Profitable Sentence Examples
I'm trying to make this a profitable business.
Dredging for gold, however, seems likely to prove very profitable and gold dust is found in practically every river in the hills.
Of these some still exist; others, ceasing to be profitable, have been abandoned.
Since many of the poor were not able-bodied, the workhouses were not profitable institutions.
Large quantities of frozen and preserved meat are exported, profitable prices being realized.
There is also a profitable shark fishery in the hands of Arabs.
If the dairy didn't prove profitable, she would have to go back to Wal-Mart.
The slaves must be religiously educated, and stimulated to profitable industry.
Keywords are most profitable when they are narrow in scope.
The problem of the profitable treatment of the sulphide ores has been practically solved here.
AdvertisementStartup costs are not always the only investment needed, as you may need to supply the business with funds throughout the first years until it's profitable.
The business subsequently proved profitable, good dividends were paid, and the securities for the most part commanded a premium in the market.
In 1889 the extension of the railway from Ladysmith through the coal area first made coalmining profitable.
It is more profitable to turn from the life of the household to the outdoor occupations of the fields, where the early Roman settler met with his neighbours to celebrate the various stages of the agricultural year in religious ceremonies which afterwards became the festivals of the state calendar.
His wife's prudence was a corrective to his own unpractical temperament, and his efforts in journalism became fairly profitable.
AdvertisementThere is a considerable area under vines, but it is generally more profitable to sell the fruit as grapes than to convert it into wine.
Foreign readers of Maine have perhaps understood even better than English ones that he is not the propounder of a system but the pioneer of a method, and that detailed criticism, profitable as it may be and necessary as in time it must be, will not leave the method itself less valid or diminish the worth of the master's lessons in its use.
Owing to the richness of the volcanic soil, agriculture in the Canaries is usually very profitable.
She made the long-neglected garden profitable; kept pigs and poultry; rented other gardens; stocked a fishpond; farmed in a small way; and had her house full of boarders.
Unfortunately it has been hitherto found impossible to deal with these gases in any profitable way.
AdvertisementThe first application of this machine for the present purpose seems to have been made in 1875 and the number of patents soon rapidly increased; but although a large amount of capital was invested and many very ingenious inventions made their appearance, it took nearly another twenty years before the manufacture of alkali in this way was carried out in a continuous way on a large scale and with profitable results.
The Afghans are expert agriculturists and make profitable use of all the natural sources of water-supply.
It is said to be very profitable, though it takes three years to mature.
In 1761 it was found expedient and profitable to dethrone Mir Jafar, the nawab of Murshidabad, and substitute his son-in-law, Mir Kasim, in his place.
When the Philippines were discovered by the Spaniards it was the only cultivated crop of importance, and until the 19th century it was the chief article of export, but as the culture of the more profitable crops of hemp, sugar and coco-nuts was extended it became an article of import.
AdvertisementIt will undoubtedly make the most profitable seeds possible but not necessarily the healthiest.
Many individuals find it profitable to start online retail businesses.
It can also be a profitable enterprise if you're interested in putting your wares up for sale.
Insurance companies often prefer to do business with larger corporations that have plenty of employees because this is usually more profitable than supplying group health insurance to small businesses.
What you choose depends on how long you are willing to invest with your money, and if the difference in interest is significant enough to make the longer term much more profitable.
The average daily gain in live weight is thus arrived at, and as the animal increases in age this average gradually diminishes, until the daily gain reaches a stage at which it does not afford any profitable return upon the food consumed.
The ancient glass-bead industry (conterie), which some years since suffered severely from over-production, has now regained its position through the union of the different factories, by which the output is controlled in such a way as to render trade profitable.
In the reign of the emperor Akbar the mines of Panna produced diamonds to the amount of Ioo,000 annually, and were a considerable source of revenue, but for many years they have not been so profitable.
They have carried the art of irrigation to great per fection, and they utilize every acre of profitable soil.
That is why a second letter is crucial to making this campaign more profitable.
While you may need to treat a troubled business with tender loving care and invest money into it, doing so may be worthwhile if you think you can overcome its problems and make it profitable.
It can take 3 to 5 years for a new business to become profitable.
Others may interpret the data as evidence that over-spending automakers failed to determined accurate and actual costs to remain profitable.
Since almost everyone sends cards on birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions, there are many ways for you to turn a love of creating handmade greeting cards into a profitable home-based business.
This new line of business was profitable, and Extendicare bought nine more hospitals in the next two years.
This makes this particular insurance company more memorable, and as a result, potentially more profitable.
Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the rising cost of providing coverage and staying profitable, which means they have had to make changes to the terms of the coverage they offer.
Reinsurance makes it possible to offer more coverage and brokers deal with each plan (or group of plans) to reinvest and make things profitable.
Stein set out to create a better bra, and in doing so, started the ball rolling on what would eventually become a very popular and profitable company.
In a strange phenomenon, that actually became profitable for labels in the early 1990's.
The company is also known for trying to keep their amount of open shows at the most profitable level.
If the restaurant does not become profitable within three months, the chance of redemption is over.
Entrepreneurs developing new social networks for niche groups, hobbies or other special interests must learn how to market their social networking sites if they hope to grow them large enough to become profitable.
Website owners must find methods to draw users to their sites in order for them to be profitable.
It all comes down to keeping visitors interested in returning and whether the advertisers will continue to support the free site long enough to keep it profitable.
However, a growing number of people are starting to actively take part in profitable blogging.
In this article, you'll learn some general guidelines to how you can make your own blog more profitable.
With that said, if you're willing to dedicate at least two or three hours a day to building a profitable blog, then your dream to generate online income will become a reality.
Just because you're writing well, and using keywords that are focused on what people are searching for, doesn't mean you'll have a magically profitable blog overnight.
If you stick to writing high quality content every day, and remain persistent and dedicated, in just a few short years you will become a very successful and profitable blogger.
In order for social media to be profitable, the marketer must gain the reader's trust by providing information that is simultaneously enlightening, informative, and, if possible, entertaining.
Use the Google Adwords keyword tool to identify the most popular and profitable keywords within your niche.
Google calculates the Potential Earnings of your keywords, which are different from the most profitable CPC keywords.
Consider blogging on the most popular search terms on the Internet or the 500 most profitable keywords.
Identify the top fifty most profitable keywords, storing them in an Excel spreadsheet for future reference.
Write a blog post by creating an interesting title out of your first most profitable keyword.
Yet, a few companies are still producing catalogs refusing to give up what they see as a customer friendly and marketing profitable way to promote their outfits.
Keyword Research Pro offers online marketers the ability to find a profitable niche that has low competition.
In 1390 he celebrated the regular jubilee, but a rather informal one held in 1400 proved more profitable.
General discussion of method, however, is rarely profitable.
On the one hand were the English plantations, populated, cultivated, profitable, stretching along the east coast of North America; on the other were the Canadian settlements, poverty-stricken, empty, over-officialled, a cause of constant expense to the home government, and, at a vast distance, those of Louisiana, struggling and bankrupt.
Pursuing the same wise policy he established a trading post at Oswego in 1722 and fortified it in 1727, and thereby placed the Iroquois in the desirable position of middlemen in a profitable fur trade with the " Far Indians."
For many years the surface alluvial mining in South Island became less and less profitable.
So profitable was sheep-farming seen to be that energetic settlers began to burn off the bracken and cut and burn the forest in the North Island and sow English grasses on the cleared land.
It was published seven years (until the 20th of September 1841), and was never profitable, but it was widely popular, and it gave Greeley, who was its sole editor, much prominence.
It was considered a brilliant political success, but it was not profitable, and in September 1841 was merged in the Weekly Tribune.
In September 1841 Greeley merged his weekly papers, The Log Cabin and The New Yorker, into The Weekly Tribune, which soon attained as wide circulation as its predecessors, and was much more profitable.
This personal union of the two countries was more glorious than profitable.
The Dutch company opened up a profitable trade with Japan and China, and prosecuted the war against Portugal with great vigour, invading Portuguese India and capturing Point de Galle in 1640, Malacca in 1641, Cochin and Cannanore in 1663.
Skilfully taking advantage of the jealousies of Poland and Lithuania, as they were accentuated by the personal antagonism of Jagiello and Witowt (q.v.), with the latter of whom the Knights more than once contracted profitable alliances, they even contrived (Treaty of Salin, 1378) to extend their territory by getting possession of the province of Samogitia, the original seat of the Lithuanians, where paganism still persisted, and where their inhuman cruelties finally excited the horror and indignation of Christian Europe.
When Latin grammar has been mastered, he bids the teacher lead his pupil " into the sweet fountain and spring of all Arts and Science," that is, Greek learning which is " as profitable for the understanding as the Latin tongue for speaking."
The far-ranging strategic "raid" was a notable feature of the war; freely employed by both sides, it was sometimes harmful, more usually profitable, especially to the South, by reason of the captures in material, the information acquired and the alarm and confusion created.
The exciting and profitable occupation of blockade-running led to countless small fights off the various harbours, and sometimes the United States navy had to fight a more serious action when some new "rebel" ironclad emerged from her harbour, inlet or sound.
By that time the limits of profitable production had been reached in many parts of the country.
His practice extended rapidly in the civil and criminal courts, and he regularly appeared before the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, where his work, though not financially profitable, increased his reputation.
In November 1908 the lawlessness subsided in the Burley after the agreement of the American Tobacco Company to purchase the remainder of the 1906 crop at a " round " price of 202 cents and a part of the 1907 crop at an average price of 17 cents, thus making it profitable to raise a full crop in 1909.
Jacobi (1801-1874) in Russia, working independently, succeeded in contriving methods which could be made commercially profitable.
In what are commonly called loans of money, it is not really the money, but the money's worth, that the borrower wants; and the lender really assigns to him the right to a certain portion of the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, As the general capital of a country increases, so also does the particular portion of it from which the possessors wish to derive a revenue without being at the trouble of employing it themselves, and, as the quantity of stock thus available for loans is augmented, the interest diminishes, not merely "from the general causes which make the market price of things commonly diminish as their quantity increases," but because, with the increase of capital, "it becomes gradually more and more difficult to find within the country a profitable method of employing any new capital" - whence arises a competition between different capitals, and a lowering of profits, which must diminish the price which can be paid for the use of capital, or in other words the rate of interest.
A peculiar and highly profitable branch of Mexican agriculture is the cultivation of the Agave for two widely different purposes - one for its fibre, which is exported, and the other for its sap, which is manufactured into intoxicating liquors called "pulque " and " mescal."
The large sale of the New Testaments of Tyndale, and the success of Coverdale's Bible, showed the London booksellers that a new and profitable branch of business was o opened out to them, and they soon began to avail Matthew's P ?
The older processes for the commercial preparation of this salt, which were based on the ignition of nitrogenous substances with an alkaline carbonate and carbon, have almost all been abandoned, since it is more profitable to prepare the salt from the byproducts obtained in the manufacture of illuminating gas.
This is due to improvements in mining methods and reduction processes, which have made profitable low-grade ores that were not commercially available in 1880.
In some parts of the semiarid districts in the interior of the province irrigation is being successfully practised for the purpose of bringing land under profitable cultivation for fruit.
At all these farms experiments are conducted to gain information as to the best methods of preparing the land for crop and of maintaining its fertility, the most useful and profitable crops to grow, and how the various crops grown can be disposed of to the greatest advantage.
Experiments are also conducted to test the merits of new or untried varieties of cereals and other field crops, of grasses, forage plants, fruits, vegetables, plants and trees; and samples, particularly of the most promising cereals, are distributed freely among farmers for trial, so that those which promise to be most profitable may be rapidly brought into general cultivation.
With the rapid increase of population, production in Canada also greatly increased; exports, imports and revenue constantly expanded, and capital, finding abundant and profitable employment, began to flow freely into the country for further industrial development.
The principal occupation in Georgia is agriculture, which in 'goo engaged seven-tenths of the land surface of the state and the labour of three-fifths of the population, ten years old and over, who are employed in profitable occupations.
An effort made in 1619 obtained greater success, and, the materials being present, the Virginian settlers were strongly urged to devote attention to the profitable industry of silk cultivation.
Tile limit of profitable cultivation has almost been reached.
On receiving the tidings of the conclusion of the peace of Nystad (August 30, 1721), Peter declared, with perfect justice, that it was the most profitable peace Russia had ever concluded.
Since the standard price of slaves on the continent was in general three or four times as great as it was in England, the trade must have been very profitable.
The exigencies of competition prompted the discovery that if yarn were sold by weight fresh from the spindle its comparative dryness made such early sale less profitable than if it were allowed to "condition."
Of course the partial loss of the piece-goods trade by the shops is not a loss in aggregate trade, as they are the ultimate distributors of the made-up garments, which are probably at least as profitable to retail as calico or flannelette sold in lengths.
The Gurkhas, after becoming masters of Nepal, were anxious to renew the profitable traffic in coin, and in this view sent a deputation to Lhasa with a quantity of coin to be put in circulation.
A cardinal-legate was sent to England at Henry's request, and during four years (1237-1241) administered the English Church in a manner equally profitable to the king and to the pope.
In Egypt the Phoenician merchants soon gained a foothold; they alone were able to maintain a profitable trade in the anarchic times of the XXIInd and XXIIIrd Dynasties (825-650 B.C.), when all other foreign merchants were frightened away.
Oil-making is also a profitable branch of trade.
Pechiney till the advent of the present electrolytic process rendered it no longer profitable.
Rock containing 22% of gold is an extraordinarily rich gold ore; that with 21% of copper is a profitable one to-day; that containing 21% of iron is not so to-day, for the sole reason that its iron cannot be extracted with profit in competition with the existing richer ores.
But it will become a profitable ore as soon as the richer ore shall have been exhausted.
Looking at the duplex process in another way, the preliminary desilicidizing in the Bessemer converter should certainly be an advantage; but whether it is more profitable to give this treatment in the converter than in the mixer remains to be seen.
His rule in Jersey was severe, but profitable to the island; he developed its resources and made it a refuge for Royalists, among whom in 1646 and again in1649-1650was Prince Charles, who created Carteret a knight and baronet.
In spite of this, however, the average yield in the profitable mines is only from 0.2 carat to o 6 carat per load of 1600 lb, or on an average about IIgrs.
Where a river crosses a desert at a level near that of the general surface, irrigation can be carried on with extremely profitable results, as has been done in the valley of the Nile and in parts of the Great Basin of North America; in cases, however, where the river has cut deeply and flows far below the general surface, irrigation is too expensive.
His sentiments with regard to the policy of the union remained, he said, unchanged; but "the marriage having taken place it is now the duty, as it ought to be the inclination, of every individual to render it as fruitful, as profitable and as advantageous as possible."
The business being a monopoly of the East India Company, and a very profitable one, the company at an early stage of its development endeavoured to ascertain whether tea could not be grown within its own dominions.
Wild shrewdly realized that it was safer, and in most cases more profitable, to dispose of such property by returning it to its legitimate owners than to sell it, with the attendant risks, in the open market, and he thus built up an immense business, posing as a recoverer of stolen goods, the thieves receiving a commission on the price paid for recovery.
Sometimes this action is exerted upon the finer grasses, irri- but happily also upon some of the less profitable constituents of the miscellaneous herbage.
He soon recognized that with such a climate and soil, with a teeming population, and with the markets of Europe so near they might produce in Egypt something more profitable than wheat and maize.
The Chenab canal, the largest in India and the most profitable, was only begun in 1889.
Tobacco forms a most productive and profitable object of culture in many districts.
Large holdings of at least 500 hectares (a hectare equals about 22 acres) are indispensable to the profitable pursuit of extensive agriculture.
With the increase of transport facilities it is probable that the trade with the Mediterranean coasts will also be diverted to the south, and profitable minor branches of trade would be formed in leather, ostrich feathers, gums, fibres, &c. The imports from Great Britain, which come via Forcados, are mostly cotton goods, provisions and hardware.
Some of the saline springs yield salt enough to render their evaporation profitable.
He was determined not to abandon his vocation as a man of genius by following the lower though more profitable paths to literary success, and expected that his wife should partake the necessary sacrifice of comfort.
The fact is that as English companies for foreign trade had long been in chartered existence, Scotsmen and Scottish capital had no profitable outlets, while agriculture was conducted on slovenly medieval or prehistoric methods; and only the linen trade of the country was really flourishing.
The struggle would be most acute between individuals and varieties of the same species, with the result that "any being, if it vary however slightly, in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and somewhat varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected."
Only more recently the manufacture of caustic soda by electrolysis has also been established as a permanent and paying industry, but as the greatest secrecy is maintained in everything belonging to this domain, and as neither patent specifications nor the sanguine assertions and anticipations of interested persons throw much real light on the actual facts of the case, nothing certain can be said either in regard to the date at which the profitable manufacture of caustic soda was first carried out by electrolysis, or as to what extent this is the case at the present moment.
In the first mentioned, the contract system, by which a contractor hires the prisoner's labour from the state, has proved very profitable, but at the sacrifice of discipline and neglect of reformatory processes upon the individual.
Instead of requiring from its population all kinds of work and reducing its ordinary occupations to a hard-and-fast routine meeting in a slow and unskilled manner all possible contingencies, the local group began to move, to call in workmen from abroad for tasks of a special nature, and to send its own workmen to look out for profitable employment in other places.
The coins chiefly in use were (i) copper cash, which were strung in hundreds on strings of straw, and, as about 911 weight was equal to one shilling, were excessively cumbrous, but were nevertheless valued at their face value; (ii) nickel coins, which, being profitable to mint, were issued in enormous quantities, quickly depreciated, and were moreover extensively forged.
They have greatly increased since hunting them for their hides and oil ceased to be profitable, and thousands sometimes gather on the Farallones, off the Golden Gate.
In some sections a system of dry-farming, by which the scanty rainfall is protected from evaporation by deep ploughing and mulching the soil, has proved profitable.
Since that time experience has proved that the grazing ranges of the state are better suited to sheep than cattle, the former being much more profitable and better able to stand the cold on the open range.
While many cattlemen have been driven out of business by the encroachments of sheep, the majority of the present flockmasters were range cattle owners in the past and have changed to the more profitable occupation.
The purpose of the company was to build up a profitable commercial and agricultural community; but the hostility of the natives, unfavourable climatic conditions and the character of the colonists delayed the growth of the new community.
The needs of the central government lead to its retention of the more profitable modes of procuring revenue.
Gypsum beds are widely distributed, and the supply is inexhaustible, but their great distance from centres of consumption has prevented their profitable working.
Lastly, I confess that I have as vast contemplative ends as I have moderate civil ends; for I have taken all knowledge to be my province; and if I could purge it of two sorts of rovers, whereof the one with frivolous disputations, confutations and verbosities, the other with blind experiments and auricular traditions and impostures, hath committed so many spoils, I hope I should bring in industrious observations, grounded conclusions and profitable inventions and discoveries - the best state of that province.
Finally, no religion has been without exhibitions of fanaticism and excess on the part of its followers, and if the Old Testament itself was the authority for witch-burning among Christians, it is no longer profitable to ask whether the Talmud was responsible for offences committed by or alleged against those whose lives were regulated by it.
According to Herbert Lang, its most prominent chance of success is in localities where fuel is dear, and the ores contain precious metals and sufficient sulphides and arsenides to render profitable dressing unnecessary.
These include the sugar-beet, the profitable growing of which is confined to Skane and the islands of Oland and Gotland.
Dairy-farming is profitable, England and Denmark being the principal foreign consumers of produce, and the industry is carefully fostered by the government.
The climate is admirably suited to cattle-raising, as the winters are mild and pasture is to be found throughout the whole year, but the proximity of the Argentine pampas is fatal to its profitable development.
This is the largest delta system, and the most profitable of all the works in India.
The higher plateau is devoted almost exclusively to cattleraising, once the principal industry of the state, though recurring seccas have been an insuperable obstacle to its profitable development.
The tctal absence of easy means of communication, the high rates of transport, and the scarcity of fuel and water in the mineral districts made profitable operations impossible, and the corporation liquidated in f 894, after having expended a large sum of money.
After 1815 Bonne-Carrere retired into private life, directing a profitable business in public carriages between Paris and Versailles.
But in many regions the soil is deficient in phosphates and nitrates, and large irrigation works can be profitable only in districts where the soil is exceptionally fertile.
The Chenab Canal (opened 1887) is the largest and most profitable perennial canal in India.
By sea Prince Henry's captains continued their exploration of Africa and the Atlantic. In 1433 Cape Bojador was doubled; in 1 434 the first consignment of slaves was brought to Lisbon; and slave trading soon became one of the most profitable branches of Portuguese commerce.
It had become clear that, apart from their religious and scientific aspects, these voyages of discovery were highly profitable.
The most prominent and profitable of these is that of rubber-collecting, which was begun in Bolivia between 1880 and 1890, and which reached a registered annual output of nearly 35 oo metric tons just before Bolivia's best rubber forests were transferred to Brazil in 1903.
Many other Bolivian plants are commercially valuable, and organized industry and trade in them will certainly be profitable.
It may be doubted whether the discussion is profitable, though it appears necessary in some cases - e.g.
The introduction of the " Concord " grape, first produced here by Ephraim Bull in 1853, is said to have marked the beginning of the profitable commercial cultivation of table grapes in the United States.
These lectures were of great importance at the time, and of the utmost value in directing energy into new and profitable channels of work.
The Calumet and Hecla mine, in the central part of that peninsula, is probably the most profitable copper mine in the world; up to 1909 it had paid about $107,850,000 in dividends.
In these directions it is pointed out that the opium crop is ten times as profitable as that of wheat.
The cultivation of Malwa opium is free and extremely profitable, the crop realizing usually from three to.
Often it is more profitable to smelt real silver ores with argentiferous ores than to mill them, the greater cost being more than balanced by the increased yield.
The failure of this second attempt satisfied the Muscovy Company, which thenceforward directed all its energies to the profitable Spitzbergen trade.
Since 1830 market gardening in New Jersey has become increasingly important, especially in the vicinity of large cities, and has proved more profitable than the growing of cereals.
As the clay pits contain only small amounts of any one kind of clay, it has proved more profitable for manufacturers to buy their raw materials from a number of miners than for them to operate the mines themselves, and consequently clay mining and the manufacture of clay products are largely distinct industries.
By way of compensation for the loss of his rights, the works were handed back to him in 1800, but all his efforts to obtain money enough to restore them and resume manufacturing on a profitable scale were vain, and, worn out with disappointment, he died by his own hand at Saint-Denis on the 16th of January 1806.
Nevertheless, as indicated by the unusually large proportion of farmers who either own their farms or pay cash rent for them, farming usually is profitable.
The other class is of FrenchCanadian immigrants, who find profitable employment in the manufacturing centres.
In a state of backward agriculture and natural economy it will sometimes be more profitable for the conquerors as well as for the conquered to leave the dependent population in their own households and on their own plots, at the same time taxing them heavily in the way of tribute and services.
By the end of the 19th century 120 square miles had been occupied by cattle and sheep on the Argentine side, and about the same extent on the Chilean; and the cattle industry proved very profitable.
In new countries especially the diversion of industry from its natural development cannot but be mischievous, wrong manufactures and industries being set up at the expense of the whole community, instead of those manufactures and industries which would be most profitable.
In other words, when taxes are very moderate and the revenue appropriated by the state is a small part only of the aggregate of individual incomes, it seems possible that individuals in a rich country may waste individually resources which the state could apply to very profitable purposes.
Superficial evidences of natural gas and petroleum are abundant in western and north-western Missouri, but these have not been found in commercially profitable quantities.
Its development is due to the efforts of an American fruit-importing company, which purchased lands in the vicinity of Santa Marta for the production of bananas and taught the natives that the industry could be made profitable.
It was not to the hostility of the natives, nor to the hard struggle with nature necessary to make agriculture profitable on Karroo or veld, that the slow progress made by the colonists was due, so much as to the narrow and tyrannical policy adopted by the East India Company, which closed the colony against free immigration, kept the whole of the trade in its own hands, combined the administrative, legislative and judicial powers in one body, prescribed to the farmers the nature of the crops they were to grow, demanded from them a large part of their produce, and harassed them with other exactions tending to discourage industry and enterprise.
For buccaneering had now become a most profitable employment, operations were extended, and a storehouse secure from the attacks of the Spaniards was required.
The profitable trade between the Spanish colonies and the Far East, however, soon occupied the whole attention of the Spaniards, and caused them to neglect the exploration of the coast of north-western America for many years.
Both British and American adventurers were attracted to the region by the profitable fur trade.
Its great ranges, whose insufficient rainfall makes impossible the certain, and therefore the profitable, cultivation of cereals, or other settled agriculture, lend themselves with profit to stock and dairy farming.
But their offensive action proved so successful and so profitable that, after a short time, the whole manhood of Denmark and Norway took to the pirate life.
But his most profitable source of revenue was drawn from abroad.
This treaty of Etaples was, in short, a repetition of Edwards treaty of Picquigny, equally profitable and less disgraceful, for Maximilian of Austria, whom Henry thus abandoned, had given more cause of offence than had Charles of Burgundy in 1475.
It has been found more profitable to use the native "blue stem" or "ScotchFife" wheat than the seed from any other country, or even from the neighbouring states.
Formerly they found the capture of wild reindeer a profitable occupation, using for this purpose a palisaded avenue gradually narrowing towards a pitfall.
The Hanse trade replaced the English for the worse; and the Danish monopoly which succeeded it when the Danish kings began to act again with vigour was still less profitable.
A profitable trade is done in coco-nuts, but there are few other exports.
But whether Irish tobacco can be made a profitable crop depends upon a good many other considerations.
Silver has been detected in certain galenas, and also platinum; copper has been found in various localities, as well as zinc, lead, nickel, antimony and manganese, but none of these metals has yet been discovered in sufficient quantities for profitable working.
Great difficulty was experienced in getting farmers to grow cotton for export, as unless carried on on highly scientific lines its cultivation is not so profitable as that of thegroundnut.
The crafty king of Navarre being unwilling to alienate the Protestants save by an ear apostasy profitable to himself, Henry III., by the treaty of Nemours (July 7, 1585), granted everything to the head of the League in order to save his crown.
Maize also is cultivated in all the provinces; nevertheless, its cultivation is limited, since, being a summer crop, it requires irrigation except in the Atlantic provinces, and other products generally yield a more profitable return where irrigation is pursued.
The successors of Mehemet Ali, in an endeavour to make the country more profitable, extended their conquests to the south, and in 1853 and subsequent years trading posts were established on the Upper Nile, the pioneer European merchant being John Petherick, British consular agent at Khartum.'
Petherick sought for ivory only, but those who followed him soon found that slave-raiding was more profitable than elephant hunting.
This line shortened the distance from Khartum to the nearest seaport by nearly r000 m., and by reducing the cost of carriage of merchandise enabled Sudan produce to find a profitable outlet in the markets of the world.
Zamoyski was at first in favour of a member of the Báthory family, with which he was united by ties of amity and mutual interest; but on becoming convinced of the impossibility of any such candidature, he pronounced for a native Pole, or for whichever foreign prince might be found most profitable to Poland.
The companies which have been formed in France during recent years do not yet afford material for profitable study, for they have been subject to so much vexatious interference from home owing to lack of a fixed system of control sanctioned by government, that they have not been able, like the British, to develop along their own lines.
They cherry-picked profitable areas, threatening the service in rural areas.
Although sports arbitrage can be profitable, it takes capital, time, organization and energy to make consistent profits.
Any unsupported assertions that trading was profitable should not be relied upon.
So, for farmers with a slightly larger backyard, these birds could prove to be an attractive and profitable venture!
After an unpromising beginning and parliamentary threats to revoke its charter, the company became hugely profitable.
He was on the point of advancing some profitable reflections on this head, but the memory of his own boyhood checked him.
Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become profitable in every respect.
The Dissolution was also highly profitable for favored courtiers who were able to obtain property on generous terms.
Peasants who lack capital are effectively restricted to sowing low-value crops, whilst the capitalist sector only produces more profitable crops.
This tension belt indicates the limit of profitable cultivation, notwithstanding its proximity to a large industrial population.
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It is essential to make news websites commercially profitable, a question of complement not compromise.
Secret Of Success - this premium rate telephone service has proved fantastically profitable for one important reason.
The report highlights some interesting trends which the design industry needs to address to remain profitable.
A business plan is being drawn up, in which the magazine aims to become profitable in year three.
It would defeat Royal Mail's efforts to stay profitable.
Based on volumes they are shipping, this can be a profitable sideline for them.
Exchange traders teach you how to become a profitable betting exchange trader.
His next aim was the cardinalate, and, after long and most profitable negotiations on the part of Pope Clement XI., the red hat was given to him by Innocent XIII.
Paul discriminates between the Spirit which during these paroxysms both talks and prays to God and the nous or understanding which informs a believer's psalm, teaching, revelation or prophesy, and renders them intelligible, edifying and profitable to the assembly.
Much dissatisfaction was felt because the larger towns where competition had been most keen were unduly benefited to the neglect of smaller towns where the business was comparatively less profitable, but it must be remembered that the telegraph lines followed the railways and that many towns were not served owing to their opposition to the railways.
That the encouragement of insectivorous birds has been profitable is well established, and it is equally well-known that their destruction may lead to disastrous insect plagues.
History Of Geographical Theory The earliest conceptions of the earth, like those held by the primitive peoples of the present day, are difficult to discover and almost impossible fully to grasp. Early generalizations, as far as they were made from known facts, were usually expressed in symbolic language, and for our present purpose it is not profitable to speculate on the underlying truths which may sometimes be suspected in the old mythological cosmogonies.
It is also a fact that with each recurring decade these general expenses (also called indirect, undistributed or fixed charges) have an increased importance as compared with the particular (direct, distributed or operating) expense attaching naturally to the particular portions of the traffic. For with increased density of population it becomes profitable to make improvements on the original location, even though this may involve increased charges for interest and for some parts of its maintenance, for the sake of securing that economy of operation, through larger train-loads, which such an improved location makes possible.
In 1774 the trade ceased to be profitable as a private monopoly, and to prevent it being abandoned the government took it over.
Regarded as descriptive of the genesis of an alloy from a uniform liquid containing two or more metals, the term is not incorrect, and it may have acted as a signpost towards profitable methods of research.
He induced both France and Spain to evacuate the fortresses which they still held in Piedmont, made a profitable exchange of territory with the Bernese, and acquired an extension of seaboard by the purchase of Tenda and Oneglia (see Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy).
Entering politics at the dreariest and least profitable stage in Canadian history, he took the foremost part in the movement which made of Canada a nation; he guided that nation through the nebulous stages of its existence, and left it united, strong and vigorous, a monument to his patriotic and far-sighted statesmanship. His statue adorns the squares of the principal Canadian towns.
To oppose them the Confederates, limited as they were for means, managed to construct various ironclads, and to improvise a considerable fleet of minor vessels, and, though a fighting navy never assembled under a Confederate flag-officer, the Southern warships found another more damaging and more profitable scope for their activity.
But it was soon discovered that there could be neither harmonious nor profitable working of a great many systems, and this led to a series of amalgamations (see under England; Ireland; Scotland).
The difficulties of the task undertaken by the Chinese government to eradicate a national and popular vice, in a country whose population is generally estimated at 400,000,000, are increased by the fact that the opium habit has been indulged in by all classes of society, that opium has been practically the principal if not the only national stimulant; that it must involve a considerable loss of revenue, which will have to be made up by other taxes, and by the fact that its cultivation is more profitable than that of cereals, for an English acre will on the average produce raw dry opium of the value of5, 16s.
Before the introduction of coal and coke as fuel in the forges and furnaces the cutting of young trees for the manufacture of charcoal was a profitable industry, and the process of deforestation reached its maximum.
The manufacture of the wrought-iron " I " beam in 1855 made cheaper fire-proof construction possible, and, with the introduction of passenger lifts (see Elevators; Lifts or HoIsTs) about ten years later, led to the erection of buildings to be used as hotels, flats, offices, factories, and for other commercial purposes, containing many more storeys than had formerly been found profitable.
Zamoyski was at first in favour of a member of the Báthory family, with which he was united by ties of amity and mutual interest; but on becoming convinced of the impossibility of any such candidature, he pronounced for a native Pole, or for whichever foreign prince might be found most profitable to Poland.
The arch not only celebrates this military victory, it points out that it was profitable.
A good and highly profitable time was had by all and it is only regrettable that not more people were able to attend.
Exchange Traders teach you how to become a profitable betting exchange trader.
We gained enough in monthly subscription fees to become profitable and eventually grow into the market leader.
Know that when interest rates rise, the bond you are holding could become less profitable.
This first-person game will get you involved with many missions across the galaxy tracking Jedi, deflecting enemies and collecting profitable bounties.
You will probably not have any luck going to the local mom and pop grocery stores because keeping quantities on hand may not be beneficial or profitable.
Sellers may impose high or profitable shipping fees for the merchandise when using eBay or, but you can expect a limitation on shipping charges for sports cards.
There's also a catch; each kitten will be spayed or neutered before it goes home with its new owner, so the company will be able to manipulate its supply to ensure demand, thus keeping these kitties a profitable venture.
While this motivates them to have a good sense of profitable investments, they may have a conflict of interest when it comes to the client's long-term financial goals.
The act of lending money for consolidation should be more about assisting the borrower as opposed to making a profit, although a lender that is not profitable will have problems maintaining operations.
A home-based party business or Internet business, or even a combination, could quickly find profitable success without struggling with big business competition.
Many people have turned their casual online auction selling into a profitable eBay business.
Selling prints or digital images can be profitable if there is a demand for your art and you have the time to devote to managing your business.
They also introduced many nuts and grains, including many citrus fruits, and sugarcane, which eventually turned into a profitable cash crop that ultimately produced sugar (and began the slave trade, but that is another story).
If you are willing to handle the printing of the books yourself, these large orders can be quite profitable.
But, if you can market your services well, this is one of the most profitable niches for starting your own scrapbook business.
In addition, many passionate scrapbookers have managed to turn their knack for creating custom digital scrapbook supplies into profitable home-based businesses.
Somtimes it's hard to start babysitting, but once you have a few kids that you watch regularly it can become very profitable and can help you save money to buy important things, such as a car.
Most limo companies require a minimum three hour rental to make the service profitable for them.
Some have turned this online search into a profitable business, with pre-written high school and college papers available for the right price.
Whether you are selling or buying a dog with classified ads, fliers, or through word-of-mouth, it pays to take precautions to insure an honest and profitable sale.
This is a companion pet, not a business to be sold off when it no longer becomes profitable.
These large conglomerate food companies decided to take food unfit for human consumption and turn it into profitable pet food.
By the 1970s, the hugely profitable pornography industry almost eclipsed live nude girls altogether.
Selling jewelry can be both profitable and fun.
Nowadays, designer jeans and shorts from Gap, CK, Tommy Hilfiger, True Religion, Polo Ralph Lauren and DKNY are becoming a significant and profitable segment in the industry.
Researchers believe that by modifying and altering crops they can make them more resistant to pests and diseases, and thus more profitable.
Unfortunately in today's market, when brands fall in and out of favor or just don't bring in enough revenue to be considered profitable, shoppers are forced to move on and look for comparable brands.
There are several clothing stores that cater specifically to plus size women, and, over the years, have shown to not only be profitable, but exactly what the consumer wants and needs.
Finding activities that are fulfilling and enriching is profitable for seniors of all skill levels.
This could be due to limited land space, development limitations imposed by the city or state, or simply because a small park cannot compete with the newest high-tech attractions at larger, more profitable parks.
Many times, small family owned parks may be sold to housing developers or other corporations that opt to abandon the amusement park in favor of potentially more profitable projects.
The title is no longer profitable for the company, so they will be terminating the servers for the games.
Will your efforts lead to popular and profitable businesses, or be taken over by greedy corporate fiends?
Deal with customers, use your dexterity with some fast-paced action puzzles and build your reputation to make your establishment popular and profitable.
Despite criticism and varying sales over the past few years, Nintendo continues to be one of the most profitable and successful video game companies today.
With the increased popularity of online gaming, more web sites are charging customers to play games in order to finance their content and make their endeavors profitable.
They will usually take on the formula of starting, running, and growing a profitable business.
A dealer is not going to buy a trailer for the same price as it sells one, as that would not be very profitable.
If you are handy with a needle, thread and sewing machine, you can turn your talent into a profitable business.
Profitability is determined by either a business plan (a projection of future profitability - no history) or the length of time a business has been successfully profitable (historical profitability).
Lenders who take full ownership of homes then have the job of finding buyers so the lender's investment becomes profitable once again.
While buying foreclosed houses takes time, effort and careful research, it can be a very profitable endeavor.
Blogging about your life online can be profitable if you have something interesting to talk about, like your pregnancy or other life situations.
Collecting and re-selling retired or signature Webkinz can be very profitable for some people.
Since over 70 percent of all households use candles on a regular basis and candles are a consumable product that customers need to purchase regularly, a work from home candle business can be a profitable endeavor.
Business insurance is a necessity for any serious candle maker interested in running a profitable business.
Are you looking for a profitable fundraising opportunity for your team or organization?
Take the artwork of children and turn it into a fun and profitable fundraiser.
There are many creative fundraising ideas for softball teams to consider that are not only fun but are also profitable.
Fundraising can be fun and profitable at the same time if you plan accordingly and use your creativity.
Well-thought out events can be the most profitable.
Examine what your school has done in the past and find the most profitable fundraiser.
For another fun and profitable competition fundraising idea, consider holding a sports contest.
There are many fundraisers that will be profitable for your church as well as unique.
Many churches prefer to use a family-oriented fundraiser that is fun as well as profitable.
Finding a fundraiser that is unique and profitable can be a challenge.
By keeping up with the best value in diamonds, a buyer can establish a very profitable business.
But where do buyers learn the tricks of the trade that can make it a profitable career?
That apprenticeship can also lead to better contacts and personal relationships that can become very profitable for any new buyer.
In the end, it can take years for a buyer to establish a profitable business.
These days, higher gold prices have finally made it profitable to mine this Scottish gold, and you can have your wedding ring made with this native material.
You may potentially get offered a paid position if the ezine becomes profitable.
There is no way to tell with a high degree of certainty which ezines will wind up profitable and which will cease production before ever getting distributed.
The best plan is to find an ezine regarding a topic you are interested in and contribute some content for the initial experience without expecting it all to culminate into something profitable.
Many smaller publications do boost their pay rates as they become more profitable, which could mean a raise for you if your work is high quality.
Knowing how to find job listings for writers and successfully apply for the jobs that interest you will make it much easier to begin a profitable freelance writing business.
In the past this has got a bad name, however with the advent of print on demand (POD) services, self publishing can be a profitable alternative to more traditional forms of publishing.
Revenue share sites typically allow you to pick your own topics, but some areas are much more profitable than others.
However, the transformation of the Internet into a worldwide source of information and news has created an overwhelming array of very profitable opportunities for writers.
Another competitive career that's often profitable is sales and marketing.
Disney was initially an animation studio, but rose to become one of the biggest and most profitable Hollywood studios of all time.
Based on that fact alone, sales of Vans went from tens of millions to hundreds of millions and the company was completely solvent, not to mention profitable.
While the price point of tattoo starter kits vary, an entry level model can be purchased for less than a few hundred dollars, proving the investment worthy if you intend on honing your unique skill into a profitable career.
N.A.W.C. managed to turn things around for Movado and made the company profitable once again.
The following year, largely due to the success of its watches, Gucci was named "European Company of the Year" and has maintained a successful and profitable position ever since.
Tuition costs under $3,500, and students who are already initiated into the practices of Kundalini Yoga often find this specialized training exceptionally profitable.
Business experts caution that it can take many months, if not years, for a business to become profitable.
China business is an emerging market, still in its infancy, but has the potential to become hugely profitable, offering a bounty of opportunity for business company owners both large and small.
Whether the idea profitable is a critical and often-overlooked step when determining how to start a home based business.
Since the publication of his first book in 1984, Levinson has been published in over forty-one languages, increased his catalog to thirty-five books, and launched a profitable website, just to mention a few of his successes.
Although caring for pets offers a financially profitable business, it can be draining and ties you down as long as you have dogs in your care.
If you are considering this route, make sure you compare the advantages and disadvantages of owning a profitable business to managing a non-profit organization.
Entrepreneurs spend a significant amount of time working on their business, so it's a good idea to make certain you select a business opportunity that not only has the potential to be profitable but is also one that you truly enjoy.
Writing for free can be profitable if the site receives more than 3 million hits a year.
Not all profitable home businesses are franchises.
Whether you stock it with wholesale merchandise or your own handmade crafts, this is a profitable business run right from the home.
Unless you are starting a business as a hobby or experiment, you should make sure that the business you start has the potential to be profitable.
Some people have the ability to create a website that gets plenty of attention and consequently becomes profitable from ad revenue.
If you can maintain this situation it can be quite profitable.
Take the time to figure out where your talents are the most profitable for your business.
Building a successful work from home business is no different from establishing a profitable retail store, restaurant, accounting firm, or other enterprise that is operated from a rented or purchased office location.
Jeff Bezos was a stickler for details, and used that to examine the entire sales to shipping process that became the profitable foundation of Amazon.
While he didn't abandon the postcard idea at first, he did add and test the new idea to see if it was profitable.
I enjoy working with the company and believe my contributions to the excellence of its chocolate line as the head of the Chocolate Division have ensured profitable growth over the past twenty years of my tenure with you.
In the example above, the company is profitable because the Net Income is a positive number.
Another benefit is that while an Internet startup poses less financial risk on the front end, it still has the potential to grow into a profitable business.
Of course, it would be more profitable for the ranch if I culled those animals by taking them to the slaughter house.
The Belgian state telegraphs were started in 1850 and were at first very profitable, but for the years 1866-9 they yielded an average profit of only 2.8 per cent., and subsequently failed to earn operating expenses, the reasons for the steady decline of the profits being the opening of relatively unprofitable lines and offices, increases in wages, and a diminution in growth of the foreign and transit messages which had constituted the most profitable part of the whole business.
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Gradually also he had the satisfaction of seeing the debates in the Speculative Society becoming famous enough to attract men with whom it was profitable for him to interchange opinions, among others Maurice and John Sterling..