Productions Sentence Examples
The chief productions are wheat, wine, oil, mastic, figs, raisins, honey, wax, cotton and silk.
The department is an elevated region, well watered with a large number of small streams whose waters eventually find their way through the Amazon into the Atlantic. Many of its productions are of the temperate zone, and considerable attention is given to cattle-raising.
The results of this study constantly appear in their productions.
The first requisites of all human beings are food and protection, in their search for which men are brought into intimate relations with the forms and productions of the earth's surface.
Peiper thinks that the first three treatises are the productions of the early years of Boetius.
In 1757 Voltaire came to reside at Lausanne; and although he took but little notice of the young Englishman of twenty, who eagerly sought and easily obtained an introduction, the establishment of the theatre at Monrepos, where the brilliant versifier himself declaimed before select audiences his own productions on the stage, had no small influence in fortifying Gibbon's taste for the French theatre, and in at the same time abating that "idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman."
A full account of the history of the Physiologus should also embrace the subjects taken from it in the productions of Christian art, the parodies suggested by the original work, e.g.
It is true that the situation in Israel or Samaria continues obscure, but a careful study of literary productions, evidently not earlier than the 7th century B.C., reveals a particular loftiness of conception and a tendency which finds its parallels in Hosea and approximates the peculiar characteristics of the Deuteronomic school of thought.
Yet some of his earlier productions are distinguished by classical terseness."
In these " Fragments," apparently his earliest productions, we find him engaged on the subject with which his name will always be especially identified, the structure and arrangement of feathers.
AdvertisementIts principal productions are coffee, sugar, and cacao, and - less important - cotton, tobacco,.
Leland said that it is easier to collect the leaves of the Sibyl than the titles of the works written by Roger Bacon; and though the labour has been somewhat lightened by the publications of Brewer and Charles, referred to below, it is no easy matter even now to form an accurate idea of his actual productions.
Various attempts have been made to substitute a comb for the knife or beater, and one of the latest productions is the " Universal fibre gin," in which a series of blunt combs working horizontally replace the solid beater and so-called knife of the Macarthy gin.
Manget's Bibliotheca chemica curiosa (1702), are confused productions, written in an allegorical style, but full of phrases and even pages taken literally from the Greek alchemists, and citing by name various authorities of Greek alchemy.
Among the more important productions of more recent times, may be mentioned a map of the empire, said to be based upon actual surveys by Yhang (721), who also manufactured FIG.
AdvertisementThe production of these charts employed numerous licensed draughtsmen in the principal seaports of Italy and Catalonia, and among seamen these MS. charts remained popular long after the productions of the printing-press had become available.
Among his most satisfactory productions are some of his earlier ones, such as the full-length of the duke of Argyll, and the numerous bust-portraits of Scottish gentlemen and their ladies which he executed before settling in London.
Among other important productions of the Ottoman Empire are sesame, coleseed, castor oil, flax, hemp, aniseed, mohair, saffron, olive oil, gums, scammony and liquorice.
The Persianizing tendency of this school reached its highest point in the productions of Veysi, who left a Life of the Prophet, and of Nergisi, a miscellaneous writer of prose and verse.
There are no navigable streams. The climate and productions are not unlike those of Java, though the rains are heavier, the drought more severe, and the fertility less.
AdvertisementArt industries, particularly those which appeal to the luxurious taste of the inhabitants in fitting their houses, such as wall-papers and furniture, and those which are included in the equipment of ocean-going steamers, have of late years made rapid strides and are among the best productions of this character of any German city.
The exports cover a wide range of agricultural, pastoral and natural productions, including coffee, rubber, sugar, cotton, cocoa, Brazil nuts, mate (Paraguay tea), hides, skins, fruits, gold, diamonds, manganese ore, cabinet woods and medicinal leaves, roots and resins.
It was once cultivated in Rio Grande do Sul with some success, and it has been grown in Minas Geraes and Sao Paulo, but in no case have the returns been sufficient to give it a permanent standing among the productions of the country.
From an artistic standpoint, these stories are rather laboured productions, besides being ultra-romantic in tone; but it must be remembered that they were written mainly with an educational object, and, moreover, they deserve high praise for their style.
The first period of Scholasticism being thus at an end, there is an interval of nearly half a century without any noteworthy philosophical productions.
AdvertisementAs there are no traces of literary productions in the native or Magyar dialect before the 12th century, the early condition of the language is concealed from the philologist.
The most valuable of his productions is his collection of " Hungarian Proverbs and Famous Sayings," which appeared in 1820 at Szeged, under the title of Magyar peldabeszedek es jeles monddsok.
By offering rewards for the best original dramatic productions, the academy provided that the national theatre should not suffer from a lack of classical dramas.
The philosophical labours of the already mentioned John Erdelyi and of Augustus Greguss won for them well-deserved recognition, the latter especially being famous for his aesthetical productions, in which he appears to follow out the principles of Vischer.
His literary productions consist only of a liturgy and two exceedingly interesting letters.
These productions - incomparably the most remarkable and most absolutely good fruit of his genius - were usually composed as pamphlets, with a purpose of polemic in religion, politics, or what not.
The earliest specimens of glass-ware which can be definitely claimed as Egyptian productions, and the glass manufactory discovered by Dr Flinders Petrie at Tell el Amarna, belong to the period of the XVIIIth dynasty.
Kohler (Kohut Memorial Volume, 18 97, pp. 264-338) has given good grounds for regarding the whole work, with the exception of some interpolations, as "one of the most remarkable productions of the pre-Christian era, explicable only when viewed in the light of Hasidean practice."
In the middle ages, owing to various causes, the better wines of France and Germany could not be obtained in England except at prohibitive prices; but when this state of things ceased, and foreign wine could be imported, the English consumers would no longer tolerate the inferior productions of their own vineyards.
The productions of Germany, Belgium and the United States have enormously and fairly regularly increased.
The staple productions are machinery, railway engines and carriages, steel, tin and bronze wares, pottery, bent and carved wood furniture, textiles and chemicals.
In all his undertakings Daubeny was actuated by a practical spirit and a desire for the advancement of knowledge; and his personal influence on his contemporaries was in keeping with the high character of his various literary productions.
His history of the cathedral church at Reims (Historia Remensis Ecclesiae) is one of the most remarkable productions of the 10th century.
Vicarious interest, however, attaches to the productions of the Mito School on account of the political influence they exercised in rehabilitating the nations respect for the throne by unveiling the picture of an epoch prior to, the usurpations of military feudalism.
Some of the most exquisite and most ingenious of these earlier productions, such as the magnificent iron eagle in the south Kensington Museum, the wonderful articulated models of crayfish, dragons, serpents, birds, that are found in many European collections, came from the studios of the MiyOchins; but these were the play of giants, and were not made as articles of commerce.
But there were many others whose productions fully equalled and often excelled the best efforts of the GotO.
But it is impossible to admit within the circle of high-art productions these wooden figures of everyday men and women, unrelieved by any subjective element, and owing their merit entirely to the fidelity with which their contours are shaped, their muscles modelled, and their anatomical proportions preserved.
But the term raku-yaki did not come into use until the close of the century, when Chjiro (artistic name, Choryu) received from Hideyoshi (the TaikO) a seal bearing the ideograph raku, with which he thenceforth stamped his productions.
Awata-yaki is the best known among the ceramic productions of Kiflto.
Seto, in fact, acquired such a widespread reputation for its ceramic productions that the term seto-mono (Seto article) came to be used generally for all pottery and porcelain, just as China is in the West.
Many examples of the above varieties deserve the enthusiastic admiration they have received, yet they unquestionably belong to a lower rank of ceramic achievements than the choice productions of Chinese kilns.
Ninsei, in the middle of the 17th century, inaugurated a long era of beautiful productions with his cream-like fish-roe eraquel glazes, carrying jrich decoration of clear and brilliant vitrifiable enamels.
Ware manufactured by his direction at the Tokyo school of technique (shokk gakk), under the name of asahi-yaki, ranks among the interesting productions of modern Japan.
The contrary has been repeatedly affirmed by foreign critics, but no one really familiar with modern productions can entertain such a view.
The characteristic productions of the third among the modern schools are monochromatic and translucid enamels.
Oriental, with the title of Turkish Spy, Lettres chinoises, &c. These productions were usually issued in periodical form, and, besides an immense amount of worthless tittle-tattle, contain some valuable matter.
It was left to Freron, Grimm, Prevost and others in 1754 to extend the idea to all foreign productions, and the Journal etranger (1754-1762) was founded for this purpose.
Lying partly on the arid coast, partly in the high Cordilleras and partly in the valley of the Maranon, it has every variety of climate and productions.
Among the later productions of his pen were, besides the Plan of a Reform in the Election of the House of Commons, pamphlets entitled Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade (1796), Reflections on the Abundance of Paper in Circulation and the Scarcity of Specie (1810), Historical Questions Exhibited (1818), and a Letter to Earl Grey on the Policy of Great Britain and the Allies towards Norway (1814).
The term is more customarily given to productions of flame such as we have in the burning of oils, gas, fuel, &c., but it is conveniently extended to other cases of oxidation, such as are met with when metals are heated for a long time in air or oxygen.
Many letters and other short productions of his pen are extant in MS., especially five thick volumes of Amsdorfiana, in the Weimar library.
One other fact, not to be forgotten in forming a general estimate of the literary value of their productions, is, that the same writer was frequently or almost always distinguished in several special sciences.
The spirit of all their productions is the same, that of learned research.
Some of the best productions of the school were their epigrams. Of these we have several specimens, and the art of composing them seems to have been assiduously cultivated, as might naturally be expected from the court life of the poets, and their constant endeavours after terseness and neatness of expression.
A deal of study has been devoted to the cunning Tubal Cains, the surprising productions of whose handiwork have been recovered in the art provinces of Mexico and the Cordilleras, especially in Chiriqui, between Costa Rica and Colombia.
In tracing the growth of Persia from a petty subject kingdom to a vast dominant empire, he has occasion to set out the histories of Lydia, Media, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Scythia, Thrace, and to describe the countries and the peoples inhabiting them, their natural productions, climate, geographical position, monuments, &c.; while, in noting the contemporaneous changes in Greece, he is led to tell of the various migrations of the Greek race, their colonies, commerce, progress in the arts, revolutions, internal struggles, wars with one another, legislation, religious tenets and the like.
Its chief productions are sugar, tobacco and cigars, 'stoves, machines, vehicles, agricultural implements and bricks.
His "theorie des debouches" amounts to this, that, products being, in last analysis, purchased only with products, the extent of the markets (or outlets) for home products is proportional to the quantity of foreign productions; when the sale of any commodity is dull, it is because there is not a sufficient number, or rather value, of other commodities produced with which it could be purchased.
Among the chief productions of the plains are rice (the staple export of the country); pepper (chiefly from Chantabun); sirih, sago, sugar-cane, coco-nut and betel, Palmyra or sugar and attap palms; many forms of banana and other fruit, such as durian, orange-pommelo, guava, bread-fruit, mango, jack fruit, pine-apple, custard-apple and mangosteen.
It takes a comprehensive view of all the plants which cover the earth, from the minutest organism, only visible by the aid of the microscope, to the most gigantic productions of the tropics.
Millet, dates, indigo and senna are the principal productions.
He was also the author of a kind of play - a mystery we may term it, and productions of this sort seem to have been common in Poland from a very early time - entitled Life of Joseph in Egypt.
Jan Kochanowski 1 (1530-1584), called the prince of Polish poets, came of a poetical family, having a brother, a cousin and a nephew who all enriched the literature of their country with some productions.
It is written in rhymeless five-foot iambics, and is altogether a product of the Renaissance, reminding us of some of the productions of George Buchanan.
There is an artificial air about the idylls of Szymonowicz which makes one feel too keenly that they are productions of the Renaissance; one of their best features is the humane spirit towards the miserable peasantry which they everywhere display.
Perhaps the English gave the hint in such productions as "Cooper's Hill."
Among his latest productions are his "Psalms of the Future" (Psalmy przyszlosci), which were attacked by the democratic party as a defence of aristocratic views which had already ruined Poland..
The monastery contains a school of picturemakers of ancient origin, whose productions are widely diffused throughout the empire, and a printing press, from which have issued liturgical and religious works, the oldest known examples bearing the date 1616.
Among his own productions are a treatise, De la morale des peres, a history of ancient treaties contained in the Supplement au grand corps diplomatique, and the curious Traite du jeu (1709), in which he defends the morality of games of chance.
His best known productions are Adams and Liberty, a once popular song written in 1798, The Invention of Letters (1795), and The Ruling Passion, the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa poem of 1797.
He therefore endeavours to give a general sketch of the character, physical peculiarities and natural productions of each country, and consequently gives us much valuable information respecting ethnology, trade and metallurgy.
The towns of Freiburg, Rastatt, Offenburg and Lahr, which lie under the western declivities, are the chief centres for the productions of the interior.
Although the use of silk goods has unquestionably increased since the middle of the 19th century, the expansion of native productions has not kept pace with that growth.
The Historiated Bible, the Letter from Heaven, the Wanderings through Heaven and Hell, the numerous Adam and Cross legends, the religious poems of the "Kaleki perehozhie" and other similar productions owe their dissemination to a large extent to the activity of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, and their successors in other lands.
Here the more common European plants and trees give place to the wild olive, the caper bush, the aloe, the cactus, the evergreen oak, the orange, the lemon, the palm and other productions of a tropical climate.
By the early traders the coast of Upper Guinea was given names founded on the productions characteristic of the different parts.
They are limited in quantity and costly, and the trade depends upon various sorts of other sheep and goat wools for the bulk of its productions.
Nor can the superior polish of the more mature productions counterbalance the concentrated vigour of the more youthful work.
Coal and iron are by far the most important mineral productions of Belgium.
Of its three theatres, the municipal theatre (Stadttheater) is famed for its operatic productions.
China and Japan have hitherto been regarded as the chief producers of tea, and the reputed large domestic consumption of those Mongolian peoples has led to assumptions of vast internal productions.
Beside the other canonical books of the Old Testament, translated in many cases with modifications or additions, it included translations of other Hebrew books (Ecclesiasticus, Judith, &c.), works composed originally in Greek but imitating to some extent the Hebraic style (like Wisdom), works modelled more closely on the Greek literary tradition, either historical, like 2 Maccabees, or philosophical, like the productions of the Alexandrian school, represented for us by Aristobulus and Philo, in which style and thought are almost wholly Greek and the reference to the Old Testament a mere pretext; or Greek poems on Jewish subjects, like the epic of the elder Philo and Ezechiel's tragedy, Exagoge.
These few productions appeared along with innumerable works in Latin, and dimly heralded a Danish literature.
Two or three other technical masterpieces of the engraver's art, the "Coat-of-Arms with the Skull," the "Nativity," with its exquisite background of ruined buildings, the "Little Horse" and the "Great Horse," both of 1505, complete the list of the master's chief productions in this kind before he started in the last-named year for a second visit to Italy.
It began by distributing prizes for the best literary productions of the year, then it started the collection and publication of the Hungarian folklore, and lastly undertook the translation into the Hungarian language of the masterpieces of foreign literatures.
He gave the name of Queen's Ware to his productions of this class, and this judicious royal patronage awarded to a most deserving manufacturer un - doubtedly helped Wedgwood greatly.
They continued a practice of Wedgwood's in employing able artists to produce designs, and the most famous of these was John Flaxman, whose name will for ever be associated with the firm's productions.
His main productions were a diary kept at intervals during eighteen months (1785-1787), and translations of the Antigone, the Manual of Epictetus, &c. But the characteristic feature of his studies was the copious extracts which from this time onward he unremittingly made and preserved.
The aim of this review was to give a critical account, certified by the names of the contributors, of the literary and philosophical productions of the time, in relation to the general progress of knowledge.
Bearing in mind the details already given as to the dates of Fra Giovanni's sojournings in various localities, the reader will be able to trace approximately the sequence of the works which we now proceed to name as among his most important productions.
Monumental works, such as his statue of Queen Victoria at Winchester and his work at Windsor, may be handed down as his greatest achievements, but judged as art metal-work, his smaller productions, such as the centrepiece presented by the army and navy to Queen Victoria on her Jubilee, have been more important.
And not only in bronze, but in Paris jewellery, enamels, silver, pewter and iron work a cultured refinement is apparent, beside which other productions, even the most finished, appear crude.
The Romans at this time had no manuals of philosophy or any philosophical writings in Latin apart from the poem of Lucretius and some unskilful productions by obscure Epicureans.
The volume of trade is not very great, although some of the productions are exported all over Europe, and in some cases to other continents as well.
The most important vegetable productions are - cereals, cotton, gum tragacanth, liquorice, olive oil, opium, rice, saffron, salep, tobacco and yellow berries.
Trade and manufactures are insignificant; iron, lignite, cobalt, alum and vitriol are among the mineral productions.
Avila is naturally divided into two sections, differing completely in soil, climate, productions and social economy.
At the same time Spanish influences reached them through the imitators of Guevara and the dramatists; French influences in the versions of romances; German in fluences in popular translations of the Faust legend, Eulenspiegel and similar productions.
Salt, which was in ancient times one of the productions for which the island was noted, is still made in large quantities, and there are extensive salt works in the neighbourhood of Larnaca and Limasol, where there are practically inexhaustible salt lakes.
Among animals, the European rat, goat and pig are naturalized in New Zealand, where they multiply to such an extent as to injure and probably exterminate many native productions.
Of the mineral productions by far the most valuable is coal.
Among his other productions was an edition of Hesiod's Works and Days, with valuable notes, and a translation in terza rima.
In verse the earliest Swedish productions were probably the folk-song.'
His singular dramas, The Bacchantes (1822), Sigurd Ring, which was posthumous, and The Martyrs (1821), are esteemed by many critics to be his most original productions.
Among the marine productions on the southern coast, a species of kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, merits special mention because of its extraordinary length, its habit of clinging to the rocks in strong currents and turbulent seas, and its being a shelter for innumerable species of marine animals.
The sugar beet has been added to the productions of Chile, and with it the manufacture on a small scale of beet sugar.
This accounts for the fitfulness and incompleteness of so much of his literary work, and for the practical, and in many cases temporary, element which runs through even his most elaborate productions.
Though not altogether free from exaggeration and flattery, it is marked by considerable dignity and self-restraint, and is thus more important as an historical document than similar productions.
The natural vegetable productions are important, and include manigoba or Ceara rubber, carnahuba wax and fibre, caju wine and ipecacuanha.
These gthas are what they claim to be, and what they are honored in the whole Avesta as beingthe actual productions of the prophet himself or of his time.
Strictly speaking, any such communication is an epistle, but at the present day the term has become archaic, and is used only for letters of an ancient time, or for elaborate literary productions which take an epistolary form, that is to say, are, or affect to be, written to a person at a distance.
It was the delight of each one to communicate to the other the productions of his mind, and the creative faculty of both poets was now at its best.
The supernatural has never received such treatment as in these two wonderful productions of his genius, and though the first of them remains a torso, it is the loveliest torso in the gallery of English literature.
Instead, an atmosphere of artificiality surrounds these productions, and the verses that reveal genuine poetical feeling are very few.
The old dramatists came to write for the lower classes only, and though the school lingered on, its productions were performed solely by travelling companies at country fairs.
Herculano led the way in the historical romance by his Lendas e narrativas and 0 Monasticon, two somewhat laboured productions, whose progenitor was Walter Scott; they still find readers for their impeccable style.
The pictures at Winchester and New College are late 16th-century productions.
The valle zone includes the deep valleys from 5000 to 9500 ft., has a warm climate with moderate variations in temperature and no cold weather, is sub-tropical in character and productions, and is sometimes described as a region of perpetual summer.
Among the more important productions, the potato, oca (Oxalis tuberosa), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and some coarse grasses characterize the puna region, while barley, an exotic, is widely grown for fodder.
Robert Abbot's books are conspicuous amongst the productions of his time by their terseness and variety.
Fine seal engraving is to be found in the productions of many of the continental nations; but in the best periods nothing can excel the work of English cutters.
Mytilus possesses no siphonal tube-like productions of the margin of the mantle-skirt, nor any notching of the same, representative of the siphons which are found in its fresh-water ally, the Dreissensia polymorpha.
The chief productions of the province are cotton, corn, sesame and wool, which are largely exported.
Slopes of Range.-Between the northern and the southern sides of the range there is quite as great a difference in climate, productions and scenery as there is between the Swiss and the Italian sides of the Alps.
The original productions of Lord Rivers, and, in particular, his Balades against the Seven Deadly Sins, are lost.
At least half of the canons are derived from earlier constitutions, and probably not many of them are the actual productions of the compiler, whose aim was to gloss over the real nature of the Constitutions, and secure their incorporation with the Epistles of Clement in the New Testament of his day.
The "sabana" of Bogota is a good illustration of the higher of these plateaus (8563 ft., according to Stieler's Hand-Atlas), with its mild temperature, inexhaustible fertility and numerous productions of the temperate zone.
The tropical productions of the lower plains include, among others, many of the leading products of the world, such as cacao, cotton, sugar, rice, tobacco, and bananas, with others destined wholly for home consumption, as yams, cassava and arracacha.
Scheele; it occurs in the leaves of the bearberry, in pomegranate root-bark, in tea, in gall-nuts to the extent of about 3%, and in other vegetable productions.
P. Greswell's Geography of Africa south of the Zambesi (Oxford, 1892) deals specially with Cape Colony; the Illustrated Official Handbook of the Cape and South Africa (Cape Town, 1893) includes chapters on the zoology, flora, productions and resources of the colony.
A Traite de politique (published 1866), which may be considered as the completion of his Traite de philosophic, was the most important of the productions of the last period of his life.
M Blot, with a view of showing that his theological writings were the productions of his dotage, has fixed their date between 1712 and 1719.
One of the most remarkable of Sir Isaac's theological productions is his Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of the Scripture, in a letter to a friend.
Of artificial productions the most fruitful and important is provided by the destructive or dry distillation of many organic substances; familiar examples are the distillation of coal, which yields ordinary lighting gas, composed of gaseous hydrocarbons, and also coal tar, which, on subsequent fractional distillations, yields many liquid and solid hydrocarbons, all of high industrial value.
The chronicles; which in the I5th century are usually meagre productions like Warkworths (Camden Society), get fuller, especially those emanating from London.
His stride is the stride of a giant, from the sentimental beauty of the picture of Marie Antoinette at Versailles, or the red horror of the tale of Debi Sing in Rungpore, to the learning, positiveness and cool judicial mastery of the Report on the Lords' Journals (1794), which Philip Francis, no mean judge, declared on the whole to be the "most eminent and extraordinary" of all his productions.
But the Speech on Conciliation (1775) has, perhaps, been more universally admired than any of his other productions, partly because its maxims are of a simpler and less disputable kind than those which adorn the pieces on France, and partly because it is most strongly characterized by that deep ethical quality which is the prime secret of Burke's great style and literary mastery.
When the third and most impressive of these astonishing productions came into the hands of the public, the writer was no more.
His weakest book, and two or three other productions, brief, but in every literary sense the finest of his works, were written in the next two or three years.
The only noteworthy literary productions of this first period of Servian literature were zhivoti (biographies) and letopisi (chronicles).
This aspect of the sun-god is vividly brought out in the hymns addressed to him, which are, therefore, among the finest productions in the entire realm of Babylonian literature.
Flora.-From the varied character of its climate and soil the vegetable productions of Austria are very diverse.
The knowledge of many of the useful arts was also imparted, and many valuable natural productions were discovered.
Ground-nuts (Arachis hypogaea), rubber, beeswax, palm kernels, rice, cotton, and millet are the chief productions.
Chi jen shih pien is another of his productions, completed in 1608, and consisting of a record of ten conversations held with Chinese of high position.
In matters of exegesis he is, like Hilary, an Alexandrian; his chief productions are homiletic commentaries on the early Old Testament narratives, e.g.
The manufacture of carpets occupies a part of the population, employing both male and female labour - the productions being known as Donegal carpets.
In this work he included his most famous productions, ioi riddles in Latin hexameters.
The more modern productions are letters, laws and poems, many of the last of considerable beauty.
Many of these contemporary productions take a very abrasive view of text.
Productions are responsible for notifying the British consulate where a child is working.
Priorite A Gauche - Remastered Underbelly Productions Three Weeks Pas de panic, Priorite à Gauche sont Dans le maison!
Never was the Press so debased as in publishing the productions of their pens.
Her earlier productions were domestic wares, either in slip-decorated or tin-glazed earthenware.
Godber directs his own script with now trademark physicality and, while effective, it doesn't match the exuberance of earlier productions.
In other productions, the slow pacing has seemed somewhat irksome, but it feels quite right and proper for this Sleeping Beauty.
To my mind, the Middle Temple Twelfth Night lacked the refreshing irreverence of some recent productions at the Globe's main house.
Throughout the 20th Century many critically lauded productions continued the theater's successful streak, which shows no signs of ending.
The DH Productions ' " Stable of Knuckleheads " are back with yet another heavy metal onslaught of broken bikes, bones and blood.
Other work includes numerous theater productions, private functions such as weddings, and freelance orchestral concerts.
Club hit, ' The Bump & Grind ', one of the many mighty Friendly productions fired out, invoked sheer Pandemonium.
The theater company aims to create a rich plethora of poignant, beautiful, accessible and honest theater productions.
Chaucer and Journey's End present obvious parallels, as do all the portmanteau horror films from the 1970s produced by Amicus Productions.
Elizabeth has sung in the chorus in productions of The rake's progress, Manon, Idomeneo and Marriage of Figaro.
He used his friends and family as models, and also began to make masks and theatrical props for local amateur dramatic productions.
The remainder of the season includes an unprecedented slew of new productions, starting with Gaddafi.
They are certainly hugely responsible for the way concert productions have grown more sophisticated over the years.
For fifty years, Peter Brook's opera, stage, and film productions have held audiences spellbound.
We also offer superb ' Video Productions " on an individual or group basis.
The smooth round shafts, slightly thicker in the middle, appear to be productions of the lathe, rather than vegetable stems.
To reverse the previous trend of spreading fewer productions over longer runs.
Of his early productions, which are distinguished for their grace and beauty, the most important is the fresco of the Last Judgment, in which he was assisted by his friend Mariotto Albertinelli.
It is remarkable that, of the vegetable productions of Italy, many which are at the present day among the first to attract the attention of the visitor are of comparatively late introduction, and were unknown in ancient times.
The former of these two islands belongs to the Indian Region, the latter to the Australian, and between them there is absolutely no true transition - that is, no species are common to both which cannot be easily accounted for by the various accidents and migrations that in the course of time must have tended to mingle the productions of islands so close to one another.
The vegetable productions are less numerous, but they include sweet potatoes, cabbages, cauliflower, lettuce, beans, peas, onions, garlic, tomatoes, okra, radishes, cucumbers, couve, chuchu (Sechium edule), and aipim (Manihot aipi).
Its occupation contributed to the improvement of agriculture in Brazil; it had been the policy of Portugal up to this time to separate the productions of its colonies, to reserve sugar for Brazil, and spices to the East Indies, and to prohibit the cultivation of these in the African possessions.
In the 16th century we find another Piccolomini (Alexander), bishop of Patras, author of a curious dialogue, Della bell y creanza delle donne; another bishop, Claudio Tolomei, diplomatist, poet and philologist, who revived the use of ancient Latin metres; and Luca Contile, a writer of narratives, plays and poems. Prose fiction had two representatives in this century - Scipione Bargagli, a writer of some merit, and Pietro Fortini, whose productions were trivial and indecent.
The choicest productions of the former two with those of many other poets were brought together in 756 and embodied in a book called the Manyoshu (Collection of a Myriad Leaves).
Nothing could surpass the delicacy of the works executed at the Sanseishas atelier in Tokyo, but unfortunately such productions were above the standard of the customers for whom they were intended.
After they had passed away and before the Christian Scriptures were canonically sifted and collected there was a gap which for us is only slenderly filled by such productions as the so-called 2nd Epistle of Clement, really a rambling homily on repentance and confession (see Clementine Literature), and by what we can imagine was the practice of men like Ignatius and, on the other hand, the Apologists.
What are commonly known as galls are vegetable excrescences, and, according to the definition of Lacaze-Duthiers, comprise " all abnormal vegetable productions developed on plants by the action of animals, noreparticularly by insects, whatever may be their form, bulk or situation."
In his kindred productions he relies mainly upon a single element of the humorous - logical sequence and unruffled gravity bridling in an otherwise frantic absurdity, and investing it with an air of sense.
Similarly imbricated epidermic productions form the covering of the undersurface of the tail of the African flying rodents of the family Anomaluridae; and flat scutes, with the edges in apposition, and not overlaid, clothe both surfaces of the tail of the beaver, rats and certain other members of the rodent order, and also of some insectivora and marsupials.
We should really be fed and cheered if when we met a man we were sure to see that some of the qualities which I have named, which we all prize more than those other productions, but which are for the most part broadcast and floating in the air, had taken root and grown in him.
For fifty years, Peter Brook 's opera, stage, and film productions have held audiences spellbound.
Sticks & Stones Productions have in abundance a fantastic range of stilt characters.
We also offer superb ' Video Productions on an individual or group basis.
The first part of Red Shift 's Picture House triptych of productions adapted from novels that spawned major motion pictures.
Understudy In amateur productions, there are no understudies.
Thelma Jones was featured on two tracks on the uptempo CD, both slick uptown productions.
Star Fortress Productions divides their selection by Star Trek era for easy browsing.
These make great choices for theatrical productions and are a good option for those looking for low cost, good quality theatrical makeup.
Rouge is also popularly worn in stage productions and with any kind of performer, especially cultural dancers.
StarQuail Productions produced a very fun game called Sky Puppy, where you take your puppy through an online world filled with doggy treats.
Paper House Productions is known for their photograph-turned-scrapbook papers, and sells Easter collections that include baskets, flowers, jelly beans, and decorated eggs.
While this may be partially true, many of the most popular musical productions from today and yesterday are being rearranged to meet the skill level and attention span of middle school performers and audiences.
The shows may be edited down in length, and the accompaniments may be simplified from the original scores, but these productions still pack a lot of pizazz.
Keep in mind that you want to look for productions that will include participation from as many students as possible, both girls and boys.
Naptime Productions is another online printing service that will create customized photo invitations for you.
Many different teenage actresses play parts in movies and stage productions each year.
Smoking Gun has obtained a copy of a letter sent to Lohan from the CEO of Morgan Creek Productions serving notice to shape up or pay the consequences.
Companies like Party Pop, The Impersonators, and Celebrity Impersonators specialize in providing A-list doppelgangers for corporate events, weddings, parties, and even stage productions.
Online reports Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted, Gilby Clarke, CBS and Mark Burnett Productions were served with an injunction which prohibits them from using the name Supernova to profit in any way.
Like co-star Lea Michele, Morrison was well-known in Broadway and Off-Broadway productions before Glee came along.
She started out acting and singing in local productions as a child, and soon moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career.
While at the university, Cohen acted in several productions by the Amateur Dramatic Club.
This time around, he is focusing on rap-inspired productions.
Kirsten is working on two other productions, All Forgotten and another movie which is untitled.
Recently, Kirsten started her own production company with her mother, called Wooden Spoon Productions.
She performed in local theater productions of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Annie Get Your Gun, the latter of which she was nominated for an Ovation Award.
She has appeared in many stage productions, as well as on television and the silver screen, and is well-known for her role as Abigail Perkins on the acclaimed court drama, L.A. Law, which ran from 1986-1994 on NBC.
Legendary actor Danny DeVito was always one to cook his meals in his trailer during television and movie productions.
Hathaway acted in many productions while attending Millburn High School in New Jersey.
She debuted on the stage in school plays and in community theater productions, and she hasn't stopped since.
Hollywood nuptials are usually bigger productions than movies themselves, and though a lot of star marriages are short-lived, their celebrity wedding pictures will remain forever printed and published somewhere or another.
Damon's potential was exhibited in several local theater productions, but he also worked as a movie extra in several major films, including Mystic Pizza and baseball movie, Field of Dreams.
His first professional gigs were in musical theater productions.
Cate Blanchett began acting while she was attending the Methodist Ladies College in Melbourne, Australia, appearing in many productions including The Odyssey of Runyon Jones.
During and between filming TV movies and shows, Neil Patrick Harris was also involved in many Broadway productions and feature films.
Now, at the age of 33, Barrymore owns a successful production company called Flower Productions and is a well-respected actress, earning an estimated $15 million per film.
Proving her multifaceted talent, Applegate is also a stage actress who has performed in a number of productions, including a stint on Broadway in 2006's Sweet Charity.
Several other productions later, including a four part miniseries of Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist and several more stints on Australian television, Fisher set her sights on Hollywood.
Active in theater productions in high school, Deschanel also participated in the French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts summer camp.
Dirty Dancing became the first movie to sell over one million copies on home video.After Dirty Dancing, Swayze appeared in a couple of other productions, including Road House, before landing his second blockbuster leading role.
She has starred in many film as well as stage productions.
Hudgens began acting and singing at the age of eight, when she participated in local theater productions including The Wizard of Oz and The King and I.
She began participating in local theatre productions at the age of eight.
For the next few years, he took on small television roles while also fielding starring roles in theater productions.
In addition to his Hollywood roles, Jackman has continued to take on challenging spots in theater productions and musicals, including Carousel and The Boy from Oz.
Damon participated in community and school theater productions through the end of high schoo, and began studying at Harvard where he focused on English courses.
Sandler runs Happy Madison Productions, a film production company founded in 1999, which handles most of his films.
Though early on, he did star in a few small productions, he never really landed his big dream role.
Sandra studied music and ballet dancing as a child.After attending high school in the United States, where she took part in school theater productions, she went on to East Carolina University.
In Manhattan, Sandra Bullock took acting classes and had small roles in local productions, including an off-Broadway play.
He took part in drama and theater productions while in school, but never thought about acting as a profession at the time.
She trained there for two years and acted in a handful of stage productions.
He officially changed his name to Gene Wilder, and worked in several off-Broadway theatre productions while furthering his education.Though his dramatic acting was praised, his true calling was comedy.
She has also returned to acting, though she prefers stage productions to movies or television.
While she has slowed down her pace in recent years, she is still acting in various stage and Off-Broadway productions.
Over the next few years, she landed roles in various television and stage productions, even becoming the spokesperson for Nabisco's Wheat Thins crackers.
Live theater productions and tours gave Valentine a much wider range of roles to play, and she found herself relishing the freedom from being typecast.
He has appeared in several big Hollywood movies, as well as independent productions and foreign films.
It was there that her passion for acting was ignited, and she began performing in theater productions.
When Hendricks was a teen the family moved yet again, this time to Fairfax, Virginia, where Hendricks continued her acting training, appearing in several high school plays and productions at the local community theater.
The Best Original Song award is highlighted throughout the Oscar ceremony, with many of the artists on hand to perform their nominated songs complete with big productions and effects.
The couple had one other daughter and Sandra’s family traveled frequently in Europe; Sandra often singing in her mother’s opera productions.
She acted in stage productions in school, but left college early to pursue her acting career.
If you're interested in media, you can join the staff of Communiqué, the student newspaper, or take part in Kirkwood Student Productions television.
Every evening, Norwegian passengers are treated to excellent entertainment, from soloists and comedians to revue shows and abridged drama productions.
Some say the shows there rival Broadway productions, thanks to the incredible costumes, lighting, and talent of the actors and dancers.
On the bright side, Disney ships are loaded with so many amazing amenities and special events, from character meet-and-greets and interactive games to pools and live theater productions, it's unlikely you will spend much time in your cabin.
Watson states that his songs are not the kind of big productions that many of today's most popular Christian music artists are capable of delivering.
If you want to save a little extra money, while also enjoying the benefits of organic productions methods, then perhaps organic food coupons are just the thing!
Quick thinking Cole changed his company's name from Kenneth Cole, Inc, to Kenneth Cole Productions.
Used in countless movies and television productions!
Live productions include Disney on Broadway, Disney On Ice and Disney Live!
He is now heading up Kojima productions, a team devoted solely to game development.
In 2000, he founded Double Fine Productions, a development studio which was recently awarded "Best New Studio" at the 2006 Game Developer's Conference.
The selections were all cult type cabs with small productions (below 600 cases).
Under the name Funky Junk Farms, they supply vintage trailers and other vehicles to Hollywood movie productions.
For more information on upcoming performances and projects, visit the Calendar section of Savion Glover Productions.
It is to your advantage to stay open about your policies and to get families involved with dance productions from start to finish.
Even though they are a very large company and influential in the dance world, they still do work as humble shoemakers - only now they handcraft footwear for Disney productions, famous circuses, and other notable performing groups.
Furthermore, because many productions of the Rocky Horror Picture Show encourage audience participation, the rapidity with which one can learn this dance ultimately makes it an instant hit with virtually all audience members.
While the dancing is rather simple in most productions, this scene is an audience favorite every time.
Videos have greatly improved the ability to be efficient and proactive in dance education and professional productions.
At the same time, productions such as Chicago's "Dream of Arabia" in 2008 strive to be "...not just colorful, but authentic."
With expertise to boot, Ouidad began her career working with the top designers, advertising agencies and Broadway productions in New York and abroad.
Enrichment co-ops can take many forms - everything from gym days, to drama productions, to specialized classes in various topics.
Check out for great hats and onesies sets for your proud productions!
Kyla has performed songs for the movie Doctor Dolittle as well as for Disney productions and soundtracks.
The American Conservatory Theater's main stage is a thrilling spot to take in productions that originated in the Bay Area, as well as ones that sprung from the Great White Way.
For starters, many church-sponsored Advent celebrations call for kids to don costumes for plays or other Christmas-related productions.
DeBeers estimated that Mirny Mines diamond productions should have declined by the 1970s.
Hannah Montana is one of the hottest Disney productions to which young girls can relate.
During the program, children engage in a combination of studying and practical work on their own productions.
A very simple version of the test (with true/false answers separated by area of intelligence) can be found at Ned Productions.
There's no denying that computers and technology have radically affected the way we enjoy new films, theatrical productions, live concerts, and industry trade shows.
Likewise, you may want to try the backdoor approach of working at a studio in a non-acting capacity while keeping an ear to the ground for upcoming productions.
To this end, the film's director and editor often work together to create the movie trailer on most modern productions, something that was unheard of in the industry some twenty-five years ago.
Also, new clips are shown frequently in Summit Entertainment's other productions, such as the "Meet Jacob Black Trailer" that was shown before Summit's Band Slam.
Molina is known for numerous productions.
Having followed powerful villains like the Joker, Scarecrow and Two Face, many are looking to the past Batman productions and comics for a glimmer of the future.
He moved to New York City at seventeen to pursue his dreams of becoming an actor, and appeared in several theater productions there.
Kevin Bacon also played parts in plays and theater productions during his time in New York.
Due to the Japanese productions, I also shot a great TV pilot here in the US called Haunted America, focusing on a group of scientists investigating haunted places.
Changed his company's name from Kenneth Cole, Inc. to Kenneth Cole Productions.
He hasn't changed the name from Kenneth Cole Productions.
Concetta Tomei was featured in many off-Broadway productions before moving to Los Angeles and appearing in many successful television productions including China Beach, Max Headroom and Judging Amy.
Abrams. Felicity regular Greg Grunberg, a close friend of Abrams appears in many Abrams productions including Alias and Lost.
The actor appeared in numerous productions including a brief role on Guiding Light as Clayton Boudreaux.
Shaw has been in many musicals and theater productions, including Chicago, Vagina Monologues, and White Christmas.
Cast as Haley James, Bethany Joy Galeotti appeared in several series and productions including guest starring roles on The Guiding Light, first as Reva's clone and later returning for two years as Michelle Bauer Santos.
These shows can include stunt shows or Broadway-style musicals and productions.
Openned in 1907, it included large picnic lawns, a band shell, and a stage for vaudeville productions.
Because the process to create the watches is so rigorous, the productions are limited on quantity.
Media Matters writes that The Savage Nation is one of the most popular radio shows, rivaling such productions as The Rush Limbaugh Show.
In 2004, Horizon Productions founded the Lingerie Football League.
The Lingerie Bowl began in 2004 and was the brainchild of Horizon Productions.
For girls who wish to become Lingerie Football League players, Horizon Productions hold tryouts throughout the year in various cities across the United States.
Although she was deemed too young for the series, her talent caught the eye of one of the show's producers, which led her to several off-Broadway productions.
The Obie Awards are given to those involved with off-Broadway productions.
If you're looking for music to use in your own productions, some demo tracks are available for licensing.
Their Popmart tour and Zoo TV tour are some of the most expensive concert productions ever staged, although the fans greeted them with mixed results.
If huge stage productions scream U2, then political activism certainly does as well, especially when it comes to singer Bono.
The label that released Cold Harbor - Family Productions - would haunt Joel's career in many ways.
Growing up, he had the starring roles of his school productions on lockdown, winning the lead vocal roles every single year.
Stage productions of Mamma Mia have been seen all over the world, and the musical has racked up theater awards all over the globe.
In 2009, Demi is scheduled to appear in several Disney Channel productions, including Camp Rock 2, and the follow up to her debut album is expected to come out on Hollywood Records.
In 2008, Gomez started her own production company, July Moon Productions.
She scored leading roles in her local Jewish Community Center's productions of Gypsy and The Sound of Music, and went on to play Young Cosette in Les Miserables.
After her soundtrack work, she went on to focus on stage productions and Broadway music performances.
In addition to his music career, Jonas has also appeared on Broadway, TV and movie productions.
He joined the cast of several productions, including Beauty and The Beast, A Christmas Carol, Annie Get Your Gun, Les Miserables and The Sound of Music.
The label - Family Productions - did not catch the mistake and pressed and shipped the flawed album.
All Musicals - The All Musicals website offers lyrics from a few different stage productions of the show, as the lyrics have been tweaked slightly over the years.
A click browse through the site will show the lyrics to hundreds of different productions and songs.
Stage productions for 2011 were scheduled for New York and Asia.
From his first album with Family Productions to a record deal at Columbia Records, Billy Joel has always been on the path to become acclaimed as the Piano Man.
By middle school, he was winning talent shows and began performing in local theater productions.
Among the productions he appeared in were Fiddler on the Roof, The Music Man, Grease and Peter Pan.
When he was 19, he toured internationally with Anita Mann Productions and then stayed in Europe to appear in a production of Hair.
The two CD set included a bonus disc featuring performances from productions of the show from all over the world, plus a dance remix of the song Defying Gravity by LeeAnn Rimes and Delta Goodrem.
Your definition of "Broadway" also gets involved in the mix as some feel off-Broadway productions should be counted while others would find this foolish.
Over the years, the company has seen wonderful productions like High School Musical, Tarzan and Beauty and the Beast.
Another popular type of musical separates newer, short-run productions from those that have spent much time on Broadway.
The movie has been wildly successful and has generated a wide range of associated merchandise and events, including television movie sequels, a feature film, concert tours, stage productions, novels, and more.
Although you'll find a number of productions cited as the forerunners of the reality show, a couple are mentioned more often than others.
Lauren gives Jason another chance and Heidi quits school and begins work at Bolthouse Productions.
Heidi was doing good at Bolthouse Productions and their engagement went into a hiatus and Spencer moved in with his sisters.
Although both celebrities have production companies of their own, True Beauty is through Banks' company, Bankable Productions.
Since The Pick Up Artist season 1 aired, Joe has appeared in numerous live theatre productions as well as independent films, two of which were screened in noted film festivals.