Premarital Sentence Examples
If there was a prenuptial or premarital agreement, the Court will consider it.
The study used data from a federal survey of 11,000 students in grades seven through twelve in 1995, 1996 and 2001. 82 percent of the students who took purity pledges retracted the promise and engaged in premarital sex.
Considering his attitude about premarital sex before they got married, why wouldn't she think he and Tessa had been intimate?
You'll probably be surprised at the intense issues most teens face, including bullying, drugs, resisting premarital sex and underage drinking.
The abstinence ring movement began in 1996 by Denny and Amy Pattyn to promote abstaining from premarital sex.
Abstinence rings are a great way to express a pledge to abstain from premarital sex.
The social message of wearing the abstinence ring will help make dating easier and may lessen pressure to have premarital sex.
Recent studies have indicated and news stories have indicated that a large percentage of teenagers who wear purity or abstinence rings still have premarital sex.
He is a conservative Republican who is strongly opposed to alcohol and premarital sex, but dresses like your typical punk rock frat boy.
In spite of her strict moral standards on premarital relationships, Carmen was obviously stirred deeply by desire.