Prescription Sentence Examples
All parts of my body ached and the prescription I was taking caused my head to spin.
Cork was a borough by prescription, and successive charters were granted to it from the reign of Henry II.
The town was treated as a borough by prescription until 1608, when James I.
There is a weekly market on Saturday, held by prescription.
She rummaged around one of the cupboards for her prescription painkillers, her head pounding.
This list is sent to the sultan, who has by prescription the right to strike out five names.
Either that or change my eye glass prescription.
East Grinstead was a borough by prescription.
It is not possible to re-claim any NHS prescription charges paid prior to this date.
You can find Mangekyu lenses at 9sfx for $100.00 in prescription strengths and plano.
AdvertisementComputer-generated prescription are to become available this year for independent and supplementary prescribers.
Optometrists write a spectacle prescription that is given to the patient and passed on to the optician.
The testing strips and tiny needles for the finger pricker can be got on prescription.
Some patients may require prescription medications, which must be administered by doctors and nurses, during the detox phase.
Goggles can also be made with a prescription when needed.
AdvertisementThe difference from one part of your prescription to the next is gradual.
If you have a valid contact lens prescription, you can shop online for the best deals.
Below is a comparison of a popular prescription prenatal and Metagenics brand of prenatal.
Legal category POM-V To be supplied only on veterinary prescription.
Figure 4 show the relationship between observed three-year mortality and statin prescription for the age group 75-80 years.
AdvertisementThe prescription previously viewed is an example of an outpatient prescription.
New psoriasis treatment A new therapy for psoriasis treatment A new therapy for psoriasis is now available on prescription in the UK.
Another reminder of Trusts ' obligations when disposing of prescription only medicine contaminated sharps has been posted on the DH website.
Whether it's an over-the-counter or prescription skin softener, do it every day.
Paying more than you should for your prescription spectacles?
AdvertisementPrescription records were reviewed, and the need for prescribed acid suppressants recorded.
Wherever a prescription was given, it was 3 mg thiamine hydrochloride.
The power of the archdeacons rested upon custom and prescription, not upon the canon law; and though the bishops could not break, they could circumvent it.
In England, by the boldness of the Lancet (founded in 182 3), the tyranny of prescription, inveterate custom, and privilege abused was defied and broken down; freedom of learning was regained, and promotion thrown open to the competent, independently of family, gild and professional status.
The brief Act of Supremacy confirmed the king's claim to be reputed the " only supreme head in earth of the Church of England "; he was to enjoy all the honours, dignities, jurisdictions and profits thereunto appertaining, and to have full power and authority to reform and amend all such errors, heresies and abuses, as by any manner of spiritual authority might lawfully be reformed, or amended, most to the pleasure of Almighty God, and the increase of virtue in Christ's religion, " foreign authority, prescription, or any other thing or things to the contrary hereof, notwithstanding."
The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'
It may be said that his claim, at the time it was advanced, was rightly barred by prescription, the house of Lancaster having then occupied the throne for three generations, and that it was really owing to the misgovernment of Margaret of Anjou, and her favourites that it was advanced at all.
Whether it 's an over-the-counter or prescription skin softener, do it every day.
Practicing yoga every morning alleviates my back pain without the use of prescription medication.
In addition to treating depression, certain prescription antidepressants can help people with chronic migraine headaches.
You should talk to your doctor about when you can begin trying to conceive if you have been using prescription birth control.
Liquid prescription medicine with a name that matches the passenger's ticket will be allowed.
As with many prescription medicines, Zantac can cause side effects.
While it's true that the pediatrician who treats your child may need to change her prescription, that should be his decision.
If these natural treatments fail to have a lasting or substantial effect on your infant's condition, the second category of chemical and prescription treatments can be tried.
Should the cradle cap persist beyond the aid of dandruff shampoo, your child's pediatrician may prescribe a prescription hydrocortisone cream that works to control the irritation and hormonal activity in affected areas.
Your doctor may give you some medications that treat yeast diaper rashes which are only available by prescription.
Many teas are believed to be medicinal and they can interact with prescription medications.
If you are already taking prescription medication, make sure the medication is covered in the health plan you're considering.
In the US, you must get contacts of all types by prescription.
Retailers who sell colored contacts are required by law to verify the prescription before filling your order.
You can find true clips at many drugstores and discount chains or order them with your prescription glasses.
If you're interested in this option, you'll want to select eyeglasses that come with magnetic clip on shades the next time you get a new pair of prescription eyeglasses.
You find dual cases that includes a hard shell clam cases for your prescription glasses and a soft pocket that attaches via Velcro on the inside, just for your clip-ons.
Call around for specials that offer a discount on the second pair of glasses and simply add a tint to your second pair of prescription lenses.
Of course your first impulse may be to visit an optical shop if you're in need of prescription lenses.
However, if you have your prescription in hand, you can even order online and get absolutely fabulous deals.
He spent a few days at my vet's office, and the vet sent him home with a prescription of Megestrol Acetate five mg to take twice a week.
Many vets choose to do this by providing your cat with a prescription diet designed to keep urine acidity up so the crystals don't have the opportunity to form.
Some prescription medications are available to treat specific symptoms of heart failure, but such drugs are not free from side effects, and many pose risks that are hardly negligible.
The account also provides value to cardholders, in the form of discounts on every day purchases such as vision care, prescription medications, gym memberships and more.
For most, herbs are an excellent alternative to over the counter and prescription pain relievers.
The ingredients are easy to obtain and do not require a physicians prescription.
It is important to note that your physician should approve all herbal remedies that you want to take internally, especially if you are taking any prescription medications.
If needed, a Naturopath can also use prescription drugs, but this is typically a last resort if more holistic methods have fallen short.
The average treatment time for prescription medications or natural remedies is about six to eight months.
According to Prescription Drug Info, ichthammol provides antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal action.
Check with your physician before using any external remedy, especially if you are also using a topical prescription medicine.
Reducing blood pressure with herbal medicine is a natural alternative to expensive prescription medications.
The following are 10 ways you can drop your blood pressure numbers gradually and safely without using prescription medications.
In some cases, if used regularly, people have been able to reduce their blood pressure so much so that they were able to stop taking prescription medication, with their doctor's permission.
Melancor - This patented product, which is sold without a prescription, claims to reduce graying hair naturally without gluten, artificial colorings, preservatives, or stearic acids.
They are a significant medicinal module, used as an alternative to prescription formulas in the U.S. by individuals who prefer natural options to synthetic drugs.
If you have been using apple cider vinegar for ringworm for more than two weeks without success, you may need a prescription treatment.
Although St. John's wort typically causes only mild side effects, it has been shown to interfere with the absorption of certain prescription medications, including HIV medicine, anticancer drugs, heart medications and birth control pills.
Countless people take prescription and over-the-counter allergy medications every year.
This is especially helpful for expectant mothers suffering from morning sickness since ginger is a safe alternative to prescription drugs and has fewer side effects.
This herb interacts with many medications, and you should let your doctor know if you are taking it, and talk to your doctor first before taking this herb if you are taking a prescription medication.
If you do take prescription medicines such as SSRI medications, do not take these herbs unless under direct supervision of your physician.
Unlike conventional over the counter or prescription medication which treats symptoms within minutes or hours of taking the medication, herbal remedies may need to be taken or used over a period of time before they provide relief.
Herbs can be a more moderate treatment than chemical prescription drugs, but few doctors recommend that they be taken blindly and outside a careful treatment protocol.
One that is optically correct has the benefit of simulating the effect of a prescription glasses or contact lenses.
For those who rely on prescription glasses or contact lenses, this is indeed a miracle!
This prescription claims to give you fuller and darker looking lashes in just a few weeks of use.
Latisse is a prescription used to treat hypotrichosis, a condition that causes inadequate or sparse eyelashes.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelashes and desire longer, stronger, and fuller lashes, try either a prescription product such as Latisse or one that can purchased over the counter.
Certain prescription medications as well as drugs used for recreational purposes can produce physical symptoms of anxiety and stress.
If you are looking for an alternative to prescription drugs, herbal stress relievers may be your answer.
Many herbal stress relievers are safe to take just like prescription drugs.
However, just as all prescription drugs affect each person differently, herbs do as well.
This is a natural remedy for reducing anxiety and has some of the same effects as prescription drugs such as valium.
Also, if you take other prescription drugs, contact your doctor before you take an herbal medicine.
Medications for relief of stress headaches include over the counter and prescription drugs.
Doctors may recommend a prescription muscle relaxant if a severe muscle contraction accompanies the headache.
There are many different medications, both over the counter and prescription, that provide relief from the pain of a stress headache.
Although only a small percentage of people suffering from stress headaches seek medical attention, those that do often are prescribed prescription drugs to combat their headache pain.
If you are being treated for anxiety with prescription drugs, it is important that you are aware of the possibility of anxiety medication side effects.
However, if you are experiencing severe discomfort or pain as a result of the medication side effects, let you doctor know right away even if you have only been taking the prescription drug for a short time.
Prescription Drugs - Painkillers like Vicodin and OxyContin, and ADHD drugs like Ritalin and Adderall are commonly abused.
Unfortunately, while the use of illicit drugs may have decreased since 1999, the abuse of prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) has increased.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that approximately 2.1 million teens have used prescription drugs such as pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants and depressants in 2006.
Understanding how teenagers obtain drugs can help you decrease the accessibility your teen has to illegal substances, prescription drugs, and OTC medicines.
If you take prescription drugs for medical reasons, you may not notice that you're missing a few pills.
Melatonin supplements are available in North America without a prescription, and can be animal based or synthetic.
From Matthew Perry of Friends fame to talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, stories of prescription drug addiction are on the rise.
Even Felicity Huffman's character Lynette on the hit series Desperate Housewives had an addiction to her children's prescription attention deficit disorder medication.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 20% of the United States population has taken prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in their lifetime.
Senior citizens make up a large portion of this percentage, since they have easier access to prescription medications.
The easy accessibility of prescription medications has also been a factor in the rise of abuse.
Patients who become dependent on prescription medications may not intend to abuse the prescription.
Persons who are prescribed medications which fall into three drug categories are most at risk for prescription drug addiction.
Commonly abused prescription opioids include morphine, codeine, Vicodin, and Demerol.
Three key persons are involved in the identification of a problem with prescription drug abuse.
Physicians are first in line for noticing a problem with prescription drug addiction.
Faking symptoms after a patient's current prescription runs out should also be investigated.
Doctors should not leave prescription pads anywhere that a patient could be tempted to steal one.
Pharmacists are important in making sure prescription drugs are not abused.
Patients can also identify problems with prescription drug abuse.
Patients should always use medications exactly as directed, and never take another person's prescription.
Vicodin addiction first made big news in 1996, when National Football League quarterback Brett Favre announced he was addicted to the prescription pain pill and entered a rehabilitation program.
Today, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that roughly 20% of the United States population over the age of 12 has used prescription medications for non-prescription purposes.
Vicodin is one of the leading prescription drugs that are abused.
Most addicts begin using medication like Vicodin without a prescription, for example as a recreational drug.
These are all prescription medications used to treat pain, but have recently made news as drugs to buy on the street.
Prescription drugs can help with the symptoms of withdrawal during alcohol detox.
Celebrating recovery from substance abuse, whether from alcohol, street drugs, or prescription drugs, is vitally important in the recovery process.
Paxil is one of the leading prescription drugs in the United States.
To prevent harmful drug interactions, always inform your physician and pharmacist of any other prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs you are taking.
Since there are many different types of prescription antidepressants, doctors and patients have a plethora of options.
Antidepressants, like many other prescription drugs, often have undesirable side effects.
Non-nicotine treatments often use prescription drugs, like antidepressants.
While prescription drugs are used as the primary form of treatment, psychotherapy is often recommended to help patients develop positive coping strategies.
Most people who suffer from manic depression take prescription mood stabilizers as well as medications for insomnia, anxiety, or agitation.
He/she can help you select an over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy or write a prescription for Zyban, a new medication that has helped many women overcome the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
The patch may interfere with the effectiveness of antidepressants or prescription medications asthma.
A prescription medicine called bupropion (brand name Wellbutrin or Zyban) actually eases cravings in some people, making it easier to quit.
The difference in success rates can be attributed to the fact that men tend to use firearms, while women gravitate towards less lethal methods such as overdosing on prescription medications.
You can become addicted to alcohol, prescription drugs, natural drugs (marijuana and herbs), inhalants, and synthetic street drugs (heroin, meth, and crack cocaine).
In other cases, it may be the result of incorrectly using prescription medication.
Alcohol and prescription drugs are also frequently abused by adults and teens alike.
It is very common for users to become addicted to illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin, but it is just as easy to become accidentally addicted to prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications.
Typically used as a pain reliever, Percocet is a prescription drug that contains oxycodone and acetaminophen.
However, studies have found that addictions are most likely to develop in women, who seek medical treatment more often than men, and the elderly, who are generally more susceptible to prescription drug addictions.
Overcoming a Percocet addiction is just like overcoming any other prescription drug addiction.
Individuals who have a prescription drug addiction or a serious addiction to a dangerous narcotic like cocaine or heroin, however, should consult a physician to explore the different options.
Herbal remedies for the most part are not as standardized as prescription medications.
Addiction abuse or dependency on a prescription drug such as valium occurs due to the "rebound effect" of the drug.
Often, dependency occurs when users don't follow prescription guidelines, either by taking more than the recommended doses or taking the drug for longer than was originally intended.
Percocet is a type of prescription pain medication that can only legally be obtained with a prescription from a physician.
Many people start out with a legal Percocet prescription as a result of an injury or surgery that caused bona fide pain.
People who use Percocet regularly - whether legally through a physician's prescription or illegally through other means - must be cautioned that this is not a drug that can be stopped abruptly.
If you would rather stay away from prescription medications, there are alternative treatments you can try.
Support from friends, family or drug treatment centers can help you free yourself from your dependence on prescription drugs.
Let your loved ones know of your struggle with prescription drug addiction and the symptoms you may face over the next few weeks.
Clonazepam abuse can be a result of legitimate prescription use of this medication that evolves into addictive behavior.
Clonazepam is a prescription medication that is generally used to treat anxiety as well as seizures.
This is a legitimate prescription drug that helps numerous people control their anxiety or avoid epileptic seizures.
There are also people who wind up addicted to Clonazepam despite never having had a legitimate prescription from a physician; these people obtain the drug illegally and use it recreationally.
This method of Clonazepam abuse is particularly dangerous since this drug can have severe contraindications with other drugs, both prescription and illicit.
Clonazepam is a prescription medication that is often prescribed as an anti-anxiety pill as well as an anti-seizure medication.
In clinical trials, common side effects are those that affect one percent or more of the people taking this prescription drug.
Prescription drugs used for non-medical purposes were being used by 2.9 percent of respondents.
Autopsy results proved Heath took an accidental yet deadly combination of prescription drugs.
Hollywood lost a rising star January 22, 2008, when actor Heath Ledger died from an accidental prescription drug overdose.
Was David Hasselhoff boozing it up before a recent flight from London to Los Angeles or was he under the influence of prescription medication?
After several weeks and two autopsies, the official cause of death was listed as an accidental overdose of prescription drugs, including Zoloft and methadone.
According to officials, the police did not find illegal drugs in the room, but did remove prescription medicines.
Sadly, in January 2008, Ledger was found dead in his home, the victim of an accidental overdose of prescription medications.
Other reports circulating stated that his addiction to cocaine and heroin led him to slitting his wrists and overdosing on prescription drugs.
It was widely reported that various prescription drugs were found in Ledger's apartment at the time of his death that included pain killers, anti-anxiety medication and sleep aids.
Autopsy reports state that the combination of all these prescription medications is what led to the actor's death.
Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage."
On January 22, 2008, Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose of multiple prescription drugs in his rented New York apartment.
Tawny Kitaen - 1980's music video girl and Surreal Life participant has battled addictions to cocaine, prescription drugs and has been arrested a couple of times for spousal battery.
Police state that they found a bottle of prescription drugs in the woman's car.
Though the names of the drugs have not been revealed, the district attorney's office did confirm that they were prescription drugs for which Locklear had a valid prescription.
Her first go-around was four years ago when she was being treated at a Malibu, California clinic for her addiction to prescription pain medication.
Anna Nicole Smith's 2007 death was officially ruled an accidental overdose after toxicology reports found that she had taken eight prescription drugs, such as methadone and other opiates.
Anna Nicole Smith died shortly after her son, Daniel, who also died of an overdose of prescription drugs and methadone.
The three are accused of obtaining prescription drugs for Anna Nicole under fake names.
Oxycodone is legal to those for whom it is prescribed, but the problem here is that Jasinski was busted with over 2,000 of these little prescription pain relievers during his drug bust in Massachusetts.
The preliminary report from the Los Angeles county coroner's office is revealing that Murphy died from complications from pneumonia, anemia and prescription drug toxicity.
Early reports in her death noted there were several prescription drug bottles in Brittany and husband Simon Monjack's home at the time of her death.
There were, however, prescription drugs, including insulin and clonazepam, an anti-convulsant medication more commonly known as Klonopin.
Ever since his success began to wane, Haim struggled with various addictions with cocaine and prescription drugs.
Authorities state that they did not find any illegal drugs at his home, but did find a few prescription drug bottles, though it is not known at this time if the prescriptions belonged to Haim.
As recently as 2009, Kelly admitted to purposely throwing herself down the stairs in order to get prescription pain killers from her doctor.
First up, Kelly is to be a part of is a discussion panel on the Dr. Phil Show, talking about prescription drugs and teenagers, which seems to be a good fit for her.
She has admitted that she is taking prescription medication for injuries she suffered years ago, but her stories tend to conflict one another.
After the news broke about the massive number of prescription drugs in his possession before his death, Corey Haim's doctors were subpoenaed by authorities.
An autopsy revealed she died from an accidental overdose of sleeping pills, which were lethal when combined with the other prescription drugs she took.
Heath Ledger - The young and much-accomplished actor died at the age of 28 in 2008, as the result of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.
Jackson had reportedly taken multiple prescription drugs for pain, but his personal physician was charged with involuntary manslaughter in 2010 with administering a fatal cocktail of drugs, which brought on cardiac arrest.
As controversy swirled around the entire situation, it soon came to light that Ledger had died of an accidental overdose of prescription medications.
The charges against her were dropped when it was discovered that the pills she was carrying were prescription medication.
His death was a shocking one, with the 28-year-old being found to have overdosed on prescription drugs.
Haim was addicted to prescription drugs throughout most of his adulthood, and his sudden death on March 10, 2010 seemed to be a result of an overdose.
When making a list of the top 5 things to pack for a cruise, don't forget important miscellaneous items, such as prescription drugs and any other essential medications.
While some of these medicines are available in your local pet supply store, other meds may only be obtained with a prescription from your veterinarian.
This is why it's so important to let your vet determine the prescription and to follow his instructions to the letter.
Over-the-counter and prescription pet medications are also available online.
Hill's Science Diet produces a full line of formulas for dogs in various life stages, as well as Prescription Diets that are supposed to support the health needs of sick dogs.
However, the manufacturer recommends that dog owners first get veterinary approval for a sick dog to switch from a prescription diet to an Eagle Pack food.
Many pet owners use Fromm pet food in place of prescription diets for health conditions with veterinary approval.
Many of the preventative medications for heartworm are available only with a prescription from a veterinarian.
The drugs used in oral prescription medications include either ivermectin or milbemycin oxime.
Prescription medications for heartworm, as well as over the counter products, are available online from a variety of retailers.
She was feeding him what had been considered a premium prescription food.
Interceptor heartworm medication is a controlled medical substance and is obtainable only with a veterinarian's prescription.
You will need a prescription from your veterinarian.
Always consult your veterinarian before treating your dog with any medication, either prescription or over the counter.
As with all medication, be sure to complete the prescription even if the worms appear to be gone.
It does require a prescription, but a vet or doctor can give it to you.
Should I complete the entire prescription or is it "as needed?"
Never buy pain medication online or anywhere without a veterinarian's prescription.
Your healthcare provider may need to give you a prescription if you must buy hose with high compression levels.
If you have an existing health condition, you should consult your doctor before taking dietary supplements, especially those with similar effects as your prescription medications.
If you are on prescription medications, you should evaluate these additives carefully.
Either you can get a prescription from your doctor that will allow you to buy an organic mattress or you can buy a mattress that is covered with a flame resistant material like organic wool.
Rx-safety goggles are available in every prescription, so there's no reason to choose between protection and correction.
Prescription safety lenses are thicker than non-prescription ones, and some people consider the added thickness to be extra protection.
Prescription safety goggles prevent all of the aforementioned from happening while also protecting the eyes in compliance with national standards for vision protection.
Prescription goggles have stronger lenses and stronger frames than eyewear that isn't earmarked for safety.
The most popular prescription safety goggles have lenses made from polycarbonate.
A pair of goggles compliant with U.S. standards for prescription safety eyewear will have "Z87-2" and the manufacturer's brand name, marked on the front of the frame and on both temples.
If your trade or hobby is outdoors at least part of the time, consider getting tinted prescription lenses with anti-glare protection.
These online eyewear stores include prescription safety goggles with modest pricing, although stronger prescriptions do tend to drive up the cost.
So far, the types of designers that fetch high prices for eyeglass frames don't appear to have broken into the prescription safety goggle space yet.
Even if prescription protective eyewear did cost a lot, the investment would more than pay for itself because maintaining good vision is priceless.
Membership includes prescription, travel and insurance discounts.
It is a national insurance plan for senior citizens, offering low cost prescription plans, health treatments, and doctor's visits.
Since prescriptions are not covered in the aforementioned plans, consider enrolling in a Medicare Prescription Plan (Part D).
Many experts and legislators advocate that the costs for health care and prescription medication border on price gouging.
You can also sign up for Medicare Part D, which sets you up with a health insurance company that will help you pay for your prescription medications.
Since many of these health insurance companies do not pay all prescription medication costs and you may fall into the Medigap, which means you will have to pay for your medication in full.
A talking Rx prescription reminder is an easy way to remember when it is time to take daily medications.
The supplemental insurance plan comes with a discount prescription drug card for subscribers.
When CHF becomes acute, treatment involves oxygen, prescription heart medication and bed rest.
Elderly patients should maintain regular appointments with their physician and follow their instructions with regard to dietary and prescription needs.
In addition, treatments like Vitamin E, herbs and prescription medications may help slow its development.
Prescription medications can be used in early Alzheimer's as well as severe stages, depending on the drug.
Prescription medications may help slow the disease and other treatments like vitamin E and herbal supplements may also assist.
Many Part C Medicare Advantage Plans include coverage of prescription drugs.
Part D of Medicare provides coverage of prescription drugs to Medicare recipients.
Part D - Prescription drug coverage is included in some Medicare Part C insurance plans.
An HMO, the Kaiser Permanente plan provides medial care, health coverage and prescription drug coverage to their members.
Medicare Part D will help you with your prescription drug costs.
For many seniors, prescription medications are not covered, or are only covered in part, by Medicare.
Depending on the insurance company chosen, prescription drugs may be covered in the plan and there may be additional benefits.
Medicare part D is the prescription drug portion of the Medicare insurance plan.
The official United States government website for Medicare provides information on Medicare plans, benefits and prescription drug coverage.
Additional programs cover prescription drug costs and expenses not covered by the basic plans.
Part D of Medicare is the portion of the plan that covers prescription drugs.
Of course, you will want to consult your doctor before you begin taking nutritional supplements, especially if you are on any prescription medications.
Such creams can be purchased at pharmacies or are available by prescription.
There are many instances where the federal health insurance plan does not cover the costs of medical care or prescription medication, making an additional insurance on top of Medicare desirable.
The government website for Medicare provides information on the four different parts of Medicare, corresponding prescription drug plan coverage and the current Medicare premium rates.
It often means the difference between having adequate medical coverage and not being able to pay for necessary medical and prescription needs.
Find out which CPAP machine your doctor is recommending and get a prescription which shows the pressure level required.
Non prescription sleep aids are available for purchase from most drug stores.
Medications sold over the counter (without prescription) specifically for the treatment of insomnia are an option for many.
They are often not as powerful or helpful as prescription strength sleep aids, but they can give you short term help in falling asleep.
Over the counter sleep aids are regulated less than prescription products mainly because their small dosages tend to make them harmless, when used as prescribed.
While many people resort to non prescription sleep aids, you may also want to consider natural solutions.
Acetzolamide is often a prescription for those dealing with sleep apnea caused by high elevations.
Stimulants, including the use of alcohol, nicotine or some types of non prescription drugs, can keep you awake.
If you want to stay away from prescription drugs, natural sleep aids could be a solution for your occasional sleep difficulties.
Before taking a natural sleep remedy, make sure you inform your doctor or pharmacist to prevent taking a natural sleep aid that might interfere with any prescription drugs you are taking at the same time.
It is the only hormone available without a prescription within the United States.
You don't need a doctor's prescription to purchase a CPAP mask, so you are free to purchase any style that works for you.
Be sure to check the pressure capability of the mask if your pressure prescription is for 15 or more.
Specific chemicals are released during sleep stages, offering insight into which prescription medications offer help for sleep disorders.
Use caution when taking prescription or antihistamine-based pills, avoid alcohol and be aware of side effects.
These products can be purchased without prescription in general retail outlets and are designed to help you get a good night's rest by eliminating an associated discomfort.
A sleep doctor's prescription for CPAP therapy offers respite from the symptoms of sleep apnea, but it still takes time to adjust to the feeling of the mask, sleeping position, the machine and a dozen other little factors.
If you really want to continue taking this medication and experience this side effect, you can discuss taking a prescription medication or over the counter sleep aid to fight the insomnia.
Devices may be available over the counter, such as mouthpieces, but other devices such as the CPAP machine and mask are available through a prescription from your doctor.
Patients may receive a prescription for an antibiotic to prevent infection, and the doctor may require them to rinse their mouths with an antiseptic solution for several days following the procedure.
A variety of anti-snoring devices is available, both over-the-counter and by prescription.
Many prescription and over-the-counter medications affect the body in ways similar to alcohol.
Herbal sleep aids provide the benefits of over-the-counter and prescription sleep medications without the associated side effects, withdrawal risks, or concern about interactions with other medications.
Make certain to inform your doctor of any herbs you are taking to prevent potentially serious interactions with prescription and over-the-counter medications.
For many patients, a diagnosis of sleep apnea can result in a prescription for a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine that must be worn when you sleep for the rest of your life.
Prescription devices may be necessary when snoring is severe, or when OTC products to stop snoring fail to relieve symptoms.
Prescription steroid nasal sprays work similarly to OTC decongestants and help relieve congestion and inflammation in the nasal passages.
Fortunately, using prescription or OTC products to stop snoring is effective for most of the estimated 90 million Americans who snore.
If you still have trouble, you should talk to your physician about possible prescription medications to help you achieve your desired sleep schedule and whether that would conflict with any other treatment.
You should never take a prescription sleep medication without approval from your physician.
If you decide to treat your sleep apnea using a CPAP machine, you must first see your doctor for a prescription.
Prescription medicines for sleep are generally prescribed for those with chronic sleep difficulty.
Whether you are using over-the-counter medications or prescription medications to promote sleep, side effects exist with both options.
Side effects associated with prescription sleep medications vary, based on the medication and dosage.
In addition, medical equipment, available by prescription, or laser procedures (Laser assisted uvula palatoplasty) may help alleviate snoring.
This includes withdrawals from alcohol, tranquilizers, prescription drugs and narcotics.
It isn't necessary to get a new prescription for each mask purchase but it is necessary to have a prescription that is less than 12 months old for a CPAP machine in order to purchase your first CPAP mask.
If you buy replacement parts from the same company consistently, a copy of your most current prescription and your insurance information should be kept on file to make ordering new CPAP masks simple.
The retailer should ask for a copy of your most recent prescription and it should not be necessary to get a new prescription for each order.
Some products, such as Pure Sleep do not require a prescription, and they may be fitted at home.
Patients who have undergone a sleep study, received a diagnosis and prescription will find that their physician can recommend the type of device that best meets their needs.
Resmed will also work with your physician and prescription to make sure you get the right device.
Unlike prescription sleeping pills, natural sleep aids do not require a visit to your doctor.
Home remedies for insomnia may allow you to get some rest without taking any prescription pills.
However, the amount of time that you can take a prescription may be limited so medications may not be the best option for you.
Even if you don't plan to use prescription sleep aids yet, you should be evaluated by your physician to make sure that your insomnia is not caused by a health problem.
You can try to make changes in your lifestyle, diet, and bedtime habits to lessen the symptoms of insomnia before you take the prescription route.
Sadly, you won't be able to pop out the plain lenses in order to have your prescription lenses installed.
You can have your prescription lenses tinted and inserted.
All you need to know is your prescription and your pupillary distance (see The Sight Site to find out more on how to measure that).
You will need a prescription from your eye care provider to order, even if you do not need corrective power in your lenses.
You can purchase custom made all black contact lenses or you can just buy them pre-made whether you need a prescription or not.
Keep in mind that prices will vary depending upon your prescription, the company you order from, and whether your order is custom or not.
In light of the tremendous technology offered by Aspex, it's obvious to see why their prescription glasses are so sought after.
Some of these can fit your prescription.
Second, your child can be fitted for a pair without a prescription.
If you need prescription lenses, there are Barracuda goggles out there that will work for you, as well.
Most people who use reading glasses can purchase a generic prescription of +1.00 to +3.00 anywhere and see clearly; sometimes custom lenses are required, however.
You may ask why this is important since someone else will be filling your prescription and it's not up to you to decide.
The traditional bifocal design has a prescription for seeing at a distance in the top part of the lens.
Below that, there's a visible section that houses your prescription for seeing up close.
During the first few days or weeks, you may feel like your vision "jumps" as you switch from one part of the prescription to the other (near vs. far).
What they do is add an intermediate section between your near vision prescription and the one for distance.
However, as with Coastal Contacts, there are no exchanges or refunds, and all sclera purchases will need prescription verification.
Besides the enormous costs of these contacts lenses and the need for a prescription, it may also be helpful to know that these are large lenses- about the size of a quarter!
Finally, note that these lenses are custom made (hence the need for a prescription) and as such, need to be fitted to each individual's eye.
The goggles themselves don't contain the prescription.
Instead, you can get a pair of adapter lenses with your prescription intact.
Prescription wearers shouldn't feel stifled by their choices, that's for sure!
There are some that fit over your glasses and others that can hold an insert with your prescription.
The company also have a small range of prescription spectacles, allowing you to gain all the benefits of Bolle in your day-to-day glasses, too.
If you already know which brand and type of contact lenses you need and have a current prescription from your eye care provider, you may just hope to shop online for a better deal and have them shipped to your Boulder address.
If you need prescription eyewear, some stores offer up to half off your second pair of glasses.
If you're buying designer eyewear online and you need prescription lenses, you don't always have to have your prescription put in before you receive the frames.
From there, they can fill your prescription and/or tint the lenses to fit your needs.
All you have to do is choose your frame at the optical shop or online, and then choose to have your prescription lenses tinted any color you wish, and coated with a UV protective film.
Don't wear prescription glasses but found a Calvin Klein frame you like?
No problem; just have plastic (CR-39) lenses tinted just like you would for prescription pair of lenses.
Once you have a prescription for contacts and feel comfortable with your lenses, you can purchase more from anywhere that you desire.
Be sure to try on the goggles before purchasing if possible, or at least before having prescription lenses into the frames.
You can get prescription lenses, and all the lenses are impact resistant and offer UV protection.
While you may be able to find less expensive swim goggles elsewhere, these can be made with prescription lenses.
Swim Outlet also has Barracuda swim goggles for a low price, so if you just need a pair of those with no customized prescription, this may be the place to shop.
Always check for fit, padding for comfort, UV protection, polycarbonate lenses, a prescription if you need it, and a tint if you think that it would help your performance.
If you need prescription lenses inserted into your Oakleys anyway, this is an especially good place to start looking.
We plan to bring in prescription lenses for certain styles by the beginning of 2010.
You'll want to look for clip-ons that protect your eyes, but won't damage your prescription lenses or frames.
Fit overs are great for anyone; folks that wear prescription lenses, and folks that don't.
Available in a variety of styles and colors, this look is great whether you have prescription lenses or not.
Color Max lenses do require a prescription.
Even plano lenses need an updated contact lens prescription.
Color Max contacts do require a valid contact prescription, so in order to purchase a pair you must see an eye care professional for an exam.
How realistic they look will depend on the fit of the lenses and the design of the lenses, so don't be afraid to ask for a free trial when you're talking with your optometrist about your contact lens prescription.
They also come in prescription strengths just like reading glasses because they're perfect for those in-between distances between reading up close and driving a car, for example.
In some cases, you can get computer readers that have a stronger prescription at the bottom and a weaker one on top, ideal for wearers who frequently glance between a computer screen and a printed document or the keyboard.
The solution is inexpensive and you can purchase your computer glasses based on your readers' prescription.
They are set up like traditional progressive lenses, with a stronger prescription at the bottom than the top.
The computer glasses found at this site also have the bifocal setup with the reading prescription in the bottom of the lenses and the intermediate prescription derived from the stronger one located at the top.
If you wear reading glasses at times, you can easily order a pair of computer glasses based on your current reading glasses prescription.
An eye doctor can give you a prescription and ensure you select properly fitting contact lenses.
Do not attempt to order contact lenses without a prescription first since this is not only a requirement by law but necessary in order to get the correct size and type for your eyes.
Just as if you ordering eyeglasses, a prescription is needed when ordering a pair of contact lenses.
An eye care provider is required to give you a copy of your prescription if you request it.
A prescription is needed for contact lenses since contacts must be fitted to an individual's eyes and their specific vision correction needs.
If contacts are not fitted properly, eyes can get irritated, inflamed and could damage eye tissue, not to mention you may not see clearly if the prescription is not correct.
There are many other reasons not to order contact lenses without a prescription.
Contact lenses should never be purchased from a retailer that does not ask for a valid prescription.
The law states that a prescription is a requirement when purchasing lenses.
Even if you are interested in ordering lenses without a corrective power, known as plano, a prescription is necessary to ensure a perfect fit.
A valid prescription for contact lenses must contain certain information.
If you have a prescription for eyeglasses, it will not work for ordering lenses since it does not list all the information needed for contacts.
Your eyeglasses prescription only has information for vision correction, not the information for eye fitting.
There are types of contacts available without prescription power called plano.
Even though they are plano, they do require a contact lens prescription to determine the correct size and type for your eyes.
Most sites that sell contact lenses require you to fax or mail a copy of your prescription.
Though prescription polarized lenses are on the expensive side, they are available and they're perfect if you like to look great and protect your eyes while you golf, fish or drive.
Some people may think that since they wear contact lenses they don't need prescription goggles when they play sports.
The adapters house the prescription and generally clip in on the bridge area.
Built-in prescriptions are available right off the shelf in some cases the prescription is in the goggle lens itself.
You won't get a perfect prescription for your eyes unless you're lucky and have a fairly simple prescription, but you may be able to correct your vision well enough to enjoy your time in the water without worrying about contact lenses.
Goggles that fit over your eyeglasses are good for those who don't wear contacts and have vision needs not easily met with the step-diopter prescriptions found in many prescription sports goggles.
You can even have goggles custom made with your prescription intact, though they will be pricier, of course.
You wouldn't want to choose rose-colored prescription ski goggles for motorcycling at sunset!
Vision 3K is a United Kingdom site that offers prescription Bolle ski goggles and Aquasee swimming goggles.
True to the name, this company has prescription eyewear for sports.
They are a trusted to get the prescription lenses you need into a style you love.
Not all styles are available for prescription lenses, but many of the top selling models are Rxable.
You usually can't get prescription glasses without a prescription.
Everyone's eyes are different, and many factors go into determining your prescription and the kind of glasses you need.
Keep in mind that eye doctors do more than just give you a prescription.
They do require a valid prescription even if you do not need corrective power.
If you have a prescription, check out some online sites that have custom lenses.
To purchase lenses, either non-prescription or prescription, you must have a valid prescription.
In fact, there are prescription lenses available that can be fitted behind the standard cycling lens.
This helps ensure that each and every pair of prescription lenses is filled with 100 percent accuracy, physically and to clarity.
We offer a wide selection of prescription lenses, such as high end, progressive bifocals, polychromics, and more for up to 70 percent off retail walk in store prices.
After you have your prescription from your ophthalmologist and you have decided to wear contact lenses instead of glasses you can search for different sources to purchase them.
So if you have your prescription and you have chosen the way of purchasing them, it remains only to choose the brand and you're ready.
For the eyeglass frames that will ultimately hold your prescription, visit the Ed Hardy shop to email them for a list of stores near you that carry the brand.
In some cases, you can get prescription lenses, which cuts down on the bulkiness of wearing a pair of wraparound shades over your regular eyewear or having to wear contacts while you bike.
First, you must get your eyes examined to see if your prescription has changed.
Once you pick your new pair of everyday eyeglass frames, take your old pair in and purchase new lenses only--with your new prescription.
If your prescription hasn't changed, you can still have your old lenses tinted and the anti-reflective coating added on.
If your eye doctor didn't give you a prescription as you left the office, you can request one.
You can order just the frames or you can get prescription lenses inserted before they ever ship them to you.
If you shop in-store, you'll have the luxury of having an optician point you toward flattering frames that will easily hold the prescription you require.
Visionworks runs different promotions throughout the year, such as two pairs of eyeglasses for $99.00, one pair of prescription reading glasses for $29.00, and two pairs of no-line bifocals for $149.00.
If you need a new pair of prescription eyeglasses, Eyemasters offers both variety and numerous locations.
Your lenses depend on your prescription.
Special effects contact lenses are manufactured and packaged with the same quality and safety precautions that are used in the manufacture of regular prescription contact lenses.
This also means that they should be stored, cared for and used in the same manner that you would use prescription lenses.
When you're shopping for lenses, look for well known brands like Gothika or Crazy Lenses that are known for producing the same quality as prescription lenses.
You will need to get a doctor's prescription for these contacts.
Additionally, once the correct prescription and brand have been found, you'll still need to shell out a couple of dollars for the contacts themselves.
You'll need to know the prescription that works best for you before you set out to purchase online.
Once you have your prescription needs under your belt, you can branch out into the world of fashionable polarized reading glasses, which will understandably be harder to find than the simpler styles with clear lenses.
If you have a finicky near vision prescription, your eye doctor may prescribe one that's just for you.
Keep in mind, these will be more expensive than those generic reading glasses you'll find at the drugstore because the prescription is more intricate.
Having a pair custom made will make finding your prescription, polarized lenses, and a frame combination you love much easier.
You get to choose whether you want amber or smoke polarized lenses, the style of your frame, and, of course, you'll have your perfect prescription.
Later, when your prescription changes, you'll be able to keep that same frame and just have new lenses installed.
The Trestle has an eight base curve, a co-molded rubber temple and nose, and is prescription friendly.
This look also features Megol enhanced temples, a pin hinge, an eight base curve and is also prescription friendly.
Fishing prescription sun glasses can do a lot of things at once.
You will still need a current prescription to order, so if you have not had an eye exam in over a year, you will probably have to schedule one first.
You can obtain your prescription from the optometrist when you go for your eye exam.
Your accurate prescription, including the distance between your pupils so that the prescription is lined up correctly for your proportions in the lenses (you'll need to find your pupillary distance yourself if you are ordering online).
They fit over your prescription eyeglasses so that you don't have to change from prescription dark lenses to clear and back again.
You can check with your local optical shop for Flexon eyeglass frames or go ahead and order some online with or without your prescription lenses intact when they arrive.
Some retailers will fill your prescription for you via an online form; others will send you the frames and you will need to have the prescription filled locally.
If you have a valid eye prescription for contact lenses, shopping online can be an easy, hassle-free option for buying new contacts.
Although they are non prescription, always consult with your eye doctor first before purchasing the lenses.
Some shops and websites, however, will require a doctor's prescription before you are able to purchase the contact lenses even though the lenses are considered "non-prescription."
They are available in prescription and non-prescription powers.
Once you have worn the lenses for roughly a week, you will be asked to go back in to discuss your thoughts and analyze the vision correction with the current prescription one more time.
You'll need a prescription from your doctor for the lenses before you can order them, but it never hurts to do some research before you talk to your eye care provider.
Once you find the type you like, you're free to order from wherever you'd like with the appropriate prescription.
You can buy them pre-made from a number of retailers or choose to have them custom made with your prescription.
You will still need a prescription for this type of lens, even if you do not need a prescription.
Prices range from $45-120 for non-prescription Gargoyles shades, though several models can incorporate prescription lenses for an additional charge.
Either type requires a contact lens fitting and a prescription from an eye care professional.
If you have a valid contact lens prescription, shopping online is a great option.
They can be made with your exact lens prescription.
These enhancement lenses come in a single vial and can be ordered in your vision prescription or plain.
If you want to try a gothic contact lens, you'll still need a prescription.
No matter where you buy your contact lenses, or even whether you need vision correction, you will still need a prescription from your eye care professional.
They are available in prescription strengths.
Some styles are available in prescription strength.
In most cases, you will need your eye care professional's approval to order your prescription gothic lenses.
In fact, if you're not asked for a copy of your prescription, don't purchase from that seller at all; the FDA requires that prescriptions be presented for all contact lens sales.
Halcyon prescription goggles are old-fashioned eyewear meant for riding motorcycles.
You may not be able to find goggles with your prescription intact right away, but it isn't difficult to remove the lenses and have new ones with tints and/or vision correction put in.
However, it seems as if it is difficult to order Halcyon prescription goggles online.
It may be wise to speak with your optician or directly with a representative from a local eyeglass lab in order to find out if they have experience fitting prescription lenses into Halcyon goggles.
From there, you can pursue the pair of Halcyon goggles of your choice, taking advantage of the best deals you can find, and take your prescription along with your goggles to the optical shop or lab.
These goggles are said to fit over most eyeglass frames, so if you'd rather not have prescription lenses put into the goggles and don't wear contacts, they could be a viable option for you.
However, if you need bifocals, trifocals, progressive bifocals (especially these), it could be hard to fit your prescription into such an abbreviated frame and lens combination.
Halloween contacts come in both plano (non-prescription) as well as prescription powers.
A godsend for those with strong prescription lenses, polycarbonate (high index) came onto the scene.
Hard contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable hard contact lenses, are sometimes prescribed because they can provide a clearer view for some prescription types.
Contact lens styles and their prescription varies greatly from country to country.
In some locations, like Japan, it is more common to have a prescription for hard contact lenses than somewhere like Scandinavia.
Patients in the United States have a right to request their contact lens prescription to order lenses from any shop of their choice, including over the Internet.
In the case of the multifocal contact lenses, the prescription is housed in the center, while a ring around that center contains the power, or strength of the prescription.
If your contact contains multiple rings, then that means that your prescription is designed to accurately alternate between near and far distances.
Once your eye care provider helps you discover the correct prescription, brand, and type for your eyes' needs, you should be able to instantly enjoy the best of both worlds.
Within this section, you'll find pertinent facts that deal specifically on the best way for you to place your order, can learn more about filling your prescription and have the option of contacting the company directly.
Prescription eyewear customers may wonder what's left for them.
Live Eyewear's focus is on designing and manufacturing the highest quality OveRx sunwear (sunwear designed to be worn over prescription glasses).
Our target demographic is anyone who wears prescription glasses.
Sixty-two percent of the US population wears prescription glasses.
As far as selecting the appropriate size, all of our online partners have sizing guides so the customer can simply measure their prescription glasses (width and height).
The extremely lightweight design of the Cocoons frames allows them to float comfortably over prescription glasses and you don't even feel like you are wearing two pairs of glasses.
Can these be worn over prescription glasses, too?
EyeSights are high performance safety eyewear and are not designed to be worn over prescription eyewear.
You even have glasses to be worn at work over your prescription eyewear.
EyeArmor is a line of safety eyewear that is designed to be worn over prescription glasses.
If you need safety glasses and wear prescription glasses, it is really costly to purchase prescription safety glasses.
They are polarized for the glare reduction, and you can have improved vision on even overcast days if you need prescription lenses.
When you can see the print clearly, you'll know you've found the correct "prescription."
Sometimes ophthalmologists and optometrists will prescribe reading glasses in a more accurate prescription just for your eyes.
The difference in price can be huge, though, with drugstore reading glasses being close to $10.00 and the potential for prescription reading glasses reaching well over $50.00.
If you'd prefer it, you could even have polarized lenses cut for your individual prescription.
If you need vision correction-especially for driving, since these are designed for driving and general wear-the lenses come ready for a prescription.
Even better is the fact that the prescription collection that Maui Jim offers is extensive.
Luckily, prescription sunglass wearers need not be left out of this fold.
Additionally, if it's one of your prescription lenses that is damaged, you'll need to have the store you purchased them from fix the lenses; Maui doesn't replace those lenses unless they are "unique" in some way.
Maui Jim prescription lenses are also available.
The polycarbonate prescription lenses are available in gray and bronze, and progressive lenses are also available.
The glass prescription lenses are available in all three Maui Jim colors, but only in single vision lenses.
If you need prescription lenses, check with your local optical shop to see if they can order the Whaler frame for you (or if they already have it in stock).
If you're a fan of the sporty styles, you can even have prescription inserts put into those.
Since men--especially older men--tend to choose quite large frames, be prepared to pay extra for the oversized lenses if you're having your prescription put in.
For example, the Mikado M3602, 2100 are prescription glasses that boast a B titanium frame, but because of its lavish, gold coloring, looks incredibly sophisticated and elegant.
A lot of companies, including The Clip-On Guys, are able to customized your look from a photocopy of your prescription frame.
These clipons are shaped to fit your prescription frame exactly.
To purchase this type of lenses, you'll need a prescription from your optometrist.
Even if you don't need vision correction, you still are required by law to have a prescription to acquire any kind of contact lens.
Some goggles are large enough to fit over regular or prescription glasses, and other variations include interchangeable lenses so riders can adjust them for varying weather, light, and riding conditions.
The price of motorcycle goggles varies widely depending on the features of the style, the brand name, and any prescription requirements.
If you wear prescription eyeglasses and you ride a motorcycle, then you're probably always on the lookout for good motorcycle goggles that fit over glasses.
The demand for goggles that have room for prescription eyeglasses is important for riders who don't want to wear large and bulky helmets, but would still like the eye protection that motorcycle goggles offer.
Just because you wear prescription eyewear doesn't mean that you can't wear motorcycle goggles.
Make sure to visit several stores and try a few on to make sure that they provide a comfortable fit without damaging your prescription glasses.
They do require a valid contact lens prescription from an eye care professional even if you choose to order a pair that is plano.
There are many lens choices and most of them are available in plano or prescription strengths.
Since you can get most of them in plano or prescription strengths, almost anyone can wear them.