Pretty Sentence Examples
Oh, what a pretty sound it made!
Your aunt and uncle seem pretty fond of you.
Truthfully, it is pretty awful.
We just turned off the highway, so we'll be there pretty soon.
It was a pretty place, with vines growing thickly over the broad front porch.
Should he buy a pretty toy?
You have a very pretty neck.
He compared it with the baby's pretty face.
Where's the pretty girl?
Believe me, I'm pretty secure here and I've been careful.
AdvertisementYou're pretty well armed for a social visit.
From what I hear, he's pretty... frugal; I guess would be the best word.
How pretty the baby was!
I heard she was pretty humiliated when she found out.
Usually when he awoke with a hard-on and a woman in his bed, what happened next was pretty straightforward.
AdvertisementWell, he has a home office and he goes there pretty often, but I can't figure out what he's doing.
He used to be a pretty good mechanic.
She has on a pretty red dress.
We have a pretty close time frame of entrance and exit.
The princess' beautiful eyes with all their former calm radiance were looking with tender affection and pity at Mademoiselle Bourienne's pretty face.
AdvertisementSonya now was sixteen and she was very pretty, especially at this moment of happy, rapturous excitement.
You seemed pretty sure of yourself a while ago.
It's pretty long already.
I guess the speech went pretty well.
The pretty young girl materialized, hair wet and smiling, dressed in a new bathrobe Betsy had purchased.
AdvertisementYou, personally, are pretty happy with the generic knockoff, which saves you a dollar and tastes the same to you.
With scarcely any exceptions they all were, or seemed to be, pretty--so rapturous were their smiles and so sparkling their eyes.
Howie doesn't have to work but he still suffers from head trauma, is pretty depressed and frankly, doesn't know what to do with himself.
Julie was a pretty girl, in her mid-twenties, I guessed.
You finish your thoughts out loud pretty often.
Then he thought what a pretty picture might be made of his sister's sweet face and little hands.
That's a pretty interesting thought.
Third, pretty much everything we know is published on the Internet and can be found in moments, if not seconds.
There were many pretty girls and the Rostov girls were among the prettiest.
She was so pretty I'm saddened she's gone so soon.
When he saw pretty Jennie Lohr on the road, he couldn't resist.
Sorry. That was a pretty blatant case of prying, wasn't it?
I always thought they had a pretty solid marriage, especially with Claire, but she's acting as crazy as a teenager and just watching her marriage crumble.
The rainbow tints from the colored suns fell upon the glass city softly and gave to the buildings many delicate, shifting hues which were very pretty to see.
He had made his leap, he had seen the great world, and was content to stay in his pretty glass house under the big fuchsia tree until he attained the dignity of froghood.
Several pretty large logs may still be seen lying on the bottom, where, owing to the undulation of the surface, they look like huge water snakes in motion.
As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to feel pretty good.
We still have more tests we could run but up to twenty four to forty eight hours; I'm pretty close on both time and location.
Plants themselves are pretty inefficient machines, at least from the standpoint of being good food sources for us.
Last Monday Simpson shot a pretty crane.
A very pretty curly-headed boy with a look of the Christ in the Sistine Madonna was depicted playing at stick and ball.
I'm pretty much out of the picture, at least for the near future.
Everyone brightened at the sight of this pretty young woman, so soon to become a mother, so full of life and health, and carrying her burden so lightly.
It was like walking in water and I almost lost my balance but after a few steps, I could control my motion pretty well.
I think I'm doing pretty damn good, considering I would've been able to kill him if you hadn't shot and run me over, he replied in irritation.
She was pretty sure Damian would find her no matter where she tried to go, but damn them all, she was going home.
I read pretty stories in the book you sent me, about Charles and his boat, and Arthur and his dream, and Rosa and the sheep.
He has big brown eyes and long golden hair and pretty round cheeks.
But Tessa wasn't simply another pretty face.
Yeah, well she probably never took a whip to your father, but there's always a first time, Anyway, I guess she was pretty worked up.
No need to cry on such a pretty day, little one.
And delight of delights; there's a pretty young girl in the game!
But never mind; something will happen pretty soon.
I have eaten food pretty much my whole life.
I wish you could be here to play three little squirrels, and two gentle doves, and to make a pretty nest for a dear little robin.
It was a pretty game, played on the smooth surface of the pond, a man against a loon.
What's going on in that pretty head?
But then, Alex had always been fluent in pretty talk.
The man before her looked pretty human himself, with beautiful brown eyes and a body unlike any she'd seen before.
That type of heartache is rough, but I came to peace with it and was pretty happy with my expulsion, until a few days ago.
Her favorite feature, her eyes, had always been a pretty shade of turquoise.
He won't need to destroy ME, for if I don't get something to eat pretty soon I shall starve to death, and so save him the trouble.
We stick a bunch of seeds in the ground and then treat a thousand acres of corn pretty much as a single unit.
First, the technology can be abused and used irresponsibly, like pretty much every other technology in the world.
She is a very pretty baby.
It's pretty damn late.
She heard what was behind his message, the cunning edge Darkyn didn't try to hide behind pretty words like Wynn did.
The knowledge made her want to scream, knowing she'd spent years blindly letting him talk to her like this and encourage her with pretty words, while he ensured the tumor in her head killed her.
Ginger wasn't as facially pretty as Paulette but her figure—stately and full—and her dress—expensive and tasteful— paled her sister-in-law like a queen visitor at a homeless shelter.
Martha seems to have a pretty good read on Patsy and she's always been candid talking about her.
Caleb screamed and jumped up and bumped his head pretty good.
I might have pulled your leg a time or two, but we've got along pretty good over the years keeping stuff to ourselves.
Ginger Dawkins was sitting on the porch in her pretty blue sweater as if she'd never huffed and puffed her exit a day earlier.
They followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one, nor did any one speak to them.
I know too that the tiny lily-bells are whispering pretty secrets to their companions else they would not look so happy.
If it is too warm in Tuscumbia for little sister to wear her pretty mittens, she can keep them because her sister made them for her.
On the way to Bogucharovo, a princely estate with a dwelling house and farm where they hoped to find many domestic serfs and pretty girls, they questioned Lavrushka about Napoleon and laughed at his stories, and raced one another to try Ilyin's horse.
That was a pretty good indication of interest - or lack thereof.
Anyway, I'm not pretty.
Linda flashed her a strained smile that made her feel welcome for the first time in a week before the pretty brunette gave the blond man, Lon, a hug and kiss.
Sofia smiled and looked at the pretty woman beside her.
Who's the pretty lady?
Jessi, you look so pretty!
So the two went to the dressing-room of the Princess and searched carefully in every corner and among the vases and baskets and ornaments that stood about the pretty boudoir.
It's a pretty hopeless place to take a reader.
Please do not forget to send me some pretty presents to hang on my tree.
It is a very pretty story, and I will tell it to you some time.
I want you to see baby Tom, the little blind and deaf and dumb child who has just come to our pretty garden.
You will be glad to hear that Tommy has a kind lady to teach him, and that he is a pretty, active little fellow.
I have a very pretty little cart now, and if it ever stops raining teacher and I are going to drive every evening.
I send you with this letter a pretty book which my teacher thinks will interest you, and my picture.
I have read "Le Medecin Malgre Lui," a very good French comedy by Moliere, with pleasure; and they say I speak French pretty well now, and German also.
He says that she did pretty well and managed to make, after models, some conventional designs of the outlines of leaves and rosettes.
If she could see and hear, I suppose she would get rid of her superfluous energy in ways which would not, perhaps, tax her brain so much, although I suspect that the ordinary child takes his play pretty seriously.
One day Helen said, "I must buy Nancy a very pretty hat."
It is a pretty dress.
My mamma made my pretty new dress.
Nobody thinks of making a hearing child say, "I have a pretty new dress," at the beginning.
I wonder if you would like to have me tell you a pretty dream which I had a long time ago when I was a very little child?
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things.
Prince Hippolyte stood close to the pretty, pregnant princess, and stared fixedly at her through his eyeglass.
All the pretty women in society will be there.
Suddenly the angry, squirrel-like expression of the princess' pretty face changed into a winning and piteous look of fear.
By the grace of her movements, by the softness and flexibility of her small limbs, and by a certain coyness and reserve of manner, she reminded one of a pretty, half-grown kitten which promises to become a beautiful little cat.
It was not the dress, but the face and whole figure of Princess Mary that was not pretty, but neither Mademoiselle Bourienne nor the little princess felt this; they still thought that if a blue ribbon were placed in the hair, the hair combed up, and the blue scarf arranged lower on the best maroon dress, and so on, all would be well.
And she saw Mademoiselle Bourienne, with her ribbon and pretty face, and her unusually animated look which was fixed on him, but him she could not see, she only saw something large, brilliant, and handsome moving toward her as she entered the room.
When he saw the pretty little Bourienne, Anatole came to the conclusion that he would not find Bald Hills dull either.
Ahead of the rest and nearer to him ran a dark- haired, remarkably slim, pretty girl in a yellow chintz dress, with a white handkerchief on her head from under which loose locks of hair escaped.
She is unusually intelligent, charming... and then she is pretty, uncommonly pretty, and agile--she swims and rides splendidly... and her voice!
She was silent, and not only less pretty than at the ball, but only redeemed from plainness by her look of gentle indifference to everything around.
Pretty, a good voice, young, and in nobody's way if only they leave her in peace.
Natasha turned her pretty little head toward the elegant young officer and smiled at him over her bare shoulder.
He had grown, become rosier, had curly dark hair, and, when merry and laughing, quite unconsciously lifted the upper lip of his pretty little mouth just as the little princess used to do.
He thought not of this pretty child, his son whom he held on his knee, but of himself.
If they regretted having to retreat, it was only because they had to leave billets they had grown accustomed to, or some pretty young Polish lady.
Mary Hendrikhovna was the wife of the regimental doctor, a pretty young German woman he had married in Poland.
The doctors were of use to Natasha because they kissed and rubbed her bump, assuring her that it would soon pass if only the coachman went to the chemist's in the Arbat and got a powder and some pills in a pretty box for a ruble and seventy kopeks, and if she took those powders in boiled water at intervals of precisely two hours, neither more nor less.
She knew for certain that she was pretty, but this no longer gave her satisfaction as it used to.
I'm pretty, I'm young, and I know that now I am good.
She's very pretty, added the adjutant with a smile.
Yes. Isn't it pretty?
He hadn't been accepted as their roommate because he was pretty.
I can't imagine why he didn't tell us his friend was a pretty girl.
She started to call out to him, but a pretty young Indian girl emerged from those same bushes.
Molly O'Malley was a pretty child, easily recognized as Julie's daughter with her long blond hair and beautiful eyes.
That was pretty brave with a knife at you throat.
He was not a pretty boy but a man with rugged, bad-boy beauty and a slow sensuality about his movement that made her heart skip a beat despite her pain.
Han says she's progressing pretty quickly, though since none of us know how to train her, it's hard to tell.
It sounded pretty, like the poof the desert dust made when the first drops of rain fell.
You're a pretty twisted bitch.
In Joe's eyes, the sun rose and set on his eldest daughter Jen, who was a super achiever, pretty as spring, and a delight to be around.
You're doing a pretty good imitation.
I'm pretty sure the prisoners are kept on the same floor as the warriors.
The dress is pretty but I can't imagine having to wear these undies!
Cousin Anna gave me a pretty doll.
Lady made me a pretty cap.
Acting on this hint, not Aristotle but the Peripatetics inferred that all logic is an instrument (6pyavov) of all sciences; and by the time of Andronicus, who was one of them and sometimes called " the eleventh from Aristotle," the order, LogicPhysics-Metaphysics, had become established pretty much as we have it now.
This section during the past century has extended southward along the bay shore in a string of suburbs known as the Cattete and Botafogo, with that of Larangeiras behind the Cattete in a pretty valley of the same name, and thence on or near the Atlantic coast as Largo dos Leoes, Copacabana and Gavea, the last including the Botanical Garden.
That's pretty philosophical for a blonde.
You're a guest of Romas right now, but if he decides to put you on the market, so to speak, pretty much anyone can … um … claim you as a … you know, a bride.
He was about to give an emphatic "no" to her question but then, in an inspirational moment of civic buck-passing, decided that talking to the law might be a pretty damn good idea.
Little gray haired Effie wore a perpetual smile on her pretty face, a tad on the silly side but charming nonetheless, in a bewildered sort of way.
He banged himself up fairly badly—broke a couple of ribs, did something to his knee and leg, whacked his head pretty good and cut up his face.
One bad plague or invading horde would leave pretty much everyone starving.
The story was very pretty and interesting, especially at the point where the rivals suddenly recognized one another; and the ladies looked agitated.
He only saw in her a pretty and fresh young girl, with whom he did not deign to unite his fate.
He wrote letters to his daughters and to Madame de Stael, read novels, liked the society of pretty women, jested with generals, officers, and soldiers, and never contradicted those who tried to prove anything to him.
There is a pretty extensive sushi menu here, which includes some specialty rolls.
I cleaned the skeleton up pretty well.
Billy admitted to being pretty drunk when he found them.
The top three and bottom three seem pretty solid to me.
They're pretty light on their feet for being so big.
Pretty sure you're hiding something important.
Pretty soon it's going to be hot.
She's pretty comfortable around you.
She's pretty distracted now and I need to get her to the hospital.
In fact, it pretty much removes any possibility.
He was always the one with the pretty words.
People change, and right now he's probably feeling pretty vulnerable.
At twenty-six years old, she must've done something pretty bad in a past life to deserve this.
Pretty sure those are both in the um, mortal … world, Deidre said.
You're pretty much all that held me together over the years.
Pretty sure he's the only one among us who was able to out-manipulate her.
Being Immortal, that meant pretty much forever.
Pretty much all of us made the same mistake when we first met you.
You'd have to be pretty mentally tough to go through all this without cracking.
In her mind, dragging a human around seemed like a pretty serious liability.
She wasn't beautiful, but she was pretty enough with a body she plainly took care of.
He didn.t have to ask what Sasha did to her when her pretty blue eyes flared with white rage and then filled with tears.
Pretty sure I do.
He looked up at the sweet voice, his anger melting at the sight of Hannah.s pretty face.
And the people are pretty normal.
That A'Ran guy sounded pretty convincing about kidnapping her.
The heavy, masculine features that made him fierce had rendered his sisters too heavy of face to be pretty.
She had been pretty mouthy with him from a distance.
She was not pretty, but it was obvious, even to Dean's untrained eye, that her attire, hair do, makeup and whole mien did not evolve from the poor side of the tracks.
Things have been pretty normal around here since last June.
She was so pretty in her white dress.
You got a pretty wife.
Oh, I knew he just thought that way because I was his kid, but I figured he was a pretty smart guy himself so he couldn't be all wrong.
Think you're pretty smart, don't you?
The three north-side second floor rooms contained Fred, Gladys Turnbull and a pretty female climber named Penny.
With the ice festival, things are pretty busy.
That's where all the pretty women are.
Finally, in an attempt to change the subject, he asked, You seem to be making pretty good progress deciphering the notebook.
Looks like my Internet business is pretty lucrative, wouldn't you say?
Miss Annie's pretty much spelled it out in black and white in this here journal, even if it was in code.
Donnie had pretty well taken over the project as the chores of Bird Song limited Cynthia's time.
I didn't sleep worth a damn last night, I got rapped in the head pretty good this morning, and I just drove a couple of hundred miles in a blizzard.
If you don't come up with some answers, you're going to find the police at our door, asking you some pretty pointed questions.
Everyone was pretty damn busy wrapping him up to haul him out of there, just trying to keep him alive.
It was snowing pretty heavily about that time.
The place will pretty much empty out by morning.
But I've got to tell you, it looks pretty funny to see this many suits and uniforms in Ouray on the same day.
No, I don't have any information on who killed him, but yes, there's a pretty damn long list.
He banged himself up fairly badly—broke a couple of ribs, did something to his knee and leg, whacked his head pretty good and cut up his face.
The word is he fell a pretty fair distance and bounced a couple of times.
It's just the primary but that's the whole ball of wax 'cause this is pretty much a one party county.
You were a pretty damn good detective back East.
Yeah, and she has a pretty hot thirst for retaliation.
I do pretty good at most stuff and the teacher is nice enough but Janet doesn't like her.
It's pretty tough trying to rent a room with a piece of yellow tape strung across it.
I clean pretty good but I don't want to have to do the 'death' room.
He was pretty pissed at you.
You think you're pretty damn smart, don't you?
Hope she was pretty.
He agreed, since she was pretty enough, and he hadn't turned anyone for decades.
No one would ever be good enough for Sarah in Jackson's eyes, however, as far as boyfriends went, this guy seemed pretty amiable.
If need be, he could influence a pretty shop owner and take her in the back room.
Maybe Sarah told him she would protect him, but still it was pretty ballsy.
This one wasn't just pretty; she was downright gorgeous and carried herself with a sartorial elegance.
Okay, I guess, it's still pretty weird though.
That's a nasty word coming out of that pretty mouth.
Huh... you seem to know him pretty well, why is that?
I have seen her through some pretty nasty heartache, but honestly, I'm not confident she could survive losing you, and now she won't have to.
I'm pretty grossed out by the whole thing myself.
He grinned innocently thinking, Things are going to get back to normal here pretty quickly.
Yeah, it's going pretty quick.
Pretty old, I have to be going now.
I've been pretty busy.
I've got enough to do on this farm without looking after a pretty boy.
Maybe Alex was no pretty boy, but he was certainly accustomed to more lavish surroundings.
Pretty words and fancy manners don't mean anything.
Some pretty dandy comes along and right away you drop me like a...
Only the country wasn't near as pretty.
I thought three days was being a pretty bold.
We're going to have to take a ride pretty soon.
She had this pretty little filly with her, and I didn't have the heart to separate them.
I'm pretty sure this network is monitored.
Even the regular military's special forces teams were not as well equipped as the pretty, frowning woman before them.
That's dangerous for someone as pretty as you.
But the kids were pretty messed up.
I'm pretty sure these jets aren't here for anyone else.
Pretty torn up, but stable.
What kind of father treats his daughter as a servant her entire life and lies to her about pretty much everything?
Hannah's pretty eyes grew dark. Kris kissed her on the forehead, not wanting his mate to worry, even if he didn't know what would happen once he and Kiki left for the underworld.
Her words about Gabe were troubling, and he couldn't determine if she was purposely vague or really didn't know; her pretty face was puzzled, and he frowned.
One even told me I was too pretty to be there.
You won't fight me, pretty girl.
Then you wouldn't be so pretty, but I'd get in trouble.
The whole team was pretty sharp, but he was far and away the standout.
It's pretty hectic around here, she said, motioning toward the phone.
I keep pretty good tabs on my boys.
That is pretty funny.
I don't mean to be harsh, but we'll have to replace him pretty damn soon and we've only got so much budget.
Maybe they'd question it less if he'd stop trying to pick up pretty men at gay bars.
If an airplane crashes in the middle of the ocean and someone is listed as a passenger on it, it's pretty simple, even if there's never a body.
Pretty good, I'd say.
It's pretty well wrapped up anyway, isn't it?
That's pretty much the picture the local office gave me.
This is really pretty routine.
She was a pretty girl, but not in a way that would attract much attention.
Cece Baldwin rose to leave and smiled a sad but pretty smile.
It's getting pretty crowded out there.
Poor kid, she's pretty shook.
Let me tell you, it was pretty gross.
They searched the living room pretty good.
Pat is a pretty androgynous name.
I'll tell Harrigan to stop the investigation but Arthur's actions are pretty strange.
Mom was pretty upset about something—something that came in the mail yesterday.
Some unfriendly lowlife put a bullet in each of his pretty blue eyes.
His finances were not a pretty sight.
You weren't there when them thugs followed me in Scranton and I made out pretty good, I'd say.
They're taking pretty good care of us senior volunteers.
Aside from the anticipation of locating Jeffrey Byrne and the uncertainty surrounding it, Dean felt pretty damn good.
Hi. I was pretty sure this was your tent.
Another added, You picked a pretty good spot to land, too.
That's pretty farfetched, isn't it?
The two of you are pretty good for a couple of kitchen table detectives.
No one said it was pretty but it's a war.
It might be a while before I round him up but you look pretty comfy.
You're doing pretty good, but you're still just guessing.
He'd have to have been pretty naive.
There were some pretty strong reasons for you to think of the possibility he might have skipped.
Was that it – pretty words and gentlemanly deeds?
That must have cost you a pretty penny.
I heard he was pretty tough to work for.
Pretty words again - and yet, considering his history with women, maybe they were more than mere words.
That was pretty straight forward.
He'll be along pretty soon.
Give him time to go home and get pretty.
Heidi and Pretty Boy - who would have guessed?
Mom always said to be careful of a man who was full of pretty words – but then, she probably never met a man like Alex.
He'll probably be pretty early.
They're pretty much acclimated now.
You were hemorrhaging pretty badly and evidently it had gone on for a long time before your husband found you.
She was pretty — like you.
If anything, anyone with more than one life seemed pretty well cursed.
The ruder branches of the artthe making of tiles and common waresare pretty generally diffused.
From the archaic style in which these mythological tales are usually composed, as well as from the fact that not a few of them are found in Brahmanas of different schools and Vedas, though often with considerable variations, it seems pretty evident that the groundwork of them must go back to times preceding the composition or final redaction of the existing Brahmanas.
The pretty wood at Winschoten was laid out by the Society for Public Welfare (Tot Nut van het Algemeen) in 1826.
This was accompanied in Europe by a drastic weeding out of Miocene types, ultimately leaving the flora pretty much as it now exists.
On the other hand, neither sex of the latter at any age puts off its striped garb - the mark, it may be pretty safely asserted, of an inferior stage of development.
But that they are the same is proved by the use of the French word gentilhomme, a word which has pretty well passed out of modern use, but which, as long as it remained in use, never lost its true meaning.
In the neighbourhood of the town are the villages of Ginneken and Prinsenhage, situated in the midst of pretty pine woods.
One thing, however, is pretty certain, and that is that the enormous dates B.C. assigned to it by de Morgan and Pumpelly cannot be accepted.
This very pretty breed has no connexion with the mountains from which it takes its name, but is a variety produced by careful breeding and selection.
The residential château of the princes of Lippe-Detmold (1550), in the Renaissance style, is an imposing building, lying with its pretty gardens nearly in the centre of the town; whilst at the entrance to the large park on the south is the New Palace (1708-1718), enlarged in 1850, used as the dower-house.
There is a pretty chapel called the " Rotunda," erected in 1852 at the lower end of the prado by President Belzu, on the spot where an attempt had been made to assassinate him.
More intimate relations with western Europe and a pretty general study of the French language and literature, together with the steady progress of the reforming tendency fairly started under Mahmud II., resulted in the birth of the new or modern school, whose objects are truth and simplicity.
Judging from the title of her book Dix annees d'exil, it should be put at 1804; judging from the time at which it became pretty clear that the first man in France and she who wished to be the first woman in France were not likely to get on together, it might be put several years earlier.
According to his views this nation, very numerous at that epoch - which preceded the Iron-Period civilization of the Turco-Tatars, - were pretty well acquainted with mining; the remains of their mines, sometimes 50 ft.
It is pretty widely diffused throughout the earth's crust.
This is doubtless the explanation of a " pretty optical phenomenon, seen in Switzerland, when the sun rises from behind distant trees standing on the summit of a mountain."
His works bear the title "operas" because, though written mainly in prose, they contain songs which Silva introduced in imitation of the true operas which then held the fancy of the public. He was also a lyric poet of real merit, combining correctness of form with a pretty inspiration and real feeling.
Uranium is a white malleable metal, which is pretty hard, though softer than steel.
It appears to be pretty certain that, at the beginning, he did not want absolutism.
For the later stages of the history of the Psalter we have, as we have seen, a fair amount of evidence pointing to conclusions of a pretty definite kind.
The metal is pretty soft and easily flattened out under the hammer, but almost devoid of tenacity.
Close to the banks of the Gwaun is the pretty estate of Glyn-y-mel, for many years the residence of Richard Fenton (1746-1821), the celebrated antiquary and historian of Pembrokeshire.
Terence's earliest play was the Andria, exhibited in 166 B.C. A pretty, but perhaps apocryphal, story is told of his having read the play, before its exhibition, to Caecilius (who, after the death of Plautus, ranked as the foremost comic poet), and of the generous admiration of it manifested by Caecilius.
The origin of the corpuscles, previously a matter of so much difference of opinion, is now pretty fairly set at rest, and has proved the key to the interpretation of the pathology of many diseases of the blood, such as the different forms of anaemia, of leucocythaemia, &c.
He introduced a system which, so far as we know, was his own, though founded upon the Epicurean philosophical creed; on the practical side it conformed pretty closely to the Stoic rule of life, thus adapting itself to the leanings of the better stamp of Romans in the later times of the republic. According to Asclepiades all diseases depended upon alterations in the size, number, arrangement or movement of the "atoms," of which, according to the doctrine of Epicurus, the body consisted.
The teachings of the Salernitan doctors are pretty well known.
She pretty certainly was the chief cause of his early introduction to good society, the abbe de Chateauneuf (his sponsor in more ways than one) having been her friend.
As liquidity might be looked upon as the ne plus ultra of softness, this is the right place for stating that, while most metals, when heated up to their melting points, pass pretty abruptly from the solid to the liquid state, platinum and iron first assume, and throughout a long range of temperatures retain, a condition of viscous semi-solidity which enables two pieces of them to be "welded" together by pressure into one continuous mass.
Silicon, so far as we know, behaves to metals pretty much like carbon, but our knowledge of facts is limited.
The metals grouped together above, under 1 and 2, act on steam pretty much as they do on liquid water.
Friar Odoric was despatched to the East, where a remarkable extension of missionary action was then taking place, about 1316-1318, and did not return till the end of 1329 or beginning of 1330; but, as regards intermediate dates, all that we can deduce from his narrative or other evidence is that he was in western India soon after 1321 (pretty certainly in 1322) and that he spent three years in China between the opening of 1323 and the close of 1328.
Titanium, although pretty widely diffused throughout the mineral kingdom, is not found in abundance.
The rainfall in the first geographical division is pretty constant, and may reach a yearly average of about 22 in.
Among the first wild shrubs and trees that are met with are the chilca (Baccharis Feuillei), with a pretty yellow flower, the Mutisia acuminata, with beautiful red and orange flowers, several species of Senecio, calceolarias, the Schinus molle, with its graceful branches and bunches of red berries, and at higher elevations the lambras (Alnus acuminata), the sauco (Sambucus peruviana), the quenuar (Buddleia incana), and the Polylepis racemosa.
Many pretty little finches fly about the maize-fields and fruit-gardens, and a little green parakeet is met with as l;.igh as 12,000 ft.
As the meteors have been numerously visible in five or six successive years it follows they must be pretty densely distributed along a considerable arc of their orbit.
Archaster typicus has a pretty wide distribution over the Indian Ocean; other Asteridae of Japan, on the other hand, appear to be confined to its shores.
This is at once connected with the nebular hypothesis, and subsequently deduced "from the ultimate law of the" persistence of force,"and finally supplemented by a counter-process of dissolution, all of which appears to Spencer only as" the addition of Von Baer's law to a number of ideas that were in harmony with it."It is clear, however, that Spencer's ideas as to the nature of evolution were already pretty definite when Darwin's Origin of Species (1859) revolutionized the subject of organic evolution by adding natural selection to the direct adaptation by use and disuse, and so suggesting an intelligible method of producing modifications in the forms of life.
The city stands on the banks of the river Sumida, which, although pretty wide, is unnavigable by vessels of large tonnage owing to its shallowness.
The principal articles of trade are oil and soap, and there is a pretty extensive manufacture of leather.
The spines are variously coloured, white and yellow tints predominating, and from the symmetrical arrangement of the areolae or tufts of spines they are very pretty objects, and are hence frequently kept in drawing-room plant cases.
The result of the contest was never in doubt, however, for the geological evidence, once it had been gathered, was unequivocal; and by about the middle of the century it was pretty generally admitted that the age of the earth must be measured by an utterly different standard from that hitherto in vogue.
The acute interest which they excited when George Smith deciphered their contents in 1872 has to some extent abated, but this is only because scholars are now pretty generally agreed as to their bearing on the corresponding parts of Genesis.
The trade-wind regions correspond pretty closely with westward-flowing currents, while in the equatorial calm belts there are eastward-running countercurrents, these lying north of the equator in the Atlantic and Pacific, but south of the equator in the Indian Ocean.
Coal is pretty widely distributed in Spain, and occurs in several districts in the Balkan peninsula.
Every one who has visited India is familiar with the pretty little striped palm-squirrel, which is to a considerable extent a partially domesticated animal, or, rather, an animal which has taken to quarter itself in the immediate neighbourhood of human habitations.
Among other educational institutions are a conservatory of music, school of fine arts, normal school, a national library with upwards of 260,000 volumes and a large number of manuscripts, maps, medals and coins, the national observatory on Castle Hill, the national museum now domiciled in the Sao Christovao palace in the midst of a pretty park, a zoological garden in the suburb of Villa Isabel, and the famous Botanical Garden founded by Dom Joao VI.
Thus weighting, which was until recently thought to apply only to black silks, and from which coloured silks were comparatively free, is now cheapening and deteriorating the latter in pretty much the same ratio as the former.
If we find a body containing the 740 absorption and a band with the most refrangible edge commencing at 892, or with the least refrangible edge terminating at 920, we may be pretty sure that we have an ethyl radical present.
During the regency of his half-sister Sophia (1682-1689) he occupied the subordinate position of junior tsar, and after the revolution of 1689 Peter was still left pretty much to himself.
There is a good deal of pretty scenery along this river, as, for instance, at Ciergnon, but the most striking part of the valley is contained in the last 12 m.
And such bodies placed under the command of a sovereign or grand master, regulated by statutes, and enriched by ecclesiastical endowments would have been precisely what in after times such orders as the Garter in England, the Golden Fleece in Burgundy, the Annunziata in Savoy and the St Michael and Holy Ghost in France actually were.4 During the 14th and 15th centuries, as well as somewhat earlier and later, the general arrangements of a European army were always and everywhere pretty much the same.5 Under the sovereign the constable and the marshal g or marshals held the chief commands, their authority being partly joint and partly several.
But in neither case is reference made to them in such a manner as to suggest that the dignity was then regarded as new or even uncommon, and it seems pretty certain that its existence on one side could not have long preceded its existence on the other side of the Channel.
Continuous with the Calea Victories, on the north, is the Kisilev Park, traversed by the Chausee, a favourite drive, leading to the pretty Baneasa race-course, where spring and autumn meetings are held.
Besides the blue and purple of the spectrum he was able to recognize only one colour, yellow, or, as he says in his paper, "that part of the image which others call red appears to me little more than a shade or defect of light; after that the orange, yellow and green seem one colour which descends pretty uniformly from an intense to a rare yellow, making what I should call different shades of yellow."
This important congregation has been described as corresponding pretty much in the Catholic Church to the colonial office in the British empire, and its head, the " Prefect of Propaganda," to the secretary of state for the colonies.
From Sheffield Lodge, twelve years later, she applied to the archbishop of Glasgow and the cardinal of Guise for some pretty little dogs, to be sent her in baskets very warmly packed, - "for besides reading and working, I take pleasure only in all the little animals that I can get."
Pretty dwarf tufted plants, with needle-shaped leaves, adapted for rockwork.
Pretty boraginaceous herbs, easily grown.
C. bracteata, 9 in., has sulphur-coloured flowers in April, and C. nobilis, i ft., rich yellow, in May; C. solida, with purplish, and C. tuberosa, with white flowers, are pretty springflowering plants, 4 to 6 in.
Pretty plants, growing about I ft.
The Snowdrop. Early spring-flowering amaryllidaceous bulbs, with pretty drooping flowers, snow-white, having the tips of the enclosed petals green.
Pretty composites with the flower-heads collected into spikes.
Pretty caryophyllaceous plants, preferring sandy loam, and well adapted for rockwork.
Pretty dwarf iridaceous plants, thriving in peaty soil.
Pretty rock plants, growing freely in ordinary soil.
On the west of the city a pretty road planted with trees and grass plots leads from the Zoological Gardens (1857), on the north to the small park overlooking the river.
Thyme and the small white dune-rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia) also grow in the dunes, and wall-pepper (Sedum acre), field fever-wort, reindeer moss, common asparagus, sheep's fescue grass, the pretty Solomon-seal (Polygonatum officinale), and the broadleaved or marsh orchis (Orchis latifolia).
The pretty elaborate appliances, tongs or their equivalent, which would be needed to enable him to hold it conveniently while hot, could hardly have been devised till a very much later period; but then he may have been content to forge it inconveniently, because the great ease with which it mashes out when hot, perhaps pushed with a stout stick from the fire to a neighbouring flat stone, would compensate for much inconvenience.
These two diagrams naturally have much the same general shape, but though the boundaries of the several regions in the iron-cementite diagram are known pretty accurately, and though the relative positions of the boundaries of the two diagrams are probably about as here shown, the exact topography of the iron-graphite diagram is not yet known.
The city faces upon a curve in the river bank forming what is called the Bay of Asuncion, and is built on a low sandy plain, rising to pretty hillsides overlooking the bay and the low, wooded country of the Chaco on the opposite shore.'
The rock wallabies are soft and woolly and often of a pretty bluish tone, and make moderately useful carriage rugs and perambulator aprons.
It is of a very pretty silvery-blue shade of even wool with very little silky top hair, having silvery-white sides and altogether a very marked effect.
Their fur is pretty, warm and as yet inexpensive, and is useful for rugs, coat linings, stoles, muffs, trimmings and perambulator aprons.
The Amur skins are paler, but often of a pretty bluish stony tone with many frequently interspersed silvery hairs.
These pretty animals have a long, very fine, silky and curly fleece of a creamy white.
A small number of very pretty guanaco and vicuna carriage rugs are imported into Europe, and many come through travellers and private sources, but generally they are so badly dressed that they are quite brittle upon the leather side.
From it some pretty gardens and promenades (Kaiserin Augusta Anlagen) stretch along the bank of the Rhine, and in them is a memorial to the poet Max von Schenkendorf.
Dar Nuba is well-watered, the scenery is diversified and pretty, affording a welcome contrast to that of the rest of the country.
It is also pretty certain that the anti-Swedish alliance was Russia's price for compounding the Gottorp difficulty.
More than this, the Caspian was also, it is pretty certain, at the same epoch, and later, in direct communication with the Sea of Azov, no doubt by way of the Manych depression; for in the limans or lagoons of the Black Sea many faunal species exist which are not only identical with species that are found in the Caspian, but also many which, though not exactly identical, are closely allied.
Nevertheless he has a distinguished place in the story of precocious children, and in the much more limited chapter of children whose precocity has been followed by great performance at maturity, though he never became what is called a learned man, perhaps did not know Greek, and was pretty certainly indebted for most of his miscellaneous reading to Montaigne.
On her monument at Bromley he placed an inscription extolling the charms of her person and of her manners; and when, long after her decease, he had occasion to mention her, he exclaimed with a tenderness half ludicrous, half pathetic, "Pretty creature !"
The crest of the Vosges is pretty high and unbroken, the first convenient pass being near Zabern, which is followed by the railway from Strassburg to Paris.
If under these conditions the sound was really due to the aurora, the latter, as Captain Dawson himself remarks, must have been pretty close.
The cyclamen poppy (Eomecon chionantha) is a pretty Chinese perennial, having roundish slightly lobed leaves and pure white flowers about 2 in.
The Californian poppy (Platystemon californicus) is a pretty annual about a foot high, having yellow flowers with 3 sepals and 6 petals; and the white bush poppy (Romneya Coulteri) is a very attractive perennial and semishrubby plant 2-8 ft.
That even long portions of the Koran existed in written form from an early date may be pretty safely inferred from various indications; especially from the fact that in Mecca the Prophet had caused insertions to be made, and pieces to be erased in his previous revelations.
In Mahomet's case this is the less wonderful because he was indebted to the instruction of Jews and Christians, whose Arabic - as the Koran pretty clearly intimates with regard to one of them - was very defective.
The Medina pieces, whether entire suras or isolated passages interpolated in Meccan suras, are accordingly pretty broadly distinct, as to their contents, from those issued in Mecca.
It can still be pretty clearly shown in detail that these four codices deviated from one another in points of orthography, in the insertion or omission of a wa (" and ") and such-like minutiae; but these variations nowhere affect the sense.
We can follow pretty plainly the stages of the progress from a limited to an absolute monarchy.
The first houses of Biickeburg began to gather round the castle about 1365; and it was not till the 17th century that the town was surrounded with walls, which have given place to a ring of pretty promenades.
Carbonate of soda solution dissolves it pretty freely.
Returning from Spain, James married Maria Clementina Sobieska, daughter of Prince James Sobieski, a pretty bride whom Charles Wogan rescued from durance in Innsbruck, an adventure of romantic gallantry.
There is no direct evidence that this was practised in the worship of Cybele, but analogy and indirect arguments make it pretty certain.
Among its notable public buildings and institutions are the old government palace in Santo Antonio built upon the foundations of the official residence of Prince Maurice of Nassau, with a pretty garden attached; a theatre facing upon the Praga da Republica, dating from the second empire; the palace of the Provincial Assembly in Boa Vista, built in 1860-66, surmounted by a high dome; the municipal palace, or prefecture, on Rua do Imperador, with the public library (Biblioteca Publica) occupying its third floor and containing about 30,000 volumes; the Gymnasium, a large plain building of two floors standing near the legislative palace; the Pedro II.
The dried or " finished " soda-ash is ground to a pretty fine powder and is packed into wooden casks or " tierces," holding from io to about 20 cwt.
On the right bank of the river lies the Kursaal with pretty gardens.
Berber women are intelligent and hard-working, and, when young, very pretty and graceful.
A branch of the Bombay current blows pretty steadily through Rajputana to the Punjab, carrying some rain to the latter province.
Up to this time the revenue had been collected pretty much according to the old Mogul system.
Thomas Digges, in his Stratioticus, p. 359, published in 1579, states that his father, Leonard Digges, "among other curious practices had a method of discovering by perspective glasses set at due angles all objects pretty far distant that the sun shone upon, which lay in the country round about," and that this was by the help of a manuscript book of Roger Bacon of Oxford, who he conceived was the only man besides his father who knew it.
A pretty, delicate-featured child - "cheerful, merry, full of fun and mischief," as her elder sister described her - fond of gymnastics, a good skater and an excellent horsewoman, she was a general favourite from her earliest days.
And in several cities of the Languedoc, each of the two classes composing the population retained its separate laws and customs. It is matter of dispute whether vestiges of Roman institutions had survived in these parts down to the time when the new constitutions sprang into being; but all investigators are pretty well agreed that in no case did such remnants prove of any practical importance.
An elegant portal leads from the church into the small cloister, which has a pretty garden in the centre; the terra-cotta ornaments surmounting the slender marble pillars are the work of Rinaldo de Stauris (1463-1478), who executed similar decorations in the great cloister.
The Kremlin is adorned with a square, containing a monument to Minin and Pozharsky erected in 1826, and pretty boulevards have been laid out along its lower wall.
They are exceedingly pretty little monkeys.
It does not follow that a wine which shows a pretty bouquet in the primary stages will turn out well.
The latter feeling ultimately triumphed; he condescended to accept in the dying days of Grenville's cabinet, and to retain through the "lutestring" administration of Lord Rockingham - "pretty summer wear," as Townshend styled it, "but it will never stand the winter" - the highly paid position of paymaster-general, refusing to identify himself more closely with its fortunes as chancellor of the exchequer.
Here are the Alice hospital and the pretty Russian church, built (1898-1899) by the emperor Nicholas II.
It is adorned with several pretty gardens with a luxuriant southern vegetation.
Spinoza must, therefore, have unbosomed himself pretty freely to his visitor on the main points of his system.
The small river Bain, joining the Ure near Askrigg, forms a pretty lake called Semerer or Semmer Water, 4 m.
It is an old-fashioned town with a pronounced Dutch aspect, and has pretty gardens and promenades.
Khalifat on the east of Quetta, flanking the Harnai loop of the Sind-Pishin railway; Takatu to the north; Chahiltan (Chiltan) on the south-west; and the great squareheaded Murdar to the south - all overlook the pretty cantonment from heights which range from 10,500 to 11,500 ft.
The verses of Diniz, essentially a love poet, are conventional in tone and form, but he can write pretty ballads and pastorals when he allows himself to be natural.
That bacteria have existed from very early periods is clear from their presence in fossils; and although we cannot accept all the conclusions drawn from the imperfect records of the rocks, and may dismiss as absurd the statements that geologically immured forms have been found still living, the researches of Renault and van Tieghem have shown pretty clearly that large numbers of bacteria existed in Carboniferous and Devonian times, and probably earlier.
In the Monbijou Park, on the north bank of the Spree, is the pretty English church of St George.
They are always written in the author's highest style, a style perfectly eloquent and unaffected; they can only be interpreted (on the free-thinking hypothesis) as allegorical with the greatest difficulty and obscurity, and it is pretty certain that no one reading the book without a thesis to prove would dream of taking them in a non-natural sense.
Another peculiarity, more fatal to him in that aristocratic age than any other, was his fondness for the common people, which was increased by his passion for a pretty Dutch girl, named Dyveke, who became his mistress in 1507 or 1509.
The short land-frontier of England with Scotland (its length is only loo m.) is in great measure a physical boundary, as considerable lengths of it are formed on the east side by the river Tweed, and on the west by Kershope Burn, Liddel Water, and the river Sark; while for the rest it follows pretty closely the summit of the Cheviot Hills, whose highest point is the Cheviot (2676 ft.).
Housing.-The total area of England and Wales covered by urban districts (a term which coincides pretty nearly with that of towns, which bears no technical meaning in England) was 3,848,987 acres, and contained a population of 25,058,355 in 1901, the increase in the decade 1891-1901 being 15.2%.
The whole district is pretty thickly populated, and there is great abundance of wood, as well as of iron, vitriol, sulphur, copper, lead and many kinds of marble.
Although the temperature remains pretty steadily below the freezing point for at least three months of the year, many of the harbours remain unobstructed; for the tides and the prevailing off-shore winds break up and drive off the ice.
Ancient, but now extinct, volcanic upheavals are pretty common at the intersections of the main range with the transverse ranges; of these the most noteworthy are Elbruz and Kasbek.
It is the author's conception of the nature of the gospel which mainly gives us pause in following this pretty general disposition of modern scholarship. With all the phenomena of vocabulary and style which seem to justify such conceptions as von Soden's that c. iii.
This loyal attitude, no doubt, was one of the reasons, and his strong Tariff Reform programme was another, which recommended him to his party as Mr. Balfour's successor in the leadership when the claims of Mr. Austen Chamberlain and Mr. (afterwards Lord) Long appeared to divide the Unionists pretty evenly.
The town is essentially a residence suburb of the capital, and has some rather pretty streets and squares and some old and interesting churches (including Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion, 1714 - 1721).
The medieval-looking group of government buildings situated in the Binnenhof (or "inner court"), their backs reflected in the pretty sheet of water called the Vyver, represent both historically and topographically the centre of the Hague.
Farther into the wood are some pretty little lakes, and the famous royal villa called the Huis ten Bosch, or "house in the wood."
On the coast is the pretty village of Aberlady on a fine bay, and in the neighbourhood are some of the finest golf links in Scotland, such as Luffness, Gullane, Archerfield and Muirfield.
Their statement, however, that it is "pretty clear" that the cope is derived from the Roman lacerna or birrus is very much open to criticism.
Yet for seventeen years, with very brief intervals, he controlled the destinies of Sweden, and his influence in France was for some time pretty considerable.
On the other hand, a theology which is mainly sacramental is overtaken pretty soon by dumbness.
Hopkinson's principal writings are The Pretty Story (1774), A Prophecy (1776) and The Political Catechism (1777).
Aylmer Papillon was the title of it, Dr Smiles informs us; and he prints a letter from Disraeli to the John Murray of that day, which indicates its character pretty clearly.
Its followers were still a minority in the House of Commons; an angry Reform agitation was going on; an ingenious resolution founded on the demand for an enlarged franchise serviceable to Liberals might extinguish the new government almost immediately; and it is pretty evident that the Tory leaders took office meaning to seek a cure for this desperate weakness by wholesale extension of the suffrage.
They were quite sure they had attained a certain ' gnosis ' - had more or less successfully solved the problem of existence; while I was quite sure that I had not, and had a pretty strong conviction that the problem was insoluble.
Willows are also pretty general, the highest in growth being Salix phyllicifolia, 7 to to ft.
There was no discovery here, for the whole Canarian archipelago was now pretty well known to French and Spanish mariners, especially since the conquest of 1402-06 by French adventurers under Castilian overlordship; but in 1418 Henry's captain, Joao Goncalvez Zarco rediscovered Porto Santo, and in 1420 Madeira, the chief members of an island group which had originally been discovered (probably by Genoese pioneers) before 1351 or perhaps even before 1339, but had rather faded from Christian knowledge since.
Flowerdale, an 18th-century house in the pretty little glen of the same name, lying close to the village, is the chief seat of the Gairloch branch of the clan Mackenzie.
The northern hare (Lepus alpinus) is pretty abundant in Stromo and Osterd, having been introduced into the islands about 1840-1850.
It has an Evangelical church, a modern château of the princes of Stolberg, with pretty grounds, and a high grade school, and manufactures metal wares, machines and iron screws and bolts.
In that year the wheat area, excluding less than 5000 acres in Connaught, was pretty equally divided between the other three provinces.
Thus in 1851 the number of cattle was returned as 2,967,461 and in 1905 as 4,645,215, the increase during the intervening period having been pretty gradual and general.
Of the total amount advanced up to March 31, 1906, almost one-half was in respect of estates in the province of Leinster, the balance being divided pretty equally between estates in the other three provinces.
But the friars, though pretty generally turned out of doors, were themselves beyond Henry's power, and continued to preach everywhere among the people.
Austria possesses a fairly great number of rivers, pretty equally distributed amongst its crown lands, with the exception of Istria and the Karst region, where there is a great scarcity of even the smallest rivers.
Till it leaves the country at Hainburg, just before Pressburg, its banks are pretty closely hemmed by the Alps, and the river passes through a succession of narrow defiles.
They are pretty little animals, varying from the size of a small cat to less than that of a rat, with large eyes and ears, soft woolly fur and long tails.
But in grotesque and savage points of faith the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Vedic Indians ran even the Aztecs pretty close.
Among the mammals that fall under this head are the common genet (Genetta vulgaris), which extends, however, pretty far north, and is found also in the south of France, the fallowdeer, the porcupine (very rare), and a species of ichneumon (Herpestes Widdr-ingtonii), which is confined to the Peninsula, and is the only European species of this African genus.
The river Segura, which falls into the Mediterranean in the neighborhood of Orihuela, a little to the north of Murcia, is as nearly as possible the southern boundary of the Catalan domain; westward the boundary coincides pretty exactly with the political frontier, the provinces of New Castile and Aragon not being at all encroached on.
This system is also notable among Nebraska streams for a number of pretty water-falls.
They lie grouped round a pretty park which also furnishes the visitors with facilities for various recreations, such as lawn tennis, croquet, polo and other games.
Snakes are pretty plentiful in scrubs; the lizards are harmless.
But he received no reply at that time, as John, feeling pretty secure on the Egyptian frontier after his two successful actions against the khedive's troops, had gone southwards to fight with Menelek, king of Shoa.
There is a garden round the Phayre Museum, managed by the Agri-Horticultural Society, and an extremely pretty and wellkept garden in the cantonments under the pagoda.
Wild-buffaloes, swine and goats are pretty common; and most of the usual domestic animals are kept.
Señor Medena met them at the airport, a pretty dark haired girl at his side.
Your experience with Destiny and me must have been pretty impressive.
They're pretty fond of you.
He's always telling me how pretty I am.
I mean, a pretty young girl living alone with an eccentric bachelor - and what about Russ?
It sounded pretty rational to me, I thought as we all clapped.
It sounds pretty benign, Howie.
Beyond that, I'm pretty sure none of us, you included, possess the vaguest idea what or how it happened or if will it happen again.
I've tried to calculate the effect of each setting and I have the different adjustments down pretty well.
We did acquire a blurry video image and a pretty good visual descripting of the perp.
It was a short but pretty journey with beautiful scenery and lake side vistas.
I think his car was pretty expensive.
Normally, she felt privileged that he still gave her the time of day, what with the way he'd turned out—formed like a Greek god with hazel eyes so pretty their boss swooned every time she spoke to him.
He's not someone who bows to others, and a blood-bond is pretty serious, considering you were already mates.
Ginger wasn't as facially pretty as Paulette but her figure—stately and full—and her dress—expensive and tasteful— paled her sister-in-law like a queen visitor at a homeless shelter.
It's all pretty complicated, but bottom line—yes to the litigation question, no to the serial killer.
I understand from Dawkins' son his old man was paying Josh pretty well to be his mine manager—up until August of 1961 when Josh disappeared.
While the pretty young thing was only slightly more linguistically proficient than Maria, her enthusiasm equaled the older woman's and the town was duly blanketed with election literature.
I had him tied up pretty good—with the tape recording and all.
Pretty sure those are both in the um, mortal … world, Deidre said.
It's pretty easy to navigate after a few decades of trying.
When one had the kind of wealth the vampires did, there was always need for a lawyer, and having to constantly dodge questions about how one amassed a fortune at such a young age could be pretty tough.
You know for such a heartless bastard, you're pretty smart sometimes.
He pursed his lips and tsked, "Nah, I think I was pretty much a pompous ass as a human too."
Pretty piss poor vampire if you ask me.
Rhyn glanced from the rolling teal waves to his mate. Her words about Gabe were troubling, and he couldn't determine if she was purposely vague or really didn't know. Her pretty face was puzzled, and he frowned. She was beyond tired. Whatever was happening to her in the underworld, it wasn't good. Anger filled him. As much as he wanted to stay in the dream world in case it really was the last time he saw her, he couldn't help her while stuck in the dream.
While that intuition was far from foolproof, it was pretty damn good.
They're pretty anxious to put this thing to bed, Anderson stated.
Mom was pretty upset about something—something that came in the mail yesterday.
Was that it – pretty words and gentlemanly deeds?
Mom always said to be careful of a man who was full of pretty words – but then, she probably never met a man like Alex.
She was pretty — like you.
I like when men tell me I am pretty – but I want to believe it.
Felipa was so much help, and they thought alike – pretty much.
It's pretty much untouched right now – and unfenced.
Right now they were frightened and lost – which was pretty much the way she felt.
It was pretty tough on him – and so was I.
Guns and knives were worthless, and he was pretty certain he could wrestle her down, if she tried any sort of hand-to-hand combat.
No. There are five of us who are pretty much … untouchable.
John seemed pretty adamant he wasn't in love with her, proclaiming it loudly to anyone who would listen.
Not everything works; for example, "Rock Star" is a pretty banal song.
All in all, it can get pretty hectic around here.
A pretty much definitive portrait of a late and greatly lamented genius, this set complements perfectly the new live performance CD.
The rest were pretty abysmal, in no way playing to the form they usually exhibit for their clubs.
Doing formation aerobatics with two different aircraft types must be pretty difficult.
It really looked and sounded sorta pretty, like a fighter jet on full afterburner.
My own face might have been pretty cheery with the splendid sea bass, fennel and cherry tomatoes served with saffron aioli £ 10.90.