Pressing Sentence Examples
Dean, who'd just returned from pressing election flesh, answered.
The most pressing concern is securing their own survival.
There is a factory for pressing cotton.
Pressing on the sides of the envelope to open the end, he blew into it, exposing the letter inside.
But are the more pressing wants satisfied now?
He laughed again, and she hung up, pressing the heels of her palms to her eyes.
It was if Annie bade him turn his thoughts beyond her long forgotten cares to the no less pressing concerns of today.
There are factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
It was no use pressing Fred further.
The quarterly conference held four times a century with the highest ranking station commanders was coming up soon, and he had more pressing issues to resolve before it launched.
AdvertisementTaran drew her closer, pressing her body between his and the alley.
She squeezed her eyes closed, pressing herself against him.
By the seizure and sale of Church lands, by th sale of state railways, by economy to the bone and on onc supreme occasion by an appeal to taxpayers to advance a years quota of the land-tax, he had met the most pressing engagements of that troublous period.
Both these pressing necessities, for a free outlet for merchandise and for a food-supplying area, drove Venice on to the mainland, and compelled her to initiate a policy which eventually landed her in the disastrous wars of Cambrai.
His enemy, Henry, who wished to be king, was pressing him hard.
AdvertisementIn a single motion, she tugged open her robe and nightgown, baring both breasts, pressing Claire to her right side.
He was happy to be out of the dining room where Brandon Westlake and Pumpkin Green, both distraught over Billy Langstrom's death, were pressing Dean for details.
Pressing against him, she forced his lips down on hers.
Pressing her thumb to her door, she realized there was light lining the windows of the condo beside hers.
He turned her to face him, his hips pressing her back against the railing.
AdvertisementBut it also appears that honeydew may be excreted by ordinary processes of over-turgescence pressing the liquid through water-pores, as in the tropical Caesalpinia, Calliandra, &c. That these exudations on leaves should afterwards serve as pabulum for Fungie.g.
The child has only to have its mother's nipple in its mouth in order to infer something very like the mutually pressing parts of its own mouth.
Towards both the south and west the Teutonic peoples seem to have been pressing the Celts for some considerable time, since we are told that the Helvetii had formerly extended as far as the Main, while another important Celtic tribe, the Volcae Tectosages, had occupied a still more remote position, which it is impossible now to identify.
The restoration of the Apostolic See to its original and proper seat was now possible; and the need for such a step was the more pressing, since residence in the castle at Avignon had become extremely precarious, owing to the ever-increasing confusion of French affairs.
It has several factories for ginning and pressing cotton - some on a large scale.
AdvertisementDevoted, however, as were the labours of Boniface and his disciples, all that he and they and the emperor Charlemagne after them achieved for the fierce untutored world of the 8th century seemed to have been done in vain when, in the 9th " on the north and north-west the pagan Scandinavians were hanging about every coast, and pouring in at every inlet; when on the east the pagan Hungarians were swarming like locusts and devastating Europe from the Baltic to the Alps; when on the south and south-east the Saracens were pressing on and on with their victorious hosts.
In delicate cases, such as seedling gloxinias and begonias, it is best to lift the little seedling on the end of a flattish pointed stick, often cleft at the apex, pressing this into the new soil where the plant is to be placed, and liberating it and closing the earth about it by the aid of a similar stick held in the other hand.
The money difficulty soon became more pressing.
Dreams of conquests and extension had long been abandoned, and the pressing question of the time was how to repel the persistent assaults of Persia and the barbarians upon the frontiers of the realm, and so retain the dominion inherited from the valour of the past.
A numerous floating population of labourers, attracted at certain periods by pressing work in the port, and afterwards left unemployed owing to the enormous fluctuations in the corn trade, is one of the features of Odessa.
Meantine the Karelians were pressing on the eastern Lapps, and in the course of the i ith century the rulers of Novgorod began to treat them as the Norsemen had treated their western brethren.
Firstly, his conception of " right " and " wrong " as " single ideas " incapable of definition or analysis - the notions " right," " fit," " ought," " duty," " obligation," being coincident or identical - at least avoids the confusions into which Clarke and Wollaston had been led by pressing the analogy between ethical and physical truth.
He was appointed on several occasions to committees of presbytery and assembly on pressing ecclesiastical business.
The most important place of trade is Malkapur - pop. (1901) 13,112 - with several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
For more than two centuries they had remained prudently entrenched behind the earthworks that extended from Cologne to Ratisbon (Regensburg); but the intestine feuds which prevailed among the barbarians and were fostered by Rome, the organizatipn under bold and turbulent chiefs of the bands greedy for booty, the pressing forward on populations already settled of tribes in their rear; all this caused the Germanic invasion to filter by degrees across the frontier.
In the earliest times their most pressing foe was not the Arab or Berber so much as the Carolingian.
Though the measure was in itself repugnant to Maria Christina, the pressing needs of her government compelled her to consent when Juan Alvarez y Mendizabal (1790-1853), a minister of Jewish descent, forced on.
From 1875 to 1881, when not too much engrossed in more pressing affairs, his governments turned their attention to the reorganization of the finances, the resumption of payment of part of the debt coupon, and the consolidation of the colonial and imperial floating debts.
Canovas so fully comprehended the necessity of averting American intervention that he listened to the pressing demands of secretary Olney and of the American minister in Madrid, Hannis Taylor, an.d laid before the Cortes a bill introducing home rule in Cuba on a more liberal scale than Maura, Abarzuza and Sagasta had dared to suggest two years before.
In 1843 a German bee-keeper, Krechner by name, conceived the idea of first dipping fine linen into molten wax, then pressing the sheets so made between rollers, and thus forming a waxen midrib on which the bees would build their combs.
In May the Radicals who followed Mr Bright and Mr Chamberlain, and the Whigs who took their cue from Lord Hartington, decided to vote against the second reading of the Home Rule Bill, instead of allowing it to be taken and then pressing for modifications in committee, and on 7th June the bill was defeated by 343 to 3 1 3, 94 Liberal Unionists - as they were generally called - voting against the government.
Another smith tried to enter the doorway, pressing against the publican with his chest.
But just when he was clumsily creeping toward the door, that dreadful something on the other side was already pressing against it and forcing its way in.
The Emperor greeted the officers and the Semenov guard, and again pressing the old man's hand went with him into the castle.
But even more pressing than the call of the nation was the need of defending her own homes against the uprisings of the Indians within her borders.
By this time Welling- nees,?u1y25 ton had reached it from the allied left; reinforcements to August2, were pressing up on both sides, and about 12,000 allied 1813.
On this tube is a spring valve which is opened by pressing a lever.
The adaptation of the Gospel to the changing conditions of humanity is to-day a more pressing need than ever.
He held that in Spain the Catholic faith was not understood by the people, and that their ignorance was the pressing danger.
Generally speaking, the Transylvanians had only to appear, to have their demands promptly complied with; for these marauders had to be bought off because the emperor had more pressing business elsewhere.
The swollen waxy capillaries are pressing on the columns of liver cells and are causing marked atrophy.
Dionysius, however, allowed him to depart without further pressing his advantage.
But the urgent need of pressing forward at once was not realized by the attacking side, and the opposition offered by the parties of Osmanlis close to the bay was taken too seriously after daylight.
The blower places the glass in the mould, closes the mould by pressing a lever with his foot, and either blows down the blowing iron or attaches it to a tube connected with a supply of compressed air.
A bottle-making machine combines the process of pressing with a plunger with that of blowing by compressed air.
Their moulds, both for blowing hollow vessels and for pressing ornaments, were as perfect for the purposes for which they were intended as those of the present time.
The process consisted in spreading the leaf on a thin film of blown glass and pressing molten glass on to the leaf so that the molten glass cohered with the film of glass through the pores of the metallic leaf.
Shalmaneser died suddenly in Tebet 722 B.C., while pressing the siege of Samaria, and the seizure of the throne by another general, Sargon, on the 12th of the month, gave the Babylonians an opportunity to revolt.
Subsequently all extraordinary refo Fiscalr expenditure was met by forced loans (prestanze), but the (1427),ms method of distribution aroused discontent among the lower classes, and in 1427 a general catasto or assessment of all the wealth of the citizens was formed, and measures were devised to distribute the obligations according to each man's capacity, sò as to avoid pressing too hardly on the poor.
These attachments, first invented by Jeremiah Howard, and described in the United States Patent Journal in 1858, are simply hydraulic rams fitted into the side or top caps of the mill, and pressing against the side or top brasses in such a manner as to allow the side or top roll to move away from the other rolls, while an accumulator, weighted to any desired extent, keeps a constant pressure on each of the rams. An objection to the top cap arrangement is, that if the volume or feed is large enough to lift the top roll from the cane roll, it will simultaneously lift it from the megass roll, so that the megass will not be as well pressed as it ought to be;' and an objection to the side cap arrangement on the megass roll as well as to the top cap arrangement is, that in case more canes are fed in at one end of the rolls than at the other, the roll will be pushed out farther at one end than at the other; and though it may thus avoid a breakdown of the rolls, it is apt, in so doing, to break the ends off the teeth of the crown wheels by putting them out of line with one another.
There are several factories for pressing cotton, and for cleaning coffee, oilcake presses, tanneries and saltpetre refineries.
There are several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
The generals were compelled to support their forces by plunder or out of their private resources, and, frequently failing, diverted their efforts from the pressing needs of the allies to purely Athenian objects.
The precipitated gold is washed, treated with salt and sulphuric acid to remove iron salts, roughly dried by pressing in cloths or on filter paper, and then melted with salt, borax and nitre in graphite crucibles.
That he was such he denied more than once (Lemire, Le Cardinal Manning et son action sociale, Paris, 1893, p. 210), nor was he ever a Socialist in principle; but he favoured some of the methods of Socialism, because they alone seemed to him practically to meet the case of that pressing poverty which appealed to his heart.
The two great pressing national questions, war and the restitution of the alienated crown lands, were duly considered at the Riksdag which assembled at Stockholm in March 1655.
The question of money was immediately pressing.
The first form of slip water-bottle due to Meyer retained the water merely by the weight of the cylinder pressing on the base-plate.
A third pencil traces an observation line in which a kick can be made at will by pressing any one of the electrical pushes placed about the car, and a fourth draws a datum line.
The government was torn between the necessity for preserving order and the no less pressing necessity (for the moment) of conciliating the Parisian populace; with the result that it succeeded in doing neither one nor the other.
Wheeling to their left the pursuers drove hundreds of fugitives into the Danube, and Eugene was now pressing the army of Marsin towards Marlborough, who re-formed and faced northward to cut off its retreat.
The stem is turned by pressing down on the mill - headed screw.
There are several steam factories for pressing cotton, and indigo vats.
The great monument of his episcopate is the eleven famous charges in which he from time to time reviewed the position of the English Church with reference to whatever might be the most pressing question of the day - addresses at once judicial and statesmanlike, full of charitable wisdom and massive sense.
Prince Bernard, in command of a brigade at Quatre Bras and Frasnes, recognizing the pressing danger that threatened on the Brussels road, retained his position there to check the French advance, instead of drawing off westwards and massing with the rest of his division at Nivelles; and in this action he was firmly supported by his immediate superiors.
Pressing danger could only exist if Blucher had gone northwards, and northwards, therefore, in the Dyle valley, he should have diligently sought for traces of the Prussian retreat.'
It is an important centre of trade with Rajputana, and has factories for ginning and pressing cotton, and metal manufactures.
To this Brand rejoined that, as far as the offensive was concerned, he did not desire to be a party to attacking any one, and as for the defensive, where was the pressing danger of the enemy which Kruger feared ?
They are evoked by pressing needs of the hour among some definite body of Christians and not by any literary motive.'
At that time Napoleon was pressing Lucien for important reasons of state to marry the widow of the king of Etruria, and on hearing of his brother's action he ordered him to leave French territory.
Their kingdom was destroyed by an invasion of the Kara-Kitais, another Turkish tribe pressing westwards from the Chinese frontier, who in their turn were swept away in 1219 by Jenghiz Khan.
The visit of the allied sovereigns to England and the pressing engagements of the emperor Alexander and Lord Castlereagh delayed the congress until the autumn, when all Europe sent its representatives to accept the hospitality of the impoverished but magnificent Austrian court.
Want of supplies checked the Confederates after a few marches, while Schofield was pressing forward to meet them at Pulaski and Thomas was gathering, at Nashville, a motley army drawn from all parts of the west.
In the interval he was restlessly active in parliament in denouncing naval abuses, and was also, most disastrously for himself, led into speculations on the Stock Exchange, by which he was brought at the beginning of 1814 into pressing danger of total ruin.
His marriage with Catherine Wilson in 1801 made the question of a settled income even more pressing.
The junction of the edges of the silver and copper-blend was treated with a flux of borax and the whole was submitted to the heat of a furnace until the silver was seen to be melting, when it was instantly removed, care being taken to avoid pressing upon the upper or lower surfaces, as the liquid silver in that case would have been squeezed out from between the two enclosing plates and the operation ruined.
Six new cruisers were projected, but the republic has no pressing need of a navy.
This virtually ended the war; Santa Anna was deprived of his command, and the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, concluded on the 2nd of February 1848, ceded to the United States Texas, New Mexico and Upper California, in return for a payment of $15,000,000 by the United States to Mexico, and the assumption of liability by it for the claims of its subjects which it had hitherto been pressing against Mexico.
It was also natural that these attempts g p should be made where the need was most pressing, derings.
Instead of pressing Washington further, Howe then returned to Manhattan Fort Island, and on the 16th of November captured Fort Washing- ton.
To start the canter, which should always be done from the walk and not the trot, take up the curb rein a little and turn the horse's head slightly to the right, at the same time pressing the left leg behind the girth; the horse will then lead with the off (right) fore leg, which is generally preferred; but a well-broken hack should lead with either leg at command, and if he be cantered in a circle to the left he must lead with the near leg, as otherwise an ugly fall is likely to result from the leg being crossed.
It has cotton mills for spinning and weaving, besides many handlooms, and factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
Since 1899 a new form of pressing has been employed, whereby the hay is compressed to stow in about 70 cub.
By this time French explorers were pressing forward to unravel the mystery of the interior.
On galloping after the princes he found the crowd once more pressing on the escort and threatening an attack; and fearing that he would be unable to bring his prisoners into Delhi he shot them with his own hand.
He was consulted, moreover, in all matters of international importance, notably the affairs of the Spanish colonies, in which he associated himself with Castlereagh in pressing those views which were afterwards carried into effect by George Canning.
Dante was perhaps too severe on Robert, whom he described as a re da sermone (word king), and contemporary critics accused him of covetousness, a fault partly excused by his pressing need of money to pay the expenses of his perpetual wars.
This action, at first sight somewhat obscure, is due to the extreme pupillary contraction which removes the mass of the iris from pressing upon the spaces of Fontana, through which the intraocular fluids normally make a very slow escape from the eye into its efferent lymphatics.
The pressing demand for labour created by the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the United States led to great changes in the population of the Hawaiian Islands.
Single olive trees of first quality yield sometimes as much as 2 gallons of oil, and this with little trouble or expense beyond the collecting and pressing of the fallen fruit.
To this pressing question then - What is the world as we know it?
The Scottish School never realized that every sensation of the five senses is a perception of a sensible object in the bodily organism; and that touch is a perception, not only of single sensible pressure, but also of double sensible pressure, a perception of our bodily members sensibly pressing and pressed by one another, from which, on the recurrence of a single sensible pressure, we infer the pressure of an external thing for the first time.
Before anything was done, the need of improved means of transportation between Philadelphia and the anthracite coal-fields became the more pressing.
The farther descent of the bucket being thus arrested, the special cable T is now slackened, so that the conical bottom of the bucket drops down, pressing down by its weight the the string of moulds, each thus containing a pig, moves slowly forward, the pigs solidify and cool, the more quickly because in transit they are sprayed with water or even submerged in L Winter Stock Pile .?t' S ..
Having established internal order, Henry was able to turn to matters of more pressing moment.
In spite of the peace of 1389 the cities had again begun to form leagues for peace; but, having secured a certain amount of recognition in the south and west of Germany, the new king turned aside from the pressing problems of government and in 1401 made a futile attempt to reach Rome, an enterprise which covered him with ridicule.
From these it was clear that the German government had for some time past been pressing on its naval armaments with little regard to the ostensible programme, and that in the matter of the newest types of battleships, Great Britain had to reckon with the fact that, before the date fixed for the completion of the programme, Germany might establish at least an equality.
His visit to the Holy Land and the solemn pilgrimage to Jerusalem were, in the same way, a striking coup de thiltre designed to strengthen the influence won by Germany in the councils of the Ottoman empire, an influence which she had been careful not to weaken by taking too active a part in the concert of the powers engaged in pressing on the question of Macedonian reform.
That war was prevented was due partly to the timidity of French ministers, partly to the fact that at the last moment Herr von Holstein shrank from the responsibility of pressing his arguments to a practical conclusion.
In the work of pressing on the national and international expansion of Germany the interests and views of the lesser constituent states of the Empire were apt to be overlooked or overridden; and in the southern states there was considerable resentment at the unitarian tendency of the north, which seemed to aim at imposing the Prussian model on the whole nation.
Paragraph 14 of the Constitutional law of 1867 provided that, in cases of pressing necessity, orders for which the assent of the Reichsrath was required might, if the Reichsrath were not in session, be proclaimed by the emperor; they had to be signed by the whole ministry, and if they were not laid before the Reichsrath within four months of its meeting, or if they did not receive the approval of both Houses, they ceased to be valid.
Besides pressing loans upon both Thomas and John Carlyle, he offered to settle an annuity of £loo upon Thomas, and finally enabled John to support himself by recommending him to a medical position.'
We know that at the same time that some Scandinavian folk were harrying all the western lands, others were founding Garbariki (Russia) in the east; others were pressing still farther south till they came in contact with the eastern empire in Constantinople, which the northern folk knew as MikillgarOr (Mikklegard); so that when Hasting and Bjorn had sailed to Luna in the gulf of Genoa the northern folk had almost put a girdle round the Christian world.
He reduced the army, cut down the soldiers' pay, failed to keep up the supply of war material, and neglected the frontier fortresses at a time when the Seljuk Turks were pressing hard upon the eastern portion of the empire.
In thick plates it is not attempted by hand, but pressing is done between dies, or segments of the sphere are prepared separately and riveted together.
The methods employed are "raising" by the hammer, and pressing in dies.
He was constant in his attendance in parliament, and spared no pains in pressing on measures of practical utility.
By skilful negotiations a meeting was arranged, and after pressing in vain for a treaty he was induced to assume charge of the country upon his recognition by the British as amir, with the understanding that he should have no relations with other foreign powers, and with a formal assurance from the viceroy of protection from foreign aggression, so long as he should unreservedly follow the advice of the British government in regard to his external affairs.
There are several steam factories for pressing cotton.
Enough has been said to justify the great place assigned to Aristotle in the history of logic. Without pressing metaphysical formulae in logic proper, he analysed formal;implica tion, grounded implication as a mode of knowledge Summary.
It was in the pressing to its extreme consequences of the conception of uncompromising identity which is to be found in Leibnitz, that the contradictions took their rise which Herbart aimed at solving, by the method of relations and his doctrine of the ultimate plurality of " reals," The logic of relations between conceptual units, themselves unaltered by the relation, seems a kind of reflection of his metaphysical method.
General conventions, to which most of the European states are parties, were signed in 1883 at Paris for the protection of industrial, and in 1886 at Bern for the protection of literary and artistic, property, and, from 1899 onwards, a series of general treaties, to none of which is Great Britain a party, have been signed at the Hague, as the result of conferences, invited by the government of the Netherlands, for solving some of the more pressing questions arising out of " the conflict of laws."
A long succession of nomad Turkish tribes, pressing forward from central Asia, wandered over the rich country in search of fresh pastures for their flocks and herds.
There are several indigo factories, and mills for pressing and cleaning cotton, but the former have greatly suffered by the decline in indigo of recent years.
Honest and moderate, protecting the middle classes against exactions of the nobles, he exercised a happy influence upon the south, in spite of his naturally despotic character and his continual and pressing need of money.
Krauss was pressing upon the Stol, and finding a weak resistance; the Potenza brigade was falling back from Creda; Monte Matajur had fallen, practically undefended.
A belt when in motion is shifted off a pulley, or from one pulley on to another of equal size alongside of it, by pressing against that part of the belt which is moving towards the pulley.
He was ever pressing his views of ecclesiastical government and discipline, derived from the Apostolical Constitutions, on the ecclesiastical authorities, and marvelled that they could not see the matter in the same light as himself.
Preliminary to the operation of pressing, the seeds are crushed and ground to a fine meal.
Cold pressing of the seeds yields a golden-yellow oil, which is often used as an edible oil.
Energetically pressing his candidature, he was chosen German king at Frankfort on the 4th or 5th of March 1152, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 9th of the same month, owing his election partly to his personal qualities, and partly to the fact that he united in himself the blood of the rival families of Welf and Waiblingen.
After Culloden, however, it was seen that all serious danger of a Stuart restoration was passed; and in 1778 Catholics who abjured the Pretender and denied the civil authority of the pope were relieved from their most pressing disabilities.
In some countries, particularly in Italy, Spain and Portugal, it has been and still is a common practice to add a small quantity of gypsum to the fermenting must or to dust it over the grapes prior to pressing.
For this reason it is necessary that the process of collection, separation and pressing should proceed as quickly as possible at vintage time in order that the juice may not, through incipient fermentation, dissolve any of the colouring matter from the skins.
As a rule, three qualities of wine are made from one batch of grapes, the first pressing yielding the best quality, whilst the second and third are relatively inferior.
The juice, which is so obtained together with that which results from the pressing of the murk, is fermented in much the same manner as is customary in other countries.
The vino tierno is made by mashing raisins (6 parts) with water (2 parts) pressing, and then adding alcohol (I part) to the must.
This is produced by pressing a mixture of dried grapes and fully ripe grapes and fermenting the must so obtained.
Two drawings were prepared and placed before a painter at Cherbourg named Mouchel, who at once recognized the boy's gifts, and accepted him as a pupil; but shortly after (1835) Millet's father died, and the eldest son, with heroic devotion, took his place at home, nor did he return to his work until the pressing calls from without were solemnly enforced by the wishes of his own family.
Speeds can be regulated to a nicety for each separate machine, and any machine can be set in motion by pressing a button.
This is part of that larger and pressing psychological problem of adjusting the " authority " ascribed to past writings to that of the collective human experience; it does not confront Judaism alone, and it must suffice to refer to the writings of " Reformed Judaism "; see, e.g.
Progress, or at all events change, does indeed take place, though very slowly, since the most primitive savage we know of has his portion of human intelligence, looks after and before, nay, in regard to the pressing needs of every day shows a quite remarkable shrewdness and resource.
After passing the last pair of workers and strippers the fibre is carried forward towards the doffing roller, the pins of which are back-set, and the fibre is removed from the cylinder by the doffer, from which it passes between the drawing and pressing rollers into the conductor, and finally between the delivery and pressing rollers into the sliver can.
The most pressing question of the day, the so-called Reduktion, or restitution of the alienated crown lands, was adjusted provisionally at the Riksdag of 1655.
This stipulation was agreed to in principle by the grand vizier, Amin ad-daulah, who in March, in order to meet some pressing demands on the treasury borrowed 50,000 on the customs receipts of Kermnshah and Bushire, and agreed to the lenders, the Imperial Bank of Persias agents, being placed as cashiers in the custom-houses of both cities.
These views coincided with those of Lord Carnarvon, who looked to federation as a means of relieving the Imperial government of some of the heavy responsibilities pressing upon it in South Africa, and he asked Froude to return to the Cape to take part in a conference in South Africa on the federation scheme.
The time was inopportune, however, for pressing the Transvaal on the subject, and nothing was done."
The city contains cotton mills, factories for ginning and pressing cotton, a tannery and boot factory and flour mill.
The northern race has ever kept pressing down on the broadskulled, brown-complexioned men of the Alps, and intermixing with them, and at times has swept right over the great mountain chain into the tempting regions of the south, producing such races as the Celto-Ligyes, Celtiberians, Celtillyrians, CeltoThracians and Celto-Scythians.
The Umbrians, who were part of the Alpine Celts, had been pressing down into Italy from the Bronze Age, though checked completely by the rise of the Etruscan power in the ioth century B.C. The invention of iron weapons made the Celts henceforth irresistible.
Undoubtedly the question of the most pressing importance with regard to the future of Eastern Christendom is the relation between Russia and Constantinople.
There are considerable manufactures of cotton and silk goods and blankets, and several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
The lines were frequently made by pressing a twisted thong of skin against the moist clay; the patterns in all cases being stamped into the pot before it was hardened by fire.
But at this time his own right to the crown of England was threatened with the Exclusion Bill, and under these conditions instead of pressing his case against the Quakers he not only permitted it to be decided against him but in August 1680 confirmed their title by a new deed.
The old industries of carpet-weaving and paper-making have died out; but there is a large trade in cotton and silk goods, and in copper and brass pots, and there are factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
Towards the end of Alexander's reign, the death of all his three children within a few years made the question of the succession one of pressing importance.
Francis himself at the head of two hundred gendarmes charged and drove back two large bodies of Swiss which were pressing the landsknechts hard.
In the spring of 1 506 Leonardo, moved perhaps by chagrin at the failure of his work in the Hall of Council, accepted a pressing invitation to Milan, from Charles d'Amboise, Marechal de Chaumont, the lieutenant of the French king in Lombardy.
The litigation that ensued dragged on for several years, and forced upon Leonardo frequent visits to Florence and interruptions of his work at Milan, in spite of pressing letters to the authorities of the republic from Charles d'Amboise, from the French king himself, and from others of his powerful friends and patrons, begging that the proceedings might be accelerated.
Thus the Greek and Roman emperors were adored by bowing or kneeling, laying hold of the imperial robe, and presently withdrawing the hand and pressing it to the lips, or by putting the royal robe itself to the lips.
The French wars of 1744-1748 and 1756-1763 led to a further strengthening of the fortifications; and the influx of settlers from the mainland made the questions of supplies and of the protection of trade from piracy more pressing.
The French were now severely pressing the Russian left, and one-third of Menshikov's forces was drawn into the fight in that quarter.
Directly the Reform Bill had passed, the necessity of "inducing our masters to learn their letters" (in Robert Lowe's phrase) became pressing.
The colonists also, pressing forward to those territories, came in contact with these Ishmaelites - the farmers' cattle and sheep, guarded only by a Hottentot herdsman, offering the strongest temptation to the Bushman.
Throughout he adopts and adapts the language of his sources as far as possible, "only pruning in the most pressing cases," but towards the end he cannot avoid making larger alterations from time to time.
The belts are moved laterally by the forks of a striking gear pressing on the advancing sides of the belts, and the pulleys are arranged so that the belts either wrap round the loose pulleys, or can be shifted so that one wraps round a fixed pulley, while the other still remains on its loose pulley.
I was averse, but upon his pressing consented, before I considered what I did, for I am extremely troubled at the embroilment I am in, and have neither ate nor slept well this twelvemonth, nor have my former consistency of mind.
This was to be but the first of many disappointments in this direction; there was apparently some fatal scruple, both in Henrys own mind and in that of his continental subjects, as to pressing their suzerain too hard.
In return Edward raised a claim to the throne of France, not that he had any serious intention of pressing it for throughout his reign he always showed himself ready to barter it away in return for sufficient territorial gains but because such a claim was in several ways a useful asset to him both in war and in diplomacy.
Of these the most pressing was the renewal of the French war; the truce had expired a few weeks before the death of The Edward III., and the new reign began with a series French of military disasters.
Pressing her claims, Gloucester came to open blows with Philip in Flanders and Hainaut (1424).
It had given the undertaking demanded by the king; those of its members who, like Canning, were in favor of Catholic emancipation, arguing that, in view of greater and more pressing questions, it was useless to insist in a matter which could never be settled so long as the old king lived.
It was the beginning of the Peninsular War, which was destined not to end until, in 1814, the British troops crossed the Pyrenees into France, while the Allies were pressing over the Rhine.
If the ministry thus abstained from pressing forward a large scheme of political reform, it succeeded in carrying two measures of the highest commercial and social importance.
On his way thither he learned that the British in India were reduced to the last extremities by the mutiny of the native army in Bengal, and, on the application of Lord Canning, the governorgeneral, he decided on diverting the troops, intended to bring the Chinese to reason, to the more pressing duty of saving India for the British crown.
Absorbed in the work of the foreign office, which at this time was abnormally active, he refrained from pressing home the arguments for internal reform.
The effects produced by abrupt changes of temperature or section, or by pressing 'together pieces of the same metal at different temperatures, are probably to be explained as effects of strain.
Meanwhile, however, more pressing perils distracted the attention of the government.
Mr Chamberlain, however, declined; his work at home was too pressing.
In common with the other monotremes, the male echidna has its heel provided with a sharp hollow spur, connected with a secreting gland, and with muscles capable of pressing the secretion from the gland into the spur.
During 1900 Russia showed renewed interest in Turkish Armenia by securing the right to construct all railways in it, and in the Armenians by pressing the Porte to restore order and introduce reforms.
There are several factories for ginning and pressing cotton, the chief trading centres being Beawar and Kekri.
She was also engaged in pressing the other European powers to join with her in the suppression of the slave trade which the Barbary states practised on a large scale and at the expense of Europe.
It has manufactures of carpets, silk and cotton goods, and several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
The Dutch or stamper press, invented in Holland in the 17th century, was up to the early years of the 19th century almost exclusively employed in Europe for pressing oil-seeds.
By pressing in the cold, obviously only part of the oil or fat is recovered.
The essentials of proper oil pressing are a slowly accumulating pressure, so that the liberated oil may have time to flow out and escape, a pressure that increases in proportion as the resistance of the material increases, and that maintains itself as the volume of material decreases through the escape of oil.
The seed is prepared in a similar manner as for pressing, except that it is not reduced to a fine meal, so as not to impede the percolation of the solvent through the mass.
This is done by allowing the oil to cool down to a low temperature and pressing it through cloths in a press, when a limpid oil exudes, which remains proof against cold - "winter oil."
For a moment she clung to him, pressing her body against his until desire for him drowned out every other thought.
Without warning, she dived at him, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his.
He kissed her before pressing his bloody thumb to her mouth.
Saturday 27th May 2006 Over the next few days, putting your financial affairs on a new footing could be pressing.
For free market anarchists to be talking about pressing an imaginary button is thus deeply confusing.
Ariel photo is obtained by pressing the link just below the scale.
Chronic coughing is a common presentation due to the large left atrium pressing on the airways.
Their debut album ITS NICE TO BE NICE is now selling well on its third pressing and has received national media attention.
Both India and Pakistan are pressing ahead with development and testing of longer-range ballistic missiles and are inducting additional SRBMs into missile units.
Field sport campaigners claim Labor MPs pressing for a total hunting ban are acting out of class hatred rather than concern for animals.
But speaking of the Celtic bard, I feel a little of the difficult pressing upon me.
Pressing the yellow button to back up seems bizarre to me - what is wrong with the back up button?
Centaurus c. Republicans by pressing rare quantitative experiment also verified the.
Back to reviews " invaluable compendium of information on the most pressing challenge in business today " Sean Kelly Comhra " At last!
Nicholas was pressing hard against Jonathon, who was still crouched facing the fire.
Roll in bread crumbs, pressing lightly to coat both sides with crumbs.
Selection is made using an arrow cursor and confirmed by pressing Enter.
Sprinkle over the remaining dill, pressing it into the mustard to coat.
You may be pressing the clutch but if the cable is loose the clutch wont be fully disengaged.
Meet there by pressing doorbell at entrance on Scott Street.
Pressing the ESC key during program execution will force the simulator to return to command mode.
Because of the popularity of content externalism, the need to resolve this tension is pressing.
During this meeting, the clear and pressing need appeared for a study on the worldwide dissemination of Portuguese faience.
Among the exercises that can help is making a tepee with your hands by gently pressing fingertips of each hand against each other.
Material preparation includes guillotines, saws, profiling, pressing and forming up to 300 tons.
However, as the prospect of e-only versions of material becomes more immediate, the preservation issue becomes more pressing.
Perhaps my pressing publc speaking deadline has made me rather impatient to find black and white answers where they don't necessarily exist.
In the late 1960s, Havel was one of many prominent Czechoslovak intellectuals pressing for political reform.
Pressing on with a declared intention can lead to trouble.
Voters will be asked to enter their security number and voting intention by pressing keys on their phone pad.
Vicar If I might just interject Pressing I fail to see what argument you will use.
Pressing keys on the keyboard will have one of three effects.
Pressing keys on the keys on the keyboard will have one of three effects.
All the cash awards will flash and pressing the start button will use a knockout and highlight an award.
Pressing Escape will restart the level from scratch, and clicking on the right mouse button will turn any lemming carrying an object red.
Also, police liaisons are being pulled out of schools for " more pressing " needs.
There is thus a pressing need for a reliable means of identifying the hand of a chiral molecule.
Gently pressing down on the charcoal, suck in using the mouthpiece.
Pastimes for ladies included needlework, drying and pressing flowers, reading, keeping a diary or journal and music.
Pressing the Menu key cycles through tabbed dialog panes.
The Alarm is activated by pressing a button on the Alarm or neck pendant supplied.
Pressing the trigger of the jet pinner inserts a hook into the top of the curtain where required.
The Dorgard operates by pressing the rubber plunger down, which holds the door open.
He has a tension pneumothorax pressing on his heart.
In addition, there is also pop-up menu, accessible by pressing the right mouse button.
On the Consoles with preset Faders, fixtures can be selected by pressing the select button below each preset fader.
At the same time, there is an equally pressing demand for lower power consumption, especially for circuits in portable equipment.
The August 2004 caution was swept aside by the increasingly pressing need for an honest editorial.
For the minister on Barra this was a particularly pressing problem.
For now, I think we have a very pressing matter on hand which will need more of your attention.
With the coming of digital, the need to prohibit illegal copying becomes even more pressing.
Earlier I referred to the 1996 volume of Pressing Problems in Law which addressed the question, 'What are Law Schools For?
Well as we saw last week Bonnie needs our votes so lets get our fingers on the phone and keep pressing redial.
The old bureaucracy, particularly the increasingly restive military caste, is pressing for an increasingly aggressive foreign policy.
Pressing a mouse button in the desired square will cause a diamond shape to be displayed.
To remove wrinkles pashmina shawls should either be steam pressed or lightly ironed under a pressing cloth.
The current item in a displayed list can be selected either by double clicking on it, or by pressing the space bar.
The greaves were further processed by pressing, centrifuging or by solvent extraction in order to remove more tallow.
Previous work on rapid tooling has concentrated on tolls for plastic forming and sheet metal pressing.
Other than the obvious reason of having convenient transportation, are there any other pressing reasons for buying a car?
This involves pressing a glass tumbler against the rash to see if the red spots disappear under pressure.
You can see her right foot is pressing on a lever which operates the turntable.
Cover with the stir-fry vegetables, pressing down well.
Moreover parliament was so far from pressing disendowment that on the petition of the Commons it passed a savage act against the heresies " commonly called Lollardry " which " aimed at the destruction of the king and all temporal estates," making Lollards felons and ordering every justice of the peace to hunt down their schools, conventicles, congregations and confederacies.
From the very day of Clement's coronation the king had charged the Templars with heresy, immorality and abuses, and the scruples of the weak pope were at length overcome by apprehension lest the State should not wait for the Church, but should proceed independently against the alleged heretics, as well as by the royal threats of pressing the accusation of heresy against the late Boniface VIII.
Two pieces of amber may be united by smearing the surfaces with linseed oil, heating them, and then pressing them together while hot.
Its introduction and six chapters present with rare lucidity the earliest conceptions of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Son of God, the Church, Christian dogma and Catholic worship; and together form a severely critico-historical yet strongly Catholic answer to Harnack's still largely pietistic Wesen des Christentums. It develops throughout the principles that "what is essential in Jesus' Gospel is what occupies the first and largest place in His authentic teaching, the ideas for which He fought and died, and not only that idea which we may consider to be still a living force to-day"; that "it is supremely arbitrary to decree that Christianity must be essentially what the Gospel did not borrow from Judaism, as though what the Gospel owes to Judaism were necessarily of secondary worth"; that "whether we trust or distrust tradition, we know Christ only by means of, athwart and within the Christian tradition"; that "the essence of Christianity resides in the fulness and totality of its life"; and that "the adaptation of the Gospel to the changing conditions of humanity is to-day a more pressing need than ever."
The abrasion is effected by pressing the glass against the edge of wheels, or disks, of hard material revolving on horizontal spindles.
Subsequently all extraordinary refo Fiscalr expenditure was met by forced loans (prestanze), but the (1427),ms method of distribution aroused discontent among the lower classes, and in 1427 a general catasto or assessment of all the wealth of the citizens was formed, and measures were devised to distribute the obligations according to each man's capacity, sò as to avoid pressing too hardly on the poor.
He states his case as part of a larger question still - a question that inevitably became pressing at that particular time - as to the entire religious relation of Jew and Gentile.
By touch I perceive one bodily member reciprocally pressing another in myself, e.g.
To drive the air out of this skin by pressing on it, or even by walking on it, would be easy; to fill it again with air by pulling its sides apart with his fingers would be so irksome that he would soon learn to distend it by means of strings.
In a prayer addressed to " First birth of my birth, first beginning (or principle) of my beginning, first spirit of the spirit in me," he prays " to be restored to his deathless birth (genesis), albeit he is let a.nd hindered by his underlying nature, to the end that according to the pressing need and spur of his longing he may gaze upon the deathless principle with deathless spirit, through the deathless water, through the solid and the air; that he may be re-born through reason (or idea), that he may be consecrated, and the holy spirit breathe in"him, that he may admire the holy fire, that he may behold the abyss of the Orient, dread water, and that he may be heard of the quickening and circumambient ether; for this day he is about to gaze on the revealed reality with deathless eyes; a mortal born of mortal womb, he has been enhanced in excellence by the might of the All-powerful and by the right hand of the Deathless one," &c.
The best sort is gathered by the hand like opium; sometimes the resinous exudation of the plant is made to stick first of all to cloths, or to the leather garments of men, or even to their skin, and is then removed by scraping, and afterwards consolidated by kneading, pressing and rolling.
He was pressing one hand to his left side, while the other clutched his drooping pistol.
Instead, the joint should be made by pressing in the rivet pin.
Pressing RETURN leaves the prefix set to the root directory of the boot device.
These will help support the sheet from sagging when the weight of the filter medium is pressing down on it.
Sprinkle salmon steaks with equal amounts of rub, pressing rub into surface of both sides.
Rub seasoning mix onto ribs, pressing into surface.
Millwall started the most brightly in this match, pressing strongly in the first few minutes with the Clarets looking very shaky in defense.
Pressing against the splintered wood of the old barn she just hoped the figure going past did not notice her.
As the alienation of voters increases, technology is increasingly been touted as a magical cure for this pressing political problem.
So what about " pressing the buoy " - " weightless arms " - " hand swapping " and stroke counting.
We are pressing for a windfall tax on their profits.
Sure, they may not be Internet savvy for years to come, but they love pressing those buttons, and once they realize that pressing particular buttons causes something fun to happen on the computer screen, they're hooked!
Too small a unit and the keys get crammed onto a small keypad, and if your finger is too big you'll end up pressing several keys instead of one.
Unless the children are in danger, or if there is some other pressing reason why custody needs to be decided by a judge, it is usually far better for the couple to attempt to work out the custody details together.
There's even a blog that highlights the most pressing issues of the day.
Make yourself a cup of tea and save the warm teabag, pressing it against the lesion for 20 minutes.
Organic citrus oils are also available, which have been extracted through a cold pressing process.
Usually, reality, in the form of budgetary issues and pressing maintenance problems intrude on my best-laid plans, but we'll talk about that too.
Tap excess paint out by pressing the sponge on a newspaper - this will also give you more even coverage.
For these problems, it is best to consider a small renovation to address the most pressing issues.
After you have pressed the lashes along your eyelids, keep your eyes closed for approximately sixty seconds while gently pressing onto the glued ends.
Dab the tip of the pencil on the chin or cheekbone pressing down for a full few seconds.
By pressing the space bar, you can make Sonic jump.
To spindash, press and hold the down arrow key while pressing the space bar.
Once the person has made his or her selection, pressing A or D on the keyboard makes the characters perform fighting moves.
The rigmarole of pressing buttons on the telephone, making calls, and counting on your ATM machine and checkbook are replaced with their system.
If you've been looking for medical information on the Internet, it's very likely due to the fact that you have a pressing health concern.
Use the alphabetical link list to browse, or use the embedded search engine to find answers to your pressing questions.
These presets determine the aperture, shutter speed and more for you so the your job is simply to selecting the appropriate mode and pressing a button.
When using the auto mode, frame the subject through the viewfinder, then point and shoot by pressing the shutter release button to take an image.
Fill in the boxed area with berries, pressing them into the frosting lightly and staggering them so that a little white frosting appears between each bit of fruit.
Put them in the jar, pressing them as tightly as possible.
They can be distractions that take time away from issues that are more pressing.
Finally, roll up the nori sheet tightly, pressing the ends together at the top.
The tuxedo salon handles cleaning and pressing.
Engraved invitations are achieved by pressing a block through the back of an invitation to create raised lettering.
New York has a way of pressing your buttons to the point that you become something else.
Currently, both the photographer and Tyson have stated that they plan on pressing charges against each other.
These types of assignments often ask students to discuss the accomplishments of which they are the most proud (and why) or to identify and provide their position on a particularly pressing issue.
Fretboard charts have one "line" for each string on the bass, and as you progress from left to right down that line, you'll see the note that is created when you pluck the string while pressing each string to a particular fret.
The most pressing reason you would need to replace a string is if you suddenly break one.
Smooth the underlayment as much as possible, pressing out any creases and folds as you go.
The edge of a drywall panel will be on one end of the top piece of wood, while you balance and lift it with your foot pressing on the other end of the same piece of wood.
Click in the second row by sliding the tongue into the groove and firmly pressing them together until the second row lies flat.
Lay the first tile down, pressing and twisting it a little to set it into the mortar.
Place the clip with the bend in the "L" at the front edge of the gutter and mold the clip around the screen and gutter by pressing down firmly with your fingertips.
The silver rings are made by intaglio carving and were often used to seal letters and other documents by pressing the ring into hot wax, leaving the image of the Celtic cross or other design in the wax.
Money was scarce, and fashion simply took a backseat to more pressing concerns during the next several years.
Save the headache of pressing your pants and dress shirts by investing in a few pieces of wrinkle resistant clothes.
Test jar lids by pressing down in the center.
This kind of berry requires removing the seeds with a cheesecloth pressing method and throwing away the best part of the blackberry, the pulp.
The pressing question is where to find medieval wedding gowns in plus sizes.
While cotton sometimes requires pressing with an iron to look neat, linen is expected to wrinkle.
Making your own coaster videos is not as easy as simply pressing "record" on a video camera or camera phone.
The battle consists of three different mini-games, involving shooting, shaking, and pressing buttons in time.
You must manage a number of things at once, the most pressing being which order to do your tasks in order to best serve your customers.
Side-scrolling your way through the stage, you shout out (by pressing the 'A' button) to try and find your fellow Care Bears hiding behind the clouds.
Complete the first mission, but don't level up by pressing the Select button.
Move towards the border wall and press and hold the jump key while pressing the forward key at the same time.
Once your Vision Level fills up, you can activate the power-up by pressing the black button on your controller.
Pressing down on the right thumbstick gives you Blood Vision, which is basically night vision for Vampires.
Execute left/right combos by pressing A or D when you start your attack sequences.
Now get to the map view by pressing the TAB key.
Resume the game by pressing the SPACEBAR.
Most games have several modes tucked within that are accessed by pressing the Select button.
The motion sensitive Wii Remote, or "wiimote" as it is sometimes called, gets gamers to wave their arms around to mimic on-screen movements, rather than simply pressing a button.Easily the most popular game for the Wii is Wii Sports.
Changing weapons was as easy as pressing A for the next weapon, or using the digital pad for quick selection, though remembering which direction had what weapon took some time and accuracy in pressing the weapon.
Get on the throne by pressing X, and use your melee attack to defeat him.
Just as you did in the first The Sims game, accessing the cheat window in The Sims 2 is done by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C on your computer keyboard.
You would do this by pressing the button combination at the top of the screen at the correct time and in the correct order.
Instead of pressing A to select your fighter, press Y instead to dress him/her in the alternative outfit.
Every character is used in almost exactly the same way, with long combos being strung by pressing the A and B buttons in a particular sequence.
The katana was mostly responsive when it came to pressing the A button, but it lagged a split second behind when it was time to chop or wield it into someone.
In this Overlord FAQ, we hope to address some of the pressing questions you may have about the game, its gameplay, and its story.