Procedure Sentence Examples
The civil procedure was kept secret.
Confused, she tried again to remember what procedure Dr. Wynn was performing today.
This was, in fact, the procedure of the council of Pisa, in which Pierre d'Ailly took part.
Jones, almost as merciless as MacTaggart, calls this procedure by the hard names of agnosticism and dualism.
Convince me you aren't telling me we can have a real relationship just so I go through with this procedure you want to try.
The entire procedure operated with a casualness to it that seemed to make fun of the serious nature of what was happening, while the rules seemed more important than what they were designed to accomplish.
The Senate would choose its own president, and the House of Representatives its speaker; each house would make its own rules of procedure; in each, one-third of the number of members would form a quorum; the members of each must take oath, or make affirmation of allegiance; and all alike would receive an allowance of £400 a year.
Moreover, the procedure of the Houses practically places the control of legislation in the hands of ministers.
He recognized the procedure but hadn't heard of it being used since before his brother, Darian, had died thousands of years ago.
She'd seen him take out a hospital administrator with pure logic to get his way to run a procedure on her.
AdvertisementThe license plate had been removed but Dean had a tracer placed on the vehicle identification number, a procedure that would take a couple of days.
In February 1900 it was, however, quashed by the supreme court on a point of procedure, and the Public Safety Bill as a whole had again to be presented to the Chamber.
By the 1780s, though the procedure was certainly better than nothing, it still had a fair number of problems.
From this again appeal can be made on points of law or disputed procedure to the senate, which may send the case back for retrial by an assize of the peace in another district.
He remembered how carefully and at what length everything relating to form and procedure was discussed at those meetings, and how sedulously and promptly all that related to the gist of the business was evaded.
AdvertisementThis procedure was followed on each of the three fields so that in every year one of them was fallow.
At a subsequent period the demand for instruction in the sacrificial science called into existence a still more practical set of manuals, the so-called Kalpa-sutras, or ceremonial rules, detailing, in succinct aphorisms, the approved course of sacrificial procedure, without reference to the supposed origin or import of the several rites.
Though the admission of new members is, strictly speaking, the act of the session, this duty usually devolves upon the minister, who reports his procedure to the session for approval and confirmation.
The proceedings are, with but few exceptions, written, and the procedure is a survival of the antiquated Spanish system.
Imagining that this would interest Hertz and be successfully attacked by him, Helmholtz specially drew his attention to it, and promised him the assistance of the Institute if he decided to work on the subject; but Hertz did not take it up seriously at that time, because he could not think of any procedure likely to prove effective.
AdvertisementWith approved conduct, however, he may be absolutely released after twenty to twenty-five years in the settlement; and throughout that time, though possessing no civil rights, a quasi-judicial procedure controls all punishments inflicted upon him, and he is as secure of obtaining justice as if free.
Wholesale arrests were made by the police, and many of the accused were imprisoned or exiled to distant provinces, some by the regular tribunals, and others by so-called " administrative procedure " without a formal trial.
But the connexion with foreign parts led to the gradual introduction of a procedure resembling that coming into use on the continent and based on the Roman civil law.
All these laws may in general be described as codes of procedure and tariffs of compositions.
This is the minimum of critical procedure required to do justice to the facts.
AdvertisementIts procedure was almost the same as the earlier.
The procedure of emergency decree was based upon Par.
The procedure, however, is by no means always so simple.
A newly developed procedure to perform smog chamber runs will be employed.
Finance, commerce, the national armaments by sea and land, judicial procedure, church government, education, even art and science - everything, in short - emerged recast from his shaping hand.
The Western bishops who remained confirmed the previous decisions of the Roman synod; and by its 3rd, 4th and 5th decrees relating to the rights of revision, the council of Sardica endeavoured to settle the procedure of ecclesiastical appeals.
Each of these followed the procedure and the law of the high court; but each was independent of the high court, and formed a sovereign court without any appeal.
The early jurisdiction of the court appears to have been exercised very much under the same procedure as that used by the courts of common law.
Finally in 1847 he was appointed as the head of a state commission to revise the practice and procedure.
Hungary's wishes were met by the introduction of a specially prompt procedure for the eventual future abolition of the suspension of the bank's obligation to cash its notes.
Figure 3. Length of the procedure n=53 The length of procedure was calculated from the time of the first angiogram to groin closure.
Employers should have a written procedure for arranging excursions which leaders should follow.
Tumescent liposuction is a very safe procedure with very few side effects.
This was only a preliminary skirmish; the main battle opened in the following year, when the king, quite aware that he must for the future look on Thomas as his enemy, brought forward the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, of which the main purport was to assert the jurisdiction of the state over clerical offenders by a rather complicated procedure, while other clauses provided that appeals to Rome must not be made without the kings leave, that suits about land or the presentation to benefices, in which clerics were concerned, should be tried before the royal courts, and that bishops should not quit the realmunless they had obtained permission to do so from the king (see CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF).
Regular shipping services may also apply to use the CT sea simplified procedure.
While the SVD signal-noise determination is probably the best way to determine the damped sinusoid count, an alternative exists within the Prony procedure.
But today, technology and customer relationship management have smoothened the procedure.
A solvent liquidation is handled through a Members ' Voluntary Liquidation procedure.
These findings have prompted the ABI to call for a more streamlined claims procedure for ' genuine claimants ' with less legal argument involved.
This name can be a module subroutine subprogram, a dummy procedure, or a secondary entry name.
If the summons procedure is used, there are recommended time guidelines.
Supersession procedure There is no time limit for a supersession application.
The TSE requires no surgical procedure of any kind.
They should really be going through the established takedown procedure.
In addition any future test procedure should be appropriate for new and emerging technologies such as alternative fuelled and hybrid powered vehicles.
This time-consuming procedure takes the officers away from roadside testing of other drivers.
The TRIANGULATE procedure constructs a Delaunay triangulation of a planar set of points.
Modem troubleshooter This article describes the ADSL modem troubleshooting procedure.
A two-step measurement procedure is used to measure the CDs.
Patients requiring heart bypasses or angioplasties - a procedure to unblock arteries - are having their operations within three months, she said.
A procedure to destroy data recorded on AIS storage media by recording patterns of unclassified data over the data stored on the media.
So the handling centers may well be unfamiliar with the procedure.
Having tested the procedure above with both an uppercase folder name and a lower case one, neither worked.
Formaldehyde vapor was undetectable using solution M for the RO cleaning procedure.
Deciding on varicose vein surgery Removing varicose veins is generally a safe surgical procedure.
Builders registering for the scheme will be required to go through a vetting procedure to ensure the cowboy element is left behind.
We will apply a procedure that has been developed for water-soluble proteins; that of phi value analysis.
The visual modality of the patient was harmed during the procedure.
I am still waiting for the doctor to see me about my upcoming urinary catheterization procedure.
His heart catheterization procedure went exceptionally well.
They must pass the ball to their teammates without using their hands, and the next teammate repeats the procedure.
What is the procedure for picking up and dropping off your child?
Or better yet, look forward to a free replacement from the manufacturer if it's a part of the recall procedure.
When ordering online, check out the simple shipping and handling procedure.
What was once a complicated procedure that may or may not result in a new baby has evolved to a safer, less-invasive routine with much better odds for couples trying to conceive a child.
Most likely, you already know what a test tube baby is, but you probably call the procedure something else.
The expense and complication of the procedure limited when, where, and who received these services.
This process may need to occur several times over the week, but it is a harmless procedure that does not employ chemicals.
In these types of crime films, cops became heroes using police procedure and scientific tools.
You will need to extend the claws when you trim nails, so train your kitten to accept this procedure when he's young.
It may be a cap per procedure, per year or per lifetime, leaving you to pay the balance.
The Feline CRF Center provides a list of transplant centers, and more in-depth information about the actual procedure.
Some vets are will to perform this procedure during a neutering/spaying procedure to avoid the need to anesthetize a patient twice.
Can you advise me about this surgical procedure, please?
This is probably the most difficult part of the entire procedure.
He re-codified the Hungarian common law; strictly defined the jurisdiction of the whole official hierarchy from the palatine to the humblest village judge; cheapened and accelerated legal procedure, and in an age when might was right did his utmost to protect the weak from the strong.
We can avoid this arbitrariness by a different procedure.
In the pastoral letters there is already a formal and recognized method of procedure in cases of church discipline.
Thus " we ought," as Lindsay says, " to see in the disciplinary powers and punishments of the Consistory of Geneva not an exhibition of the working of the Church organized on the principles of Calvin, but the ordinary procedure of the town council of a medieval city.
In the acts relating to the census from 1801 to 1851, provision for the enumeration of Scotland was made with that for England and Wales, allowance being made for the differences in procedure, which mainly concerned the agency to be employed.
The main difference in procedure between the two inquiries is that in Ireland the schedule is filled in by the enumerator, a member of the constabulary, or, in Dublin, of the metropolitan police, instead of being left to the householder.
In the latter year the operations were placed for the first time under central administration, and thelike procedure wasadoptedin 1891 and 1901,with such modification of detail as was suggested by the experience of the preceding census.
He believed that international controversies would ultimately be settled by judicial procedure, and in the Russo-Japanese War and the establishment of the Hague Court he took an active part in promoting the judicial settlement of disputes between nations.
The Common Law Procedure Act (Ireland) 1856, which is incorporated by s.
The German Imperial Code of Procedure did not create any system of abritration in civil cases.
The procedure was gratuitous and voluntary; and the functions of the arbitrator were not judicial; he merely recorded the arrangement arrived at, or the refusal of conciliation.
This procedure has often been blamed as unconstitutional; but the excuse must be taken into account that a constitution which provides such an emergency exit must be prepared for use to be made of it.
But it was in Austria that this singular procedure was first brought to technical perfection; and it became an Austrian speciality.
He then visited various European capitals, and remained for some time in London, where he carefully studied the procedure in the House of Commons.
The history of Maryland begins in 1632 with the procedure of Charles I.
But as two years only of Felix's rule (52-54) fell under Claudius, this procedure would be quite natural on Josephus's part if his recall were dated in 58 or 59, so that four or five years fell under Nero.
But he was just the man for a hero in extremities, and his whole course of procedure was, of necessity, revolutionary.
We may assume that like the practice of the soothsaying priest (the earlier type of priest) and of the Izosem (diviner), so the procedure of the roeh was mechanical and magical in character.
Already in 68 B.C. he had paraded the bust of Marius at his aunt's funeral; in 65 B.C., as curule aedile, he restored the trophies of Marius to their place on the Capitol; in 64 B.C., as president of the murder commission, he brought three of Sulla's executioners to trial, and in 63 B.C. he caused the ancient procedure of trial by popular assembly to be revived against the murderer of Saturninus.
Gregory XIV., by the bull Ecclesiae Christi (July 28, 1591), again confirmed the Society, and granted that Jesuits might, for true cause, be expelled from the body without any form of trial or even documentary procedure, besides denouncing excommunications against every one, save the pope or his legates, who directly or indirectly infringed the constitutions of the Society or attempted to bring about any change therein.
But it is probable that, in the developed procedure, where it was known that the judgment pronounced might legally give rise to the appeal, the magistrate pronounced no sentence, but brought the case at once before the people.
Each has its own documentary constitution; its legislature of two elective houses; its executive, consisting of a governor and other officials; its judiciary, whose decisions are final, except in cases involving Federal law; its system of local government and local taxation; its revenue, system of taxation, and debts; its body of private civil and criminal law and procedure; its rules of citizenship, which may admit persons to be voters in state and national elections under conditions differing from those prevailing in other states.
Ordinary private law, including property, contracts, torts, family relations, offences, civil and criminal procedure.
In many states the legislatures have taken action in the development of law by adopting statutory codes of procedure, and in some instances have even enacted codes embodying the substance of the common law fused with the statutes.
The methods of procedure in the Senate are somewhat different from those in the House of Representatives.
The most important measures are those dealing with the revenues and appropriations; and the procedure on these matters is slightly different from that on other bills.
An editor of a corrupt and disputed text may reasonably adopt either of two methods of procedure.
Each case must be considered on its merits; and the critic's procedure must of necessity be "eclectic" - an epithet often used with a tinge of reproach, the ground for which it is not easy to discover.
The proper procedure in cases of impeachment had, on the contrary, never been defined.
This seems likely to become the procedure also in cases before the Hague Court, where witnesses are examined.
The procedure itself is called an election.
Considerable alterations have been made in recent years in the law of Great Britain and Ireland relating to the procedure at parliamentary and municipal elections, and to election petitions.
The procedure on trial of petitions is substantially the same, and wherever no other provision is made by the acts or rules the procedure on the trial of parliamentary election petitions is to be followed.
Its antiquity is attested by the symbol and formula used in its procedure, the lance (hasta) as the sign of true ownership, the oath or wager (sacramentum), the ancient formula for recovery of property or assertion of liberty.
The principal achievements of the long session of 1902 (which extended to the autumn) were the passing of the Education Act, - entirely reorganizing the system of primary education, abolishing the school boards and making the county councils the local authority; new rules of procedure; and the creation of the Metropolitan Water Board; and on all these questions, and particularly the two first, Mr Balfour's powers as a debater were brilliantly exhibited.
Though the Scottish Churches Bill, the Unemployed Bill and the Aliens Bill were passed, a complete fiasco occurred over the redistribution proposals, which pleased nobody and had to be withdrawn owing to a blunder as to procedure; and though on the 17th of July a meeting of the party at the foreign office resulted in verbal assurances of loyalty, only two days later the government was caught in a minority of four on the estimates for the Irish Land Commission.
At the council of Sardica (343) an attempt had been made to regulate the procedure in these appeals, by recognizing as the right of the pope the reversing of judgments, and the appointment of fresh judges.
The synod grounded its procedure against the rival popes on a fact, ostensibly patent to all, but actually believed by none - that they were both supporters of the schism, and not merely this, but heretics in the truest and fullest sense of the word, since their attitude had impugned and subverted the article of faith concerning the one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
English procedure, however, being litigious, and not, like continental European procedure, inquisitorial, in its character, the expert soon became, and still is, simply a witness to speak to matters of opinion.
This procedure is useful as a preliminary step in the study of the subject.
Presumably this originated simply in the liberty-loving Briton's respect for proper legal procedure; instead of the brute exercise of tyrannous force he demanded "law," or a fair opportunity and trial.
For courts (q.v.) of law, and procedure, see Jurisprudence, APPEAL, TRIAL, KING'S BENCH, &C.
The deliberations follow a simplified procedure, which is founded more on equity than on the more strictly legal forms, and decisions are given in the shortest possible form, in answer to carefully formulated questions or dubia.
Its procedure is subject to the strictest secrecy.
This tribunal goes back at least as far as the 14th century, but its activity had been reduced as a result of the more expeditious and summary, and less costly, procedure of the Congregations.
Very different were the solemnities which attended the creation of a knight when the complete procedure was observed.
Training is a procedure adopted when it is required to grow plants in a limited area, or in a particular shape, as in the case of many plants of trailing habit.
Criminal and correctional procedure were formerly divided between the courts of justice and the arrondissement tribunals; but this distinction was suppressed by the penal code of 1886, thereby increasing the importance of the arrondissement courts, which also act as court of appeal of the cantonal courts.
But neither this nor any other procedure softens manganese steel rapidly.
The general procedure in the manufacture of chilled and of malleable castings has been described in §§ 30 and 31.
Now in the series of operations, the blastfurnace, puddling and crucible processes, through which the iron passes from the state of ore to that of crucible tool steel, it is so difficult to detect just which are the conditions essential to excellence in the final product that, once a given procedure has been found to yield excellent steel, every one of its details is adhered to by the more cautious ironmasters, often with surprising conservatism.
The length of these varieties of the process just given refers to the basic procedure.
The two metallic masses coalesce, and the reaction between the oxygen of one and the carbon of the other is therefore extremely rapid because it occurs throughout their depth, whereas in common procedure oxidation occurs only at the upper surface of the bath of cast iron at its contact with the overlying slag.
Besides minor advantages, this plan has the merit of avoiding an ineffective period which occurs in common open-hearth procedure just after the charge of cast iron has been melted down.
In common open-hearth procedure, although the temperature is low early in the process, viz.
Aeolotachic contraction further leads to the " pipes " or contraction cavities already described in § 121, and the procedure must be carefully planned first so as to reduce these to a minimum, and second so as to induce them to form either in those parts of the casting which are going to be cut off and re-melted, or where they will do little harm.
In strong contrast with this is the procedure in making rolled products such as rails and plates.
In the logic of Mill, e.g., we find much of a special character that has no counterpart in Hume, much that is introduced ab extra, from general considerations of scientific procedure, but, so far as the groundwork is concerned, the System of Logic is a mere reproduction of Hume's doctrine of knowledge.
In the grammar he combined the paradigmatic method of his brother Moses with the procedure of the older scholars who devoted a close attention to details.
In 1894" a new article numbered 61 was inserted in the constitution providing that " in default of male heirs the king can nominate his successor with the assent of the two chambers, and if no such nomination has been made the throne shall be vacant," when the original procedure of the constitution would be followed.
The use of Flemish in public documents, in judicial procedure and in official correspondence was hereafter required in the Flemish provinces, and Belgium became officially bi-lingual.
Albert Nyssens, Catholic The Nys- deputy and professor of penal procedure and colnmercial law at the university of Louvain, and on the Y In 1889 King Leopold announced that he had by his will bequeathed the Congo state to Belgium, and in 1890 the Belgian government, in return for financial help, acquired the right of annexing the country under certain conditions.
He then wished to abdicate, and at length Benedetto Gaetano, destined to succeed him as Boniface VIII., removed all scruples against this unheard-of procedure by finding a precedent in the case of Clement I.
The 12th and, especially, the 13th centuries furnish many examples of canonizations pronounced by the popes, and the procedure of this period is well ascertained.
The procedure at present followed at the Roman curia is either exceptional or common.
The approval of immemorial cultus comes within the category of exceptional procedure.
The procedure per viam casus excepti consists in the legitimation of a cultus which has been rendered to a saint for a very long time.
These are the two cases which constitute exceptional procedure.
The common procedure is that in which the cause is prosecuted per viam non cultus.
The procedure is loaded with many formalities, of which the historical explanation lies in the tribunals of the ancient system, and which considerably delay the progress of the causes.
Only in the event of the claimant passing this test successfully can the essential part of the procedure be begun, which will result in conferring on the Venerable the title of "Blessed."
The extremely complicated procedure which is prescribed for the conduct of the cases in order to ensure every opportunity for exercising rigour and discretion, considerably retards the progress of the causes, and necessitates a numerous staff.
Their procedure is less rigorous than g hat of the Roman Church, and as yet has been but imperfectly studied.
The legislative power of the empire also takes precedence of that of the separate states in the regulation of matters affecting freedom of migration (Freizugigkeit), domicile, settlement and the rights of German subjects generally, as well as in all that relates to banking, patents, protection of intellectual property, navigation of rivers and canals, civil and criminal legislation, judicial procedure, sanitary police, and control of the press and of associations.
In criminal law and procedure there was an equal variety.
In one district was trial by jury in an open court; in another the old procedure by written pleadings before ajudge.
In 1871 a commission was appointed to draw up regulations for civil and criminal procedure, and also to frame regulations for the organization of the law courts.
The draft code of civil procedure, which was published in December 1872, introduced many important reforms, especially by substituting public and verbal procedure for the older German system, under which the proceedings were almost entirely carried on by written documents.
By these and other supplementary laws a uniform system of law courts was established throughout the whole empire; the position and pay of the.judges, the regulations regarding the position of advocates, and costs, were uniform, and the procedure in every state was identical.
The third law appointed a court for trying ecclesiastical offences, to which was given the right of suspending both priests and bishops, and a fourth determined the procedure necessary for those who wished to sever their connection with the Roman Catholic Church.
A grainnie, completely new procedure was introduced.
As programme Tisza brought with him a number of concessions from the crown to Magyar nationalist feeling in regard to military matters, particularly in regard to military badges, penal procedure, the transfer of officers of Hungarian origin from Austrian to Hungarian regiments, the establishment of military scholarships for Magyar youths and the introduction of the two years' service system.
The announcement of his determination caused the Opposition to rally against him, and when on the 18th of November the Liberal party adopted a " guillotine " motion by a show of hands in defiance of orthodox procedure, a section of the party seceded.
The rules of the House giving the president no authority for maintaining order, he determined, with the assent of the ministers, to propose alterations in procedure.
The din and uproar was such that not a word could be heard, but at a pre-arranged signal from the president all the Right rose, and he then declared that the new order had been carried, although the procedure of the House required that it should be submitted to a committee.
A criminal code was drawn up, together with a criminal procedure proclamation.
The procedure in scientific excavation is directed to collecting and interpreting all the information that can he obtained from the excavation as to the history and nature of the site explored, be it town, temple, house, cemetery or individual grave, wasting no evidence that results from it touching the endless problems which scientific archaeology affordswhether in regard to arts and crafts, manners and customs, language, history or beliefs.
The existing procedure was simplified and accelerated; the working of the courts was greatly improved by a carefully organized system of inspection and control; the incompetent judges were eliminated and replaced by men of better education and higher moral character; and for the future supply of wellqualified judges, barristers, and law officials, an excellent school of law was established.
In 1796 a special ordinance reformed the whole system of judicial procedure, making it cheaper and more expeditious; while the toll ordinance of the 1st of February 1797 still further extended the principle of free trade.
It is further pointed out that this procedure is quite consonant with the practice of science with regard to its axioms. Originally these are always postulates which have to be assumed before they can be proved, and thus in a way "make" the evidence which confirms them.
For some reason - perhaps because Bismarck did not entirely trust him - he did not at this time attain quite so influential a position as might have been anticipated; nevertheless he was chairman of the parliamentary committee which in 1876 drafted the new rules of legal procedure, and he found scope for his great administrative abilities in the post of burgomaster of Osnabruck.
The foregoing description represents the procedure in use in many English factories.
Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to the address and by the procedure for notices set forth above.
The procedure was purely despotic, and at the first attempt to use the liturgy in St Giles's there broke out the famous " Jenny Geddes " riot in the church (23rd of July 1637).
On account of the threatening procedure of Otto, they permitted him shortly afterwards to return, upon which, with the sanction of Otto, he took savage vengeance on those who had formerly opposed him.
He had hitherto shown himself not unfavourable to re f orm, having supported the bill introducing the use of English into legal proceedings, having drafted a new treason law, and set on foot some alterations in chancery procedure.
The procedure was almost a recognized part of education, and was analogous to the grand tour made by our great-grandfathers in the 18th century.
The usual course of procedure among the northern adventurers remains the same to whatever land they may direct their attacks, or during whatever years of the 9th century these attacks may fall.
A comparison of this procedure with the original conception of the patriciate as revealed by the derivation of the word, is significant of the history of the conception of nobility at Rome, and illustrative of the tenacity with which the Romans clung to the name and form of an institution which had long lost its significance.
The law recognized that a child should not be treated like a mature malefactor, and provided that there should be no criminal procedure, that the child should not be imprisoned or prosecuted, that his interests should be protected by a probation officer, that he should be discharged unless found dependent, delinquent or truant, and in such case that he should be turned over to the care of an approved individual or charitable society.
These names have in the mathematics tripos survived the procedure.
But to-day history is not satisfied by this simple procedure.
With regard to the land revenue, the essence of his procedure was to fix the amount which the cultivators should pay at one-third of the gross produce, leaving it to their option to pay in money or in kind.
The penal code, originally drawn up by Macaulay in 1837, passed into law in 1860, together with codes of civil and criminal procedure.
The island has largely retained the old French laws, the codes civil, de procedure, du commerce, and d'instruction criminelle being still in force, except so far as altered by colonial ordinances.
Other legislation provided for the organization of a judiciary, a supreme court, the enactment of a code of civil procedure, the establishment of a bureau of forestry, a health department, and an agricultural bureau and a bureau of constabulary, made up of native soldiers officered by white men.
There is, however, the advantage that the correction is rendered much less uncertain by this procedure, since the assumption that the loss of heat is proportional to the temperature-excess is only true for small differences of temperature.
This exceptional procedure does not simply go back to the rule that persons who had been tenants of the king ought not to have their condition altered for the worse in consequence of a royal grant.
He at least claims to have been the first to dissect the procedure of the debate-game, and the larger claim may be and Aristotle who was inferior as a metaphysician to neither.
The positive procedure by hypothesis and verification is rejected by Bacon, who thinks of hypothesis as the will o' the wisp of science, and prefers the cumbrous machinery of negative reasoning.
His grasp of the procedure by which the man of science manipulated his particular concrete problems was admirable.
It is the oscillation which Mill manifests between the conception of his formula as it is actually applicable to concrete problems in practice, and the conception of it as an expression of a theoretical limit to practical procedure.
Lotze's procedure is, indeed, analogous to the way in which, in his philosophy of nature, he starts from a plurality of real beings, but by means of a reductive movement, an application of Kant's transcendental method, arrives at the postulate or fact of a law of their reciprocal action which calls for a monistic and idealist interpretation.
The more logical method of procedure is to determine the specific heat independently of the total heat, and then to deduce the variations of total heat by equation (52).
The procedure was a travesty of justice.
A large literature is produced, reconciling science and theology by softening and compromising and adapting; a procedure in accordance with general historical development, for men do not love sharp antagonisms, nor are they prepared to carry principles to their logical conclusions.
The laws are the Indian Penal and Civil Procedure Codes and Evidence Acts, supplemented by a few local laws promulgated by proclamation.
A praetor was essentially a civil judge, and as such he was accustomed at or before his entry on office to publish an edict setting forth the rules of law and procedure by which he intended to be guided in his decisions.
The procedure is the same as for cholera, but it has been equally successful.
Harnack finds that our sense of the trustworthiness of the book " is enhanced by a thorough study of the chronological procedure of its author, both where he speaks and where he keeps silence."
From the beginning, however, he treated the Italians, as indeed was only natural, less as rebellious subjects than as conquered aliens; and it must be admitted that in regard to them the only effective portion of his procedure was, not his energetic measures of repression nor his brilliant victories, but, after the battle of Legnano, his quiet and cheerful acceptance of the inevitable, and the consequent complete change in his policy, by which if he did not obtain the great object of his ambition, he at least did much to render innoxious for the Empire his previous mistakes.
It appears to the author, however, that where such methods are employed merely with a view to overcoming a specific malady and there is no intention of increasing the quantity of the wine for purposes of gain, or of giving it a fictitious appearance of quality, these operations are perfectly justifiable and may be compared to the modifications of procedure which are forced upon the brewer or distiller who has to deal with somewhat abnormal raw material.
The Moderate party, which maintained its ascendancy till the beginning of the 19th century, sought to make the working of the church in its different parts as systematic and regular as possible, to make the assembly supreme, to enforce on presbyteries respect for its decisions, and to render the judicial procedure of the church as exact and formal as that of the civil courts.
He suggested that it would be difficult or impossible for the people to meet such heavy demands, that discontent and trouble would arise, and that the better method of procedure was to raise money by levy or imposition.
The criticism of the demonstrations is introduced later in close connexion with Bacon's new method; they are the rival modes of procedure, to which his own is definitely opposed.
Such a mode of procedure may be called anticipatio naturae (for in it reason is allowed to prescribe to things), and is opposed to the true method, the interpretatio naturae, in which reason follows and obeys nature, discovering her secrets by obedience and submission to rule.
The true scientific procedure is by hypothesis followed up and tested by verification; the most powerful instrument is the deductive method, which Bacon can hardly be said to have recognized.
It is, he says, the procedure from one experiment to another, and it is not a science but an art or learned sagacity (resembling in this Aristotle's lyxivoca), which may, however, be enlightened by the precepts of the Interpretatio.
It was also particularly stated that all legal procedure must henceforth be conducted in the English tongue, an arrangement which fell very heavily on poor monoglot Welshmen and appears an especially harsh and ungracious enactment when coming from a sovereign who was himself a genuine Welshman by birth.
His treatises On Procedure and On Evidence are amongst his most valuable works, whilst his Commentary on the Code of Justinian has been in some countries regarded as of equal authority with the code itself.
In order to fall within it, the law must act upon the terms of the agreement, and not merely upon the mode of procedure.
In criminal cases the dispensation of justice is always summary, and, when the offence is small, the whole procedure, including the examination of witnesses and criminal, as well as the decision and the punishment, a bastinado, is a matter of some minutes.
In Babylon his procedure was presumably similar, though here we possess no local evidence.
He levies the taxes, controls the legal procedure, is responsible for the security of roads and property, and superintends the subordinate districts.
The expedition of 332 B.C. to the shrine of Ammon was a preliminary to this procedure, which, in 324, was sealed by his official elevation to divine rank in all the republics of Greece.
In most constitutional countries the procedure is somewhat of a mean between the extremes of the United Kingdom and the United States.
It is to the work of his son Richard, the Dialogus de Scaccario, that we are indebted for our knowledge of the procedure of the exchequer as it was left by Nigel.
The constitution of the courts is based on the example of the English judiciary, and the rules of evidence and procedure are practically the same in both criminal and civil cases as in England.
Measures were also taken to reform the administration and the whole course of judicial procedure, and torture as an instrument of legal investigation was abolished.
The act, while a most important landmark in the constitutional history of England, in no sense creates any right to personal freedom, but is essentially a procedure act for improving the legal mechanism by means of which that acknowledged right maybe enforced.
The experience of the 18th century disclosed defects in the procedure for obtaining liberty in cases not covered by the act of 167 9.
It will appear from the foregoing statement that the issue and enforcement of the writ rests on the common law as strengthened by the acts of 1627,1640, 1679 and 1816, and subject also to the regulations as to procedure contained in the Crown Office Rules, 1906.
The above forms are now of little or no importance; but the procedure for obtaining them and the forms of writ are included in the Crown Office Rules 1906.
During and after the South African War of 1899-1902 many attempts were made by this procedure to challenge or review the sentences of courts martial; see re Fourie (1900), 18 Cape Rep. 8.
Before the Declaration of Independence some of the North American colonies had adopted the act of 1679; and the federal and the other state legislatures of the United States have founded their procedure on that act.
To this procedure the council agreed, and on the 22nd of March the order of the Temple was suppressed by the bull Vox clamantis; while further decisions as to the treatment of the order and its possessions followed later.
To his personal characteristics can be traced the hair-splitting and formal pedantry which ever afterwards marked the activity of the school, the dry repellent technical procedure of the Dialecticians par excellence, as they were called.
Moreover, the myths were rationalized and allegorized, which was not in either case an original procedure.
To it was reserved the judgment in certain important cases, and in it a peculiar procedure was followed, known as oral, though it admitted certain written documents.
But later, when the institution of the appeal was fully developed, and the procedure before the various jurisdictions became a highly technical matter, above all when it admitted written evidence, the documents connected with other inquests also came before the Parlement.
A new form of appeal grew up side by side with the older form, which had been mainly an oral procedure, namely the appeal by writing (appel par ecrit).
But he maintained that the procedure of philosophy must be analytic, rising from the particular facts to the universal in which we find them explained.
At the same time a revolution in La Paz proclaimed General Narciso Campero president, and he was elected to that post in the following June by the ordinary procedure of the constitution.
Various modifications have since been made, but the routine methods in bacteriological procedure still employed are in great part those given by Koch.
Blount, a man of a very different spirit, did both, and in so doing may be regarded as having inaugurated the second main line of deistic procedure, that of historico-critical examination of the Old and New Testaments.
His pen was as busy as his voice, and in four notable pamphlets he advocated the creation of companies of commerce, the abolition of the distinction between Old and New Christians, the reform of the procedure of the Inquisition and the admission of Jewish and foreign traders, with guarantees for their security from religious persecution.
Consequently the theory that he used Polybius in the third decade requires us to assume that in this one instance he departed widely, and without sufficient reason, from his usual course of procedure.
But his documents also gave only very imperfect indications of the occasions of many of the utterances; and the result of his method of procedure has been to give us an exceedingly effective representation of the teaching of Jesus.
It is a curious fact, illustrative of the ignorant procedure and arbitrary fashions of fisher-folk, that on the Atlantic seaboard of the United States the sea mussel, Mytilus edulis, though common, is not used as bait nor as food.
Voltaire's reply to it in the 18th (Essai sur les mceurs) attacked its limitations on the basis of deism, and its miraculous procedure on that of science.
The nomination and election of candidates and the procedure at the election are the same as have already been described in the case of the election of county councillors.
The provisions with reference to election petitions, the grounds upon which they may be presented and the procedure upon them, are the same in every respect as have already been mentioned when dealing with county councils.
This duty was formerly enforceable by indictment of the inhabitants of the parish, but it is not quite clear whether this procedure is applicable, now that the liability to repair is transferred to a council representing a wider area.
An alternative procedure has been provided by the Private Street Works Act, which may be adopted by any urban council.
The acts themselves must be consulted for the procedure, beginning with the taking of samples and ending with the conviction of an offender.
But, whereas the new scholarch, confining himself to the detailed examination of natural kinds, attempted no comprehensive explanation of the universe, Aristotle held that a theory of its origin, its motions, and its order was a necessary adjunct to the classificatory sciences; and in nearly all his references to Speusippus he insists upon this fundamental difference of procedure.
The rules of evidence which now govern the procedure in criminal cases did not then exist, and Garnet's trial, like many others, was influenced by the political situation, the case against him being supported by general political accusations against the Jesuits as a body, and with evidence of their complicity in former plots against the government.
The correctness of this procedure is questionable.
Subsequently Jethro came to Moses (probably at Kadesh), a great sacrificial feast was held, and the priest instructed Moses in legislative procedure; Exod.
On some plates the stars were allowed to trail and the planet was followed, in others the reverse procedure was taken; in either case the planet's position is measured by referring it to " comparison stars " of approximately its own magnitude situated within 25' to 30' of the centre of the plate, while these stars are themselves fixed by measurement from brighter " reference stars," the positions of which are found by meridian observations if absolute places are desired.
In 1615 a dispute between the Venetian government and the Inquisition respecting the prohibition of a book led him to write on the history and procedure of the Venetian Inquisition; and in 1619 his chief literary work, the History of the Council of Trent, was printed at London under the name of Pietro Soave Polano, an anagram of Paolo Sarpi Veneto.
At first he prudently abstained from trying to force the issues in which he was interested, while he studied the temper and procedure of the Senate.
A public official may be tried for incompetence, corruption or malfeasance according to the regular procedure in criminal cases, and if convicted he may be dismissed from office and receive such other penalties as the law provides.
Almost immediately upon his arrival in Louisiana, where the legal system had previously been based on Roman, French and Spanish law, and where trial by jury and other peculiarities of English common law were now first introduced, he was appointed by the legislature to prepare a provisional code of judicial procedure, which (in the form of an act passed in April 1805) was continued in force from 1805 to 1825.
It was prepared in both French and English, as was required by the necessities of practice in Louisiana, and actually consisted of four codes - crimes and punishments, procedure, evidence in criminal cases, reform and prison discipline.
The opinion of all the judges taken at the time was in favour of the legality of this procedure.
The distinction between pre-Henrician and post-Henrician procedure lies in the requirement, since 25 Hen.
This suggested a regular procedure, according to which the father sold his son thrice into mancipium, while after each sale the fictitious vendee enfranchized the son, by manumissio vindicta, i.e.
Thus, to divide 987063 by 427, we reverse the procedure of § 101, but with intermediate stages.
Wolsey deprecated this procedure, and application was made to Clement VII.
The method of procedure was as follows.
By close attention to his parliamentary duties, he obtained a wide knowledge of the rules and procedure of the House of Commons, and this fact together with his intimacy with Pitt, and his general popularity, secured his election as Speaker in June 1789.
That is not the procedure of modern natural theology.
He took an important part in drafting the civil code, the criminal code, the code of civil procedure and the commercial code.
But a few of the.nobles and a great many of the clergy voted against this procedure.
His procedure was essentially lawyer-like, for he respected the House of Commons and dreaded revolutionary violence.
Parnell and 35 of his colleagues were suspended, and the bill became law on the 2nd of March, but not before great and permanent changes were made in parliamentary procedure.
The methods and procedure of the Land Commission were much criticized, and many recommendations were made, but no legislation followed.
This Dalmatian port was not only the Croatian arsenal, but the seat of the kings, who here sought to enhance their dignity by borrowing the grandiose titles and elaborate procedure of the Byzantine court.
Modern in his practical schemes and in his calculated purpose, Philip the Fair was still more so in his method, that of legal procedure, and in his agents, the lawyers.
What we have must point the way to what we want, or our procedure will be arbitrary.
He constantly harps upon accusations brought against bishops and the way they were judged; his wish is to prevent them from being unjustly accused, deposed or deprived of their sees; to this end he multiplies the safeguards of procedure, and secures the right of appeal to the pope and the possibility of restoring bishops to their sees.
Whether or not Mushet's patents could have been sustained, the value of his procedure was shown by its general adoption in conjunction with the Bessemer method of conversion.
The commercial code was put into force on the 22nd of August 1885, the code of civil procedure on the 1st of April 1881, and the code of criminal procedure on the 22nd of June 1882.
The extent of the industry compared with that of Great Britain is so great that it fully accounts for the difference in procedure of the respective associations.
As a substantive and pronounced minnit the word (usually in the plural) is applied to a written summary of the transactions of a meeting of a public or other body, or to a memorandum of instructions, &c. A Treasury minute in the United Kingdom is an official memorandum authorizing certain procedure.
The second (1906), creating a railway commission, was endorsed by a political party in state convention, was printed on the same ballot-paper with the names of the party candidates for office in order to secure for it all " straight " party votes, and by this procedure, which was upheld by the state supreme court in 1907, it was adopted.
From the first the ministry was exposed to the most unscrupulous opposition, exacerbated by the new and stringent rules of procedure which Tisza felt it his duty to introduce if any business were to be done.
This work, the earliest published in Christian Europe, treats the conic sections in relation to the original cone, the procedure differing from that of the Greek geometers.
However, the loss of light in this procedure is extraordinarily large, so that only most intensely illuminated objects can be investigated.
This act, which applied to the disjunction and erection of parishes, introduced a simpler form of procedure, and to some extent dispensed with the consent of the heritors, which had been required under the earlier statute.
The procedure of the courts which had cognizance of the matter was, however, by no means strict, and the judges and subordinate officials were often not ill-disposed towards Christians, so that evasion was fairly easy.
Archbishop Benson is probably right in thinking that "there was no systematic and regular procedure in the matter," and that the libelli may have been of very different kinds.
He selects definitely for his starting point neither the idea of self-consciousness nor the details of experience, but in his actual procedure passes from one to the other, rarely, if ever, taking into full consideration the weighty question of their relation to one another.
Great ambiguity is the natural result of this procedure.
It would be four to six weeks before they knew whether the procedure was successful.
The email said she'd be ready soon for the procedure Czerno wants her to undergo.
A medical procedure where he's going to drain all her blood and replace it with his.
She may have been asleep and she may have been a wet shivering mess but, by God, she was still beautiful and the whole procedure was beginning to bother Dean as he tried to be objective to his task.
Defra is going to investigate a procedure to enable removal from the committee of anyone who acts contrary to park purposes.
It is clear that the suffering associated with the cloning process makes the procedure morally abhorrent.
The normal CREST security admittance procedure is based around a fairly long lead time to admittance procedure is based around a fairly long lead time to admittance (for equities and gilts ).
Outcome of the modified Brostrom procedure for chronic lateral ankle instability using suture anchors.
The stent is inserted during a procedure called angioplasty.
Convergence of the scattering amplitudes with the number of partial waves is improved by using a procedure which is related to the Pade approximation.
The EMEA also arbitrates where mutual recognition is not possible under the decentralized procedure.
Assent procedure The assent procedure The assent procedure requires the Council to obtain Parliament's assent before certain important decisions are taken.
I donât have access to the Internet, can I complete the license authorization procedure by phone?
The divine authorship of the Bible does not alter our procedure at all.
It was predicted that children would use a slow algorithmic procedure while adults would use a fast automatized procedure.
Principles Methods and Practice - describes the background and development of the Wallingford Procedure.
During an angioplasty procedure, a doctor inserts a catheter with a deflated balloon at its tip into the blockage in the artery.
There is no derecognition without a ballot but the procedure for holding a derecognition ballot is simplified.
Evaluation techniques include clinical assessment and modified barium swallow procedure.
Each analytical batch contained at least 5 method blanks, consisting of the entire analytical procedure but omitting the sample.
You can derive benefit from an elective procedure, but it may be better to wait a while before having it done.
During the procedure his systolic blood pressure remained below 90 mmHg.
A point of order may only relate to an alleged breach of these Council Rules of Procedure or the law.
Cornwell is superb at procedure, but far too brisk a writer to deliver sexual tension.
The first PushButtonGadget is number 0. callback Specifies a callback Specifies a callback procedure to be called when a button is activated.
The ' call-in ' procedure allows three members to ' call-in ' procedure allows three members to ' call-in ' a decision within five working days after the publication of the decision.
However the new procedure requires a pin number which only the genuine cardholder will know.
The processes were developed down to the sub-process or procedure level and documented to a standard suitable for ISO9000 certification.
A key feature of the procedure is to make interspecific chimera recombinant viruses.
Further work is also needed on the affinity chromatography procedure to enable total folic acid to be measured without further HPLC.
Good color PostScript output can also be achieved with older Macs running System 6 or higher but the procedure is a little more clunky.
The first stage of the NHS complaints procedure is ' Local Resolution ' .
The color specifications passed to the gamut compression procedure have already been adjusted to the Screen White Point.
He did not seem unduly concerned, and carried on the procedure as usual.
District procedure needs to be clearly agreed and understood on such matters, including who can give concurrence to calls.
In our practice, the Giant becomes discursive, historically contingent, an oratorical procedure.
Secondly, I will describe our multilingual corpus, and our analytical procedure.
Mr Wagner chose the costly procedure of going to crown court, where total court costs run to around £ 9,000 per day.
During the procedure you may experience some cramps similar to menstrual cramps.
A procedure using suction curettage will remove the remaining cells.
This procedure has no severe consequences since the details of low-energy theories are largely decoupled from higher energy processes.
To allow the Intrinsics to deallocate resources produced by type converters, a resource destructor procedure may also be provided.
There are useful judicial dicta as to what constitutes substance and what constitutes procedure.
Where you say you were unfairly, constructively dismissed, you must follow the Grievance Procedure.
The first widely accepted procedure was laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection for the staging of prostate cancer.
Since that time, Nominet has been finalizing the full drafts of the proposed SLD Policy and the proposed Procedure.
The pore water pressures under conditions of rapid drawdown are determined using the following procedure.
The ARA has modified the IA capsize drill - more information here including a downloadable PDF of the new procedure (UK ).
The top procedure for them was breast enlargement, followed by eyelid surgery.
This method of procedure, however, is not entirely erroneous.
For the latter reason alone, many medical ethicists consider it to be a profoundly immoral procedure when done on humans.