Probable error Sentence Examples

probable error
  • The latest result is 299,860 kilometres per second, with a probable error of perhaps 30 kilometres - that is, about the ten-thousandth part of the quantity itself.

  • From a series of measures of the angle between Jupiter's satellites and the planet, made in June and July 1794 and in August and September 1795, Schur finds the mass of Jupiter =I / Io 4 8.55 1.45, a result which accords well within the limits of its probable error with the received value of the mass derived from modern researches.

  • The probable error in neglecting any variation of specific heat is small, and we may calculate L from the values of Lo - (s - s') (To - T), where s - s' is about 0.5 calories.

  • This method has been very generally recommended, but it is really bad, because, although it diminishes the absolute magnitude of the correction, it greatly increases the uncertainty of it and therefore the probable error of the result.

  • For one or two of the more famous stars such as a Centauri the probable error is less than so oi"; but for others in the list it ranges up to X0.05".

  • Campbell from the radial motions of 280 stars found the velocity to be 20 kilometres per second with a probable error of 12 km.

  • The measures were made with the Cape heliometer and have never been superseded, for the latest results with the minor planet Eros exactly confirm Gill's result-8.80" - while they decidedly diminish the associated probable error.

  • This corresponds, in the Cape instrument, with an excess of the diameters of the holes over those of the cylinders of about i,*mth of an inch - a quantity so small as to imply good workmanship, though it involves a systematic error which is very much larger than the probable error of a single determination of the coincidence point.
