Profit margin Sentence Examples
Taking the necessary steps to remediate the site for housing would, possibly, significantly dent the developer 's desired profit margin.
For example if a store buys a computer for $90 and sells it for $100 then that store made $10 or had a 10% profit margin on that item.
To get the full benefit out of a loss leader, many times retailers will put the sale item towards the back of the store or someplace where the customer has to walk past many other things that have a higher profit margin.
This way, they at least fill-up the ship and improve the profit margin.
This show isn't a traditional house flipping program, but it gives insight into how contractors and subcontractors can affect a profit margin.
Additionally, popcorn can be sold for a very affordable price, yet still net the organization a healthy profit margin.
Start out by selecting a date for the fundraiser, choosing beverage brands, and setting a price that includes a fair profit margin.
Promoters need to fill seats to bring in good acts, so they cut into their own profit margin to let more people in at a reduced rate.
Even prepaid cell phones cost only about one third to one half as much, with a good profit margin built in.
What is the profit margin of the business?
AdvertisementTo make sure you're in the ballpark, compare your business' profit margin (net income divided by gross profit) to a preferred goal of 70 percent.
If you're reaching for the preferred goal of a 70 percent profit margin that means you shouldn't be spending more than 30 percent of your gross profit on overhead and marketing.