manufactures not dependent upon agriculture perhaps the most promising is that of brick and tile products (valued at $839,815 in 1900 and at $1,131,913 in 1905), and the largest in 1905 was the manufacture and repair of steam railway cars (valued at $2,624,461 in 1900 and at $4,394,685 in 1905).
In 1907, under a direct primary law, the nomination of candidates for United States senator was transferred from the party convention directly to the people; and in 1909 the " Oregon plan " was adopted, whereby each candidate for the legislature must go on record as promising, or not, always to vote for the people's choice for United States senator; on the ballot which bears the name of each candidate for the legislature there appears a statement that he " promises," or that he " will not promise," to vote for the " people's choice."
Both were involved in the agitation in1858-1859for the annexation of the South Platte to Kansas (q.v.), which gained considerable strength; annexation promising to the former much earlier statehood than continued union with the backward region of the North Platte, and to northern Kansas also promising earlier statehood, and an advantage in the sectional struggle with southern Kansas.
For promising to support Frederick against Alexander he was excommunicated by Becket in 1166.
His inclination at this time was towards classics, and he was recognized, with his school-fellow, David Ruhnken, as among the most promising classical scholars of the college.
Are there any potential cases that look promising?
The bed and breakfast had a full complement of guests for the first time in this, their second season, the domestic help opening seemed about to be filled, the weather was beautiful, the flowers were blooming and David Dean's campaign for sheriff looked promising.
Gladys was contrite, promising to "not take sleeping pills" so she would wake more quickly.
Dean made a note to ask Cynthia Byrne about the incident and, after promising Mayer he'd keep in touch, hung up.
Ed had suffered needlessly for hours because she had done something careless – after promising she wouldn't.
Tom is undoubtedly one of the North's most promising prospects.
The general problem seems hard although there are some promising avenues for investigation.
James Watson seduced the public into spending billions on the human genome project by promising to reveal 'the blueprint for making a human being' .
Despite promising signs in the Gully, the nearby crofts were not exactly brimming with migrants.
Promising new treatment for candida sufferers A potent new form of probiotics offers new hope for recurrent candida sufferers A potent new form of probiotics offers new hope for recurrent candida suffers.
The parsons in both villages were also coerced into promising to reduce by half the income they took from tithes.
Tho imperfect, The Perfect Fool would be a promising debut from any nascent novelist.
The second half looked more promising for Windsor with them showing great determination to level the score.
This particular active diffuser is particularly promising for two reasons.
Although it is too early to say whether they will succeed, early to say whether they will succeed, early indications are promising.
Started out promising, just as we got through the reserve gate we encountered two different snakes and our first emus.
Six weeks later Mr Gravett registered his promising two-year-old filly under the name Emma Told Lies.
Anything from mild flirtation to something more promising could occur on Friday.
Nevertheless despite these promising moves the peace process remained dangerously fragile.
However, despite our promising opening we conceded the first goal, to a long ball over the top.
Manchester Airport has an exciting and promising future, but it has an equally illustrious past, which began in 1928.
Alastair Cook had a highly promising debut innings of 60 during yesterday's test match against India.
Then he admitted the failure to translate promising field positions into points was a constant irritant to his team.
One promising rehabilitation program (Spanky and Alfalfa, 1978) has trained victims of severe childhood to sell lemonade.
This is a promising beginning however and the new Doctor seems instantly likeable.
Among many well-known local poets, there were a couple of promising newcomers.
Initial assessment of the wafer using photoluminescence has shown promising results, and these are awaiting processing into test structures for assessment.
Stip is the most unexplored area in this respect, although the announcements of its potentials are exceptionally promising.
With the team going from strength to strength, the season ahead looks extremely promising!
The result so far is a valuable and highly promising contribution to the great army of evangelical lay workers.
Although early studies indicate a potentially promising role for vitamin E.. .
One particularly promising site was found on farm land to the East of Lydney.
Their handling of the Jean Charles de Menezes case does not appear promising.
And to think he once seemed so promising... Reviewed by Andy Murray Reader comments about Kill Bill Vol.
I thought to myself, this sounds promising, lets go.
If these tests prove promising, then the next stage is to test the new medicine in animals.
The plumber has not shown up and keeps promising to come back but never does.
Brachytherapy using transrectal ultrasound guidance for seed implantation is promising in terms of freedom from biochemical failure in selected patients with early-stage prostate cancer.
Early results from trials using proton beam radiotherapy are promising.
The impact of salvage radiotherapy on disease-free survival is promising, but the guidelines of therapy are not well established.
Politicians are always promising to cut red tape, without ever getting specific.
Be realistic It's no good promising a wonderful reward or dreadful punishment if you are not going to see it through.
Olanzapine appears to offer a promising new option for treating resistant schizophrenia.
Two proprietary consumer cargo tank radar surveys by Zelos Group reveal promising market segmentation, pricing and packaging strategies.
First, some version of perceptual subjectivism is probably correct, with the adverbial theory being the more promising of the two main alternatives.
Off to the right was a little tableau, promising a grisly outcome.
Although promising in laboratory tests, ulcers occurred in human trials.
Have you any promising youngsters breaking into the team?
Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection.
In 1 535 a sort of compromise was brought about between himself and the Reformers, he promising not to disturb the peace of the church and they not to treat him as a disturber.
The Spartans were indignant, and when the Argives and their allies, in flagrant disregard of the truce, took Arcadian Orchomenus and prepared to march on Tegea, their fury knew no bounds, and Agis escaped having his house razed and a fine of 100,000 drachmae imposed only by promising to atone for his error by a signal victory.
He was defeated by a combination of the Kossuthists, Andrássy Liberals and Clerical People's party, the 30 Croatian deputies, whose vote might have turned the election, abstaining on Dr Wekerle promising them to deliver Croatia from the oppressive rule of the ban, Baron Rauch.
The pope's attempt to unite the grandi having failed, he summoned Charles of Valois to come to his assistance, promising him the imperial crown; in 1301 Charles entered Italy, and was created by the pope paciaro or peacemaker of Tuscany, with instructions to crush the Bianchi and the popolo and exalt the Neri.
It also asks that " if anyone shall note in this our confession any articles or sentence repugnant of God's Holy Word, that it would please him of his gentleness and for Christian charity's sake, to admonish of the same in writing," promising that if the teaching cannot be proved, to reform it.
On June 17 1907 a promising speech from the throne opened the first universal suffrage Parliament and promised " to leave to the peoples as a secure heritage the integrity of their national territories"; "to solve the language question.
The determined hostility Y of the Dutch rendered the promising scheme futile, and after a precarious struggle for existence, Charles VI., in order to gain the assent of the United Provinces and Great Britain to the Pragmatic Sanction, suppressed the Company in 1731.
Affied through his mother to the Welfs of Bavaria, and anxious to put an end to the unrest which dominated Germany, especially to the strife between the families of WeIf and Hohenstaufen, Frederick began his reign by promising to secure for Henry the Lion the duchy of Bavaria, and by appeasing Henrys uncle, Count Welf, by making him duke of Spol.eto and margrave of Tuscany.
Perhaps the good of agriculture came next in his affections to the claims of empire; and he forwarded all promising schemes for its betterment and organization.
He used prayer and fasting to deliver himself from evil enchantment; and when he saw ecstatic and mystical visions promising him the Lord's help and great usefulness in the Lord's work, he feared that these revelations might be of diabolic origin.
The Russian and British ministers in Teheran urged Mahommed All to maintain the constitution, and he sent a message to the Majlis, promising compliance with its demands and agreeing to place the whole army under the control of the ministry of war.
Mara, the great tempter, appears in the sky, and urges Gotama to stop, promising him, in seven days, a universal kingdom over the four great continents if he will but give up his enterprise.2 When his words fail to have any effect, the tempter consoles himself by the confident hope that he will still overcome his enemy, saying, "Sooner or later some lustful or malicious or angry thought must arise in his mind; in that moment I shall be his master"; and from that hour, adds the legend, "as a shadow always follows the body, so he too from that day always followed the Blessed One, striving to throw every obstacle in his way towards the Buddhahood."
I have rarely met a fellowman on such promising ground--it was so simple and sincere and so true all that he said.
On the evening of the day the old prince died the Marshal went away, promising to return next day for the funeral.
The self-help shelves of bookshops are bursting with volumes all promising to help us change.
From a promising position Barnsley subsided gently to 159 all out.
However in the real world sullen silence or blank looks can be the response to even the most promising of topics.
The results of all these studies will be used to identify the most promising taxa for more detailed future evaluation in longer-term feeding trials.
Allogeneic transplants are also promising for mantle cell lymphoma.
But I unveiled the mystery by promising one sequin to a peasant woman if she could find out who had sawn the plank.
The surf is looking promising with the current westerly swell being replaced by another over the weekend.
In the venture capital community, more stories exist of promising startups that flamed out than ever before.
The prognosis for cats with FeLV is not very promising.
This high tech reading venue has a promising future, and Disney's Toy Story Read-Along digital book made the list of 5 Amazing iPad e-books for Kids.
However, beware of the slick guys promising miracles, especially those who call you out of the blue.
If the lawyer doesn't have the financial resources to bear the cost of litigation themselves, they will have no choice but to refer a case to another attorney, no matter how promising it appeared.
A promising alternative for these solar plentiful regions are newer solar arrays made of individual photovoltaic cells.
Nuclear energy may be an alternative fuel source with promising potential, but its risks and hazards must be weighed in the balance.
While more research admittedly needs to be done, these initial finding are promising.
One promising avenue of research for tea tree oil is in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Furthermore, there are promising preliminary lab results that indicate milk thistle may be able to play a role in inhibiting the growth of certain types of cancer cells.
Again, more research needs to be done but some studies have revealed promising results.
There are a number of promising pharmaceutical treatments that seem to be quiet effective in treating migraines.
Other studies also point to cinnamon as a promising agent to reduce blood glucose levels.
This makes stevia appear to be a promising supplement in the treatment of diabetes.
Today, the most promising research indicates primrose oil as part of a treatment plan for arthritis and eczema.
While the results of research conducted on the use of Chinese herbs in the prevention of diabetes offers promising results, it is still considered preliminary and more clinical trials still need to be completed.
The clinical trials related to the use of emodin in treatment of diabetes were conducted on lab rats and show promising results.
Since the likelihood of cardiovascular disease increases substantially among people with Type 2 diabetes, the combined results of both lowered blood sugar levels and improved lipid profiles was especially promising.
Cover Girl doesn't come right out and say this mascara will do it all; promising only defined lashes with no clumps.
Indian Earth Powder, a famous 70's makeup product is still available in its cute clay pot, promising an Egyptian glow for all that wear it.
There's always something bigger, better and more promising on the horizon, perhaps an improved version of the old.
The planet-friendly formulas are promising not only for their eco-sensibility, but also for their brand name.
No matter whom you believe, Lip Venom by DuWop is a familiar component in a promising makeup artist's kit.
When you accept an offer to see an apartment that looks promising, you may wish to bring a friend along.
While this was a promising 17 percent decline from 2001 levels, the figure still represents far too many teens engaging in risky behavior.
If she calls, remain calm, promising to talk over the situation when everyone is sober and calm, not on the night you bring her home.
While the medical community has not yet fully explored the claims, initial research is promising.
Digital cameras make the experience better than ever, as you can try on ten dresses quickly and then skim through the lens to see what looks promising.
Hollywood Tours gives Starline a run for their money, promising 45 celebrity homes on their two hour tour.
The music career hasn't been looking too promising, and every time we see him, he seems to be playing golf or out clubbing with his friends.
Featuring the number-one lead single "If You Had My Love" and the hit "Waiting For Tonight," it signaled the start of a promising career.
In 1999 she emerged as a promising young artist with her album Baby One More Time, and her chart success continued to grow.
Hopefully, the young and promising actress learns from her and other rising stars' mistakes and begins behaving like a grown up and then, tells her parents to do the same.
As it turns out, Rich also claimed that Jared Ashley and cohort Chris Seiver attempted to blackmail Rich by promising to drop the assault and harassment charges if Rich forked over nearly three million dollars to them.
Howard Marshall allegedly promising Anna Nicole a $300 million portion of his fortune before his passing.
The problem with promising his then wife that amount of money is the fact that no one ever got it in writing.
Within the tennis shoe category, there are a myriad of manufacturers, each offering up their own promising designs and technology to the tennis world.
There's no shortage of online distance learning master's degree programs, so be sure to investigate the most promising options thoroughly before you choose to enroll.
As of 2010, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics indicates that the job outlook for someone choosing to earn an instructional design master's degree is very promising.
Spending the time and money to get your bachelor's degree in healthcare administration can put you on a promising career path, but it may not be all you need to make it there.
Investigating cruise ship job vacancies can lead to a promising career opportunity in a growing industry for the right individual with a good work ethic and a desire to experience a unique working environment.
Eagle Pack is a promising option that may end up being your dog's lifelong diet.
Catawba Tree (Catalpa Speciosa) - A forest tree in America, westwards, and is little known in England yet, though promising to be a forest tree; reaches 120 feet high in its own country.
The Chinese P. amurense is the hardier and more vigorous kind, P. japonicum being perhaps a form of it, and P. sachalinense, a promising kind, the last to come.
A promising kind, at least for districts where our evergreens usually escape the effects of hard winters.
Garden zones 8 through 10 provide optimal conditions for growing gardenias, but if you live in zones 7 and 6, new varieties promising to be frost-proof may work in your garden.
There are many types of melons available to the home gardener, each promising sweet, delectable fruit.
If you're considering going into the hardware business, Ace can offer a promising future for hard working individuals with a good work ethic.
Although "organic" looks promising on a product label, there's quite a bit of wiggle room for interpreting just what you're buying.
Green tea is naturally full of antioxidants, and some of the most promising research suggests that it can help control blood sugar, boost immune function, maintain bone density and heart health, burn fat, and lower cognitive impairment.
Oral appliances and radiofrequency ablation look promising, but more research is required to determine whether these approaches are as effective as continuous airway pressure.
Patients with severe sleep apnea who have not received any symptom relief from CPAP therapy or an oral appliance may find surgery as a promising option.
Exercises for restless leg syndrome are still under investigation, but they are very promising.
The Proclear multifocal contact lens is a promising pick for those who suffer from presbyopia and dry eyes.
Three managers of one of those computer companies -- Apple Computer -- decided that video games for computers represented a tremendous, promising future market.
The designers help you cope with the serious difficulty by throwing an unlockable character your way and promising more if you can beat it again.
Midway is promising customization here as well -- a sharp departure from previous renditions of the game.
Officials have indicated that it will definitely be after April, and they are promising that it will be before Thanksgiving.
Ready and waiting for the Nintendo Wii launch, a number of start-up websites were rolled out promising to integrate the Wii experience with the internet.
However, other vintages from the region are extremely promising.
Various immunological agents are as of 2004 still in clinical trials and are not as of that year widely available, though initial results are promising.
A promising but controversial treatment for mental retardation involves stem cell research.
The outlook is less promising for those with severe to profound retardation.
While promising, these results would apply to only about 5 percent of those with CF.
Promising new prevention methods and treatments include genetic screening and the cultivation of cardiac tissue in the laboratory that could be used to repair congenital cardiovascular defects.
The most promising area of new research in prenatal testing involves expanding the scope and accuracy of maternal blood screening as this poses no risk to the fetus.
One promising line of PKU research involves the synthesis (manufacturing) of a new type of enzyme that can break down phenylalanine in food consumed by the patient.
For those who grow into adults with antisocial personality disorder, the prognosis is not promising; the condition is difficult to treat and tends to be chronic.
Before you start looking for a government job, it's important to be aware that there are a number of scams floating around the Internet, promising access to federal and state job listings for a fee.
Not all job listings are as promising as they sound.
There are a number of sites promising access to federal and state job listings for a fee.
Select a few that sound promising and begin making contact.
The speciality of legal nurse consultant is a promising focus for many professionals in this field of medicine.
These numbers are very promising for investors, businesses, and the everyday homeowner.
When real estate experts sell systems promising to teach people how to make millions of dollars in real estate they are most often referring to flipping properties, not to renting out homes which you hold the title to.
Examples include promising one thing, but then urging the customer to sign documentation that stated something else entirely.
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard are both in the midst of promising acting careers.
This is a world away from the promising singer from American Idol's Season 4, who made it all the way into the Top 12 Finalists.
Other promising developments are in the works, too.
The male birth control pill is on the horizon as a promising form of contraception for men.
That being said, the statistics regarding survival rates of a 32 week fetus are fairly promising.
So far, the results are promising and should improve further in swimsuit seasons to come.
Promising research shows that these seeds may also help diabetics control blood sugar levels.
In any case, there is no shortage of supplements out there promising a quick, natural pick-me-up.
Browsing the aisles you'll also find "oxygen enhancers", Creatine products, herb concoctions and chemical products using only acronyms, all promising to sweep you off your weary feet in a jiffy.
Supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids have shown promising results in many who suffer such disorders, decreasing symptoms substantially in some cases.
Preliminary animal research on the effects of chia seeds on coronary heart disease have shown promising results as well.
Some products are marketed as vitamins for diabetics, promising to stabilize and lessen the effect of the ailment.
While these findings are promising, the bulk of the current research is mixed indicating a need for further evidence.
Although his early studies appeared promising, later studies conducted by the venerable Mayo Clinic disproved many of Pauling's earlier findings.
Promising to increase the competitive stakes and fun factor, players try for a YAHTZEE in a game that is a complete free-for-all!
All you need to do is ask students to get pledges from their parents for the amount of books they are promising to read.
However, if the personal ad asks for only non-smokers to respond, and you show up at your first date with a pack of Camels in your pocket, you're not off to a very promising start.
Nigerian romance scams take advantage of lonely and wounded hearts, promising them the perfect partner of their dreams.
If a company is promising to pay you based on some complicated revenue sharing plan you don't understand, think twice before accepting the offer.
Check out this article on the occupational outlook for freelance writers to see how promising this type of professional writing can be.
As you're preparing to begin your journey as a freelance writer, free freelancing resources can help you get the information you need to make sure your new career gets off to a promising start.
These beautiful beds evoke whimsy and romance all at once, promising happily ever after and dreams come true.
R.J. talks his way out of being killed by promising to replace the food in one week.
Over the course of the time that has passed between the Chronicles and The Underverse, apparently Diesel has been keeping die-hard Riddick fans abreast of what's been going on with the series while promising more movies to come.
The witch finally left the Bells in 1821, promising to return seven years later.
If you've spent any time at all online, you've probably seen thousands of advertisements promising you money for taking surveys or reading emails.
If you enjoy searching for mail-in rebate offers, you may have seen ads promising to help you work at home as a rebate processor.
Jesse was a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks and Angie had a promising future.
This led to appearing in the Brazilian telenovela Esperanca, winning her two awards for Most Promising Actress.
There are new labels showing some promising artists, too.
Currently, the causes of these developmental disorders are not clear, although new research is promising.
Outcomes with early intervention can be promising, but it does begin with a proper diagnosis.
Research in this area is promising with a number of different conditions.
While the causes of autism are yet to be discovered, there are some theories about what causes autistic disorders, as well as promising research.
Researchers are looking at a number of different factors that may contribute to pervasive developmental disorders, and they are uncovering very promising findings.
Some organizations also adopt principals of promising approaches that do not have scientific data to support them, including DIR Floortime and TEACCH.
There are plenty of online scams, promising access to entrepreneurial grant funding and women's small business loans to those who pay a fee or purchase a program.
Anything promising a dollar or two per envelope or asking you to pay money up front is probably a fraud.
Others ask for payment up front, promising you a kit with all you need to get started.
Have you seen the online advertisements promising to provide you with the secret formula to making huge sums of money right away - with no effort --- if you'll only send in "x" dollars to find out how?
This above average letter does a good job of displaying the employee's skills without over promising.
Professionals note that supplements promising quick fat loss typically fall short.
Promising to help dieters shed 21 pounds in 21 days, Martha’s Vineyard Diet was conceived by Roni DeLuz, a naturopathic doctor.
Marketers know this, and every year new exercise equipment arrives on the market promising sleek, beautiful thighs in just minutes of exercise every day.
With this type of auto warranty, the seller is promising that the product will do what it is supposed to do.
Silk, for example, is smooth and shiny, promising delight.
Some sites promising beautiful women and men in sexy lingerie are loaded with viruses, spyware, adware, and more.
Body shaping wear is entering a revolution, promising comfort as well as style, and haven't you always wanted to be part of a revolution?
The first act he signed was a promising up-and-coming goth band known then as Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids.
A simple Google search can return many sites promising free codes.
Despite promising first week sales, the Zune faltered.