Prohibitive Sentence Examples
In 1822 the prohibitive point was lowered to 70s.
For greater depths the cost was usually prohibitive.
However, the cost of these devices is often prohibitive to patients.
He knew that he wanted to work with asbestos, but the cost of the compulsory training course was proving financially prohibitive.
Steaming and boiling are sometimes resorted to as artificial means of seasoning, but not to any great extent, as the timber deteriorates under such treatment, and the cost of the process is in many cases prohibitive.
When lead or zinc is not present in notable quantity, the loss of the precious metals by volatilization is slight, but more than 5% of these metals in the matte is prohibitive.
As the general land laws of the United States were not extended to Alaska in 1884, there was no means, generally speaking, of gaining title to any land other than a mining claim, and so far as any method did exist its cost was absolutely prohibitive.
As regards all positive matter of duty and virtue, and most of the prohibitive code for ordinary men, the tradition of Christian teaching was carried on substantially unchanged by the Reformed churches.
Confiscations and settlements, prohibitive laws (such as those which ruined the woollen industry), penal enactments against the Roman Catholics, absenteeism, the creation for political purposes of 40s.
World Cup also allows mushers to compete in a world arena against racers in other regions without cost prohibitive overseas travel.
AdvertisementAir and missile defense operations must be so overmatching as to make the cost of air operations prohibitive to the enemy.
Some consumers want to go organic - but they find the costs prohibitive.
The time required was too prohibitive to continue this strategy on a larger scale during the Cream Project.
Julia found the cost of the diet quite prohibitive.
If freight costs between NZ and USA weren't so prohibitive, I would have returned this book to Amazon.
AdvertisementCosts of providing connectivity to homes is still prohibitive, however.
This could finish off small welfare groups, the cost of a license could prove prohibitive.
The price of fresh produce out of season may simply become prohibitive.
The labor involved would be cost prohibitive on a boat this age.
The cost of a vehicular subway, estimated at £ 715,000, was considered prohibitive.
AdvertisementIf you live in a multi-cat household and need to change the litter more frequently, this cost can be downright prohibitive.
This form of litter can also be more expensive than other types, and this makes it a prohibitive option for the average household.
While it is true that solar poweris a clean, sustainable form of energy, the technology used to produce energy from the sun is still cost prohibitive for the average consumer.
While the initial cost of the cars can seem prohibitive, many states, like California, will offer a rebate and tax incentives for buying low and zero emission cars.
While early forms of solar technology were cost prohibitive, as technology advances and costs drop, more communities around the world are recognizing the tremendous value of solar power.
AdvertisementYou want to do your part to conserve energy, but is the cost of renewable energy prohibitive?
Or, if extensive alterations are cost prohibitive, pick a company that offers mix and match bridal separates.
A perfectly coordinated hat may be nice, but for most budgets, coordinating outfits to this degree becomes cost prohibitive.
For those who have prohibitive schedules or cannot afford to enroll in a complete degree program, one alternative is volunteering in an educational or literacy capacity with a nonprofit program or school district.
This is helpful for people who have a tight budget, who otherwise might find the cost of organic milk prohibitive.
However, you will get free shipping on orders over $75.00, so stock up and the price may not be so prohibitive.
It's a great experience to be able to attend these events, but for some it can be prohibitive because you don't live close by.
Though most people buy only a couple of pair of hunting pants, this cost of this brand can be prohibitive for amateur hunters.
Obviously a custom-made gown will fit better and most beautifully display a dancer, but the cost can sometimes be prohibitive.
It also may cost money, making it prohibitive to people trying to watch their budgets.
The cost is also prohibitive to some people.
While it's true that you'll use less in a month than comparable vitamin supplements, this can make the cost prohibitive.
Although it would be wonderful to have candles grouped together in every room of the house, the sad fact of life is that the cost would soon become prohibitive.
Some family and friends may find buying gifts for all of these occasions plus engagement party gifts, in addition to new outfits and travel costs, prohibitive.
For many budget-conscious travelers, that may seem like a prohibitive cost for a simple vacation.
If you like the appearance and features of expensive watches but find the cost prohibitive, consider a high-quality Pulsar model instead.
If you wait too long, insurance companies may consider you to be too high a risk, and even if you qualify the premiums can be prohibitive.
This version often involves fees per office visit or other fees that are generally not prohibitive.
The goal is to obtain adequate coverage that is not cost prohibitive.
If an individual health insurance policy is too cost prohibitive, consider a discount health plan.
Proceeds often go to charity, but still, the prohibitive ticket pricing makes the live event available to a select few.
The program is large and takes up a lot of memory on computers - so much so that it is prohibitive for many users, especially people with older computers and slow download speeds.
Although licensing issues are sometimes a problem for musicals - both in terms of securing the permission and the sometimes prohibitive cost of the license - it has been smooth sailing for Glee.
While the design continues to be perfected, the cost remains prohibitive to the average consumer.
The decline both in imports and in exports of articles of food, which is the most noteworthy fact exhibited in the preceding table, was due to the almost prohibitive tax in the Customs Law of 1892, upon agricultural products.
In other parts the industry is subjected to an almost prohibitive exciseduty.
At the end of 1889 Crispi abolished the differential duties against French imports and returned to the general Italian tariff, but France declined to follow his lead and maintained her prohibitive dues.
In the middle ages, owing to various causes, the better wines of France and Germany could not be obtained in England except at prohibitive prices; but when this state of things ceased, and foreign wine could be imported, the English consumers would no longer tolerate the inferior productions of their own vineyards.
The difficulty of obtaining clear, rich tints was nearly prohibitive, and though success, when achieved, seemed to justify the effort, this class of ware never received much attention in Japan.
Hence, when in 1850 a hydraulic installation was required for a new ferry station at New Holland, on the Humber estuary, the absence of water mains of any kind, coupled with the prohibitive cost of a special reservoir owing to the character of the soil, impelled him to invent a fresh piece of apparatus, the "accumulator," which consists of a large cylinder containing a piston that can be loaded to give any desired pressure, the water being pumped in below it by a steam-engine or other prime mover.
Owing to its prohibitive price, duty-paid alcohol cannot be used for the many purposes for which it is essential, quite apart from the production of light, heat and power.
Successive governments in France made endeavours to break with the prohibitive system, but naturally met with strong opposition from the manufacturing interests, not prepared to meet the competition of Great Britain, whose industries had made, and were continually making, rapid strides.
Russia, by a prohibitive tariff on manufactured silks of other countries, has since 1890 developed and fostered a trade which consumes annually about 3 million lb of raw material for its home industry.
The Delagoa Bay railway being at length completed to Pretoria and Johannesburg, Kruger determined to take steps to bring the Rand traffic over The Netherlands railway Drifts began by putting a prohibitive tariff on goods from the Vaal river.
The first successful idea of using electricity depended on the enormous heating powers of the arc. The infusibility of alumina was no longer prohibitive, for the molten oxide is easily reduced by carbon.
A very considerable trade now passes along this route to India, in spite of almost prohibitive imposts; but the trade does not follow the railway from New Chaman to the eastern foot of the Khojak.
The distance to be covered by a pipe line is not prohibitive, and the matter has been under consideration by the owners and lessees of the iron mines.
As the operation proceeded, it was found that the voltage had to be raised until it became prohibitive, while the anodes rapidly became honeycombed through and, crumbling away, filled up the space at the bottom of the vat.
Important monopolies in the 18th maritime- century, and prohibitive import duties, as well as large tares and money bounties, in the 19th, contributed towards the pe t t y - In accumulation of immense private fortunes, but manu- pastries.
I feel that I could succeed in making out a stronger case for the prohibitive nations of Europe to compel them to adopt a freer system than I had here to overturn our protection policy."
Besides, denunciation would not have meant a return to prior conditions; for other countries would have continued the convention, and probably with success, and would have proposed prohibitive or retaliatory duties in respect of British sugar, with bad results politically.
The initial expenses for frames, lights, cloches, mats and water-supply are in many cases prohibitive to men with the necessary gardening experience, while on the other hand those who have the capital lack the practical knowledge so essential to success.