Prior Sentence Examples
I'd witnessed his reaction the prior night.
She had received notice from Parkside's police officer McCarthy the prior day, Tuesday, late in the afternoon.
Dean was reminded of his prior night's dream.
He's not anxious to resurrect any of his prior difficulties.
Molly joined us, dressed in a new outfit Betsy purchased for her the prior day.
Jackson had not allowed himself to reflect on his relationship with Elisabeth prior to learning her secret, but now he let the memories rush in and in doing so, found some peace.
I walked by prior arrangement to the Portland Road where he met me.
Prior to its construction, a school bus could only pass over it empty, necessitating the children to alight, walk, and rejoin their transportation of the far side.
He was successively prior at Lay, abbot at Nancy and of Senones in Lorraine.
Bobby and Dean had reviewed the testimony the prior week.
AdvertisementSpontaneous volition is free as reflective, but it is the prior act of the two.
There was more arson and blackmailing than murder, though some prominent persons perished, such as the judge, Sir John, and the prior of Bury.
Attacks were made on properties held by Unitarians, but created prior to 181 3.
The prior of Llanthony was finally elected.
It has been suggested that the Sphenophyllales may have sprung from a-very old stock which existed prior to the divergence of the latter groups.
AdvertisementOn the contrary, he tries to prove elaborately that they (as well as the pleasures of imagination, ambition, self-interest) cannot be made an object of primary pursuit without a loss of happiness on the whole - one of his arguments being that these pleasures occur earlier in time, and " that which is prior in the order of nature is always less perfect than that which is posterior."
Dean had pondered that very question during his sheep-counting hours the prior night.
He is last heard of in 1198, as commissioned, together with the prior of Thurgarton, by Pope Innocent III.
In consequence of his professed attachment to the doctrines of Luther he was first imprisoned in the dungeons of Antvorskov and thence transferred, in the spring of 1525, to the Grey Friars' cloister at Viborg in Jutland, where he preached from his prison to the people assembled outside, till his prior, whom he won over to his views, permitted him to use the pulpit of the priory church.
His movements immediately prior to the attempt were certainly suspicious.
AdvertisementThe standard life of Burke is that by Sir James Prior, Memoir of the Life and Character of Edmund Burke with Specimens of his Poetry and Letters (1824).
Of this last house he rose to be canon, in 1125 scholasticus, and perhaps even prior, and it was there that he died on the 11 th of February 1141.
In 1175 Benedictus became prior of Holy Trinity, Canterbury; in 1177 he received from Henry II.
Consciousness itself involves the union of the antithetic elements, and prior to moral action nature is found organized and reason manifested or symbolized therein.
In the next room sat the count and countess respectfully conversing with the prior, who was calling on them as old acquaintances and benefactors of the monastery.
AdvertisementHe was responsible, especially, for the great operation known as the opening of the Grand Livre (August 2 4), which was designed to consolidate the public debt by cancelling the stock issued under various conditions prior to the Revolution, and issuing new stock of a uniform character, so that all fund-holders should hold stock of the revolutionary government and thus be interested in its stability.
While the tendril is thus diverted from its original direct course, the axillary bud of the leaf opposite the tendril begins a new podium, by lengthening into a shoot which assumes the direction the tendril had prior to its deflexion.
Besides, denunciation would not have meant a return to prior conditions; for other countries would have continued the convention, and probably with success, and would have proposed prohibitive or retaliatory duties in respect of British sugar, with bad results politically.
At some period unknown, prior to the 6th century, the Etrurians became a conquering people and extended their power not only northwards over, probably, Mantua, Felsina, Melpum and perhaps Hadria and Ravenna (Etruria Circumpadana), but also southwards into Latium and Campania.
Hommel, maintaining that their kingdom existed prior to that of Saba, probably from about 1500 B.C. or earlier until the Sabaeans came from their home in the north and conquered them in the 9th century.
The first is quite free from Nestorian influence, dates from some remote period, perhaps prior to 431, and is certainly the most ancient of those now in use in Christendom; the other two, though early, are undoubtedly of later date.
The events prior to the exodus are relegated by Ewald to a preliminary chapter of primitive history; and the events of the apostolic and postapostolic age are treated as a kind of appendix.
But a decline of its importance, similar to that within the larger sphere which it influenced prior to 1859, has continued uninterruptedly within the Habsburg dominions up to the present day.
Prior to 1830, little was known of the process other than that organic compounds generally yielded tarry and solid matters, but the discoveries of Liebig and Dumas (of acetone from acetates), of Mitscherlich (of benzene from benzoates) and of Persoz (of methane from acetates and lime) brought the operation into common laboratory practice.
In the July of the same year he was elected prior of St Mark's.
Oppressed by the weight of his crimes, he summoned the unyielding prior to shrive his soul.
Without holding any official post in the commonwealth he had created, the prior of St Mark's was the real head of the state, the dictator of Florence, and guarded the public weal "Dictator with extraordinary political wisdom.
However, in the beginning of 1497 the Piagnoni were again in office, with the prior's staunch friend, Francesco Valori, at their head.
It is said that at least Bernardo del Nero would have been spared had Savonarola raised his voice, but, although refraining from any active part against the prisoners, the prior would not ask mercy for them.
The Piagnoni were again at the head of the state, and by their request the prior resumed his sermons in the duomo, while his dearest disciple, Fra Domenico Buonvicini, filled the pulpit of St Lorenzo.
Now too the Piagnoni quitted office; the new signory was less friendly, and the prior was persuaded by his adherents to retire to St Mark's.
At first the prior treated the provocation with merited contempt, but his too zealous disciple Fra Domenico accepted the challenge.
The next morning, the signory having decreed the prior's.
Sacerdotal robes were thrown over the victims, and then roughly stripped off by two Dominicans, the bishop of Vasona and the prior of Sta Maria Novella.
A similar form was used by the ancient Egyptians long prior to the Jewish use.
In 1530 he was elected abbot of the Augustinian monastery at Spoleto, and in 1533 prior of the convent of St Peter ad Aram at Naples.
In the case of the military classand prior to the Restoration of 1867 the term military class was synonymous with educated class this spirit of stoicism was built up by precept on a solid basis of heredity.
Vicarious interest, however, attaches to the productions of the Mito School on account of the political influence they exercised in rehabilitating the nations respect for the throne by unveiling the picture of an epoch prior to, the usurpations of military feudalism.
On the other hand, he advances too easily from the maxim that function is prior to, and makes, structure to the conclusion that the results of use and disuse are therefore immediately incarnated in structural adaptations capable of hereditary transmission.
Defoe declared that Lord Annesley was preparing the army in Ireland to join a Jacobite rebellion, and was indicted for libel; and prior to his trial (1715) he published an apologia entitled An Appeal to Honour and Justice, in which he defended his political conduct.
Moreover, heresies are not to be confounded with tentative and faulty hypotheses broached in a period prior to the scrutiny of a topic of Christian doctrine, and before that scrutiny has led the general mind to an assured conclusion.
Arabia (whence the Israelites may have come) and in Canaan prior to the great extension of Babylonian influence.
In the cult and ritual of Rome there are enshrined many survivals from a very early form of religious thought prior to the development of the characteristic Roman attitude of mind.
The Alaska gold was derived almost wholly from the large low-grade quartz mines of Douglas Island prior to 1899, but in that year an important district was discovered at Cape Nome, on the north-western coast.
This, however, was not for long; the king of France had to recognize the prior rights of the king of England to the possession of the countship, and restored it to him in 1279.
His reconstruction of the creed of Aphraates is interesting in relation to the other traces of a Syriac creed form existing prior to the 4th century.
If, then, the art of writing was unknown in Greece before, let us say, the 6th century B.C., it would be useless to expect that any events of Grecian history prior to about the 7th century B.C. could have been transmitted to posterity with any degree of historical accuracy.
In view of the fact that the First and Third British Armies were faced with strong positions in the Canal du Nord and the Scheldt canal, which it was advisable to carry prior to the general attack on the Hindenburg line behind the latter obstacle, it was decided that these two armies should open their operations a day earlier than the Fourth Army, so as to draw off the German reserves from the front of that army, which had to deliver the main attack and was faced with the most formidable defences.
It is necessary to know the volume of the tube above the second level; this may most efficiently be determined by calibrating the tube prior to its use.
Prior to that date he was invariably known as Johann Hussynecz, Hussinecz, Hussenicz or de Hussynecz.
Prior to 1904 elections were annual, but by an amendment of that year they became biennial.
Queen Edith's crown had a plain circlet with, so far as can be determined, four crosses of pearls or gems on it, and a large cross patee rising from it in front, and arches of jewels or pearls terminating in a large pearl at the top. A valuation of these ancient crowns was made at the time of the Commonwealth prior to their destruction.
This incident well illustrates the ground of his objection to the British system of patent law, which he looked upon as calculated to strifle invention and impede progress; the patentees in this case did not manage to make a practical success of their invention themselves, but the existence of prior patents was sufficient to turn him aside from a path which conducted him to valuable results when afterwards, owing to the expiry of those patents, he was free to pursue it as he pleased.
PreColumbian or pre-historic material is further classified into that which had been used by Indians before the discovery, and such as is claimed to be of a prior geological period.
Ameghino argues that this creature is still living, while Dr Moreno advances the theory that the animal has been extinct for a long period, and that it was domesticated by a people of great antiquity, who dwelt there prior to the Indians.
Prior to Charlemagne .it is probable that several other collections of homilies had obtained considerable popularity, but in the time of that emperor these had suffered so many mutilations and corruptions that an authoritative revision was felt to be imperatively necessary.
We only know that he died, on the 17th of May 1050, as prior of Avellana, a monastery of the Camaldulians; such at least is the statement of the chroniclers of that order.
His Scythian travels are thought to have taken place prior to 450 B.C.
The difficulty stated in the foregoing quotation, although now mainly of historic importance, exerted great influence upon the development of the American census prior to 1900.
Yet as Barrow held that a church could exist prior to its ministry, this settles nothing.
The poor law of the state defines the town poor as those who have gained a settlement in some town or city, by residing there for one year prior to their application for public relief and who are unable to maintain themselves; the county poor as the poor who have not resided in any one town or city for one year before their application for public relief, but have been in some one county for sixty days; and the state poor as all other poor persons within the state.
Prior to the break-up of the ice, the army could only disembark at Chemulpo, far from the objective, or at Dalny under the very eyes of its defenders.
Under the law prior to the act of 1889 (a) an agreement to refer disputes generally, without naming the arbitrators, was always irrevocable, and an action lay for the breach of it, although the court could not compel either of the parties to proceed under it; (b) an agreement to refer to a particular arbitrator was revocable, and if one of the parties revoked that particular arbitrator's authority he could not be compelled to submit to it; (c) when, however, the parties had got their tribunal fixed, and were proceeding to carry out the agreement to refer, the act 9 and io Will.
Sir Henry Burdett quotes an order, dated 30th May 1578, directing the master and the prior of the Hotel Dieu "not to receive henceforth any novices without speaking of it to the company, because there are an excessive number of nuns and novices, who cause great expense to the said Hotel Dieu."
No books were allowed to the lay brothers and nothing could be written in the monastery without the prior's consent.
They were taught the creed and the Lord's Prayer, examined therein, and exorcized prior to baptism.
It has long been known, and is now generally recognized, that a gall can only be produced when the tissue of a plant is interfered with during, or prior to, the actual development of the tissue.
The second event, which began with the heroic and successful defence of the monastery of Czenstochowa by Prior Kordecki against the Swedes, resulted in the return of the Polish king from exile, the formation of a national army under Stephen Czarniecki and the recovery of almost all the lost provinces from the Swedes,.
Its last manifestation was the successful defence of the monastery of Czenstochowa by Prior Kordecki against the finest troops in Europe, its last representative was Stephen Czarniecki, who brought the fugitive John Casimir back from exile and reinstalled him on his tottering throne.
Five religious songs in Polish dating from the 15th century have been preserved; they are ascribed to Andrew Slopuchowski, prior of the monastery of the Holy Cross on Lysa G6ra.
For several years prior to 1902 Harrisburg suffered much from impure water, a bad sewerage system, and poorly paved and dirty streets.
Under the Roman Empire the word prior is found signifying "ancestor."
The term prior was most commonly used to denote the superiors in a monastery, at first with an indefinite significance, but later, as monastic institutions crystallized, describing certain definite officials.
The first prior was sometimes called prior major, sometimes prior claustralis.
The first prior acted as vicar in all matters in the absence of the abbot, and was generally charged with the details of the discipline of the monastery.
With the foundation of the order of Cluny in the 10th century there appeared the conventual prior who ruled as head of a monastery, but was subject in some degree to the archiabbas of the mother-house of Cluny.
The Regular Canons later gave this title of prior to the heads of their houses, as did also the Carthusians and the Dominicans.
Among the Dominicans the head of a province is known as the "prior provincial."
In the order of St John of Jerusalem a priory was a group of commanderies ruled by a "grand prior."
The term prior was applied also in the middle ages in a very general manner.
Thus there was the prior scholae or leader of the choir, prior scriniariorum, &c.
Prior to 1841 a divorce was granted by the legislature only, from then until 1851 it could be granted by either the legislature or the equity courts, since 1851 by the courts only.
Prior to 1900 the principal of the state normal was ex-officio state superintendent, but since then the superintendent has been appointed by the governor for a term of four years.
In a few days, or at most a fortnight, after a rainfall numberless specimens of these sizes were found swimming about, " and as not a single one was to be found in the water-pools prior to the rain, these must have been developed from the egg."
But if the evidence available points to the time of Hadrian as the period at which the Hebrew text assumed its present form, it is even more certain that prior to that date the various MSS.
Prior to the establishment of the monarchy the conditions for securing an exact and consecutive chronology did not exist; the dates in the earlier period of the history, though apparently in many cases precise, being in fact added long after the events described, and often (as will appear below) resting upon an artificial basis, so that the precision is in reality illusory.
There is no evidence of any settlement on the site of the present town prior to about 1092, when Bernard Newmarch, after defeating Bleddin ab Maenarch, built here a castle which he made his residence and the chief stronghold of his new lordship. For this purpose he utilized what remained of the materials of the Roman fort, 3 m.
Thus certain physical changes in the brain result in a given action; the concomitant mental desire or volition is in no sense causally connected with, or prior to, the physical change.
It is a not uncommon theory that the fairies survive in legend from prehistoric memories of a pigmy people dwelling in the subterranean earth-houses, but the contents of these do not indicate an age prior to the close of the Roman occupation of Britain; nor are pigmy bones common in neolithic sepulchres.
Originally franchises varied much in different states, but for many years prior to 1890 what was practically manhood suffrage prevailed in nearly all of.
A priory only differed from an abbey in that the superior bore the name of prior instead of abbot.
Canterbury, Ely, Norwich, &c., where the archbishop or bishop occupied the abbot's place, the superior of the monastery being termed prior.
The prior's group "entered at the south-east angle of the green court, placed near the most sacred part of the cathedral, as befitting the distinguished ecclesiastics or nobility who were assigned to him."
In each the prior's house is remarkably perfect.
The prior's lodge was almost invariably attached to the S.W.
Its last prior, Alexander Dunbar, died in 7560.
Prior to 1903, command of the latter was vested in a British officer, but since then has been entrusted to a militia council, of which the minister is president.
In 1679 the Covenanters published their "Declaration and Testimony" at Rutherglen prior to the battles of Drumclog and Bothwell Brig (1679).
This important difference between the De Interpretatione and the Prior Analytics can only be explained by supposing that the former is the earlier treatise.
It is nearer to Plato's analysis of the sentence, and no logician would have gone back to it, after the Prior Analytics.
If he did, then the Rhetoric to Alexander in 34 0 was at least four years prior to the Rhetoric, which was as late as 33 6.
Each of them, the probability (chap. 8), the example (chap. 9), the proof (chap. to), the consideration (chap. 11), the maxim (chap. 12), the sign (chap. 13), the refutation (chap. 14), though very like what it is in the Rhetoric, receives in the Rhetoric to Alexander a definition slightly different from the definition in the Rhetoric, which it must be remembered is also the definition in the Prior Analytics.
He got so far as gradually to write short discourses and long treatises, which we, not he, now arrange in the order of the Categories or names; the De Interpretatione on propositions; the Analytics, Prior on syllogism, Posterior on scientific syllogism; the Topics on dialectical syllogism; the Sophistici Elenchi on eristical or sophistical syllogism; and, except that he had hardly a logic of induction, he covered the ground.
He afterwards returned to Oxford, where he publicly taught mathematics, as he had done prior to his going to Cambridge.
A law forbidding under severe penalties a labourer from hiring himself to a second employer without giving notice of a prior contract, and an employer from hiring a labourer known by him to be bound by such a contract, had aided in the development of the system, though it had been enacted for a different purpose.
The political history of Alabama may be divided into three periods, that prior to 1860, the years from 1860 to 1876, and the period from 1876 onwards.
State laws made liable to prosecution for misdemeanour any contract labourer who, having received advances, failed for any but good cause to fulfil the contract; or any contract labourer who made a second contract without giving notice tohis second employer of a prior and unfulfilled contract; or any employer of a labourer who had not completed the term of a prior contract.
Mind is, therefore, prior both in thought and in existence, if for the moment we assume the popular distinction.
Prior to the Revolution he took only a minor part in politics, but when it broke out he soon became, with the queen, the chief of the reactionary party at court.
On the death of Charles in 1309 Robert succeeded to the throne, although his nephew Caroberto (Carlo Roberto), son of his elder brother Charles Martel, who had died before his father, had a prior claim.
In the introduction to his work a résumé is given of the history of Hindostan prior to the times of the Mahommedan conquest, and also of the victorious progress of the Arabs through the East.
The new court, if adopted, would hold regular and continuous sessions, consist of the same judges, and pay due heed to the precedents created by its prior decisions.
Two manors of Padstow are mentioned later - the prior of Bodmin's manor, which included the rectory, and a manor which passed from the Bonvilles to the Greys, marquesses of Dorset, both of which were eventually acquired by the family of Prideaux.
This conversion, which took place in 1374, appears to have been due partly to the effects of a dangerous illness and partly to the influence of henry de Calcar, the learned and pious prior of the Carthusian monastery at Munnikhuizen near Arnhem, who had remonstrated with him on the vanity of his life.
At some period (perhaps 1381, perhaps earlier) he paid a visit of some days' duration to the famous mystic Johann Ruysbroeck, prior of the Augustinian canons at Groenendael near Brussels; at this visit was formed Groot's attraction for the rule and life of the Augustinian canons which was destined to bear such notable fruit.
Missionary effort was particularly fruitful in Hilo, where Titus Coan (1801-1882), sent out in 1835 by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, worked in repeated revivals, induced most of his church members to give up tobacco even, and received prior to 1880 more than 12,000 members into a church which became self-supporting and sent missions to the Gilbert Islands and the Marquesas.
Again, Schelling urged that besides the rational element there must be something else; that there is in nature, as natures naturans, a blind impulse, a will without intelligence, which belongs to the existent; and that even God Himself as the Absolute cannot be pure thought, because in order to think He must have an existence which cannot be merely His thought of it, and therefore pure being is the prior condition of thought and spirit.
From this fact of unity of Nature and of everything in Nature, combined with the two previous positions accepted, not from Nature, but from Kant, Green proceeded to argue, altogether beyond Kant, that Nature, being one, and also requiring unifying intelligence, requires one intelligence, an eternal intelligence, a single spiritual principle, prior to, and the condition of, our individual knowledge.
Entering the Dominican order in 1254, he became lector, prior of the convent, provincial of his order in Lombardy, and in 1296 its general.
That valley prior to the Gurkha domination (1768) was under three native dynasties (at Bhatgaon, Patan and Katmandu), and these struck silver mohurs, as they were called, of the nominal value of half a rupee.
The lodgings of the prior (G) occupy the centre of the outer court, immediately in front of the west door of the church, and face the gateway of the convent (0).
On the east side was the prior's house, a building of later date.
The prior's lodge is placed to the west of the cloister.
Here they were placed under the authority of a prior, and were condemned to severe manual labour, fulfilling the duties usually executed by the lay brothers, who acted as farmservants.
In 1132 the prior and twelve monks of St Mary's abbey, York, being dissatisfied with the easy life they were living, left the monastery and with the assistance of Thurstan, archbishop of York, founded a house in the valley of the Skell, where they adopted the Cistercian rule.
These monks, it would appear, though under the authority of a prior, had no rule.
Robert of Cricklade, prior of St Frideswide at Oxford, dedicated to Henry II.
Thus, prior exposure to a temperature materially above Ac 3 coarsens the structure of most steel, in the sense of giving it, when cold a coarse fracture, and enlarging the grains of pearlite, &c., later found in the slowly cooled metal.
Prior to this, in 1526-1527, appeared a programme of the lectures he intended to deliver at Basel, but this can hardly be reckoned a specific work.
It is practically certain, however, that the cavity must date from an Early Minoan period prior to that of the great palace.
Wild animals, especially bears, are numerous, but prior to 1896 the fish and game had been almost exterminated by indiscriminate slaughter.
It is somewhat curious that although many of the products of China were known and used in Europe at much earlier times, no reference to tea has yet been traced in European literature prior to 1588.
In Egypt, prior to the British occupation in 1883, no attempt had been made to take the water off the land.
He was laid, a week later, in Westminster Abbey, among the eminent men of whom he had been the historian - Cowley and Denham, Dryden and Congreve, Gay, Prior and Addison.
This policy speedily led to a formidable rebellion, headed by Thankmar, the kings halfbrother, a fierce warrior, who fancied that he had a prior claim to the crown, and who secured a number of followers in Saxony.
As this MS. contains transcriptional errors, and as its archetype had perhaps a Greek basis, the Recognitions may be dated c. 350-3751 (its Christology suggested to Rufinus an Arianism like that of Eunomius of Cyzicus, c. 362), and the Homilies prior even to 350.
In 1316 the prior of Tywardreath, as lord of the manor, obtained the right to hold a Monday market and two fairs on the feasts of St Finbar and St Lucy, but by the charter of 1690 provision was made for a Saturday market and three fairs, on the 1st of May, 10th of September and Shrove Tuesday, and only these three continue to be held.
Prior to these episodes Athens had not been in hostile contact with any of the Peloponnesian confederate states for more than ten years, and Pericles had abandoned a great part of his imperial policy.
Prior to the death of the khalifa, many of his soldiers deserted to join their brethren who had been captured by the sirdars troops, during the gradual advance up the Nile.
The nerve cell just prior to sleep is still well capable of response to stimuli, although perhaps the threshold-value of the stimulus has become rather high, whereas after entrance upon sleep and continuance of sleep for several hours, and more, when all spur to the dissimilation process has been long withheld, the threshold-value of the sensory stimulus becomes enormously higher than before.
Professor Schafer recommended the use of atropine prior to the administration of a general anaesthetic, in cases where the action of the vagus nerve upon the heart is to be dreaded; and there is little doubt of the value of this precaution, which has no attendant disadvantages, in all such cases.
At the same time, these additions must for the most part be prior to D, since many of them are included in Deut.
In Sirogonium there is cell-division in the parent-cell prior to conjugation; and as two segments are cut off in the case of the active gamete, and only one in the case of the passive gamete, there is a corresponding difference of size, marking another step in the sexual differentiation.
In Batrachospermum filaments arise from the carpogonium on all sides; in Chantransia and Scinaia on one side only; in Helminthora the filaments are enclosed in a dense mucilage; in Nemalion, prior to the formation of the filaments, a sterile segment is cut off below.
Considering, however, that it is generally believed that Bryophyta and vascular plants are descended from an algal ancestry, it is natural to suppose that, prior to the luxuriant vegetable growths of the Carboniferous period, there must have existed an age of algae.
He transferred in fact the fairs and markets from the demesne lands of the Bloyous in Marazion to those of the prior.
In Leland's time the market was held at Marhasdeythyow (Forum Jovis), and both Norden (1582) and Carew (1602) tell us that Marcajewe signifies the Thursday's market, which, whether etymologically sound or not, shows that the prior's market had prevailed over its rival.
In 1536 the last prior was hanged for being concerned in the insurrection called the Pilgrimage of Grace.
Licensee may not assign this Agreement (including by operation of law) without the prior written consent of Licensor.
That the language had been imposed, in a remote age, by Celtic-speaking invaders, on a prior non-Celticspeaking population, is probable enough, but is not demonstrated.
Prior Hepburn founded a new college, that of St Leonard's, in the university of St Andrews, and Scotland owes only one university, that of Edinburgh, to the learned enthusiasm of her reformed sons.
In the spring of 1561, Mary's brother, Lord James Stewart, lay prior of St Andrews, visited her in the mission to France, Elizabeth announced that a marriage of Mary with a Spanish, Imperial or French prince would mean war, while she still hinted at the Leicester marriage, or perhaps at a union with young Henry Darnley, son of Lennox.
Prior to the meeting of the commissions appointed for the determination of the Russo-Afghan boundary in 1885, no very accurate geographical knowledge of the upper Oxus regions existed, and the course of the river itself was but roughly mapped.
It was not till the 25th of June 1783 that in conjunction with Laplace he announced to the Academy that water was the product formed by the combination of hydrogen and oxygen, but by that time he had been anticipated by Cavendish, to whose prior work, however, as to that of several other investigators in other matters, it is to be regretted that he did not render due acknowledgment.
The most important industry was the wholesale slaughtering and packing of meats, which yielded 22.9% of the total manufactured product of the state in 1900, and 22.5% of the total in 1 The statistics for years prior to 1900 are taken from reports of the U.S. Census, those for years after 1900 from the Year Books of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Ultimately, in July 1860, Errington was deprived by the pope of his coadjutorship with right of succession, and he retired to Prior Park, near Bath, where he died in 1886.
Paolo, Di Moniglia (1444-1502), a member of the order of Dominicans, was, from a comparatively early age, prior of their convent at Genoa.
Environmental concern prior to the mid 19th century is reflected in local authority bylaws relating to public health, nuisances and buildings.
This displays the speed of reading through the buffer cache to the disk without any prior caching of data.
Caesareane of placenta accreta is much higher in women with a prior cesarean, than otherwise.
Please note we do operate a 100% cancelation fee on all treatments canceled less than 24 hours prior to appointment time.
Only in the Ukraine - prior to 2002 - has dual candidacy been banned.
The number of episodes of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis experienced during the year prior to inclusion was 6.3, SD 1.9.
Prior to our forming a government, we will fight tooth and nail against the looming catastrophe of forced integration within secondary schools.
In which case for the marriage to be valid a civil ceremony is required prior to the religious ceremony.
Prior to that run he had looked a tough, staying chaser.
A baseline INR should be checked prior to starting chemoprophylaxis, and re-checked after 1 week of taking chemoprophylaxis.
Guests can choose either the set Christmas party menu or with prior arrangement choose from a festive table d'hote menu.
A wooden clapper that was sounded by the prior to summon the monks to eat, wash or attend a meeting.
Processes and fuels used to produce cement clinker are characterized prior to a summary of regional trends in cement production.
The balance is to be paid 4 weeks prior to holiday commencement.
Rehearsals for evening concerts are open to the public by prior arrangement only.
Shelving in the OM stand concourse would not be completed prior to the end of the season.
No part of the content of this web-site may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Computer Manuals Limited.
Not to use the boat for business purposes without the prior consent of the Company.
All of these measures were subject to extensive prior consultation.
Any upgrades booked or wait listed prior to December 1, 2004 will not have to pay the co-payment.
More space is required for the purposes of assessing casualty prior to release, e.g. an enclosed corridor.
You can either ship it to us via a parcel courier or you can bring it to our Manchester data center by prior arrangement.
Wheatears were flying around as well, prior to emigration and the Mute Swan couple were accompanied by nine dirty gray cygnets.
Prior to being named head of Apple Music Publishing, the colorful Doran had run a car dealership that he co-owned with Epstein.
Equipment must be fully decontaminated prior to maintenance work.
Prior to the Great War he worked with his father as a house decorator and volunteered for service in August 1914.
There will be no such listing of those cases where by prior agreement payment of fees is deferred and remains deferred.
To minimize the trash collected, the plants are sometimes sprayed with a chemical defoliant causing the leaves to drop prior to picking.
Despite his untimely demise, 2Pac has continued to release a steady stream of the material recorded prior to his death.
Full payment is requested 8 weeks prior to holiday commencement together with a returnable £ 100 breakages deposit.
Prior to its accession to the European Union, Malta negotiated a derogation on the question of investment in real estate.
However, Article 15 provides certain derogations where permanent resident status can be acquired prior to the four year period.
The main contractor joins the project team, working closely with the design team, prior to construction during the design team, prior to construction during the design phase.
With a full squad to choose from, the coaching team were faced with a selection dilemma prior to kick off.
Prior to the game there will be a spectacular firework display to celebrate the takeover by Barry Rubery.
The work recalls holidays as they used to be for many, prior to jet travel and increased disposable incomes.
Patterns of giving Amount donated The size of charitable donations in the year prior to the survey ranged from £ 2 to £ 70,000.
Project manager circulated first draft of final report to partners prior to the meeting.
We are offering an early bird booking discount of £ 100 if you book prior to 10 July 2006.
I had never observed a total solar eclipse prior to August 11, 1999.
The use of a loading dose of clopidogrel in non-ST segment elevation ACS patients prior to angiography prolongs their bleeding time.
Less likely to of health based premium pr eligible in place child health plus insurance prior.
Information was collected about type of patient, cancer, chemotherapy, previous cycles, prior chemotherapy and history of chemotherapy-induced emesis.
Individuals with atopic eczema or severe dry skin will benefit from having a bath prior to using an emollient.
In the ten years prior to moving to the Department of engineering, he worked for an engineering consultancy.
But the build up of 39 tournaments prior to the main event should be equally enthralling.
The abolition of special ex-dividend trading The " special ex-dividend " period is the period of 21 calendar days prior to the ex-dividend date.
The catheter was forcibly expelled just prior to her son's birth causing permanent damage to the Claimant's urethra.
In education, this is called " Accreditation of prior experiential Learning " .
Lack of language competence and/or prior experiential knowledge may obscure the essential meaning of the text.
Prior to the settlement by the Europeans the local fauna consisted of many species that are now extirpated or threatened.
Persons wishing to operate a fairground on Council owned land are required to give the Council prior notice to holding the event.
Room hire cancelations received within 30 days prior to the event will incur full room hire fee.
It was further extended prior to the mid 19th century and the existing fenestration 's altered.
The burden of his argument is that there were small but significant variations in marital fertility prior to the fertility decline of the 1880s.
Also went for physical therapy for many years prior to actual diagnosis - thought to have fibromyalgia.
Prior to engine fitment the engine bay was cleaned to bare metal and undersealed.
Spencer Prior is due to play a part in City's opening reserve team fixture of the new season.
They are always hand delivered by the florist a couple of hours prior to the funeral.
Prior to the war, Miss Breed had grown fond of the children who visited the library.
Records of prehistoric tsunamis for the Pacific West Coast of Canada and USA prior to 1700 AD are extremely fragmentary.
Councilor McMenamin contended that the statistics had been compiled prior to the opening of the newly furbished Fitness Suite.
Cases were matched to the next three consecutive twin gestations attempting vaginal delivery without a prior cesarean.
Prior to all of was the worst part of the trip, having to sneak around the house and kiss goodbye to the boys.
Prior to being given to the human guinea pigs, it was extensively tested on animals.
Nor will it from the blatant handball from Drogba prior to putting the ball into the net in the second half.
River Channel is 3m plus tide but vessels 11m cannot berth in yacht haven but alongside main key, giving prior notice to HM.
Even prior to its Victorian heyday, Dundee was a town of considerable importance.
Prior to that, however, he has, at the age of 19, hitch hiked all over Europe.
Belief in the Bible's historicity prior to this time is based mostly on faith.
Prior to this he had been playing sledge hockey.
The patient should be well hydrated prior to the study.
Some enzymatic hydrolysis of the drug may occur in the gastrointestinal tract prior to its absorption.
Where the name for which a prior right is claimed contains a hyphen, the hyphen cannot be omitted from the domain name.
No Prior Collapse Induced by Fire The official theory is rendered implausible by two major problems.
We reserve the right to remove any material which we deem inappropriate from your Web Site without prior notice to you.
There will be a special commemorative dinner next month prior to the Stoke game, at which all living inductees will be in attendance.
Subjects were excluded if they reported having suffered symptoms of a respiratory tract infection in the prior 8 weeks.
The mare should be vaccinated against tetanus and equine influenza 4 weeks prior to foaling.
Prior to this time, the service had made do by taking rooms at various waterside inns.
Thoroughly inspected prior home by customers out of the now to years.
The jointly instructed psychologist had not received a transcript of the judge's findings prior to preparing her report.
We could have measured students ' stated intention to continue on to college one year prior to graduation.
Diploma students undertake a shorter investigation prior to writing a shorter dissertation.
A renewal invoice is issued each year several weeks prior to the renewal date.
Expect students to achieve these standards irregardless of ability, background, or prior knowledge.
Prior to the construction, many islanders had hoped the land would be set aside for a new national park.
If the order exceeds 2 kilos I will contact you by email with available postal quotes prior to dispatch.
You do NOT need any prior knowledge about green issues or local politics.
Prior to the flood, the earth may have been one large landmass.
Exemptions from specific Modules may be granted through accredited prior learning (APL) or prior experiential learning (APEL ).
Following maternity leave, your legal right is to return to the job which you held prior to your maternity leave.
Specifically, how do object shape, taxonomic relatedness, and prior lexical knowledge influence children's overextensions?
We found no association between response to prior episodic use of lidocaine and response to nightly therapy with lidocaine ointment.
Prior to the new migrations of the fungus from Mexico, a clonal lineage, US1, predominated throughout the world.
The old lino has been removed prior to laying a new carpet.
At the unusually late age of 38 Prior had become a formal logician.
Webb's next solo LP, Twilight Of The Renegades will be released prior to these two exclusive London shows.
The patients at risk of tumor lysis syndrome are those with high tumor burden prior to treatment.
Prior to this most prisons were owned and controlled locally by both county and boro magistrates.
Applications include the measurement of induced and remanent magnetism and use in site surveys prior to the installation of MRI equipment.
Prior to advent of surgery less than 20% of children born with congenital heart malformations survived to adult life.
We do not provide manpower for users ' work except by specific prior agreement.
The work is conceived through drawing and small maquettes prior to the final plaster from which the bronze is made.
Just prior to his visit, I had acquired a Wild inverted plankton microscope with phase.
It existed prior to the most recent rise of biblical minimalism in the 1970's.
In 1958 he read Time and modality and was impressed by the parallel Prior drew between tense and the alethic modalities.
All potting soil should be thoroughly moistened prior to filling your containers.
One last tip to consider prior to throwing the party is finding out where an expectant mom is registered.
Under Findlay's direction Prior cut his teeth on W.E. Johnson's classic text Logic and studied the 18 th century British moralists.
Weapon No 312 Bayonet Triangular Common Socket - Prior to 1814 A pattern bayonet used on British smooth bore muskets prior to 1814.
In fact, I now wrap the body with a cotton muslin scarf prior to putting it away in the case.
About 40% had had a prior myocardial infarction.
It is recommended that the client has had at least two weeks of oral naltrexone prior to considering an implant.
The teasels were used to raise the nap of the fabric prior to shearing.
The consistency of these findings with prior imaging reports demonstrates the utility of the VBM technique for investigating the neuroanatomy of DS.
We may change these terms without prior notice to you.
Groups failing to turn up for sessions, without prior notification, will be charged half the full cost of the session.
If the alleged nuisance occurs late at night, visits by officers out of office hours can be made by prior arrangement.
Students must develop an argument on the basis of prior case law and principle that supports their side, and anticipate objections and counter-arguments.
He had had mild symptoms of bladder outflow obstruction for one year prior to presentation.
The system would then be deployed in low earth orbit prior to being towed to geostationary orbit.
All of the patients had undergone prior radical orchiectomy.
Prior to the large scale ordnance maps, there was a careful survey of the parish for the 1841 Tithe Award.
Prior experience with object oriented systems is not required.
He was intern in surgery at the University of Bristol prior to completing a PhD on canine osteoarthritis at Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Prior to this the game had been played in a garden outhouse of the original public house, which was built in 1819.
We can also hire out a TV and video, overhead projector and screen, or laptop and data projector, by prior arrangement.
Folic acid This is the only over-the-counter medicine that is really important to take, both prior to and during pregnancy.
He had also, prior to his visit, arranged for the dispatch of much needed food parcels.
We will not pass on your details to any third party without your prior consent.
These are based on no prior assumptions about disease pathogenesis.
The first relates to the proposal to extend the maximum period of detention prior to charge to three months.
Don't erect scaffolding without the prior permission of the Roads Authority.
His writings prior to 1960 are in the tradition of existential phenomenology.
Prior to 1st April 1993, employe stress in a Further Education College in Scotland was about as rare as a duckbill platypus.
G4 Pond Sealer A moisture curing single part polyurethane varnish ideal for sealing damp porous surfaces prior to using release agent.
You may not however reproduce any portion of these web pages ' text or graphics without prior written consent.
Ensure that all equipment which is battery powered is charged prior to 6am.
New leases are likely also to contain conditions precedent that must be met prior to assignment.
Metron can also conduct application trials to verify performance predictions for new applications and the impact on existing systems prior to implementation.
These results pose problems for theories of repetition priming based on reinstatement of prior processing demands.
Bone sampling must be carried out immediately prior to closing the bone container.
We assumed too much prior experience among participants and placed too much emphasis on informality.
This meeting was also prior to the bombing of the Cubana airliner on October 6, 1976.
Prior to the assignment, the assignee has neither privity of estate nor privity of estate nor privity of contract with the Landlord.
The sale of exhibits or other dairy products is not permitted without the prior consent of the Dairy Produce Chairman.
Prospective purchasers are advised to obtain legal advice prior to purchasing any property.
There is a general misconception that once an item passes through a public auction any questionable prior provenance would be erased.
In 1992 he was elected prior provincial of the English Province of Dominicans, based in London.
Any marks released prior to the meeting of the Responsible Board must be declared as provisional.
Prior to her university post, she worked as a social worker in acute psychiatry in Hampshire.
All inpatient referrals to ICU should be assessed prior to ICU admission.
These models are undergoing further refinement by MD simulations prior to being used in electrostatics calculations.
In ordinary life, prior to any philosophical reflection, we intuitively recognize this.
Until 2 months prior to arrival - 50% of deposit refunded.
Prior to December 1990 only registered owners and persons with the owner's consent could inspect the register.
A renewal invoice is issued each year several weeks prior to the renewal invoice is issued each year several weeks prior to the renewal date.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company's prior approval.
A simple privacy risk assessment of the situation by the system administrators prior to any changes made could avoid potentially serious repercussions.
A member not having tendered his/her resignation prior to 31 st December shall be liable for the ensuing year's subscription.
Prior booking at weekends for upmarket restaurants is recommended.
This is fully returnable if you cancel prior to the date that the remainder of the deposit is due.
All our reports are peer reviewed by experts in forensic computing, prior to submission.
Prior to Screamadelica, Primal Scream were Stonesy classic rock revivalists with a penchant for Detroit rock.
Prior to the use of chainsaws, volunteers had to use two handled crosscut saws, volunteers had to use two handled crosscut saws.
With a traditional cement/sand screed a wait of at least 3 weeks would have been required prior to fixing tiles.
The subsidies had been granted prior to the partial sell-off.
I had severe Chicken Pox, which I caught from my son Matthew, prior to the conception of my second son, Henry.
Such cases had, although I was not aware of it before, been reported some time prior to the first UFO sightings.
Your house sitter will then give you a courtesy call two or three days prior to departure to confirm arrival times.
Unfit foods were stained in accordance with the appropriate sterilization and staining regulations, prior to leaving the slaughterhouse.
Prior to the Beatles and their ilk songs were predominantly written by predominantly male songwriters.