Progression Sentence Examples
These numbers constitute an arithmetical progression of the rth order.
Understanding the progression eases that anxiety.
Santa's Beard is a Progression Park with mini jumps and jibs.
This progression of color definitely added something special to her ceremony - so much so that the couple had two different weddings, one in London and one in L.A., and she wore the gown for both.
For Conrad, designing clothes seems like a natural progression in her career.
Similarly, retinoids derived from vitamin A are being tested for their ability to slow the progression of or to prevent head and neck cancers.
Progression is marked by a tensing of the muscles, arching, fever, seizures, and high-pitched crying.
The rate of progression of FA is highly variable.
Tocolytic drug-A compound given to women to stop the progression of labor.
Progression. The cancer continues to grow.
AdvertisementWindows Mobile 6.5 is a natural progression to the Windows Mobile 6.1 platform that preceded it.
Treatment plans focus on delaying progression of the disease or reducing a patient's symptoms.
In some cases, patients may be able to control their symptoms to a great degree with various treatments, or progression of the disease is slow.
If these conditions are discovered early, the progression of retardation can be stopped and, in some cases, partially reversed.
It appears in a characteristic progression, from the head, face, and neck, to the trunk, then abdomen, and next out along the arms and legs.
AdvertisementFor those types of MPS, bone marrow transplantation has sometimes helped slow down the progression or reverse some of symptoms of the disorder in some children.
Curve progression is greatest near the adolescent growth spurt.
Treatment decisions for scoliosis are based on the degree of curvature, the likelihood of significant progression, and the presence of pain, if any.
Bracing cannot correct curvature but may be effective in halting or slowing progression.
More importantly, mostly unknown individual factors affect the likelihood of progression and the severity of the curve.
AdvertisementProgression of scoliosis may be prevented through bracing or surgery.
These programs can help to catch scoliosis early, so that treatment can begin and progression can often be halted or slowed.
Some neurological diseases are chronic and require conservative medical treatment and frequent follow-up visits for monitoring and stability or progression of the disease.
Children with language delay may acquire language skills in the usual progression but at a much slower rate, so that their language development may be equivalent to a normally developing child of a much younger chronological age.
With timely diagnosis and treatment, the progression of tooth decay can be stopped relatively painlessly.
AdvertisementFor children with cancer, CT is used to assist in treatment planning and to monitor cancer progression and response to treatment.
When disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs, progression can be rapid, and treatment is complicated by the large variety of possible underlying causes.
Myotonic dystrophy cannot be cured, and no treatment can delay its progression.
Medical treatment at early signs of glaucoma prevents progression of the disease to blindness.
The distribution of symptoms, age of onset, and progression differ significantly.
Though the progression of symptoms may parallel that of DMD, the symptoms are usually milder, and the course more variable.
Prednisone, a corticosteroid, has been shown to delay the progression of DMD somewhat, for reasons that as of 2004 are still unclear.
The progression of chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, may be slowed, but an initial improvement in symptoms may be achieved.
The timing and progression of the sleep cycle and the total amount of nightly sleep required for optimal health varies from infancy to adulthood, depending on developmental stage and temperament.
It is very important for those attending an individual with a concussion to pay close attention to the person's symptoms and progression immediately after the accident.
Surgery must be carefully timed with attention to the progression of the disease process, the size of the infant, and the size of the various defects.
A wide variation in disease progression, however, has been noted.
Factors such as age or genetic differences among persons with HIV, the level of virulence of an individual strain of virus, and co-infection with other microbes may influence the rate and severity of disease progression.
The remaining 80 percent of infected children have a slower rate of disease progression, many not developing the most serious symptoms of AIDS until school entry or even adolescence.
Early injection of the antitoxin, ideally within 24 hours of onset of symptoms, can preserve nerve endings, prevent progression of the disease, and reduce mortality.
Because of the slow progression of symptoms, individuals with Types III or Kennedy syndrome may have normal life spans.
Dream researchers have observed a developmental progression in the content and frequency of children's nightmares.
The progression of these symptoms may only take a few minutes.
Such a person experiences the full progression of whooping cough symptoms; symptoms only improve when the old, damaged lining cells of the respiratory tract are replaced over time with new, healthy, cilia-bearing cells.
Early treatment is essential to limit the progression of the disease.
Speech therapy, especially that performed at a young age, can stop the progression of stuttering.
Some literature refers to JA as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, although most types of JA differ significantly from the adult disease called rheumatoid arthritis, in terms of symptoms, progression, and prognosis.
Systemic onset JA has a variable prognosis, depending on the organ systems affected and the progression to polyarticular JA.
In the early 2000s, chronic exposure to lead in the environment has been found to speed up the progression of kidney disorders in people without diabetes.
Rumba is a romantic dance, with plenty of showy moves that are learned in progression once this simple partner box step is mastered.
The class starts at a novice pace, gauging its progression off of the most introductory student.
The Sheng (birth) or creative cycle is when chi energy flows in the natural progression of order from one element to the next.
This progression trains students how to pay attention.
Most women use a belly casting kit during the last few weeks of pregnancy, although some choose to make multiple casts to record the progression of changes in their bodies.
An important aspect of calculating pregnancy progression is the difference between gestational and embryonic ages.
Generally speaking, the water will break at some point during the progression of contractions as they come more and more often and increase in severity.
Endometriosis stages help identify the progression of this health problem.
Endometriosis stages help doctors identify the progression of the growths and lesions associated with the condition.
Endometriosis stages offer insight into the progression of the medical condition.
The book contains valuable information about the progression of steps as you journey through infertility.
Other concerns about this supplement included the fact that it reduced PSA levels and as a result could mask the progression of prostate cancer.
Although Coco began with hats and clothing, designer handbags were a natural progression.
Below is a twelve-year progression of the Chinese calendar and the astrological animal signs for each.
She carries the knowledge and experiences she had when her soul made the progression through the other ten zodiac signs.
To Aquarius, life is a progression of lessons, and she is a dedicated student of the life experience.
To the outsider, the two fields seem completely opposite, but to a Gemini, it's just a natural progression of moving on to the next challenge, conquering it and then moving on to the next one.
Expansion is the best word to describe the progression of this relationship as the two air signs move through life together.
If you aren't familiar with the rising sign, it's easier to understand the role it plays if you first recognize that the sun sign represents the soul's progression through the zodiac, and that the rising sign is your outer personality.
The lifetime that is currently presenting so much anxiety and difficulty is a part of the natural progression that every soul must face at one point in order to achieve a higher evolutionary existence.
Once you've returned to the other side, depending on your progression, you may be able to select the conditions of your next life.
So the next time that you see a clock or a watch, think of the great progression of minds and inventions that had to take place in order for you to have the convenience that you have today.
To these succeeded forms where the down had developed into body feathers for warmth, not flight, whilst the fore-limbs had become organs of prehension, the hind-limbs of progression.
Every "line" of its build is designed and eminently adapted for rapid progression through the water; the muscles massed along the vertebral column are enormously developed, especially on the back and the sides of the tail, and impart to the body a certain rigidity which interferes with abruptly sideward motions of the fish.
The collar-pores are remarkable for their constancy; this is probably owing to the fact that they have become adapted to a special function, the inhalation of water to render the collar turgid during progression.
The species of Linnaeus were supposed to represent a series of steps in a scale of ascending complexity, and it was thought possible thus to arrange the animal kingdom in a single series - the orders within the classes succeeding one another in regular gradation, and the classes succeeding one another in a similar rectilinear progression.
His Hamburg interests continued from that date onwards to multiply in something like geometrical progression.
Tisserand in 1895.1 It involved the action of no third mass, but depended solely upon the progression of the line of apsides in a moderately elliptical orbit due to the spheroidal shape of the globes traversing it.
It was early perceived by Huxley, Cope and many others that Cuvier's broad belief in a universal progression was erroneous, and there developed the distinction between " persistent primitive types " (Huxley) and " progressive types."
Deslandres,s who found that the successive differences in the frequencies formed an arithmetical progression.
The significance of the word "mean," i.e., middle, is seen by considering 3 instead of n quantities; these will be denoted by a, b, c. The arithmetic mean b, is seen to be such that the terms a, b, c are in arithmetical progression,.
It is obvious that at the end of n such operations the charge on A will be r n Q, so that the charge goes on increasing in geometrical progression.
They give the part of the tongue on which they occur the appearance and feel of a coarse rasp. The feet are furnished with round soft pads or cushions covered with thick, naked skin, one on the under surface of each of the principal toes, and one larger one of trilobed form, behind these, under the lower ends of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, which are placed nearly vertically in ordinary progression.
They are small longsnouted gerbil-like animals, mainly nocturnal, feeding on insects, and characterized by the great length of the metatarsal bones, which have been modified in accordance with their leaping mode of progression.
The formula of Dalton would make the pressure increase in geometrical progression for equal increments of temperature.
Sombart (Der moderne Kapitalismus, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1902), have propounded the doctrine of one gradual progression from an agricultural state to modern capitalistic conditions.
The two little claws of these toes, projecting together from the skin, may be of use in scratching and cleaning the fur of the animal, but the toes must have quite lost all connexion with the functions of support or progression.
In this process the weight of the body performs an important part, by acting upon the inclined planes formed by the wings in the plane of progression.
Of course there may be single taxes which are progressive in form, such as the licence tax in France, or the income tax in Great Britain, where progression is established by abatements, or the death duties, where progression by scale is very common.
A more detailed investigation of all the characters of the Ferns will be needed before the course of evolution thus broadly indicated can be traced, but the results obtained afford a deeper insight into the general method of progression and the selective factors in the process.
A competitive package with a fantastic opportunity for career progression awaits the successful candidate.
Instead of an editorial we get a ramble a sort of epistle with rather more urban angst than upbeat progression.
The moving chord progression and confident vocal style established Tom as a highly charismatic performer.
The most commonly cited reason for retention problems was a perceived lack of career progression.
The primary efficacy endpoint is progression to a new WHO HIV stage 4 disease or death.
Children went through a natural progression in their process of education, and there was a point when nurses became expendable.
A novel tumor suppressor gene implicated in colorectal cancer progression has also been identified by this group.
Multivariate models for predicting progression to AIDS and survival in human immunodeficiency virus-infected persons.
Consider whether the people making decisions on progression need any training to avoid pay inequity.
Grapes contain resveratrol, found to inhibit cancer initiation, promotion and progression.
The natural progression was for them to become intricate.
The music they played consisted of a rhythmic progression of simple chords, supporting improvised lyrics sung to a clave.
Doctors said junior medics will either be forced abroad or work in posts with no chance of career progression.
McAlindon TE, Jacques P, Zhang Y. Do antioxidant micronutrients protect against the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis?
Clinical efficacy TYSABRI is indicated as a single disease modifying therapy in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis to prevent relapses and delay progression of disability.
As all patients with symptomatic myeloma are now treated with long-term bisphosphonates, recurrent hypercalcaemia is not common unless there is disease progression.
What about the claim that GS may slow disease progression?
You can also help yourself to halt the progression of liver damage by stopping or reducing your intake of alcohol.
Her contract of employment contained a right to incremental progression on an annual basis.
By modulated I refer to the ability to pass from one state into another using a logical progression.
An abnormal amount hands is dubbed cyclic progression and how and why.
Secondly, we'll assess the natural progression of hair loss over time.
Indeed, the ' theme ' is the chord progression itself.
In return you will be joining a dynamic company, with plenty of room for sales career progression.
The four patients who were failure died secondary to tumor progression.
For 16q and WT1, some indication of which of these theories applies comes from the data on tumor progression.
The average delay in disease progression was about six months in people who progressed to AD.
Intensive compared with moderate blood pressure control did not affect the rate of progression of microalbuminuria to clinical proteinuria in the one available study.
The total number of MAs has been shown to be an indicator of likely future progression to more severe retinopathy.
As an athlete you should always be aiming to advance your physical capacities, adding a maintenance phase will only stagnate your progression.
Between those gateways, there will be annual progression unless a job holder is significantly underperforming.
Man is the chef-d'oeuvre of nature, which the gradual progression of beings was to have as its last term, and all lower creations are regarded as pre-conditions of man's existence, since nature " could only realize the human form by combining in all imaginable ways each of the traits which was to enter into it."
From the regular progression of the lines in the X-ray spectra of different elements Moseley was able tc indicate the number of elements yet to be discovered, and he cleared up certain anomalies in the periodic tables of the elements.
The distances separating the individual orbits in each group seem to approximate to a certain order of progression, expressed in Bode's law (see Bode).
This depends on the law of progression in the number of stars as the brightness diminishes.
The trials are now complete and results showed Tysabri reduced both relapse rates and the progression of disability in people with relapsing remitting MS.
There is no known way of retarding the progression of the deafness.
A number of keys for semitone progression can also be accommodated.
It had n't been too slow a progression from cold to enraptured and the show really flew along.
It is the route for progression to Level 2 which is required to work as a junior stylist in the hairdressing industry.
The vocational GCSEs are to be designed to enable a seamless progression into modern apprenticeships.
Let's take a look at the progression of these movies since the invention of motion pictures.
Use it to record the progression of your emotions as well as the milestones you achieve towards healing.
Along with the instructions are many pictures showing the progression of the bed as it is being built, making it easier to follow the instructions.
Thanks to their research, they will be the leaders in the progression toward a eco-friendly world.
The following timeline describes the progression of photovoltaic technology based on what physicists call the "photoelectric effect" of various elements.
One is a classic progression that is based on a wedge or pizza position.
You will work all the muscle groups in your body in a systematic progression.
Dr. James Mourilyan Tanner, a British pediatrician, studied the many body changes that occur during these years in a child's life and found they could be divided into various stages used to track progression through puberty.
Watching the progression throughout the years might be the best way to make a determination.
Curriculum - The core classes and study progression are arguably the most important part of a graduate program in psychology.
Next is the progression of assorting and attaching.
As an example, and using that F to C chord progression I just mentioned, you could play the F at the first fret of the E string while simultaneously picking the A note at the second fret of the G string.
After that, familiarize yourself with the song's chord progression.
If you enjoy movie-like progression in your video game, or if you're a mitachondria freak, then Parasaite Eve is for you.
A similar progression happened with network TV, and now look what they can do.
Commercial lenders like to see what you've done and where you're going in a nice logical progression.
If you learn stunts in a natural, skill-based progression, you're more likely to develop the muscle memory and knowledge-base to prevent future injury.
In our vast world of computer technology, body fat calculators have followed the progression accordingly.
It was a natural progression and evolution.
In many cases type 2 diabetes can be prevented or the progression of the illness slowed, by following a healthy lifestyle and eating a well-balanced diet.
Since there is no cure, treatment centers around slowing the progression of this damage and to reduce symptoms common to RA.
Programs include progression training, muscle mass and size training, a twelve week advanced program and more.
A good stretching progression includes quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, inner thighs, outer thighs, calves, lower back, abdominals, upper back muscles, shoulders, chest, neck, biceps, triceps and forearms.
The program includes the use of six workout videos, which are claimed to use "sectional progression to get slimmed and toned fast."
To some degree, you have control over this progression with strength training.
You will be provided with a number in order to track the progression of the claim.
The relationship between brothers Liam and Noel was notoriously unstable, and often affected the progression of the band.
The progression of British pop in the '90s demonstrates a rise in grand guitar anthems, from artists like Oasis, Blur, Ocean Colour Scene and the Bluetones.
Much of what made Pink Floyd the band that they are known as today was their dedication to the music and their personal progression.
Perhaps this graduation is the natural progression of a hobby to a career.
Bret has done many things in the entertainment industry, so it was a natural progression to go into reality programming and find love all at the same time.
The show isn't groundbreaking as it follows the same type of progression as other dating shows like Rock of Love and Flavor of Love.
Many viewers enjoy watching the progression of the ice skating talents with the celebrities; by the finale, the celebrities remaining can pull off some impressive skating feats.
A graduate of Beverly Hills High School and grandson to well-known fashion designer Edith Flagg, becoming a high-powered real estate professional simply seems to be a natural progression for him.
Harker enlists the assistance of Professor van Helsing, who recognizes the symptoms and progression of Lucy's and later Mina's 'illness' as the work of a feeding vampire.
The leitmotif is typically a chord progression, short melody or simple rhythm that recurs in music, literature or life.
He was thus led to conclude that chemistry is a branch of applied mathematics and to endeavour to trace a law according to which the quantities of different bases required to saturate a given acid formed an arithmetical, and the quantities of acids saturating a given base a geometrical, progression.
The chord progression to "Fear of Flying" is timed strangely and can be difficult to play.
The best thing to do is look at a chord progression chart for the song while you are playing along with the song.
Experts have documented common Alzheimer's stages, outlining progression signs that can be identified by family or medical professionals.
Though no cures exist for Alzheimer's disease, many individuals learn to enjoy each day without dwelling on the inevitable progression of the condition.
If dry macular degeneration develops, some studies indicate that the use of vitamins containing lutein and other minerals may be helpful in slowing the progression of the condition.
Other styles denote a progression of control over one's Sharingan powers.Itachi and Sasuke are brothers within this clan.
For example, Simmers Club Exchange is where you'll some of the more popular story progression mods.
Progression through the worlds is fairly linear.
The addition of a simple quest adds a vital element of progression and accomplishment to the game.
However, there are new characters and items, and game progression has changed a bit to keep things interesting.
You'll gain weapon upgrades as you play, lending a feeling of progression to your missions.
It motivates you, because you definitely get a sense of progression.
I would prefer a natural progression of difficulty on some of the songs by adding another rating in between.
These consisted of the classic sphere-collecting and avoiding stages from Sonic 3, after each completed stage a password is presented allowing for further progression at a later date.
Let's take a look at the progression of shooting games to what is now known as a shooter game.
The overall progression is surprisingly well-balanced and caters to both veterans and beginners alike.
The ideology of reincarnation is one of second chances, soul purpose and soul progression.
You may try to progressively work up to using FiveFinger shoes, but you should be very careful about the speed of progression, making sure you don't do too much too soon.
In normal cases, soap opera characters eventually leave the show, either due to a real life circumstance, poor response to the storyline or a natural progression of the character itself.
Pairing fairies with moon and star motifs is actually a very natural progression in design.
Peaceful Progression Wake-Up Clock - This clock uses not only the simulation of natural sunlight, and sounds of morning, but also uses scent to wake you gradually and thoroughly.
Was the decision part of a natural progression, or were you surprised?
It's offers a condensed overview of your career progression, as well as your current position which is what an employer is most interested in.
If we wish the successive divisions of the scale to correspond to equal increments in the density of the corresponding liquids, then the volumes of the instrument, measured up to the successive divisions of the scale, must form a series in harmonical progression, the lengths of the divisions increasing as we go up the stem.
In the polypetalous forms progression from hypogyny to epigyny is generally recognized, and where dorsiventrality with insect-pollination has been established, a dominant group has been developed as in the Leguminosae.
Here the ordinary processes of nature and progression of the seasons were symbolized under the figure of the death and resuscitation of the god.
The sequence of orders in the polypetalous subdivision of Dicotyledons undoubtedly represents a progression from simpler to more elaborate forms, but a great drawback to the value of the system is the inclusion among the Monochlamydeae of a number of orders which are closely allied with orders of Polypetalae though differing in absence of a corolla.
By the waves of contraction executed by the proboscis accompanied by inflation of the collar, progression is effected, sometimes with marvellous rapidity.
The teaching of history, during the three to four thousand years of which contemporary chronicles have been preserved, is that civilization is gradually developed in the course of ages by enlargement and increased precision of knowledge, invention and improvement of arts, and the progression of social and political habits and institutions towards general well-being.
On a long journey a horse should have occasional short drinks, and near the end a long drink with a slower rate of progression with the object of cooling off.
His universal process of Evolution seems to give Spencer a criterion of" higher "and" lower " progression "and" degeneration,"independent of the accidents of actual history, and unattainable by strictly Darwinian methods.
These epistles took their form at once from a natural progression of thought and from a new phase of controversy, a sort of Gnosticizing theory, or theories, which perverted Christian practice and impaired the supremacy of Christ by placing other beings or entities by His side.
He generalized Weber's law in the form that sensation generally increases in intensity as the stimulus increases by a constant function of the previous stimulus; or increases in an arithmetical progression as the stimulus increases in a geometrical ratio; or increases by addition of the same amount as the stimulus increases by the same multiple; or increases as the logarithm of the stimulus.
Rapid progression is, however, performed only by the powerful hind-limbs, the animals covering the ground by a series of immense bounds, during which the fore part of the body is inclined forwards, and balanced by the long, strong and tapering tail, which is carried horizontally backwards.
The two modes of progression overlap in human life, but the child's tendency when learning is to rest on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands, unlike the apes, which support themselves on the sides of the feet and the bent knuckles of the hands.
But such progression may arise in a different way and on different principles from those proposed in defence of a general system of progressive taxation.
In mathematics, he was the first to draw up a methodical treatment of mechanics with the aid of geometry; he first distinguished harmonic progression from arithmetical and geometrical progressions.
Now in order to [do] this, it appeared that in all the series the first term was x; that the second terms R- x 3 3x 3, 3x 3, &c., were in arithmetical progression; and consequently that the first two terms of all the series to be interpolated would be x-- 3, x- `3, x-- 3, &c.
As a matter of fact, as far as modern Europe is concerned, there has twice been a progression, separated by a period of retrogression, and it is to the latter that Bucher's picture of the agricultural and strictly protectionist town (the geschlossene Stadtwirtschaft) of the 14th and r 5th centuries belongs, while Sombart's notion of an entire absence of a spirit of capitalistic enterprise before the middle of the 15th century in Europe north of the Alps, or the 14th.
The successive conjunctions following will be along CR 2, CS2, CQ3, &c., the law of progression being obvious.
Added to this the spiders commonly copy to the life the mode of progression and the restless activities of their models.
The anatomy of the stele in the stem exhibits on the whole a progression from a solid protostele through a tubular solenostele to one or more circles of separate steles derived by the breaking up of the solenostele.
For, if the members of a natural kind had no common idea to unite them, scientific research, having nothing objective in view, could at best afford a Aoyos or definition of the appropriate particulars; and, as the discrimination of the One and the Good implied the progression of particulars towards perfection, such a Xbyos or definition could have only a temporary value.
As a believer in the progression of the human race, he placed the principle of moral approbation in the attainment of perfection.
The rhythm of his strokes felt good too, an order, a progression, a logical sequence, straight and definite.
Only when we have admitted the conception of the infinitely small, and the resulting geometrical progression with a common ratio of one tenth, and have found the sum of this progression to infinity, do we reach a solution of the problem.