Progressive Sentence Examples
An inner product may be either progressive or regressive.
He will accept it as a stage, of no small importance, in progressive definition; but he will seek to go further.
The censors, being elected on a general ticket, were always more progressive than the convention, which was chosen on the principle of equal township representation.
Men of Pinckney's type were not in sympathy with the progressive democratic spirit of America, and they began to withdraw from politics after about 1800.
They are among the most progressive of the Lebanon elements.
Come Around Park is progressive and designed for the intermediate rider.
Progressive lenses were actually around since the early 1960s.
It features a progressive workout schedule, perfect for beginners or the out of shape.
This highly organized toning and strengthening program works in progressive stages.
Progressive has become one of the leading car insurance companies in the nation.
AdvertisementIn its social life Alexandria is the most progressive and occidental of all the cities of North Africa, with the possible exception of Algiers.
As will be seen from this account, the figure-of-8 or wave theory of stationary and progressive flight has been made the subject of a rigorous experimentum crucis.
Progressive muscle relaxation is a great way to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
For example, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation are a good combination.
It was the first progressive lens, created by Essilor International of France.
AdvertisementEventually those lenses became available in a progressive (line-free bifocal) style.
No line bifocal reading glasses are sometimes known as progressive bifocals.
Craniosynostosis is a progressive condition that must be treated.
Dancing the foxtrot progressive step means the lead needs to cover ground quickly.
Children need to be taught spelling words in a specific, progressive way that helps them build their skills as they learn.
AdvertisementThis progressive approach helps to reinforce basic principles while learning new words.
Only then do we all benefit from this progressive movement.
Take part in the progressive movement of Favorpals.
Aquarians are progressive, forward-thinkers who dislike being told what to do.
A progressive bosu program produces the best results.
AdvertisementProgressive offers a number of different types of coverage to its policyholders.
In some cases, Progressive is the lowest, and in other cases, they are not.
Progressive has been a car insurance provider since 1937.
He proposed the term " mutations " for the minute progressive changes of single characters in definite directions as observed in successive stratigraphic levels.
Even when seen in minute features only he recognized them as constant progressive characters or " chronologic varieties " in 3b --i C D E F G H I -14-21 -I-31 1 - I - 41 contrast with contemporaneous or " geographic varieties," which he considered inconstant and of slight systematic value.
The collective term " mutation," as now employed by palaeontologists, signifies a type modified to a slight degree in one or more of its characters along a progressive or definite line of phyletic development.
In tracing the phylogeny, or ancestral history of organs, palaeontology affords the only absolute criterion on the successive evolution of organs in time as well as of (progressive) evolution in form.
It was early perceived by Huxley, Cope and many others that Cuvier's broad belief in a universal progression was erroneous, and there developed the distinction between " persistent primitive types " (Huxley) and " progressive types."
Among invertebrates similar analogous groups also develop. This is especially marked in retrogressive, though also wellknown in progressive series.
This is not due to environmental conditions solely, because senescent branches of normal progressive groups are found in all geologic horizons, beginning, for gastropods, in the Lower Cambrian.
Brocchi and Daniel Rosa (1899) have developed the hypothesis of the progressive reduction of variability.
Internal causes of extinction are to be found in exaggeration of body size, in the hypertrophy or over-specialization of certain organs, in the irreversibility of evolution, and possibly, although this has not been demonstrated, in a progressive reduction of variability.
Education in Mexico may be said to have enteredl upon a progressive phase.
Among the later viceroys the Conde de Revillagigedo (1789-1794) deserves mention as a progressive ruler who developed commerce and improved administration, and took the first, but very imperfect, census, on which Humboldt based his estimate of the population in 1803 at 5,840,000.
For many years Archdeacon Denison represented the extreme High Tory party not only in politics but in the Church, regarding all "progressive" movements in education or theology as abomination, and vehemently repudiating the "higher criticism" from the days of Essays and Reviews (1860) to those of Lux Mundi (1890).
This being the case, the distribution of the several divisions indicates that progressive submergence of the United States was in progress during the period, and that most of the country was covered by the sea before its close.
The ease with which money was acquired in the war period, the acquiescence of the people, and the influences of extravagance and corruption engendered by the war, opened, at the return of peace, a period of extravagant expenditure that has continued with progressive increase down to the present.
He was the god of Ethiopia and the Thebais which were antagonistic to the progressive north.
It was not till the 18th century that the importance of mummy in all its forms waned, and in some of the least progressive quarters of central Europe it survived even to the middle of the 19th.
Revelation, according to their view, is progressive, and no revelation is final, for, as the human race progresses, a fuller measure of truth, and ordinances more suitable to the age, are vouchsafed.
This apparent motion is due to the finite velocity of light, and the progressive motion of the observer with the earth, as it performs its yearly course about the sun.
Short to the effect that he had seen two living, and that all Yarrell had said was substantially correct, except underrating its progressive powers.
From the close of the Thirty Years' War to the outbreak of the French Revolution the papacy suffered abroad waning political prestige; at home, progressive financial embarrassment accompanied by a series of inadequate governmental reforms; and in the world at large, gradual diminution of reverence for spiritual authority.
Nepotism, however, still left its scars upon the body politic, shown in the progressive decay of agriculture in the Campagna, causing Rome to starve in the midst of fertile but untilled nepotistic latifundia.
Hence the progressive increase which has occurred in the size of converters, until now some of them can treat a 20-ton charge, is not surprising.
Influence of the Constitution of Cast Iron on its Properties.- How should the hardness, strength and ductility, or rather shockresisting power, of the cast iron be affected by this progressive change from graphite into cementite ?
Hence, as with the progressive transfer of the carbon from the graphitic to the cementite state in our imaginary series of cast irons, the combined carbon present in the matrix increases, so does the tensile strength of the mass as a whole for two reasons; first, because the strength of the matrix itself is increasing (DE), and second, because the discontinuity is decreasing with the decreasing proportion of graphite.
This ebb continues, and, combined with the progressive narrowing of the molten lake as more and more of it solidifies and joins the shore layers, gives rise to the pipe, a cavity like an inverted pear, as shown at C in fig.
The Hebrew text, as we have it, has a history of progressive corruption behind it, and its readings can often be emended from the Septuagint, e.g.
His name is especially connected with the first description of locomotor ataxy, progressive muscular atrophy, pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, glosso-labio laryngeal paralysis and other nervous troubles.
Lord William's administration was essentially peaceful, but progressive and successful.
The progressive increase in the consumption of tea in Great Britain and Ireland during 50 years from 1836 to 1886 is shown in the table below.
That this system works without friction is due to the German habit of discipline; that it is, on the whole, singularly effective is a result of the peculiarly enlightened and progressive views of the German bureaucracy.
Under the influence of Luthers strong personality the most active and progressive elements of the nation were soon in more or less open antagonism to the Papacy.
It is almost certainly due in large measure to a progressive change in one or both of the units of frequency.
With the progressive disasters of the Russian arms, however, Austria grew bolder, and it was the ultimatum delivered by her to the emperor Alexander II.
The Greek states on their side show that they are capable even of progressive politica'.
The bulk of the hieroglyphic inscriptions are written in a more or less artificial literary language; but in business documents, letters, popular tales, &c., the scribes often adhered closely to the living form of the tongue, and thus reveal its progressive changes.
With progressive changes, this form of the language is found in documents reaching down to the fall of Paganism in the 4th century AD.
The Theban supremacy was gone and the Delta was now the wealthy and progressive part of Egypt; piety increased amongst the masses, unenterprising and unwarlike, but proud of their illustrious antiquity.
When muscle that has remained inactive for some time is excited by a series of single and equal stimuli succeeding at intervals too prolonged to cause summation the succeeding contractions exhibit progressive increase up to a certain degree.
His intentions, as exhibited to his famous Landelove (National Code), were progressive and enlightened to an eminent degree; so much so, indeed, that they mystified the people as much as they alienated the patricians; but his actions were often of revolting brutality, and his whole career was vitiated by an incurable double-mindedness which provoked general distrust.
The peace of Bromsebro was the first of the long series of treaties, extending down to our own days, which mark the progressive shrinkage of Danish territory into an irreducible minimum.
It may be wholly absorbed by the progressive growth of the embryo within the embryo-sac, or it may persist as a definite and more or less conspicuous constituent of the seed.
We readily recognize in them nowadays the natural classes of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons distinguished alike in vegetative and in reproductive construction, yet showing remarkable parallel sequences in development; and we see that the Dicotyledons are the more advanced and show the greater capacity for further progressive evolution.
Within each class the flower-characters as the essential feature of Angiosperms supply the clue to phylogeny, but the uncertainty regarding the construction of the primitive angiospermous flower gives a fundamental point of divergence in attempts to construct progressive sequences of the families.
Robert Chambers, in the once famous Vestiges of Creation, interested and shocked his contemporaries by his denial of the fixity of species and his insistence on creation by progressive evolution, but had no better theory of the cause of variation than to suppose that organisms - "from the simplest and oldest to the highest and most recent" were possessed of "an inherent impulse, imparted by the Almighty both to advance them from the several grades and modify their structure as circumstances required."
Moreover, many naturalists, especially those concerned with palaeontology, pointed to the existence of orthogenetic series, of long lines of ancestry, which displayed not a sporadic differentiation in every direction, but apparently a steady and progressive march in one direction.
To this study he looked for the best hope of such a progressive development of Christian theology as should avert the danger arising from " the apparently increasing divergence between the intelligence and the faith of our time."
The progressive theologians and clergy, moreover, assumed a hostile attitude, and, in 1800, even the Curia omitted the Year of Jubilee.
From that time to the present day the record of the Hungarian capital has been one of uninterrupted advance, not merely in externals, such as the removal of slums, the reconstruction of the town, the development of communications, industry and trade, and the erection of important public buildings, but also in the mental, moral and physical elevation of the inhabitants; besides another important gain from the point of view of the Hungarian statesman, namely, the progressive increase and improvement of status of the Magyar element of the population.
Politically, this ambitious and progressive capital is the creation of the Magyar upper classes.
In domestic concerns the province showed a progressive attitude, notably in its care for education.
The democratic Urbina now became practically dictator, and as the attempt of Flores to reinstate Noboa proved a total failure, he was quickly succeeded in 1856 by General Francisco Robles, who, among other progressive measures, secured the adoption of the French system of coinage, weights and measures.
The external evidence does not point to any intervening hiatus, and the archaeological data from the excavations do not reveal any dislocation of earlier conditions; earlier forms have simply developed and the evolution is a progressive one.
On the other hand, it is known that it was being diligently, copied by Assur-bani-pal's scribes (7th century B.C.), and in view of the circumstances of the Assyrian domination, it is probable that, so far as Palestinian economic conditions permitted, a legislation more progressive than the Pentateuch Paltistinas Erdgeruch in der Israel.
The names generally given to the three prehistoric periods of man's life on the earth - the Stone, the Bronze and the Iron age - imply the vast importance of the progressive steps from the flint knife to the bronze celt, and lastly to the keen-edged elastic iron weapon or tool.
For really fresh and progressive indigenous art we may perhaps have, in the near future, to turn to America and to Russia, where, having little artistic past to refer to, designers and craftsmen display unequalled individuality and force.
A system of progressive stages based on the mark system has been adopted in the local prisons, and the prisoner's progress through each depends on his own industry and good conduct.
His influence is still felt, and the system in force in Norway and Sweden is progressive from strict separation to working outside the cell.
In 1884 at an official banquet the leaders of the progressive party assassinated six leading Korean statesmen, and the intrigues in Korea of the banished or escaped conspirators created difficulties which were very slow to subside.
Deduction is synthesis when it is progressive from real ground to consequence, as when we start from these two results of analysis as principles and deduce synthetically the proposition that therefore the angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles, in the order familiar to the student of Euclid.
This done, as the major is convertible, the analytic order - P-M, S-P, S-M - was easily inverted into the synthetic order - M-P, S-M, S-P; and in this progressive order the deduction as now taught begins with the centripetal force of the sun as real ground, and deduces the facts of planetary motion as consequences.
He re-defines analysis in the very opposite way to the ancients; whereas they defined it as a regressive process from consequence to ground, according to Wundt it is a progressive process of taking for granted a proposition and deducing a consequence, which being true verifies the proposition.
But his account of the first is imperfect, because in ancient analysis the more general propositions, with which it concludes, are not mere consequences, but the real grounds of the given proposition; while his addition of the second reduces the nature of analysis to the utmost confusion, because hypothetical deduction is progressive from hypothesis to consequent facts whereas analysis is regressive from consequent facts to real ground.
Actual modes of expression are shown to embody distinctions which average intelligence can easily recognize and will readily acknowledge, though they may tend by progressive rectification fundamentally to modify the assumption natural to the level of thought from which he begins.
This is the view of Hegel upon which logic comes to coincide with the progressive self-unfolding of thought in that type of metaphysic which is known as absolute, i.e.
Erdmann, is at least a logic. Thought in its progressive unfolding, of which the history of philosophy taken in its broad outline offers a pageant, necessarily cannot find anything external to or alien from itself, though that there is something external for it is another matter.
Another society, less hospitable, less happy, less contented, but also less mild, better tempered for building states, and more " progressive," took the place of the old.
In the first volume, anticipating an obvious complaint, he had protested against digressions that left the main work to stand still, and had boasted - not without justice in a Shandean sense - that he had reconciled digressive motion with progressive.
In this way Gallicanism, which had once stood for all that was national and progressive, now came to mean subservience to a feeble autocracy already tottering to its fall.
The Revival of Learning must be regarded as a function of that vital energy, an organ of that mental evolution, which brought into existence the modern world, with its new conceptions of philosophy and religion, its reawakened arts and sciences, its firmer grasp on the realities of human nature and the world, its manifold inventions and discoveries, its altered political systems, its expansive and progressive forces.
Finland was on the whole prosperous and progressive, and his statue in the great square in front of the cathedral and the senate house in Helsingfors testifies to the regard in which his memory is cherished by his Finnish subjects.
The Popular party, regarding the church less from the side of the government, had less sympathy with the progressive movements of the age, and desired greater strictness in discipline.
Among the more progressive races, on the other hand, continual processes of elevation and decline may be observed, and the activities of the greater gods are constantly being enriched with new functions.
Brown University shared largely in the liberality of members of this highly-cultivated and progressive body.
In order to meet the cost of the new army organization the Riksdag of 1902 increased the revenue by progressive taxation, but only for one year.
With a population of over two millions, a rapidly increasing revenue, ruled by a government that was firm and progressive and that enjoyed the confidence of all classes, Chile was well equipped for the struggle with Peru that began in 1879.
Their descendants, the Atherstones, Bowkers, Barbers, Woods, Whites, Turveys, and a number of other well-known frontier families, are to-day the backbone of the eastern district of the Cape, and furnish the largest portion of the progressive element in that province.
The term " Progressive " was now formally adopted by the British mercantile communities in the large towns and among the sturdy farmers of British descent in the eastern province.
To this the Progressive party would not agree, and they gained support from Botha, Smuts and other prominent Dutch delegates for their contention that " equal rights " could only be secured by making the basis of representation the number of voters as distinct from the number of European inhabitants of any given area.
A compromise was at last arranged by Hintze-Ribeiro, who assumed office in February 1893 as head of a Progressive government.
It may be that education and experience will develop the mestizos into a vigorous progressive nationality, but the first century of self-government can hardly be said to have given much promise of such a result.
Vibrations of this kind are observed whenever liquid issues from an elliptical or other non-circular hole, or even when it is poured from the lip of an ordinary jug; and they are superposed upon the general progressive motion.
Whilst the general tendency in his day was to represent England as in a state of progressive decline - an opinion put forward particularly in the tract entitled Britannia languens - Petty declared her resources and prospects to be not inferior to those of France.
His progressive sympathies, illustrated by his proposals to reform the monasteries and the calendar, to modify the four long fasts and to treat for union (especially with the Old Catholics), were not very well received, and in 1905 an attempt was made to depose him.
In politics he ardently sympathized with the progressive tendencies of his time, and he was among the earliest and most effective of the political poets who prepared the way for the outbreak of 1848.
For the most part this is founded on Dutch models, and testifies in a high degree to the king's progressive aims. Provision was made for the better education of the lower, and the restriction of the political influence of the higher clergy; there were stern prohibitions against wreckers and "the evil and unchristian practice of selling peasants as if they were brute beasts"; the old trade gilds were retained, but the rules of admittance thereto made easier, and trade combinations of the richer burghers, to the detriment of the smaller tradesmen, were sternly forbidden.
While, however, diminishing the surfaces of the flying animal as a whole, she increases as occasion demands the active or wing surfaces by wing movements, and the passive or dead surfaces by the forward motion of the body in progressive flight.
One naturally inquires why the high speed of wings, and why the progressive increase of speed at their tips and posterior margins?
Along with this view has arisen the question whether the burden of taxation should not be progressive - the proportion of the sum taken by the state from the tax-payers increasing with the wealth of the individual; because ability to pay taxes is assumed to be not in proportion to, but to increase with the size of, the income.
As to progressive taxation based on the assumption that equality requires a larger proportionate charge upon a big income than on one of a smaller amount, the practical application of the principle, if true, would be impossible.
As to the justice of such a progressive tax, there is a common opinion in its favour among economists, at least to .the extent of exempting a certain minimum of subsistence from taxation; but the present writer, after accepting this view in early life on the authority of Mill, must now express the greatest doubt.
Of course there may be single taxes which are progressive in form, such as the licence tax in France, or the income tax in Great Britain, where progression is established by abatements, or the death duties, where progression by scale is very common.
But such progression may arise in a different way and on different principles from those proposed in defence of a general system of progressive taxation.
Some 15,000 observations, from 1851 to 1883, taken by one hundred observers at Greenwich, Washington, Oxford and Neuchatel, cleared as far as possible of personal equation, showed no sign of change that could with probability be called progressive or periodic, particularly there was no sign of adhesion to the sun-spot period.
In course cf time they formed a valuable counterpoise to the Dutch colonists, and they now constitute the most progressive element in the colony.
The Progressive party, the name taken by those who sought a permanent settlement under the British flag, lost their leader, and South Africa its foremost statesman by the death, in May 1902, of Cecil Rhodes, a few weeks before the end of the war.
They resulted in strengthening the Progressive majority both in the House of Assembly and in the legislative council - where the Progressives previously had a majority of one only.
Sir Thomas Fuller, a Cape Town representative, though he remained outside office, gave staunch support to every enlightened liberal and progressive measure which was brought forward.
Isaac Errett (1820-1888) was the most prominent leader of the progressive party, which was considered corrupt and worldly by the literalists, many of whom, in spite of his efforts, broke off from the main body, especially in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas.
Such progressive measures as it had passed had been passed in the teeth of its own nominal supporters, even of its own members.
This argument, which the effect of progressive extensions of the franchise on the intellectual level of parliament has certainly not tended to weaken, was however far outweighedas Canning himself would have come to seeby the advantage of reconciling with the old constitution the new forces which were destined during the century to transform the social organization of the country.
After the fall and flight of the house of Orleans, his parliamentary eloquence was never less generous in aim and always as fervent in its constancy to patriotic and progressive principle.
In 1886 some of its professors published Progressive Orthodoxy, a book which made a great stir by its liberal tone, its opposition to supernaturalism and its evident trend toward the methods of German "higher criticism."
At first mystical rather than rationalistic in his theology, he took part with the "Catholic Christians," as they called themselves, who aimed at bringing Christianity into harmony with the progressive spirit of the time.
It has been marked by harmony and unity to a degree perhaps found in no other religious body, by steady growth in the number of churches and by a widening fellowship with all other progressive phases of modern religion.
From the statements of older travellers, like the Venetian Marco Polo (13th century) and the Chinese pilgrim Hsiian Tsang (7th century), as well as from other data, it is perfectly evident, not only that this country is suffering from a progressive desiccation, but that the sands have actually swallowed up cultivated areas within the historical period.
The spore-bearing generation may throughout its phylogenetic history have been independent at one part of its life, and have been derived by modification of individuals homologous with those of the sexual generation, and not by the progressive sterilization of a structure the whole of which was originally devoted to asexual reproduction.
A Law of Hostages, which was really a new Law of Suspects, and a progressive income tax showed the temper of the majority.
But, on the other hand, he was naturally, if timorously, progressive, or he would never have encouraged the great reforming boyarin Matvyeev.
With regard to the transition he advocated the progressive abolition of the right of aubaine, by reducing interest, rent, &c. For the goal he professed only to give the general principles; he had no ready-made scheme, no utopia.
Political passions, which had been stirred up by the long struggle against King Milan's Progressive regime, could not be allayed so quickly; and as the anarchical element of the Radical party obtained the ascendancy over the more cultured,and more moderate members, all sorts of political excesses were committed.
In recent times it is among the more progressive of the sciences, because the new and improved methods of research now at command have found in its cultivation a field of practically unlimited extent, in which the lines of research may ultimately lead to a comprehension of the universe impossible of attainment before our time.
The others are, at least through long periods of time, continually progressive.
If the progressive rise of the ship be watched for six hours or more, it will be found gradually to cease and reverse its direction.
But when these changes are averaged through years and centuries it is found that the average orbit has a secular variation which, for a number of centuries, may appear as a very slow progressive change in one direction only.
Among his results was that during the progressive phases from before the first quarter till the full moon the heat received increases in a much greater proportion than the light, from which it followed that the former was composed mainly of heat radiated from the moon itself in consequence of the temperature which it assumed under the sun's rays.
Though naturally knowing nothing of the modern idea of a progressive revelation, his judiciousness, penetration, and tact in eliciting his author's meaning, his precision, condensation, and concinnity as an expositor, the accuracy of his learning, the closeness of his reasoning, and the elegance of his style, all unite to confer a high value on his exegetical works.
Following the split in the Republican party he became one of the founders of the National Progressive party and was a delegate at its national convention in Chicago in 1912.
The progressive improvement which raised the navy to the high state of efficiency it attained in later years dates from Anson's presence at the admiralty.
Thus the doctrines of evolution and of creation, or the making of things, stand apart, or blend, in the metaphysics and religion of the lowest and least progressive of known peoples.
Lakes of the broad type are of moderate depth, the deepest sounding in [[Victoria (disambiguation)|Victoria ]] being under 50 fathoms. Apart from the seasonal variations of level, most of the lakes show periodic fluctuations, while a progressive desiccation of the whole region is said to be traceable, tending to the ultimate disappearance of the lakes.
The vacancies left in this middle class by this continual desertion were not compensated for by the progressive advance of a lower class destitute of personal property and constantly unsettled in their work.
Canovas assured the queenregent that he was ready to undertake the task of protecting the new state of things if it was thought wise to continue the Conservative policy of the late king, but in the circumstances created by his death, he must frankly say that he considered it advisable to send for Seor Sagasta and ask him to take the reins of government, with a view to inaugurate the regency under progressive and conciliatory policy.
In his progressive policy Sagasta was actively and usefully supported by the chief of the moderate Republicans, Emilio Castelar, who recommended his partisans to vote with the Liberal party, because he confessed that bitter experience had taught him that liberties and rights were better attained and made stable by pacific evolution than by revolution.
Before 1892 Mr Chamberlain had the satisfaction of seeing Lord Salisbury's ministry pass such important acts, from a progressive point of view, as those dealing with Coal Mines Regulation, Allotments, County Councils, Housing of the Working Classes, Free Education and Agricultural Holdings, besides Irish legislation like the Ashbourne Act, the Land Act of 1891, and the Light Railways and Congested Districts Acts.
Mr Chamberlain had relied on his personal influence, which from 1895 to 1902 had been supreme; but his own resignation, and the course of events, had since 1903 made his personality less authoritative, and new interests - such as the opposition to the Education Act, to the heavy taxation, and to Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and indignation over the revelations concerned with the war - were monopolizing attention, to the weakening of his hold on the public. The revival in trade, and the production of new statistics which appeared to stultify Mr Chamberlain's prophecies of progressive decline, enabled the free-trade champions to reassure their audiences as to the very foundation of his case, and to represent the whole tariff reform movement as no less unnecessary than risky.
The outcome of our present knowledge points to the Stegocephalia, probably themselves derived from the Crossopterygian fishes (8), having yielded on the one hand the true batrachians (retrogressive series), with which they are to a certain extent connected through the Caudata and the Apoda, on the other hand the reptiles (progressive series), through the Rhynchocephalians and the Anomodonts, the latter being believed, on very suggestive evidence, to lead to the mammals (9).
He had no love for the minute critical analysis of the Bible, but he was attracted to the theory of progressive revelation, and thus was favourably disposed to the modern treatment of the Old Testament.
Patients may progress to vision loss through progressive atrophy of the macular tissue.
Post Polio Muscle atrophy (PPMA) has been used as the label for certain symptoms when they include progressive muscle atrophy.
But time and again they unite to defend the status quo and to seek to limit progressive reform.
Progressive taxation preserves equity, which is the reason the NHS has retained the affection of the people.
Patients with progressive bone disease often require opiate analgesia.
Retention of organic anions causes a progressive increase in the anion gap and a further fall in plasma bicarbonate concentration.
His work is seen to represent the antithesis of any progressive political engagement.
We present an experimental investigation of the spoken single word production of two patients with non-fluent progressive aphasia.
We report a patient, FM, with progressive fluent aphasia due to selective atrophy of left temporal cortex.
In primary progressive aphasia, the disease starts in an area at the back of the frontal lobes and front of the temporal lobes.
There has been a rapid deterioration with progressive ataxia, confusion and agitation.
Progressive muscular atrophy is a less common form of MND.
By progressive auto are managing these regulation is what boost rapport.
He could dip into soul, disco and country, as well as classic pop balladry and even progressive rock.
His collaborations with Oldfield in the 70s greatly broadened his fan base throughout the progressive music world.
Uncomplicated, normal, progressive ossification of the sound horse's collateral cartilages causes no clinical problems and requires no treatment.
Eight had progressive disease as the best response on their last platinum-based chemotherapy, and three had potentially sensitive tumors.
In nearly all cases this anomaly is caused by progressive root growth causing compaction of the compost.
There is indeed a progressive consensus that Conservatives have helped to shape.
The session kicks off with a 10-minute progressive warm-up and finishes with a 10-minute cool-down and stretch.
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On top of the BIG coverall prizes, they are also giving out a progressive coverall prizes, they are also giving out a progressive coverall jackpot.
Those views, theistic evolution, progressive creationism, also deny the straightforward text of the book of Genesis.
Degenerative brain diseases are marked by progressive, irreversible damage to cells of the central nervous system.
Vitiligo is progressive depigmentation of the skin, leaving white, clearly defined patches, sometimes symmetrical, on the body.
Mixed tumors can occur Elderly patients are affected and they present with painless progressive dysphagia, initially to solids and then to liquids.
The group have studied a number of conditions associated with progressive retinal dystrophy.
He plays electro mainly, some progressive, a touch of minimal, all woven together unbelievably well.
Rabies is an acute, progressive, incurable viral encephalomyelitis first described in Mesopotamian civilisations about 4000 years ago.
The second case study describes the progressive disease etiology of a middle-aged man.
Researchers are now expending lots of time and effort in studying treatments that might prove useful in more progressive disease.
Long term damage to the lung tissue may lead to death from progressive pulmonary fibrosis.
It says, " the common security and defense policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defense policy.
Is relatively progressive reasonably fuel-efficient mid-range hire fees to texas auto insurance detached house in leeds.
Patients may present with life-threatening renal failure due to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis requiring urgent dialysis and immunosuppression.
A progressive fibrosis of the quadriceps muscle occurs which eventually produces recurrent, then habitual and finally chronic patello-femoral dislocation.
Sarah is curious about the Approved School Service and quizzes the deputy headmaster, who is a progressive teacher and hell-bent on reform.
It is a progressive, systemic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the membrane lining in joints.
I want to see Europe as the leader of progressive internationalism.
Both Full House rooms have a progressive jackpot for most games.
Build up your personal progressive jackpot for a chance to collect during the exciting bonus round.
But sensitivity testing can be invaluable in guiding the choice of a more appropriate antibiotic where bacterial keratitis is progressive.
If stability remains in doubt, a trial of nonoperative bracing with careful follow-up to identify any progressive kyphosis is a reasonable option.
However, his stance must never become the mainstream in terms of progressive opinion.
It is thought to follow a slowly progressive course and to stabilize after skeletal maturity.
Still it will be tuned to offer a strong midrange and a progressive and predictable delivery.
By using a triple density midsole, which they call " progressive posting.
A progressive Buddhist monastery in Thailand; founded 1932.
She, and the next 35 patients, had secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.
But no treatment is available for a second form called primary progressive multiple sclerosis.
It seems likely, however, that patients of this age dying of a progressive neurological condition would have undergone necropsy in the past.
It is associated with progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in specific areas in the brain.
Progressive disciplinary action was taken in the case of continued noncompliance.
This report is intended to inform a new program on progressive philanthropy to be launched by the Trust in 2006.
A case of progressive muscular atrophy occurring in a man who had acute poliomyelitis nineteen years previously.
In an era of ' progressive ' rock pomposity and 12-minute tracks, the Ramones ' back-to-basics approach was rousing and confrontational.
No private company would have experimented with such socially progressive innovations in building homes.
Some babies may develop a rapidly progressive disease, although symptoms often improve.
For that reason we will continue to direct thought into all the intricacies of fantastic theories, new and supposedly progressive.
Only when the threat of war and crippling sanctions are removed will a genuinely progressive mass opposition to Saddam be likely.
The constituting vision of the WCC is the truly progressive and radical vision.
The ippr is the UK's leading progressive think tank.
In that case indirect taxation can become just as progressive as direct taxation.
Digital TVs support progressive scanning which draws 60 full frames in a second instead of only 60 half frames in a second.
At the center of this philosophy, as it was expressed in the writings of progressive publicists, was a commitment to democracy.
For example, progressive muscular relaxation has been shown to help promote sleep.
Do I need a progressive scan DVD player if I have a scaler?
If progressive scoliosis is contributing to respiratory insufficiency then spinal surgery may be undertaken.
Only progressive ideas and people were worthy of respect by an increasingly self-conscious and self-confident media class.
Rather, it depends heavily on which particulars he has granted relevance through progressive moral self-definition.
Progressive damping is achieved by connecting the central spring strut, using a lever system, to the swinging arm.
Everything that was progressive in pre-war syndicalism merged with communism.
Progressive tax | | | regressive tax | | | Are the following taxes progressive or regressive?
Council Tax Liberal Democrats believe in fair, progressive taxation based on the ability to pay.
For relaxing tense muscles or an over-active mind use specific relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or guided visualization.
And auto insurance Beaumont texas other staff to call progressive.
It tends to be more marked with sudden and sustained traction compared to slow, gentle, progressive traction.
His style is primarily progressive and tech house but often plays tribal, trance and funky sets.
With Sasha, Digweed was responsible for bringing progressive trance and house to an eager audience in the genre's fledgling years.
We have done this by applying the principle of progressive universalism.
The damage of Saturn's illnesses tends toward a progressive wasting of tissue.
This was probably wishful thinking on the part of the urban progressive elite.
Severe or progressive leucopenia may necessitate withdrawal of the drug.
But he never investigated the question whether, since there is a law of progressive evolution in the history of different nations, separately examined, there may not likewise be another law ruling the general history of these nations, every one of which must have represented a new period, as it were, in the history of humanity at large.
New measures were adopted, doctrines were adapted to the times, and ancient disputes were revived between the conservative and progressive forces.
Continuing his inquiries for the next year or two, he was able to discover the progressive propagation of electromagnetic action through space, to measure the length and velocity of electromagnetic waves, and to show that in the transverse nature of their vibration and their susceptibility to reflection, refraction and polarization they are in complete correspondence with the waves of light and heat.
All this, especially in a writer like Schutz, who is saturated with every progressive tendency of the time, seems to point to a deep sense of the appropriate style of trombone writing.
His doctrine that consciousness is confined to man, the lower animals being unconscious machines (automata), excludes all idea of a progressive development of mind.
With the transition from water to land came the progressive development of the sporophyte which is the characteristic feature of the morphology of the Bryophyta and of all plants above them in the scale of life (see Bower, Origin of a Land-Flora).
With his fellow-pupils at Padua he had been affectionate; and for two of them, Dario da Trevigi and Marco Zoppo, he retained a steady friendship. That he had a high opinion of himself was natural, for no artist of his epoch could produce more manifest vouchers of marked and progressive attainment.
Such doctrines regard the progress of humanity as on the whole tending to the greater perfection, and are markedly optimistic in contrast with earlier theories that progressive differentiation is synonymous with progressive decay.
It is plain that Blyth saw, and perhaps he was the first to see it, that geographical distribution was not unimportant in suggesting the affinities and differences of natural groups (pp. 258, 259); and, undeterred by the precepts and practice of the hitherto dominant English school of Ornithologists, he declared that " anatomy, when aided by every character which the manner of propagation, the progressive changes, and other physiological data supply, is the only sure basis of classification."
Absentee landlords, he thinks, rack-rented the soil (p. 167), while the "inhuman severity" of their treatment of villeins led to a progressive decay of agriculture, destroyed the economic basis of the Latin kingdom, and led the natives to welcome the invasion of Saladin (pp. 327-331) The French writers Rey and Dodu are more kind to the Franks; and the testimony of contemporary Arabic writers, who seem favourably impressed by the treatment of their subjects by the Franks, bears out their view, while the tone of the assizes is admittedly favourable to the Syrians.
Tutton's investigations of the morphotropic effects of the metals potassium, rubidium and caesium, in combination with the acid radicals of sulphuric and selenic acids, showed that the replacement of potassium by rubidium, and this metal in turn by caesium,was accompanied by progressive changes in both physical and crystallographical properties, such that the rubidium salt was always intermediate between the salts of potassium and caesium (see table; the space unit is taken as a pseudo-hexagonal prism).
The Arabians more closely resembled the Hindus than the Greeks in the choice of studies; their philosophers blended speculative dissertations with the more progressive study of medicine; their mathematicians neglected the subtleties of the conic sections and Diophantine analysis, and applied themselves more particularly to perfect the system of numerals (see Numeral), arithmetic and astronomy.
The evolution consists first in progressive increase in size; second, in the acceleration of the median digit and retardation of the lateral digits, the latter becoming more and more elevated from the ground until finally in Equus (6) they are the lateral splints, which in the embryonic condition have vestigial cartilages attached representing the last traces of the lateral phalanges.
The effect of each of these additions will be lessened by the future improvements in processes of manufacture, and more particularly by the progressive replacemerit of that ephemeral source of energy, coal, by the secular sources, the winds, waves, tides, sunshine, the earth's heat and, greatest of all, its momentum.
With progressive territorial extensions during the ensuing fifty years, and embracing the grand-duchy of Luxemburg, it had in 1871, when the German empire was founded, an area of about 209,281 sq.
The remaining phase of the Eastern Question, if we except the concerted efforts to impose good government on Macedonia in the interests of European peace, or the side issues in Egypt and Arabia, was the rivalry of the progressive nations for the right to exploit this wealth.
At the Pressburg diet in 1840 Dessewffy was already the leading orator of the more enlightened and progressive Conservatives, but incurred great unpopularity for not going far enough, with the result that he was twice defeated at the polls.
Miguel united every reactionary element throughout the kingdom in a last unsuccessful stand against constitutional government; (b) From 1834 to 1853 the main problem for Portuguese statesmen was whether the constitution, now accepted as inevitable, should embody the radical ideas of 1822 or the moderate ideas of 1826; (c) From 1853 to 1889 there was a period of transition marked by the rise of three new parties - Progressive, Regenerator, Republican; (d) From 1889 to 1908 the Progressives and Regenerators monopolized the control of public affairs, but the strength of Republicanism was not to be gauged by its representation in the cortes.
Yet it is in this religion of Zeus that we see most clearly the achievement of progressive morality; Zeus himself punishes and abolishes the savage practice; the story related by Plutarch, 2 how a kid was substituted miraculously for Helen when she was led to the altar to be offered, is a remarkably close parallel to the biblical legend of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.
If we are dealing with comparatively recent periods there is no evidence of progressive change, but if we go to remote epochs and suppose the sun to have once been diffused in a nebulous state, it is clear that its shrinkage, in spite of radiation, has left it hotter, so that the shrinkage has outrun what would suffice to maintain its radiation.
Since that time, however, the Republican party has grown more secure, and it has placed on the statute books a series of radical and progressive enactments in regard to railway rate legislation and taxation, publicity of campaign expenditures and a state-wide direct primary law (1905).
Matrix Consult is an enthusiastic, innovative and progressive quantity surveying practice based in Central London.
Some textbooks refer to this sub type as relapsing progressive MS.
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Our purpose is to make Down District safer for everyone through professional progressive policing.
Seventh day adventist no major media has progressive online auto insurance quote allowed it they 're good to.
But the cultural embargo on all things progressive increasingly smacks of hypocrisy.
Sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis is more likely to be progressive than lymphangioleiomyomatosis seen in individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex.
Progressive tax | | | Regressive tax | | | Are the following taxes progressive or regressive?
And auto insurance beaumont texas other staff to call progressive.
With Sasha, Digweed was responsible for bringing progressive trance and house to an eager audience in the genre 's fledgling years.
Which means that the trillions speakers schedule test drives for progressive direct.
The damage of Saturn 's illnesses tends toward a progressive wasting of tissue.
If you fail to notice any progressive development, however, and you are worried that your child is not developing normally, you should contact your pediatrician.
The "P" stands for progressive and there's no reason not to have a 720p or 1080p flat screen these days.
It is a progressive disease and is most often seen in the males of the Maine Coon cat breed.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) - This is a genetically inherited, progressive kidney disease that eventually leads to renal failure.
Progressive design trends for log cabins give these rustic homes a modern, contemporary feel while still providing a warm, casual atmosphere.
Progressive jackpot slots feature a big jackpot that keeps on growing as players play the slot.
Basic Grey is a paper design company that focuses on progressive designs.
Through a series of progressive skills and drills, the novice skier eventually achieves the coveted parallel position.
In this interview, you'll learn more about this progressive tire company and how it grew from a small private enterprise into a large company serving consumers in every U.S. state.
Progressive has continued to grow its online services and now offers customers the ability to manage insurance policies, change coverage, and make payments via the Internet.
If you decide to shop online but feel a bit ignorant when it comes to understanding Terms and Conditions, Progressive offers a list of terms along with their meanings.
The insurance industry views Progressive Insurance as a model for other insurance companies of how a company can successfully be built with a focus on customer service.
Progressive Insurance has been selling reasonably-priced car insurance since 1937.
Progressive Insurance has a strong orientation towards meeting their customers' needs through quality service and technology.
Progressive's rate may, or may not be the lowest rate.
You do not have to be a Progressive customer to use AutoPro.
Purchase a boat or motorcycle policy on the Progressive website - You can cut through the time and paperwork usually required to insure these vehicles.
File a claim or manage your policy on Progressive website - You can file your claim and monitor the settlement without having to phone or write to a claims representative.
Immediate Response Vehicles - Progressive Insurance introduced a fleet of white Ford Explorers in 1994 to function as mobile claims offices.
Progressive Insurance and service oriented architecture has recreated the standard for how car insurance is sold and how claims are handled.
Progressive home insurance is available to homeowners, renters, and to residents who own or rent a condominium.
Progressive home insurance covers the dwelling as well as the contents inside of the home.
Homeowners can purchase additional insurance riders through Progressive at an extra cost.
Progressive puts condominiums in a separate category from both homeowners insurance and renters insurance.
Flood insurance is not covered in a standard homeowners insurance policy issued through Progressive, although damage from flooding may be covered adequately by a renters or condo insurance policy.
Progressive is an insurance company that is well known for providing quick policy quotes, and this is true for all three home insurance policies.
Some independent insurance agents are authorized to offer Progressive policies for homeowners and renters.
If you want to speak to an agent face-to-face, call the toll-free Progressive customer service number to find out if there is an office near you.
Progressive suggests that applicants take an inventory of their belongings before requesting a quote because this information will allow the customer service representative to give a more accurate quote.
For more information regarding an existing home insurance policy through Progressive, contact a customer service representative or check your policy.
Progressive may be best known for their side-by-side auto insurance quotes, but they also offer homeowner's policies.
Look to larger insurers like Progressive or Geico for car insurance coverage for your seventeen year old driver.
Subscribers who choose the Ameritas Progressive 750 Plan are getting a combination of coverage.
Progressive always provides the most competitive quotes for insurance, but you'll need to be ready to offer your contact information.
Are you interested in learning about Progressive Auto Insurance?
Progressive Auto Insurance, also known as Progressive Casualty Insurance Company, is an insurance company in the United States.
If you are deciding between insurance companies, there are a number of things you should know about Progressive Insurance.
Although the two were lawyers by trade, they thought the Progressive Company could be an interesting side project.
In 1956, Progressive came up with the idea to offer insurance for high-risk drivers.
This opened Progressive Auto Insurance up to a much wider market of consumers.
Today, Progressive offers a number of different products in the car insurance world and offers customer service features designed to set it apart from other car insurance companies.
Progressive offers a variety of special services to clients.
If you choose Progressive Insurance, you can purchase the policy directly on the phone after hearing the price quotes.
In the late nineties, Progressive launched its website.
Currently, Progressive is one of the largest auto insurance companies in the country.
According to JD Power and Associates 2010 survey, Progressive received three out of five in overall satisfaction, ease of contacting, policy offerings, billing and payment and pricing.
Complaints listed on My3Cents include claims of Progressive paying slowly, raising rates, not crediting discounts, and rude agents.
Some also comment that Progressive tends to be more expensive then competitor Geico, but the specific rates and comparisons differ depending on the person applying.
In addition, customers comment that the concierge claims service is sometimes more expensive than if customers locate a garage without the help of Progressive.
Because Progressive is a national company, however, it is important to remember that you will need to learn the company's reputation and claims handling procedures within your own particular state.
The best way to do this is to check with your local Department of Insurance to determine what the reputation of Progressive is within your local area.
Knowing where and how to access Progressive insurance forms is key to getting your insurance benefits as a customer.
If you are a Progressive insurance customer, it is important that you know where and how to obtain insurance forms.
Fortunately, no matter what type of insurance you have with Progressive, there is a convenient place where you can obtain all of the necessary documents you will need.
This login will allow you to access different parts of the Progressive website and to enter your information in a secure manner.
If you are interested in updating your current insurance by adding or dropping services you can complete the forms online by going to Progressive Insurance Choices where you will be able to select from auto, home and motorcycle.
If you already have insurance, logging onto the Progressive website's home page will allow you to access your policy information and make any changes desired.
For most people, the most important Progressive insurance forms are those that deal with claims.
Taking the time to review the claims center on the Progressive website is very important if you want to be able to complete your claims in an efficient manner.
To begin filing a claim of any type, the process can be expedited by logging onto the Progressive website and going to the claims center.
In addition, Progressive has claims offices available in each state which make it easy for you to get immediate assistance in resolving claims issues.
Depending on what type of claim you are filing, you may have to visit a local Progressive claims office in order to submit forms or obtain paperwork related to a specific claim, such as rental car information or estimates for damage.
According to Progressive, one of the perks of being a Progressive insurance customer is the quality customer service you will receive.
From processing claims forms for car accidents to updating your policy information as a result of an upgrade or downgrade in service, there is always someone available to assist with Progressive insurance forms.
The Progressive Insurance Lady takes the rather mundane task of advertising insurance and turns it into a comical and entertaining thing.
Flo's job on the Progressive commercials is to staff the virtual Progressive store, where customers can walk in and shop for insurance as though they were shopping for groceries.
Flo's customer reveals he had to sell his watch to his friend because money is tight, but once he sees how much money he can save with Progressive he joyfully proclaims he can afford to buy his watch back.
A customer reveals he works for another insurance company but loves Progressive insurance.
He then realizes a coworker is across the aisle, also browsing through Progressive's offerings.
They whisper back and forth so as not to be discovered shopping at Progressive, but then Flo throws her arms up in celebration and announces, "It's an office party!"
This character effectively gets the point across that Progressive may save customers money while also entertaining viewers at the same time.
Flo the Progressive Insurance Lady is actually improv actress Stephanie Courtney.
Her role for Progressive is not her first role as she has appeared on a variety of television shows and stages, yet her role as Flo is arguably her most popular role to date.
What is the appeal of Flo as a spokesperson for Progressive?
Progressive is not the first insurance company to utilize comical characters for commercials and print advertising.
Learn about Progressive's insurance offerings or watch clips of Flo's commercials at the Progressive website.
The main draw is a progressive style that brings out everyone's fun side, while also providing unparalleled comfort, ease-of-care and high quality, for long lasting wear.
While many other sleepwear and pajama makers are focusing on past designs, this designer is forward moving and pioneers new looks, new styles and even brings a progressive twist to men's loungewear.
The band moved past the more atmospheric sound to be more progressive, focusing more on creating large musically creative tracks rather than singles.
A variation on the Real Housewives theme, the SOAPnet series also gives viewers a taste of life in Louisville, considered to be one of the most progressive cities in the south and a mecca for creative people from all over the region.
Though Whedon sticks to the outline of a traditional western tale, his imagination works overtime, taking progressive strides to deliver an original and unique story.
Progressive reenactment groups stay true to every tiny detail of the Confederate soldiers' clothing and lifestyle.
Due to the power of the Internet to publish and distribute dissenting opinions against governments, political parties, and organizations, several progressive web hosts are making an impressive stand against these threats.
NearlyFreeSpeech is another great progressive web host that allows you to pay only for the bandwidth that your site uses.
A more progressive form of pastoral industry is that of the tanche (enclosed holdings), in which the owner is both agriculturist and cattle raiser.
The area of the lake is shrinking owing to the progressive desiccation of the country, Saharan climate and conditions replacing those of the Sudan.
Don Romolo Murri, the Christian Democratic leader, who exercised much influence over the younger and more progressive clergy, having been severely censured by the Vatican, made formal submission, and declared his intention of retiring from the struggle.
Organic life presents itself to him as a progressive scale of complexity determined by its final end, namely, man.'
Factors in Evo/ution.Evolution in the race involves progressive differentiation in the individual; hence the causes of evolution and of differentiation must be the same.
It is certain that they originally existed under warmer conditions of climate than now obtain, and that progressive refrigeration.
In the heyday of the Athenian democracy, citizens both conservative and progressive, politicians, philosophers and historians were unanimous in their denunciation of "tyranny."
In the college itself the voting - secret and by ballot throughout - is by majority; and since this majority consists, under the actual system, of very conservative elements (the landowners and urban delegates having 8ths of the votes), the progressive elements - however much they might preponderate in the country - would have no chance of representation at all save for the curious provision that one member at least in each government must be chosen from each of the five classes represented in the college.
As a result of these difficulties there has been, both in the United Kingdom and in the United States, a progressive increase of legislative interference with railways.
His followers held a progressive revelation of God in the ages of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Trade unions, so far from disappearing, were legalized, gathered strength from the changes in industrial organization, and nowhere became so powerful as in the most progressive industries; while other forms of combination appeared, incomparably stronger, for good or evil, than those of earlier times.
What it is that determines the arrest of some eggs and the progressive development of others in the same capsule is at present unknown.
What both Ritschl and Schleiermacher insist on is that the belief in miracles is inseparable from the belief in God, and in God as immanent in nature, not only directing and controlling its existent forces, but also as initiating new stages consistent with the old in its progressive development.
He sat in these bodies as a member of the Progressive party (Fortschrittspartei), and in Bavaria was one of the leaders of the Liberal (Freisinnige) party.
In Brazil little or nothing is done by the central government, but the progressive states of Sao Paulo and Mines Gerdes have commissaos geographicos e geologicos engaged in the production of topographical maps.
The effect of this pronouncement was great, and it alarmed the Afrikanders, who at this time viewed with apprehension the virtual resumption by Cecil Rhodes of his leadership of the Progressive (British) party at the Cape.
He was a conservative in theology, but an enthusiastic adherent of the progressive party in politics, and sat as member for Erlangen and Furth in the Bavarian second chamber from 1863 to 1868.
Forchhammer was a democrat in the best sense of the word, and from 1871 to 1873 represented the progressive party of Schleswig-Holstein in the German Reichstag.
Two progressive measures of the highest importance were passed by this diet, one making Magyar the official language of Hungary, the other freeing the peasants' holdings from all feudal obligations.
A characteristic feature of the calculus is that a meaning can be attached to a symbol of this kind by adopting a new rule, called that of regressive multiplication, as distinguished from the foregoing, which is progressive.
If E is any extensive unit, there is one other unit E', and only one, such that the (progressive) product EE' =- r.
In the course of reducing such expressions as (AB)C, (AB){C(DE)} and the like, where a chain of multiplications has to be performed in a certain order, the multiplications may be all progressive, or all regressive, or partly, one, partly the other.
The Arabians more closely resembled the Hindus than the Greeks in the choice of studies; their philosophers blended speculative dissertations with the more progressive study of medicine; their mathematicians neglected the subtleties of the conic sections and Diophantine analysis, and applied themselves more particularly to perfect the system of numerals, arithmetic and astronomy.
After the turn of the century, however, a new generation arose both among Croats and Serbs, which had received its education abroad, and especially in Prague, where the ethical and political teachings of Prof. Masaryk exercised a remarkable influence over the progressive youth of all Slav countries.
This was opposed by Trumbie and all the more progressive elements in the new State, who realized that the claim to Skutari knocked the bottom out of the whole Yugoslav case against Italy and Austria.
Though otherwise progressive, this law committed the injustice of temporarily disfranchising the nonYugoslav minorities, on the convenient pretext that they could not claim the vote until the expiry of the two years during which the Treaty of Trianon secures their right to choose citizenship in a neighbouring State.
Lamarck believed in a single progressive series of forms, whilst Cuvier introduced s the conception of branches.
The assumption made was that (with the rare exception of parasites) all the change of structure through which the successive generations of animals have passed has been one of progressive elaboration.
It is Dohrn's merit to have pointed out 1 that this assumption is not warranted, and that degeneration or progressive simplification of structure may have, and in many lines certainly has, taken place, as well as progressive elaboration and in other cases continuous maintenance of the status quo.
These were all men of progressive, in some respects democratic, views, and in thus forming his cabinet General Botha showed his determination not to be dominated by the " back veld " Boers.
The elections to the Union House of Assembly, held in September, were notable as showing the strength of the Progressive (or Unionist) party.
He held a prominent place in the New School branch of the Presbyterians, to which he adhered on the division of the denomination in 1837; he had been tried (but not convicted) for heresy in 1836, the charge being particularly against the views expressed by him in Notes on Romans (1835) of the imputation of the sin of Adam, original sin and the atonement; the bitterness stirred up by this trial contributed towards widening the breach between the conservative and the progressive elements in the church.
Pathology is the science of disease in all its manifestations, whether structural or functional, progressive or regressive.
This led to the formation of the Sadharana (Universal) Brahma Samaj, now the most popular and progressive of the three sections of the movement and conspicuous for its work in the cause of literary culture, social reform and female education in India.
In Italy, Bologna and Padua were earliest distinguished for medical studies - the former preserving more of the Galenical tradition, the latter being more progressive and Averroist.
The third and fourth books give evidence of acuteness in psychological analysis; the fourth and sixth of the most active and varied observation of natural phenomena; the fifth of original insight and strong common sense in conceiving the origin of society and the progressive advance of man to civilization.
On several occasions (1874, 1877 and 1878) he sat in the Reichstag as a member of the progressive party.
In the same year he edited Aids to Faith, a volume written in opposition to Essays and Reviews, the progressive sentiments of which had stirred up a great storm in the Church of England.
Rather under the influence of the great formative Christian conceptions he parted gradually with the eschatology he had inherited from Judaism, and entered on a progressive development, in the course of which the heterogeneous elements were for the most part silently dropped.
The system of the catasto, which led to abuses, was abolished, and a progressive income-tax (decima scalata) was introduced with the object of lightening the burdens of the poor, who were as a rule Medicean, at the expense of the rich; but as it was frequently increased the whole community came to be oppressed by it in the end.
Her name was a watchword for the progressive faction.
Arminius's works are mostly occasional treatises drawn from him by controversial emergencies, but they everywhere exhibit a calm, well-furnished, undogmatic and progressive mind.
Its commercial classes constantly complain of the increasing competition of the provinces, and of the progressive industrial emancipation of Hungary.
But the interval between the death of Ennius (169) and the beginning of Cicero's career, while one of progressive advance in the appreciation of literary form and style, was much less distinguished by original force than the time immediately before and after the end of the second Punic war.
On the other hand, the progressive reduction of mining and metallurgical costs effected by improved transportation and machinery, and the use of high explosives, compressed air, electric-power transmission, &c., resulted in California (as elsewhere) in a notable revival of deep mining.
An advanced and vehement Radical in politics and Progressive in municipal affairs, Mr Harrison in 1886 stood unsuccessfully for parliament against Sir John Lubbock for London University.
A clerical reaction followed against new progressive ideas and English methods of development.
Lyell again was in the forefront of the progressive movement, and his work on The Antiquity of Man, published in 1863, gave currency for the first time to the new opinions.
Under the Tahirids of Khorasan, the Saffarids of Seistan and the Samanids of Bokhara, it flourished for some centuries in peace and progressive prosperity; but during the succeeding rule of the Ghaznevid kings its metropolitan character was for a time obscured by the celebrity of the neighbouring capital of Ghazni, until finally in the reign of Sultan Sanjar of Mer y about 1157 the city was entirely destroyed by an irruption of the Ghuzz, the predecessors, in race as well as in habitat, of the modern Turkomans.
Murray and Renard recognize the progressive diminution of carbonate of lime with increase of depth as a characteristic of all eupelagic deposits.
On the 24th of November, however, he was elected to a seat in the senate, where he continued his vigorous polemic against the progressive attempts of the republican government to secularize the educational system of France until his death in 1894.
Apart from one or two of the greatest minds, notably Dante, what appealed to the thinkers of the middle ages was not the idea of reality as a progressive self-revelation of an inner principle working through nature and human life, but the formal principles of classification which it seemed to offer for a material of thought and action given from another source.
Besides a volume of sermons under the title Christ's Healing Touch, Mackennal published The Biblical Scheme of Nature and of Man, The Christian Testimony, the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia, The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus and The Eternal God and the Human Sonship. These are contributions to exegetical study or to theological and progressive religious thought, and have elements of permanent value.
But it has largely outgrown this, and is addressing itself to the progressive re-interpretation of Christianity, in an essentially constructive spirit.
Nicolls resigned the governorship in 1668, but his successor, Francis Lovelace, continued his policy - autocratic government, arbitrary in form but mild in practice, and progressive in the matter of religious toleration.
The progressive output of coal from 1880 to 1900 is shown below.
Up to January 1891 the Conservative forces which overthrew Sir George Grey in 1879 controlled the country in effect though not always in name, and for ten years progressive legislation was confined to a mild experiment in offering crown lands on perpetual lease, with a right of purchase (1882), a still milder instalment of local option (1881) and an inoffensive Factories Act (1886).
But the influence of labour in the Progressive or, as it preferred to be called, Liberal party, was considerable, and the legislative results noteworthy.
They lived in the security and comfort obtained by social organization, and were apparently intelligent, industrious and progressive communities.
There is a progressive incometax for Europeans, and the system has also been applied in the case of natives.
They thus form a living, democratic body, flexible and progressive in its movements, yet with a sufficient proportion of conservatism both in religion and theology to keep it sane and safe.
Harris, the U.S. commissioner of education, and they were able to report that, in all the five groups into which they had divided the states, the number of pupils pursuing the study of Latin and Greek showed a remarkable advance, especially in the most progressive states of the middle west.
The first volume, however, is complete in itself, and traces the original settlement of the different American colonies, and the progressive changes in their constitutions and forms of government as affected by the state of public affairs in the parent kingdom.
All the fossil plants and animals of every kind are brought from this continent into a great museum; the latitude, longitude and relative elevation of each specimen are precisely recorded; a corps of investigators, having the most exact and thorough training in zoology and botany, and gifted with imagination, will soon begin to restore the geographic and physiographic outlines of the continent, its fresh, brackish and salt-water confines, its seas, rivers and lakes, its forests, uplands, plains, meadows and swamps, also to a certain extent the cosmic relations of this continent, the amount and duration of its sunshine, as well as something of the chemical constitution of its atmosphere and the waters of its rivers and seas; they will trace the progressive changes which took place in the outlines of the continent and its surrounding oceans, following the invasion§ of the land by the sea and the re-emergence of the land and retreatal of the seashore; they will outline the shoals and deeps of its border seas, and trace the barriers which prevented intermingling of the inhabitants of the various provinces of the continent and the surrounding seas.
These self-governing colonies with their spheres of influence, with vast areas still unpeopled, have a future before them which is dissociated from the methods of an over-peopled Europe, and among them the preservation of peace is the direct object and condition of their progressive development.
From all the lower levels where superstition and cruelty reign, from the depths of fear inspired by fetichism, we look on to the higher level of Judaism as the progressive religion of the old world.
It was founded in 1742 by Jose de Manso, and is one of the more cultured and progressive provincial towns of Chile.
On occasion the towns could defend their independence with strenuous courage; the higher qualities which make for a progressive national life the Phoenicians did not possess.
In progressive lead palsy, beri-beri, and the paralysis following acute alcoholism, fairly large doses are useful.
Some parables (the leaven, the mustard seed) suggest a gradual progressive realization of His kingdom.
We have thus a series showing a progressive reduction in the complexity of the life-history, the lepto and micro forms having a life-history like that of the Basidiomycetes.
This is simply one instance of the inevitable progressive increase in cost of the irrecreatable mineral relatively to the recreatable animal and vegetable.
Hence the addition to the cost of finished steel objects which is due to our being forced to use progressively poorer and poorer ores is likely to be much less than the addition due to the progressive rise in the cost of coal and in the cost of labour, because of the ever-rising scale of living.
The polling (in January and February 1904) resulted in a Progressive majority of five in a house of 95 members.
Broadly speaking, these families make their first appearance in time in the order given above, and show a progressive morphological evolution along certain special lines.
In his description of the empire - the exhaustion produced by excessive taxation, the financial ruin of the middle classes, the progressive decline in the morale of the army - we find the explanation of its fall before the Goths twenty years after his death.
A progressive skier may want a longer length ski so that he can move over a range of terrain and have the greatest stability on steeper slopes.
Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing muscle groups in the body and helps relieve the physical symptoms of stress.
Progressive muscle relaxation works to relieve physical anger and muscle tension.
To use progressive muscle relaxation, you must tense a group of muscles in your body and hold them as tightly contracted as possible for several seconds.
Some, such as progressive muscle relaxation or transcendental meditation, take practice to learn.
Learning long term stress management techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, meditation or deep breathing exercises are important skills that help to reduce the overall stress in your life.
The technique of progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing a group of muscles in your body and then relaxing them.
For instructions on performing progressive muscle relaxation visit Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Popular methods include meditation, progressive or passive muscle relaxation, visualization and deep breathing exercises.
They operate on a progressive idea that once individuals tap into their own creativity, more things will begin to happen for them.
Susan's book, The Live Food Factor, won the Independent Publisher Award in 2007 for Most Progressive Health Book.
In addition, a veterinarian certified as a dog ophthalmologist must test the puppies' eyes since also prone to a myriad of conditions including progressive retinal atrophy.
It also may suffer from eye conditions, such a Progressive Retinal Atrophy.
The disease is progressive and there is currently no cure.
Canine CHF is a progressive disease, but your dog can live longer with treatment.
To learn about progressive dog behavior modification, you should check for The Dog Whisperer TV show schedule.
This breed is also known to suffer from eyelid problems, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), boils on the lip and tumors.
Some Labs are susceptible to eye problems, such as cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy and retinal dysplasia.
Nudism was neither simply reactionary nor progressive.
One of the leading causes of vision loss among senior citizens is the progressive, irreversible damage caused to the optic nerve by glaucoma.
And while no cure exists, early diagnoses of Alzheimer's may help you and your loved ones prepare for the progressive changes.
Alzheimer's disease is progressive and fatal, affecting millions of Americans.
As described above, Alzheimer's disease is progressive, beginning with mild symptoms of memory loss that may be dismissed, but worsen with time.
It is a slow, progressive disease, causing physical damage to the brain, from which an individual cannot recover.
The 1970s was also the decade of progressive rock, punk music and Pink Floyd.
It is both a progressive college town and a port town with ties to many historical events, such as the Civil War and the War of 1812.
You can try meditation or progressive muscle relaxation to help you feel less anxious and fall asleep.
One is a low ADD design that is progressive up to +1.50 and the other is a high ADD design that is progressive up to +2.50.
However, they are available in progressive or traditional straight top bifocal lenses.
Progressive lenses are sometimes referred to as "lineless bifocals" but they really work a lot like trifocals.
There are different corridor widths and many, many types of progressive lenses, so let your optician know you plan to use your glasses for fishing (as well as any other activities, like driving, you'll need them for).
They are set up like traditional progressive lenses, with a stronger prescription at the bottom than the top.
We offer a wide selection of prescription lenses, such as high end, progressive bifocals, polychromics, and more for up to 70 percent off retail walk in store prices.
However, if you need bifocals, trifocals, progressive bifocals (especially these), it could be hard to fit your prescription into such an abbreviated frame and lens combination.
Another possibility is that the depth of a progressive bifocal won't all be left on the lens, stopping short before offering you the reading power you need at the bottom of the lenses.
The polycarbonate prescription lenses are available in gray and bronze, and progressive lenses are also available.
For those that need multi-focal lenses, progressive lenses may provide a smoother continuum of vision through blended curves in the lenses.
Sometimes-especially with progressive lenses-adjusting the frame even a millimeter will make a world of difference.
Prescription lenses, both single vision and progressive, are available for all of its glass lenses.
With line-free bifocals, also called progressive lenses, there is an area that allows for transition between the two prescriptions.
Progressive lenses can fit into most eyeglass frames.
Dollar Glasses has the option for people to upgrade to progressive lenses.
In addition, optical stores such as LensCrafters and Pearle Vision have a wide selection of progressive lenses to choose from in the latest styles.
As many people age, they start to experience a normal degeneration of near focusing ability, and progressive reading glasses often provide the best solution.
The modern progressive lens design was invented by Bernard Maitenaz in 1959.
He was a researcher at the Essilor group, the company that owns the popular brand Varilux, which produces progressive lenses for patients across the world.
Some people call these lenses multi-focal, progressive bifocal, or simply progressive reading glasses.
Best of all, progressive reading glasses don't have any visible lines on the lens like bifocal glasses did.
If you've purchased progressive lenses to replace your old prescription glasses, you're going to experience a period of time where your brain must adapt to a new way of focusing on objects.
Progressive lenses are ideal for avid readers, because the near-focus prescription is at the bottom of the lens, where most people look when they're reading a book.
Follow the tips below to make adapting to progressive lenses much easier.
Switch to wearing your progressive glasses all the time, don't switch between your old prescription glasses and the progressive ones.
Once you adjust to using progressive eyeglasses, you'll discover that you finally have better vision than you've had for a very long time.
A huge song selection, coupled with a fantastic gameplay mechanic and progressive difficulty settings, makes this title an absolute winner.
Set Flicker Reduction to off if you are using progressive mode at 1080p or 720p.
That letter means a lot; both are the same incredible resolution, but a progressive picture is basically flicker-free, and technically an interlaced picture is half the resolution of a progressive one.
Some septal defects close on their own; others require surgical treatment to prevent progressive damage to the heart.
Cancer is a progressive disease that goes through several stages, each producing a number of symptoms.
The symptoms implied by this disorder's name include nervous system abnormalities, loss of coordination, and progressive loss of vision.
Symptoms include fatigue, slowly progressive muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain, and muscular atrophy.
Untreated biliary atresia leads to biliary cirrhosis, a progressive, irreversible scarring of the liver, by about two months of age.
Multiple sclerosis-A progressive, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system characterized by damage to the myelin sheath that covers nerves.
The disease, which causes progressive paralysis, is marked by periods of exacerbation and remission.
It occurs most commonly from the age of one to three years and is a slowly progressive disease that affects the softened areas of the skull, other flat bones, the eyes, and skin.
H., et al. "Infant with inadequate feeding and weight gain, progressive respiratory difficulty, hypotonia, and weakness, with onset at birth."
Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is an inherited, progressive nervous system disorder causing loss of balance and coordination, speech problems, and heart disease.
A-T is a progressive disease that affects the cerebellum (the body's motor control center) and, in about 70 percent of cases, weakens the immune system as well, leading to respiratory disorders.
If left untreated, it results in progressive vascular disease that may damage the blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, heart, and other organs.
Children with Menkes disease have characteristic kinky hair, seizures, developmental failures, and progressive degeneration of the brain.