Presentation Sentence Examples
The next stop on his list was visiting Ms. Lydia Larkin, deputy sheriff, whose presentation of a speeding ticket and general attitude still pissed him off, just remembering it.
The subject for history is not man's will itself but our presentation of it.
Simony may be committed in three ways - in promotion to orders, in presentation to a benefice, and in resignation of a benefice.
But in this case the presentation reverts to the patron and not to the crown.
The theme even extends to their food presentation.
The first is most obvious in the scenes of quiet description and emotion in whose presentation he particularly excels.
They drove in silence while Elisabeth worked on her presentation.
Jackson helped set up the presentation on the stage, and then took a seat at the back of the lecture hall as the students meandered in.
Still, there is no doubt that her father's dismissal from the ministry, which followed the presentation of the Compte, and the consequent removal of the family from the busy life of Paris, were beneficial to her.
The latter led to Tennyson's presentation in April 1862 to the queen, who "stood pale and statue-like before him, in a kind of stately innocence," which greatly moved his admiring homage.
AdvertisementIt is the religious aspect of it which attracts him, the presentation in God of an object which at once satisfies the feelings and the intellect.
It was he age of doctrinal controversy, and the intellectual presentation of the Christian position was thus sharpened and developed.
History surveys a presentation of man's life in which the union of these two contradictions has already taken place.
If you drive I can work on my presentation.
Most of the students seemed genuinely interested in Elisabeth's presentation.
AdvertisementOwing to the opposition of Lord Aberdeen, however, the presentation was cancelled.
While the style, tenor, and tone of these presentations may vary, the overarching theme of the presentation will usually deal with stress and its various components.
The presentation is always a work of art, the dishes culinary masterpieces.
Dean was sorry Cynthia was missing the presentation.
The senate, which is the executive power, is composed of sixteen life members, elected by the convent, on presentation by the senate.
AdvertisementTheir performances combine an extraordinary vocal virtuosity with a great sense of presentation.
As successor to the Order, the Crown claimed and eventually established (by the negotiations in Rome of Sir Frederick Hankey, Sir Gerald Strickland and Sir Lintorn Simmons) with regard to the presentation of the bishopric (worth about £4000 a year) the right to veto the appointment of distasteful candidates.
Nomination or presentation on the part of the patron of the benefice is thus the first requisite in order that a clerk should become legally entitled to a benefice.
In cases where the patron is himself a clerk in orders, and wishes to be admitted to the benefice, he must proceed by way of petition instead of by deed of presentation, reciting that the benefice is in his own patronage, and petitioning the bishop to examine him and admit him.
The earliest use of the word in English appears to have been in the special ecclesiastical sense of the holder of an advowson, the right of presentation to a benefice.
AdvertisementUpon the opening of the Long Parliament he distinguished himself in defence of the Presbyterian cause, and had a principal share in writing the conciliatory work known as Smectymnuus, against Bishop Joseph Hall's presentation of episcopacy.
He belongs distinctly to the romantic school; his forte is vivid and picturesque description, the lively presentation of scenes and actions, characters and states of society, not the subtle analysis of motives, the power of detecting the undercurrents or the generalizing faculty.
In a synod which met in 430, he decided in favour of the epithet 1 At Alexandria the mystic and allegorical tendency prevailed, at Antioch the practical and historical, and these tendencies showed themselves in different methods of study, exegesis and presentation of doctrine.
It is sufficient to remark here that the presentation of the sacrifice of the mass came to be viewed as the essential priestly office, so that the Christian presbyter really was a sacerdos in the antique sense.
It is an ultimate mode of consciousness, strictly the presentation (through sensation or otherwise) of an object to consciousness; in its complete form, however, it seems to involve a judgment, i.e.
The main objection to this presentation, as also to that of the rationalists, is that it is very largely based not upon the historical data, but upon a pre-determined theory.
It lay in the very nature of this thought that Spinoza should now offer himself to Schelling as the thinker whose form of presentation came nearest to his new problem.
The bas-reliefs with which the walls are adorned are unrivalled in antiquity, for variety of subject, breadth of composition, truth of presentation and artistic treatment.
The circumstance of their alleged discovery and presentation to Shah Jahan in 1637 was of itself open to suspicion.
This presentation of it as an ethical system of universal import was the joint work of Paul and Marcion.
This great service was rewarded by his promotion to the rank of cardinal on the presentation of the king of France in December 164r.
Under the second head, according to Ward, as according to Wundt, knowledge is experience; we must start with the duality of subject and object, or perpetual reality, phenomenon, in the unity of experience, and not believe, as realists do, that either subject or object is distinct from this unity; moreover, experience requires " conation," because it is to interesting objects that the subject attends; conation is required for all synthesis, associative and intellective; thinking is doing; presentation, feeling, conation are one inseparable whole; and the unity of the subject is due to activity and not to a substratum.
It also contains a picture gallery with a good "Presentation in the Temple" by Francesco Francia.
After the presentation of the peplus, the hecatomb was sacrificed.
He insisted especially on the necessity of truth to nature in the imaginative presentation of the facts of life, and in one letter he boldly proclaimed the superiority of Shakespeare to Corneille, Racine and Voltaire.
The Greek department of the college has supervised since 1895 the public presentation nearly every year of an English version of a Greek play.
Consequently where the right of patronage (the right of the patron to present to the bishop the person whom he has nominated to become rector or vicar of the parish to the benefice of which he claims the right of advowson) remains attached to the manor, it is called an advowson appendant, and passes with the estate by inheritance The distinction between nomination to a living and presentation is to be noted.
Presentation is the act of a patron in offering his clerk to the bishop, to be instituted in a benefice of his gift.
Nomination and presentation, though generally used in law for the same thing, must be so distinguished, for it is possible that the rights of nomination may be in one person, and the rights of presentation in another.
But where, as is often the case, the right of presentation has been sold by itself, and so separated from the manor, it is called an advowson in gross.
In a donative advowson, the sovereign, or any subject by special licence from the sovereign, conferred a benefice by a simple letter of gift, without any reference to the bishop, and without presentation and institution.
Briefly, it prevents the dealing with the right of presentation as a thing apart from the advowson itself; increases the power of the bishops to refuse the presentation of unfit persons, and removes several abuses which had arisen in the transfer of patronage.
Under the previously existing law, simony, or "the corrupt presentation of any person to an ecclesiastical benefice for gift, money or reward," renders the presentation void, and subjects the persons privy or party to it to penalties; a presentation to a vacant benefice cannot be sold, and no clerk in holy orders can purchase for himself a next presentation.
The right of presentation may be exercised by its owner whether he be an infant, executors, trustees, coparceners (who, if they cannot agree, present in turn in order of age) or mortgagee (who must present the nominee of the mortgagor), or a bankrupt (who, although the advowson belongs to his creditors, yet has the right to present to a vacancy).
Besides the qualifications required of a presentee by canon law, such as being of the canonical age, and in priest's orders before admission, sufficient learning and proper orthodoxy or morals, the Benefices Act requires that a year shall have elapsed since a transfer of the right of patronage, unless it can be shown that such transfer was not made in view of a probable vacancy; that the presentee has been a deacon for three years; and that he is not unfit for the discharge of his duties by reason of physical or mental infirmity or incapacity, grave pecuniary embarrassment, grave misconduct or neglect of duty in an ecclesiastical office, evil life, or conduct causing grave scandal concerning his moral character since his ordination, or being party to an illegal agreement with regard to the presentation; that notice of the presentation has been given to the parish of the benefice.
Until the right of presentation so accruing to a bishop or archbishop is exercised, the patron can still effectually present but not if lapse has gone to the crown.
Some comments by Wesley upon Toplady's presentation of Calvinism led to a controversy which was carried on with much bitterness on both sides.
Since 1754 the footwashing has been abandoned, and the ceremony now consists of the presentation of Maundy money, officially called Maundy Pennies.
The presentation of the memorial provoked an outburst of indignation.
The imaginative force of the presentation, coming from a man of DUrer's powers, is intense; but what consciously occupied him most may well have been the problem how to draw accurately the proportions and action of a horse in motion.
In the same year, 1521, he published his Loci communes rerum theologicarum, the first systematized presentation of the reformed theology.
Giustiniani printed 2000 copies at his own expense, including fifty in vellum for presentation to the sovereigns of Europe and Asia; but the sale of the work did not encourage him to proceed with the New Testament, which he had also prepared for the press.
These petitions were generally sent to Adams for presentation.
Being is known to us only through its presentation in consciousness; consciousness only in its relation to Being.
More especially the police association, organized for the keeping of the peace and the presentation of criminals - the frankpledge groups were formed of all " worthy of were and wite," villeins as well as freemen.
They did not dream of verbal fidelity; even when they had more exact reports before them, they preferred to mould a speaker's thoughts to their own methods of presentation.
The method of presentation in both symphonies is by means of representative themes (Leitmotif), and their combination and interaction.
It is worthy of remark, in this respect, that - in accordance with Ramanuja's and Nimbarka's philosophical theories - Jayadeva's presentation of Krishna's fickle love for Radha is usually interpreted in a mystical sense, as allegorically depicting the human soul's striving, through love, for reunion with God, and its ultimate attainment, after many backslidings, of the longed-for goal.
To the first problem there is one obvious and conclusive answer, namely that matter in itself is inherently unthinkable and comes within the vision of the mind only as an intellectual presentation.
An act requiring all ministers appointed during the period when patronage was abolished to get presentation from their patrons and institution from their bishops was applied in the west of Scotland in such a way that 300 ministers left their manses.
Fine point-lace commanding high prices is made by the Presentation Sisters.
Children were formerly admitted to the schools only on presentation.
She had a natural shrinking from society; and though her social position necessitated her presentation at Court, her first season in town was spent in examining into the working of hospitals, reformatories and other charitable institutions.
Overpowered by the majesty and novelty of the Christian message of salvation, too conscientious to rest satisfied with the ordinary attempts at the solution of difficulties, while prevented by the limitations of his time from reaching an historical insight into the relation of Christianity to the Old Testament and to Judaism, he believed that he expressed Paul's view by the 1 Esnik's presentation of the Marcionite system is a late production, and contains many speculations that cannot be charged upon Marcion himself.
On the death of his father, a presentation to Christ's Hospital was procured for Coleridge by the judge, Sir Francis Buller, an old pupil of his father's.
In sensation a presentation is conveyed, by an air-current, from the sense organ, here the eye, to the mind, i.e.
That Zeno and Cleanthes crudely compared this presentation to the impression which a seal bears upon wax, with protuberances and indentations, while Chrysippus more prudently determined it vaguely as an occult modification or " mode " of mind, is an interesting but not intrinsically important detail But the mind is no mere passive recipient of impressions from without, in the view of the Stoics.
Their analysis of sensation supposes it to react, by a variation in tension, against the current from the sense-organ; and this is the mind's assent or dissent, which is inseparable from the sense presentation.
Provided the sense organ and the mind be healthy, provided an external object be really seen or heard, the presentation, in virtue of its clearness and distinctness, has the power to extort the assent which it always lies in our power to give or to withhold.
However, the younger Stoics endeavoured to meet the assaults of their persistent critic Carneades by suggesting various modes of testing a single presentation, to see whether it were consistent with others, especially such as occurred in groups, &c.; indeed, some went so far as to add to the definition " coming from a real object and exactly corresponding with it " the clause " provided it encounter no obstacle."
Originality of conception, vividness of presentation, fertility of imagination, wide knowledge of Scripture and a happy faculty of applying it, intense spiritual fervour, a striking physique and a powerful voice made him a great pulpit force.
The Argument Has Already Been Applied By Dupre (Theorie Mecanique De La Chaleur, Paris, 1869, P. 328), But His Presentation Of It Is Rather Obscure.
The town is the seat of other important Catholic establishments, including an Ursuline convent; a Presentation convent; St Patrick's Catholic College (1829) for ecclesiastical students, where was held in 1850 the synod of Thurles; and an establishment of Christian Brothers, who devote themselves to the instruction of boys on the Lancasterian method.
It was founded by Donnell O'Brien, king of Thomond (1168-1194); and owes its foundation and name to the presentation to his family of a portion of the true Cross, which attracted numerous pilgrims. The shrine of this relic is in the Ursuline convent at Blackrock, Co.
The worldly maintenance was the presentation in 1616 to the vicarage of Cranbrook in Kent.
A bishop, then, cannot enter into the enjoyment of the temporalities of his see, including his rights of presentation to benefices, before doing homage to the king.
For it was on the artistic rather than on the critical side of history that stress was almost universally laid in antiquity, and the thing that above all others was expected from the historian was not so much a scientific investigation and accurate exposition of the truth, as its skilful presentation in such a form as would charm and interest the reader.
Congress thrice passed votes of thanks and ordered the presentation of commemorative gold medals.
His principal faults are his carelessness and inaccuracy in matters of chronology, his lack of artistic skill in the presentation of his material, his desultory method of treatment, and his failure to look below the surface and grasp the real significance and vital connexion of events.
It is only in the scientific environment of to-day that we recognize once more, with those earliest of the forerunners of Herodotus, that history involves two distinct operations, one of which, investigation, is in the field of science, while the other, the literary presentation, is in the field of art.
Apperception is thus a general term for all mental processes in which a presentation is brought into connexion with an already existent and systematized mental conception, and thereby is classified, explained or, in a word, understood; e.g.
The chief agents in their dispersal were the Doctor Orazio Melzi who possessed them in the last quarter of the 16th century; the members of a Milanese family called Mazzenta, into whose hands they passed in Orazio Melzi's lifetime; and the sculptor Pompeo Leoni, who at one time entertained the design of procuring their presentation to Philip II.
By theology is commonly understood the systematic presentation of the teaching of some positive or historical religion as to the existence and attributes of a Supreme Being, including his relation to the world and especially to man.
With bitter indignation Swift denounced the simony and threw up his chaplaincy, but he was ultimately reconciled to Berkeley by the presentation to the rectory of Agher in Meath with the united vicarages of Laracor and Rathbeggan, to which was added the prebend of Dunlavin in St Patrick's - the total value being about 230 a year.
He took orders on his presentation to the vicarage of Bridstow in the following year, and a small sinecure living in Wales was besides procured for him by his friend Samuel Molyneux (1689-1728).
As the first rite corresponds to the circumcision and naming of Jesus, so does the second to His presentation in the temple.
This latter presentation may, in the absence of any accepted term, be called number-ideation; this word covering not only the perception or recognition of particular numbers, but also the formation of a number-concept.
Instead of discussing all these questions separately, with the details necessary for an adequate presentation of the argument, we shall now sketch the history of the Echinoderms in accordance with the Pelmatozoic theory.
The presentation of this ultimatum, which was accompanied by the despatch of troops to Canada, was very nearly provoking war with the United States.
A bill vetoed by the governor becomes a law if it is approved by two-thirds of the members present in each house; and a bill not returned by the governor within six days (excepting Sunday; before 1908 the constitutional limit was three days) after its presentation to him becomes a law unless the return of the bill is prevented by the adjournment of the legislature.
Neither then, however, nor on the presentation of new petitions in 1726, was an affirmative answer obtained.
And even when the presentations before the mind are so clear that assent to their truth cannot be refused, the possibility of assenting still rests with the will, which can refuse to attend to any presentation, or can refuse assent with the sole motive of proving its freedom.
The truth seems to be that throughout the history of the controversy the chief arguments for either side have been provided by the extreme and exaggerated statements to which their opponents have been driven in the presentation of their case.
With Taylor's presentation of the difficulties with which morality is expected to grapple probably few would be found seriously to disagree, though they might consider it unduly pessimistic. But when he turns what is in effect a statement of certain forms of moral difficulty into an attack upon the logical and coherent character of morality itself, he is not so likely to command assent.
His first recorded observation was made before he was sixteen, and the presentation of an elaborate lunar map procured for him admission to the Academy, on the 21st of April 1736, at the early age of twenty.
During the Hundred Days, Louis Napoleon, then a child of seven, witnessed the presentation of the eagles to 50,000 soldiers; but a few weeks later, before his departure for Rochefort, the defeated Napoleon embraced him for the last time, and his mother had to receive Frederick William III.
In him too is found the union of Platonism and Aristotelianism expressed in Neo-Platonic terms. Towards the close of the 10th century the presentation of an entire scheme of knowledge, beginning with logic and mathematics, and ascending through the various departments of physical inquiry to the region of religious doctrine, was accomplished by a society which had its chief seat at Basra, the native town of al-Kindi.
The act of presentation (Vorstellen) then becomes partly transformed into an effort, and its product, the idea, becomes in the same proportion less and less intense till a position of equilibrium is reached; and then at length the remainders coalesce.
When its remainder after inhibition=O, a presentation is said to be on the threshold of consciousness, for on a small diminution of the inhibition the "effort" will become actual presentation in the same proportion.
More important is the law according to which a presentation freed from inhibition and rising anew into consciousness tends to raise the other presentations with which it is combined.
Thus when some presentations tend to force a presentation into consciousness, and others at the same time tend to drive it out, that presentation is the seat of painful feeling; when, on the other hand, its entrance is favoured by all, pleasure results.
Self-consciousness is the result of an interaction essentially the same in kind as that which takes place when a comparatively simple presentation finds the field of consciousness occupied by a longformed and well-consolidated "mass" of presentations - as, e.g.
But at any stage the actual constituents of this "complexion" are variable; the concrete presentation of Self is never twice the same.
His Chemical and Physical Researches were collected by Dr James Young and Dr Angus Smith, and printed "for presentation only" at Edinburgh in 1876, Dr Smith contributing to the volume a valuable preface and analysis of its contents.
Charged by the Venetians with the presentation of their gifts to the empress Caroline at Vienna, Cicognara added to the offering an illustrated catalogue of the objects it comprised; this book, Omaggio delle Provincie Venete alla maestri di Carolina Augusta, has since become of great value to the bibliophilist.
In 1668 he was admitted archdeacon of Canterbury upon the king's presentation, but he resigned the post in 1670.
The presentation of identic and collective notes to the Porte by the powers, in 1880, produced no result, and in 1882 it was apparent that Turkey would only yield to compulsion.
For grace and elegance of composition, and for the artistic presentation of events, he has a hardly concealed contempt.
The inter-relations of the Phoenicians with the early Hellenes were frequent and farreaching, and in the Greek presentation of the legends concerning constellations a distinct Phoenician, and in turn Euphratean, element appears.
Do you have an abstract of a paper or presentation you would like to give?
Amenable environments for the creation and presentation of electronic papers have emerged; however, more disciplines began to exploit them.
The day will culminate with a presentation to members of Parliament.
The evening culminated in the presentation of the Textron trophy for achievements in cricket groundsmanship to a very surprised Geoff Swift.
There was a didactic presentation; followed by group discussion.
He gave an insightful presentation on how games can benefit business.
Factors contributing to this poor outlook include the presence of locally advanced disease and undiagnosed metastases at presentation.
His shows are unique in presentation and content - since Jeremy is completely ambidextrous.
Mr Brandreth has Al amyloidosis complicated by autonomic neuropathy, an extremely serious presentation of this rare disorder.
The bio/pic has created an archetype for what a film or television biographical presentation should be.
Chronic coughing is a common presentation due to the large left atrium pressing on the airways.
A woman then used her dress for Court Presentation after marriage, usually with a different bodice.
The seminars, which involve brainstorming and debating exercises, will develop students oral and presentation skills.
We finished with a grand presentation of certificates and I was given a beautiful pair of glass candlesticks made in the workshops.
She also hated having cellophane around her bouquets, so it had to be removed before presentation.
In fact, so many questions were asked that each presentation would have run over time had not the chairperson intervened.
Seminar Description If you are thinking about opening a coffeehouse, this presentation is for you.
The information was then collated into a database ready for presentation.
The presentation will review the 5 papers covering the very recent issues on waste containment.
Other than that, it's flawless down to the lovely presentation - even the animated loading screen is super cool!
A classmate of mine gave a presentation on two scholarly articles, both offering different theories on the meaning of the Victorian corset.
One is the presentation of actual town plans using cyberspace.
With the last debutante daytime presentation occurring in 1958, the displays celebrate a lost era of grand court occasions.
Learning/Teaching Methods By lecture, student presentation and seminar discussion.
The graphics mode liquid crystal display facilitates plain-language, menu-based operating procedures and clear presentation results.
There is a comprehensive analysis of the visual presentation of information - with subtle distinctions noted between pie charts and bar charts.
In two patients from southern Viet Nam, the clinical diagnosis was acute encephalitis; neither patient had respiratory symptoms at presentation.
The talks and training's are highly experiential thereby leaving a lasting impression long after the presentation has finished.
The presentation of the award to them both was a fitting climax to the festival finale.
It will be a condition of entry that the three short listed finalists give a presentation at conference.
Arrangements are in place with consortia of solicitors ' firms in Bath, Swindon and Exeter for the presentation of " in-house " courses.
This presentation outlines a framework for understanding people holistically.
Ray Tucker of Zeneca Agrochemicals gave a useful presentation on their new strobilurin fungicide to staff in October.
At the presentation introduce yourself by name make eye contact speak understandably - do n't gabble.
She went on to have a 9 1/2 lb baby girl at home; the baby was a full face presentation.
Speech came across natural and distinct; music score sounded grand, which fit the films overall presentation.
They will be ambitious, driven and have the necessary gravitas to lead a team and demonstrate superb presentation skills.
Data were obtained on clinical presentation, tumor histology, tumor marker levels and clinical course.
He accused the sub-committee of committing a " schoolboy howler " in its presentation of the evidence.
Thus the final presentation what the students had learned from doing the project as a whole was also rendered impossible.
With the light top the rod retains the delicate bite indication and presentation required when using lighter leads.
Now, most of the museums I have visited in Greece are decidedly inferior to the British Museum in matters of presentation.
Dave and John have been massively influential over the years in their meticulous research and presentation of many folk events.
This presentation will explain how firms can remain cutting edge and simultaneously avoid expensive replacement costs by using enterprise application integration (EAI ).
You have the opportunity to work as part of a team using and developing interpersonal, organizational and presentation skills.
However, at presentation with relapse, she had received 2 units of red cells and 2 units of platelets which were not irradiated.
Leatherette presentation case with your gift recipient's name embossed on the front.
Do not be afraid to take elocution lessons if needed. or to consult with a more experienced preacher regarding style and presentation.
The result is a system that can offer an extremely lifelike presentation where you want it most - at home.
Clear Zones provides an approach to the presentation of measures which make cities more liveable, by reducing the impact of road transport.
Make sure you position the connections logotype in the same place throughout the presentation - for example, in the bottom right hand corner.
I have had a quick look at it and it reminded me of his awesome presentation.
The proclamation of an infallible magisterium is integral to this presentation of Christ and his work through the ages.
This resource covers anthrax etiology, clinical presentation, pathophysiology, radiological features, and skin manifestations.
Punch and Judy shows, living marionettes and clowns were among the attractions and there was a presentation of souvenir mugs and beakers.
The presentation was of special interest to those involved in electronic business, retailing, business ethics and ' cause-related marketing ' .
He then melds this into a customized, relevant presentation that gives results!
This was an award of postgraduate standard conferred on the presentation of a sufficiently meritorious thesis.
And the presentation is so naff that it undermines the central aim, which is surely to build trust.
You will learn all the production and presentation skills you will need for a career in a broadcast newsroom.
The meeting will take the usual format of an overall presentation of each domain with a particularly newsworthy activity highlighted.
These are cascade, crescent, contemporary, nosegay, hand tied bouquet and arm or presentation style.
He had had mild symptoms of bladder outflow obstruction for one year prior to presentation.
The familiar features of the auroral oval are evident in this presentation.
We will not necessarily have an overhead projector available so please do not bring a presentation on acetates unless you warn us in advance.
He showed that length of survival and graft patency were related to the extent of tissue necrosis at presentation.
I went to the session and found the presentation quite persuasive.
Also, media engines may need to coordinate themselves e.g. to synchronize audio playback with presentation of video streams to achieve lip synchronization.
I will be expected to give a presentation, to three people who know me very well, on any relevant subject.
If you are awarded the research prize you will be expected to deliver a verbal presentation at the Winter meeting of the Society.
Each student will make an oral presentation of his or her research.
Beginning around midday, the afternoon session will include a singaround, an audio-visual presentation about Bob, and a concert.
She gave an informative presentation on; Why did it start?
I would also suggest that you read the article essential presentation skills on the presentation skills on the presentations section of the website.
I want to scan some diagrams for my PowerPoint presentation.
He gave our ' Creating Young Leaders of The Future " keynote presentation.
The back wall graphics, being darker, allow the front graphics to stand proud of the back wall to dominate the presentation.
Answering questions Unfortunately, your presentation does not end once you have finished what you have to say.
In this presentation we will report the observation of drifts in the responsivity of cryogenically-cooled infrared filter radiometers which have very strong wavelength dependence.
Programs We have described how the project manager demonstrates readiness to start a stage by a short presentation to the project sponsor.
There is also a DVD presentation on the history of Verulamium using computerized reconstructions to show the town in its prime.
Displays are continually improving, making text material more refined and easier to read and allowing better graphic and image presentation.
On advice from members of the Advisory Panel, the presentation was black print on low surface reflectance yellow paper.
Dingle's initial foray appeared as a response to Milne's first detailed presentation of kinematic relativity.
This command allows group relators to be deleted from the presentation.
Unfortunately the medals were not ready in time for the civic presentation and cardboard replicas had to be presented in lieu.
A quick practice run-through will ensure you are familiar with the equipment and will deliver a smooth, professional presentation.
He was a bit taken by surprise at the presentation, collecting his prize whilst still scoffing a chocolate bar.
You may critique a sales presentation one minute and have your legal judgment second-guessed by a programmer the next.
On the plus side, the addition of heat and smoke effects adds an extra sheen to the overall presentation.
The thought of giving a presentation can make some people feel physically sick.
Internal courses cover such skills as business winning, presentation skills and giving appraisals.
The almost slavish adherence to the idea that presentation is paramount is like applying gloss paint to rotten woodwork.
A presentation of the Doctor Who appreciation society with guests Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Paul Darrow, plus more to be announced.
This presentation of the game is well done, despites the few minor squabbles I have with the game.
House doctors are also known as interior property stylists, property presentation consultants, home makeover consultants and home stagers.
The style or presentation is also being revised to hopefully make the standards less sterile, or putting it plainly - boring.
Special services include thermography, presentation folders, corporate printing and online design.
Enquiries regarding this tipsheet should be posted to the newsgroup 5. Presentation and Posture Make sure you can start in the right key.
Toaster Museum Foundation dedicated the preservation and presentation of the bread toaster Museum Foundation dedicated the preservation and presentation of the bread toaster, an object of historical and cultural value.
Presentation Tetanus toxoid Concentrated is an inactivated vaccine containing 150 I.U. per dose (1 ml) purified tetanus toxoid.
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Reasons for presentation Graph 4 shows the reasons for presentation for treatment at the mobile units.
Contained in smart presentation wallet with full color insert.
OpenOffice serves charting needs and presentation, plus the usual word processing.
The Alcatel TSM-2532, with its single-user workstation, provides a simplified, graphically oriented presentation of the network status.
Only a presentation of the Bahá'à Faith that is fully congruent with the Buddhist worldview is likely to succeed in any mayor way.
This presentation covers the most frequently asked questions from users of the zetasizer range for both dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements.
Any bill not returned with objections within five days after presentation becomes a law.
Vierteljahrsschrift (1902, 1903) Goetz has shown that Sabatier's presentation of St Francis's relations with the ecclesiastical authority in general, and with Cardinal Hugolino (Gregory IX.) in particular, is largely based on misconception; that the development of the order was not forced on Francis against his will; and that the differences in the order did not during Francis's lifetime attain to such a magnitude as to cause him during his last years the suffering depicted by Sabatier.
In his masterly analysis of the Vinaya, in the introduction to his edition of the text, Professor Oldenberg has shown that there are at least three strata in the existing presentation of the Rules of the Order, the oldest portions going back probably to the time of the Buddha himself.
In England "presentation at court" is the privilege of no particular class as such; and the wives of ministers of the class in strictness takes in only the peers personally; at the outside it cannot be stretched beyond those of their children and grandchildren who bear the courtesy titles of lord and lady.
The compilers knew Roman law, but drew upon it only for their method of presentation and for their terminology; and the document presents Germanic law in its purity.
For the purposes of English law simony is defined by Blackstone as the corrupt presentation of any person to an ecclesiastical benefice for money, gift or reward.
By the Simony Act 1713 if any person shall for money, reward, gift, profit or advantage, or for any promise, agreement, grant, bond, covenant, or other assurance for any money, &c., take, procure or accept the next avoidance of or presentation to any benefice, dignity, prebend or living ecclesiastical, and shall be presented or collated thereupon, such presentation or collation and every admission, institution, investiture and induction upon the same shall be utterly void; and such agreement shall be deemed a simoniacal contract, and the queen may present for that one turn only; and the person so corruptly taking, &c., shall be adjudged disabled to have and enjoy the same benefice, &c., and shall be subject to any punishment limited by ecclesiastical law.
In carrying out this scientific procedure false steps will from time to time be made, which will have to be retraced, or rather amended; but the combination of experimental science with theory has elevated our presumption of the rationality of all natural processes, so far as we can apprehend them at all, into practical certainty; so that, though the mode of presentation of the results may vary from age to age, it is hardly conceivable that the essentials of the method are not of permanent validity.
A further task is to estimate the value of this literature as evidence for the history of Israel, to determine, as far as possible, whether such parts of the literature as are contemporary with the time described present correct, or whether in any respect one-sided or biased or otherwise incorrect, descriptions; and again, how far the literature that relates the story of long past periods has drawn upon trustworthy records, and how far it is possible to extract historical truth from traditions (such as those of the Pentateuch) that present, owing to the gradual accretions and modifications of intervening generations, a composite picture of the period described, or from a work such as Chronicles, which narrates the past under the influence of the conception that the institutions and ideas of the present must have been established and current in the past; all this falls under Historical Criticism, which, on its constructive side, must avail itself of all available and well-sifted evidence, whether derived from the Old Testament or elsewhere, for its presentation of the history of Israel - its ultimate purpose.
She excelled particularly in the impersonation of evil or malignant passion, in her presentation of which there was a majesty and dignity which fascinated while it repelled.
The greed and tyranny of several of the commissioners, and the bigotry and mismanagement of well-meaning fanatics such as Cradock and Powell, soon wrought dire confusion throughout the whole Principality, so that a monster petition, signed alike by moderate Puritans and by High Churchmen, was prepared for presentation to parliament in 1652 by Colonel Edward Freeman, attorney-general for South Wales.
It would seem that the perception intended to constitute the standard of truth is one which, by producing a mental counterpart of a really existent external thing, enables the percipient, in the very act of sense, to " lay hold of " or apprehend an object in virtue of the presentation or sense impression of it excited in his own mind.
On this, and what may have been a similarly contested presentation to the canonry and prebend of Flixton in Lichfield cathedral on the 1st of March 1359, repeated on the 22nd of August 1360, and supported by a mandate to the new bishop on the 29th of January 1361, Wykeham's latest biographer (George Herbert Moberly, Life of Wykeham, 1887, 2nd ed., 1893) has built an elaborate story of Wykeham's advancement being opposed by the pope because he was the leader of a national party against papal authority in England.
The right of presentation to some 850o benefices or " livings " is in the hands of private persons; the right is regarded in law as property and is, under certain restrictions for the avoidance of gross simony, saleable (see Advowson).
This was only a preliminary skirmish; the main battle opened in the following year, when the king, quite aware that he must for the future look on Thomas as his enemy, brought forward the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, of which the main purport was to assert the jurisdiction of the state over clerical offenders by a rather complicated procedure, while other clauses provided that appeals to Rome must not be made without the kings leave, that suits about land or the presentation to benefices, in which clerics were concerned, should be tried before the royal courts, and that bishops should not quit the realmunless they had obtained permission to do so from the king (see CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF).
The day will finish with everyone working on a live presentation using all types of pyrotechnic devices.
Answering Questions Unfortunately, your presentation does not end once you have finished what you have to say.
The Fairies and Queen positively radiating a magical light Sports Day Presentation 1950 Holgate won the cup, and Shirley was in Form II.
At the end of the presentation, the summary provides a way to recapitulate the main points you 've made.
Where the two books differ in presentation of facts, the Alan Townsin book has been regarded as definitive.
Dingle 's initial foray appeared as a response to Milne 's first detailed presentation of kinematic relativity.
For each presentation, the relators used and the summary result line are printed by ACE.
Phil Reeve gave a presentation summarizing the history of the site and the remediation undertaken thus far.
We did n't get a chance to present on Friday so our presentation was rescheduled for next week.
Eddie Adams, Head Greenkeeper of the Old Course, St Andrews, delivered a fine presentation on revetting bunkers.
Presentation table and vase Ebony and rosewood veneer table inlaid with silver and with feet of electroplated nickel silver.
The sculpture trail is now an established form of presentation.
The board has been cowed by the volume of the data and the sheer grind of the presentation into a stupefied silence.
This command allows subgroup generators to be deleted from the presentation.
The Director of Quality and Standards shall decide whether there is sufficient justification in the case for presentation to an Appeals Panel.
Presentation and use of results Although the data are tabulated in units, this does not imply accuracy to that level.
Transcendental Thomism claims to be a more in depth presentation of the human knower than was achieved by Immanuel Kant.
Toaster Museum Foundation dedicated the preservation and presentation of the bread toaster, an object of historical and cultural value.
Presentation Tetanus Toxoid Concentrated is an inactivated vaccine containing 150 I.U. per dose (1 ml) purified tetanus toxoid.
So some trade-off between accuracy and speed of presentation is required.
Gift Trugs innovative new gifts for gardeners Finest quality essential garden tools and accessories, beautifully packaged in a wooden presentation trug.
Core temperature was assessed at presentation using a tympanic probe on patients over 65 years of age.
Handwrite a math equation, and then convert it into a neatly typewritten image to paste into a report or a presentation.
For most ceremonies, the interlude is the unity candle, memorial candle, or rose presentation.
By his untruthful presentation the father has deprived me of the opportunity of knowing what the correct asset picture is .
Find a videotape of a technical presentation that you attended in person.
Simply select modules from the library and connect them to interactively read and visualize data for analysis, presentation and publication.
This presentation covers the most frequently asked questions from users of the Zetasizer range for both dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements.
Jess was very articulate with her presentation, giving her a good grade on the assignment.
Before the science fair presentation, he practiced therecitation of all the necessary facts.
I always thought I hated public speaking, but hearing everyone clap after my presentation was an adrenaline rush.
For proper presentation, remove the crust from the sandwiches and cut them neatly into small squares or triangles.
You can still give new parents traditional items for babies, but put your own creative twist on presentation.
One is multi-taker Microsoft Works which has a word processor, spreadsheet, database and presentation.
Coordinating napkins or print napkins on a solid tablecloth create a more informal table presentation.
However, diners will miss out on the presentation and care that comes from a full-service restaurant.
Some are adjustable and no more than a simple stand or presentation cart while others offer shelves to hold all of your computer accessories.
Perfect presentation can be part of the cocktail experience and a lovely lime twist or plump pimento stuffed olive can make a good beverage perfect.
While the drink isn't difficult to make, quality ingredients, a clever and interesting presentation, and a new twist on the classic will give it a little bit of extra "oomph".
If you're preparing the drink for a number of guests, pay close attention to the presentation of the beverage.
Areas of study include elements and principles of design, color theory, materials, sample board presentation, measuring, window treatments, and lighting.
David was a little bit nervous, and a little bit rushed with his presentation.
In the past, Alice had trumped David with her presentation style, but this time, they both presented their work in an engaging and relaxed manner.
With techniques like smoky eye makeup, superior shadow brushes can make a real difference in the quality of the final presentation.
Thus, the company showcases the beauty of the cosmetics through their use and effectiveness and through their packaging and presentation as well.
If you want to make your face look a bit more decorated, consider adding glitter to your cheekbones, temples or around the eyes for a much more dramatic, ethereal presentation.
Free Games showcases another classic presentation, right down to the texture of the blocks.
My Photo Album focuses on the whole album over individual photos, with hundreds of color and layout options for a unique presentation.
When numerous websites offer Sherlock Holmes stories, you might as well shop around until you find the presentation offering the best reading experience.
The workshops usually feature two mandatory tank dives in the morning, an Adobe Photoshop presentation after lunch and optional afternoon and evening dives.
However, the majority of points are awarded on taste and presentation.
Just like in the industry, it comes down to getting the food out on time with great plate presentation and wonderful taste.
With a flair for beautiful presentation and freshness, this style of cooking pleasingly touches all the senses.
Though it does involve some planning ahead, a quiche makes a good presentation and is a nice change from the traditional egg bakes, scrambled eggs, or omelets offered at most brunches.
In a pinch, wine glasses will work and make for a great presentation.
Presentation can also go a great distance to promote the gross factor in your food this Halloween season.
With kids, especially younger kids, it's all about the presentation.
Either way, I thought the taller glass was a better presentation and would suggest getting a few Collins glasses while you’re out getting your muddler.
A soup garnish adds flavor and enhances the presentation of your soup.
Central - A touch of sweetness and presentation is important.
Arrange on a platter, trying to mix colors for an attractive presentation.
She will prepare a presentation for your guests and bring catalogs to take orders.
If you have several guests who don't know each other, make brief introductions before your consultant begins her presentation.
If you like your scrapbooks and scrapbook binders to have a fairytale or story style presentation, then consider the Once Upon A Time Postbound Album.
Scrapbook pages are more about the visual presentation of the photographs and mementos than they are about showcasing someone else's words.
In order to make your pages attractive and the recipes look appetizing, be sure to take some pictures of the ingredients, the chef at work, and the final dish either in a serving bowl or artfully plated for cuisine presentation.
Perhaps you have been left holding the bag (think making two dozen cup cakes for school late at night before a bake sale) or maybe you have a business presentation that you waited until the last minute to pull together.
A stress management presentation is best received when it's comprehensive, applicable and informative.
Anyone can give a stress management presentation, and these individuals can range from members of the human resources department, to professors on the subject matter, to special guest speakers.
The symptoms section of the presentation should focus on the most common and not so common symptoms.
If you decide to make it just a part of general stress presentation, then you might want to provide specific ways to deal with stress at work.
You can always combat this potential problem by handing out worksheets at the end of the presentation.
A stress management presentation can be as creative as you'd like it to be.
Whether you decide to add elements of movement and/or technology is entirely dependent on what will be the most effective, fun and timely presentation of the material.
Following these suggestions ensures that your presentation will be a success!
For example, you may have an audience with participants who learn best by a visual presentation and others who learn best by a "hand-on" approach.
For example, you may feel anxious about an upcoming exam or interview, have butterflies in your stomach when it is your turn to give a presentation or worry about what kind of parent you will be when your new baby arrives.
Practice your presentation in front of whoever will listen, even if it is just your bathroom mirror.
Offer to be an audience for a presentation, to accompany them to the store to get their supplies, or actively ask them questions about what they are working on in school.
Not doing your homework ahead of time will damage your presentation and your relationship with the teens in your classroom.
An eye-catching presentation is one way to ensure people (and judges!) will remember your science fair project.
Those who aren't involved in speaking may give little thought to the preparation and presentation of each speech, but those who are scheduled to speak often spend hours worrying and preparing for the big night.
If you are working on a presentation, the website has sample questions related to each text on its website.
Just because he's a teenage boy doesn't mean you have to skip a nice presentation.
No big presentation needs to be made, just quietly hand the gifts to the members of the wedding party.
Frost cupcakes either individually and place on a multi-level presentation tray, or place them next to each other and frost as one unit.
Even inexpensive candies can look elegant and beautiful when care is taken with the presentation.
Something that can make a big difference in how your favor is received is the presentation.
The embellishment and presentation is also part of creating unique wedding cakes.
When the flowers have reached the desired temperature, they're sprayed with a protective coating and placed in their presentation unit.
Rental may include delivery to the reception site, dipping skewers, table presentation, set-up and tear down from a professional attendant, and the chocolate itself.
Even with the proper presentation, toasts can seem contrived and bland without the proper content.
A nicely decorated table or two is simple and allows for a beautiful presentation.
If you use this method, be sure there is time in the ceremony for this type of vow presentation and that the necessary equipment (such as microphones, music stands or instruments) has been placed appropriately beforehand.
A cake clothed in soft waves of light blue buttercream or tiers of smooth, pastel green fondant highlight their relatively bare-bones, skeletal looks and make for a magnificent presentation.
Keep in mind that taste can be just as important as presentation when you're handling an elaborate cake design.
Find a baker and decorator who are enthusiastic about what you want and will carry your visions of taste and presentation through all the way to your wedding day.
You have decisions to make when it comes to shape, size, presentation, decorations, frostings, and flavors, not to mention cost and other practical factors.
Tart lemons, tempered by sweet raspberries and even sweeter buttercream or fondant frosting, is a dream combination, and your guests will surely appreciate the fresh flavors and elegant presentation of the bright berries and lemon slices.