Presentations Sentence Examples
His political and economical pamphlets are almost unmatched as clear presentations of the views of their writer.
It is vain, therefore, to look for clearly defined and systematic presentations of the idea among ancient writers.
But, generally speaking, there was no heart in preaching, sermons were unimpassioned, stilted and formal presentations of ethics and apologetics, seldom delivered extempore.
No less rapid has been the change in America during the same period, nor less numerous the scholars well equipped to pursue the detailed investigation involved in critical study or those who have shown ability in popular presentations of the critical standpoint.'
For a given degree of opposition this burden will be shared between the conflicting presentations in the inverse ratio of their strength.
We also have access to a smaller conference hall for exhibitor presentations, which is an unexpected bonus.
Yet it is The Colony Room that has become a leitmotif in presentations of the ` School of London ' .
We find in him other corrections or new presentations of views previously accepted, and some useful suggestions for the improvement of nomenclature.
That in knowing objects certain thoughts are implied which are not presentations or their copies is at times dimly seen by Berkeley himself; but he was content to propound a question with regard to those notions, and to look upon them as merely Locke's ideas of relation.
We regard as successive presentations of one thing the resembling feelings which are experienced in succession.
AdvertisementIt thus presents to all vacancies caused by simoniacal presentations, or by the incumbent having been presented to a bishopric or in benefices belonging to a bishopric when the see is vacant by the bishop's death, translation or deprivation.
Honours fell thick upon him in the form of addresses from the city of London and many large towns, and of presentations of freedom from various corporate bodies.
It is argued that there must be in the mind an enduring, primary faculty whereby we retain, compare and group the presentations of sense.
It contains within itself this modifying critical faculty which reacts upon and arranges the sense-given presentations.
Presbyteries in various parts of the country were still disposed to disregard the presentations of lay patrons, and to settle the men desired by the people; but legal decisions had shown that if they acted in this way their nominee, while legally minister of the parish, could not claim the stipend.
AdvertisementBy the new policy inaugurated by Dr William Robertson (1721-1793), which led to the second secession, the assembly compelled presbyteries to give effect to presentations, and in a long series of disputed settlements the " call," though still held essential to a settlement, was less and less regarded, until it was declared that it was not necessary, and that the church courts were bound to induct any qualified presentee.
The presbyteries ceased to disregard presentations, and lay patronage came to be regarded as part of the order of things.
He holds that nothing exists except presentations, which are not merely sensational, and have an objective aspect no less than a subjective.
Another provision, which in spite of all opposition obtained a permanent place in English law, declared that all suits even between clerk and clerk concerning advowsons and presentations should be tried in the king's court.
Herbart apperception is that process by which an aggregate or "mass" of presentations becomes systematized (apperceptionssystem) by the accretion of new elements, either sense-given or product of the inner workings of the mind.
AdvertisementPractically it became the rule to regard suits regarding land, or presentations to beneflees, as pertaining to the kings court, while those regarding probate, marriage and divorce fell to the ecclesiastical tribunal.
And even when the presentations before the mind are so clear that assent to their truth cannot be refused, the possibility of assenting still rests with the will, which can refuse to attend to any presentation, or can refuse assent with the sole motive of proving its freedom.
In his Psychology Herbart rejects altogether the doctrine of mental faculties as one refuted by his metaphysics, and tries to show that all psychical phenomena whatever result from the action and interaction of elementary ideas or presentations (Vorstellungen).
The soul being one and simple, its separate acts of self-preservation or primary presentations must be simple too, and its several presentations must become united together.
But otherwise there ensues a conflict in which the opposed presentations comport themselves like forces and mutually suppress or obscure each other.
AdvertisementWe have thus a statics and a mechanics of mind which investigate respectively the conditions of equilibrium and of movement among presentations.
The first must obviously be as small as possible; thus for two totally-opposed presentations a and b, of which a is the greater, the inhibendum = b.
Such total exclusion from consciousness is, however, manifestly impossible with only two presentations,' though with three or a greater number the residual value of one may even be negative.
The first and simplest law in psychological mechanics relates to the "sinking" of inhibited presentations.
As the presentations yield to the pressure, the pressure itself diminishes, so that the velocity of sinking decreases, i.e.
More important is the law according to which a presentation freed from inhibition and rising anew into consciousness tends to raise the other presentations with which it is combined.
Emotions and volitions, he holds, are not directly self-preservations of the soul, as our presentations are, but variable states of such presentations resulting from their interaction when above the threshold of consciousness.
Thus when some presentations tend to force a presentation into consciousness, and others at the same time tend to drive it out, that presentation is the seat of painful feeling; when, on the other hand, its entrance is favoured by all, pleasure results.
Desires are presentations struggling into consciousness against hindrances, and when accompanied by the supposition of success become volitions.
Self-consciousness is the result of an interaction essentially the same in kind as that which takes place when a comparatively simple presentation finds the field of consciousness occupied by a longformed and well-consolidated "mass" of presentations - as, e.g.
Poster presentations for work related to any aspect of prudent antimicrobial prescribing are invited.
Nancy Castilla, from IRRI began the session with two presentations on the epidemiology of rice sheath blight.
The presentations given illustrated the breadth of research undertaken in the School.
As it turned out, specification conformance was the main topic of practically all presentations.
They were both awarded honorary diplomas for best students, based on their presentations in the ' New Talents ' sessions.
Each session was organized with short introductory presentations, followed by commentaries from panel discussants before opening the discussion to the audience.
Features include an integrated easel for desktop presentations and keyboarding, a handle, adjustable hand strap, and a detachable shoulder strap.
Assessment B1 and B2 are assessed through term-time essays, oral presentations, and examinations.
These include written formative and summative tests to monitor and advance progress, essays and seminar presentations and continuous practical assessment.
The theme of Alite 2003 was Making it Happen, a mantra which ran throughout the variety of inspiring keynotes and presentations.
Recent presentations have covered interim injunctions in patent cases, parallel imports and patents and cross-border litigation in intellectual property.
For example, how to insert your own logotypes, change the images and change the colors of the presentations to suit your organization.
Conference presentations include pieces on Jack Kerouac and blackface minstrelsy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Theodor Adorno.
In addition, presentations are formally assessed by peers with tutor moderation in Varieties, and by the tutor in Specials.
The afternoon plenary session built on the earlier workshop presentations and suggested some action.
Support is offered in the form of training and resource packs to help in preparing presentations.
Members are encouraged to attend the public presentations, details of which are on the village web site.
Powerpoint presentations - Mac version - can only be accepted if speakers bring their own laptop and connecting cables.
The countdown to the next era of multimedia presentations is now over.
Two slide presentations on functional foods by Professor Ian Rowland are available.
The Flagship Auditorium has a permanent projection booth to accommodate large-screen presentations, podium control, multi-purpose lighting, and sound system.
Even the most cynical could not fail to be impressed by the quality of the presentations this year.
The power of communication to foster behavioral change was at the core of most presentations given during the two-day seminar.
The frontal and temporal presentations of FTD are clearly separable from each other and early AD.
With the camera approaching the venueâs neon signs, you could see that The Hollies were part of the all star presentations.
You can download or access these powerpoint slides used in presentations for free.
Once again the day was fronted by Roy Leighton, with a new soap opera which was interwoven with the presentations.
The presentations, which will be made at the first assessment point, should reflect the subject matter of the lectures and seminar sessions.
The half-day symposium was entitled ' Molecular Approaches to Brain Disease ' and invited five neuroscience speakers to make presentations.
Cameron Presentations provide the full range of Audio Visual rental services with our own trained technicians to provide a full turnkey event hire service.
Give presentations to training courses, officers and visitors to the Force in respect of analytical techniques.
Among other presentations, Chris Milne received his championship trophy from Ernie Cheetham of sponsors, Lodge Sports.
It provides services such as promotional video and presentations, video training, and filming at conferences and exhibitions.
Webcast presentations whilst experts will lead development workshops.
The learner shall also gain an understanding word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations and Internet usage with e-mail.
These packages generally consist of powerpoint presentations accompanied by workbooks and desk aids.
The impulse to migrate, that is to say, the calling forth of specific activities by climatal or other presentations, appears to be instin tive; whether the direction of migration is in like manner instinctive is a matter of uncertainty; and, if it be instinctive, the nature of the stimuli and the manner in which they are hereditarily linked with responsive acts is unexplained.
The Benefices Act of that year absolutely invalidates any transfer of a right of patronage unless (a) it is registered in the diocesan registry, (b) unless more than twelve months have elapsed since the last institution or admission to the benefice, and (c) unless "it transfers the whole interest of the transferor in the right" with certain reservations; in other words, the act abolished the sale of next presentations, but it expressly reserved from its operation (a) a transmission on marriage, death or bankruptcy or otherwise by operation of law, or (b) a transfer on the appointment of a new trustee where no beneficial interest passes.
The same Chrysippus fixed upon a certain characteristic of true presentations, which he denoted by the much disputed term " apprehensive " (KaTaX717rTLK7 4avraQEa).
One series of oral presentations centered on controlling diseases of rapeseed crops.
You might like to reinforce learning here by asking pairs or groups to plan brief TV presentations to explain the diagram.
Your presentations and meeting notes can be reproduced at remote locations simultaneously, thereby offering a global teleconference solution.
The website contains articles and presentations on a wide range of topics of relevance to finance and banking.
Speakers on key themes will take part in live webcast presentations whilst experts will lead development workshops.
Be prepared for a whirlwind of activity-people to hire, sales to make, trips to take, presentations to give, production to oversee.
If multimedia business presentations involving rich media objects like videos, animations and audio is what you do, you may choose Macromedia Flash.
Heavyweights Microsoft Word, Excel, (spreadsheet), PowerPoint (presentations) and Access (database) are packaged into one product offering called Microsoft Office available in two versions.
This system is more ideal for making copies for specific events like a church sermon or workshop presentations.
Choose a manual system for school presentations or family memories, and the automated version if you are going into business and need it on a more commercial scale.
Basic computing like e-mail and Internet surfing and light office functions (word processing, presentations and spreadsheet usage).
Graphics Card - Most casual computer users don't need to have the latest graphics cards in their computers, but gamers and those who work with multimedia presentations do.
Pentium processors provide a slightly more processing power for additional tasks beyond the basics ones like presentations and light photo editing.
After seeing the presentations and reviewing all three designs, the homeowners decide on one design that is then brought to life in the last half of the episode.
After seeing the presentations and reviewing all three upscale outdoor designs, the homeowner picks one plan that is stunningly installed.
One by one, the contestants made their presentations to the couple.
That meant much more was riding on the presentations by the designers.
The presentations were equally strong - there was no clear winner here.
This is apparent to all who meet her and has put her presentations in hot demand all across the nation.
Additionally, the instructors frequently deliver presentations at the Orange County Underwater Society in California and occasionally in Papua, New Guinea.
These meals take existing foundations of foods or presentations that kids enjoy and modify them slightly to boost nutrition.
The Cricut is so easy to use that even an elementary school student can prepare professional looking presentations!
Instead of spending hours stenciling letters and shapes by hand, they can make their own die cuts for reports and presentations in just minutes.
Explain to him or her that you would love the opportunity to use some of your other skills, for example, creating Power Point presentations.
While the style, tenor, and tone of these presentations may vary, the overarching theme of the presentation will usually deal with stress and its various components.
Once a year, the organization hosts approximately 75,000 middle and high schoolers throughout the nation, and these camps offer advanced multimedia presentations, comfortable accommodations, and a week away from it all.
There may even be physics projects for science fairs, presentations and other larger scale events.
Square or rectangular wedding cakes look classic with their clean lines, and more unusual shapes, such as hexagons or pentagons, make for beautiful presentations.
In 2005, California state school superintendent Jack O'Connell advised state schools to drop the Narconon program in their districts after finding that it subtly taught Scientology beliefs during drug prevention presentations.
Always in style, she prefers to wear high heels when out on the town or appearing at media events or award presentations.
Visit your guidance office to find out the upcoming schedule and to register for presentations you wish to attend.
You have presentations to complete, review sessions to attend, and multiple papers to write.
Dorms sometimes host special presentations on topics relevant to college students.
People with children, ailing parents or demanding careers may not have the time to commute to campus and participate in presentations and discussions.
The materials for this course include a plan of instruction, student manual and slide show presentations for each unit of the course.
With online learning, you receive all of the classroom information through presentations and discussions online and submit work through the UMassOnline system.
Regional history lectures, wildlife specialist presentations, cooking classes, literature discussions, and art appreciation of local artists may be offered.
Presentations may last as little as thirty minutes or may be several hours long - the longer the presentation, the cheaper the tickets usually are.
King's Island also offers more general entertainment through a variety of games and concert presentations.
Very few video game franchises have had quite the same level of immediately recognizable characters as Super Mario, thanks largely to their colorful presentations and equally colorful personalities.
The built in version of Microsoft Office 6.1 includes stripped down versions of Excel (spreadsheets), Word (word processing), PowerPoint (presentations), and OneNote (notes).
Softmaker includes TextMaker (word processing), PlanMaker (spreadsheet), and Presentations.
Many BlackBerry phones are also Wi-Fi enabled so that you can connect to wireless networks wherever you are and download email or preview presentations.
The degree of risk depends to a great extent on which one of the three types of breech presentations it is.
Breech presentations were still delivered vaginally in the 1970s, but with the advent of the malpractice climate, many doctors shied away from this practice, opting to perform a c-section.
However, in difficult breech presentations, or in cases where there are multiple fetuses and one or more are breech, it may be considered the best option for delivery.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the dominant ideal of the working mother was the "Supermom"; juggling meetings, reports, and presentations with birthday parties, science projects, and soccer games.
These release forms will protect you from any legal issues down the road if someone decides they do not want to be a part of your online community and presentations.
Many Christians have produced clipart websites as purely a hobby, and these are great to use for your advertising and presentations.
The presentations offer insight into the birthing process as well as techniques for dealing with labor and delivery.
The presentations include interviews with professionals and parents about labor and delivery.
The main benefit of choosing these presentations is their focus.
There are a few ways to explore the fort - self-guided tours, an official fort history tour, and two different video presentations running under 30 minutes each.
Each is wired to allow you to use Internet for presentations.
Some programs include organizational tools to help you build reports and presentations, track budgets and manage contacts.
They are used in traditional Chinese operas or theatrical presentations.
In San Francisco, the Seybold Publishing Conference offers writers seminars on publishing tools while also featuring presentations on the latest products and tools.
Advertising agencies, for example, often contract with freelance writers to assist with particular clients, presentations, or projects.
This particular manual discusses how to research your area on the Internet, how to create many different kinds of guides and how to create technical docs for both presentations and online.
Some offer text files online, while others provide PowerPoint presentations, audio files, video, or interactive content.
Fancy presentations were intended to hide what would normally have been the display of an intimate garment.
The downloadable worksheets, flip charts, graphics, and PowerPoint presentations provide plenty of material.
Alphabet games go over small and large case letters, pronunciation, and using the letter in simple words in colorful presentations.
The standard IMAX screen is 72' wide and 53' tall but can be larger and IMAX is currently the technology of choice for large format special venue presentations.
This could include indoor rainforests, trains, special presentations or programs, holiday events and more.
Charlaine Harris is the author of the Sookie Stackhouse books which True Blood is based on, and she often appears with the cast at events and award presentations.
In addition, weapons specializing in weaponry, medieval times, dinosaurs, and air and space often include amazing presentations and simulations that will create memories to last a lifetime.
In addition to the rides, Hershey Park offers a full schedule of stage presentations and roving entertainers.
Attendees will enjoy daily yoga classes in historic locations, scenic trail rides, hiking, cookouts, health and wellness presentations, education about horse-human interaction and animal care, and other retreat amenties.
Some presentations will fail to get you the job and you'll never know why.
This behavior is forcing hotels to rethink presentations and offerings, moving away from the no frills barred "Have a night out on us" to a more practical "We'll leave the lights on" approach.
Images must be proofed for color presentations, and text must be closely proofed for grammar, spelling and usage.
In addition, when it's something to pass out for the whole school, it communicates that the cheerleading squad has put attention and thought into their presentations!
These can be very effective for presentations and other instances where a little audio accompaniment can help liven up the room.
You can find festivals, art gallery openings, educational presentations, musical performances, plays, and much more.
Perhaps your city hosts a Women's Expo or similar event filled with presentations and vendors catering to the female demographic.
The final episode pits the final three competitors against each other in individual presentations.
It's a real look at the families and children involved and covers topics from getting portraits done to practicing talent presentations.
Since this competition style reality TV show showcases a variety of different talents, the finalists and winners have brought many different presentations to the exciting finales of the series so far.
For example, at the 2009 conference held from June 25 through June 26 in Los Angeles, top executives from leading Fortune 100 firms gave presentations, including Wal-Mart, Dow Jones, Sun Microsystems and Google.
She offers numerous services including Flash presentations and graphic design, but her forte is in offering uniquely creative and beautiful web pages that stand apart from other plain looking websites that other web design firms offer.
The company offers web development services, but additionally provides a full package of other services, including marketing, presentations, graphic design and more.
In addition to their website offerings, Peak Design does print and multimedia design, including interactive forms, presentations, and virtual tours.90 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA 95630.
It's a bigger, more important responsibility than simply developing and executing lead generation campaigns, designing web pages and creating PowerPoint presentations.
His presentations of character and motives, whether truthful or not, are undeniably fine; but his doctrine that there should be "no theorizing" about history tended to narrow his survey, and consequently he sometimes, as in his remarks on the foreign policy of Elizabeth, seems to misapprehend the tendencies of a period on which he is writing.
These three "Farmer's Letters" - a fourth was advertised but apparently was never published - were forcible presentations of the pro-British claim,, written in a plain, hard-headed style; their authorship was long in question, but it is certain that Seabury claimed them in England in 1783 when he was seeking episcopal consecration.
It is almost superfluous to remark, first, that Hume here deliberately gives up his fundamental principle that ideas are but the fainter copies of impressions, for it can never be maintained that order of disposition is an impression, and, secondly, that he fails to offer any explanation of the mode in which coexistence and succession are possible elements, of cognition in a conscious experience made up of isolated presentations and representations.
Running councilor workshops and giving presentations to party caucus meetings were highly effective in winning confidence.
I would also suggest that you read the article essential presentation skills on the presentation skills on the presentations section of the website.
It should be noticed that this (very common) psychological interpretation of "conception" differs from the metaphysical or general philosophical definition given above, in so far as it includes mental presentations in which the universal is not specifically distinguished from the particulars.