Prima facie Sentence Examples

prima facie
  • Findings of the Commission were to be prima facie evidence in any court proceeding for the enforcement of its orders.

  • Hardly any one will be so confident of the virtue of his rulers as to believe that every war which his country wages in every part of its dominions with uncivilized as well as civilized populations, is just and necessary, and it is certainly prima facie not in accordance with an ideal morality that men should bind themselves absolutely for life or for a term of years to kill without question, at the command of their superiors, those who have personally done them no wrong."

  • Unless, indeed, we conceive our faculties to be constructed on some arbitrary plan which puts them out of relation to the facts with which they have to deal, we have a prima facie right to treat beauty as an objective determination of things.

  • They thus endeavoured to resist Epicureanism even on the ground where the latter seems prima facie strongest; in its appeal, namely, to the natural pleasure-seeking of all living things.

  • A prima facie obligation is one ' that must be fulfilled unless it conflicts on a particular occasion with an equal or stronger obligation.

  • About the colour there can be no prima facie difficulty; for, as soon as the question is raised, it is seen that the standard of linear dimension, with reference to which the particles are called small, is the wave-length of light, and that a given set of particles would (on any conceivable view as to their mode of action) produce a continually increasing disturbance as we pass along the spectrum towards the more refrangible end.

  • If they report a prima facie case, the bishop may (with the consent of parties) proceed to sentence.

  • Any determination of density can be taken only as affording prima facie evidence of the quality of milk, as the removal of cream and the addition of water are operations which tend to compensate each other in their influence on the density of the liquid, so that the lactometer cannot be regarded as a reliable instrument.

  • Every German who has completed his twenty-fifth year is prima facie entitled to the suffrage in the state within which he has resided for one year.

  • But the occurrence of the name in both India and Europe is prima facie evidence in favour of a connexion between those who bore it, for, though civilized races often lumped all their barbarian neighbours together under one general name, it would seem that, when the same name is applied independently to similar invaders in both India and eastern Europe, the only explanation can be that they gave themselves that name, and this fact probably indicates that they were members of the same tribe or group. What we know of the history and distribution of the Huns does not conflict with this idea.

  • We start with what is prima facie given, to return upon it from the ground of principles clarified by the sifting process of dialectic and certified by vous.

  • It would be the whole concern of logic, which, since in it thought has itself for object, would have no reference to the other term of the antithesis, nor properly and immediately to the knowledge which is compact of thought in conjunction with something which, whatever it may be, is prima facie other than thought.

  • The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address.

  • The function of philosophy in general is the reflective analysis of experience, and the religious experience of mankind is prima facie entitled to the same consideration as any other form of conscious activity.

  • Although there are no means of ascertaining whether the extinct pigmy British sheep was clothed with hair or with wool, it is practically certain that some of the early European sheep retained hair like that of their wild ancestor; and there is accordingly no prima facie reason why the breed in question should not have been hairy.

  • And there are not wanting signs of a revival in recent years of the earlier tendency of philosophical speculation to subordinate the necessities of metaphysical, scientific and even psychological inquiries to the prima facie demands of the moral consciousness.

  • A prima facie case of bad faith was established and in the absence of any defense the application must succeed.

  • Remember, it has it that we are prima facie obligated to do an act that has an RMC.

  • Conclusion At times Ross suggests that acts that are prima facie obligatory tend to be morally obligatory.

  • We can do this by claiming that what is intuited is the prima facie rightness of acts and general principles about prima facie rightness of acts and general principles about prima facie rightness.

  • Consider again the passage where he says that a right act has the greatest balance of prima facie rightness.

  • It even would be difficult to determine the stringency of a prima facie obligation to keep a promise.

  • We can do this by claiming that what is intuited is the prima facie rightness of acts and general principles about prima facie rightness.

  • Although prima facie all powers not given to the national government remain with the states, the latter are debarred from some powers.

  • Neither is there prima facie ground for objecting to the statements with regard to the presbyters of Jerusalem.

  • The first step is to see whether there is a prima facie case for inquiry, for many acts of parliament have been passed which have never come into operation at all, or have been administered only for a short time on too limited a scale to have important or lasting results.
