Prima Sentence Examples
Articles written in common soon led to a complete literary partnership, and 1831 there appeared in the Revue de Paris a joint novel entitled Prima Donna and signed Jules Sand.
The second part is divided into two, which are quoted as Prima Secundae and Secunda Secundae.
Under the empire Arvernia formed part of Prima Aquitania, and the district shared in the fortunes of Aquitaine during the Merovingian and Carolingian periods.
The first step is to see whether there is a prima facie case for inquiry, for many acts of parliament have been passed which have never come into operation at all, or have been administered only for a short time on too limited a scale to have important or lasting results.
In Upper Pannonia were Vindobona (Vienna), probably founded by Vespasian; Carnuntum (Petronell); Arrabona (Raab), a considerable military station; Brigetio; Savaria or Sabaria (Stein-am-Anger), founded by Claudius, a frequent residence of the later emperors, and capital of Pannonia prima; Poetovio (Pettau); Siscia, a place of great importance down to the end of the empire; Emona (Laibach), later assigned to Italy; Nauportus (Ober-Laibach).
Mainly on account of its strategic position, Diocletian on his reorganization of the empire made Trier the capital not only of Belgica Prima, but of the whole "diocese" of Gaul.
Findings of the Commission were to be prima facie evidence in any court proceeding for the enforcement of its orders.
Under Diocletian, Belgica Prima (capital, Augusta Trevirorum, Trier) and Secunda (capital, Reims) formed part of the "diocese" of Gaul.
That he displayed considerable classical knowledge, was a good linguist, a ready and versatile writer of verse, and above all that he possessed an astounding memory, seems certain, not only from the evidence of men of his own time, but from the fact that even Joseph Scaliger (Prima Scaligerana, p. 58, 1669) speaks of his attainments with the highest praise.
Under the Romans Quercy was part of Aquitania prima, and Christianity was introduced therein during the 4th century.
AdvertisementPhilosophical sanction and explanation of this belief was then found by bringing it into relation with the theory of the prima materia, which was identical in all bodies but received its actual form by the adjunction of qualities expressed by the Aristotelian elements - earth, air, fire and water.
Regarding all substances as being composed of one primitive matter - the prima materia, and as owing their specific differences to the presence of different qualities imposed upon it, the alchemist hoped, by taking away these qualities, to obtain the prima materia itself, and then to get from it the particular substance he desired by the addition of the appropriate qualities.
The prima materia was early identified with mercury, not ordinary mercury, but the " mercury of the philosophers," which was the essence or soul of mercury, freed from the four Aristotelian elements - earth, air, fire and water - or rather from the qualities which they represent.
The prima materia thus obtained had to be treated with sulphur (or with sulphur and arsenic) to confer upon it the desired qualities that were missing.
But his assent to this was only extracted from him in 1540 by the importunities of his friends, especially of his enthusiastic disciple George Joachim Rheticus (1514-1576), who printed, in the Narratio prima (Danzig, 1540), a preliminary account of the Copernican theory, and simultaneously sent to the press at Nuremberg his master's complete exposition of it in the treatise entitled De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (1543).
AdvertisementHis power was reduced in the 6th century, when he was deprived of his authority over the Orient diocese, and became civil governor of Syria Prima, retaining his "respectable" rank.
A perfectly formless matter (materia prima) was regarded by him as the universal substratum and common element of all finite existences.
Pannonia superior was divided into (3) Pannonia prima, its northern, and (4) Savia (also called Pannonia ripariensis), its southern part.
Under the Romans the district was included in the province of Belgica prima, afterwards forming part of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia and of the empire of Charlemagne.
It was possibly visited by Genoese navigators in 1291, and was certainly discovered by the Portuguese c. 1446, but was first explored for any distance from its mouth (1455) by the Venetian Alvise Cadamosto (q.v.), who published an account of his travels at Vicenza in 1507 (La Prima Navigazione per l'Oceano alle terre de' Negri della Bassa Ethiopia) .
AdvertisementBriggs's Logarithmorum chilias prima, which contains the first published table of decimal or common logarithms, is only a small octavo tract of sixteen pages, and gives the logarithms of numbers from unity to 1000 to 14 places of decimals.
Although prima facie all powers not given to the national government remain with the states, the latter are debarred from some powers.
Any determination of density can be taken only as affording prima facie evidence of the quality of milk, as the removal of cream and the addition of water are operations which tend to compensate each other in their influence on the density of the liquid, so that the lactometer cannot be regarded as a reliable instrument.
Hardly any one will be so confident of the virtue of his rulers as to believe that every war which his country wages in every part of its dominions with uncivilized as well as civilized populations, is just and necessary, and it is certainly prima facie not in accordance with an ideal morality that men should bind themselves absolutely for life or for a term of years to kill without question, at the command of their superiors, those who have personally done them no wrong."
In the 5th century there were five provinces, Britannia Prima and Secunda, Flavia and Maxima Caesariensis and (for a while) Valentia, ruled by praesides and consulares under a vicarius, but the only thing known of them is that Britannia Prima included Cirencester.
AdvertisementIn the West the principle, " prima sedes a nemine judicatur," was always recognized and applied.
Neither is there prima facie ground for objecting to the statements with regard to the presbyters of Jerusalem.
Every German who has completed his twenty-fifth year is prima facie entitled to the suffrage in the state within which he has resided for one year.
When the Roman empire was reorganized by Diocletian at the end of the 3rd century Phrygia was divided into two provinces, distinguished at first as Prima and Secunda, or Great and Little, for which the names Pacatiana and Salutaris soon came into general use.
First of all Monsignor Bayardi was brought from Rome and commissioned to write about the antiquities which were being collected in the museum at Portici under the care of Camillo Paderni, and when it was recognized that the prelate had not sufficient learning, and by the progress of the excavations other most abundant material was accumulated, about which at once scholars and courtiers were anxious to be informed, Bernardo Tanucci, having become secretary of state in 1755, founded the Accademia Ercolanese, which published the principal works on Herculaneum (Le Pitture ed i bronzi d'Ercolano, 8 vols., 1757, 1792; Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum explanationem pars prima, 1797).
But the occurrence of the name in both India and Europe is prima facie evidence in favour of a connexion between those who bore it, for, though civilized races often lumped all their barbarian neighbours together under one general name, it would seem that, when the same name is applied independently to similar invaders in both India and eastern Europe, the only explanation can be that they gave themselves that name, and this fact probably indicates that they were members of the same tribe or group. What we know of the history and distribution of the Huns does not conflict with this idea.
We start with what is prima facie given, to return upon it from the ground of principles clarified by the sifting process of dialectic and certified by vous.
It would be the whole concern of logic, which, since in it thought has itself for object, would have no reference to the other term of the antithesis, nor properly and immediately to the knowledge which is compact of thought in conjunction with something which, whatever it may be, is prima facie other than thought.
His whole conception of Prima Philosophia should be compared with such a modern work as the First Principles of Herbert Spencer.
As, however, their vehicle was Latin, a mere mention must suffice, and for the same reason only the title of a notable book by Francisco Sanches can be given, the De nobili et prima universali scientia quod nihil scitur.
The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address.
Unless, indeed, we conceive our faculties to be constructed on some arbitrary plan which puts them out of relation to the facts with which they have to deal, we have a prima facie right to treat beauty as an objective determination of things.
The function of philosophy in general is the reflective analysis of experience, and the religious experience of mankind is prima facie entitled to the same consideration as any other form of conscious activity.
Although there are no means of ascertaining whether the extinct pigmy British sheep was clothed with hair or with wool, it is practically certain that some of the early European sheep retained hair like that of their wild ancestor; and there is accordingly no prima facie reason why the breed in question should not have been hairy.
When he took the kingly title in 1130 it became "Prima sedes, corona regis, et regni caput."
And there are not wanting signs of a revival in recent years of the earlier tendency of philosophical speculation to subordinate the necessities of metaphysical, scientific and even psychological inquiries to the prima facie demands of the moral consciousness.
They thus endeavoured to resist Epicureanism even on the ground where the latter seems prima facie strongest; in its appeal, namely, to the natural pleasure-seeking of all living things.
He first follows Shaftesbury in exhibiting the social affections as no less natural than the appetites and desires which tend directly to self-preservation; then reviving the Stoic view of the prima naturae, the first objects of natural appetites, he argues that pleasure is not the primary aim even of the impulses which Shaftesbury allowed to be " self-affections "; but rather a result which follows upon their attaining their natural ends.
In respect to them, the final result was found in a series of irreducible notions or categories, the prima possibilia, the analysis and elucidation of which was specifically the business of philosophy or metaphysics.
She could be a real "prima donna" and very haughty at times; but, she was very much loved.
The prima ballerina will now only have to share with 2 or 3 rather than the 5 or 6 currently!
At 17 as the company's prima ballerina she won ecstatic reviews for her first Giselle.
A prima facie case of bad faith was established and in the absence of any defense the application must succeed.
We have no prima Donnas here, we're all just trying to keep fit in a steady fashion.
Remember, it has it that we are prima facie obligated to do an act that has an RMC.
A prima facie obligation is one ' that must be fulfilled unless it conflicts on a particular occasion with an equal or stronger obligation.
Conclusion At times Ross suggests that acts that are prima facie obligatory tend to be morally obligatory.
After her first ballet class at the age of seven, Herrera knew that she was destined to become a prima ballerina.
This was the first role in which he partnered the English prima ballerina, Margot Fonteyn.
Marcia Haydee, the former prima ballerina of the Stuttgart Ballet, is one of the most renowned dramatic ballerinas of the twentieth century.
We have no prima donnas here, we're all just trying to keep fit in a steady fashion.
Prima donna rainmakers The potential 'prima donna ' tendencies that these small number of rainmakers display can be very damaging to the recruiting firm.
We can do this by claiming that what is intuited is the prima facie rightness of acts and general principles about prima facie rightness of acts and general principles about prima facie rightness.
Consider again the passage where he says that a right act has the greatest balance of prima facie rightness.
Lego Star Wars Prima Strategy Guide to navigate the trouble spots and find all the hidden secrets you might otherwise miss.
It even would be difficult to determine the stringency of a prima facie obligation to keep a promise.
About the colour there can be no prima facie difficulty; for, as soon as the question is raised, it is seen that the standard of linear dimension, with reference to which the particles are called small, is the wave-length of light, and that a given set of particles would (on any conceivable view as to their mode of action) produce a continually increasing disturbance as we pass along the spectrum towards the more refrangible end.
Accordingly, when the work was published at Paris in August 1641, under the title of Meditationes de prima philosophia ubi de Dei existentia et animae immortalitate (though it was in fact not the immortality but the immateriality of the mind, or, as the second edition described it, animae humanae a corpore distinctio, which was maintained), the title went on to describe the larger part of the book as containing various objections of learned men, with the replies of the author.
If they report a prima facie case, the bishop may (with the consent of parties) proceed to sentence.
We can do this by claiming that what is intuited is the prima facie rightness of acts and general principles about prima facie rightness.
Tetra Prima) and wafers / tablets (e.g.
Have you discovered Donna Downey Prima products for scrapbooking yet?
Prima creates scrapbooking embellishments and supplies as well as other decorative elements and papers.
The Prima design team includes 34 artists.
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Donna Downey Prima products offer you many options to create an old-fashioned scrapbook.
The source, who wasn't named, accused Kepcher or becoming a prima donna and considered non-work related duties such as public speaking engagements, more important than her job working for "The Donald."
So, what will distinguish your toddler from amongst a pack of perfectly poised prima donnas?
If you avoid Wal-Mart on principle or prefer to do your shopping online, Danskin does offer some other organic cotton options, such as their Danskin Prima line.
Are they prima donnas who are too good for the Game Boy?
Pinot Noir is the sulky prima donna of grapedom.
If you are taking a dance class just for the pure joy of dance, you may not want to be thrown into a class filled with those who have prima ballerina aspirations.
By the 1930s, Capezio became an ever-growing, yet family-run business, and the shoes were featured in Broadway shows, on the feet of prima ballerinas, and even on a 1949 cover of Vogue.
That particular piece rocketed to popularity worldwide when Anna Pavlova, the prima ballerina, made it a part of her standard repertoire.
The new Crocs Prima even tone down the previously awkward image of these shoes.
New styles like their Prima ballet flats make nightmarish dress shoes a thing of the past - you can have casual comfort in the look of a cute dress shoe.
Although Crocs Prima shoes retail around twenty five dollars, savvy shoe shoppers can browse shops and sites for prices below that figure.
There are two types of Annual Multi Trip Insurance policies, Prima 31 and Prima 60.
Prima Golf Ski - Coverage for up to 60 days per trip and includes 24 days of winter sports insurance for those partaking of both activities on their holiday.
Prima Ballerina -- For those women who aren't into skimpy undergarments, this line offers wonderful alternatives.
The prima donna line of satin bras is a fine example of European styling.
The Prima Donna Satin Deluxe Seamless Bra is available in black, natural or pearly pink and is available in sizes from 34B to 42G.
The Prima Donna Satin Collection Molded Underwire Bra comes cognac, natural, black, and white and is available in sizes 34B to 42G.
The Prima Donna Satin Collection Brazilian Brief is available in cognac, black, white, and natural, and is available in sizes small through extra-large.
Prima cotton lingerie tends to feel extra soft and supple against the skin.
Many have heard or seen the term "prima cotton" attached to lingerie and a variety of other clothing, but might not know exactly what the term means.
Essentially, prima cotton is the name given to the extra long staple of cotton that is grown in the United Sates, Peru, Israel, and Australia.
The extra long threads of prima cotton mean that it can be woven numerous times, a process that typically results in extra softness.
This extra softness is a large part of why it is so common to see prima cotton towels, bed sheets and other items.
Fresh Pair offers prima cotton styles for both men and women.
Each of these styles is made with prima cotton and all are designed to feel super soft against your skin.
These undergarments contain 82 percent prima cotton for comfort and 18 percent Lycra to help ensure that the panties don't "rise up" uncomfortably when you sit down.
Bergdorf Goodman offers Supima Cotton V-Kini Briefs and note that "supima cotton" is "prima cotton" under a different name.
At Bonanzle you can find the Skin Lingerie Prima Cotton Racerback Tank Top.
Note that this style is made with one hundred percent prima cotton.
Speaking of sleepwear, Her Room has an extensive collection of women's sleepwear, all of which are made from prima cotton.
This "heathered" jersey pant and top is just another example of the different types of prima cotton lingerie you'll be able to find on this varied site.
This kimono robe is super soft and luxurious, yet because of its prima cotton fiber, one that is durable as well.
Prima cotton has long been sought after for its soft and luxurious feel and when this fabric is coupled with lingerie, the feel is simply amazing.
It's no surprise then that many look for lingerie that is specifically made of prima cotton; after all, who doesn't want to feel comfortable in their underthings?
Luckily, there are plenty of online shopping sites you can visit that will help you find exactly the style of prima cotton for which you are looking.
Whether you opt for prima cotton or Supima cotton, having this as your fabric of choice means feeling cool and comfortable.
Jasmine is a prima ballerina and considered to be one of the most talented students to have ever attended SCPA.
Valeria and Pannonia prima were under a praeses and a dux; Pannonia secunda under a consularis and a dux; Savia under a dux and, later a corrector.