Probed Sentence Examples
I spent months being probed, questioned, talked about and made to feel a freak.
He stepped out on the front porch, phone to his ear as his gaze probed through the trees.
The cover on the lower hole was then removed and the stick was probed into this to retrieve a food morsel.
Mr Clifton-Brown was assured by boffins they knew nothing after he probed about mysterious objects on behalf of a concerned constituent.
Many aspects of quantum chromodynamics are presently probed in particle collider experiments.
Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy allowed the chemisorption bonds of both surface modifiers and reactant molecules to be probed with high spectral resolution.
Almost every gamer would rather spend a year being probed by aliens than have to contact Sony support for even the gravest of reasons.
Thu 22 Jul 2004 blah blah Iraq blah blah death Posted by StopsAtGreen under political Halliburton probed over ' illegal ' trade with Iran.