Productive Sentence Examples
Sunday was more productive than Saturday.
Saturday and Sunday were both productive days with four sessions taking place each day.
Joplin is the trade centre of a rich agricultural and fruit-growing district, but its growth has been chiefly due to its situation in one of the must productive zinc and lead regions in the country, for which it is the commercial centre.
This is because, as noted before, technology amplifies the productive effort of people.
The peach-tree is most productive when the roots are kept near the surface, and the borders, which should be from 8 ft.
The eastern islands of this group are less productive and less advanced.
The soil, even with little culture, is exceedingly productive, owing to the abundance of water which irrigates and fertilizes it.
The plain is extremely productive, though now little cultivated.
The abundance of game made the region between the lakes and the Mississippi a favourite hunting ground of the Indians, and later a productive field for the trapper and fur trader.
Gold is mined to a small extent; the most productive mines are about Darien and in Cocle province.
AdvertisementWhen you manage your time effectively, you become more productive.
Official corruption and speculation have led to some unsound ventures, but in the great majority of cases the lines constructed have been beneficial and productive.
There was no freedom of the press, however, until 1821, when the abolition of the censorship and the constitutional struggle in Portugal gave rise to a politicaldiscussion that marked the opening of a new era in the development of the nation, and aroused an intellectual activity that has been highly productive in journalistic and polemical writings.
These are also called the Upper Limestone Shale, a similar group being found in places below the limestone, and called the Lower Limestone Shale, or, in the north of England, the Tuedian group. Going northward the beds of limestone diminish in thickness, with a proportional increase in the intercalated sandstones and shales, until in Scotland they are entirely subordinate to a mass of coal-bearing strata, which forms the most productive members of the Scotch coalfields.
The areas containing productive coal measures are usually known as coalfields or basins, within which coal occurs in more or less regular beds, also called seams or veins, which can often be followed over a considerable length of country without change of character, although, like all stratified rocks, their continuity may be interrupted by faults or dislocations, also known as slips, hitches, heaves or troubles.
AdvertisementAlthough in the years 1870-1903 the amount raised was 5,694,928,507 tons, this later estimate was higher by 10,707,382,769 tons than that of the previous commission, the excess being accounted for partly by the difference in the areas regarded as productive by the two commissions, and partly by new discoveries and more accurate knowledge of the coal seams. In addition it was estimated that in the proved coalfields at depths greater than 4000 ft.
The most productive region is that on the east, which belongs to the valley of the Loire; the central districts are tolerably fertile but marshy, being often flooded by the Cher; while in the south and south-west there is a considerable extent of dry and fertile land.
The years spent at Jena were unusually productive; indeed, the completed Fichtean philosophy is contained in the writings of this period.
The second, arising from Fichte's strong desire to suppress the Landsmannschaften (students' orders), which were productive of much harm, was more serious.
In the number of sheep the state rose from fourth rank in 1880 to first in 1890, but dropped to tenth rank in 1900, when there were 1,439,940 head; in 1910 1 Not including farms of less than three acres and of small productive capacity.
AdvertisementWaldenburg lies in the centre of the productive coal district of the Waldenburger Gebirge, a branch of the Sudetic chain, and its inhabitants are largely occupied in the mining industry.
Early in 1764 Lord Grenville had informed the London agents of the American colonies that he proposed to lay a portion of the burden left by the war with France upon the shoulders of the colonists by means of a stamp duty, unless some other tax equally productive and less inconvenient were proposed.
European industries include gold mining, in which 500 miners, besides natives, are engaged (chiefly in the Louisiade Archipelago), and the beche de mer and pearl-shell fisheries, which were formerly more productive than at present.
The services of Horace Mann as secretary of the state board (1837-1848) were productive of almost revolutionary benefits not only to Massachusetts but to the entire country.
Azerbaijan is one of the most productive provinces of Persia.
AdvertisementIn the interval between the death of Ennius (169) and the advent of Accius, the youngest and most productive of the tragic poets, he alone maintained the continuity of the serious drama, and perpetuated the character first imparted to it by Ennius.
He was less productive as a poet than either Ennius or Accius; and we hear of only about twelve of his plays, founded on Greek subjects (among them the Antiope, Teucer, Armorum Judicium, Dulorestes, Chryses, Niptra, &c., most of them on subjects connected with the Trojan cycle), and one praetexta (Paulus) written in connexion with the victory of Lucius Aemilius Paulus at Pydna (168), as the Clastidium of Naevius and the Ambracia of Ennius were written in commemoration of great military successes.
The productive powers of the land become exhausted in a few years, when the clearing is abandoned, a new site is chosen, and the same operations are carried on de novo.
In South Carolina, where there are important deposits of phosphate, formerly more productive than at present, the " land rock " is worked near Charleston, and the " river rock " in the Coosaw River and other streams near Beaufort.
The value of the fruit crop in 18 99 ($ 1 5, 8 44,34 6) was second only to that of California; and the most productive agricultural lands are those devoted to floriculture and nurseries.
Rich strips of alluvial soil, however, seam a cold clay-marl, needing intensive cultivation to become highly productive.
Objecting, as Germain Gamier had, to Smith's distinction between productive and unproductive labour, he maintains that, production consisting in the creation or addition of a utility, all useful labour is productive.
The soils of western Washington are chiefly glacial, those of eastern Washington chiefly volcanic. In the low tidewater district of the Puget Sound Basin an exceptionally productive soil has been made by the mixture of river silt and sea sand.
In this respect Austria found herself in the same position as the German Empire; in fact, her position was in many respects considerably worse; many richly productive territories were temporarily occupied by the enemy; and as Austria was far less well provided with raw materials than Germany she was less in a position to produce goods for exchange.
Its object was to exhibit by means of certain formulas the way in which the products of agriculture, which is the only source of wealth, would in a state of perfect liberty be distributed among the several classes of the community (namely, the productive classes of the proprietors and cultivators of land, and the unproductive class composed of manufacturers and merchants), and to represent by other formulas the modes of distribution which take place under systems of Governmental restraint and regulation, with the evil results arising to the whole society from different degrees of such violations of the natural order.
There are throughout the state occasional tracts in which, owing to deficient drainage, an excess of alkali '507 has accumulated, and which require special treatment before they can be made again productive.
In this region the soils of sand and clay are much finer than the drift, and are very productive where the water-supply is sufficient.
At Cushendun, however, a coarse conglomerate is believed to be Devonian, while Lower Carboniferous Sandstones, with several coal-seams, form a small productive basin at Ballycastle.
During their occupation the island was populous and productive, and an active commerce was carried on with Spain and Africa.
During this period, while Germany remains the most productive of the nations, scholarship has been more and more international and cosmopolitan in its character.
The plain, almost surrounded by lofty mountains, is highly productive with many villages on it and the border hills.
Under French rule its productive ' ness has been largely increased by the sinking of artesian wells in districts which only required water to make them fertile.
The most productive are those of iron and zinc. Lignite is found in the department of Algiers and petroleum in that of Oran.
In proceeding to consider the accumulation of capital, he is led to the distinction between productive and unproductive labour - the former being that which is fixed or realized in a particular object or vendible article, the latter that which is not so realized.
Productive labourers alone are employed out of capital; unproductive labourers, as well as those who do not labour at all, are all maintained by revenue.
Parsimony is the source of the increase of capital; by augmenting the fund devoted to the maintenance of productive hands, it puts in motion an additional quantity of industry, which adds to the value of the annual produce.
What is annually saved is as regularly consumed as what is spent, but by a different set of persons, by productive labourers instead of idlers or unproductive labourers; and the former reproduce with a profit the value of their consumption.
The prodigal, encroaching on his capital, diminishes, as far as in him lies, the amount of productive labour, and so the wealth of the country; nor is this result affected by his expenditure being on home-made, as distinct from foreign commodities.
The only mode of increasing the annual produce of the land and labour is to increase either the number of productive labourers or the productive powers of those labourers.
As to the different employments of capital, the quantity of productive labour put in motion by an equal amount varies extremely according as that amount is employed - (i) in the improvement of lands, mines or fisheries, (2) in manufactures, (3) in wholesale or (4) retail trade.
These two exist in many forms more or less grotesque, and after death the soul passes to one of them and there receives its due; but that existence too is marked by desire and action, and is therefore productive of merit or demerit, and as the soul is thus still entangled in the meshes of karma it must again assume an earthly garb and continue the strife.
The pulque industry is located on the plateau surrounding the city of Mexico, the most productive district being the high, sandy, arid plain of Apam, in the state of Hidalgo, where the " maguey " (A gave americana) finds favourable conditions for its growth - a dry calcareous surface with moisture sufficiently near to be reached by its roots.
There are no fisheries of importance except the pearl fisheries on the eastern coast of Lower California, and the tortoise fisheries on the coasts of Campeche, Yucatan, and some of the states facing the Pacific. The pearl fisheries have been worked since the arrival of the Spaniards, and were once very productive notwithstanding the primitive methods employed.
The best-known and most productive of the industries of Mexico is that of mining.
In 1906 the productive mines numbered 1786, of which 491 were in Sonora, 282 in Chihuahua, 211 in Durango, 113 in Oaxaca and 105 in Nuevo Leon.
In this way it acquired great wealth, becoming the owner of extensive estates in every part of the country and of highly productive properties in the towns.
Owing to the circumstance that the great majority of the Mexican people own no property, carry on no industry, and are not even to be considered regular productive labourers, the revenues are small in relation to the population and are comparatively inelastic.
To the north of the Po at the foot of the mountains is a fertile territory, while the mountains themselves are not productive.
In the south-eastern section is also a moderately productive soil derived largely from the disintegration of slate.
The incessant change which experience brings before us, taken in conjunction with the thought of unity in productive force of nature, leads to the all-important conception of the duality, the polar opposition through which nature expresses itself in its varied products.
On this side the ancestor-worship of the Aryans has been productive of the most important institutions of adoption and will or testament.
Productive coal beds are found in five principal fields.
The United States had a larger proportion (59.1%) within the productive age limits of 15 and 60 years than most European countries; this being due to the immigration of foreign adults (corresponding figure 80.3%), the productive group among the native whites (55.8%) being smaller than in every country of Europe.
Oil was produced in 1908 in sixteen states., This productive area is divided by the United States Geological Survey into six fields (in addition to some scattering states) with reference to the quality of oil that they produce, such quality determining their uses.
These mines have been productive since 1824.
These valleys, now so rich and productive, wore a very different aspect when the brethren first chose them as the place of their retirement.
The plant of the university in 1909 was valued at $3,193,128, and in1908-1909its productive funds amounted to about $2,000,000 and its income from all sources was about $784,000.
Nova Scotia, British Columbia and the Yukon are still the most productive, but the northern parts of Ontario are proving rich in the precious metals.
Such is the great mind of Aristotle manifested in the large map of learning, by which we have now to determine the order of his extant philosophical writings, with a view to studying them in their real order, which is neither chronological nor traditional, but philosophical and scientific. Turning over the pages of the Berlin edition, but passing over works which are perhaps spurious, we should put first and foremost speculative philosophy, and therein the primary philosophy of his Metaphysics (980 a 211093 b 29); then the secondary philosophy of his Physics, followed by his other physical works, general and biological, including among the latter the Historia Animalium as preparatory to the De Partibus Animalium, and the De Anima and Parva Naturalia, which he called " physical " but we call " psychological" (184 a 10-967 b 27); next, the practical philosophy of the Ethics, including the Eudemian Ethics and the Magna Moralia as earlier and the Nicomachean Ethics as later (1094-124 9 b 25), and of the Politics (1252-1342), with the addition of the newly discovered Athenian Constitution as ancillary to it; finally, the productive science, or art, of the Rhetoric, including the earlier Rhetoric to Alexander and the later Rhetorical Art, and of the Poetics, which was unfinished (1354-end).
Productive science, or art, is an intellectual habit of true reasoning from appropriate principles, acquired from experiences, and applied to the production of the work which is the end of the art.
All the arts are therefore at once rational and productive.
Such is Aristotle's productive science or art, contained in his Rhetoric and Poetics, compared with his Ethics and Politics.
The connexion of the rough Hephaestus with these goddesses is curious; it may be due to the beautiful works of the smith-god (xapLEVTa Epya), but it is possibly derived from the supposed fertilizing and productive power of fire, in which case Hephaestus is a natural mate of Charis, a goddess of spring, and Aphrodite the goddess of love.
It lies on the northward slope of the central elevation of the county, and is in the neighbourhood of some of the most productive tin and copper mines.
This double sex also attributed to Dionysus and Priapus - the union in one being of the two principles of generation and conception - denotes extensive fertilizing and productive powers.
Rio de Janeiro is the seaport for a large area of the richest, most productive and most thickly settled parts of Brazil, including the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Geraes and a small part of eastern Salo Paulo.
On the still lower levels the soil is deepest and most productive.
Unlike those of their kind in Sze Ch`uen, the wax insects of Shan-tung breed and become productive in the same districts.
He thought that in the soul there is a productive intellect and a passive intellect, and that, when we rise from sense by induction, the productive causes the passive intellect to receive the universal form or essence, e.g.
The most productive soil is that in the south-east section of the Great Valley and in Chester Valley where it is derived largely from limestone.
The Pittsburg district, comprising the counties of Allegheny, Washington, Fayette and Westmoreland, is exceptionally productive, and the coal in Allegheny and Washington counties is noted for its gas-producing qualities, while in Fayette and Westmoreland counties is obtained the famous Connellsville coking coal.
Northampton, Lehigh and York counties contain the most productive slate quarries in the country, and in 1908 the value of their output was $3,902,958; the Northampton and Lehigh slate is the only kind in the United States used for school blackboards.
In Chester county, also, is one of the most productive deposits of feldspar, second in importance only to those of Maine.
They are all highly charged with salt, and productive government salt-works were at one time stationed near Kissingen.
It lies in a productive agricultural district, at an altitude of 2129 ft., and is a place of great importance, being the chief depot of the inland trade of the southern part of the state.
Owing to periodical inundations, the surrounding country is but little cultivated, and the greater part of the population, which is of the mixed type common to the lowlands of Columbia, is engaged in no settled productive occupation.
Vegetable soils or moulds, or humus soils, contain a considerable percentage (more than 5) of humus, and embrace both the rich productive garden moulds and those known as peaty soils.
They form, moreover, neat enclosures for the vegetable quarters, and, provided excess of growth from the centre is successfully grappled with, they are productive in soils and situations which are suitable.
One of the expedients for inducing a state of fruitfulness in trees is the ringing of the branches or stem, that is, removing a narrow annular portion of the bark, by which means, it is said, the trees are not only rendered productive, but the quality of the fruit is at the same time improved.
The level country, including both Lower Bavaria (extending northwards to the Danube) and the western and middle parts of Franconia, is productive of rye, oats, wheat, barley and millet, and also of hemp, flax, madder and fruit and vines.
There is a railway connecting not only the coalfields of the Ombilin valley with Padang, but also the Ombilin river and the Lake of Singkara with the most productive and densely populated plateaus and valleys, north and south of the line of the volcanoes Singalang, Merapi and Sago.
The anchovy fishing which takes place in May, June and July sometimes yields very productive results.
The salmon fishery of the Rhine is very productive, and trout abound in the mountain streams.
Although there are long stretches of marshy moorland along the coast, the soil is on the whole productive.
The Panna group were the most productive during the 19th century.
When water can be obtained and distributed over an arid region by irrigation, the surface as a rule becomes extremely productive.
Upon every subject that came within the sweep of his system, except mathematics and physics, his thoughts have been productive of thought.
As the planting, productive and manufacturing processes of India may be taken to be generally representative of Indian tea Ceylon and Java also, and therefore of the tea of modern trade.
On the other hand, they withdrew large tracts of fertile and productive land from taxation (one-half of the cultivated land of the vilayet was said to be administered for the sultan's privy purse), and thus greatly reduced the revenue of the vilayet.
In the seventeen years ending1896-1897the capital expenditure on such works was Rx.10,954,948, including a sum of Rx.1, 742, 246 paid to the Madras Irrigation Company as the price of the Kurnool-Cuddapah canal, a work which can never be financially productive, but which nevertheless did good service in the famine of1896-1897by irrigating 87,226 acres.
In the famine year1877-1878the area irrigated by productive canals was 5, 1 7 1, 497 acres.
The irrigation of the eight productive systems was 1,680,178 acres, and the revenue Rx.739,778.
In Upper Burma three productive irrigation works were planned at the opening of the century - the Mandalay, the Shwebo, and the Mon canals, of which the first was estimated to cost -Rx.323,280, and to irrigate 72,000 acres.
Around Zwickau there are productive coal-fields, and milling for metals is carried on near Freiberg.
Almost two-thirds of the soil is occupied by arable land, pastures and meadows, and of the whole area, in 1900, 91% was classed as productive.
Tobacco forms a most productive and profitable object of culture in many districts.
Meanwhile the ambition of Catherine of Russia, and the war with Turkey by which the empire of the tsars was advanced to the Black Sea and threatened to establish itself south of the Danube, were productive of consequences of Austria enormous importance to Austria in the East.
This again depends upon the fertilizing sediment brought down by the Nile and the measure in which lands beyond the natural reach of the flood water can be rendered productive by irrigation.
To the wise foresight which, at a moment when the country was sinking beneath a weight of debt, did not hesitate to add this million for expenditure on productive works, the present prosperity of Egypt is largely due.
The fishing is very productive, the fish being exported to Turkestan, Mer y and Russia.
The institution owns 522 acres of land, has productive endowment funds amounting to $1,978,000, and receives from the state an annual appropriation of $80,000.
Almaden, the Sisapon of the Romans, is celebrated for its mercury mines, which were extensively wrought by the Romans and Moors, and are still productive, the ore increasing in richness with the depth of the descent.
The climate is mild, the fig-tree and myrtle growing in sheltered spots and the soil, where cultivated, is productive.
Tylisos was the most productive site.
The chief areas for tree and small fruit are Clydesdale and the Carse of Gowrie, but there are also productive orchards in the shires of Haddington, Stirling, Ayr and Roxburgh, while market-gardening has developed in the neighbourhood of the larger towns.
The ironproducing counties in the order of their output are Ayr, Lanark, Renfrew, Linlithgow, Dumbarton, Fife, Midlothian and Stirling, the first three being the most productive.
Being composed largely of red clays and laterite, the soil is not generally rich, and calls for the patient cultivation of the Chinese gardener to make it really productive.
Ann Arbor is situated in a productive agricultural and fruit-growing region.
This is the most fertile and productive part of Ecuador, especially on the higher lands near the Cordillera.
There is a fertile, productive country back of this port, and it is the objective point of a road from Quito.
The largest and most productive of all the banks are situated on the Arabian side of the Gulf and are fished annually; the banks of the Persian coast are poor as well as small and are fished at infrequent intervals.
The wonderfully productive halibut fisheries of Hecate Strait, which separates these islands from the mainland and its adjacent islands, have attracted the attention of fishing companies, and great quantities of this fish are taken regularly and shipped across the continent in cold storage.
The period from 1771 to 1775 was, in literary respects, the most productive of the poet's life.
Afghanistan is largely a country of mountains and deserts; but there are wide tracts of highly irrigated and most productive country where fruit is grown in such abundance as to become an important item in the export trade.
He ruled like a modern capitalist; placed his bribes like investments in the courts of his enemies; and, while draining the land of enormous sums, was pitiless toward the two productive portions of his realm, the country population and the artisans.
Nearly the whole surface is under cultiva tion, and it ranks among the most productive as well as the most densely populated regions of the world.
The Irrigation Commission of 1901 advised an expenditure of 30 millions sterling, spread over a term of twenty years, and irrigating 62 million acres in addition to the 47 millions already irrigated at that time; but it was estimated that that programme would practically exhaust the irrigable land in India, and that some of the later works would be merely protective against the danger of famine, and would not be financially productive.
Petroleum is an important product, and there are wells at a number of places along the coast, from Tumbes to Sechura, the most productive being those of Talara and Zorritos.
Such studies, however, were pursued without any definite aim or systematic arrangement, and consequently were productive of nothing.
Luneburg owes its importance chiefly to the gypsum and lime quarries of the Kalkberg, which afford the materials for its cement works, and to the productive salt-spring at its base which has been known and used since the 10th century.
The rainfall is abundant, and the soil of the heavily wooded valleys and lower mountain slopes is exceptionally fertile and productive.
A new committee sat in 1863, and in its report again remarked in no measured terms upon the many and wide differences that still existed in the gaols of Great Britain as regards construction, diet, labour and general discipline, "leading to an inequality, uncertainty and inefficiency of punishment productive of the most prejudicial results."
It is an axiom in prison science that enforced labour cannot easily be made productive.
The major productive works are the upper and lower Ganges, the eastern Jumna, and the Agra canals.
The difference has been productive of no other inconvenience than arises from the variation of a month in the celebration of the festivals.
While some of the more arid districts have soils so strongly alkaline as to be practically unreclaimable, there are extensive areas of fertile lands which only require irrigation to make them highly productive.
It shared indeed in the dreariness and corruption of the times commonly called the " dark ages," but when at last a productive period began the Church was the first to profit by it.
Marshy soils are found along the lowest portions of the Coastal Plain, and are exceedingly productive wherever reclaimed by draining, as in portions of the Dismal Swamp. Other portions of the Coastal Plain afford more valuable soils, sandy loams overlying sandy clays.
In accordance with this type of productive energy, the Saktas divide themselves into two distinct groups, according to whether they attach the greater importance to the male or to the female principle; viz.
Probably the polar regions alone do not fall within the category of the potentially productive, as even sandy and alkaline desert is rendered habitable where irrigation can be introduced; and vast tracts of fertile soil adapted for immediate exploitation, especially in the temperate zones, both north and south, only remain unpeopled because they are not yet wanted for colonization.
But their example French was not productive of a really great school of French painting.
Speaking generally, irrigation is essential to successful cultivation, but wherever irrigation is practicable the soil proves richly productive.
The census as a method of valuation was revived; the important and productive land taxes were placed on a more definite footing; while, above all, the substitution of direct collection by state officials for the letting out by auction of the tax-collection to the companies of publicani was made general.
The most glaring fault was plainly the undue and increasing pressure on the productive classes.
Security, and in particular the absence of arbitrary impositions, combined with convenient modes of collection, have come to be recognized as indispensable auxiliaries in financial administration which further aims at the selection of really productive forms of charge.
The network of shallow and still limans or "cut-offs" in the delta of the Volga and the shallow waters of the northern Caspian, freshened as these are by the water of the Volga, the Ural, the Kura and the Terek, is exceedingly favourable to the breeding of fish, and as a whole constitutes one of the most productive fishing grounds in the world.
But the rare expression maan-emd, " Mother-earth," still used in the ancient lays,2 points to the older type of belief in the animation of the productive soil.
Perhaps at a relatively earlier stage maternity alone is emphatically asserted, as in the figure of the Cretan Mother, productive without distinctly sexual character.
The city is in a productive tobacco and grain region, and has a large tobacco trade and important manufactures.
In Italy, as long as orange trees were propagated by grafts, they were tender; but after many of the trees were destroyed by the severe frosts of 1709 and 1763, plants were raised from seed, and these were found to be hardier and more productive than the former kinds.
On the Mediterranean coast, unhealthy salt marshes alternate with rich plains of pleasant and productive huertas or gardens, such as those of Alicante and Denia.
The most productive counties are Flint, Durham and Derby; the ore obtained in the Isle of Man is increased in value by the silver it contains.
From 1882 onwards math was steadily productive.
Kwang-tung is one of the most productive provinces of the empire.
The deity of the city was Artemis; but we must guard against misconception when we use that name, remembering that she bore close relation to the primitive Asiatic goddess of nature, whose cult existed before the Ionian migration at the neighbouring Ortygia, and that she always remained the virgin-mother of all life and especially wild life, and an embodiment of the fertility and productive power of the earth.
Thomas Dickson of Edinburgh long ago observed that the most healthy and productive crop was to be obtained by planting unripe tubers, and proposed this as a preventive of the disease called the "curl," which sometimes attacks the young stems, causing them and also the leaves to become crumpled, and few or no tubers to be produced; in this connexion it is interesting to note that Scottish and Irish seed potatoes give a larger yield than English, probably on account of their being less matured.
Such parts of the Karroo as are under perennial irrigation are among the most productive lands in South Africa.
The raw materials purchased by Flemish, German or English traders were used in the establishment of productive industries, while Portugal received a vast influx of bullion, most of which was squandered on war, luxuries or the Church.
The demand for " Port " and " Madeira" was thus artificially stimulated to such an extent that almost the whole productive energy of Portugal was concentrated upon the wine and cork trades.
Diniz, who had been educated by Amyeric of Cahors, proved himself the most fecund poetking of his day, though the pleiad of fidalgos forming his court, and the jograes who flocked there from all parts, were fewer in number, less productive, and lacked the originality, vigour and brilliance of the singers who versified round Alphonso III.
This hilly district contains the most productive land in the province, the soil consisting of diluvial drift or boulder clay.
Bee-keeping is a productive industry.
The fishing in the Baltic is productive; Eckernforde is the chief fishing station in Prussia.
Dempsey Series; freshwater beds, containing no productive coal.
The grazing industry still holds a chief place amongst the productive industries of the state.
It is unfortunate that such a double meaning of the word should have grown up, for it is productive of not a little confusion of thought.
Riding of Yorkshire are especially productive in all crops these; the North and West Ridings of Yorkshire pro duce a notable quantity of barley and oats; and the oat-crops in the following counties deserve mention - Devonshire, Hampshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Cornwall, Cheshire and Sussex.
In proportion to their area, the counties specially productive of wheat are Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex; and of barley, Norfolk, Suffolk and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Beginning with the middle of the 19th century, the increasing competition of the more productive soils of the West, the growth of urban population in the state, and the number of summer visitors effected the reforesting of much poor land and the more intensive cultivation of the better arable land.
The most productive dairy section of the state is a belt extending from the south-west corner N.E.
Pittsburg is in the midst of the most productive coalfields in the country; the region is also rich in petroleum and natural gas.
Alkali soils are also common in the basins, but when water is available they can often be washed out and made productive.
The beds of magnetite and hematite, in the southern portion of the Wasatch Mountains, are the largest in the western United States; in 1902 the four productive mines in Milford, Juab and Utah counties produced 16,240 tons of ore, valued at $27,417.
The income tax (q.v.) for many years has been the most prominent, and latterly it has been the most productive, single tax.
The lower region of the Ganges is the richest and most productive portion of Bengal, abounding in valuable produce.
But the rule of the Phanariotes could not but be productive of grinding oppression, and it was rendered doubly hateful by the swarms of Greek adventurers who accompanied them.
Life is something added to the organism; over and above the universally diffused sensibility there is some living and productive power to which we give the name of Nature.
They include the larger part of the white population and the chief productive industries of the country.
The larger part of the inhabited and productive districts of the republic is situated in the mountainous departments of the interior, and is separated from the coast by low, swampy, malarial plains, and by very difficult mountain chains.
Besides this, the extreme unhealthiness of its most productive regions, the Choco and Barbacoas districts on the Pacific slope, has been a serious obstacle to foreign enterprise.
In the vicinity of the city there are salt wells, and Saginaw county is the most productive coalfield in the state - in 1907 its output was 1,047, 9 2 7 tons, more than half the total for the state.
The Indwe mines are the most productive.
These four great deposits of mineral wealth are still richly productive, and constitute the greatest industrial asset which the colony possesses.
In short, the men who are fitted to organize society for productive labour are entitled to bear rule in it.
Agriculture and Stock-Raising.--Oregon has some of the most productive agricultural lands in the United States, but they are rather limited in extent, being confined for the most part to the valleys west of the Cascade Mountains and the counties bordering .on the Columbia river east of those mountains.
The more level parts of Bombay consist of five well-demarcated tracts - Sind, Gujarat, the Konkan, the Deccan, and the Carnatic. Sind, or the lower valley of the Indus, is very flat, with but scanty vegetation, and depending for productive ness entirely on irrigation.
Large herds of cattleare reared on the communal lands, which are productive also, of wheat, rapeseed and maize.
The north and north central portions of the state, formerly rather swampy, have become since the clearing of the forests as productive as the south central.
These soils are all easily cultivated, free from stones, and exceedingly productive.
There are exceptional spots on the upland prairies composed of stiff clay, not as easily cultivated, but very productive when properly managed and enriched.
By and by the idea would dawn on the nation that anarchy is as productive of evil as tyranny, and that a government which omits to regulate or control allows the strong to oppress the weak, and the rich to oppress the poor.
As there are no mountains or swamps, there is here very little waste land, and every square foot of the vast wheat fields can be made productive.
This revelation is distinguished into the law of the old covenant and the law of the gospel; the latter of these is productive as well as imperative since it carries with it the divine grace that makes its fulfilment possible.
The truth is that, while Locke agrees entirely with Hobbes as to the egoistic basis of rational conduct, and the interpretation of " good " and " evil" as " pleasure " and " pain," or that which is productive of pleasure and pain, he yet agrees entirely with Hobbes's opponents in holding ethical rules to be actually obligatory independently of political society, and capable of being scientifically constructed on principles intuitively known, - though he does not regard these principles as implanted in the mind at birth.
Nor is his attempt to construct a scientific criterion out of data derived from the biological sciences productive of satisfactory results.
The violent party strife which from 1880 to 1895 had absorbed the best energies of the country and paralysed every serious and productive work, ceased almost completely, and the nation as a whole turned to improve its agriculture and commerce.
That of his successor, though shorter, was vastly more productive.
In the vicinity are very productive mines of coal and ironstone, as well as sand of fine quality for casting, and grinding-stones for cutlers.
The chief islands on the west of the chain enclosing the Koro Sea are Koro, Ngau, Moala and Totoya, all productive, affording good anchorage, elevated and picturesque.
Universal organizing action produces the forms of intercourse, and universal symbolizing action produces the various forms of science; individual organizing action yields the forms of property and individual symbolizing action the various representations of feeling, all these constituting the relations, the productive spheres, or the social conditions of moral action.
But these varying conceptions with their religious meaning become religiously productive only in the souls of religious heroes, who are the authors of new religions, mediators of the religious life, founders of religious communities.
By giving the king the ecclesiastical patronage they not only made a docile instrument of him, but endowed him with a mine of wealth, even more productive than the sale of offices, and a power of favoring and rewarding that transformed a needy and ill-obeyed king into an absolute monarch.
The marriage of Maximilian of Austria with the heiress of Burgundy was to be productive of a change in the fortunes of that part of Frisia which lies between the Vlie and the Lauwers.
Such an intellect, named active or productive, as being the author of the development of reason in man, is the permanent, eternal thought, which is the truth of the cosmic and physical movement.
The fauna also is well represented, but tigers which once were frequently seen are now very scarce; panther, hyena, jackal, wild boar, deer (Cervus maral) are common; pheasant, woodcock, ducks, teal, geese and various waterfowl abound; the fisheries are very productive and are leased to a Russian firm.
In general it is in a backward condition, and is now much less productive than in the time of the Romans and again under the Moors.
In neither province is the soil naturally fertile, and nothing but the untiring industry of the inhabitants, favored by the rivers which traverse the province from the table-land of New Castile and the numerous small streams (nacinlientos) that issue from the base of the limestone mountains and by the numerous torrents from the Pyrenees, has converted them into two of the most productive regions in Spain.
The least productive tracts, apart from Aragori and Estremadura, are situated in the south and east of New Castile, in Murcia, and in Lower Andalusiathe marshes or marismas of the lower Guadaiquivir and the arenas gordas between that river and the Rio Tinto.
The altered polo-rule, which fixes the limit of height at 14 hands 2 in., may be productive of some little confusion; but for all other purposes 14 hands is the recognized maximum height of a pony.
The surface is mainly occupied by an extensive and highly productive central plain, skirted on the west side by a range of bare limestone hills from 1000 to 1200 ft.
These have been productive throughout the historic period and still yield a considerable supply of pitch.
In the one case we are treating the ego as one of the objects of experience and denying of it productive efficacy; in the second case we are dealing with the unity of the ego as a condition of knowledge, of any experience whatsoever.
This intermediate process - which is really the junction of understanding and sense - Kant calls productive imagination, and it is only through productive imagination that knowledge or experience is actually realized in our subjective consciousness.
The specific forms of productive imagination are called schemata, and upon the nature of the schema Kant gives much that has proved of extreme value for subsequent thought.
Productive imagination is thus the concrete element'of knowledge, and its general modes are the abstract expression of the a priori laws of all possible experience.
Perception or real cognition is thus conceived as a complex fact, involving data of sense and pure perceptive forms, determined by the category and realized through productive imagination in the schema.
The system of principles which may be deduced from the consideration of the mode in which understanding and sense are united by productive imagination is the positive result of the critical theory of knowledge, and some of its features are remarkable enough to deserve attention.
But experience is for us the combination of data of sense in the forms of productive imagination, forms determined by the pure intellectual notions, and accordingly experience is possible for us only as in modes corresponding to the notions.
Life could be productive without Bordeaux - or any other man, for that matter.
This demonstrates the council's vital role in bringing about change to facilitate productive collaboration with industry.
As one would expect, casters can be a very productive bait for the rudd when fished light just under the surface in summer.
The tropical rain forest biome is one of the test productive areas on earth.
Dana's current productive capacity from the GKA is therefore now approximately 14,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
He still had a cough productive of clear catarrh and left sided chest pains.
When gold was used, and the rules protected honest commerce, productive nations thrived.
The productive forces of Russia were artificially constrained by the bureaucratic system.
The productive forces are in irreconcilable contradiction not only with private property but also with national state boundaries.
A productive, or chesty cough makes you feel like you want to bring up mucus or phlegm by coughing.
The morning was, as expected, very productive and we saw some interesting things including an Australian crake and about 1000 Banded Stilts.
In agricultural areas, industrial tree plantations have undermined food security by usurping productive cropland and pastures.
Mandel's Late Capitalism has a historical schema based on productive forces determinism.
We also have to balance allocative efficiency with productive efficiency.
Its purpose is to present factual, useful information about coal in a fun and productive way. ' Hobby Gas Turbines.
The effort to create a European constituency in an effort to promote federalism has been positively counter productive.
That alone provides conditions for democracy and allows the productive forces to expand in an unfettered manner.
Contrary to the stereotype, using the Internet can be productive and spiritually fulfilling.
Its incredible calving glaciers include the most productive in the world, which advances 30 meters every 24 hours.
Placed in its new mother country, Zoombinis is enjoying again pacific, productive prosperity.
Training Research proves that good quality training helps retain and motivate staff as well as making businesses more productive.
The Seas Around Scotland Scotland's seas, positioned between subpolar and subtropical influences, are among the most biologically productive in the world.
The Kano region is the most agriculturally productive part of the country, with increased yields of sorghum, millet, cowpeas and groundnuts.
In such a situation, highly productive staff would tend to have their salaries bid up.
At its best this is an enormously productive relationship, with life-long loyalties in both directions.
This was altogether an incredibly productive week despite the hangovers and temperatures over 90 degrees.
And some of these lochs can be remarkably productive.
The cost to SMEs combined with the impending increases to the National Minimum Wage could be counter productive.
These proved quite productive with a good selection of waders.
Will it try to become more productive, or diversify into something else, or simply go out of business?
The tree can remain productive for 100 years or so.
In spite of all these commitments, he was a most productive researcher and a hugely prolific publisher.
Business trips will be more productive than trying to fight the red tape facing you.
Our politics are based on the productive role of the working class and the power to transform society that it has as a result.
Unfortunately, to avoid cattle trypanosomiasis, farmers are often forced away from these more productive grazing lands to marginal areas.
It is an extremely productive grape used to produce generally light, pale white wines.
This was to protect unproductive labor rather than promoting newer, high productive industries that policies to upskill the workforce would provide.
In short, the various forms of local self-government, which were intended to raise the nation gradually to the higher political level of western Europe, were condemned as unsuited to the national character and traditions, and as productive of disorder and demoralization.
In the ' eighties, the country passed through a period of competitive building, which was productive of much financial disaster.
There is not only the heavy toll in life and health exacted from Europeans, but the virtual closing of enormous tracts of productive country which would otherwise afford scope for British enterprise.
Others that are exceedingly productive are the black calcareous loam of the prairies, the calcareous silt of the bluff belt along the eastern border of the Delta, and the brown loam of the tableland in the central part of the state.
In the cultivated parts the land is so exceedingly fertile and productive that it sells for almost fabulous prices, and its value is still further enhanced by the discovery of manganese and copper mines in the basin of the Rion, and of the almost inexhaustible supplies of naphtha and petroleum at Baku in the Apsheron peninsula.
Pickers are trained to recognize the best plants, " that is, those most productive, earliest in ripening, and having the largest, best formed and most numerous bolls."
But it was as a writer of comedy that he was most famous, most productive and most original.
The bill vetoed by Monroe would in effect have given to the Federal government jurisdiction over the road; and in his elaborate memorandum (May 4, 1822) accompanying his veto message, Monroe discussed at length the constitutional questions involved, argued that the Federal government was empowered by the Constitution to appropriate money for " internal improvements," and in concert with the states through which a road was to pass might supervise the construction of such a road, but might not exercise jurisdiction over it, and advocated the adoption of an amendment to the constitution giving larger power to the Federal government " confined to great national works only, since, if it were unlimited it would be liable to abuse, and might be productive of evil."
Inaugurated by Pasteur's early work, progress in this subject was first marked by the discovery of the parasite of anthrax and of those organisms productive of fowl-cholera and septic disease.
In surgery this period was far more productive than in medicine, especially in Italy and France, but the limits of our subject only permit us to mention Gulielmus de Saliceto of Piacenza (about 1275), Lanfranchi of Milan (died about 1306), the French surgeon, Guy de Chauliac (about 1350) and the Englishman, John Ardern (about 1350).
Preaching once more was based on the Bible, which was expounded with force and earnestness, and though throughout the century there remained a good' many pulpiteers who produced nothing but solemn fudge, the example and stimulus given by Wesley and Whitefield were almost immeasurably productive.
It is impossible to enter here on the steps by which the theoretical ego is shown to develop into the complete system of cognitive categories, or to trace the deduction of the processes (productive imagination, intuition, sensation, understanding, judgment, reason) by which the quite indefinite non-ego comes to assume the appearance of definite objects in the forms of time and space.
Schelling was prematurely thrust into the position of a foremost productive thinker; and when the lengthened period of quiet meditation was at last forced upon him there unfortunately lay before him a system which achieved what had dimly been involved in his ardent and impetuous desires.
Practically all hedonists have argued that what are known as the "lower" pleasures are not only ephemeral in themselves but also productive of so great an amount of consequent pain that the wise man cannot regard them as truly pleasurable; the sane hedonist will, therefore, seek those so-called "higher" pleasures which are at once more lasting and less likely to be discounted by consequent pain.
In 1908 the Geological Survey issued a preliminary map of the then known areas productive of oil and natural gas in the United States, estimating the extent of the former at 8850 and of the latter at 9365 sq.
The natives are in the habit of making holes in the aa, and planting in them banana shoots or sweet-potato cuttings, and though the holes are simply filled with stones or fern leaves, the plants grow and in due time are productive.
Here and there a valley has become filled with alluvial detritus owing to some local impediment in the drainage, and when this occurs there is usually to be found a fertile and productive field for agriculture.
All people would have tools to make them more productive.
Technology has made us ever more productive.
Key personnel can be redeployed into more productive areas of your business.
Foster also provided fourth-place points in the triple jump before ending a productive day in the winning effort of the sprint relay quartet.
The small islands and sandbanks in the river proved very productive.
So for those who are wavering on these issues let us work together to take a more ambitious, a more productive stand.
I set off in one direction, really intent on being productive but got waylaid by the scenery and let all ambition evaporate.
The debate between the presidential candidates was more of a showdown than a productive discussion.
We focused on creating a viable, virtual company and discovered many practices that made working virtually productive and rewarding.
These tips can help you have an efficient and productive experience when you are in the market for a new bathroom sink.
Not only will the trip be more productive, you will also be in a better position to guide the salesperson to your objectives rather than the salesperson guide you to their objectives.
Co-parenting advice can help you and your child's other parent come together as a unit to raise a loving, confident, productive member of society.
In addition, your family will be having lots of fun, be very productive, and will communicate more and often with each other.
That is to work with your body and help make you a more efficient and productive worker.
Sustainable growth includes taking care of the soil in which the plants are grown through organic practices and methods that allow the growth environment to remain diverse and productive.
Ergonomic keyboards and chairs are great investments because if you're comfortable, you're more productive and can think more clearly.
Keep this function in mind as you choose your decor, and your new home office will have you productive in no time.
Offices should be productive spaces, but they also need to be aesthetically appealing, so consider tackling a few office interior design projects at home or at your place of work.
For serious discolorations or for a more dramatic smile, a trip to your dentist would be more productive.
Although a retreat that includes only experienced scrapbookers can be very productive in terms of the number of layouts completed, don't forget that there are many advantages to including less experienced guests as well.
Rubber stamping scrapbook conventions are not only fun, but productive as well -- allowing you to hone and learn new skills.
Make a schedule so you are productive but leave yourself some room for breaks and time to deal with the unexpected.
Feeling better about your life will give you much more motivation and help you become more productive.
When you are more productive, you will have fewer stressful deadlines and thus, less overall stress.
First, do think of meditation as productive.
Taking control of your stress will make you a more productive, likable and happier person.
Instead of finding productive ways to handle the situation, you placed blame on others or yourself.
Work in an office where you can be social, but productive as well.
The importance of eliminating stress in work and life cannot be overemphasized, and finding stress-free jobs can help you choose a career path that can be both productive and satisfying.
No matter the type, there are practical steps you can take to help ensure a productive outcome while keeping you feeling less angry.
Instead of continuing these habits, you could try to replace them with something much more productive such as stress balls.
Utilizing effective time management strategies, teaches you how to make the most of your time as you gain confidence, become more productive and have time to relax and enjoy your life.
When you prioritize the things that you need to do, putting the most important ones first, you are more productive and have more time for the things you enjoy doing.
How to Set up a Daily Schedule shows practical ways to make your time more productive.
An activity log also helps you see which part of the day is your most productive time.
The definition of time management includes developing and utilizing the tools, techniques and skills to make use of your time in the most productive and effective way.
If you spend most of your day jumping from one task to another while trying to decide what to do next, or feeling like a slave to email, experiential learning on time management skills may help you become more organized and productive.
Learning through experience and tracking your progress will help you become more productive and efficient.
Learning how to manage your time effectively is a key skill in staying productive and freeing up time to spend on the things you most enjoy.
You will be more productive, accomplishing the tasks that need to be done without procrastination.
The proper balance of efficient and effective time management will result in you being more productive in less time.
As you become more productive during the day you will get more done in less time.
When you are more productive and getting the most out of each day, you are able to produce work that is a higher standard.
It is learning how to develop and utilize the skills, techniques and tools of effective and productive time management and using them to achieve a specific goal.
If you feel that you are not managing your time effectively, learning how to prioritize your tasks using a time management Stephen Covey Time Management Matrix can help you to become more productive as you learn to use your time wisely.
Each one has a different area of urgency, from "urgent and important" to "neither urgent nor important." Covey recommends spending the most time in quadrant two to be productive and use time most efficiently.
While it might feel like replaying or worry about future events is productive, it can actually make you feel even worse.
By learning some effective stress management techniques, you can bring your anxiety down to a productive level that will help you achieve maximum success on your test.
The problem lies in knowing how much anxiety is productive for you.
All you need to do is find out what's available for teens, where to look for summer jobs and learn some valuable tips to get you started on the right step towards a successful, productive summer.
Using the coping methods you've learned and the enjoyment you get from this activity, you can create a positive and productive future for yourself and your family.
Community programs for teens help them feel a sense of accomplishment and they keep them engaged in productive activities.
They begin to understand that instead of fighting their issues by acting out, they need to work through them in safe, legal and productive ways.
Thus, you are rarely too tired to exercise, your work is more productive and your sleep is more restful.
Proper soil moisture will help ensure a productive crop.
It's a time to bond with your girls and get something productive done.
For family and friends of an alcoholic, this kind of support group can mean the difference between living a productive life or one filled with constant worry, fear, and blame.
An intervention should be done in a way that is productive and doesn't evoke immediate anger or distress.
The cameras are disruptive, leading to less productive employees.
Free online typing courses can make you more productive during your workday.
For many young men, Boy Scouts of America and by extension the Eagle Scouts of America teach them to be proactive and productive citizens of their communities.
The dog may have coughing spasms as though trying to clear his lungs, but these coughs are usually not productive.
Gardeners who produce their own get to enjoy this treat more frequently as long as they provide these plants with what they need to be productive.
A balanced 10-10-10 or 15-15-15 fertilizer applied in June or July each year helps asparagus plants remain healthy and productive.