Preservation Sentence Examples
The customs necessary for the preservation of the forests must remain in force.
The preservation of game is now enforced.
It is kept covered, for purposes of preservation, by a layer of earth.
A popular preservation method is freeze drying.
The result was that these books became "Christian" documents; it is entirely to Christian, not to Jewish, tradition that we owe their preservation.
Consumers cannot doubt the level of dedication LUST has for the preservation of the environment.
Massive towers rise at close intervals along them, and nearly forty are in good preservation.
It is in an excellent state of preservation and has been restored in modern times.
Rajputana is of great archaeological interest, possessing some fine religious buildings in ruins and others in excellent preservation.
Here the trenches dug by the Persians during the last siege were still in a fair state of preservation; they were within a stone's-throw of the walls.
AdvertisementNot improbably the sealing means to our author the preservation not from death, but through death from unfaithfulness, and the number 144,000 would signify mystically the entire body of true Christians, which formed the true people of God.
The former oracle referred originally to the actual Temple, and contained a prediction of the preservation of the Temple.
After the hard-won victory over Mosailima, Omar, fearing that the sayings of the prophet would be entirely forgotten when those who had listened to them had all been removed by death, induced Abu-Bekr to see to their preservation in a written form.
The beautiful cloisters of the ancient abbey, one of the oldest in Germany, are still in fair preservation.
In the vicinity of Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika, sandstones and shales of Lower Karroo age and yielding seams of coal are considered to owe their position and preservation to being let down by rift faults into hollows of the crystalline rocks.
AdvertisementThe castle was carefully restored in 1752, and is still in excellent preservation.
Not only was he the first discoverer of the rotifers, but he showed "how wonderfully nature has provided for the preservation of their species," by their tolerance of the drying-up of the water they inhabit, and the resistance afforded to the evaporation of the fluids of their bodies by the impermeability of the casing in which they then become enclosed.
His duty was the preservation of peace in the capital; he was, in fact, the chief of the police, being charged with the superintendence of the streets, markets and public buildings.
The artificial propagation and preservation of salmon and other edible fresh-water fish have been carried on successfully under the supervision of a state commission.
The great gateway is a fine monumental arch in fair preservation, with an inscription to Antoninus Pius.
AdvertisementTo a large extent the native forms of government are maintained under European administrators responsible for the preservation of order, the colony for this purpose being divided into a number of "circles" each with its local government.
Some of these halls are in fair preservation.
This temple owes its preservation to its use as a church of St Barbara, a local martyr, also claimed by the Egyptian Heliopolis.
On one side indeed there was the record, underlying the Synoptists, of at least two eye-witnesses, and the necessity of its preservation and transmission; but on the other side a profound double change had come over the Christian outlook and requirements.
His chief work during this part of his imprisonment was the tragedy Leoniero da Dertona, for the preservation of which he was compelled to rely on his memory.
AdvertisementMoshesh now turned in earnest to Sir Philip Wodehouse for preservation.
The immediate cause of war - the murder of the heir to the throne - had profoundly impressed all the Austrian peoples, and the belief that efforts were being made from without to destroy the old empire produced among them a strong reaction in favour of its preservation.
Exceptions to the referendum are made in the case of laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or the support of the state government or the various state institutions.
Both bodies of exposition represent the traditional principle at work in the sub-apostolic age, making for the preservation in relative purity, over against merely subjective interpretations - those of the Gnostics in particular - of the historic or original sense of Christ's teaching, just as Ignatius stood for the historicity of the facts of His earthly career in their plain, natural sense.
A similar series, in which sculptured figures of Christ and the Apostles are associated with the signs, is to be seen in perfect preservation on the chief doorway of the abbey church at Vezelay.
The noble castle of Carrickfergus is the only one in perfect preservation.
It is consistent with this circle of ideas that initiation into the profound mysteries of the liturgy was regarded, together with the preservation of dogma, as the most exalted function of theology.
However much it agreed in admiration of the ancients, it differed absolutely in its preservation of the fundamental ideas of Christianity.
The Khartum Zoological Gardens are free to the public and are under the control of the municipality, but the collection of animals is under the Game Preservation Department.
In a sense it serves also as a national reserve, and has already been an important factor in the preservation of the American bison.
Among the social clubs of the city are the Queen City Club, organized in 1874; the Phoenix Club, organized in 1856 and the leading Jewish club in the city; the Cuvier Club, organized in 1871 and originally an association of hunters and anglers for the preservation of game and fish; the Cincinnati Club, the Business Men's Club, the University Club, the Art Club, and the Literary Club, of the last of which many prominent men, including President Hayes, have been members.
The ancient castle is in an excellent state of preservation and is sometimes used for the assembly of the states.
But this all-conquering religion is not the popular Yahweh worship; why then can the prophet still hold that the one true God is yet the God of Israel, and that the vindication of His Godhead involves the preservation of Israel?
But till this was realized Isaiah was right in teaching that the law of continuity demanded that the nation within which Yahweh had made Himself known to His spiritual prophets must be maintained as a nation for the sake of the glory of God and the preservation of the "remnant."
Finally the presence of the flying lizards (Pterydactylus, Rhamphorhynchus) and the ancient birds (Archaeopteryx) is determined from remains in a most wonderful state of preservation in these ancient deposits.
The duties of churchwardens comprise the provision of necessaries for divine service, so far as the church funds or voluntary subscriptions permit, the collecting the offertory of the congregation, the keeping of order during the divine service, and the giving of offenders into custody; the assignment of seats to parishioners; the guardianship of the movable goods of the church; the preservation and repair of the church and churchyard, the fabric and the fixtures; and the presentment of offences against ecclesiastical law.
In the event of a determination in favour of Great Britain the arbitrators were to determine what concurrent regulations were necessary for the preservation of the seals, and a joint commission was to be appointed by the two powers to assist them in the investigation of the facts of seal life.
Measures have been taken, both by the provincial and the federal governments, for its preservation, and for re-forestation of depleted areas.
The policy of encouraging the provision of ample cold-storage accommodation has been developed still further by the Cold Storage Act of the Dominion parliament passed in 1907, under which subsidies are granted in part payment of the cost of erecting and equipping cold-storage warehouses in Canada for the preservation of perishable foodproducts.
In his earlier years he devoted himself to chemistry, both theoretical and applied, publishing papers on the preparation of gold and platinum, numerical relations between the atomic weights of analogous elements, the formation of aventurine glass, the manufacture of illuminating gas from wood, the preservation of oil-paintings, &c. The reaction known by his name for the detection of bile acids was published in 1844.
In The Arrangement Of The Civil Year, Two Objects Are Sought To Be Accomplished, First, The Equable Distribution Of The Days Among Twelve Months; And Secondly, The Preservation Of The Beginning Of The Year At The Same Distance From The Solstices Or Equinoxes.
But the abiding value of his work lies in his preservation of facts in Roman history, religion, antiquities and language, which but for him might have perished.
Thanks to the great care expended on the preservation of the royal dead, although the mummies of all the other kings have disappeared, a wonderful series of the Theban kings and queens of the New Kingdom from the XVIIth Dynasty to the XXIst Dynasty has come down to us.
One of its masters was Joseph Milner (1744-1797), author of a history of the Church; and among its students were Andrew Marvell the poet (1621-1678) and William Wilberforce the philanthropist (1759-1833), who is commemorated by a column and statue near the dock offices, and by the preservation of the house of his birth in High Street.
The Palazzo del Commune and the Palazzo Pretorio, once the residence of the podesta, are both fine specimens of 14th-century domestic architecture, in good preservation.
The rise of arbitration as a method of settling international difficulties has carried it a step further, and now the Hague Peace Conventions have given pacific methods a standing apart from war, and the preservation of peace has become an object of direct political effort.
The methods for ensuring such preservation are now almost as precise as the methods of war.
The Holy Roman Empire itself was in some respects an agent for the preservation of peace among its constituent states.
This concert of the great powers, as its name implies, in contradistinction to the " balance of power," was essentially a factor for the preservation of peace.
These self-governing colonies with their spheres of influence, with vast areas still unpeopled, have a future before them which is dissociated from the methods of an over-peopled Europe, and among them the preservation of peace is the direct object and condition of their progressive development.
It seems a truism to say that among the agencies which most effectively tend to the preservation of peace are treaties which regulate the relations of states in their intercourse with other states.
Other cases of regulation by treaty are certain contractual engagements which have been entered into by states for the preservation of the status quo of other states and territories.
Such conventions obviously remove occasions for friction and are therefore among the most effective agencies contributing to the preservation of peace among civilized peoples.
When first discovered, in 1817, these frescoes were in a fair state of preservation, but they have since been allowed to go hopelessly to ruin.
The origins of the veneration of relics lie in the anxiety for the preservation of the bodies of the martyrs.
The work still survives visibly, though in varying preservation, except in the agricultural districts near its two ends.
In the great bog-deposit at Thorsbjaerg in Angel, which dates from about the 4th century, there were found a coat with long sleeves, in a fair state of preservation, a pair of long trousers with remains of socks attached, several shoes and portions of square cloaks, one of which had obviously been dyed green.
In 1871 its preservation as an open space was insured after several years' dispute, when the lord of the manor gave up his rights.
A Protection Society guards the preservation of the natural beauty and interests of the Heath.
There were some of the Essenes who permitted marriage, but strictly with a view to the preservation of the race; in other respects they agreed with the main body of the society.
That he celebrated the night of St Bartholomew was due to the fact that, according to his information, the step was a last resort to ensure the preservation of the royal family and the Catholic religion from the attacks of the revolutionary Huguenots.
Little is known of the condition of the subject populations of the peninsula during the Arab occupation; but we are informed that the Christians were, sometimes at least, judged according to their own laws in separate tribunals presided over by Christian judges; 2 and the mere fact of the preservation of the name alcalde, an official whose functions corresponded so closely to those of the judex or defensor civitatis, is fitted to suggest that the old municipal fora, if much impaired, were not even then in all cases wholly destroyed.
To gamekeepers and those interested in the preservation of game, all animals such as the pole-cat, weasel, stoat, hawks, owls, &c., which destroy the eggs or young of preserved birds, are classed as "vermin," and the same term includes rats, mice, &c. It is also the collective name given to all those disgusting and objectionable insects that infest human beings, houses, &c., when allowed to be in a filthy and unsanitary condition, such as bugs, fleas, lice, &c.
The polygonal walls of the acropolis may still be seen in a fair state of preservation on a circular hill standing about 500 ft.
Statutory measures were taken from time to time to ensure the preservation of registers of burials, but it was not until 1836 (the Births and Deaths Registration Act) that the registration of deaths became a national concern.
It is in the nature of such movements to develop violent phases, and the leaders of the Aikoku-sha (patriotic association), as the agitators now called themselves, not infrequently showed disregard for the preservation of peace and order.
The Palazzo della Ragione, erected in the Piazza dei Mercanti, just west of the Piazza del Duomo, the central point of the medieval city, in1223-1238by the podesta, Oldrado da Tresseno, whose equestrian portrait in high relief adorns it, still exists in fine preservation.
Leading from the fine cloisters, also the work of Bramante, is the former refectory, on the walls of which Leonardo da Vinci painted his celebrated "Last Supper," a work which is unfortunately in a bad state of preservation.
All planters lay great stress on the preservation of the fibrils; the point principally disputed is to what extent they can with safety be allowed to be cut off in transplantation.
The coping of garden walls is important, both for the preservation of the walls and for throwing the rain-water off their surfaces.
One main object is the preservation of equilibrium in the growth of the several parts of the tree; and for this various minor details deserve attention.
It is well, however, to guard against an over-estimation of this exuberance; it must be borne in mind that the physiographic conditions were peculiarly favourable to the preservation of plant remains, conditions that do not appear to have obtained so completely in any other period.
In 1900 the association for the preservation of Virginia antiquities, to which the site was deeded in 1893, induced the United States government to build a wall to prevent the further encroachment of the river; the foundations of several of the old buildings have since been uncovered, many interesting relics have been found, and in 1907 there were erected a brick church (which is as far as possible a reproduction of the fourth one built in 1639-1647), a marble shaft marking the site of the first settlement, another shaft commemorating the first house of burgesses, a bronze monument to the memory of Captain John Smith, and another monument to the memory of Pocahontas.
Some of these, such as the lapacho and quebracho, are of rare excellence and durability, as is shown by the wonderful state of preservation in which the woodwork of early Jesuit churches still remains.
After some haggling a document called the Solemn League and Covenant was drawn up. This was practically a treaty between England and Scotland for the preservation of the reformed religion in Scotland, the reformation of religion in England and Ireland "according to the word of God and the example of the best reformed churches," and the extirpation of popery and prelacy.
These were such as to conduce to its preservation and interest as a relic of antiquity.
Though of small size, and by no means remarkable in point of architecture, it is interesting as the only temple that has come down to us in a good state of preservation of those dedicated to the Egyptian goddess, whose worship became so popular under the Roman Empire.
It has until lately been the practice to remove these to the museum at Naples; but the present tendency is to leave them (and even the movable objects found in the houses) in situ with all due precautions as to their preservation (as in the house of the Vettii, of the Silver Wedding, of the Golden Cupids, &c.), which adds immensely to the interest of the houses; indeed, with the l,eip of judicious restoration, their original condition is in large measure reproduced.'
It is called - as usual without any authority - the villa of Arrius Diomedes; but its remains are of peculiar interest to us, not only for comparison with the numerous ruins of similar buildings which occur elsewhere - often of greater extent, but in a much less perfect state of preservation - but as assisting us in understanding the description of ancient authors, such as Vitruvius and Pliny, of the numerous appurtenances frequently annexed to houses of this description.
These tombs are in many instances monuments of considerable pretension, and of a highly ornamental character, and naturally present in the highest degree the peculiar advantage common to all that remains of Pompeii, in their perfect preservation.
Also he took advantage of the rule of the Commonwealth to indulge much more freely than he might have otherwise dared in rationalistic criticism of religious doctrines; while, amid the turmoil of sects, he could the more forcibly urge that the preservation of social order, when again firmly restored, must depend on the assumption by the civil power of the right 2 L.W.
Had the natives of Egypt been asked to choose between the preservation of Ptolemy's famed temple and the benefit to be derived from a considerable additional depth of water storage, there can be no question that they would have preferred the latter; but they were not consulted, and the classical sentiment and artistic beauty of the place, skilfully pleaded by archaeologists and artists, prevailed.
In addition to a couple of books on the preservation of forests, he published Der isolierte Soziale Staat (Zurich, 1880).
The precise age of the volcanoes of the Eifel, many of which are in a very perfect state of preservation, is not clear, but they are certainly Tertiary or Post-tertiary.
In many of the state parliaments resolutions were carried protesting against the system of imperial railways, and from that time the preservation of the local railway management has been the chief object towards which, in Saxony, Bavaria and Wurttemberg, local feeling has been directed.
Even before 1870 a protest was raised against this system among the Roman Catholics, who were chiefly concerned for the preservation of family life, which was threatened by the growth of the factory system and also by the teaching of the Social Democrats.
The preservation of a peasant class was considered necessary in the interests of the army.
As the preservation of the smaller middle class seemed to be important as a bulwark against Socialism, they won the support of the Conservative and Clerical parties, and lawsinspiredby them were passed in Bavaria, Wurttemberg and Prussia.
Increased attention is now being paid by both provincial and federal governments to preservation and to reforestation.
They include a theatre in partial preservation, but they have been mostly carried off to Sivri-Hissar, which is largely built out of them.
About that time a party of young Germans had arisen who professed to care little for constitutionalism and other " legal mummies," but made the preservation and extension of their own nationality their sole object.
Mineptah, C. 1225 B.C., succeeding his father Rameses II., had to fight many battles for the preservation of.
Woods cover fully 7% of the area, and their preservation is considered of so much importance that private owners are under strict control as regards cutting of timber.
In this department Schurz put in force his theories in regard to merit in the Civil Service, permitting no removals except for cause, and requiring competitive examinations for candidates for clerkships; he reformed the Indian Bureau and successfully opposed a bill transferring it to theWar Department; and he prosecuted land thieves and attracted public attention to the necessity of forest preservation.
The inhabitants are principally engaged in agriculture and the fisheries, and in the preservation of sardines, anchovies, &c. The breed of draught horses in the island is highly prized.
During the war some show of general work was made by members of the German Archaeological Commission with the Turkish forces, but this came to little more than notes on the preservation or destruction of wellknown monuments.
The Bell Tower, from which alarms were given when border raiders were observed, is in fair preservation.
Over much of this region they owe their preservation largely to the mass of lavas poured over them in Tertiary time.
The widespread use of Latin was, however, seldom or never antagonistic to the preservation of national sentiment.
It is built of local conglomerate and is in marvellous preservation.
In these vicissitudes which led to the growth of the Old Testament, in its preservation among a devoted people, and in the results which have ensued down to to-day, it is impossible not to believe that the history of the past, with its manifold evolutions of thought and action, points the way to the religion of the future.
The struggle for life may deal hardly with the individual, but it results - to quote Darwin's well-known title - in "the preservation of favoured races."
Their excellent preservation is accounted for by their burial under the lava.
Of the metopes also a great number of fragments have been found, together with two almost complete metopes, the one containing the torso of a nude warrior in perfect preservation, as well as ten wellpreserved heads.
To his legal scholarship and collecting zeal Virginia owed the preservation of a large part of her early statutes.
For the preservation of order this force is by no means inefficient, but it fails as a detective agency and also in the prosecution of crime, being distrusted by the people generally.
The peculiar form of the tube is eminently suited for rigid preservation of the relative parallelism of the axes of the two telescopes, so that,;i the image of a certain selected star is retained on the intersection of two wires of the micrometer, by means of the driving clock, aided by small corrections given by the observer in right ascension and declination (required on account of irregularity in the clock movement, error in astronomical adjustment of the polar axis, or changes in the star's apparent place produced by refraction), the image of a star will continue on the same spot of the photographic film during the whole time of exposure.
The outbreak of the military rising in Naples, following so shortly on that in Spain, seriously alarmed the powers responsible for the preservation of the peace in Europe.
Though it is built largely of wood, the fabric is in good preservation.
Then came innumerable varieties of manual work for the erection and keeping up of hedges, the preservation of dykes, canals and ditches, the threshing and garnering of corn, the tending and shearing of sheep and so forth.
The amphitheatre, which seated 12,000 spectators, is in a better state of preservation.
When Belisarius and John met, the latter ostentatiously thanked Narses alone for his preservation.
The Inquisitio Eliensis, the "Exon Domesday" (so called from the preservation of the volume at Exeter), and the second volume of Domesday Book, also all contain the full details which the original returns supplied.
Among the most important are the Sacro Monte (1486) at Varallo in Piedmont, and those at Guimiliau (1581), Plougastel (1602), St Thegonnec (1610), and Pleyben near Quimper (1670), in Brittany, all in good preservation.
Other officers were the Burggraf 2 or praefectus for military matters, including the preservation of the town's defences, walls, moat, bridges and streets, to whom also appertained some jurisdiction over the craft-gilds in matters relating to their crafts; further the customs-officer or teleonarius and the mint-master or monetae magister.
There is an Imam's court for the trial of cases affecting Mahommedan law of marriage, succession, &c. The native chiefs are responsible to the government for the preservation of law and order in their districts.
But the question is - From what time are we to suppose that the preservation of long poems was generally secured by the existence of written copies?
The preservation of this vast mass can only be attributed to writing, which must therefore have been in use for two centuries or more before there was any considerable prose literature.
Though it was not till later times that the network of class divisions and subdivisions attained anything like the degree of intricacy which it shows in these latter days, still in its origin the caste-system is undoubtedly coincident with the rise of Brahmanism, and may even be said to be of the very essence of it.3 The cardinal principle which underlies the system of caste is the preservation of purity of descent, and purity of religious belief and ceremonial usage.
They are then dried and put up for preservation in glass-stoppered bottles; and they require to be very carefully guarded against mites and various other minute insects, to the attacks of which they are peculiarly liable.
General average arises when sacrifices have been made, or expenditures incurred, for the preservation of the ship, cargo and freight, from some peril of the sea or from its effects.
As to the future of the Church in the United States, all Catholics feel, with their latest historian, that " the Catholic Church is in accord with Christ's revelation, with American liberty, and is the strongest power for the preservation of the Republic from the new social dangers that threaten the United States as well as the whole civilized world.
His contention was that its preservation depended on the recognition of the rights guaranteed to the states by the Constitution, and that aggression by one section could only end in disruption.
Talmud by the Qaraites in their controversies with the Rabbis we owe the preservation of this recension, incomplete though it is.
The external side of religion - its rites and observances - must of necessity be subject to a certain control on the part of the state, whose business it is to see to the preservation of decency and order.
The simplest form of oyster culture is the preservation of the natural oyster-beds.
Next comes the preservation of order, the protection of all reputable people, and the maintenance of public peace by checking riot and disturbance or noisy demonstration, by enforcing the observance of the thousand and one regulations laid down for the general good.
Twice in the period 700 -500 B.C. the city owed its preservation to the interference of the goddess; once when the swarms of the Cimmerians overran Asia Minor in the 7th century and burnt the Artemision itself; and once when Croesus besieged the town in the century succeeding, and only retired after it had solemnly dedicated itself to Artemis, the sign of such dedication being the stretching of a rope from city to sanctuary.
The impulse of self preservation in nature is the lowest form of religion; above this comes animal religion; and finally rational religion, the perfection of which consists in perfect knowledge, pure volition and love, and is union with God.
On the higher and therefore cooler and less rainy ranges of the Himalaya the conditions of temperature requisite for the preservation of the various species are readily found by ascending or descending the mountain slopes, and therefore a greater uniformity of character in the vegetation is maintained along the whole chain.
This Reason even non-rational man unconsciously manifests in his mechanical or instinctive actions which tend to the preservation of himself.
On 6th February 1873 Bolivia entered upon a secret agreement with Peru, the ostensible object of which was the preservation of their territorial integrity and their mutual defence against exterior aggression.
The extension of national forest reserves and the regulations enforced by the United States government for the preservation of the ranges have put limits to the industry.
When Pasteur in 1857 showed that the lactic fermentation depends on the presence of an organism, it was already known from the researches of Schwann (1837) and Helmholtz (1843) that fermentation and putrefaction are intimately connected with the presence of organisms derived from the air, and that the preservation of putrescible substances depends on this principle.
For all reasons an attempt to preserve Stonehenge was desirable; and the owner, Sir Edmund Antrobus I was willing, on certain conditions, as to limitations of access, to co-operate with the Society of Antiquaries, Wiltshire Archaeological Society and Society for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments in taking such steps as might be necessary to prevent more stones from falling, and even (if possible) to set up some which had fallen.
They are related to have brought with them sacred relics, books and pictures, for whose better preservation two large monasteries were erected.
Up to 1909 this was the only Assyrian palace which had ever been explored systematically, in its entirety, and fortunately it was found on the whole in an admirable state of preservation.
There were originally four principal gates, with four streets meeting in the middle of the quadrangle, after the style of a Roman camp. The eastern gate, or Porta Aenea, is destroyed, but, though the side towers are gone, the western gate, or Porta Ferrea, and the main entrance of the building, the beautiful Porta Aurea, in the north front, are still in fairly good preservation.
The general statement that such doctrines refer all moral action to criteria of the individual's happiness, preservation, moral perfection, raises an obvious difficulty.
This merely federal plan, reported from a Conference attended by the delegates from Connecticut, New York and Delaware, as well as those from New Jersey (and by Luther Martin of Maryland), consisted of nine resolutions; the first was that " the Articles of Confederation ought to be so revised, corrected and enlarged as to render the federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union "; and the actual " plan " was for a single legislative body, in which each state should be represented by one member, and which should elect the supreme court and have power to remove the executive (a Council), to lay taxes and import duties, to control commerce, and even, if necessary, to make requisitions for funds from the states.
They may make orders for the custody and preservation of public books, writings, papers and documents belonging to a parish.
Throughout life he steadily followed two guiding principles - the preservation of the political union between Poland and Lithuania at whatever cost, and the recovery of the lost lands of old Poland.
The industries, in addition to shipbuilding and the preservation of fish, include the manufacture of tobacco, cement, macaroni and similar preparations, and flour.
Second, the process of " survival in culture " has caused the preservation in each stage of society of phenomena belonging to an earlier period, but kept up by force of custom into the later, thus supplying evidence of the modern condition being derived from the ancient.
He was a member of the committee on finance throughout his service in the Senate, and his first speech in that body was a defence of the free coinage of silver and a plea for the preservation of the full legal tender value of greenback currency, though in 1893 he voted to repeal the silver purchase clause of the Sherman Act.
Sufficient portions of this design were found in good preservation to enable the whole to be accurately restored - a process as legitimate in such a case as censurable in the case of a figure-painting.
The safety of the structure depends upon the preservation of the absolute integrity of the cage.
It is agreed that the first step in the preservation of metal-work against deterioration or corrosion is the obtaining of absolute cleanness of metal before the application of paint or oil.
Some of these are undoubtedly faulted into their present positions, and to this they owe their preservation.
Moral and political phenomena are the result of the opposing forces of progress and preservation, and their perfection lies in the fulfilment of the law of equilibrium or universal harmony.
The Manchester Education Union and the Birmingham Education League had already formulated in the provinces the two opposing theories, the former standing for the preservation of denominational interests, the latter advocating secular rate-aided education as the only means of protecting Nonconformity against the Church.
In 1880 the colonial authorities endeavoured to extend to Basutoland the Peace Preservation Act of 1878, under which a general disarmament of the Basutos was attempted.
It is a well-built compact city, and its temples and examination halls are in good preservation.
Inter- cast-lead pipes, but they were regarded as luxuries, mittent supply, not as necessaries, and gave way to cheaper conduits made, as pump barrels had long been made, by boring out tree trunks, which are occasionally dug up in a good state of preservation.
Their preservation was due to the enlightened energy of the principal at the time of the Reformation, who armed his folk to save the building from the barons of the Mearns after they had robbed St Machar's of its bells and lead.
The king having a continual care for the preservation of the realm, and for the peace and quiet of his subjects, he had therefore amongst many privileges this prerogative, viz.
Very careful provision is made for the preparation of the sites of great assemblies, and the preservation of peace and order at them is sanctioned by the severest penalties of the law.
For the minister thought it necessary, while providing against famine by repealing the corn laws, to ensure the preservation of order by a new coercion bill.
As he himself wrote, "the most worthless book of a bygone day is a record worthy of preservation; like a telescopic star, its obscurity may render it unavailable for most purposes; but it serves, in hands which know how to use it, to determine the places of more important bodies."
It is remarkable for the preservation of its corridors.
When the Civil War became inevitable he endeavoured to impress upon the North the necessity of taking extraordinary measures for the preservation of the Union.
But this peace is feeble and insecure, and if something else does not come to its aid it can do very little for the preservation of mankind.
When Constantine, therefore, established a new seat of government at Byzantium, he adopted a policy inaugurated before his day as essential to the preservation of the Roman dominion.
For the preservation of order and security, the city is divided into four divisions (Belad-i-Selassi), viz.
To his vigour and intrepidity the Dutch in no small measure owed the preservation and establishment of their .empire in the East.
Some parts of the Roman theatre remain, but the stones of the amphitheatre, which stood without the walls of the modern town, and which the French found in an almost perfect state of preservation, were used by them for building purposes, and the railway was cut through the site.
Dark, swarthy; yellow, copper-coloured are all adjectives employed to describe their complexion - the truth being that their habits of life do not conduce either to the preservation or display of the natural colour of their skin, and that some of them are really fair, and others, perhaps the majority, really dark.
There is no logical connexion between this theory and the doctrine that appetite of desire has always pleasure (or the absence of pain) for its object; but a materialist, framing a system of psychology, will naturally direct his attention to the impulses arising out of bodily wants, whose obvious end is the preservation of the agent's organism; and this, together with a philosophic wish to simplify, may lead him to the conclusion that all human impulses are similarly self-regarding.
This, at any rate, is Hobbes's cardinal doctrine in moral psychology, that each man's appetites or desires are naturally directed either to the preservation of his life, or to that heightening of it which he feels as pleasure.2 Hobbes does not distinguish instinctive from deliberate pleasureseeking; and he confidently resolves the most apparently unselfish emotions into phases of self-regard.
Since, then, all the voluntary actions of men tend to their own preservation or pleasure, it cannot be reasonable to aim at anything else; in fact, nature rather than reason fixes this as the end of human action; it is reason's function to show the means.
Hence if we ask why it is reasonable for any individual to observe the rules of social behaviour that are commonly called moral, the answer is obvious that this is only indirectly reasonable, as a means to his own preservation or pleasure.
This latter is never Pleasure simply, but always Preservation - though on occasion he enlarges the notion of " preservation " into " preservation of life so as not to be weary of it."
His view seems to be that in a state of nature most men will fight, rob, &c., " for delectation merely " or " for glory," and that hence all men must be allowed an indefinite right to fight, rob, &c., " for preservation."
At present, however, the theory of heredity is usually held in conjunction with Darwin's theory of natural selection; according to which different kinds of living things in the course of a series of generations come gradually to be endowed with organs, faculties and habits tending to the preservation of the individual or species under the conditions of life in which it is placed.
Thus we have a new zoological factor in the history of the moral sentiments; which, though in no way opposed to the older psychological theory of their formation through coalescence of more primitive feelings, must yet be conceived as controlling and modifying the effects of the law of association by preventing the formation of sentiments other than those tending to the preservation of human life.
The influence of the Darwinian theory, moreover, has extended from historical psychology to ethics, tending to substitute " preservation of the race under its conditions of existence " for " happiness " as the ultimate end and standard of virtue.
He was principally concerned to show that in morality, as in other departments of human life, it was not necessary to postulate a complete and abrupt gap between human and merely animal existence, but that the instincts and habits which contribute to survival in the struggle for existence among animals develop into moral qualities which have a similar value for the preservation of human and social life.
Consequently the facts of moral development imply with the emergence of human consciousness the appearance of something qualitatively different from the facts with which physiology for instance deals, imply a stratum as it were in development which no examination of animal tissues, no calculation of consequences with regard to the preservation of the species can ever satisfactorily explain.
The fine church of St James contains an early font with Norman carving, a rich Norman doorway, a painted reredos, and a beautiful old roodstone in good preservation.
The Triple Alliance of 1882 between Germany, Austria and Italy was ostensibly directed to the preservation of European peace against any possible aggressive action of France or Russia; and this led in turn, some ten years later, to the Dual Alliance between Russia and France, for mutual support in case of any hostile action of the other powers.
The heresy was successfully stamped out in Britain, but distinct traces of it are to be found some three centuries later in Ireland, and it is to Irish monks on the European continent that we owe the preservation of the recently discovered copies of Pelagius's Commentary.
This reform may have helped to foster the cultivation of the native literature, and it is possible that we owe to it the preservation of the Ulster epic. But the Irish were unfortunately incapable of rising above the saga, consisting of a mixture of prose and verse.
The grand design of Sully, the organization of a Christian Republic of the European nations for the preservation of peace, was but the invention of an irresponsible minister, soured by defeat and wishing to impress posterity.
It maintained throughout the whole of the republican period a certain distinctiveness of nationality, which was marked by the preservation of a different dialect and of a separate stadtholder.
The renewed excesses of the Circumcelliones, among whom were ranged fugitive slaves, debtors and political malcontents of all kinds, had given to the Donatist schism a revolutionary aspect; and its forcible suppression may therefore have seemed to Constans even more necessary for the preservation of the empire than for the vindication of orthodoxy.
Each sporangium had, on one side only, a longitudinal or slightly oblique annulus, several cells in width; the numerous spores were all of the same size; certain differences among them, which have been interpreted as indicating heterospory, have now proved to depend merely on the state of preservation.
Though we do not propose to deal with the other European localities for Eocene and Oligocene plants, there is one district to which attention should be drawn, on account of the exceptional state of preservation of the specimens.
The outer walls are in good preservation, but the interior is ruined.
There are few towns of Italy which possess so many Roman remains in good preservation under the medieval buildings, and few medieval towns with so picturesque an appearance.
The climate is much drier than that of Chiapas, and the structures are in a better state of preservation than those of Palenque, but the rank vegetation and the decay of the wooden lintels over the doorways have broken down many of the walls.
As early as 1572 a society had been founded by Bishop Matthew Parker, Sir Robert Cotton, William Camden and others for the preservation of national antiquities.
This again emphasis the groups evolving interest in the biotransformation, fate and protection of organic biocides in long term preservation systems.
The dominant feature of ERPANET will be the provision of a virtual clearinghouse and knowledge base on state-of-the-art developments in digital preservation.
Placing the collection on the VADS server was also part of the museum's long-term preservation strategy for its entire collection.
The preservation movement was helped by the large number of engines lying derelict in yards all over the country.
For the bladder preservation, accurate staging diagnosis is required.
One such railroad is the Chasewater Railroad, which can trace its origins back to the very genesis of railroad preservation.
The carving, gilding and decoration are still in good state of preservation.
One of their early successes in conservation was the preservation of the Hawaiian goose.
However, as the prospect of e-only versions of material becomes more immediate, the preservation issue becomes more pressing.
This was observed throughout the study for preservation and fragmentation indices.
We can provide general advice on the preservation of old lawn mowers.
In a young patient in which femoral head preservation is preferred, however, a proximal femoral osteotomy may be indicated.
To some, this is a key statement to help ensure the preservation of the VCS.
The costs of long-term preservation, which cannot be passed on to customers, was a concern for many.
Brian was involved in a study on the digital preservation of Web sites during summer, 2002.
The sixth chapter entitled preservation tackles the foundations of archival items preservation.
Only records selected for permanent preservation are held in the Archives.
Polkinghorne uses the parable to try to prove that God has created universal laws which are analogous to a miraculous preservation from sharpshooters.
Position is that historic preservation act the army calls.
There was no viable means of in situ preservation.
This is simply the best guide to railroad preservation in Britain today.
Bent on self preservation, she stoutly denied any part in the plot.
Perpetual Posies We offer an experienced bouquet preservation service.
Ovarian germ cell tumors occur in young women in whom fertility preservation is of great concern.
Helen Hockx-Yu then gave a recap of the 12 workpackages for forthcoming JISC funding, outlining some of the preservation elements.
There is some preservation of airway reflexes during anesthesia with this agent.
The book was put out by the local historical society to benefit the preservation of an old local one-room schoolhouse.
The report lays stress on the preservation of self-respect among residents of homes and the need for privacy in maintaining this self-respect and dignity.
Yet another pleasant little outing to a line which, despite its relative seniority in the preservation field, still has some potential.
Preservation was recorded as ' good ' throughout, while angularity was generally ' spiky ' or ' quite spiky ' .
Biogas energy also enables farmers to process their produce for preservation and added value, reducing spoilage and increasing the overall benefits.
At the rear are large storerooms fitted with every modern appliance for the preservation of the stock.
Toaster Museum Foundation dedicated the preservation and presentation of the bread toaster Museum Foundation dedicated the preservation and presentation of the bread toaster, an object of historical and cultural value.
Tree preservation order (TPO) an Order made by the Council to protect a tree preservation order (TPO) an Order made by the Council to protect a tree or group of trees.
They are therefore unable to have any effect on the preservation of habitats or conservation.
The penis is also still swollen but not woody hard and probably has quite considerable preservation of erectile tissue.
Here we would observe an oral tradition community as it enters new material into its oral store of recollections judged worthy of preservation.
The Byzantine walls, pierced by three gates, are in tolerable preservation.
During the pope's absence in Paris, at the coronation of Napoleon, Consalvi remained as virtual sovereign in Rome; and his regency was rendered remarkable by a great inundation, caused by the overflow of the Tiber, during which he exposed himself with heroic humanity for the preservation of the sufferers.
Owing to the fact that the site is largely covered with sand and to the absence of any later alterations, the preservation of the buildings excavated is very good, and Ostia is, - with the exception of Pompeii, the best example in Italy of a town of the Roman period.
To the calm resourcefulness and level-headedness of President Roca at a very difficult and critical juncture must be largely ascribed the preservation of peace, and the permanent removal of a dispute that had aroused so much irritation.
Before proceeding further it may be mentioned that the remains of many of these mammals are very scarce, even in formations apparently in every -way suitable to the preservation of such fossils, and it hence seems probable that these creatures are stragglers from a country where primitive small mammals were abundant.
These conditions have been specially studied and applied in connexion with the preserving of food (see Food Preservation) and in the ancient practice of embalming the dead, which is the earliest illustration of the systematic use of antiseptics (see Embalming).
The prosecution of such inquiries is beginning to make unnecessary much ingenious speculation of a kind that was prominent from r880 to 'goo; much futile effort has been wasted in the endeavour to find on Darwinian principles special " selection-values " for phenomena the universality of which places them outside the possibility of having relations with the particular conditions of particular organisms. On the other hand, many of those who have been specially successful in grouping diverse phenomena under empirical generalizations have erred logically in posing their generalizations against such a vera causa as the preservation of favoured individuals and races.
But it has been a centre of preservation of the Taxodieae, a tribe of Coniferae of great antiquity.
We are now in a position to give an expanded definition of instinctive behaviour as comprising those complex groups of co-ordinated acts which, though they contribute to experience, are, on their first occurrence, not determined by individual experience; which are adaptive and tend to the well-being of the individual and the preservation of the race; which are due to the co-operation of external and internal stimuli; which are similarly performed by all members of the same more or less restricted group of animals; but which are subject to variation, and to subsequent modification under the guidance of individual experience.
The building was intended to be "a place of public meeting for all sorts and descriptions of people, without distinction, who shall behave and conduct themselves in an orderly, sober, religious and devout manner, for the worship and adoration of the eternal, unsearchable and immutable Being, who is the author and preserver of the universe, but not under and by any other name, designation or title, peculiarly used for and applied to any particular being or beings by any man or set of men whatsoever; and that no graven image, statue or sculpture, carving, painting, picture, portrait or the likeness of anything shall be admitted within the said messuage, building, land, tenements, hereditament and premises; and that no sacrifice, offering or oblation of any kind or thing shall ever be permitted therein; and that no animal or living creature shall within or on the said messuage, &c., be deprived of life either for religious purposes or food, and that no eating or drinking (except such as shall be necessary by any accident for the preservation of life), feasting or rioting be permitted therein or thereon; and that in conducting the said worship or adoration, no object, animate or inanimate, that has been or is or shall hereafter become or be recognized as an object of worship by any man or set of men, shall be reviled or slightingly or contemptuously spoken of or alluded to, either in preaching or in the hymns or other mode of worship that may be delivered or used in the said messuage or building; and that no sermon, preaching, discourse, prayer or hymns be delivered, made or used in such worship, but such as have a tendency to the contemplation of the Author and Preserver of the universe or to the promotion of charity, morality, piety, benevolence, virtue and the strengthening of the bonds of union between men of all religious persuasions and creeds."
Conduct being the adjustment of acts to ends, and good conduct that which is conducive to the preservation of a pleasurable life in a society so adjusted that each attains his happiness without impeding that of others, life can be considered valuable only if it conduces to happiness.
Among the land plants may be noted the blue anemone; the ranunculus along the road-sides, with a strong perfume of violets; the Malta heath, which flowers at all seasons; Cynomorium coccineum, the curious " Malta fungus," formerly so valued for medicinal purposes that a guard was set for its preservation under the rule of the Knights; the pheasant's-eye; three species of mallow and geranium; Oxalis cernua, a very troublesome imported weed; Lotus edulis; Scorpiurus subvillosa, wild and cultivated as forage; two species of the horseshoe-vetch; the opium poppy; the yellow and claret-coloured poppy; wild rose; Cartaegus azarolus, of which the fruit is delicious preserved; the ice-plant; squirting cucumber; many species of Umbelliferae; Labiatae, to which the spicy flavour of the honey (equal to that of Mt Hymettus) is ascribed; snapdragons; broom-rape; glass-wort; Salsola soda, which produces when burnt a considerable amount of alkali; there are fifteen species of orchids; the gladiolus and iris are also found; Urginia scilla, the medicinal squill, abounds with its large bulbous roots near the sea; seventeen species of sedges and seventy-seven grasses have been recorded.
The preservation of any record, however rude, of the lapse of time implies some knowledge of the celestial motions, by which alone time can be accurately measured, and some advancement in the arts of civilized life, which could be attained only by the accumulated experience of many generations (see Time).
The deed of submission then goes on to provide that the parties bind themselves, under a stipulated penalty to abide by the decreet arbitral, that, in the event of the death of either of them, the submission shall continue in force against their heirs and representatives, and that they consent to the registration, for preservation and execution, both of the deed itself and of the decreet arbitral.
See also the articles Adulteration; Dairy And Dairy Farming; Infancy; Dietetics; Food and Food PRESERVATION; in the last of which the preparation of condensed milk is described.
In Alsace-Lorraine German-speaking immigrants are gradually displacing, under 1 Schemes of thinkers, like William Penn's European Parliament (1693); the Abbe St Pierre's elaboration (c. 1700) of Henry IV.'s " grand design " (see supra); Jeremy Bentham's International Tribunal (1786-1789); Kant's Permanent Congress of Nations and Perpetual Peace (1796); John Stuart Mill's Federal Supreme Court; Seeley's, Bluntschli's, David Dudley Field's, Professor Leone Levi's, Sir Edmund Hornby's co-operative schemes for promoting law and order among nations, have all contributed to popularizing in different countries the idea of a federation of mankind for the preservation of peace.
Thus in America progress is being rapidly made towards the realization of the idea that war can be superannuated by elimination of its causes and the development of positive methods for the preservation of peace (see PAN- ' 'American Conferences).
Hence the exoteric theory of manifestations of the Supreme Spirit; and that not only the manifestations implied in the triad of gods representing the cardinal processes of mundane existence - creation, preservation, and destruction or regeneration - but even such as would tend to supply a rational explanation for superstitious imaginings of every kind.
That the members of this " city of Zeus " should observe their contracts, abstain from mutual harm, combine to protect each other from injury, were obvious points of natural law; while again, it was clearly necessary to the preservation of human society that its members should form sexual unions, produce children, and bestow care on their rearing and training.
It is a state in which every one has a right to everything that may conduce to his preservation; but it is therefore also a state of war - a state so wretched that it is the first dictate of rational self-love to emerge from it into social peace and order.
The bells ' lack of harmony was felt to give them a rarity value which needed preservation.
Charcoal is a recessive mutation in need of preservation !
Today, The Stahl 's Pottery Preservation Society, Inc. works to preserve the traditional art of redware pottery.
In effect they relinquish responsibilities for preservation of heritage within the local area.
Nothing can be further from the desire or intention of Leninism than the preservation of the remnants of civilization.
Preservation was recorded as ' good ' throughout, while angularity was generally ' spiky ' or ' quite spiky '.
Summary These proposals attempt to address the sufficiency of representation information, both at the point of ingest, and throughout long-term preservation.
Toaster Museum Foundation dedicated the preservation and presentation of the bread toaster, an object of historical and cultural value.
Tree preservation order (TPO) an Order made by the Council to protect a tree or group of trees.
Such designations reflect both visual, historic and cultural qualities which are considered worthy of preservation and enhancement.
When buying gold coins, you should know that the value is determined by the date, preservation, rarity and collector appeal.
Not to be confused with the more complex eco village, an eco community develops around just one thing, the preservation of valuable green space.
Changing climatic conditions threaten water, air, food, and other supplies that are essential for the preservation of all life on the planet.
The high-maintenance property was leased to the Preservation Society of Rhode Island in 1948 by Vanderbilt's youngest child for $1 per year, with the provision that the family could live on the third floor, if desired.
Residential designers will specialize in projects such as kitchen and bath, home office or historical preservation.
While it's fairly easy to order bound albums of digital scrapbook pages from a service such as Shutterfly or Snapfish, the task can be time consuming for someone who is new to this aspect of memory preservation.
The company was started when Rhonda decided to teach mothers in her town how she made albums for photo preservation.
In most cases, they'll handle the cleaning and wedding dress preservation themselves.
Before you commit to a particular company for your gown preservation, find out exactly what is included.
Dry cleaners are a major source of dress preservation for many brides.
If you have a trusted cleaner, ask about their dress preservation.
Alteration specialists and tailors with their own shops may have their own preservation services.
Find out if they include cleaning with the preservation or if they just offer the preservation service before you use their services.
If you happened to buy your dress online, the preservation may be included from the retailer where you bought the gown.
Heritage Garment Preservation, a Better Business Bureau accredited retailer.
Newlyweds who used online preservation services can also recommend the companies they used.
If it's a formal frock and you would like to keep in its pristine state to wear to another formal occasion in the future, consider bringing it to a wedding dress preservation specialist.
For instance, do they offer alterations or wedding dress preservation?
Some shops even allow you to pay for a package offering tailoring, dry cleaning and preservation for one low price.
Whether you want to dry your wedding flowers to place in a decorative vase, or have your bouquet framed, there's a wedding flower preservation specialist for you.
Keep in mind that you will be required to send your bouquet to the flower preservation location as soon as possible.
After you choose a flower preservation specialist, you'll be required to send in a deposit.
Your preservation specialist will send you a catalog so you can choose your favorite.
Silica gel can also be used for do it yourself wedding flower preservation.
How does one find a wedding flower preservation specialist?
Most wedding magazines have advertisements listing preservation services.
They offer many services including wedding flower preservation, wedding dress preservation, and unique invitations.
They have offer on-site alterations, wedding dress preservation, and other special services for brides.
Once the wedding and reception are complete, it is best to your dress to a reputable dry cleaner that specializes in wedding dress preservation.
Environmental standards are closely regulated to ensure preservation of one of the most isolated archipelagos left on earth, thus travel by water is restricted to small, environmentally regulated modes of transportation.
The Onofrio Dog Show superintendent is also responsible for transferring all records from the event to the AKC for preservation.
The key to natural preservation of homemade dog biscuits lies in removing as much of the moisture as possible during the baking process.
For more information about historic windows be sure to visit the United States government's official website on historic preservation.
Any wine enthusiast will tell you that there are many variables to think about when building a home wine cellar, including temperature, storage systems, labeling, preservation, and more.
Its metaphysical meaning is preservation.
Seed Savers Exchange is an Iowa-based non-profit dedicated to the preservation of heirloom seeds and agricultural heritage.
To learn more about seed preservation, visit the National Center for Genetic Preservation.
Understanding who buys organic and natural products is important to us; creating the quality as well as a set of other values such as the environmental preservation, no animals testing, and environmentally friendly packaging.
For most gardens, the slow-release approach from organic fertilizer is the most sensible choice both for convenience, plant health, and preservation of water quality.
Unfortunately, most food manufacturers find sodium a necessary evil for food preservation.
Goggles can block sharp instruments or glass, preservation chemicals used in dissections, bodily fluids, dust, splatters, bacterium, or flying objects-all things you are likely to find in one type of science class or lab or another.
Multiple color and tint gradient choices (mauve, brown, blue, yellow, gray, clear, etc.) for different conditions, including low light, glare reduction, clarity enhancing, and color preservation options.
Scanning pictures into digital formats is an easy way to ensure their preservation and to share them with others as well.
You can learn more about Coney Island history and preservation efforts by visiting
Other stoppers may preserve wine longer when they are a part of a preservation system, such as the Vacu Vin wine saver or the Preservino wine preservation system.
Surgical removal of the affected eye (enucleation) is performed when the tumor(s) are so large and extensive that preservation of sight is not possible.
Radiation therapy is often used for treatment of large tumors when preservation of sight is possible.
Fortunately, Tigi has formulated several treatments to aid in the preservation of your hair.The Dumb Blonde Reconstructor is a leave-in treatment that can be used either in the shower or overnight.
While it is possible to achieve a second pregnancy successfully by natural means, many cancer patients use fertility preservation methods to help eliminate secondary infertility and add to their family once they become cancer survivors.
Once a person has been diagnosed with cancer, he or she should speak with the doctor regarding fertility preservation.
If there is a chance you will want to expand your family after treatments, looking into various fertility preservation methods makes sense.
Embryo preservation is the preferred method, as eggs can be more fragile.
Ovarian tissue freezing is a newer method of fertility preservation.
For cancer survivors experiencing secondary infertility and who did not take fertility preservation precautions, help is still available.
Discuss various cancer treatments with your physician that can preserve your fertility, or undergo fertility preservation before you begin treatment.
If you are an environmental preservation society, talk about the depleting rain forest or other environmental issue.
They award grants for various environmental protection activities such as water pollution prevention, wetlands protection, tribal preservation, testing new environmental safety products, engine emission reduction programs and more.
This type of self preservation is human nature.
Dig a little deeper and you will find a provided list of Earth Day sites for kids, both official and themed after the general sentiments of the holiday such as animal preservation and basic health care.
For proper preservation of the christening gown, see the storing tips below.
Although preservation societies lobbied to save the old buildings, demolition is nearly complete.
The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition offers countless additional examples similar to the Lama Yeshe which provides some of the most compelling evidence.
Lynn and her family are active in outdoor recreation, sports and animal preservation.
Provident Living Today - provide bulk storage containers and instruction on food preservation, gardening, and other topics.
Salt is a natural preservative and is essential to the preservation of goat cheese.
Hartford's goal is to become "America's premier wealth creation and wealth preservation company."
Jim has comprehensive knowledge of strategies for Financial Goal Setting, Retirement Income Planning, Wealth Preservation and Estate Planning.
In 2008, The Terminator was even selected for preservation by the Library of Congress National Film Registry.
Seek the consultation of a dermatologist or licensed esthetician to begin your preservation routine.
It also encourages cellular preservation and is relied on to treat a number of skin disorders, including eczema and burn wounds.