Preventive Sentence Examples
But the efficiency of this preventive stops short at the point of saving human life.
We need to determine which preventive measures should be fostered.
The use of the copper solutions mentioned above may also be recommended as a preventive.
An employer can three areas preventive first corporate executive.
In Mozambique I have visited the factory where in a clinic they are successfully testing the first ever anti malaria preventive vaccine.
The 1920 War against Soviet Russia brought the introduction of preventive censorship in defense of military secrets.
Activated Carbon Cloth is most commonly used in preventive conservation to retard the corrosion of metals by absorbing contaminants such as acetic acids.
Other development programs need to integrate into health issues (preventive and basic curative) with appropriate back-up support from the medical program.
A person who has been sentenced to preventive detention or imprisonment for three years or more will be prohibited for life.
It demonstrated the folly of preventive war fought without international support.
AdvertisementIs there a regular preventive maintenance program for each vehicle, carried out at predetermined intervals of time or mileage?
While all fuel burning appliances will produce some CO gas, regular preventive maintenance can keep this to a minimum.
These are they which took the infallible preventive of seasickness in New York harbor and then disappeared and were forgotten.
The practice was established in 1976 and provides a preventive orientated service for all the family.
Without an effective preventive worming program pasture is likely to become heavily contaminated with potentially dangerous levels of Infective larvae.
AdvertisementThis is so that the necessary preventive and protective measures can be identified.
Croda is involved in coating the steel as it leaves the mill with rust preventive made with Croda additives.
To be particularly from the private will ensure only preventive care is.
Various research papers and clinical studies in Japan have been done to evaluate the cancer preventive action of Squalene.
Children of labor were less likely of family preventive.
AdvertisementThe HSC are keen to gather more specific information on good practice preventive strategies physiotherapists adopt to avoid injury in the workplace.
The key issue in screening for diabetic retinopathy is to identify those patients with sight-threatening retinopathy who may require preventive treatment.
The government provides the infrastructure - the drains, sewers, inoculation programs, which enable us all to take preventive medicine seriously.
The main reason why the authorities are holding back on preventive vaccination lies in trade guarantees.
The best railways of the United States and Canada have, indeed; been greatly improved, and their main lines approach the high standards of safety which prevail in Great Britain, both as regards maintenance and care of roadway and vehicles (as a preventive of derailments) and the use of the block system (as a preventive of collisions); but when the inquirer looks at America as a whole - the total length of lines in the United States being over 230,000 m., ten times the total of the United Kingdom - he is considering a figure which includes an enormous mileage of railway lying in thinly settled regions where the high standards of safety maintained on the best railways have scarcely been thought of.
AdvertisementIt is to him that the world is indebted for the introduction of methods which have already worked wonders, and bid fair to render possible the preventive treatment of all infectious diseases.
Among the subjects deserving notice may be mentioned the practice of steeping and liming seed corn as a preventive of smut; changing every year the species of grain, and bringing seed corn from a distance; ploughing down green crops as manure; and feeding horses with broken oats and chaff.
In 191 4, after the outbreak of war, she was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for inciting to insubordination and remained throughout the war in preventive custody (Schutzhaft).
Benefits of riboflavin intake include healthy vision and skin, and (as already mentioned) a possible preventive effect against migraines.
I give my pets vaccinations and preventive medication to avoid various types of parasitism.
With these products, you can apply them as a monthly preventive against ear mites and fleas.
Even if your cat already harbors the organisms responsible for respiratory infections, there are preventive measures you can take to improve your cat's overall immunity.
The supplement is taken daily as a migraine preventive, and delivery is either through tablets, nasal spray, or both.
Taking preventive steps like these will prevent them from eating your favorite pajamas.
Preventive care, such as learning to avoid falls and other accidents that can permanently affect one's strength and capacity at a certain age, is crucial.
A focus on preventive care is also good for the economy.
One of the most important factors people are choosing to work longer is that improvements in preventive healthcare and medical treatment options have led to a healthier workforce.
As insurance companies begin to realize the importance of preventive health care programs for seniors, more people will reap the benefits by living healthier and happier lives.
The child should receive prompt evaluation so necessary preventive therapies can be initiated.
The doctor can advise if specific preventive treatment is needed.
Because as of 2004 the exact cause for ITP is unknown, no specific preventive measures are recommended.
Surgery may also be preventive or prophylactic, removing an abnormal looking area of tissue that is likely to become malignant over time.
Other children need more aggressive treatment that includes preventive (prophylactic) medication.
Since food allergies are often linked with headaches, especially cluster headaches and migraines, identifying and eliminating the allergy-causing food(s) from the diet can be an important preventive measure.
When the underlying cause of dizziness cannot be discovered, it may be difficult to recommend preventive measures.
The key to avoiding serious complications of hypertension is to detect and treat it at the earliest possible age so that preventive treatment can be initiated.
Safety is the primary preventive measure for blood loss by injury.
For these and other reasons, the United States Preventive Services Task Force states that there is some evidence that using EFM on low-risk women in labor might not be indicated.
However, the child at risk should also expect the worst and be prepared with preventive medication.
There are also some preventive measures that families can take to lower the risk of opportunistic infections and other complications in affected children.
Immunodeficient individuals are at higher risk for infection with Pneumocystis carinii and are frequently put on a regular preventive drug regimen of trimethoprim sulfa and/or inhaled pentamidine to avoid pneumocystis pneumonia.
Episodes persist after a schedule of preventive awakenings.
Other preventive measures for women include drinking large amounts of fluid; voiding frequently, particularly after intercourse; and proper cleansing of the area around the urethra.
Since the cause(s) of IED are not fully understood as of the early 2000s, preventive strategies should focus on treatment of young children who may be at risk for IED before they enter adolescence.
If the child has repeated episodes of cerumen impaction, parents can discuss various preventive measures with the doctor.
In 2003, a new high-dose prophylactic (preventive) treatment was being tested to reduce CMV risk in stem cell transplant recipients.
The most effective preventive strategy includes prompt treatment of middle ear infections, as well as monitoring of patients with mumps, measles, influenza, or colds for signs of dizziness or hearing problems.
The prognosis for individuals with AIDS in recent years has improved significantly because of new drugs and treatments, and educational and preventive efforts.
When mineral deficiency is the result of disease, medical attention, other than preventive measures, is required.
It acts as a preventive treatment if it is begun several weeks before the onset of the allergy season.
Most children with AR can achieve adequate relief with a combination of preventive strategies and treatment.
No preventive measures are recommended because the cause of these birth defects was as of 2004 unknown and their occurrence not predictable.
This model posits that information, motivation, and behavior are the primary determinants of AIDS-related preventive behavior.
Antihistamines can then be taken as a preventive measure before symptoms begin each season.
Testing after the baby is discharged is sometimes necessary (in 25% of infants) and is a preventive measure rather than a cause for concern.
Health insurance providers contribute to pressure the medical industry for more preventive care and earlier diagnostics that together are driving the demand for nurses, assistants and technicians.
They also must offer preventive care including patient education and counseling; breast and pelvic examinations; screenings for cervical cancer, STD's, and HIV; and pregnancy tests and counseling.
It may seem like preventive measures wouldn't be needed for a bikini given its small amount of fabric, however, the opposite is actually true.
It's best to take preventive steps before cooking to avoid having a mess to clean up after you are finished.
One of the best ways to keep your Electrolux vacuum out of the repair shop is to give it the preventive maintenance it needs to keep running smoothly.
Still, with a little upkeep and preventive care, your silver paw print bracelet watch will continue to bring a smile to you for years to come.
Checking and getting your oil changed regularly is good preventive maintenance that will insure that your car lasts for many years.
Proper cleaning and preventive maintenance is essential to keep a barbecue grill in working order.
Applying what you know about how to clean a barbecue grill is important, but preventive maintenance is also necessary.
Incorporating calf exercises into your workout routine is an easy way for you to achieve sculpted legs as well as a preventive measure against shin splints.
In many ways, they serve a preventive function.
Strength training is one of the preventive measures you can take to avoid this fate.
One of its attractive features is that enrollees can receive a number of diagnostic and preventive care services at little or no out-of-pocket costs.
Plans that include alternative remedies make it possible for employees to seek several types of treatment options not included in plans that solely include traditional healthcare benefits, including preventive care.
Offering health insurance plans that make preventive healthcare affordable for workers often helps reduce problems with employee absenteeism.
Many holistic healthcare treatments are preventive in nature, focusing on maintaining health and well being.
There is no annual deductible for preventive and diagnostic dental services.
Standard Plan B is similar to Plan A, but pays 50 percent of the cost of preventive and diagnostic services.
Preventive and diagnostic services are covered at 100 percent right away.
The various plans offered provide savings on routine office visits, occasional health needs and preventive health care needs.
You may have coverage for preventive care, including regular check-ups or well-woman visits.
Options include high deductible plans with lower premiums along that qualify for HSAs and traditional PPO plans, as well as plans that cover major illness or injury along with preventive care.
Preventive Care - No copayments or deductibles are allowed under new private plans.
Medicare - Starting in January 2011, Medicare will provide free preventive care with no deductibles or copayments.
Some plans do provide for routine preventive care, such as yearly physicals, but with other plans it will be necessary to make other arrangements for prescription drugs, dental or vision coverage.
After that point, the Plan pays 100 percent of the amount set for preventive medical care.
The Plan offers protection for major events that can affect dental health as well as preventive care.
Major medical health insurance is not meant to provide protection for services like routine trips to the doctor or preventive care services.
Other plan members will be seeing doctors more often for preventive care or to treat specific medical concerns, and the premium rates are set with these facts in mind.
It can be a preventive measure as much as a necessity.
While you are in the middle of a breakout, it is easy to disregard preventive advice.
The best way to avoid suffering through embarrassing toe nail problems is to take preventive measures.
Chemicals sulphate of copper, employed chiefly as a preventive 01 certain maladies of the vine; carbonate of lead, hyper.
It is often made by the settlers and fishermen of the St Lawrence region, being esteemed as a preventive of scurvy.
The rest of the province is policed by the South African constabulary, a body 3700 strong, to which is also entrusted customs preventive work, fire brigade work and such like functions.
Small companies which improvements more preventive who had contacted.
For example figures clear whether certain of important preventive.
Pit with him highest to lowest amp preventive medicine come from carts.
At the first hint of below freezing weather, Howie was on the job, covering everything and reading up on all preventive measures known to man.
The Senate was intended to play the part of an organ of supervision, so as to act as a preventive of too hasty or too loosely drawn-up legislation.
Mushet's aid was certainly valuable, but not more than Goransson's, who, besides thus offering a preventive of redshortness, further helped the process on by raising its temperature by the simple expedient of further subdividing the blast, thus increasing the surface of contact between blast and metal, and thus in turn hastening the oxidation.
It is only when such obvious truths are clothed in the technical terminology of "positive" and "preventive checks" that they appear novel and profound; and yet they appear to contain the whole message of Malthus to mankind.
It was formerly supposed that the injection of attenuated cultures or dead organisms-vaccines in the widest sensewas only of service in producing immunity as a preventive measure against the corresponding organism, but the work of Sir Almroth Wright has shown that the use of such vaccines may be of service even after infection has occurred, especially when the resulting disease is localized.
Where the disease is endemic or is prevailing epidemically, it is of great importance to use all preventive measures, and for this purpose the avoidance of all causes likely to precipitate an attack is to be enjoined.
A gunboat for preventive service purchased from the British government and commanded by an Englishman, with native petty officers and crew, is employed by the Liberian government.
The first disease investigated by Pasteur was that of chicken cholera, an epidemic which destroyed io% of the French fowls; after the application of the preventive method the death-rate was reduced to below i %.
The most interesting of Pasteur's investigations in preventive and curative medicine remains to be told.
As a preventive repeated spraying with dilute Bordeaux mixture is recommended, during the flowering season and early development of the fruit.
The means which have proved most efficacious, both as a remedy and a preventive of this disease, is to scatter flowers of sulphur over mthe vines, before the morning dew has evaporated.
As a preventive to its attacks the copper sulphate sprays and a solution (50%) of iron sulphate have been found very useful, as well as care in planting on well-drained soil that does not lie too low, the disease seldom appearing in dry, well-exposed vineyards.
A laboratory is maintained for bacteriological and pathological researches and for the preparation of preventive vaccines.
Thomas Dickson of Edinburgh long ago observed that the most healthy and productive crop was to be obtained by planting unripe tubers, and proposed this as a preventive of the disease called the "curl," which sometimes attacks the young stems, causing them and also the leaves to become crumpled, and few or no tubers to be produced; in this connexion it is interesting to note that Scottish and Irish seed potatoes give a larger yield than English, probably on account of their being less matured.
The methods of active immunity have been practically applied in preventive inoculation against disease; those of passive immunity have given us serum therapeutics.
Such statistics are studied mainly with the object of learning the lessons which they may afford as to preventive measures for the future; and from this point of view the most important element is the single item of passengers killed in train accidents (a 1).
The next step was to endeavour so to modify and weaken the virus as to enable it to be used as a preventive or as an antitoxin.
For some of these, as redwater (pyrosoma), antidotes are already found; for others, as for Texas fever - of which the parasite is unknown, but the mode of its transmission, by the mosquito, discovered (Finlay-Reed) - preventive measures are reducing the prevalence.
A note in his diary, dated the 7th of November 1749, shows that he had then 4 Malthus quoted Franklin in his first edition, but it was not until the second that he introduced the theory of the " preventive check."
This oil generally acts as an excellent preventive of this and other insect attacks.
In the 1803 edition he introduced the new element of the preventive check supplied by what he calls "moral restraint," and is thus enabled to "soften some of the harshest conclusions" at which he had before arrived.
Nitroglycerin is valuable as a preventive in cases of cardiac pain, such as angina pectoris, and it is also used in other conditions where it is desirable to reduce the arterial tension.
The Indian government formerly maintained a large preventive establishment for the preservation of the revenue, but it was withdrawn in 1898.
In 1914, after the outbreak of war, Rosa Luxemburg was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for inciting to insubordination and remained throughout the war in preventive custody.
Du Cane, Punishment and Prevention of Crime (1885); Braco, Estudos penitenciarios e criminaes (Lisbon, 1888); Garofalo, Studio sul delitto, sulle sui cause e sui mezzi di repressione (1890); Adolphe Guillot, Les Prisons de Paris (1890); Tallack, Preventive and Penological Principles (1896); Salillas, Vida penal en Espana (Madrid).