Profoundly Sentence Examples
His position as a younger son profoundly influenced his future career.
De Beausset closed his eyes, bowed his head, and sighed deeply, to indicate how profoundly he valued and comprehended the Emperor's words.
It profoundly influenced the Messianic movement depicted in the Gospels.
It is profoundly unsatisfactory to regard mechanism as the whole ultimate truth.
On the 1st of October 1643 Frederick wedded Sophia Amelia of Brunswick Luneburg, whose .energetic, passionate and ambitious character was profoundly to affect not only Frederick's destiny but the destiny of Denmark.
It originates from germ-balls by a differentiation similar in general to that already described, though profoundly different in detail.
It will make us all profoundly wise, wiser than the wisest person who has ever lived.
The splendour of the imperial city profoundly impressed all the northern barbarians, and the Magyars, during the 10th century, saw a great deal of the Greeks.
The book's method and form are pervadingly allegorical; its instinct and aim are profoundly mystical.
In the southern hemisphere the Palaeozoic flora appears ultimately to have been profoundly modified by a lowering of temperature and the existence of glacial conditions over a wide area.
AdvertisementWhen we consider its moral effects, whilst endeavouring to avoid exaggeration, we must yet pronounce its influence to have been profoundly detrimental.
The ideas of the French Revolution profoundly influenced him, and wholly altered his career.
As to such reforms in our conceptions of disease the advances of bacteriology profoundly contributed, so under the stress of consequent discoveries, almost prodigious in their extent and revolutionary effect, the conceptions of the etiology of disease underwent no less a transformation than the conceptions of disease itself.
Extraordinary skill and endurance were shown by the men who carried the norimono and the kago, but none the less these vehicles were both profoundly uncomfortable.
At bottom the man was frivolous, profoundly selfish, unstable, and utterly incapable of consistency or application.
AdvertisementFor a time, owing partly to a misleading report of his statement, he became "the man in all Scotland most profoundly distrusted."
But he was a profoundly interested observer of affairs at home and among 1 The Assyrian term abubu is used of the great primeval deluge (in the Gilgamesh epic), and also of the local floods common in the country.
He was the real founder of the Romantic school; to him more than to any other member of the school we owe the revolutionizing and germinating ideas which influenced so profoundly the development of German literature at the beginning of the 19th century.
Though the Turks have profoundly affected the whole of eastern Europe, the result of their conquests has been not so much to plant Asiatic culture in Europe as to arrest development entirely, the countries under their rule remaining in much the same condition as under the moribund Byzantine empire.
Of the other great powers of Europe, England and Germany had been little changed by the Crusades, save that Germany had been extended towards the East by the conquests of the Teutonic Order; but the Eastern empire had been profoundly modified, and the papacy had suffered a great change.
AdvertisementThe defeats undergone by their outpost detachment had profoundly affected the nerves of the troops, and on the afternoon of the 11th, on the false alarm of a French approach, a panic broke out in the streets of Jena, and it took all the energy of Hohenlohe and his staff to restore order.
Clement occupies a profoundly interesting position in the history of Christianity.
But he was an active supporter of many popular movements - particularly of that which ended in the abolition of the slave trade; and he was throughout his entire life sincerely and profoundly attached to the political principles of the Whigs, both in their popular and in their aristocratic aspect.
But in the year 1215, at the fourth Lateran council, were made regulations destined profoundly to modify Benedictine polity and history.
Turkish entry into the war on the side of Germany profoundly affected the course of the war.
AdvertisementYet even given its unnaturalness, transgenesis is profoundly good.
Firdousi's own education eminently qualified him for the gigantic task which he subsequently undertook, for he was profoundly versed in the Arabic language arid 1'itefature and had also studied deeply the Pahlavi or Old Persian, and was conversant with the ancient historical records which existed in that tongue.
Sieyes, conscious that his political mechanism would merely winnow the air, until the profoundly able and forceful man at his side adapted it to the work of government, relapsed into silence; and his resignation of the office of consul, together with that of Ducos, was announced as imminent.
Whilst, however, the plant adapts itself to a great variety of climatic conditions and will grow on almost all kinds of soil, the flavour and quality of the produce are profoundly affected by variations in these two factors.
The publication of this letter caused a wide sensation in England and abroad, and profoundly agitated the court of Naples.
Besides all this he was probably more profoundly acquainted with the literature and bibliography of medicine than any one before or since.
In character it is profoundly " pneumatic "; Paul's super-earthly Spirit-Christ here breathes and speaks, and invites a corresponding spiritual comprehension.
But the American Revolution profoundly influenced the life of Canada.
Some of his speeches in Great Britain, coming as they did from a French-Canadian, and revealing delicate appreciation of British sentiment and thorough comprehension of the genius of British institutions, excited great interest and enthusiasm, while one or two impassioned speeches in the Canadian parliament during the Boer war profoundly influenced opinion in Canada and had a pronounced effect throughout the empire.
First, as already mentioned, it outlines the general features of the Dipleurula; secondly, it indicates the way in which this free-moving form became fixed, and how its internal organs were modified in consequence; but when we seek, thirdly, for light on the relations of the classes, we find the features of the adult coming in so rapidly that such intermediate stages as may have existed are either squeezed out or profoundly modified.
Further, their structure is profoundly modified by the curious condition of the free ends of the depending filaments.
A text so transmitted must in the lapse of time be profoundly though insensibly modified, its forms and expressions modernized, and, if widely disseminated, local variations introduced into it.
Strange, too, as it may sound, Peter the Great was at heart profoundly religious.
But, while he fully recognized his indebtedness to his master, he differed from him profoundly in one fundamental respect.
This common source we may believe with Lightfoot to have been the Persian religion, which we know to have profoundly influenced that of Israel, independently of the Essenes.
It is profoundly affecting to contemplate this man, a mere wreck from gout, shrinking from no fatigue, no labour, and no personal sacrifices; disregarding the obstacles and difficulties thrown in his way by cardinals and temporal princes, whose fatal infatuation refused to see the peril which hung above them all; recurring time after time, with all his intellect and energy, to the realization of his scheme; and finally adopting the high-hearted resolve of placing himself at the head of the crusade.
It was on an island off Savannah that Spangenberg startled John Wesley with his questions and profoundly influenced his future career.
After a good private education at Brussels, he was sent to Oxford, and thence to Erlangen; a subsequent residence at Edinburgh and the relations there formed with prominent Whigs profoundly influenced his political views.
Again, several species of this order have become profoundly modified in form in imitation of inedible beetles.
An example of the latter occurs in Singapore where the vicious red spinning-ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) is mimicked by the larva of a Noctuid moth and by spiders belonging to two distinct families, namely, Saltiicus plataleoides (Salticidae) and Amyciaea forticeps (Thomisidae), there being no reason to suppose that either the moth larva or the spiders are protected forms. Mimetic aggregations of species similar to those mentioned above have been found in other countries; but the instances cited are sufficient to show how widespread are the influences of mimicry and how profoundly it has modified the insect fauna of various parts of the world.
The position of the Alps about the centre of the European continent has profoundly modified the climate of all the surrounding regions.
In his exposition of such ideas Gregory made a distinct advance upon the older theology and influenced profoundly the dogmatic development of the future.
As in other cell-walls, so here the older membranes may be altered by deposits of various substances, such as resin, calcium oxalate, colouring matters; or more profoundly altered throughout, or in definite layers, by lignification, suberization (Trametes, Daedalea), or swelling to a gelatinous mucilage (Tremella, Gymnosporangium), while cutinization of the outer layers is common.
These variations in the properties of iron are brought about in part by corresponding variations in mechanical and thermal treatment, by which it is influenced profoundly, and in part by variations in the proportions of certain foreign elements which it contains; for, unlike most of the other metals, it is never used in the pure state.
In view of the fact that the presence of 1% of carbon implies that 15% of the soft ductile ferrite is replaced by the glass-hard cementite, it is not surprising that even a little carbon influences the properties of the metal so profoundly.
It arises from a general awakening to the fact that the growth of our psychological and biological knowledge must profoundly transform the traditional epistemology.
He was profoundly influenced by Robert Haldane, the Scottish missionary and preacher who visited Geneva.
The point of view is to be modified profoundly by what follows - by the doctrine of the class-concept behind the class, of the form or idea as the constitutive formula of a substance, or, again, by the requirement that an essential attribute must be grounded in the nature or essence of the substance of which it is predicated, and that such attributes alone are admissible predicates from the point of view of the strict ideal of science.
These tidings profoundly impressed Sultan Murad, and when the victorious Wladislaus appeared at Lemberg, the usual starting-point for Turkish expeditions, the Porte offered terms which were accepted in October, each power engaging to keep their borderers, the Cossacks and Tatars, in order, and divide between them the suzerainty of Moldavia and Walachia, the sultan binding himself always to place philo-Polish hospodars on those slippery thrones.
The nation was profoundly disgusted with his unscrupulous policy, and the greater part of the leaders of the late insurrection had escaped abroad and were weaving new plots.
The medieval colony in Ireland was profoundly modified by the pressure of the surrounding tribes.
Also, from P alone it would have been equally impossible to recover the non-priestly forms. But while there is no immeasurable gulf between the canonical book of Genesis and Jubilees, the internal study of the former reveals traces of earlier traditions most profoundly different as regards thought and contents.
For the latter reason alone, many medical ethicists consider it to be a profoundly immoral procedure when done on humans.
The military response is not just politically foolish but profoundly wicked.
Indeed, on every subject beside mathematics, he was profoundly ignorant.
My own view is that this is a profoundly mistaken analysis.
The tragedies of the past have left a deep and profoundly regrettable legacy of suffering.
A child enters the world both profoundly ignorant and deeply sinful.
The current system is deeply inhumane and profoundly unjust.
The death of Jesus as a criminal, and his resurrection, profoundly aroused the belief and hopes of the little group of Jews who were his followers.
The coming of the northern peoples into the Roman world profoundly modified Christianity.
In the winter of 1873-1874 she visited Egypt, and was profoundly impressed by the new openings for archaeological research.
But there can be no doubt that Ferdinand was profoundly pious.
This is due in some degree to the energy of the early British geologists, whose work profoundly influenced all subsequent thought in the science, as may be seen by the general acceptation of so many of the English stratigraphical terms; but the natural conditions were such as to call forth and to stimulate this energy in an unusual way.
It is characteristic of the two men that the latter, a transcendental dreamer, appears to have thought little of his visitor, while Confucius, an inquiring thinker, was profoundly impressed with him.
It is divided into three co-ordinate branches, legislative, executive and judicial, and is carried on under the provisions of the constitution of 1886, profoundly modified by the amendments of 1905.
Only those who know the incredible rashness of the revolutionary doctrine in the mouths of its most powerful professors at that time; only those who know their absorption in ends and their inconsiderateness about means, can feel how profoundly right Burke was in all this part of his contention.
Fox still held to his old opinions as stoutly as he could, and condemned and opposed the war which England had declared against the French republic. Burke, who was profoundly incapable of the meanness of letting personal estrangement blind his eyes to what was best for the commonwealth, kept hoping against hope that each new trait of excess in France would at length bring the great Whig leader to a better mind.
Its narrow and dogmatic teaching was profoundly repugnant to him, and he soon abandoned it for the study of public law.
The whole course of the early history of Wisconsin was profoundly influenced by these racial and geographic considerations.
A profoundly touching impression was created throughout the whole world by the suicide of Gen.
The second, from 1835 to 1885, profoundly influenced by German idealism, was increasingly rationalistic, though its theology was largely flavoured by mysticism.
His Discours sur l'etat des lettres au XIIIe siecle, in the sixteenth volume of the Histoire litteraire de France, is a remarkable contribution to that vast collection, especially as coming from an author so profoundly learned in the ancient classics.
The structure of the head in Arthropods presents three profoundly separated grades of structure dependent upon the number of prosthomeres which have been assimilated by the prae-oral region.
Locke is apt to be forgotten now, because in his own generation he so well discharged the intellectual mission of initiating criticism of human knowledge, and of diffusing the spirit of free inquiry and universal toleration which has since profoundly affected the civilized world.
All we can say is that in the development of Christian thought the conflict of conceptions was far more profoundly felt, and far more serious efforts were made to evade or transcend it.
It will be seen that these changes, however profoundly important, were, ethically considered, either negative or quite general, ralating to the tone and attitude of mind in which all duty should be done.
This substitution of hypothetical history for direct analysis of the moral sense is really older than the utilitarianism of Paley and Bentham, which it has so profoundly modified.
But with the receptivity of a great eclectic he combined the reconstructive power of a profoundly original thinker.
He was at that time profoundly affected by German Romanticism, as represented by his friend Friedrich Schlegel.
The "Hercynian " earth-movements, which so profoundly affected north-west and north-central Europe at the close of Carboniferous times, gave rise to a series of east and west folds in the Irish region.
The glacial deposits profoundly modified the surface of the country, whether they resulted from the melting of the ice-sheets of the time of maximum glaciation, or from the movements of local glaciers.
The Breton bishops were for the most part abbots of monasteries, who had but little consideration for the territorial limits of the civitates; and many of the religious usages of the Bretons differed profoundly from those of the Franks.
In the provincial and national councils he played an important part, notably at Toledo in 610, at Seville in 619 and in 633 at Toledo, which profoundly modified the organization of the church in Spain.
Profoundly versed in the Latin as well as in the Christian literature, his indefatigable intellectual curiosity led him to condense and reproduce in encyclopaedic form the fruit of his wide reading.
The Calician who spoke, and still speaks, a language of his own, was profoundly P 11.
Foreign influences in thought and literature began to modify the opinions of Spaniards profoundly.
Ideas of world revolution appear profoundly chimerical to virtually everyone in the Soviet Union today.
For example, a bank should ask a profoundly deaf person what sort of communication support they prefer.
The program of the communists in Germany is informed by this profoundly democratic approach.
A personal story about a community initiative to provide respite care for profoundly disabled children in Tower Hamlets, London, UK.
The alternative is to send their children to the local denominational school with whose ethos they may profoundly disagree.
This is a profoundly dishonest account of what is troubling Europe.
Our NHS culture profoundly affects our actions, and yet is largely hidden from us.
It gives meaning and value to their way of life, and in that sense is profoundly holistic.
These affirmations are profoundly hypnotic and soothing, allowing you to absorb the affirmation on a very deep level.
Rousseau, tho he thought he was liberating the people, was in fact profoundly illiberal.
However, it would be profoundly inequitable to fund honors and postgraduate provision at the same level as HE in an FE college.
Bizet was one of the most profoundly gifted musicians of the 19th Century.
The abundance of animal imagery, most of the negative or pejorative, express a profoundly pessimistic world view.
Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.
Yet putting the question in this empty fashion is a profoundly reactionary procedure.
Lady Thomas All members of the College were profoundly saddened by the death of Lady Thomas on 12th October 2002.
Preaching, caring for the flock and equipping the saints can be profoundly secular.
She moves the reader profoundly without ever becoming sentimental.
To many of her first readers she was profoundly shocking.
We believe profoundly that a close study of the events of that time would immensely benefit the militant socialists of all countries.
Many of the astronauts have found that view a profoundly spiritual experience.
The latter were profoundly thankful for the very thing which the first group had found faulty.
Charles II marched into London in 1660 to become the new king of a profoundly traumatized realm.
Secondly, an unhealthy dualism that exalts " spirituality " over concrete action and practice is not only profoundly unchristian, but also dangerous.
Cave's appears profoundly uninterested in watching his South Bank moment; " I don't put myself through that sort of thing.
As well as being profoundly socially unjust, the Tories were also grossly inefficient.
Scholars agree in associating the earliest concordats with the celebrated contest about investitures (q.v.), which so profoundly agitated Christian Europe in the 11th and 12th centuries.
Least of all can it conduce to the formation of sound critical standards for the new instrumentation which is now in process of development for the future forms of instrumental music. These, we cannot doubt, will be as profoundly influenced by Wagner as the sonata style was influenced by Gluck.
The fall of the Right on the 18th of March 1876 was an event destined profoundly and in many respects adversely to affect the course of Italian history.
Within four weeks of the adoption of this bill the bombardment of Alexandria by the British fleet (11th July 1882) opened an era destined profoundly to affect the colonial position of Italy.
Furthermore they are profoundly 1 See Ionian School Of Philosophy.
He argued from past history that 2 Kautzsch, in his profoundly learned article on the " Religion of Israel," to which frequent reference has been made, exhibits (pp. 669-671) an excess of scepticism, in our opinion, towards the views propounded by Gunkel in 1895 (Schopfung and Chaos) respecting the intimate connexion between the early Hebrew cosmogonic ideas and those of Babylonia.
They identify with Deuteronomy the law-roll which explains the noteworthy reforms of Josiah (§ 16); but since it is naturally admitted that religious conditions had become quite inconsistent with Mosaism, the conservative view implies that the " long-lost " Deuteronomy must have differed profoundly from any known Mosaic writings to which earlier pious kings and prophets had presumably adhered.
The influence of parasitism has so profoundly influenced its structure that its affinities are obscured by the development of specialized and adaptive features.
It thus has obviously nothing to do with the Roman liturgy; but as an independent setting of the text it is one of the most sublime and profoundly religious works in all art; and its singular perfection as a design is nowhere more evident than in its numerous adaptations of earlier works.
Meanwhile, at Rome, Silvester Mazzolini of Prierio, a Dominican monk and Inquisitor, had been studying the Theses, was profoundly dissatisfied with them, and wrote a Dialogue about the Power of the Pope, against the presumptuous conclusions of Martin Luther.
Meanwhile, Germany was being profoundly influenced by the great aesthetic revival known as the Romantic Movement, which began with the worship of medieval art and literature, and ended with the worship of medieval religion.
Natasha's face and eyes would have to tell her all more clearly and profoundly.
We believe profoundly that a close study of the events of that time would immensely benefit the militant Socialists of all countries.
This atheism is profoundly theological, for the theodicy question -- If there is a good God, why all this evil?
Cave 's appears profoundly uninterested in watching his South Bank moment; I do n't put myself through that sort of thing.
The EU 's politicians are wrestling with crucial policy dilemmas which will profoundly affect the future shape of the Union.
First and foremost, cats and dogs are profoundly different.
Fragrances are such personal things, yet they make a profoundly public statement.
Even the most profoundly spoken actor has a blunder every once in awhile.
Just do remember when you and your dog are as close as the senator was with his two, a dog can be profoundly affected at the sudden loss of his best friend, not to mention all the flurry of activity that comes at such a time.
What makes it interesting is that your play the good side and the bad side and it's hard to choose which side to be on because the characters are so profoundly developed that you'll find yourself empathizing with their actions and thoughts.
Only 1 to 2 percent of the mentally retarded population is classified as profoundly retarded.
Profoundly retarded individuals have IQ scores under 20 to 25.
The profoundly retarded need a high level of structure and supervision.
At the other end of the spectrum, pervasive support, or life-long, daily support for most adaptive areas, would be required for profoundly retarded individuals.
Moderate to profoundly retarded individuals usually require supervised community living.
It is not unusual for the profoundly deaf child at age four or five years to only have two-word spoken sentences.
It is only on entering specialized training programs for oral language development that the profoundly deaf child begins to acquire more spoken language.
Many deaf children learning English have pronounced difficulties in articulation and speech quality, especially if they are profoundly deaf, since they get no feedback in how they sound.
Cochlear implants may be used for profoundly deaf children aged two to six.
Cochlear implants may be used in children who are profoundly deaf and thus are not candidates for hearing aids.
The sounds and babblings of this stage of language development are identical in babies throughout the world, even among those who are profoundly deaf.
Some people are barely bothered, while others find the obsessions and compulsions to be profoundly traumatic and spend much time each day in compulsive actions.
Bone growth, bone remodeling, and the timing of skeletal maturation are all profoundly affected by nutritional status throughout the growing period.
Scorpio is a water sign and, in general, water signs are profoundly governed by their emotions and convictions.
The Gothic crowd embraces the design for its profoundly romantic appeal that blends so well with its darker aspects.
From fecund egg to ravenous caterpillar (larva) to metamorphosing pupa to parental adult, the butterfly's life is profoundly meaningful.
We have an audience that cares so much about this music and it touches them so profoundly that we hope we've done our job by providing it.
Noted yoga scholar Georg Feuerstein says, "If we genuinely desire to know ourselves more profoundly and make sense of the world in which we live, yoga is a reliable, well-tested vehicle."
It is profoundly understood and realized through research that maintaining a healthy weight is key to disease prevention.
Her divorce is briefly mentioned on the show, but it does not appear to have had a profoundly negative effect on the person she is nowadays.
Sleuthing mostly, but it didn't take me long to realize that most people give a lot away if you listen and observe profoundly.
He has profoundly influenced British thinking, but is little known abroad.
The closed ovary implies a mode of fertilization which is profoundly different, and which was probably correlated with a simultaneous development of insect life.
From this moment may be dated the personal reign of Peter, for he now began to direct personally all branches of the administration, and governed with indefatigable vigour for twenty-seven years, during which he greatly increased the area and profoundly modified the internal condition of his country.
No historical record has been preserved of these latter, but they appear to have profoundly affected the population of Bengal, which is believed to be MongoloDravidian in composition.
But she had now come profoundly to distrust him.
As Cousin says, " Realism and Nominalism were undoubtedly there in germ, but their true principles with their necessary consequences remained profoundly unknown; their connexion with all the great questions of religion and politics was not even suspected.
The Boers profoundly despised the military power of Great Britain, and there was no reason why they, any more than Germany or France, should contemplate the possibility of the empire standing together as a whole in such a cause.
The English school of medicine was also profoundly stirred by the teachings of the two brothers William and John Hunter, especially the latter - who must therefore be briefly mentioned, though their own researches were chiefly concerned with subjects lying a little outside the limits of this sketch.
The cuneiform system of writing Semitic. w as still in process of growth when it was borrowed influence p g and adapted by the new comers, and the Semitic Babylonian language was profoundly influenced by the older language of the country, borrowing its words and even its grammatical usages.
He came to know German philosophy and criticism, especially the criticism of Baur and the Tubingen school, which affected profoundly his construction of Christian history.
The French Revolution affected Fox profoundly.
But his example and his zeal profoundly influenced for good the Irish poor forming the majority of his flock; and the "League of the Cross" which he founded, and which held annual demonstrations at the Crystal Palace, numbered nearly 30,000 members in London alone in 1874.
It dominated the intellectual and profoundly affected the social interests of western Europe.
The mission of Lord Durham; the publication of his famous report; the union of the two Canadas; the administrations of Lord Sydenham, Sir Charles Bagot, and Sir Charles Metcalfe, filled the years immediately succeeding 1837 with intense political interest, and in their results have profoundly influenced the constitution of the British Empire.
The raising of Lazarus, in appearance a massive, definitely localized historical fact, requires a similar interpretation, unless we would, in favour of the direct historicity of a story peculiar to a profoundly allegorical treatise, ruin the historical trustworthiness of the largely historical Synoptists in precisely their most complete and verisimilar part.
Mr Roosevelt entered the presidency definitely committed to two principles which profoundly affected his course as chief executive of the United States.
The epoch-making events which occurred in England, while he was at Oxford profoundly interested him, and coinciding with the Revolution in Denmark, which threw open a career to the middle classes, convinced him that his proper sphere was politics.
Schumacher seems to have been profoundly impressed by the administrative superiority of a strong centralised monarchy in the hands of an energetic monarch who knew his own mind; and, in politics, as in manners, France ever afterwards was his model.
The immediate cause of war - the murder of the heir to the throne - had profoundly impressed all the Austrian peoples, and the belief that efforts were being made from without to destroy the old empire produced among them a strong reaction in favour of its preservation.
But it is no more than an accident that this year constitutes the dividing line in both cases, the change in the United States being due to the Civil War, which so profoundly influenced the fiscal, economic and political history of the country in all directions.
Aelius Stilo (c. 1 54 - c. 74), who is described by Cicero as profoundly learned in Greek and Latin literature, and as an accomplished critic of Roman antiquities and of ancient authors.
The rocks of Secondary and Tertiary ages have been profoundly affected by the Alpine movements, and are thrown into a series of complex folds, so that in numerous instances their stratigraphy is imperfectly understood.
Profoundly troubled as Algeria was in the last years of the 19th century by the anti-Semitic agitation, which occasioned frequent changes of governors, it appears to-day to have turned aside from sterile political struggles to interest itself exclusively in the economic development of the country.
At the very outset of his labours he had been profoundly impressed with a sense of his responsibility towards the numerous outcast children who were growing up around him in ignorance and crime.
His work was destroyed,' but the copious extracts which we find in Lactantius, Augustine, Jerome, Macarius Magnus and others show how profoundly he had studied the Christian writings, and how great ' was his talent for real historical research.
It is true that pleasure is the summum bonum of Epicurus, but his conception of that pleasure is profoundly modified by the Socratic doctrine of prudence and the eudaemonism of Aristotle.
His contemporary, Dempster, called him the "phoenix of his age, a philosopher profoundly skilled in the Greek and Latin languages, and a mathematician worthy of being compared with the ancients."
But his Report, published in the following year, is a masterly survey of the situation and included recommendations that profoundly influenced the later history of Canada.
Meanwhile a policy destined to affect profoundly the future of the Dominion had, along with that of the construction of the Canadian Pacific railway, become a subject of burning political discussion and party division.
But the essence of his teaching has triumphed in effect, and has profoundly modified the views of artists, critics and the public, although it is but rarely accepted as complete or final.
Its ductility, to which it owes its value, is profoundly affected by the rate of cooling.
Impurities.-The properties of iron and steel, like those of most of the metals, are profoundly influenced by the presence of small and sometimes extremely small quantities of certain impurities, of which the most important are phosphorus and sulphur, the former derived chiefly from apatite (phosphate of lime) and other minerals which accompany the iron ore itself, the latter from the pyrite found not only in most iron ores but in nearly all coal and coke.
This profoundly national character disengaged itself gradually, and has been more strikingly evident since 1870.
Though not profoundly learned, he was a man of wide and various information, whose interests and sympathies k embraced many branches of human knowledge.
A comparison between the Essenes and the Neopythagoreans shows a parallel so striking as to warrant the theory that the Essenes were profoundly influenced by Neopythagoreanism.
The outbreak of the Crimean War profoundly moved the German nation.
Thus was ushered in the series of stupendous events which were to change the face of Europe and profoundly to affect the destinies of Austria.
That period was the period of the Reformation, which profoundly affected the politics of Scandinavia.
Thus the privileges of the bishops and of Copenhagen profoundly irritated the lower clergy and the unprivileged towns, and made a cordial understanding impossible, till Hans Svane, bishop of Copenhagen, and Hans Nansen the burgomaster, who now openly came forward as the leader of the reform movement, proposed that the privileges which divided the non-noble Estates should be abolished.
In 1521 Christian travelled in Germany, and was present at the diet of Worms, where Luther's behaviour profoundly impressed him.
Without being so forward as the rival city of Augsburg to embrace the architectural fashions of the Italian renaissance - continuing, indeed, to be profoundly imbued with the old and homely German burgher spirit, and to wear, in a degree which time has not very much impaired even yet, the quaintness of the old German civic aspect - she had imported before the close of the 15th century a fair share of the new learning of Italy, and numbered among her citizens distinguished humanists like Hartmann Schedel, Sebald Schreier, Willibald Pirkheimer and Conrad Celtes.
It was, however, profoundly repugnant to him.
He had been profoundly moved by the widely-spread distresses in his earlier years.
Not only external configuration but geological structure also has profoundly influenced the progress of the inhabitants.
These reforms profoundly modified and in some cases abolished older organizations which had grown inadequate to modern wants.
The old organism is more stable and responds in obvious ways to direct assaults from without; the young organism is at once less stable and more profoundly modified by environmental change, replying in terms less easy to predict from knowledge of the nature and amount of the impinging agency.
If, for instance, the testes fail to develop normally, the secretion which they discharge into the blood is abnormal in character and amount, with the result that the characters of the remotest parts of the body are more or less profoundly affected.
The medieval Church was even more profoundly convinced than its predecessor that the miraculous power of Deity attached to the bodies of saints and their relics.
It has created a literature and a religion for more than a third of the human race, and has profoundly affected the beliefs of the rest.
The Buddhist dynasty of Chandragupta profoundly modified the religion of northern India from the east; the Seleucid empire, with its Bactrian and later offshoots, deeply influenced the science and art of Hindustan from the west.
The popes of the Renaissance were profoundly uninterested in theology; they were far more at home in an art gallery, or in fighting to recover their influence as temporal Italian princes, gravely shattered during the long residence of the papal court at Avignon in the 14th century.
He entered parliament in 1872 as a liberal Catholic, attaching himself at first to the Deal party; but the feudal and ultramontane traditions of his family circle profoundly modified, though they could never destroy, his popular ideals.
Cirques, valley troughs, numberless beautiful cascades, sharpened alpine peaks and ridges, glacial lakes, and valley moraines offer everywhere abundant evidence of glacial action, which has modified profoundly practically all the ranges.
In addition to this he provided the means for studying the phenomena not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, by the profoundly ingenious instruments he invented for that purpose.
Thomson also developed this hypothesis in a profoundly interesting manner, and we may therefore summarize very briefly the views held on the nature of electricity and matter at the beginning of the 10th century by saying that the term electricity had come to be regarded, in part at least, as a collective name for electrons, which in turn must be considered as constituents of the chemical atom, furthermore as centres of certain lines of self-locked and permanent strain existing in the universal aether or electromagnetic medium.
The Chinese conception of the Shin under the name of Shin-to (Chinese tao) or " spirits'-way " profoundly influenced Japanese thought from the 6th century A.D.
Naturally delicate and highly-strung, he was profoundly stirred by the horrors of the siege of Lyons.
The need of a larger supply of educated ministers for home and for mission work alike soon came to be profoundly felt, and resulted in the establishment of Columbian College, Washington (now George Washington University), with its theological department (1821), intended to be a national Baptist institution.
His work divides itself into two classes - the one profoundly melancholy, the other witty or boisterous.
The climate of northern and central Chile is profoundly affected by the high mountain barrier on the eastern frontier and by the broad treeless pampas of Argentina, which raise the easterly moisture-laden winds from the Atlantic to so high an elevation that they sweep across Chile without leaving a drop of rain.
The opening up of the diamond mines at Kimberley (1870) followed (1886) by the discovery of the Witwatersrand goldfields completely revolutionized the economic situation and profoundly modified the history of the country.
The Portuguese intermarried freely with their slaves, and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation.
Meantime he studied Spinoza and Plato, and was profoundly influenced by both, though he was never a Spinozist; he made Kant more and more his master, though he departed on fundamental points from him, and finally remodelled his philosophy; with some of Jacobi's positions he was in sympathy, and from Fichte and Schelling he accepted ideas, which in their place in his system, however, received another value and import.
Poverty has been the real cause of all these disturbances, which were often aggravated by the existence of factions profoundly indicative of barbarism.
The very heaviness of his soul caused him to sleep profoundly.
We have been profoundly marked by the experience of our economic and social pioneering and remain marked by it to this day.
And while it may not be perfect, life will be profoundly better for everyone on the planet.
We have seen it most recently and most profoundly in the Arab Spring, where the motto we see again and again is Ash-sha'b yurid isqat an-nizam, or "The people want to bring down the regime."
Their influence upon the young tsar was profoundly beneficial, and the period of their administration coincides with the most glorious period of Ivan's reign - the period of the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan.
This subject brings the domain of pathology, however, into touch with that of variation, and we are profoundly ignorant as to the complex of external conditions which would decide in any given case how far a variation in form would be prejudicial or otherwise to the continued existence of a species.
The early myths, legends and traditions which can be traced differ profoundly from the canonical history, and the gap is wider than that between the latter and the subsequent apocalyptical and pseudepigraphical literature.
The possession of silk-glands has also profoundly influenced the geographical distribution of spiders and has enabled them to cross arms of the sea and establish themselves on isolated oceanic islands which most of the orders of Arachnida are unable to reach.
The campaign by which the Central Powers and Bulgaria crushed Serbia for the time being, and by their triumph opened communications through Bulgaria with the Ottoman Empire, profoundly influenced the situation in the Gallipoli Peninsula.
It has profoundly affected and to a large extent subjugated all western Asia including India, all eastern and northern Africa as well as Spain, and all eastern Europe.
Their volumes make profoundly dry reading.
A full-scale, no-holds-barred, nuclear-missiles-raining-down kind of world war would profoundly change the course of human history for all time.
Butler fears profoundly that there must be a just God who will punish us.