Prettily Sentence Examples
Is of the nature of a leopard and prettily marked with stripes and oblong spots.
There is a prettily variegated garden form of the first named.
There are also a museum, a theatre, and a prettily arranged municipal park.
Meanwhile the rest of the work (except in the prettily scored " Spinning Song," and other harmless and vigorous tunes) has more affinity with Wagner's mature style than the bulk of its much more ambitious successors, Tannhauser and Lohengrin.
The city, which is a square, is prettily situated on ground rising from the river Wei, and includes within its limits the two district cities of Chang-gan and Hien-ning.
Arnhem is a gay and fashionable town prettily situated at the foot of the Veluwe hills, and enjoys a special reputation for beauty on account of its wooded and hilly surroundings, which have attracted many wealthy people to its neighbourhood.
Lady Caroline herself was described as slender, graceful, with short clipped flaxen curls with a soft prettily affected voice.
It is encircled by a wall measuring upwards of a mile in circumference, and is prettily planted with trees, on one of which the last emperor of the Ming dynasty (1644), finding escape from the Manchu invaders impossible, hanged himself.
In response to questions she points out prettily her nose, mouth, eye, chin, cheek, ear.
The fronds are held very erect upon hairy stems, are soft in texture, and dry prettily in the autumn, when the tiny glands on the under surface give out a pleasing fragrance to which the plant owes its name of the Hay-scented Fern.
AdvertisementIt is prettily situated at the base of one of the Tifata hills, the towers of its medieval castle and the church of San Michele crowning the heights above.
The young are prettily spotted with white and black ocelli, but the coloration of the adult is mostly very plain.
But all he said was so prettily sedate, and the naivete of his youthful egotism was so obvious, that he disarmed his hearers.
Among other kinds are A. dentata, a quick grower; and A. serrata, with prettily serrated leaves, and umbels of yellow blossoms.
Iberis Jucunda - Distinct, growing about 2 1/2 inches high, the leaves small, the flowers in small clusters, flesh color, prettily veined with rose in early summer.
AdvertisementCoriaria Rustifolia - a tall shrubby climber of 10 to 20 feet, with square stems and slender arching shoots, covered with fresh green foliage and sprays of tiny green flowers drooping prettily from the leaf-axils.
The leaves are thick, leathery, and narrowly-oblong in shape, and in one kind prettily variegated.
It thrives in ordinary loam, and flowers very prettily in spring, like a large Almond.
The flowers of the Schizocodon are like those of a large Soldanella, prettily fringed, deep rose in the centre, passing into blush or almost white towards the edges.
L. hispida is pretty, growing about 18 inches high, with deeply-cut foliage and short stinging hairs, the flowers 1 inch across, of a bright lemon-yellow, the centre prettily marked with green and white.
AdvertisementIt is a prettily situated old-fashioned place,with an Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches, one of the latter, that of St Peter, a striking medieval edifice.
The fruit is about the size of a small hen's egg, and within its fibrous rind is the seed or so-called nut, the albumen of which is very hard and has a prettily mottled grey and brown appearance.
P. officinalis, i ft., has prettily mottled leaves and blue flowers; P. sibirica is similar in character, but has broader leaves more distinctly mottled with white.
Deventer is a neat and prosperous town situated in the midst of prettily wooded environs, and containing many curious old buildings.
The city is prettily situated on an island-studded and mountain-locked harbour, with a background of forest and snow-capped mountain cones; an extinct volcano, Mt Edgecumbe (3467 ft.), on Kruzof Island, is a conspicuous landmark in the bay.
AdvertisementThe little princess had grown stouter during this time, but her eyes and her short, downy, smiling lip lifted when she began to speak just as merrily and prettily as ever.
It is also a delightful plant in a pot, as the flowers on their crimson stems are pretty, and one gets also the prettily tinted leaves.
It is chiefly for its graceful habit and prettily cut foliage that it is grown, though the soft red of the young shoots in spring and the crimson-purple leaf tints in autumn render it attractive through a long season.
Very useful for dry rocky banks, where it spreads prettily.
T. grandiflora has leaves prettily colored and veined like Heuchera Richardsoni, and spikes of small yellowish bell-like flowers, thriving in any soil.
N. alba minor, a small-flowered variety with blooms of great purity, and prettily incurved.
The flowers are very full, and floating, the lower petals often prettily tipped with rosy white during the heat of summer, becoming deeper and more uniform towards the autumn.
It is of smaller growth and blooms later than the parent, with cup-shaped pure white flowers, prettily shaded with green upon the outer petals.
For instance, you can leave a zippered front vest partially unzipped to be prettily provocative, or zip it higher for more coverage.
Although all women look irresistible in a full silky slip that skims the body and flows prettily around the hips and knees, fewer and fewer women include a full slip in their wardrobe for regular wear.
These tiny dessert morsels are prettily decorated and are festive for special occasions.
Nijmwegen is very prettily situated on the slopes of five low hills rising from the river-side.
It is prettily situated on an open plain and is laid out regularly with broad straight streets with seven large squares.
The city is very prettily situated in the valley of the Big Blue river, in the midst of a fine agricultural region.
It is prettily situated amongst orchards and possesses a cathedral.
It is prettily situated on the high veld, 5090 ft.
Uruguayana is prettily situated on a low hill rising gently from the riverside and its low houses are surrounded by orange groves.
It has a population of 6800, and is prettily situated on two sides of a large lagoon.
The city is prettily situated on the river, with a background of cleared hills, and in the distance heights clothed with magnificent forest.
Among these may be especially noted the small Casa Pigafetta dating from 1481, but still half Gothic, prettily decorated.