Preferring Sentence Examples
We read and studied out of doors, preferring the sunlit woods to the house.
He had not sought the office, preferring service in the field.
Only when the sun peeked over the horizon did he decide to leave, preferring a dark place where he could dwell with his dark thoughts.
Parents often worry about preferring one child over another and being fair to all their children.
A year later, preferring a wider field, he resigned the position and devoted himself to literary work.
It succeeds in almost any soil, preferring a rich, light loam.
For those preferring plainer fare, there also are menu items such as grilled cheese sandwiches and pot roast.
For retirees preferring the Chattanooga area of Tennessee, the retirement community of Greenbrier Cove offers an active lifestyle and affordable living.
Players still flock to the original version of the game, preferring its balanced gameplay and adrenaline-pumping team-based combat.
As a youth, he rejected his heritage and his father's teachings, preferring the modernity of Starfleet, but his father's death brought him home to the tribe.
AdvertisementNevertheless these non-moral taboos or restraints may have played a part in building up in us that faculty of preferring the larger good to the impulse of the moment which is the note of real civilization.
So also Mill is justified in preferring a scene of Shakespeare or an hour's conversation with a friend to a great mass of lower pleasure.
They were most numerous in the southern and central portions of the state, preferring the river valleys; but their total number, perhaps, never exceeded a thousand.
The Promise does not enunciate judgments, preferring positive statements instead.
Bergkamp the man has always eschewed the limelight, preferring to spend time with his family.
AdvertisementWe are too polite, preferring euphemisms or tactful skepticism.
Having no money and also preferring to do everything himself, Carpenter acted, directed and had a hand in virtually everything.
They are not social animals, preferring to live alone or in pairs avoiding other hippos.
Top of page Procedure Rules on preferring indictments are nor contained in CPR Rule 14.
America, hardy, thriving in light soil, preferring peat, and are suitable for the margins of groups of American shrubs and for low parts of rock gardens.
AdvertisementIt is suitable for associating with flowers in summer, and grows in any soil, preferring moist places.
Though preferring shade, they only need a good supply of water at the root during summer, and will thrive even exposed to the full rays of the sun.
Thus, most waistcoats were made of silk and men were loath to button their coats all the way, preferring to show off their waistcoats.
Joan chooses all her clothes to show off her generous figure, preferring snug skirts that skim her hips.
They often use their antique woodworking tools in their work, preferring the tool of yesteryear to a similar modern version.
AdvertisementThe child with WS may have difficulty forming relationships with peers, preferring the company of younger children or adults.
They are more aggressive and more physically active, preferring noisy, boisterous forms of play that require larger groups and more space than the play of girls the same age.
There are approximately 60 types of HPV that cause warts, each preferring a specific bodily location.
During the first few years of life, preferring one eye over the other may lead to poor visual development in the blurrier eye.
Little bread is eaten, the Abyssinian preferring a thin cake of durra meal or teff, kneaded with water and exposed to the sun till the dough begins to rise, when it is baked.
Brancovan was accused of secret correspondence with the emperor, the tsar, the king of Poland and the Venetian republic, of betraying the Porte's secrets, of preferring Tirgovishtea to Bucharest as a residence, of acquiring lands and palaces in Transylvania, of keeping agents at Venice and Vienna, in both of which cities he had invested large sums, and of striking gold coins with his effigy.'
Although he was recognized leader of the Dutch party in Cape Colony, he consistently refused to take office, preferring to direct the policy and the action of others from an independent position.
Preferring the friendship of France, Abbas continued the war against Russia, but his new ally could give him very little assistance, and in 1814 Persia was compelled to make a disadvantageous peace.
On the advice of the Russians, who were just going to war with Turkey, the Serbs refused that offer, preferring to fight against the Turks as Russian allies.
He refused the dignity of senator offered him by Charles Albert, preferring to represent his native town in the Chamber of Deputies, of which he was soon elected president.
Preferring the solid advantage of orderly life to an unstable liberty, it acquiesced in the abdication of 1439, when the States consented to taxation for the support of a permanent army without any periodical renewal of their authorization.
Jenn wore nothing more than a vest to keep her core warm, preferring for her arms to be unencumbered.
Ernst & Young continues to avoid copping to these incidents in public, preferring for us and police blotters to expose the details.
In fact, some people are naturally introverted, preferring their own company and not needing a constant social whirl to feel fulfilled.
Her mother had grown tired of her father's pace and many love affairs, preferring the elite society of Paris.
He never goes for the quick release preferring the big punt up field.
As for your comments about preferring a Satsuma in a sock to a quad-processor G5, I have to drawn the line here.
The conflict was short and sharp, the mutinous sepoys preferring flight to the wrath of their enemies.
Douglas was not conspicuous as an ecclesiastical administrator, preferring to his livings the delights of London in winter and the fashionable wateringplaces in summer.
The nobles, turned into courtiers, placemen, diplomatists and men of affairs, ended by preferring his authority to the alternative of democratic institutions.
Mr Roosevelt declined the colonelcy of the regiment, preferring to take the post of lieutenant-colonel under his intimate friend Dr Leonard Wood, who, while a surgeon in the United States army, had served in action with gallantry and skill against the Indians.
On the 6th of July 1653 he took the degree of B.D., and became a tutor and chaplain of Corpus Christi, preferring this to a fellowship. In 1654 he had offers of high preferment in the state, which he declined; but in 1655 George Newton, of the great church of St Mary Magdalene, Taunton, sought him for assistant and Alleine accepted the invitation.
Rabelais is the incarnation of the "esprit Gaulois," a jovial, careless soul, not destitute of common sense or even acute intellectual power, but first of all a good fellow, rather preferring a broad jest to a'fine-pointed one, and rollicking through life like a good-natured undergraduate.
The same post brought a letter from Oxford, soliciting Swift's company in his retirement; and, to the latter's immortal honour, he hesitated not an instant in preferring the solace of his friend to the offers of St John.
As for your comments about preferring a satsuma in a sock to a quad-processor G5, I have to drawn the line here.
Others hire in-house care, preferring that a nanny or childcare provider come to their home to care for their child.
They also have trouble distinguishing colors, preferring to look at black and white objects instead.
Special or unique gifts - Some people want to forgo the typical baby gifts for something unique or special, preferring instead to give a specially designed gift that may become a treasured heirloom.
Recent reviews of the 2007 version do show improvements, however, with some preferring the product over its leading competitor, Norton Antivirus 2007.
Crafters tend to be very visual people, often preferring to see a new technique demonstrated instead of simply reading an article about it.
Others feel stressed out and lost when working for a large business, preferring instead to be part of a small team where they know everyone and are able to be involved in many aspects of the company's operation.
Much to fans' dismay, Jerry Seinfeld decided to pull the plug on his sitcom - preferring to leave the airwaves on a high note rather than running the risk of losing steam, as so many sitcoms do.
Both of them refused to answer direct questions about the affair, preferring instead to ask people to watch the show to see how they deal with it.
He's still acting, including feature films and stage work, and tends to maintain a low profile, preferring to focus on personal interests such as golf and music.
Many open positions won't consider candidates who hold only a bachelor's degree, preferring those who have graduated with a master's instead.
It is hardy, grows well in any good soil, preferring partial shade, and is commonly forced into flower for the greenhouse in early spring.
In other respects they are not difficult of cultivation, preferring always well-drained sandy loams and a warm exposure.
It is charming for a wall, preferring partial shade, such as that of a wall facing east or west, and does best in peaty or sandy soil.
It dislikes shade, preferring a warm sunny position, being especially happy when planted by the margin of a lake, pond, or stream, where cooling conditions obtain, but where the roots or crowns are not submerged.
The Spanish Iris must not be waterlogged in autumn and winter, preferring a loose, friable, sandy soil, which, however, should not be too poor, for it repays feeding with thoroughly rotten leaf-mould or manure.
They might not take as many style risks, preferring to stick to tried-and-true formulas such as A-line dresses that minimize their hips.
The baby also shifts from preferring what is familiar to that which is new, with the exception of people.
Some people easily frustrate, preferring to learn and perform pre-made dances.
The Abeka homeschool curriculum has a high resale value, with many homeschooling parents preferring to buy the materials used.
She may end up preferring it too - it's comfortable and practical and requires a lot less sunscreen.
Instead, preferring that the relationship with him to move from being lovers to being friends.
Based on your question, it seems you have a very hard time taking responsibility for your behavior, preferring to blame others for your problems.
During the infatuation stage, couples tend to overlook the behaviors of their partner that are unattractive, preferring to focus on the qualities of our love interest that are most attractive.
The site seeks to cater to the entire transgender community, not preferring one segment of it over the other, as well as providing a supportive atmosphere where members can be comfortable with their gender and sexuality.
At one time pink sapphires were rarely found in jewelry with most people preferring the conventional choice of blue.
Choosing a ring design with a religious symbol is a bold statement of personal spirituality, and some individuals may not be comfortable with such a blatant symbol, instead preferring a more subtle, private devotion.
Most literary agents specialize to some degree, preferring to limit themselves to representing writers of a genre such as science fiction, mysteries, or romance.
Some may even go as far as preferring being alone to having friends or relationships.
These beauties may not be comfortable in large crowds or parties, preferring instead to spend quiet evenings with a good book or in the company of good friends.
Autistic children have difficulty interacting with others, preferring solitude over group play.
Likewise, children with autism have trouble being in new places, preferring the familiar to the unknown.
The Romans eventually conquered it but didn't build on the land, preferring to keep it merely for strategic purposes to control both sides of the Tiber river.
A shuttle is offered each hour from the dock for those preferring not to climb the steep hill to the prison, but few parts of Alcatraz are wheelchair accessible.
For those preferring to practice yoga in the privacy of their own home, the Yoga on Demand program offers online classes.
Executives generally don't want to train new assistants or to take time to work with someone inexperienced, preferring a seasoned support person who can jump in and get the job done with little direction.
In fact, the Internet is full of guys who admit to preferring their girlfriend or wife's panties.
If you're having trouble finding real vintage stockings or you just like the retro look while preferring something brand new, there are retailers who sell retro-inspired wear.
Not duplicated because the community doesn't want to retain his independence preferring genes, Mark grows up a solitary, in a world when everyone else has a group of identical siblings.
While grazing they feed almost continually, preferring short pasture.
This theory, however, is not universally accepted, some authorities preferring to assume a succession of more strictly local elevations and depressions, connected with the recent volcanic activity of the Jaulan and Lija districts on the east bank, which brought the contours finally to their actual form.
Sarah never understood the appeal, preferring their estates in Europe.
He wasn't what she expected for the owner who liked everything alphabetized and orderly, preferring structure to spontaneity.
Beautiful tufted erect-stemmed plants preferring a strong rich loamy soil.
The great majority of the landlords were nobles of foreign origin who acquired their 'estates at the hands of the Habsburg conqueror from 1621 onwards, when, after the battle of the White Mountain, the lands of the Czech nobles and yeomen were confiscated, the owners being executed or, as adherents of the Moravian Brotherhood and other Protestant churches, preferring to pass into exile rather than surrender their faith.
He was condemned to abjure or be burnt; and preferring the former alternative, was committed to the Fleet prison and afterwards to the Austin Friars in London.
On the 28th of July 1683 she married Prince George of Denmark, brother of King Christian V., an unpopular union because of the French proclivities of the bridegroom's country, but one of great domestic happiness, the prince and princess being conformable in temper and both preferring retirement and quiet to life in the great world.
This post he resigned in 1534 on the election of Paul III., preferring to follow the fortunes of the Medicean princes.
The dominion of the Swedes was very unfavourable to the development of anything like a Finnish literature, the poets of Finland preferring to write in Swedish and so secure a wider audience.
Once this goodwill had been shown, he bore no malice towards those who rendered him his liberty by preferring Gambetta.
Lenthall, however, had no wish to resume his duties as speaker, preferring the House of Lords, and made various excuses for not complying.
In this connexion Major-General John Gibbon, U.S.A., records that in the American Civil War hunters and others who served in the western regiments habitually knocked off the backsights of the rifles that were issued to them, preferring to do without them.
There are, indeed, certain advantages in preferring the latter to the former, and in proceeding from volumes to areas rather than from areas to volumes.
While in his treatise Quod omnis, &c., Philo speaks of their avoiding towns and preferring to live in villages, in his "Apology for the Jews" we find them living in many cities, villages, and in great and prosperous towns.
The Holy Empire, in spite of the protests of the Holy See, was not restored, Austria preferring the loose confederation of sovereign states (Staatenbund) actually constituted under her presidency.
His own wish was to call Abu Ahmad, a son of Moktafi, or a son of Moqtadir, to the Caliphate, but the majority of generals preferring Qahir because he was an adult man and had no mother at his side, he acquiesced, although he had a personal dislike for him, knowing his selfish and cruel character.
Then he conceived the idea of using the Cossacks, who were deeply attached to him, as a means of chastising the szlachta, and at the same time forcing a war with Turkey, which would make his military genius indispensable to the republic, and enable him if successful to carry out domestic reforms by force of arms. His chief confidant in this still mysterious affair was the veteran grand hetman of the crown, Stanislaw Koniecpolski, who understood the Cossacks better than any man then living, but differed from the king in preferring the conquest of the Crimea to an open war with Turkey.
At the university he made rapid progress, especially in jurisprudence, though preferring the study of history, literature, juridical science and philosophy.
He divides geography into The Spherical Part, or that for the study of which mathematics alone is required, and The Topical Part, or the description of the physical relations of parts of the earth's surface, preferring this division to that favoured by the ancient geographers - into general and special.
Indeed, towards paganism, at least, he is perhaps even more than tolerant, preferring on the whole to keep on good terms with pagan divinities.
Alexander disliked business of state, preferring literature and philosophy; a collection of his Latin poems appeared at Paris in 1656 under the title Philomathi Labores Juveniles.
Jehoiakim's brother, Mattaniah or Zedekiah, was set in his place under an oath of allegiance, which he broke, preferring Hophra the new king of Egypt.
Work begun in Australia and New Zealand prospered, and the former country finally contributed over 1 i,000 members to the formation of the United Methodist Church of Australia, New Zealand with its 2600 members preferring to remain connected with the home country.
The moccasin-snake ranges fromMassachusetts and Kansas to Florida and Texas and into Mexico, preferring swampy localities or meadows with high grass, where it hunts for small mammals and birds.
Its nest, which is a model of neatness and symmetry, it builds on trees and bushes, preferring such as are overgrown with moss and lichens.
At his accession Orkhan was practically on the same footing with these, and avoided weakening himself in the struggle for the Seljukian inheritance, preferring at first to consolidate his forces at Brusa.
Violent accusations followed, indignantly repudiated; a diplomatic correspondence ensued, and a demand was made, and supported by the grand duke, for an apology, which the professor refused to make, preferring rather to lose his chair.
The diet, which had the power of the purse, could not be absolutely dispensed with; but it .was summoned as seldom as possible, the king often preferring to forego his subsidies rather than listen to the unanswerable remonstrances of the estates against the illegalities of his government.
He fled from Persia and sought protection in British territory, preferring to settle down eventually in India, making Bombay his headquarters.
He was really, as we have seen, a prolific writer from the time when he was a young man under Plato's guidance at Athens; beginning with dialogues in the manner of his master, but afterwards preferring to write didactic works during the prime of his own life between thirty-eight and fifty (347-335-334), and with the further advantage of leisure at Atarneus and Mitylene, in Macedonia and at home in Stagira.
Next, Anaximenes, preferring air, resolved its transformations into processes of thinning and thickening.
Vigorous growing plants of great beauty, preferring good, deep, rather moist soil; the flowers small but very abundant, in large corymbose or spicate panicles.
The plant grows freely in good garden soil, preferring a deep welldrained loam, and is all the better for a top-dressing of manure as it approaches the flowering stage.
Handsome labiate plants, flowering towards autumn, and preferring a cool soil and partially shaded situation.
Ricotti, "no citizens in the cities, neither man nor beast in the fields, all the land forest-clad and wild; one sees no houses, for most of them are burnt, and of nearly all the castles only the walls are visible; of the inhabitants, once so numerous, some have died of the plague or of hunger, some by the sword, and some have fled elsewhere preferring to beg their bread abroad rather than support misery at home which is worse than death."
The man of the world who had cultivated it in his youth regarded it in riper years as a foolish pedantry, or at best as a propaedeutic exercise; while the serious student, necessarily preferring that form of disputation which recognized truth as the end of this, as of other intellectual processes, betook himself to one or other of the philosophies of the revival.
At the age of twenty-one, preferring arms to the gown, he entered the household of Henri d'Angouleme, grand prior of France, the natural son of Henry II.
He was educated at Geneva, but, preferring an army career to a clerical one, went to Lisbon and enlisted.
Neither army had covered its front by a cavalry screen, both preferring to retain the mounted troops for battlefield purposes.
Pretty caryophyllaceous plants, preferring sandy loam, and well adapted for rockwork.
By 875 he found himself strong enough to refuse to send tribute to Bagdad, preferring to spend the revenues of Egypt on the maintenance of his army and the erection of great buildings, such as his famous mosque; and though Mowaffaq advanced against him with an army, the project of reducing Abmad to submission had to be abandoned for want of means.
He was offered the presidency of the academy of science of St Petersburg; but he declined, preferring the leisure and independence of life in Italy.
These tail-shielded snakes, of which about 40 species are known, are viviparous and burrow in the ground, preferring damp mountainforests.
The only valid reason for preferring women to attend men rather than members of their own sex is the difficulty of obtaining a supply of equally well qualified and satisfactory male nurses.
Before he was sixteen he attended lectures at Owens College, and at eighteen he gained a mathematical scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1871 as senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman, having previously taken the degree of D.Sc. at London University and won a Whitworth scholarship. Although elected a fellow and tutor of his college, he stayed up at Cambridge only for a very short time, preferring to learn practical engineering as a pupil in the works in which his father was a partner.
The Lives are not in the true sense biographical, but rather picturesque impressions of leading representatives of an attitude of mind full of curiosity, alert and versatile, but lacking scientific method, preferring the external excellence of style and manner to the solid achievements of serious writing.
As regards evergreens opinions are divided, some preferring August and September, others April or May.