Promise Sentence Examples
When I make a promise, I keep it.
I promise not to harm you.
I promise to behave.
I promise not to leave.
I promise not to plaster you with mud this time.
At least I obtained his promise of confidence.
I shall not be at peace till you promise me this.
Just promise me one thing, he added.
We'll go, then, and I promise to keep my hands to myself.
You have to promise whatever happens, it stays with us five of us.
AdvertisementSome methods and technologies that show promise to end famine are controversial.
I promise to stop yelling.
I promise, she swore just as quietly.
I had made a promise to her and I intended to keep it, regardless of the outcome.
Then I promise I'll give her back.
AdvertisementAnd yet, she had honored her promise to go with him to the party the next night.
But I will promise you that I'll never run off and leave you stranded.
Andrew, I bless you with this icon and you must promise me you will never take it off.
I can't promise you we'll never fight, or that I'll never take a drink.
I promise I won't go into the woods alone again.
AdvertisementHannah, I promise to come back soon.
I want you to promise me you won't go into the woods alone again.
Promise me you won't bite me.
I promised to visit him again the following summer, but he died before the promise was fulfilled.
I promise to drop in and see you the very next time I'm up this way.
AdvertisementI.ll promise to return.
Foiled by the valour of the citizens, they sailed away and harried the coast from Essex to Hampshire. !Ethelred now resorted to the old experiment and bought them off for £16,000 and a promise of supplies.
Once the promise of this world comes to be, new ways will be created to measure even more data.
No--promise that you will not refuse!
By the promise of loo million dinars to the expropriated Begs, he won over the Moslems of Bosnia, and by similar methods he detached the Slovene section of the newly founded Agricultural party (Zemljoradnici).
He refused to appear, held his own for a time in his castle at Theres against the king's forces, but surrendered in 906, and in spite of a promise of safe-conduct was beheaded.
I took this for a promise that if I gave her some cake she would be a good girl.
She sensed danger and promise from the freaky guy loitering in the shadow world.
When the news came of the truce of Regensburg Marie claimed the fulfilment of the promise.
Olaf also visited !Ethelred at the latter's request and, receiving a most honourable welcome, was induced to promise that he would never again come to England with hostile intent, an engagement which he faithfully kept.
Sweyn died in February 1014, and Ethelred was recalled by the witan, on giving a promise to reign better in future.
In 1835 Dingaan gave permission to the British settlers at Port Natal to establish missionary stations in the country, in return for a promise made by the settlers not to harbour fugitives from his dominions.
Its object, like other Jewish apocalypses, was to encourage faith under persecution; its burden is not a call to repentance but a promise of deliverance.
He knew that after his promise to Sonya it would be what he deemed base to declare his feelings to Princess Mary.
If not, I'll make you a promise.
This result was not, however, achieved before President Kruger had done his utmost to induce Sir Henry Loch to promise some revision in favour of the Transvaal of the London Convention.
The judges had been intimidated or corrupted, and the royal promise to protect the Establishment violated.
In the second place, in direct disregard of a promise given to Frederick, a supplement to Akakia appeared, more offensive than the main text.
While with the court at the Hague, he incurred the displeasure of William by insisting that a promise of marriage, made to an English lady of high birth by a relative of the prince, should be kept; and he therefore gladly returned to England in 1680, when he was immediately appointed.
But this connexion was not found to obtain as a rule in life, and the difficulties arising from this conflict between promise and experience centred round the lot of the righteous as a community and the lot of the righteous man as an individual.
At the same time League Charles violated his promise by giving aid to the Pisans against in their revolt against Florence, and did not restore the Charles other fortresses.
His conditions were agreed to, but after he had fulfilled his promise the inhabitants, on the ground that he was a sorcerer, declined to fulfil their part of the bargain, whereupon on the 26th of June he reappeared in the streets of the town, and putting his pipe to his lips began a soft and curious strain.
At the same time there was a certain healthy aspect in the cultivation of the Meistergesang among the German middle classes of the 15th and 16th centuries; the Meistersinger poetry, if not great or even real poetry, had - especially in the hands of a poet like Hans Sachs - many germs of promise for the future.
He was employed, while very young, in some of his father's expeditions into the country beyond the Indus, gave promise of considerable military talents, and was appointed to the command of an army directed against the Uzbegs.
He supported Rupert III., elector palatine of the Rhine, in his struggle with King Wenceslaus for the German throne, probably because Wenceslaus refused to fulfil a promise to give him his sister Anna in marriage.
His election was due to God, not Lorenzo; to God alone would he promise submission.
These institutions were approved by the people, and gave a fair promise of justice.
But he now resisted pain better, and, although more than once a promise to recant was extorted from him, he reasserted his innocence when unbound, crying out, "My God, I denied Thee for fear of pain."
The early death of this talented mathematician, of whom Legendre said "quelle tete celle du jeune Norvegien!", cut short a career of extraordinary brilliance and promise.
But by this time Tennyson was writing lyrics of still higher promise, and, as Arthur Hallam early perceived, with an extraordinary earnestness in the worship of beauty.
At the opening of the session of 1845 the government, in pursuance of a promise made to Irish members that they would deal with the question of academical education in Ireland, proposed to establish non-sectarian colleges in that country and to make a large addition to the grant to the Roman Catholic College of Maynooth.
He still corresponded with the king, and returned again to London next year, but in May 1765, after the duke of Cumberland's failure to form an administration, Grenville exacted the promise from the king, which appears to have been kept faithfully, that Bute should have no share and should give no advice whatever in public business, and obtained the dismissal of Bute's brother from his post of lord privy seal in Scotland.
He induced the diet to promise to execute the edict of Worms as far as that should be possible; but it was generally understood that it was impossible.
He had civil and criminal jurisdiction within the boundaries of his estate; he could create offices, found cities, and appoint officers and magistrates, and, although the charter permitted an appeal from his court to the directorgeneral and council in any case in which the amount in dispute exceeded fifty guilders ($20), some of the patroons exacted from their colonists a promise not to avail themselves of the privilege.
Released on an undertaking not to go to Yorkshire, a promise which he did not observe, the archbishop was enthroned in York Minster in June 1642.
Naphtha wells are working with favourable results at Gbely in Slovakia, and researches in progress at other points (Russinia) promise results that would make Czechoslovakia independent of foreign sources in respect of petroleum, even if no surplus were produced for export.
Carl Christian Bagger (1807-1846) published volumes in 1834 and 1836 which gave promise of a great future, - a promise broken by his early death.
With so many shady characters in the market that know how to sell you worthless pieces of lead, it's best to stick with a provider that can promise you the real thing.
Some unethical agencies promise help but do not deliver on the promise.
Plenty of companies promise to consolidate your debt, but very few can do so without charging exorbitant fees.
As the global community seeks efficient ways to reduce fossil fuel emissions, wind energy continues to offer the promise of cleaner air.
Promise yourself you will get rid of the leftovers.
Of course, now that I've delved into lash enhancement with full force, I'm more interested than ever in new, raved-about mascaras that promise to shake the world and, oh yes, make my eyelashes look the best they've ever looked.
Even better, many gel formulas are created with more than just cleansing in mind; many offer additional benefits that promise to pamper and comfort the eye area.
Besides Stephen Petelei (Jetti, a name - "Henrietta " - Felhok, " Clouds ") and Zoltan Ambrus (Pokhdlo Kisasszony, " Miss Cobweb "; Gyanu, " Suspicion") must be mentioned especially Francis Herczeg, who has published a number of very interesting studies of Hungarian social life (Simon Zsuzsa, " Susanna Simon "; Fenn es lenn, " Above and Below "; Egy ledny tortenete, " The History of a Girl "; Idegenete kozott, " Amongst Strangers "); Alexander Brody, who brings a delicate yet resolute analysis to unfold the mysterious and fascinating inner life of persons suffering from overwrought nerves or overstrung mind (A kitlelkil asszony, " The Double-Souled Lady "; Don Quixote kisasszony, " Miss Don Quixote "; Faust orvos, " Faust the Physician "; Tiinder Ilona, Rejtelmek, "Mysteries"; Az eziest kecske, " The Silver Goat "); and Edward Kabos, whose sombre and powerful genius has already produced works, not popular by any means, but full of great promise.
Alphonso III, the Aragonese king, being hard pressed, had to promise to withdraw the troops he had sent to help his brother James in Sicily, to renounce all rights over the island, and pay a tribute to the Holy See.
The matter temporarily dropped, but certain Liberal members of parliament continued to press for the withdrawal of Great Britain from the convention, it being stated that a promise had been privately given by Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman that the government would withdraw as soon as practicable.
The khakan, enticed by the promise of an imperial princess, furnished Heraclius with 40,000 men for his Persian war, who shared in the victory over Chosroes at Nineveh.
Their work shows much promise, but like all fine specimens of the Sino-Japanese school, the prices are too high to attract wide custom.
He now began to fulfil the promise of his "Cimabue," and by such pictures as "Paolo e Francesca," "The Star of Bethlehem," "Jezebel and Ahab taking Possession of Naboth's Vineyard," "Michael Angelo musing over his Dying Servant," "A Girl feeding Peacocks," and "The Odalisque," all exhibited in 1861-1863, rose rapidly to the head of his profession.
Nothing that he had yet done could be said to compare in promise of assured greatness with the Iambes, the Odes and the Jeune Captive.
It is the age of purest excellence in prose, and of a new birth of poetry, characterized rather by great original force and artistic promise than by perfect accomplishment.
He is the idealizing poet of the hopes and aspirations and of the purer and happier life of which the age seemed to contain the promise.
He first vindicates the claims of his own age to literary pre-eminence, and then seeks to stimulate the younger writers of the day to what he regarded as the manlier forms of poetry, and especially to the tragic drama, which seemed for a short time to give promise of an artistic revival.
Its execution was the work of a life prolonged through the languor and dissolution following so soon upon the promise of the new era, during which time the past became glorified by contrast with the disheartening aspect of the present.
But neither the king's character, nor the confusion of the Prussian finances due to his extravagance, gave promise of any effective action.
He is now promised as heir one of his own flesh, and a remarkable and solemn passage records how the promise was ratified by a.
Another tradition places the expulsion of Hagar after the birth of Isaac. It was thirteen years after the birth of Ishmael, according to the latest narratives, that God appeared unto Abram with a renewed promise that his posterity should inhabit the land.
Alvensleben, mistaking the withdrawal of the French for the beginning of a retreat, had meanwhile sent orders to the 6th cavalry division to charge in pursuit towards Rezonville; but before it could reach the field the French relieving troops had forced their way through the stragglers and showed such a bold front to the Prussian horsemen that an attack held no promise of success, more especially since they had lost their intervals in their advance and had no room for a proper deployment.
He continued by every means in his power to work for the independence of Hungary, especially at moments of European war, such as 1854, 1859 and 1866, at which an appeal to arms seemed to him to promise success.
The area of the grant may have been enlarged by later interpolations; or it may have dealt with property rather than with sovereignty, and have only referred to estates claimed by the pope in the territories named; or it is possible that Charles may have actually intended to establish an extensive papal kingdom in Italy, but was released from his promise by Adrian when the pope saw no chance of its fulfilment.
The dowry was never paid, and the king held himself free of his promise.
On the 3rd of November he arrived at Constance; shortly afterwards there was put into his hands the famous imperial "safe conduct," the promise of which had been one of his inducements to quit the comparative security he had enjoyed in Bohemia.
When, after various journalistic indiscretions, James Franklin in 1722 was forbidden to publish the Courant, it appeared with Benjamin's name as that of the publisher and was received with much favour, chiefly because of the cleverness of his articles signed " Dr Janus," which, like those previously signed " Mistress Silence Dogood," gave promise of " Poor Richard."
Upon his promise not to publish the letters Franklin received permission to send them to Massachusetts, where they were much passed about and were printed, and they were soon republished in English newspapers.
The two chiefs, surveying the French army in their front, considered that no serious force was in front of Quatre Bras, and Wellington terminated the interview with the conditional promise that he would bring his army to Blucher's assistance at Ligny, if he was not attacked himself.
Blucher loyally kept his promise to his ally; but the execution left much to be desired.
Inscriptions record repairs to the breakwater by Antoninus Pius in 139 in fulfilment of a promise made by Hadrian before his death.
However, in spite of this promise he ravaged the north of England again and again, until in 1091 William Rufus invaded Scotland and received his submission.
On first coming to live at Montaigne he edited the works of his deceased friend Etienne de la Boetie, who had been the comrade of his youth, who died early, and who, with poems of real promise, had composed a declamatory and school-boyish theme on republicanism, entitled the Contr' un, which is one of the most over-estimated books in literature.
After a period of tranquillity a reaction set in against Frankish influences, and in 840 the freemen and liti separated themselves from the nobles, formed a league, or stellinga, and obtained a promise from the emperor Lothair I.
In October of the same year, however, he returned to Saxony, excusing himself by asserting that his lands had not been defended according to the emperor's promise.
This bold plan met with no success; the economic programme in particular did not come into force; it was an empty promise, which was not taken seriously.
Christianity, with its one God, and its promise of redemption and a blessed immortality based upon divine revelation, met as no other contemporary faith did the awakening religious needs.
Two tendencies appeared in the thought of the primitive Church, the one to regard Christianity as a law given by God for the government of men's lives, with the promise of a blessed immortality as a reward for its observance; the other to view it as a means by which the corrupt and mortal nature of man is transformed, so that he becomes a spiritual and holy being.
Louis supported Lothair in his efforts to divorce his wife Teutberga, for which he received a promise of Alsace, while Charles opposed the divorce.
The capture of Antioch was due to his connexion with Firuz, one of the commanders in the city; but he would not bring matters to an issue until the possession of the city was assured him (May 1098), under the terror of the approach of Kerbogha with a great army of relief, and with a reservation in favour of Alexius, if Alexius should fulfil his promise to aid the crusaders.
It was a far cry from New Orleans to Quebec. If France could link them by a chain of settlements and shut in the English to their narrow strip of Atlantic seaboard there was good promise that North America would be hers.
The manufacture of steel, though in its infancy, gave promise of equalling that of iron, and the coke industry is also of growing importance, the product of Alabama during the five years from 1896 to 1901 showing a greater increase, relatively, than that of the other states.
And for our sins sinners (the Hasmonaeans) have risen up over us, taking with force the kingdom which Thou didst not promise to them, profaning the throne of David in their pride.
By some of the students and tutors, by Liddell, Newton, Acland and others, he was regarded as a youth of rare promise, and he made some lifelong friendships with men of mark and of power.
If any person makes an agreement for the withdrawal of a petition in consideration of a money payment, or of the promise that the seat shall be vacated or another petition withdrawn, or omits to state in his affidavit that he has made an agreement, lawful or unlawful, for the withdrawal, he is guilty of an indictable misdemeanour.
The promise that Christians should be temples of the living God has been fulfilled.
The work of reform was now in a good way; the freedom of the pontifical elections had been assured, which gave some Gregory promise that the struggle against abuses would be VII., conducted successfully.
P. Roe is not without promise.
After his endless tossing about, this seemed a promise and place of repose.
It is sufficient to say that at this time, despite the Rouen "conversion," there is no evidence to show that Pascal was in any way a recluse, an ascetic, or in short anything but a young man of great intellectual promise and performance, not indifferent to society, but of weak health.
After releasing himself by the promise of a large ransom and the conclusion of a peace, he turned his arms against the pretender Michael VII., but was compelledafter a defeat to resign the empire and retire to the island of Prote, where he soon died in great misery.
But Ottos son, Ludolf, who had received a promise of the German crown, saw his rights threatened by this marriage.
In 1877 he came forward again with one volume of verse, another of fiction, a third of travel; in each he displayed great vigour and freshness of touch, and he rose at one leap to the highest position among men of promise.
In June 1127, William, duke of Apulia, grandson of Robert Guiscard, died childless, having apparently made some vague promise of the succession to Roger.
A treaty was signed with the Scottish estates; but it was torn up a few months later under the influence of Beaton and the queen-dowager Mary of Guise, and Hertford was sent in 1544 to punish this breach of promise by sacking Edinburgh.
Abi Moslim, who had been at the head of the financial department in Irak under IIajjaj, and had been made governor of Africa by Yazid II., issued orders that the villagers who, having adopted Islam, were freed from tribute according to the promise of Omar II., and had left their villages for the towns, should return to their domiciles and pay the same tribute as before their conversion.
Abel Ridley, an English knight, spares his life for the promise of a huge ransom.
Many stores, such as Sears, have a price match guarantee in which they promise to beat competitors prices by 10 percent.
Steel yourself, find the one that seems like your cat, and promise the rest that you'll send all your pet-loving friends back for them.
On her deathbed, she made me promise I'd take care of this cat for her.
I can promise you, I know that if I am unable to brush everyday, I will at least try and use the new breath spray I have.
Some mixes offer a greater concentration of "real fruit flavor" while others promise to be low in sugar or provide extra berry taste.
Don't promise a creditor that you will make a payment if you have no intention of doing so.
They promise to cater to the little guy, and small business owners are flocking to them.
If you don't want -or can't get- a secured card, other options are to get an affordable standard card with the help of a co-signer, who is someone who agrees to promise the creditor to be equally responsible for the debt if you don't pay.
If you make your kids a promise, always follow through.
Presenting a positive attitude to the child teaches him that life is full of surprises, good and bad, and whatever the case, tomorrow is another day full of promise and hope.
Although these studies are not as conclusive as those demonstrating cardiovascular benefits, they do promise new avenues in the fight against cancer.
Garlic has shown promise in treating mild hypertension, but it can react with other drugs and work as a blood-thinner, so it should always be used as a supplement under a doctor's supervision.
There have been several studies done that do show some promise.
According to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), berberine shows some promise fighting infections, especially eye infections and infectious diarrhea.
Several studies indicate that acai berries hold promise as a healing fruit.
It seems too good to be true, but this common culinary spice holds great promise as a natural treatment for diabetes and the cluster of symptoms known as metabolic syndrome.
This is a very small study, but again it shows promise to those with diabetes.
St. John's Wort offers promise as an herbal remedy, but with a few cautions.
St. John's Wort holds great promise as an herbal remedy for depression.
Fragrance manufacture's marketing teams promise all sorts of magic in a bottle, but the only true test is the nose.
Using organic fruit and vegetables, as well as essential oils and safe ingredients, Lush is able to deliver on their promise.
Although many stores offer decent cosmetic mirrors, professional, or distortion-free mirrors promise an optimum level of quality.
They all claim to last a full week and fade like a "normal tan" but not all follow through on the promise.
The promise of flawless skin, a fuller pout, longer lashes and naturally flushed cheeks is irresistible.
It's a multitasking genius in a world of fly-by-night cosmetics that promise to do so much but, in return, don't really do the job after all.
It's not just the promise of youthful, fresh skin that lures people in - it's also the science behind this breakthrough product.
Lipstick stains promise kiss proof color with a naturally ripe tint.
Though everything I've tried has had its share of pros and cons, cream blushes all share a generally similar consistency and offer the promise of a natural, long-lasting flush.
If you're patient, you'll find that they'll appear sooner or later on some discount sites, but during their initial release period, eBay may hold more promise.
The background of this product is almost has compelling as its promise.
Sometimes cute packaging has that power, and in this case all it took was a gorgeous little box, an enticing little pot and the promise of great fragrance to sell me.
If you can't get enough of those quizzes that promise to give you insight into your soul or at least offer a tidbit about your personality that you may have missed, Blog Things is the place to go.
As special attention has not been drawn to the fact that some copies have the " Admonitio " and some have not, different writers have assumed that Briggs did or did not know of the promise contained in the " Admonitio " according as it was present or absent in the copies they had themselves referred to, and this has given rise to some confusion.
In 1803 an insurrection headed by Robert Emmett, a young barrister of much promise, broke out, but was immediately quelled, with the loss of some lives in the tumult, and the death of its leaders on the scaffold.
But, although he felt aggrieved when the emperor declined to be bound by this promise, he refused to join Maurice in his attack on Charles.
De Courci, however, soon obtained his liberty, probably by giving hostages as security for a promise of submission which he failed to carry out, seeking an asylum instead with the O'Neills of Tyrone.
Experiments are also conducted to test the merits of new or untried varieties of cereals and other field crops, of grasses, forage plants, fruits, vegetables, plants and trees; and samples, particularly of the most promising cereals, are distributed freely among farmers for trial, so that those which promise to be most profitable may be rapidly brought into general cultivation.
But, as they crossed the border, Kaikhosrau marched against them, and suffered a formidable defeat at Kuzadag (between Erzingan and Sivas), in 1243, which forced him to purchase peace by the promise of a heavy tribute.
With infinite exertion he succeeded in obtaining from government a promise of 20,000, and after four years spent in preparation, sailed in September 1728, accompanied by some friends and by his wife, daughter of Judge Forster, whom he had married in the preceding month.
He was a man of more promise than performance, and his chief achievement was the discovery of the elements iridium and osmium, which he found in the residues from the solution of platinum ores (1804).
The promise held out of future bounty was never fulfilled, and More left office, as he had entered it, a poor man.
Willis with much difficulty and delay obtained the queen's promise to grant an amnesty, and made a formal demand on the provisional government for her reinstatement on the 19th of December 1893.
In June 1778 Wedderburn was promoted to the post of attorney-general, and in the same year he refused the dignity of chief baron of the exchequer because the offer was not accompanied by the promise of a peerage.
In his Belfast address (1874), while admitting that matter as understood by Democritus is insufficient, because atoms without sensation cannot be imagined to produce sensation, he contended, nevertheless, that matter properly understood is " the promise and potency of all terrestrial life."
On Barbara's death three years later without male offspring, Sigismund (in April 1518) gave his hand to Bona Sforza, a kinswoman of the emperor and granddaughter of the king of Aragon, who came to him with a dowry of 200,000 ducats and the promise of an inheritance from her mother of half a million more which she never got.
The American Lutherans are attempting the same task on rather different lines, and with more promise.
The sum which he named was a large one, 4000 pounds of gold (about f160,000 sterling), but under strong pressure from Stilicho the Roman senate consented to promise its payment.
Albert was an energetic and warlike prince, whose short reign gave great promise of usefulness for Germany.
King William now did his utmost to avoid a rupture, and sent the prince of Orange to Antwerp to promise that Belgium should have a separate administration; but it was too late.
His death, at the early age of forty-four, cut short a career which had given promise of still greater things, for he had real statesmanship in his conceptions of the future of his country, and he had an eloquence which would have been potent in the education of his supporters.
The pope himself was besieged in the castle of St Angelo, compelled on the 6th of June to ransom himself with a payment of 400,000 scudi, and kept in confinement until, on the 26th of November, he accepted the emperor's terms, which besides money payments included the promise to convene a general council to deal with Lutheranism.
She received the prophet with hospitality, sharing with him her all but exhausted store, in faith of his promise in the name of the God of Israel that the supply would not fail so long as the drought lasted.
The booksellers, when they saw how far his performance had surpassed his promise, added only another hundred.
Resisting his offers, the youth went on to Rome, received the papal benediction, and then, in accordance with his promise, returned to Lyons, where he stayed for three years, till the murder of his patron, whose fate the executioners would not let him share.
The promise that Bavaria should be granted to Henry the Lion was not easily fulfilled, as Henry Jasomirgott refused to give up the duchy.
After Conrads death William of Holland received a certain allegiance, especially in the north of the country, and was recognized by the Rhenish cities which had just formed a league for mutual protection, a league which for a short time gave promise of great strength and regnum.
The members of the Romanist league recently founded at Halle would not help the Habsburgs, and in June 1534, by the treaty of Cadan, King Ferdinand was forced to recognize the restoration as afait accompli; at the same time he was compelled to promise that he would stop all proceedings of the Reichskasnmergericht against the members of the league of Schmalkalden.
On the 31st of March 1905 the emperor William landed at Tangier, and is reported on this occasion to have used language which in effect amounted to a promise to support the sultan of Morocco in resisting French control.
It was his first ambition to become an artist, and he showed much promise, being awarded the silver palette of the Society of Arts in 1838.
He would have exchanged this for an active co-operation with Turkey, could Frederick the Great have been persuaded to promise at least neutrality in the event of a Russo-Austrian War.
In May a National Guard had been established; and the soldiers of the line were invited to join this, with the promise of higher pay; on the 1st of June the garrison of Pest took the oath to the Constitution.
This had occurred in a moment of weakness, in order that by such a promise, which yet left Allah in his lofty position, he might gain over his fellowcountrymen.
Although attempts were made to read Egyptian hieroglyphs so far back as the 17th century, no promise of success appeared until the discovery of the Rosetta stone in 1799 by the French engineers attached to Napoleons expedition to Egypt.
Unamfin was robbed on the voyage, the prince of Byblus rebuffed him, and when at last the latter agreed to provide the timber it was only in exchange for substantial gifts hastily sent for from Egypt (including rolls of papyrus) and the promise of more to follow.
At length, in consequence of the remonstrances of the English, and a promise made by al-Alfi of 1500 purses, the Porte consented to reinstate the twenty-four beys and to place al-Alfi at their head; but this measure met with the opposition of Mehemet Ali and the determined resistance of the majority of the Mamelukes, who, rather than have al-AlfI at their head, preferred their present condition; for the enmity of al-Bardisi had not subsided, and he commanded the voice of most of the other beys.
Abdullah, their chief, was made prisoner, and with his treasurer and secretary was sent to Constantinople, where, in spite of Ibrahims promise of safety, and of Mehemet Alis intercession in their favor, they were put to death.
One of the things that commended his candidacy to certain cardinals was his physical vigour, which seemed to promise a long pontificate.
The early death of Ole Samsoe (1759-1796) prevented the development of a dramatic talent that gave rare promise.
He seems to have been a child of singular attractiveness and promise, and stories of his boyhood were remembered.
When, after the king's recovery, James went back to Brussels, he received a promise that Monmouth too should be removed from favour and ordered to leave the country.
Although the emperor had stated in publishing the Codex that all further statutes (if any) would be officially collected, this promise does not seem to have been redeemed.
The professors sought refuge at the court of Chosroes, king of Persia, but were soon so much disgusted by the ideas and practices of the fire-worshippers that they returned to the empire, Chosroes having magnanimously obtained from Justinian a promise that they should be suffered to pass the rest of their days unmolested.
And so the promise attached to the fifth commandment was probably not on the tables, and the tenth commandment may have simply been, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house," which includes all that is expressed in the following clauses.
The brilliant promise of his early years; the haunting memory of the crime by which he had obtained the power to realize his ideals; and, in the end, the terrible ' Apercu des idees de l'Empereur, Martens IV.
The French contrived to find occasion for extorting a promise to surrender all the English possessions in Anjou and Maine, a concession that was to prove fatal to Suffolk and his policy.
But the promise of peace and prosperity in exchange for absolute independence was rejected with all the old resolution; and the freedom which a Bruce desired to sell was retained by the first of the Stewart line, Robert II.; for Mr Froude erred in alleging that James I.
The politicians hoped that Elizabeth might convert Mary to her own invisible shade of Protestantism if the sister sovereigns could but meet, and for two years the promise of a meeting was held up before Mary.
The clamour of the preachers was now for blood, and gentlemen taken under promise of quarter were executed by command of the Estates at St Andrews, for to give quarter was " to violate the oath of the Covenant " - as interpreted by the clergy.
The old Jacobites were dying out; James never had a minister who was not baited by three-fourths of the party, and denounced as a favourite at best, at worst a traitor; and the Cause would have sunk into ashes but for the promise of his eldest son, Prince Charles.
The cession of Cyprus to Great Britain was at first denounced by the French newspapers as a great blow to his diplomacy, but he obtained, in a conversation with Lord Salisbury, a promise that Great Britain in return would allow France a free hand in Tunis.
Besides writing Tell, Schiller had found time in 1803 and 1804 to translate two French comedies by Picard, and to prepare a German version of Racine's Phedre; and in the last months of his life he began a new tragedy, Demetrius, which gave every promise of being another step forward in his poetic achievement.
The potato crop in 1907 was 13,398,000 bushels, valued at $9,647,000, and the sugar beet, first introduced during the last decade of the 19th century, gave promise of becoming one of the most important crops.
In the award of scholarships, &c., it should be definitely decided whether the scholarship is to be awarded (I) for attainment, in which case the examination-test pure and simple may suffice, or (2) for promise, in which case personal information and a curriculum vitae are necessary.
In fulfilment of this promise, who is it that has come ?
Then, lastly, we have a parable of the servant who failed to employ the money entrusted to him; and a promise that the disciples shall sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
He appears to have had no information as to the appearance of the risen Lord in Galilee, and he accordingly omits from his reproduction of St Mark's narrative the twice-repeated promise of a meeting with the disciples there.
There he disowned the sermons of the pardonsellers, let it be seen that he did not approve of the action of the Legate, and so prevailed with Luther that the latter promised to write a submissive letter to the pope, to exhort people to reverence the Roman See, to say that Indulgences were useful to remit canonical penances, and to promise to write no more on the matter unless he happened to be attacked.
From this time onwards to the outbreak of the Peasants' War (1525) Luther was the real leader of the German nation, and everything seemed to promise a gradual reformation without tumult.
Though his eloquence had done more than anything else to make practicable a union of the British North American provinces, he opposed confederation, largely owing to wounded vanity; but on finding it impossible to obtain from the imperial authorities the repeal of the British North America Act, he refused to join his associates in the extreme measures which were advocated, and on the promise from the Canadian government of better financial terms to his native province, entered (on the 30th of January 1869) the cabinet of Sir John Macdonald as president of the council.
Charles's ally, Edward IV., invaded France in June 1475, but Louis bought him off on the 29th of August at Picquigny - where the two sovereigns met on a bridge over the Somme, with a strong grille between them, Edward receiving 75,000 crowns, and a promise of a pension of 50,000 crowns annually.
His great ambition was to recover Peshawar from the Sikhs; and when Captain Alexander Burnes arrived on a mission from Lord Auckland, with the ostensible object of opening trade, the Dost was willing to promise everything, if only he could get Peshawar.
His son, Marc Antoine, a young man of promise, fell in a duel in 1626.
Thence he went to Mecca, where on the promise of freedom many slaves flocked to him, and many pilgrims also acknowledged him.
Towards the end of the year 529 (October 1134) he was compelled to promise that f.e would confine himself to his palace and never again take the field.
But the divorce of science of nature from mathematics, the failure of biological inquiry to reach so elementary a conception as that of the nerves, the absence of chemistry from the circle of the sciences, disappointed the promise of the dawn and the relative achievement of the noon-day.
In all this there is but little promise for a new organon.
The king's bodily weakness limited his real capacity, and his early death on the 25th of December 1406 cut short the promise of his reign.
Extremely valuable and varied marls, kaolins and clays, fuller's earth, asphaltum and mineral waters show special promise in the state's industry.
Henry was then crowned in St Peter's on the 13th of April, and after exacting a promise that no revenge would be taken for what had passed withdrew beyond the Alps.
Aspiring during the reign of her son to the same role which she had seen Blanche of Castile play, she induced, in 1263, the young Philip, heir to the throne, to promise to obey her in everything up to the age of thirty; and Saint Louis was obliged to ask for a bull from Urban IV.
As for the pasha himself, he loudly disclaimed any such disloyal pretensions; his aim was to chastise Abdulla, pasha of Acre, who had harboured refugees from his "reforms"; to overthrow Khusrev, who had encouraged him in his refusal to surrender them; to secure the fulfilment of the sultan's promise with regard to Syria and Damascus.
Shortly afterwards he secretly left Vienna, declaring that this promise had been forced on him.
The promise in Aristotle of such production remained unfulfilled.
Quarrel of Achilles with Agamemnon and the Greek army - Agamemnon, having been compelled to give up his prize Chryseis, takes Briseis from Achilles - Thereupon Achilles appeals to his mother Thetis, who obtains from Zeus a promise that he will give victory to the Trojans until the Greeks pay due honour to her son - Meanwhile Achilles takes no part in the war.
The chief incidents in that part of the poem - the panic rush to the ships, the duels of Paris and Menelaus, and of Hector and Ajax, the Aristeia of Diomede - stand in no relation to the mainspring of the poem, the promise made by Zeus to Thetis.
From his early youth he gave promise of great military talent, and served his apprenticeship in the science of war under Zolkiewski in the Muscovite campaigns of 1610-1612, and under Chodkiewicz in 1617-1618.
On the contrary, the Renaissance was rather the last stage of the middle ages, emerging from ecclesiastical and feudal despotism, developing what was original in medieval ideas by the light of classic arts and letters, holding in itself the promise of the modern world.
When this hope had died away, they surrendered to the Nana on his solemn promise that all their lives should be spared and that they should have a safe conduct to Allahabad.
The son born to him before marriage grew up into a youth of shining promise.
In 1857 the archduke Maximilian tried to conciliate the Milanese by the promise of a constitution, and Cantu was one of the few Liberals who accepted the olive branch, and went about in company with the archduke.
The intention again was that the tax should be temporary, but although the free-trade work was practically completed in the early 'sixties, and Mr Gladstone went so far as to dissolve parliament in 1874 with a promise that he would abolish the tax if his party were returned to power, it has become a permanent impost.
The promise here made was fulfilled in a communication which Newton addressed to Henry Oldenburg, the secretary of the Royal Society, on the 6th of February 1672, and which was read before the society two days afterwards.
In the following November Newton redeemed his promise to Halley by sending him, by the hand of Mr Paget, one of the fellows of his own college, and at that time mathematical master of Christ's Hospital, a copy of his demonstration; and very soon afterwards Halley paid another visit to Cambridge to confer with Newton about the problem; and on his return to London on the 10th of December 1684, he informed the Royal Society " that he had lately seen Mr Newton at Cambridge, who had showed him a curious treatise De Motu," which at Halley's desire he promised to send to the Society to be entered upon their register.
In the middle of 1708 Newton's consent was obtained, but it was not till the spring of 1709 that he was prevailed upon to entrust the superintendence of it to a young mathematician of great promise, Roger Cotes, fellow of Trinity College, who had been recently appointed the first Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy.
In these remarks Sir Isaac charged the abbe with a breach of promise, and gave a triumphant answer to the objections which Freret had urged against his system.
Zephaniah's prophecies are characterized by the denunciation of Judah and Jerusalem and the promise of a peaceful future, and these are interwoven with the idea of a world-wide judgment resulting in the sovereignty of a universally recognized Yahweh.
Any threat or inducement held out to a person to make a confession renders the confession inadmissible, even if afterwards made to another person, it having been held that the second confession is likely to be induced by the promise held out by the person to whom the first confession was made.
But this grant of 3,500,000 acres was conditioned on the acceptance of the Lecompton Constitution, and Congress made no promise of any grant if that Constitution were not adopted.
Fearing for his personal safety, the earl gave the required oath, and sailed home a perjured man, for he had assuredly no intention of keeping the promise that had been extorted from him.
They used the name of the duke of Normandy and had secured his promise to cross the Channel for their assistance.
The allegiance of these prelates was bought by an unwise promise to grant all the demands of the church party, which his predecessor had denied, or conceded only in part.
The king offered to allow Becket to return from exile, and to restore him to his possessions, without exacting from him any promise of submission, or even a pledge that he would not reopen the dispute on his return.
The only security which he had for the safety of his dominions in his absence was that his most dangerous neighbor, the king of France, was also setting out on the Crusade, and that his brother John, whose shifty and treacherous character gave sure promise of trouble, enjoyed a well-merited unpopularity both in England and in the continental dominions of the crown.
But he was constitutionally incapable of keeping a promise or paying a debt.
Moreover, he had a genuine regard for the sanctity of a promise, the one thing in which his father had been most wanting.
After much discussion, for both the Scottish nobles and the Norse king were somewhat suspicious, Edward had succeeded in obtaining from them a promise that the young queen should marry his heir, Edward of Carnarvon.
The commons were conciliated by a promise that the wool which the royal officers had seized should be paid for, when a balance was forthcoming in the exchequer.
It certainly gave a promise of greatness and steady progress which the I4th century was far from justifying.
He had also to swear an obedience to a long string of constitutional limitations of his power, and to promise to remove many practical grievances of administration.
The unhappy king was compelled to promise to forget and forgive this offence, and was then restored to a certain amount of freedom and power; the barons believed that when freed from the influence of Gaveston he would prove a less unsatisfactory sovereign.
Having secured promise of aid from Henry of Lancaster, his cousins and other barons, he executed a coup de main, and seized Mortimer in -his chamber at midnight.
In most respects he was a perfect exponent of the ideals and foibles of his age, and when he broke a promise or repudiated a debt he was but displaying the less satisfactory side of the habitual morality of the 14th century the chivalry of which was often deficient in the less showy virtues.
Unfortunately for himself he made the mistake of requiring too much from Baliolforcing him to cede Lothian, Tweeddale and the larger part of Galloway, and to promise a tribute.
As to intellectual vigour, the age that produced two minds of such marked originality in different spheres as Wycliffe and Chaucer must not be despised, even if it failed to carry out all the promise of the 13th century.
At this time the prince gave small promise of developing into the model monarch that he afterwards became.
The fact was that he had secured the promise of the neutrality or the co-operation of the Burgundian faction, and thought that he could crush the Orleanists with ease.
They mounted his badge, and joined his banner when strife broke out, in return for his championship of their private interests and his promise to maintain them against all their enemies.
He owned many ships, and traded with great profit to himself abroad, because he could promise, as a king, advantages to foreign buyers and sellers with which no mere merchant could compete.
The Wycliffite movement, the one coudition phenomenon which at the beginning of the century of the seemed to give some promise of better things, had cOunuzv.
The ill-considered journey to Madrid, in which Prince Charles, accompanied by Buckingham, hoped to wring from the Spanish statesmen a promise to restore the Palatinate in compliment for his marriage with the infanta, ended also in total failure.
Left without pay and without supplies, the men perished by thousands, and when James died in March the new king had to meet his first parliament burthened by a broken promise and a disastrous failure.
In accordance with the promise of Lord John Russells letter, the ministry, at the opening of the session of 1851, introduced a measure forbidding the assumption of territorial Eccieslas-.
It was felt that these frequent changes were unfortunate for the country, and every one was glad to welcome the advent of a government which seemed to promise greater permanence.
That promise was fulfilled.
Every project of a material change in a government so complicated as ours is a matter full of difficulties; in which a considerate man will not be too ready to decide, a prudent man too ready to undertake, or an honest man too ready to promise."
The refusal of the council to accept the recommendation of the senate, that they should appoint an eminent Unitarian minister to the professorship of logic and mental philosophy, revived all De Morgan's sensitiveness on the subject of sectarian freedom; and, though his feelings were doubtless excessive, there is no doubt that gloom was thrown over his life, intensified in 1867 by the loss of his son George Campbell De Morgan, a young man of the highest scientific promise, whose name, as De Morgan expressly wished, will long be connected with the London Mathematical Society, of which he was one of the founders.
His promise as a mathematician induced his parents to send him to the university of Cambridge, and in October 1839 he entered as a sizar at St John's College.
A promise was exacted from them by the privy council that they would not marry without the king's consent, but nevertheless they were secretly married on the 22nd of June at Greenwich.
Marrying her daughter he exacted a promise that his wife should not inquire into his origin.
Such conditions were themselves incitement enough to a prompt redemption of the promise of parliamentary distinction, even without the restless spurring of ambition.
He opposed Confederation in 1864-1867, and as late as 1886 won a provincial election on the promise to advocate the repeal of the British North America Act.
With passive courage Louis refrained from making any promise to the insurgents.
Pity he finds to be grief for the calamity of others, arising from imagination of the like calamity befalling oneself; what we admire with seeming disinterestedness as beautiful (pulchrum) is really " pleasure in promise "; when men are not immediately seeking present pleasure, they desire power as a means to future pleasure, and thus have a derivative delight in the exercise of power that prompts to what we call benevolent action.
In 1501 he sought the German King Maximilian in Tirol, and received from him a promise of substantial assistance in case of an attempt on the English crown.
In this category the first place must be given to cotton mills, which, though not very numerous, give promise of considerable development.
Kepler's ineradicable belief in the existence of some such congruity was derived from the Pythagorean idea of an underlying harmony in nature; but his arduous efforts for its realization took a devious and fantastic course which seemed to give little promise of their surprising ultimate success.
He employed it, with an outcome of striking promise, to measure the radial speed of some of the brighter stars.
The sudden death of Lambert shattered the hopes which this alliance seemed to promise.
Through faith, which is a firm and certain cognition of the divine benevolence towards us founded on the truth of the gracious promise in Christ, men are by the operation of the Spirit united to Christ and are made partakers of His death and resurrection, so that the old man is crucified with Him and they are raised to a new life, a life of righteousness and holiness.
These happy abodes were known by various names, as 'fir Tairngiri (Land of Promise), Mag Me11 (Plain of Pleasures).
The food of the inhabitants of the Land of Promise consisted of fresh pork, new milk and ale.
Perhaps no breach of faith was intended, but the sorrowful fact remains that the modern settlement of Ireland has the appearance of resting on a broken promise.
England did not fulfil the second promise; still the Ulster weavers were not crushed, and their industry flourished.
In May 1870 Fiume was annexed to Hungary, but in 1873 the Croats received as compensation an increase of their guaranteed revenue to £350,000, an addition of seven to the number of their representatives at Budapest, and a promise that the military frontier should be incorporated in the existing civil provinces.
But his efforts were unsuccessful, and in 1028 the revolt was suppressed; while in the meantime the emperor had met Rudolph of Burgundy at Basel, and had secured for himself a promise of the succession.
In 1904 the exportation of straw and other fibre hats began; these resemble those of Panama and promise to become an important item.
Nevertheless, some allusion to national fortunes is reflected in the exaltation of Jacob (Israel) over Esau (Edom), and in the promise that the latter should break the yoke from his neck.
His first proceedings had indeed given no We promise of the moderation and prudence afterwards to characterize him; he had succeeded in exasperating all parties; the officials of his father, the well-served, whom he dismissed in favor of inferiors like Jean Balue, Oliver le Daim and Tristan Lermite; the clergy, by abrogating the Pragmatic Sanction; the university of Paris, by his ill-treatment of it; and the nobles, whom he deprived of their hunting rights, among them being those whom Charles VII.
Louis XI., supported by the assembly of notables at Tours (1470), had no intention of keeping this last promise, since the duchy of Champagne would have made a bridge between Burgundy and Flandersthe two isolated branches of the house of Burgundy.
Thus the blood-stained 16th century closed with a promise of religious toleration and a dream of international arbitration.
Cassandra accepted the proposal; but no sooner had she obtained the gift than she laughed at the tempter, and refused to fulfil her promise.
Everything seemed now to promise a close of unbroken prosperity to Galileo's career.
In Aragon, indeed, the nobles did extort a promise from the king that they should not be put to death or deprived of their estates by his mere decision.
Marshal Cainpos was sent n Fez to make a treaty, in which he obtained ample redress and the promise of an indemnity of 800,ooo, which Morocco punctually paid.
But he would make no move which would embarrass Mr Balfour in parliament, and adhered to his promise of loyalty.
Mr Balfour's introduction of his promise (at Edinburgh on October 3) to convene an imperial conference after the general election if the Unionists came back to power, in order to discuss a scheme for fiscal union, represented an academic rather than a practical advance, since the by-elections showed that the Unionists were certain to be defeated.
The besiegers of Chioggia were at the end of their powers of endurance, and Pisani had been compelled to give a promise that the siege would be raised, when Zeno's fleet reached the anchorage off Brondolo on the 1st of January 1380.
He then falsified all the predictions of the opposition by going to war with Denmark, not, as they had required, in support of Augustenburg, but on the ground that the king of Denmark had violated his promise not to oppress his German subjects.
France asked for a letter of apology, and Benedetti personally requested from the king a promise that he would never allow the candidature to be resumed.
By section 6 all forests, chases, commons, &c., were to be " driven " within fifteen days of Michaelmas day, and all horses, mares and colts not giving promise of growing into serviceable animals, or of producing them, were to be killed.
Pot-8-os was the sire of Waxy (1790) out of Maria (1777) by Herod out of Lisette (1772) by Snap. Waxy, who has been not inaptly termed the ace of trumps in the Stud'-Book, begat Whalebone (1807), Web (1808), Woful (1809), Wire (1811), Whisker (1812), and Waxy Pope (1806), all but the last being out of Penelope (1798) by Trumpator (1782) from Prunella (1788) by Highflyer out of Promise by Snap, while Waxy Pope was out of Prunella, dam of Parasol (1800) by Pot-8-os.
A marked tendency toward north and south railway lines is of great promise to the state, as outlets towards the Gulf of Mexico are important, especially for local freight.
In 1907, under a direct primary law, the nomination of candidates for United States senator was transferred from the party convention directly to the people; and in 1909 the " Oregon plan " was adopted, whereby each candidate for the legislature must go on record as promising, or not, always to vote for the people's choice for United States senator; on the ballot which bears the name of each candidate for the legislature there appears a statement that he " promises," or that he " will not promise," to vote for the " people's choice."
They are strongly attached to old manners and customs, but have also a real desire for progress which is full of promise.
Gordon and obtained his promise, subject to the approval of the British government, to enter the Belgian service on the Congo.
Three years later Leopold claimed fulfilment of the promise, and Gordon was about to proceed to the Congo when the British government required his services for the Sudan.
Neglecting his promise to lead a crusade, Frederick was occupied until 1225 in restoring order in Sicily.
To secure his position he at once entered into relation with the Normans, now firmly established in southern Italy, and later in the year the new alliance was cemented at Melfi, where Nicholas II., accompanied by Hildebrand, Cardinal Humbert and the abbot Desiderius of Monte Cassino, solemnly invested Robert Guiscard with the duchies of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily, and Richard of Aversa with the principality of Capua, in return for 'oaths of fealty and the promise of assistance in guarding the rights of the Church.
Upon this Gordon, to whom the keeping of a promise was a sacred duty, decided to return to Cairo, but gave an assurance to some friends that he would not go back to the Sudan unless he was appointed governor-general of the entire country.
The rough mud walls in the private houses give poor promise of splendour within.
He did not largely increase the area of Brandenburg, but in 1524 he acquired the county of Ruppin, and in 1529 he made a treaty at Grimnitz with George and Barnim XI., dukes of Pomerania, by which he surrendered the vexatious claim to suzerainty in return for a fresh promise of the succession in case the ducal family should become extinct.
These conditions were very painful to him, for Savoy was the hereditary home of his family, and he was greatly attached to Princess Clothilde and disliked the idea of marrying her to a man who gave little promise of proving a good husband.
Moreover, by virtue of an imperial promise made in 1485 and renewed in 1 495, the elector of Saxony claimed the duchies of Julich and Berg, while the proximity of the coveted lands to the Netherlands made their fate a matter of great moment to the Dutch.
In July 1870, when the candidature of the prince of Hohenzollern for the throne of Spain became known, Benedetti was instructed by the duc de Gramont to present to the king of Prussia, who was then at Ems, the French demands, that the king should order the prince to withdraw, and afterwards that the king should promise that the candidature would never be renewed.
When the storm burst, he remained entrenched behind the barriers of his own disciplined empire; sovereigns truckling in a panic to insurgent democracies he would not lift a finger to help;' it was not till Francis Joseph of Austria in 1849 appealed to him in the name of autocracy, reasserting its rights, that he consented to intervene, and, true to the promise made at Miinchengratz in 1833, crushed the insurgent Hungarians and handed back their country as a free gift to the Habsburg king.
The promise of winter lurked in a puff of condensation that escaped her mouth.
Only after a promise to adhere to her commitment did Howie feel comfortable with Betsy making the call.
It won't be like that and I promise after this is over, I'll never involve any of us personally in any future sessions.
No, B, I promise.
His kiss, though, had been spectacular, so full of passion and promise that the memory made her blood burn.
I'm so sorry, B. I promise I'll never do anything so stupid again.
Darian glared at the confused young man and said, "I promise, Dusty, I'll take care of the girls even after the Black God kills you."
You will be safe, or the Black God has my personal promise that I'll wipe him off the planet.
But I can promise you I'll do my utmost to offer you a permanent home here for as long as you want it if things don't work out.
I just had to promise not to discuss the matter and keep an open mind—which I always maintain anyhow.
I promise, Señor Medena said emphatically.
He took up his position outside of Katie's apartment building to protect Rhyn's mate despite his promise to Death not to break any more Immortal Codes.
Does he think me so naïve that I'd leap at some empty promise?
It was the Yirkins' first venture into their system, and they'd chosen Anshan, aided by traitors within his father's government who were wooed with the promise of ruling their own planet.
I'd hate to have to renege on my promise and kill you.
He felt both enchanted and tortured by the heady mix of Elisabeth Sidwell, "God's Promise."
Rhyn gripped and released the dagger, struggling between the tiny voice that reminded him of his promise to Katie and the vision before him. If he took back his mate and child, there would be nowhere safe for them to go. But he didn't want to live eternity without her.
She would make Dean promise not to divulge his occupation, giving some weak excuse neither believed.
Perhaps his continued attachment to the case was simple curiosity or his promise to Cynthia Byrne to be thorough, or, he reluctantly admitted, a reason to maintain contact with the attractive woman.
With the combination of patience and increased volume, Dean managed to obtain her address and a promise she would see them, if they gave her 20 minutes to "freshen herself up."
The allies would not assist without the promise of more healing waters, which meant she needed more bladders of blood and another journey into the enemy- riddled forest under Sirian's watch.
I didn't mean to … I know I broke my promise, but … sometimes things happen and we change our minds.
It must have been terrible for you – having to make a promise to a dying friend like that.
I got the keys – promise not to leave without you.
Amazon's promise that the volume ' usually ships within 24 hours ' is rendered absurd.
The promise of media reform which gathered momentum in the 1980s and 90s unfortunately did not actualize into performance.
I promise I will be back one day to see you all again, mes chers amis.
The new open-ocean aquaculture being practiced off Hawaii seems replete with sci-fi promise.
In the long term expert systems promise to enable automation of more challenging tasks.
The contraption, however, held none of the promise of his discovery of glowing barium.
On Monday night at 7.50, bribe them with the promise of a later bedtime on Tuesday.
And with tea and home-baked cakes waiting for us after the day's ride, Bicycle Beano lived up to its culinary promise.
It really will improve your ability to select the right collocation, I promise!
Chases are never consummated, the day ends with no promise of rebirth.
God has not only given me this promise, but also countless gifts beside.
Archeology would then have said something about the resurrection of Jesus or about Yehouah's promise to David of an everlasting covenant.
The covenant promise In the Bible we read that God made a covenant promise.
Jupiter in the first offered a lot of promise, Neptune on the 5th cusp promised a summer of love.
He was only dissuaded from returning to London the next morning by the promise of a shopping trip to Cambridge with Molly Goldney.
If thou dost glory in thy God, and dost glory in thy God, and dost verily believe the promise that is made, command that these stones be bread.
But according to his promise we wait for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
And many more nations hold promise for deepened engagement in the future.
The Promise does not enunciate judgments, preferring positive statements instead.
Ian has shown tremendous promise so far in a limited and rather episodic racing career.
I offer ta die fa them in return fa their promise ta abide by tha rules I set.
Member for Witney has so far failed to deliver on his promise; and welcomes the Conservative leader's first major international flip-flop.
Curry kids are full of all-round promise Former British Amateur champion David Curry's two sons followed in dad's footsteps over the weekend.
That promise is looking very frayed around the edges.
Tellingly his promise has been to rediscover the channel's old nose for risk, plans that will hopefully bear fruition in 2003.
He was in a cold fury as he returned to the rooftop, the sash knotted around his own waist like a promise.
Glorious tropical weather and palm-fringed beaches hold the promise of the ultimate island getaway.
Early results have shown promise for extending survival in patients with highly aggressive brain tumors called gliomas.
Early studies using this drug have shown some promise for treating people with high-grade gliomas.
Manipulation of growth factors and the endothelium holds promise for beneficial intervention in the range of diseases affecting the glomerulus.
With the ban on CFCs came a promise to phase out other ' greenhouse gases ', halogenated hydrocarbons (HCFCs ).
Despite the promise of spring the highland air was still icy cold.
The argument about whether his tax cuts are a promise, guarantee or strategy made him look like a gibbering idiot.
The promise of His first coming was so utterly incredible that it may well have staggered faith.
Gene therapy shows promise for curing otherwise incurable diseases.
Each disk sent a little jolt of anticipation through his arm, an electric shock of promise.
It was a chaste kiss, but Hera could feel the passion and promise in it.
Plum Roma are looking well, heavily laden they promise a really good crop.
And we won't scare you to death with impenetrable legalese (we promise ).
There is price promise, free shipping on orders over £ 30, free gifts over £ 35 and free lube over £ 75.
And a promise to the Catholic girls of a heroic martyrdom in defense of our religion, besieged by evil forces.
Leicester city-centre on a weekday morning more than lives up to this promise.
The monarch's coronation oath includes a promise to " defend the security " of the Church of Scotland.
We can't promise to publish every email, and we can't answer one-on-one, but we will give you the Hot Points.
The rest of the album is given over to the rock opera ' Sorrow & Promise ' .
It is the first operating system that has delivered on its promise to provide a native Amiga-compatible PowerPC operating system.
The submitted work need not be in its final form but must provide evidence of outstanding originality and promise.
With a debut EP in the shops now, this melodic hardcore punk outfit are showing great promise.
Having shown promise in pre-season testing the 20-year-old Finn is in no way overawed by the challenge in the year ahead.
With each sale there is a promise that eventually a funeral parlor will be built for future services.
Tumor antigenic peptides hold promise for the development of novel cancer immunotherapies.
Chiroscience has made a series of medicines called purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) inhibitors which have shown promise in animal models of arthritis.
Pineapple stem may combat cancer - Two molecules isolated from an extract of crushed pineapple stem may combat cancer - Two molecules isolated from an extract of crushed pineapple stems have shown promise in fighting cancer growth.
In 2000, seven life insurers issued " promise to customer " letters, offering endowment policyholders reassurance on their investment returns.
A promise to make progress on progress on PR.
Initial findings from the study show that physiotherapy may offer promise in treating mild to moderate pelvic prolapse.
The award aims to give special support to a poet whose work shows great promise.
This power also holds a promise for a panacea.
This was the position on which I fought the last election and I suppose I was duty bound to stick to the manifesto promise.
These methods promise to revolutionize the way we apply prosthetics.
Which promise made the young man more cheerful and smoothed out the worried pucker between channel 5 news Sacharissa's straight brows.
However, without the promise of eventual redemption, economic modernisation becomes an end in itself.
They hold out the promise new things when all they want is TV reruns.
The teaching of the Church encouraged the building of shelters, alms-houses and hospitals with the promise to the donor of a heavenly reward.
It came with a creamy risotto whose yellow flavor did not offer an empty promise, it really tasted of saffron.
Human Fire highlights all The Promise's strengths, including all-out rockers, spine tingling ballads and extended epics.
Will they don sackcloth and ashes, and promise to treat cop and State sources more skeptically in future?
They promise new housing, better homes, real social security, secondary schooling for everybody.
He gave me his promise, but he did not keep it when I left the seminary.
I left her with a promise to call again, and I put twelve sequins in her hand.
Is the promise of a good hard shag going to be enough to win the day?
Abraham is a symbolic " returner " from " exile ", given a promise of land by the Persian shah.
Shetland wool I promise to make your scarf from something softer.
I promise you I'll never take another sickie from work.
To appreciate the full significance of that promise we must take note of the circumstances in which the Epistle was written.
In neither case does the FSA regard the consumer as being given a promise about the continued solvency of the firm providing the product.
It even would be difficult to determine the stringency of a prima facie obligation to keep a promise.
There are moments of real promise and a reasonably taut pace all the way through.
Of course all temporarily evicted tenants would have the promise of being restored to better rooms at the same rent.
The forgotten truth is that both myths celebrate the triumph of Good over Evil and promise an eschatological salvation.
What about the Prime Minister's promise to cut school truancy by a third?
Every promise of God is Gods word to his people and is completely trustworthy.
At the very time (December 1516) that peace between France, Spain, Venice and the Empire seemed to give some promise of a Christendom united against the Turk, Leo was preparing an enterprise as unscrupulous as any of the similar exploits of Cesare Borgia.
Armstrong induced both parties to give up their arms with a promise of impartial justice and protection, and as soon as the Yankees were defenceless he made them prisoners.
As Pickering was held responsible for Franklin's imprisonment, some of Franklin's followers in retaliation kidnapped Pickering and carrying him into the woods, tried in vain for nearly three weeks to get from him a promise to intercede for Franklin's pardon.
Schleiermacher applies the phrase " the immortality of religion " to the religious emotion of oneness, amid finitude, with the infinite and, amid time, with the eternal; denies any necessary connexion between the belief in the continuance of personal existence and the consciousness of God; and rests his faith on immortality altogether on Christ's promise of living fellowship with His followers, as presupposing their as well as His personal immortality.
The main difference now is that a specialty debt may, in general, be created without consideration, as for example by a bond (a gratuitous promise under seal), and that a right of action arising out of a specialty debt is not barred if exercised any time within twenty years, whereas a right of action arising out of a simple contract debt is barred unless exercised within six years.
Such an admission implies a promise to pay when requested and creates an actionable liability ex contractu.
But with the French at Civitavecchia (they had left Rome very soon after Mentana) If war for France was not to be thought of, and Napoleon would not promise more than the literal observance of the September convention.
The same year he introduced a Test Oath by which all holding office or seats in either House of Parliament were to declare resistance to the royal power a crime, and promise to abstain from all attempts to alter the government of either church or state; but this extreme measure of retrograde toryism was successfully opposed by wiser statesmen.
In Perkin Warbeck (printed 1634; probably acted a year later) he chose an historical subject of great dramatic promise and psychological interest, and sought to emulate the glory of the great series of Shakespeare's national histories.
Notwithstanding the unsatisfactory results of the October manifesto the tsar kept his promise of convoking a legislative assembly, and on the 10th of May 1906 the first Duma was opened by his majesty in person; but it was so systematically and violently hostile to the government and so determined to obtain executive, in addition to its legislative, functions, that it was dissolved on the 23rd of July without any legislative work being accomplished.
The promise of the railways to give every purchaser of a ticket a rebate check until the question of the validity of the act should be decided by the courts was not satisfactory to the state authorities, who arrested a ticket agent of the Southern railway, convicted him of violating the law, and sentenced him to the chain-gang for thirty days.
The vast steppes and forest-clad mountain regions of Siberia have assumed a new geo graphical aspect in the light of these revelations, and Asia promise a new world of economic resources to Russian enterprise in the near future.
At the outset she felt some repugnance for the thin sallow-faced young officer, and was certainly terrified by his ardour and by the imperious egoism of his nature; but she consented to the union, especially when he received the promise of the command of the French army of Italy.
Her disposition, fresh and natural but lacking the qualities that make for distinction, gave no promise of eminence until reasons of state brought Napoleon shortly after his divorce of Josephine to sue for her hand (see Napoleon and Josephine).
By the Simony Act 1713 if any person shall for money, reward, gift, profit or advantage, or for any promise, agreement, grant, bond, covenant, or other assurance for any money, &c., take, procure or accept the next avoidance of or presentation to any benefice, dignity, prebend or living ecclesiastical, and shall be presented or collated thereupon, such presentation or collation and every admission, institution, investiture and induction upon the same shall be utterly void; and such agreement shall be deemed a simoniacal contract, and the queen may present for that one turn only; and the person so corruptly taking, &c., shall be adjudged disabled to have and enjoy the same benefice, &c., and shall be subject to any punishment limited by ecclesiastical law.
It is needless to reproduce this here, because the information is now readily accessible elsewhere; in 1881 there was an originality in this survey, which gave promise of a still more radical treatment such as that of Bernhard Duhm, a fascinating commentary published in 1892.
From time to time he forwarded memoranda to him, and in 1680 he began to promise the "Minutes for Lives," which Wood was to use at his discretion.
Of more promise is the gypsum deposit extending over an area of about 50 sq.
This promise, of course, was never fulfilled, for Ney employed the duke all day at Quatre Bras; and, furthermore, the duke's tardy concentration made it quite impossible for him to help Blucher directly ontheLignybattlefield.
He finished his Confessions, wrote his Dialogues (the interest of which is not quite equal to the promise of their curious sub-title, Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques), and began his Reveries du promeneur solitaire, intended as a sequel and complement to the Confessions, and one of the best of all his books.
It is dangerous to prophesy, but all the facts and circumstances before us point irresistibly to the conclusion that had the Jagiellonic dynasty but endured this promise of empire might well have been realized.
In violation of the promise that he would be allowed to go to Alexandria or St Jean d'Acre, on the faith of which he surrendered, Abd-el-Kader and his family were detained in France, first at Toulon, then at Pau, being in November 1848 transferred to the château of Amboise.
Compelled by circumstances, described with much fullness and vividness, Jacob ultimately migrated to Egypt, receiving on the way the promise that God would make of him a great nation, which should come again out of Egypt (see Joseph).
It was in crises of national anguish that men turned most eagerly to the prophecies, and sought to construe their teachings as a promise of speedy deliverance (see Apocalyptic Literature).
If any money-lender, or any manager, agent or clerk of a moneylender, or any person being a director, manager or other officer of a corporation carrying on the business of a money-lender, by any false, misleading or deceptive statement, representation or promise, or by any dishonest concealment of material facts, fraudulently induces, or attempts to induce, any person to borrow money or to agree to the terms on which money is to be borrowed, he is declared by the act to be guilty of a misdemeanour and is liable on indictment to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding two years, or to a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds, or to both.
The latter part of this work, covering the years 1199-1209, is perhaps an attempt to redeem the promise, which he had made in the epilogue to the Chronica, of a continuation dealing with the reign of John.
Accordingly, in 1655, he printed everything that had passed between them (under the title of A Defence of the True Liberty of Human Actions from Antecedent or Extrinsic Necessity), with loud complaint against the treatment he had received, and the promise added that, in default of others, he himself would stand forward to expose the deadly principles of Leviathan.
He was ordained by order of Belisarius while Silverius was still alive; his elevation was due to Theodora, who, by an appeal at once to his ambition and, it is said, to his covetousness, had induced him to promise to disallow the council of Chalcedon, in connexion with the "three chapters" controversy.
Three of these, nevertheless, were executed by the French as accessories before the fact, and the assassin himself was impaled, after torture, in spite of a promise of pardon having been made to him on condition of his naming his associates.
He goes on to narrate how Tell, irritated by his treatment, stirred up his friends against the governor, who seized and bound him and was conveying him by boat to his castle on the lake of Lucerne, when a storm arose, and Tell, by reason of his great bodily strength, was, _ after being unbound, given charge of the rudder on his promise to bring the boat safely to land.
The friendly attitude of Ibn Saud on the outbreak of war with Turkey made it imperative that the British Government should come to a definite understanding with him, and he was recognized by a treaty dated Dec. 28 1915, as independent ruler of Nejd and El Hasa, and given a limited dynastic guarantee, with a promise of support in case of foreign aggression.
As a teacher of mathematics Poisson is said to have been more than ordinarily successful, as might have been expected from his early promise as a repetiteur at the Ecole Polytechnique.
Only on his very ungracious compliance did Great Britian also promise to countenance the union of Norway and Sweden (treaty of Stockholm, March 3, 1813); and, on the 23rd of April, Russia gave her guarantee to the same effect.
The election was opposed at Rome by a considerable party, but peace was maintained by the aid of Ladislaus of Naples, in return for which Innocent made a promise, inconsistent with his previous oath, not to come to terms with the antipope Benedict XIII., except on condition that he should recognize the claims of Ladislaus to Naples.
The authorities tried to extort from him a promise that he would abstain from preaching; but he was convinced that he was divinely set apart and commissioned to be a teacher of righteousness, and he was fully determined to obey God rather than man.
The most surprising part of the Great Charter to modern eyes is its sixty-first paragraph, that which openly statesdoubts as to the kings intention to abide by his promise, and appoints a committee of twenty-five guardians of the charter (twenty-four barons and the mayor of London), who are to coerce their master, by force of arms if necessary, to observe every one of its clauses.
After \Tillafranca, the emperor, frankly recognizing that he had only half kept his promise, consented to waive his claim to these provinces.
The discovery by improved optical means, and especially by photography, of new bodies of our system so small that they evaded all scrutiny in former times, is still going on, but does not at present promise any important generalization, unless we regard as such the conclusion that our solar system is a more complex organism than was formerly supposed.
He speedily outstripped all his competitors in grammatical studies, and by his skill and acumen as a student of philosophy, and in the college disputations gave fruitful promise of that consummate excellence as a reasoner in the department of speculative truth which he afterwards displayed.
With this mandate Kant, after a struggle, complied, and kept his engagement till 17 9 7, when the death of the king, according to his construction of his promise, set him free.
No, but do promise!
Certainly; but about Kutuzov, I don't promise.
In a word, I make no promise.
I had to promise my wife that I will remodel the kitchen for her.
Exit Diana declaring she will sue President Wintergreen for breach of promise, while the rest of the company reprise the title song.
Human Fire highlights all The Promise 's strengths, including all-out rockers, spine tingling ballads and extended epics.
Turning the tables The hardest Scouting skills to learn are those linked to our Promise and Law.
Every screwdriver bit you will ever need - we promise !
Do n't worry tho, even if it says you are shetland wool I promise to make your scarf from something softer.
From the specious promise of these political phantasmagoria grow outlandish Celtic dreams of an independence liberally financed by foreigners.
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.
He did not waver in unbelief about the promise of God but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God.
It has been widely reported that the cannabis sublingual spray being developed in the UK has shown some promise for relieving painful symptoms.
A wedding on a Caribbean beach with the promise of snorkeling or scuba diving should keep even the most sullen teenager smiling !
I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ten pounds.
But if that telegraphic wire of faith be snapped, how can we obtain the promise?
After those trilateral talks, we kept our promise and insisted that the next round of talks should include South Korea and Japan.
What about the Prime Minister 's promise to cut school truancy by a third?
We also promise to neither marry nor inveigle away unattached members of British fandom.
The picture window holds the promise of unforgettable sights.
For Google to hold its own against upstart search engines, it must deliver on its PageRank promise.
I am the rainbow before the storm the promise of serenity after these rumblings these whirlwinds of energy urgently released.
It 's not for us to promise the New Jerusalem or to promise to wipe away all the tears.
When you apologize to your brother, you have to do more than just say sorry, you have to admit you did something wrong and promise not to do it again.
I later discovered that her promise had been a despicable lie.
You can meet my parents, as long as you promise to not go on another tirade about evolution.
The promise of new toys on Christmas morning animates the children.
The company also designs foods that fulfill its "No Junk Promise" by eliminating excessive sodium, unnecessary refined sugars, and high fructose corn syrup.
You're going to find many, many stereo systems out there on the market that promise to give you the best and clearest sound possible.
There's going to be no return policy or the promise of money back if you buy damaged used record albums at a garage sale!
The lure of a new car lease is the promise of low monthly payments and always having a full manufacturer's warranty for needed repairs.
The seller doesn't have the initial tickets and can't promise them to you when he or she said in the listing.
I know it sounds lame but I promise they are great!
The issuer only has the consumer's promise to pay off the card per contract terms.
If a service can't promise you that, there isn't much benefit to using it as opposed to continuing to make payments on your own.
Currently, there are five popular renewable energy sources in use that have a minimally invasive impact on the environment and promise sustainable renewal.
Developed in England by the physician Edward Bach, flower remedies are safe to use and show great promise as a treatment for both people and animals.
Much like's price promise, if you find a lower price on any shoes you buy from, they will refund 115% of the difference.
Check out the buyer and seller ratings and feedback to see how reputable the person or company is in providing what they promise in terms of quality and shipping times.
The promotional materials for Photoshop CS3 promise that users will be able to "Work more productively, edit with unrivaled power, and composite with breakthrough tools."