Prevailing wind Sentence Examples
The prevailing wind is the S.E.
The direction of the prevailing wind is S.W.
Farther south, in Patagonia, the prevailing wind is westerly, in which case the Andes again " blanket " an extensive region and deprive it of rain, turning it into an arid desolate steppe.
In the south of the Nafud, where Huber found the prevailing wind to be from the south, the falks are turned in that direction.
The constantly prevailing wind on the Peruvian coast is from the south, which is a cold wind from the Humboldt current.
The climate is one of great extremes of heat and cold, with a dry winter and a usually wet summer, the prevailing wind of winter being N.W.
It is the prevailing wind of winter in the mountains and in consequence the periods of cold, though often severe, are short.
From May until October the prevailing wind is southeast, from November to January it is north, and from February to April it is east.
The prevailing wind is that of the north-east and south-east trade winds, broken and modified on the plateau and western lowlands by mountain barriers.