Prices Sentence Examples
This is made possible by technology and the Internet, which is used to connect buyers and sellers worldwide and bring information (world commodity prices) to the far reaches of the globe.
I need a larger house for my family and I can't afford the prices around here.
As the main object of the act is to obtain records of prices, it follows that only in so far as statements of the prices realized, together with the description of the animals involved, are obtained, is the full advantage of the statute secured.
They offer millions of products at good prices, delivered tomorrow if that is what I want.
If prices for an item fall, this is a net good.
The weight of this ideal gold dollar would be adjusted at intervals in accordance with its power to purchase commodities as shown by the " index number " of prices.
It cannot justly be said that the companies made large profits while neglecting to develop the services adequately, but it is true that they were not able commercially to comply with many of the demands made upon them by the public. Until speculation took place in anticipation of government purchase, the market prices of the telegraph securities were mostly below par.
The phenomenon of emigration in Sicily cannot altogether be explained by low wages, which have risen, though prices have done the same.
The principal reasons for the general decrease are the fall in prices through foreign competition and the closing of certain markets, the diseases of plants and the increased outlay required to combat them, and the growth of State and local taxation.
The value of the annual produce of the various branches of the cotton industry, which in 1885 was calculated to he 7,200,000, was in 1900, notwithstanding the fall in prices, about 12,000,000.
AdvertisementBut the laws have not been rigorously enforced of late years; and the ecclesiastical possessions seized by the state were thrown on the market simultaneously, and so realized very low prices, being often bought up by wealthy religious institutions.
After being depressed between 5885 and 1894, the prices in Italy and abroad reached, in 1899, on the Rome Stock Exchange, the average 01 100.83 and of 94.8 on the Paris Bourse.
The prices charged for dispensing are lower in countries where the number of pharmacies is limited by law, the larger returns enabling the profit to be lessened.
It produces an uncertainty with regard to rates which prevents stability of prices, and is apt to promote the interests of the unscrupulous speculator at the expense of those whose business methods are more conservative.
Both in England and in America this process of consolidation has been obstructed by all known legislative devices, because of the widespread belief that competition in the field of transportation was necessary if fair prices were to be charged for the service.
AdvertisementFor a time this was a profitable pursuit, as the horse hides brought good prices.
This large number is partly accounted for by the diligent search in all countries that has been made for these plants for purposes of cultivation - they being held at present in the greatest esteem by plantlovers, and prices being paid for new or rare varieties which recall the days of the tulipomania.
In the latter course they were encouraged by the high prices of wool during the, 4th century, and by Edward III.'s policy of fostering both the export of wool and the home manufacture of woollen goods.
But in nothing was this so apparent as in agriculture; the high prices of produce holding out a great inducement to improve lands then arable, to reclaim others that had previously lain waste, and to bring much pasture-land under the plough.
This extraordinary state of matters lasted from 1795 to 1814, the prices of produce even increasing towards the close of that period.
AdvertisementThe sudden return to peace- 1815 to prices was followed by a time of severe depression, low 1875.
The fall in prices was aggravated, first by the unpropitious weather and deficient harvest of the years 1816, 1817, and still more by the passing in 181 9 of the bill restoring cash payments, which, coming into operation in 1821, caused serious embarrassment to all persons who had entered into engagements at a depreciated currency, which had now to be met with the lower prices of an enhanced one.
The scientific and mechanical improvements of the first half of the century were widely adopted, while the prices of the protectionist period showed little decline.
With declining prices for farm produce came that year of unhappy memory, 1879, when persistent rains and an almost sunless summer ruined the crops and reduced many farmers to a state of destitution.
Whereas formerly the farmer was to some extent compensated by a higher price for a smaller yield, in recent years he had had to compete with an unusually large supply at greatly reduced prices.
AdvertisementThe generally wet character of the seasons in 1879 and the two or three years following was mainly responsible for the high prices of meat, so that the supplies of fresh beef and mutton from Australia which now began to arrive found a ready market, and the trade in imported fresh meat which was thus commenced has practically continued to expand ever since.
The general experience of the decade of the 'eighties was that of disappointing summers, harsh winters, falling prices, declining rents and the shrinkage of land values.
Cattle-breeders did well in 1889, but sheep-breeders fared better; on the other hand, owing to receding prices, corngrowers were more disheartened than ever.
Wheat in particular was a poor crop in 1892, and the low yield was associated with falling prices due to large imports.
To the decline in prices of home-grown cereals the decrease in area is largely attributable.
The extent of this decline is seen in Table II., wherein are given the annual average prices from 1875 to 1905, calculated upon returns from the 190 statutory markets of England and Wales (Corn Returns Act 1882).
These prices are per imperial quarter, - that is, 480 lb of wheat, 400 lb of barley and 312 lb of oats, representing 60 lb, 50 lb and 39 lb per bushel respectively.
In one of these exceptional years, 1898, the average rose to 34s., but this was due entirely to a couple of months of inflated prices in the early half of the year, when the outbreak of war between Spain and the United States of America coincided with a huge speculative deal in the latter country.
The declining prices that have operated against the growers of wheat should be studied in conjunction with Table III., which shows, at intervals of five years, the imports of TABLE III.
The figures for cereals are important, as they indicate that it is the farmers of England who are the chief sufferers through the diminishing prices of corn; and particularly is this true of East Anglia, where corn-growing is more largely pursued than in anyother part of the Table Vi.
Butchers have palmed off upon their customers imported fresh meat as homegrown, and secured a dishonest profit by charging for it the prices of the latter, which are considerably in excess of those of the imported product.
If all the industries belong to one economic area over which, so far as we can tell from general statistics of wages and prices, and other information, fairly homogeneous conditions prevailed, we may be able to reach some useful conclusions as to the operation of the act.
D'Avenel's Histoire iconomique de la propriete, eec. (1200-1800), is a monumental work on the history of prices in France.
The powers of the old township were much more extensive than those of the present city of Boston, including as they did the determination of the residence of strangers, the allotment of land, the grant of citizenship, the fixing of wages and prices, of the conditions of lawsuits and even a voice in matters of peace and war.
Prices were low, foreign commerce was already large, business thriving; wealth gave social status; the official British class lent a lustre to society; and Boston " town " was drawing society from the " country."
Using average prices paid for nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash when bought in large quantities and in good forms, these ingredients, in a ton of cotton seed, amount to $9.00 worth of fertilizing material.
Settlement days fall on Thursday, and the closing prices on the preceding Monday are taken as the basis of the settlement.
A man accustomed to devote the whole of his time to the study of demand and supply in relation to cotton, after some years of experience, will be qualified ordinarily to form fairly accurate judgments of the prices to be expected.
There were no printed circulars, except the monthly prices current of all kinds of produce, but brokers used to send particulars of business done to their customers in letters.
When a spinner is required to quote prices of yarn for delivery in the future he is fixed on the horns of a dilemma.
Much buying might take place when stocks were scanty, with the result that prices would be needlessly forced up; and when stocks were plentiful demand might be weak and prices, therefore, be unduly depressed.
It is evident that the buying of cotton on the principles suggested would be calculated to cause great unsteadiness of prices, especially as cotton is not continuously forthcoming, but is produced periodically in harvests.
These official prices are sometimes prices actually paid, and sometimes prices settled by 1 Transactions of too bales only.
While quoted " spot " remained low, the prices paid by most spinners for the special kinds of cotton that they needed might rise.
There is a tendency for cautious spinners in England to run no risks and fix the prices of their yarn in accordance with quotations for actual cotton of specified qualities made by their brokers.
It will be evident that the "put" is a hedge against prices falling, and the " call " a hedge against their rising.
A " straddle " is a speculation on the difference between the prices of nearer and more distant futures, which varies from time to time, or on the difference between the prices of different kinds of cotton.
Then, whether prices rise or fall as a whole, he gains if the difference between the two prices becomes less than a d., but if it becomes more, he loses.
A question which has met with a good deal of attention is whether the speculation, which has been encouraged by the various arrangements made for facilitating operations in " futures," has steadied or unsteadied prices.
Before we are prepared to answer this question we must be furnished with a precise conception of what is meant by " steadiness " in prices.
It is sometimes assumed that this is measured perfectly by the standard deviation,' which is obtained by taking the squares of the differences between the average and the individual prices, summing them and extracting the square root.
The difference between the highest and lowest price, we may observe, is a very imperfect indication of the range of movement (though, taken in conjunction with the standard deviation, it is the best at our disposal), because either of the extreme prices might be accidental and quite out of relation to all others.
Now, supposing dealing to be confined to experts, what effects upon the course of prices would one expect from the specialism of the cotton market and improved facilities Effect specula= for dealing, on the assumption that dealers were governed wholly in their actions by the course of prices and never tried to manipulate them?
The mass becomes unduly sanguine or weakly surrenders to panic. Hence the law of error does not apply, and speculation by the public may unsteady prices.
Many large-scale operations are entered into, not because prices are relatively high or low, but to make them high or low for ulterior purposes; i.e.
But the dealing syndicate has probably been of late more common and more powerful - that is, the syndicate which exists to make profits out Table calculated from Weekly Prices between the 1st of October and the 31st of July in each Year.
Mr Hooker has shown with reference to the wheat market how close is the correlation between prices in different places,' and the same has been observed of the cotton market, though the Conceivably some indication of the working of " futures " might be gleaned from observation of the relations of near and distant " futures " to one another and of both to spot."
Probably the prices of the more distant "futures" are determined in a higher degree by farreaching imagination than the prices of nearer futures.
But nothing has yet been proved from these facts as to the effect "futures" are having upon the steadiness of prices.
The outcome of the whole matter is that the investigator is still baffled in his attempt to discover what effect the use of "futures" is having upon prices to-day.
Financial assistance and assurances as to sales and prices have been given liberally by the association where they are needed; ginning and buying centres have been established; experts have been engaged to distribute seed and afford instruction; and some land has been acquired for working under the direct management of the association.
West Indian grown cotton has realized even higher prices than American grown Sea Island.
Though the association brought about an extension and improvement of the Indian crop, in which result it was enormously assisted by the high prices consequent upon the American Civil War, it sank after a few years into obscurity, and soon passed out of existence altogether, while the effects of its work dwindled finally into insignificance.
In 1907 the average farm prices of tobacco was 45 cents per lb higher than that of any other state.
In 1904 the total number of factories was 391, almost entirely cotton presses and ginning factories, which received an immense impetus from the rise in cotton prices.
Excepting for greyhounds, however, high prices are rarely offered for sporting dogs, 300 guineas for the pointer "Coronation" and 200 guineas for the retriever "High Legh Blarney" being the best reported prices for gun dogs during the last few years.
No man in the 18th century did so much to create a taste for good reading and to supply it with books at the lowest prices.
Under the conditions of free labour, the development of railways abroad, the improvement of machinery both in cane and beet producing countries, the general competition of the beet, and the fall of prices, it was impossible for the Cuban industry to survive without radical betterment of methods.
They live chiefly by pasturage - rearing camels, of which their chief agricultural stock consists, and horses of a fine breed, which fetch good prices.
The gross receipts from this export trade amounted in the year1908-1909to £T99,564, and the profits approximately to £T12,000, in spite of the contest between Liverpool and Spanish salt merchants on the Calcutta market, which led to a heavy cutting of prices.
It is bound to purchase all tobacco not exported at prices to be agreed between itself and the cultivators; if no agreement can be arrived at, the price is fixed by experts.
The economic effect of the railways upon the districts through which they run is apparent from the comparative values of the tithes in the regions traversed by the Anatolian railway in 1889 and 1898 in which years it so happened that prices were almost at exactly the same level, and again in 1908-1909, when they were only slightly higher.
The principle upon which the government acts is to give the natives low prices for their produce, but to sell them European articles of necessity at prime cost, and other stores, such as bread, at prices which will scarcely pay for the purchase.
The prices to be paid for European and native articles are fixed every year, the prices current in Danish and Eskimo being printed and distributed by the government.
The rubber, if of good quality, sells at prices only slightly inferior to that of Para.
Each boat is registered, a small tax being charged; while there are fixed prices for the passage of locks.
On severing his connexion with the paper three years later, he opened at Petit Montrouge, near Paris, the great publishing house which brought out in rapid succession numerous religious works at popular prices.
He advocated the repeal of the corn-laws, not essentially in order to make food cheaper, but because it would develop industry and enable the manufacturers to get labour at low but sufficient wages; and he assumed that other countries would be unable to compete with England in manufactures under free trade, at the prices which would be possible for English manufactured products.
Land went up in value, and farms, many of them at comparatively remote distances from the goldfields, were sold at enormously enhanced prices.
Shaft furnace smelting is confined to those parts of the world where charcoal can still be obtained in large quantities at moderate prices.
These simple business principles do not seem to be generally recognized by the investing public, and mines, whose earning capacity is accurately known, are frequently quoted on the stock markets at prices which cannot possibly yield enough to the purchaser to repay his investment during the probable life of the mine.
Taxes and land revenue are light; markets for the disposal of produce are constant and prices good; while fresh land is still available in most districts.
In the middle ages, owing to various causes, the better wines of France and Germany could not be obtained in England except at prohibitive prices; but when this state of things ceased, and foreign wine could be imported, the English consumers would no longer tolerate the inferior productions of their own vineyards.
A further saving of juice was sometimes possible if the market prices of sugar were such as to compensate for the cost of evaporating an increased quantity of added water, but a limit was imposed by the fact that water might be used in excess.
Licht of Magdeburg; and the prices are obtained from statements supplied by importers into the United States of the cost in foreign countries of the sugars which they import.
High prices are obtained for the best Turkish tobaccos.
Of late years some remarkably fine hybrids have been raised between the various distinct groups of narcissi, and the prices asked for the bulbs in many cases are exceedingly high.
But as European and American collectors became better acquainted with the capacities of the pre-Meiji potters, the great inferiority of these new specimens was recognized, and the prices commanded by the old wares gradually appreciated.
Their work shows much promise, but like all fine specimens of the Sino-Japanese school, the prices are too high to attract wide custom.
These fresh little flowers of his leisure used to decorate the walls of his studio, and at the sale of its contents after his death realized considerable prices.
Desperate, but not very successful, efforts were made to enforce the statute of Labourers, of 1351, by which it was sought to maintain prices and wages as they had been before the pestilence.
The gustatores cervisiae - called in different localities by the different names "ale-tasters," "ale-founders," and "aleconners" - were sworn to examine beer and ale, to take care that they were good and wholesome and were sold at proper prices.
Foodstuffs could not be grown in the United Kingdom at sufficiently low prices, nor in sufficient quantities, to produce alcohol commercially and on a large scale.
Wool (£4,250,000 to £7,657,000 according to prices) remains at the head of the list of exports.
But prosperity brought on a feverish land speculation; prices of wool and wheat fell in 187 9 and went on falling.
The labour statistics published by the department are exhaustive, dealing with hours of labour, the state of the labour market, the condition of the working classes and the prices of commodities; annual reports are also ' Since 1882 there have been only two occasions on which the president of the board was not included in the cabinet.
The prices of the principal kinds of meat do not show the same tendency as those of corn; it is only after 1911 that a certain pause can be remarked in the rise of prices, as Table IV.
In a short time, and without any pressure from the Government, but solely as a result of the favourable prices it offered, industrial conditions were completely transformed so as to meet the exigencies of the war.
This was at first left wholly to private enterprise; but, as Austrian buyers not only competed with each other but also with buyers from other countries, this was bound to send up prices, while the interests of the State were subordinated to private gain.
In Austria the Government did not subscribe any of the capital, but the central boards were subjected to State supervision and their power of fixing prices was in many ways limited.
The problem in Austria, as elsewhere, was to keep the prices of the necessaries of life at a level low enough to enable the people to live.
The attempt to fix maximum prices broke down, owing to the temptations to secret dealing, and, as in England, the card system had to be introduced.
The prices fixed by the Miles for the sale of its wares were not at first interfered with; it was only later that its dividends were limited to 6%.
Briefly, the duty of maintaining industries was made obligatory, and in the last resort the military authorities were empowered to take them over, though this was not likely to happen as long as the high prices continued and the Government supplied raw materials.
Tillage was also made compulsory, but this had little effect on production owing to the shortage of labour, draft animals, manures and agricultural implements, together with the oppressive restrictions caused by the fixing of maximum prices.
The Government tried to oppose the rise in prices by penal measures, and in public attributed the rise of foreign rates to speculation.
The educational department has done good work in compiling volumes of prose and verse which have found much favour with the public. All the laws, edicts and regulations at present in force are to be had in print at popular prices.
The use of slave labour, and the application of the corvee system to natives who were nominally free, enabled the company to lower the cost of production, while the absence of competition enabled it to raise prices.
In all other cases the State gives to the owner a proportionate compensation based on the average prices in the years 1913-7.
The word is also used quite widely of any schedule of prices or charges, and, particularly in America, of the freight or other charges of a railway or steamship line.
Agricultural prices declined; agricultural depression set in.
The enormous prices once given for rare varieties of tulip bulbs no longer obtain, though, even now, two and three guineas are asked for special bulbs.
Impressed by the popular ignorance of the Scriptures, he himself translated, or caused others to translate, the New Testament into French from the Vulgate, and formed an association to distribute copies systematically at low prices.
He invented a method of printing, perhaps somewhat akin to stereotyping - though the details are not clearly known, - whereby the Institute could produce Bibles and Testaments in Luther's version at a very low cost, and sell them, in small size, at prices equivalent to 10d.
In years of abundant crops and short demand, prices have fallen to £24 per load.
The land is excessively subdivided, and, owing to excellent cultivation, fetches very high prices.
To what the remaining difference was due it is difficult to say with certitude; there are some who argue that the tendency of prices to fall is inherent, and that the constant whittling away of intermediaries' profits is sufficient explanation, while bi-metallists have maintained that the phenomenon is clearly to be traced to the action of the German government in demonetizing silver in 1872.
In Pennsylvania as much as $300,000 changed hands for plants in one week, and frequently the young trees were sold two and three times over within a few days at ever-advancing prices.
The three chief syndicates, one each in Italy, France and Switzerland, work very much together, practically ruling the prices for yarns and raw materials.
It cannot prevent a rise in prices, with the consequent suffering among the poor.
The rapid growth of the city, the character of the soil, and the high prices of material for street construction have led to a large and expensive civic organization.
The price of a pig was twice, and that of an ox six times as great as that of a sheep. Regarding the prices of commodities other than live-stock we have little definite information, though an approximate estimate may be made of the value of arms. It is worth noticing that we often hear of payments in gold and silver vessels in place of money.
The more aggressive protectionists among Mr Chamberlain's supporters had lately become very confident, and Mr Balfour plainly repudiated "protection" in so far as it meant a policy aiming at supporting or creating home industries by raising home prices; but he introduced a new point by declaring that an Imperial Conference would be called to discuss with the colonies the question of preferential tariffs if the Unionist government obtained a majority at the next general election.
The new compact was indicated in Mr Balfour's letter, in which he declared that "fiscal reform is, and must remain, the first constructive work of the Unionist party; its objects are to secure more equal terms of competition for British trade and closer commercial union with the colonies; and while it is at present unnecessary to prescribe the exact methods by which these objects are to be attained, and inexpedient to permit differences of opinion as to these methods to divide the party, though other means are possible, the establishment of a moderate general tariff on manufactured goods, not imposed for the purpose of raising prices, or giving artificial protection against legitimate competition, and the imposition of a small duty on foreign corn, are not in principle objectionable, and should be adopted if shown to be necessary for the attainment of the ends in view or for purposes of revenue."
It would not be correct to say that this system or want of system is satisfactory, but the trade manages to rub along very well with it, although inconveniences and disagreements sometimes arise when prices have advanced or declined considerably.
Thus when prices have advanced the manufacturer may find it difficult to obtain delivery of the yarn that he *had bought at low rates, for some spinners have a curious, indefensible preference for delivering their higherpriced orders; and, on the other hand, when prices have fallen the manufacturer sometimes ceases to take delivery of the highpriced yarn and actually purchases afresh for his needs.
The most commonly used nitrogenous manures are nitrate of soda, nitrate of potash and sulphate of ammonia, the prices of which are constantly fluctuating.
It is astonishing how much produce is taken off one of these small intensive gardens during the year, and especially during the worst months when prices usually run fairly high.
The prices quoted are subject to constant fluctuation and represent purely trade prices for bulk, and it should be explained that the very great variations are due to different sizes, qualities and colours, and moreover are only first cost, before skins are dressed and prepared.
The prices cannot be taken as a guide to the wholesale price of a single and finished skin, but simply as relative value.
The fur upon the necks usually runs dark, almost black, and in some cases the fur is black halfway down the length of the skin, in rarer cases three-quarters of the length and, in the most exceptional instances, the whole length, and when this is the case they are known as "Natural Black Foxes" and fetch enormous prices.
Formerly the fur was only used for hatters' felt, but with the rise in prices of furs these skins have been more carefully removed and-with improved dressing, unhairing and silvering processes-the best provides a very effective and suitable fur for ladies' coats, capes, stoles, muffs, hats and gloves, while the lower qualities make very useful, light-weighted and inexpensive linings for men's or women's driving coats.
The supply is evidently small as the prices are high.
With regard to the natural colours of furs, the browns that command the highest prices are those that are of a bluish rather than a reddish tendency.
From the internal, as distinct from the international, aspect, the absolute quantity of money, supposed as of fixed amount, in a country, is of no consequence, while a quantity larger than is required for the interchange of commodities is injurious, as tending to raise prices and to drive foreigners from the home markets.
It is only during the period of acquisition of money, and before the rise in prices, that the accumulation of precious metals is advantageous.
He goes on to show that the variations of prices are due solely to money and commodities in circulation.
The land revenue proper is assessed in grain, the salaries of government officials, pay of soldiers, &c., being disbursed by "barats" or orders for grain at rates fixed by government, usually about 20% above the city market prices.
Some general idea of the resources of the Kandahar district may be gathered from the fact that it supplied the British troops with everything except luxuries during the entire period of occupation in 1879-81; and that, in spite of the great strain thrown on those resources by the presence of the two armies of Ayub Khan and of General Roberts, and after the total failure of the autumn crops and only a partial harvest the previous spring, the army was fed without great difficulty until the final evacuation, at one-third of the prices paid in Quetta for supplies drawn from India.
But the famine prices obtained for agricultural produce doubtless gave an impetus to cultivation.
On the whole, despite the prosperous condition of the German live-stock farming, the consumption of meat exceeds the amount rendered available by home production, and prices can only be kept down by a steady increase in the imports from abroad.
But later on that metal became scarcer; the London gold prices ran higher and higher, while silver prices declined.
The Agrarians tjons, believed that the Berlin Exchange was partly re sponsible for the fall of prices in corn; the Anti Semites laid stress on the fact that many of the financiers were of Jewish extraction; the Centre feared the moral effects of speculation.
The Reciprocity Treaty with the United States, in operation from 1854 to 1866, and the high prices for farm produce due to the American Civil War, brought about an almost hectic prosperity.
Up to 1896 the sulphur industry was in a state of crisis due to the competition of pyrites, to the subdivision of the mines, to antiquated methods, and to a series of other causes which occasioned violent oscillations in and a continual reduction of prices.
The formation of the Anglo-Italian sulphur syndicate arrested the downward tendency of prices and increased the output of sulphur, so that the amount exported in 1899 was 424,018 tons, worth £ 1, 73 8, 475, whereas some years previously the value of sulphur exported had hardly been £800,000.
He paid exceptionally high prices for Mamelukes, many of whom were sold by their Mongol parents to his agehts, and accustomed them to greater luxury than was usual under his predecessors.
The pasha having imposed high taxes has caused the high prices of the necessaries of life.
In regard to the general rise in prices, all the ground cultivated under the Mamelukes was employed for producing foodwheat, barley, beans, &cin immense quantities.
The people reared fowls, sheep, goats, &c., and the prices were one-sixth, or even one-tenth, of those at present.
From that period until the establishment of monopolies prices have gradually increased; but the great increase has chiefly taken place since 1824, when the pasha established his regular army, navy and factories.
Further stimulus was also supplied by the high prices that obtained during the Napoleonic wars, and, in spite of periods of severe depression since then, the science of agriculture has continued to advance.
Afterwards, owing to the increased attention given to stock-fattening and dairying, and to a rise in prices, farming reached a condition of equilibrium, and the most noticeable residuum of the period of depression was the large intrusion of the butcher and grazier class into the farmer class proper.
Early in the 19th century, when on the whole horses were much cheaper than they are at present, 700 and 800 guineas are prices recorded as having been occasionally paid for hunters of special repute.
The production is small, but would be increased at remunerative prices.
The total value of pearls exported was estimated in 1905 at about £ 1,500,000, the value at current prices of the 1919 outturn was probably about £2,500,000.
In the first war year (1914-5) exports fell to £182,000; they increased to £289,000 in 1916-7, fell to £144,000 the following year, but rose to the unprecedented figure of £51i,000 in 1918-9, a value due in part to inflated prices.
In the last half of 1920 the great fall in prices, at a time when the administration had placed heavy export duties on cotton, tea and tobacco, caused a financial crisis.
The code also regulates wages and prices, and shows a certain humanity towards debtors; and here any failure to carry out these laws would obviously be denounced.
Close in-breeding without the infusion of new blood is probably the cause of the decrease in their numbers at the present day, specimens being more difficult to procure and fetching much higher prices than they did formerly, at least in England and in France.
They are also bought up by native chiefs at high prices for purposes of ostentation.
Communication is now free; and it has been found that prices are absolutely lowered by thus bringing the consumer nearer to his market, even though the rate of taxation be increased.
Khalid lived on a very rich scale and was extraordinarily liberal, and he was charged with having carried out all his improvements for his own interests, and upbraided for selling the corn of his estates only when the prices were high.
The conditions, however, were not observed by the imperial generals, who for their own profit forced the new settlers to buy food at famine prices.
Shares that at first represented so many dollars per foot in a tangible mine were multiplied and remultiplied until they came to represent paper thicknesses or almost nothing, yet still their prices mounted upward.
Rapid settlement, excessive prices, reckless waste of money, and wild commercial ventures that glutted San Francisco with all objects usable and unusable made the following years astounding from an economic point of view; but not less bizarre was the social development, nor less extraordinary the problems of state-building in a society " morally and socially tried as no other American community ever has been tried " (Royce).
Mining, war times and the building of the Central Pacific had up to then inflated prices and prosperity.
The same holds good with regard to all other stuffs, the prices of wool (provisionally established at the earlier fairs of south-western Russia) being ultimately settled at Nizhniy, as well as those of raw silk.
It need not be assumed, however, that because these rates cannot be associated with the comparative degree of prosperity attained by the individual community they are altogether independent of the economic factors mainly contributing to that condition, such as trade, employment and prices.
It is difficult, indeed, if not impracticable, to disentangle the effects which should be respectively attributed to influences so closely related to each other; but, of the three, prices alone tend to sufficient uniformity in their course in different countries to justify a supposition that they are in some way connected with a phenomenon so widely diffused as that of the decline in marriage and fertility.
It is not improbable, therefore, that the fall in wholesale prices which, with temporary interruptions, persisted between 1870 and 1900, in general harmony with the other movement, may have conduced to reluctance on the part of those who have enlarged their notions of the standard of comfort to endanger their prospects of enjoying it by incurring the additional expenses of family life.
The prices of the wines also are subject to great fluctuation, but in fair years will vary, according to class and quality, from;IO to 30 per hogshead for the better growths.
The production of the Sauternes vineyards is, as a rule, smaller than that of the chief red growths, and in consequence of this, and that the district is a relatively small one, the prices of the finer growths are often very high.
The wines of these vineyards are sold every year by auction early in November, and the prices they make serve as standards for the valuation of the other growths.
The vineyards of these two properties are tended with extraordinary care, and the wines, of which several qualities are made in each case, fetch exceedingly high prices.
From 1858 up to and including 1904 the state produced, according to the State Bureau of Mines (whose statistics have since about 1890 been brought into practical agreement with those of the national government) a value of no less than $889,203,323 in gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc at market prices.
Although the distress was caused by the reactionary effect of a disordered currency and the inflated prices of the war of 1812, he ascribed it to the country's dependence on foreign supply and foreign markets.
The value of augmentations obtained since that date is more than balanced by the decline of fiars prices, so that the total revenue of the church from this source is about £220,000.
Fine point-lace commanding high prices is made by the Presentation Sisters.
If we take £25 as the value of the base mark, the value per ton for The following Prices, taken from the Dundee Year Books, show the Change in Price of a few well-known Varieties.
The upland tracts also afford good pasturage for a number of cobs and ponies, which obtain high prices at the local fairs, and Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire have long been famous for their breed of horses and ponies.
The relative prices of the different classes depend upon the crop, upon the demand and upon the quality of the fibre; in 1905 the prices of Daisee j ute and First Marks were practically the same, although the former is always considered inferior to the latter.
The following table shows a few well-known grades with the average prices during December for the years 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906.
Each baler has his own marks, the fibres of which are guaranteed not follow that a large crop of jute will result in low prices, for the year1906-1907was not only a record one for crops, but also olitorius.
The customs duties were, however, altered several times in accordance with market prices and ruling circumstances.
Low prices afterwards caused a large shrinkage in the output, but she is still classed among the principal producers.
The prices of the staple articles of food and all necessaries of life have risen considerably since 1880, and, particularly in the large cities, are now very high.
Tradesmen are less affected, because they can sell the articles which they manufacture at values which are more in proportion with the increased prices of food.
In 1880 a laborer earning 25 krans, or LI sterling a month, could afford to keep a family; by 1908, in krans, he earned double what he did in 1880, but his wage, expressed in sterling, was the same, and wherever the prices of food have risen more than his wages he could not afford to keep a family.
The prices of slaves in Shira are, a good Habashi girl of twelve to fourteen iso, a good Somal same age, half as much; while a Bombassi is to be got for 14, being chosen merely for physical strength.
Cotton is largely grown, principally in the central districts and Khorasan, and some qualities are excellent and command high prices in the European markets; 18,400 tons of raw cotton, valued at 838,787, were exported to Russia in I 906f 907.
Horses, mules and donkeys, formerly exported in great numbers, are at present not very abundant, and their prices have risen much since 1880.
In the Alleghenies, in 1799, he planned a settlement in what is now Cambria county, Pennsylvania, and bought up much land which he gave or sold at low prices to Catholic immigrants, spending $150,000 or more in the purchase of some 20,000 acres in a spot singularly ill suited for such an enterprise.
In 1363, in answer to a remonstrance against the mischief caused by "the merchants called grocers who engrossed all manner of merchandize vendable, and who suddenly raised the prices of such merchandize within the realm," it was enacted "that all artificers and people of mysteries shall each choose his own mystery 1 before next Candlemas, and that, having so chosen it, he shall henceforth use no other."
High prices of materials and of haulage and freight rates added difficulty to the task of rebuilding, which was accomplished with remarkable energy and speed.
The Indian women are expert weavers, and their handiwork often commands high prices.
Provincetown village was long second only to Gloucester in the cod fisheries, which low prices and the introduction of larger vessels and correspondingly costlier fittings have greatly 1 Sulla excluded the equites from the list; the lex Aurelia (70) reinstated them.
Opium is also grown in Bulgaria, but almost entirely for home consumption; any surplus produce is, however, bought by Jews, and Turks at low prices and sent to Constantinople, where it is sold as Turkish opium.
The heavy losses on this inferior opium and the higher prices obtained for the genuine article led to a great improvement in its preparation, and in 1907 the production had increased to 10,000 piculs.
He collaborated with Thomas Tooke in the two final volumes of his History of Prices and was responsible for the greater part of the work in those volumes.
This quarter has wide airy streets and lofty houses, and though perhaps the houses were let at prices which were beyond the purses of the lowest class, the result of their erection was to cause a number of the poorer houses in the old town to be vacated, thus giving an opportunity to the lowest class to be at any rate better housed than they were before.
Prices are reckoned out in numbers of such slaves and there must have been a constant call for them both as concubines and as household servants.
Owing to increased competition, and in some degree to careless harvesting, there was a great fall in prices after 1900, and the Seychellois, though still producing vanilla in large quantities, paid greater attention to the products of the coconut palm - copra, soap, coco-nut oil and coco-nuts - to the development of the mangrove bark industry, the collection of guano, the cultivation of rubber trees, the preparation of banana flour, the growing of sugar canes, and the distillation of rum and essential oils.
But of course it must be remembered that not merely were munitions provided in 1917 and 1918 on an unprecedented scale, but that prices had risen enormously until, towards the close of the war, they were about double those of four years before.
The late 'eighties had to come and Boudin to be elderly before there was a sale for his work at any prices that were in the least substantial.
Pompey rose still higher in popularity, and on the motion of the tribune Aulus Gabinius in 67 he was entrusted with an extraordinary command over the greater part of the empire, specially for the extermination of piracy in the Mediterranean, by which the corn supplies of Rome were seriously endangered, while the high prices of provisions caused great distress.
The establishment of an orderly administration, one outcome of which was a general fall of prices that made the unwonted regularity of the collection of taxes doubly unwelcome, naturally excited a certain amount of misgiving and resentment; but on the whole the population was prosperous and contented, and under Lord Elphinstone (1853-1860) the presidency passed through the crisis of the Mutiny without any general rising.
The daily activities of the great mass of the adult population, in countries where commodities are sold at definite prices for definite quantities, include calculations which have often to be performed rapidly, on data orally given, and leading in general to results which can only be approximate; and almost every branch of manufacture or commerce has its own range of applications of arithmetic. Arithmetic as a school subject has been largely regarded from this point of view.
Discount may be allowed twice in succession off quoted prices; in such cases the second discount is off the reduced price, and therefore it is not correct to add the two rates of discount together.
Sir Robert Peel had attempted to deal with it (1) by purchasing large quantities of Indian corn, which he had retailed at low prices in Ireland, and (2) by enabling the grand juries to employ the people on public works, which were to be paid out of moneys advanced by the state, one-half being ultimately repayable by the locality.
In China large spheres of good coloured coral command high prices, being in great requisition for the button of office worn by the mandarins.
A number of large estates belonging to the crown, the clergy and the nobles were broken up and sold at nominal prices to men of the middle or lower class.
The lands became the property of the railroads largely through government grants, and they attracted capitalists, who bought them in large bodies and at low prices.
Since the desirable lands of the country have been occupied, the prices of these lands have advanced slowly, with the result that the big farms are being divided up into small holdings.
When this is deducted from the gross profits of $5.60 prices found above, We have a net profit of $3.32 an acre, not an exorbitant one by any means.
An important factor to be mentioned in this connexion is the change in the distribution of the acreage under wheat, consequent upon falling prices.
It is attributable to three chief reasons, the dearth of labour owing to emigration, the greater fall in prices of produce as compared with live stock, and the natural richness of the Irish pastures.
This last provision was open to many great and obvious objections, but was more or less justified by the fall in prices which had taken place since 1881.
The interests of the tenant were so carefully guarded that the prices obtainable were ruinous to the vendor unless he had other resources.
Owners, however, could not with any pretence of justice be forced to sell at ruinous prices, nor tenants be forced to give more than they thought fair.
This inquiry proved, what few in Ireland doubted, that the prices paid for occupancy interest or tenant right increased as the landlord's rent was cut down.
The rich bourgeoisie began more achieve- and more to monopolize the magistracy; and though the country-people were somewhat relieved from the burden which had been crushing them, the working-classes remained impoverished, owing to the increase of prices which followed at a distance the rise of wages.
None of the inhabitants of Monaco have access to the tables; and their interest in the maintenance of the status quo is secured by their complete exemption from taxation and the large prices paid for their lands.
Another feature of the period of reconstruction was the formation of numerous trusts or combinations of producing companies designed to take advantage of the high tariff, and to restrict competition, lower expenses an d raise prices.
Tasas, fixed prices, were placed on everything.
Farm-land prices were raised to a basis of maximum productiveness when the best interests, especially of the western section, demanded steady growth based on average crop results under average conditions.
About 1850 the fisheries revived, especially after 1860, under the influence of better prices, improved methods and the discovery of new grounds, becoming again the chief economic interest; and since that time the village of Gloucester has changed from a picturesque hamlet to a fairly modern, though still quaint and somewhat foreign, settlement.
The punishment for exceeding the prices fixed was death or deportation.
All kinds of produce brought fabulous prices, and were exported to Victoria in such quantities that the exports rose from a value of £665,7 9 0 in 1851 to £1,509,883 in 1852, and £1,156,316 in 1853, while the population diminished in almost equal ratio.
I'm sure prices were a fraction of today.
Prices are published on the machine, which includes the acetate.
Just comparing today's prices in the classified ads isn't enough.
Twenty exciting Kitchens to cater for all tastes at prices that won't leave a bitter aftertaste.
The push by supermarkets in Britain to drive down prices and the development of multinational agribusiness has pushed many British farmers in to poverty.
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Here is a comprehensive selection of places to stay, which sound very alluring indeed, not all at high prices.
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This rather antiquated system is, however, a crucial part of the setting of prices for metal commodities throughout the world.
Throughout this period, as asking prices became more approachable, buyers returned to the market, slowly pushing sale prices upwards.
A slump in grain prices combined with big increases in the price of luxury items put pressure on the lifestyle of the feudal aristocracy.
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Then, by then, these prices had gone balmy already.
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When they see prices falling the bulls turn bearish, sellers accept bid prices which drives all prices down.
There is a large blackboard covered with the different prices for a certain filling in a sandwich, bap, roll or baguette.
Blackfoot reserve the right to change prices at any time.
Our long shot bias is more controlled because we have bookies dictating prices that we can have rather than a free flowing pool bet.
After many previous house-price booms most of the adjustment came through inflation pushing up rents and incomes, while home prices stayed broadly flat.
From these prices lining the boulevards find that my accommodation process to.
Lack of demand at these price levels has applied the brakes firmly to property asking prices.
The majority of members in the MV accreditation scheme are pedigree breeders who sell quality, healthy breeding stock at premium prices.
As he says the brits are holding the market up - and maybe they are flagging a bit now as prices have weakened.
Rising property prices helped to prop up the world economy after the stockmarket bubble burst in 2000.
Don't expect to go to a top stud and buy budgerigars for pet prices.
Delicious, nutritious, beating the bulge, at Co-op prices I can afford to indulge.
At Melford fair, good horses were scarce and eagerly sought after, cows started at low prices, fat bullocks in scant supply.
And when a bubble bursts, prices often plunge far beyond what looks like fair value.
Second, the dot com bust took some of the wind out of inflated domain name prices.
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This represents quite a turn around from a year ago when there were concerns that prices in general would actually fall causing deflation.
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The prices are not a closly guarded secret only divulged at the end, on receipt of the bill.
Let the Government then intervene in the manners sanctioned by the welfare economists to increase competition and thereby drive down prices.
Wrote a rather erratic account of Prices first visit.
At the very low prices now charged, it'd be a shame not to indulge yourself in a bit of sheer escapism.
From casually browsing house prices, to finding your dream home and even appointing an estate agent, solicitor and financial adviser.
They had some nice choices, and there are specials chalked up on the wall and prices are not too exorbitant.
We approached local constructors, but the prices quoted seemed exorbitant!
During periods of high prices, some forms of cover may be unavailable, or it may be deemed too expensive by the insured.
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Excessively low rates can push up asset prices to ridiculous extremes and create bubbles.
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However, to compensate farmers for the loss of subsidy, produce prices have been raised.
Overall, domestic prices are expected to fall at a slightly faster rate over the next four months than the last.
Onions have suffered a similar fate with prices up to eight times normal.
The total cost to the consumer is estimated at $ 8.4 billion a year because producing the required corn feedstock increases corn prices.
The government of Malawi has introduced a system of coupons, enabling farmers to buy fertilizer at subsidized prices.
Sometimes the prices paid for produce by the supermarkets and big food processors are less than it costs the farmer to produce them.
Recent examples include the fixing of prices for children's toys, replica football shirts and auction house fees.
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This on top of the current glut will not help prices in the central area.
Indeed private seller, often goaded by EA's encourage crazy asking prices.
Grail of any pop music collection and prices will continue to rise sharply in the years to come.
In both villages, small producers were forced, through a process of subtle manipulation, to sell groundnut at disadvantageous prices.
If you have a local council guarantor, they are entitled to take a view on ticket prices.
In China, where there are no handset subsidies, some 30 to 50 new handset subsidies, some 30 to 50 new handsets of all prices are launched every month.
It would not help hauliers where their fuel prices are directly passed on to customers.
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People who try to increase property prices after an offer has been accepted can cause heartbreak for the buyer.
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Holy Grail of any pop music collection and prices will continue to rise sharply in the years to come.
Prices for the meals (all homemade) are approx.
Tampa humidor - Tampa Humidor is the leader in providing quality cigar humidors, smoking accessories, and cigars at unbelievable prices.
Shoppers are frequently unable to compare the prices of similar products without using a calculator to convert imperial into metric.
What it overlooked was the imminent implosion of mobile phone prices.
Prices should be indicated inclusive of VAT and any other compulsory charges.
The seemingly inexorable rise in energy prices has been brought into sharp public focus.
They are also under pressure due to the soaring prices of healthcare tests to provide inexpensive, yet effective treatments.
Then they sell the shoes for vastly inflated prices to poor black kids from the first world.
Twenty years later such records still surface in specialist reggae auctions and set sales at prices which have rapidly outstripped inflation.
The free market forces they support would mean soaring inflation, rising prices and growing unemployment.
Prices range from £ 220 for the hooded top to £ 109 for the long johns.
Koi sizes are 10cm prices go in order of pics. all are show grade koi sizes are 10cm prices go in order of pics. all are show grade koi.
Prices start at £ 95 lambskin Medically tanned lambskin that is used in special care units for babies.
DiscussWireless is currently updating their comprehensive cellular phone lineup, lowering become extra film tv prices and adding new phones.
The bulk of the book contains a list of agreed prices for a bewildering variety of silks.
On 29 December the final wholesale prices for BT's unbundled local loops were published.
The prices for DVD-ROM drives have dropped low enough to make this strategy feasible.
We know they measure mortgage costs not house prices - but do we not agree that way lies madness?
Another factor affecting house prices is the ethnic makeup of an area.
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Prices are already down, by as much as 60 per cent, tho the biggest markdowns are not the most prominently displayed.
Great shares at bargain prices now litter the global markets.
We want to provide you with the most competitive fare deals in a fluctuating marketplace and because of this prices may go down.
As employers make up for falling market prices in increased contributions toward their pension schemes, that by extension means less IR takings.
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I looked at some prices in your part of the world and Glasgow and its environs is pretty meaty!
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But the bubble burst in 1989, land and stock prices came crashing down, leaving the country mired in debt.
Asset prices and Inflation Targetting Asset price misalignments are likely to pose a rather different kind of challenge.
We have become customers of the Phone Co-op, lured by a heady mixture of low prices and human contact.
These wines are also available for surprisingly modest prices in the United Kingdom through London fine wine merchants, The Wine Treasury.
This logit function weights the relative prices (P i) where parameter mu indicates the sensitivity of the consumers to price differences.
At the same time the Telegraph Group which is moving to a new integrated multi-media newsroom is also putting up prices.
I think it would also be very newsworthy to a media that is very jumpy about house prices.
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Risks are then offloaded onto independent sector providers who try to mitigate risks and costs through higher prices.
My prices vary from £ 30 to £ 70 per quarter ounce, depending on quality.
It blamed overcapacity on North Atlantic routes, price competition from low-cost airlines and higher fuel prices.
The Security Council agreed last week to receive weekly updates on oil prices from the oil overseers.
For the last several years, a global oversupply of this coffee has kept prices depressed.
The increasing prices for organically grown paddy and the increased paddy yield serve as incentives for taking to organic farming.
Linda Wain investigates The rise in oil prices over the past six years makes UK house price inflation seem a paragon of stability.
Crowds gathered on prices ever starting congressman pat toomey island at noon.
Buying in a group has also proved persuasive to reduce prices.
The increase in world petroleum prices has given the Russian budget a windfall increase of $ 1 billion a month.
Prices range from £ 5.15 to £ 7.60, which seems pretty reasonable for a whole plateful of delicious pizza.
Not sure if this should be in freebies or what... wap portal offers real-time share prices - WhatPC?
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Due to the checkout system, a charge of 42 pence postage will be made - hence the slightly strange prices!
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Gently rising house prices is NOT a sign of a HPC.
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In 1991, with oil prices at record lows, the Soviet empire disintegrated.
Prices are typically £ 50 to £ 250, the reverse porro prism generally being cheaper than the roof prism type.
As I had just rebuilt it from scratch I thought I'd describe the process, with prices.
We aim to provide you with high quality products at great prices.
But, eventually the effects of prices made artificially high would begin to imitate those of an outright prohibition.
Will prices in the next quinquennium be higher than they might otherwise be?
The prices quoted have been costed at an exchange rate of 1.45 Euros equals £ 1.00.
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Many people believe house prices started to fall sharply from 1989 onwards, precipitating recession.
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Ultimately, tho, the only thing we can do to stop the rip-off is get prices reduced at the source.
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The prices for the thatched roofs do not include the picnic tables.
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Prices Each driftwood sculpture is unique and prices range from £ 30 upwards depending on size and type.
Prices had to be posted or the miller was fined 20 shillings.
Some stores slashed prices by up to 80% to entice shoppers, with some big names opening at 5am yesterday.
He said, " The worst thing you can do is to panic when the prices are going to go sky-high.
He will be challenged to find bargains in an industry that has seen real estate prices skyrocket in recent years.
As energy prices skyrocket in the coming years, how will the populations of suburbia react to the collapse of their dream?
In addition, higher gas prices in the US have caused a slowdown in sales of new motor vehicles.
He feels inflation will be kept under control due to relatively sluggish growth and favorable commodity prices.
He was of the opinion an increase in cigarette prices would not discourage smokers to purchase cigarettes.
Local artisans offer their handiwork at amazingly low prices, and even the more typical souvenirs tend to cost less here.
Mazola improved its margins with lower soy and corn oil prices and focused marketing helped to increase volumes by 2% over last year.
My feeling is that prices will dip and then stagnate for 5-10 years.
Interesting fact that prices in this country remained virtually static for about 500 years up to mid 1800s I think.
Prices are likely to remain static rather than fall.
Selections of collectibles, home decor, garden statuary, plus many other inspiring gift items at below retail prices.
A tame reading on consumer prices tomorrow may reinforce speculation the central bank will keep borrowing costs steady through the start of next year.
Some prices will rise and some will fall, but overall - on average - prices will be pretty steady.
Selling prices of timber fire doors remained broadly steady with 57% seeing no change.
Prices Our base prices are quoted in £ s sterling, Euros or US dollars.
The prices displayed on are web site are in £ GBP British pound sterling.
Prices All prices quoted on our pages are in Gb pounds sterling and include VAT.
Alumni there are prices ever starting by the funnel including twice-a-day steward.
Sadly, removing tariffs without eliminating subsidy will continue to distort world prices resulting in food surpluses from highly mechanized farms in industrialized countries.
A daily life suffocated by a rash of new rules and regulations, bills and prices.
You will be able to benefit from discounts we negotiate with suppliers of helpful herbal supplements - lower prices for members.
To keep things simple and because we have n't sussed out how to do complicated shipping charges, the prices include P&P.
When supplying table wine for consumption with other food ensure you are showing the prices of at least five bottles of such wine.
Lower prices and cheaper access will encourage takeup as well as improve content and services.
You will find cuisine to suit most taste buds and prices that will suit a range of budgets.
When you look at auction house prices it can seem very tempting.
It is particularly timely given the huge hikes in oil prices over the summer months.
As a modern toolroom we are able to offer competitive prices and short lead times for any tooling project.
In fact, estate agents are extremely touchy about how much they influence ever-spiralling house prices.
Prices fully inclusive, beds made up for your arrival, towels, toweling robes and Molton Brown toiletries provided.
Prices range from £ 179 for our smallest circular trampoline up to over £ 1,600 for our largest premier rectangular trampoline.
We provide top quality Albanian translations from qualified and practiced Albanian translators at top quality prices.
It had been a very good war for Big Oil, with tripled oil prices meaning tripled oil prices meaning tripled profits.
All prices shown are in US Dollars per ounce troy.
Beside the usual bargains there were special cut-rate " comers " for the opening week - simply unbeatable prices on luxury items.
You can expect a quiet break, with personal attention, mostly at prices that you may find unbelievable.
Although share prices are no longer significantly undervalued they are not over-priced for what is probably the early stage in the economic growth cycle.
A good selection of second-hand uniform is also available at very reasonable prices.
Prices had tumbled down to almost unprecedented low levels.
We offer a fully customizable valet on your vehicle, the prices on this site are a guide to our most popular valet services.
Prices All prices are per delegate and exclude vat.
Open Tues - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturdays 9.30am - 4.00pm All prices include vat @ 17.5% .
Prices range from £ 20 inc vat for a Brooke Beaker, to £ 940.00 inc vat for the Giant Indian Barrel.
Waterproof vibrators buy a waterproof vibrator for more fun than ever in the bath, shower or jacuzzi - lowest prices guaranteed!
Oil prices have recently risen and, not least, the economies of most of our major trading partners have shown little vigor.
Oil prices have become far more volatile in recent years.
With a three year original unlimited mileage warranty and reasonable prices the Cuore really is one of the best city cars you can buy.
Her brief was to examine the lack of housing supply and explain why it reacts only weakly to a rise in prices.
In fact, new housing supply responds fairly weakly to changes in house prices.
As the value of the Korean won has been cut by half, western prices have doubled.
World Class Prices What is certainly already world-class about the conurbation are house prices.
Chapter 3 examines the prices of and market for spun yarn whilst Chapter 4 examines acetate filament yarn.
Yet, most people are in the Matrix - defending house prices with evangelical zeal.
Prices Price including postage and packing to UK only (vat zero rated) - £ 70.
The demand for animals for stock-breeding purposes sent up prices, and this acted as a stimulus to other branches of trade, so that, as peace under the Roca regime seemed assured, a steady flow of immigration from Italy set in.
The general advancement of Australia, to the era of the goldmining, had been satisfactory, in spite of a severe commercial crisis, from 1841 to 1843, caused by extravagant land speculations and inflated prices.
The strong downward tendency of prices made a reduction of wages imperative; but the labouring classes failed to recognize any such necessity, and strongly resented any reductions proposed by employers.
By the Customs Act the duty was raised on imported agricultural implements, while as a safeguard to the consumer the maximum prices for the retail of the goods were fixed.
Telegraphic money orders were established in 1850; a cable was laid between Dover and Calais, and in November 1851 the stock exchanges of London and Paris were able for the first time to compare prices during business hours of the same day; numerous companies were formed, some of which were independent of the railways, and keen competition led to considerable extensions of wires and reduction of tariffs, with the result that a large increase in the volume of business took place.
Land must thus of necessity be rented from the landlords at fabulous prices.
In the cultivated parts the land is so exceedingly fertile and productive that it sells for almost fabulous prices, and its value is still further enhanced by the discovery of manganese and copper mines in the basin of the Rion, and of the almost inexhaustible supplies of naphtha and petroleum at Baku in the Apsheron peninsula.
A short period of low prices followed the repeal of the Corn Laws, wheat averaging only 38s.
It is well known that the earlier editions of this work, especially if they be upon large paper, command extravagant prices; but in reality the copies on smaller paper are now the rarer, for the stock of them has been consumed in nurseries and schoolrooms, where they have been torn up or worn out with incessant use.
The answer is that though the ratios between the prices of the various grades alter, the prices of all of them move generally together, and that the " futures " of the Exchange at least provide a hedge against the latter movements.
The methods of dealing in cotton are very intricate, and it is necessary here to interpolate an explanation of the relations between the prices paid by spinners for cotton and the quoted " spot " prices.
However, the count of frequency of movement from daily closing prices would probably afford a roughly satisfactory comparative measurement in markets in which prices sometimes remain the same for a day or two together.
In the case of any crop year, if the relations which are suggested as indicating the "bulling" work of "futures" usually corresponded with "spot" prices being below the normal price of the crop year, or of what was left of the crop year, while the relations which are suggested to indicate the "bearing" work of "futures" on the whole corresponded with a relatively abnormal height of "spot," it would be a legitimate inference that "futures" were tending to smooth prices.
It is called " basket sugar," and meets with a brisk sale, at remunerative prices, among the Chinese coolies; and as the sugar as soon as cooled is packed ready for market, without losing any weight by draining, this branch of sugar-making is a most lucrative one whereever there is sufficient local demand.
The very large quantity of output made available for export under these exceptional conditions brought about the flooding of the British and other markets with sugars at depressed prices, not unfrequently below the prime cost of production, to the harassment of important industries carried on by British refiners and sugar-growing colonies.
Table services of Owari porcelain the ware itself excellently manipulated and of almost egg-shell fineness2re now decorated with floral scrolls, landscapes, insects, birds, figure-subjects and al sorts of designs, chaste, elaborate or quaint; and these services, representing so much artistic labor and originality, are, sold for prices that bear no due ratio to the skill required in their manufacture.
The planters in the Black Patch had met a combination of the buyers by forming a pool, the Planters' Protective Association, into which 40,000 growers were forced by " night-riding " and other forms of coercion and persuasion, and had thus secured an advance to I I cents a pound from the "regie " buyers and had shown the efficacy of pooling methods in securing better prices for the tobacco crop. Following their example, the planters of the Burley formed the Burley Tobacco Society, a Burley pool, with headquarters at Winchester and associated with the American Society of Equity, which promoted in general the pooling of different crops throughout the country.
In 1880, the Russian manufacturers depending chiefly on the barter-trade in tea at Kiakhta, their production was regulated principally by the prices of tea established at the fair; but now cotton takes the lead, and the prospective output for the year of the mills of central Russia is determined at the fair by the price of raw cotton imported from Asia, by that of madder, and by the results of the year's crop, which became known during the fair.
It will look at the size of your favorite restaurants, the prices of all the dishes.
Even though this allowed cotton prices to plummet and demand for cotton to increase, some of those fifty people got laid off, no doubt shaking their fists at the infernal gin as they stormed off the property.
Calculating the actual, societal costs of fatty foods, alcohol, cars, pet ownership, mercury thermometers, air conditioning, solar panels, razor blades, jogging shoes, and ten thousand other things, and incorporating those costs in the prices as taxes would lead to a vastly more efficient allocation of resources.
If jump ropes or board games or ice cream turn out to have positive externalities—that is, if they help society—a subsidy could lower the prices of these items.
I think we will see commodity prices plummet in the coming years.
Innovating will become table stakes just to stay in business, and innovation will be used to lower prices, not to increase them.
An exception worth noting is that the poor who get better products at cheaper prices will see their wealth rise accordingly.
As currency is inflated, prices rise.
Governments respond to that inflation by freezing prices.
We will know it is coming when we see the prices of more products fall while their quality increases.
And that is paying full retail prices in an air-conditioned Western supermarket; by the ton, this food costs much less.
In the fat years, agricultural prices are pushed downward by the abundance, often below the cost of harvesting and transporting the crops.