Preferences Sentence Examples
States senator regardless of their own preferences.'
Lothair wanted, with the Empire, the sole right of patronage over the adherents of his house, but each of these latter chose his own lord according to individual interests, obeying his.fears or his preferences.
The administration of the affairs of the world by the God of Israel is represented, in a word, as determined not by ethical considerations but by personal preferences.
She also eschews interpretation of the statute in terms of her own policy preferences.
In the former the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 1854 specially prohibited preferences, either in facilities or in rates.
A common theory is that Sparta fought throughout the war as an advocate of oligarchy, while Athens did not seek to interfere with the constitutional preferences of her allies.
Moreover, his preferences for at least an aristocratic republic were shared by many other men of talent.
The size of the stereogram drawer can now be saved in the Preferences file.
Again, your baby will soon develop his own particular food preferences.
Fortunately, babies don't have a lot of preferences in the decorating department.
AdvertisementEvery baby boy needs certain things in his life depending upon his age, preferences, and even the wishes of his parents.
The design you choose really depends upon your personal preferences.
Playtex responds to these preferences by offering an underwire nursing bra that combines comfort and style with its smooth, seamless cups and easy nursing access.
If you go with something that is not listed on the registry, be sure to consider the couple's needs and preferences before making a selection.
Also, depending on how defined or dark you want your "smoky eye" to be you can use eye shadow colors other then the traditional black eye shadow to aid in creating a softer look that is more tailored to your personal preferences.
AdvertisementYou can also take advantage of lists of bestsellers and recommendations related to other books you like, identified by your shopping preferences.
You may customize this bulletin board to reflect your preferences.
There is no need to write codicils or produce an entirely new will each time their charitable preferences change.
Summary The shape of indifference curves depends upon the preferences of the individual.
Ernaux is concerned to expose the ways in which working-class life and cultural preferences have been systematically denigrated and denied validity.
AdvertisementThe onus will be on the prospective developer to prove to the Council that the first or second preferences cannot be met.
Screenshots This is the main 3D Preview preferences dialog.
The authors refer to such preferences as implicit egotism.
There's also 5 band graphic equalizer where you can custom set the preferences.
Students can reasonably expect their own rooms to be places where their individual preferences are respected and not ignored.
AdvertisementThe ' Map center shape ' drop-down list in the Preferences form does not display the shape glyphs.
With these adaptable preferences, a blue gourami can be accommodated in most homes without too much upheaval.
Even the stable ones are not necessarily highly intellectualized - they may appear, rather, as appetitive preferences.
Griffiths, S. W. (1997) Preferences for familiar fish do not vary with predation risk in the European minnow.
The coronal nasal is the segmentally unmarked nasal and therefore we do not expect strong positional preferences.
With the latter, however, they share the idea that only ordinal non-comparable information should be retained about individual preferences.
For Harris the ability to value life and express preferences in the context of a future defines personhood.
Thus, in the future, customer preferences are likely to result in increased use of emulsion polymers.
Methodology Stated preference techniques comprising a series of health-related choices were used to elicit the time preferences of a random sample of adults.
This will override the system preferences for your Mailbox only.
We are all going to have our personal preferences about what sound is ideal in our head.
However, studies of human dietary preferences reveal up to one-half of the population may not like to eat fish.
You'll find your short user name by opening System preferences and selecting the Users Preference pane.
Closer matching of consumer preferences to production will give a decisive advantage to countries able to deliver.
You can also switch off the stylesheet in your browser preferences to view a simple version of the site.
To do this, choose the appropriate time zone at " Time zone " in your viewing preferences.
His knowledge of the birds, both their calls and habitat preferences, paid off handsomely.
The itinerary can be lengthened or shortened according to your own preferences.
All of the above are subject to your stated preferences.
Babies have specific tastes and preferences just like adults do.
Sometimes agencies often search for parents to match with a particular child based on religious preferences, race, and special needs issues.
China, just like any other countries, has particular preferences in regards to adoption.
Referrals-In many cases, agencies will look at the nannies listed in their database and try to create a match based on a family's preferences.
Whether you choose to select the pattern in secret or ask the parents for their preferences, you really can't go wrong!
As she grows, food preferences will become more varied as well.
Your baby will soon establish certain taste preferences, and the schedule you choose may need to adapt somewhat to those preferences.
Absorbency is directly related to the type of fabric from which the towel is made, while purpose is dictated by your lifestyle and preferences.
We have our own preferences on material and thickness and it is important that you try the same pair of socks or a similar pair when buying your new dress boots.
Experiment with different materials and thickness to arrive at your own personal preferences.
We have our own preferences on sock or hose material and thickness -- it is important that you try on dress boots with the type of sock or hosiery that you will usually wear.
Consider all of this information, and it will give you a good picture of your vehicle spending preferences.
Of course, you must also consider what kind of gold and silver you're buying (American and Canadian bullion are widely considered the best, but others have different preferences).
These customer reviews lack sufficient context to help you determine how to compare other people's opinions with your own preferences.
Ask friends and family who've read the same reviews for perspectives on which shopping resources present opinions that are most compatible with your personal preferences.
Shopping for the right multiple setting device really depends on narrowing down your needs and preferences.
By answering these questions, you'll be able to choose an appropriate and meaningful gift that relates directly to the individual recipient, rather than just a generic farming-themed gift that may not be suitable for their preferences.
Understand their preferences for gifts and different items, and if you aren't sure what would be best, ask for suggestions.
Spend time getting to know your cat and her preferences.
Your cat may have his own preferences and reject certain brands in favor of others.
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of either food, keeping in mind your cat's preferences and state of health.
Even in the home, pet owners can run their own taste tests since every cat has its own preferences.
When you read with your child, you're much more in tune with their preferences.
As is the case with most choices in life, drink preferences come down to a matter of taste.
Adjustments of the ingredient ratios to match personal preferences are encouraged.
The Preferences Card is an American Express Incentive Services Card which strategically directs the cardholder's spending to specific establishments.
This way, you do not have to worry about sizes, color preferences or buying the wrong gift.
A lot depends on the needs and preferences of the merchant.
The consumer just needs to send a letter to the collector detailing the consumer's communication preferences.
The Chase website provides tools to assist potential applicants with finding the appropriate cards based on their needs and preferences.
The money is either credited to your account or sent to you via check, depending on the card, the amount, and your preferences.
The parents' preferences are not given the same amount of weight as they would be if the divorcing couple were working with a mediator to settle the matter.
Remind him of the co-parent's preferences for certain colors, themes, sports, music, etc. to show he has put thought into the selections.
That respect may relate to personal space and boundaries, lifestyle choices, or minor preferences such as fashion or food.
At the end of each family night, take a vote on what will occur during the next fun evening so that family members with different game preferences each get a chance to play their favorites.
In order to truly match a set of retro lawn furniture to your home, you will need to rely on your personal preferences.
Don't spend money if you don't need to; rather, think about subtly changing the furniture that you already own to match your retro preferences.
Broyhill has several different options when it comes to chair styles and functions so you'll be able to find one that suits your preferences.
Even if you buy, say, bulk herbs and make teas, you can perfect the taste and strength to your own preferences.
If you have a favorite sport, you may want to choose bedding that coordinates with your own personal preferences.
The best way to find a color pallet for the new décor is ask the teen for color preferences.
These finishes can inject style and pizzazz into your home décor, no matter what your design style preferences are and by doing them yourself, you can get the exact look you want while saving a fortune on hiring expensive professionals.
Paintings-Choose from world-renowned artists or little known painters, depending upon your preferences and your budget.
No matter what your decorating preferences, it is easy to work with wrought iron wall décor.
If two or more people are going to share the living space, then each individual's preferences should be considered.
The wall design that will best for your space is dependent on your budget as well as your modern design preferences.
Show your designs to the person who will be applying the henna to give them an idea of your preferences.
Getting permanent liner is a big decision, and the type and style of liner will be based upon personal preferences and the look a man desire to achieve.
What you settle on inevitably can be attributed not only to your personal preferences, but also to your specific needs.
Make sure you post an attractive, current picture and are up-front about any dealbreakers or special preferences.
Your personal preferences will largely dictate which system you use to get music from the Internet, as well as availability.
Almost every site will ask you to fill out a basic survey about yourself including your household, your income and your personal preferences. is a site full of fun, short quizzes that will tell you more about yourself—your preferences, your personality, your future, and so on.
While you can set up which languages you would like to search for in the preferences, it takes an extra step to hear your results.
Don't be afraid to try different settings and styles to see which best suit your preferences.
Find out her preferences and work together to capture intoxicatingly beautiful exotic pictures.
Sometimes, kids do change their likes and dislikes over the course of a year, so stay on top of their preferences.
You want this meal to be special for her, so be sure to keep her preferences in mind!
Variations abound according to the locally available foods and flavor preferences.
Product selection is another important factor to consider when shopping for supplies online, but personal preferences will vary in this area.
Spend some time thinking about your shopping preferences before you place your first online order.
Asking about particular color preferences is a smart idea as well.
This program allows you to design and create a professional looking photo book based on your own preferences and style.
Charts often take into consideration your ability as well as terrain preferences.
In some cases, people see a ski that they love, but it is either a few centimeters too long or too short for their height, weight, terrain preferences or ability level.
These calculators combine factors such as a skier's height, weight, ability level and terrain preferences to come up with an ideal ski length.
Your choice depends on your skill, your terrain preferences and your desire to experience off-slope activities.
In fact, this type of formula only works best when the rider already knows where his or her ideal spot is (in the third step, 0.88 can be changed to the ideal percentage for the rider based on preferences).
Each person has different talents and preferences, and those variables impact how stressful a particular job is for any given individual.
When looking for no stress jobs, it's necessary to take your personal preferences and skills into consideration.
Choosing a dress is a personal decision based upon your preferences and your budget.
The selection of speakers at a high school graduation will vary depending upon the school district's preferences.
How does such a major clothing line work its way into the often fickle preferences of young people around the world? is an online radio station that lets users create custom radio channels based on their musical preferences.
The sandwich may be the gold standard of light vegetarian entrees because it ranges from extremely simple to incredibly complex and can be prepared to suit just about anyone's preferences.
It all depends on your preferences and budget.
Choose one or two wedding shower games, being sure to take the preferences of the bride into consideration when making your selections.
If you are a good friend of the bride, you can custom order a wedding gift basket to suit her specific preferences.
Gift certificates are a wonderful way to express your good wishes when you're not exactly sure of the groom's preferences.
Sometimes the easiest way to write a speech is to find a template online, and add your preferences to it.
Once you've developed a budget, scheduled a time, and decided on your preferences, it's time to look at your options.
Browse through different pictures to find a shape that works well for your wedding gown and personal preferences.
The "rules" for wedding formalwear are becoming more relaxed in modern times, so you have many choices depending on your preferences and the style of your wedding.
Prices will vary based on your preferences because there are so many possible combinations.
Most customized magnet dealers have a variety of options to suit a couple's preferences.
Couples should compare several retailers to find the one that best fits their budget and style preferences.
There are many ways to personalize cupcake wedding cakes to suit any couple's dessert preferences.
A groom's cake is a rich dessert that is specially designed to honor the groom's tastes, preferences, and hobbies.
A wedding program is a listing of ceremony events - prayers, readings, etc. - for guests to follow along with during the wedding, particularly if they are not familiar with the couple's church, culture, or religious preferences.
Building a registry together can be a fun and exciting experience for a couple to share, and at the same time they can learn a lot about one another's style and preferences.
Still, once you've considered timing, location, preferences, and expenses, your choice may be easily made.
Depending on your preferences, you can use your main color(s) evenly throughout your decorations or focus on one particular color, using the others as accents.
Taking into account the weather and your own personal style preferences, you'll find that there are plenty of dresses to appeal to your fashionable side.
For some faiths, outdoor weddings are not suitable, and different officiates may have different preferences.
The right wedding wear for women guests depends not only the formality of the wedding itself, but also the woman's personal style and preferences.
Choose from do-it-yourself projects or favors and centerpieces that are already made, depending on your preferences, interests, and the amount of time you have to prepare.
When you plan your late summer wedding flowers with your own preferences and your wedding colors in mind, your wedding is sure to be as spectacular as your dreams.
The specific type of exercise that an addict could engage in will depend on his or her preferences and physical limitations.
Let your personal preferences guide your decisions but if you're unsure whether or not the colors you're considering will work for you be sure to consult a specialist at one of your local home improvement stores.
While there are some obvious preferences when it comes to top children's bedding themes, your child might decide on a non-traditional bedroom theme for her or his bedding choice.
Remember that decorating cupcakes is an art, and it's perfectly fine to modify or change what you discover according to your preferences.
Homemade cupcake wrappers have the added benefit of looking however you want them to look, since you get to choose all the materials and make them according to your preferences.
There are no hard-and-fast rules you need to follow when considering 40th birthday cake designs, but it is a good idea to keep the birthday person's tastes and preferences in mind.
Changing the screen saver on your computer is a great way to personalize your PC to reflect your personal preferences.
You'll find plenty of great choices for your young man's personal preferences!
Children's pajamas come in a wide variety of styles, so choosing the right pajamas for your child is really about his or her needs and your preferences.
If your children are very young, they probably don't have any preferences, but once they reach the toddler years and beyond, they may have very specific ideas about what they want.
Kids outgrow clothing quickly, and preferences change as they mature, so if you keep an eye out, you could score a bargain on a pair of toddler pajamas.
Celebrate your child's preferences by allowing him to wear the Yo Gabba Gabba clothing of his choice.
The Strong Interest Inventory compares your level of interest in various activities to the preferences of people who are already working in a particular career field.
Many of the options are sorted by country, so if you know you want to study in a specific place, you can filter results to feature those that are relevant to your preferences.
Individual preferences also play a role, but there are some locations and colleges that offer stronger teaching programs than others.
Offer limited activities or music options that may not appeal to teens' changing moods and preferences.
With more than 20 ships sailing worldwide, there is a Carnival cruise right for everyone, and reviews can help prospective passengers find the best cruise vacation for their needs and preferences.
Several resorts are available to choose from, offering travel flexibility for all preferences and budgets.
Once you have those two factors, then you can narrow your search to discounts available that match your preferences.
You'll be matched by gender, age, and smoking preferences.
Each formula comes in both dry and canned varieties to fit the preferences of every dog owner.
Yes, dogs do seem to have name preferences as I found out with my second dog.
You can adapt it to fit your preferences and the availability of ingredients.
Learning your dog's eating preferences can go a long way in determining the seriousness of a skipped meal.
As with all design choices, your individual preferences are your best guidelines.
There are many gardenia varieties to choose from, each with its own characteristics and preferences.
There are personal preferences to take into account, as well as variables such as price and quality.
Homeowners now have tremendous versatility in track selection, plus you can change light heads as needed to fit function and design preferences.
Share your preferences with your contractor before the job begins.
Durability and quality are important, but other preferences, such as color or wood type, may hinder your search for budget appropriate flooring.
The best way to determine the suitability of potential candidates is to talk about their experience and preferences while installing metal roofing.
Lauren's believes that such a significant purchase deserves a more personal touch, and they'll use your preferences to design the ring of your dreams.
Pendants, brooches, cuff links, anklets, and earrings are also available, integrating the symbolism of the claddagh into anyone's jewelry preferences.
Specialty stores that feature extensive collections of Celtic and Irish pieces are more likely to have appropriate styles, and many jewelers are also willing to create custom pieces that match a man's preferences.
What exactly a consumer is looking for in a ring depends largely on their personal style preferences.
Any wire can be used and individual wire artists have their own preferences.
Jewelry is a very personal item, and unless you feel confident in your selection, you should consult with someone who knows your recipient's personal preferences.
Does the material meet your personal preferences?
The shirt is customized to your particular fit and preferences.
Pick your preferences and simply complete your order form.
There are some small details you can look for to pick the shirt that best suits your lifestyle and preferences.
Many producers sell on an individual basis and market their beef not only by the side, but also in smaller quantities and will package custom boxes based on your family's preferences.
Wearwolf has two styles available to accommodate preferences for either a looser or more tailored cut.
Their clothing options had little to do with style or preferences other than finding a size that fit them, and the limited selection often left them disappointed and feeling unattractive.
Whether you're looking for something to give you an elegant classy look or you are part of the goth sub culture, plus size fashions are available to fit your body as well as your preferences.
What styles and features you look for in pantyhose will depend largely on personal preferences, as well as the occasion or event to which you will wear them.
Choosing the right wedding dress entails appropriateness for the type of ceremony you have planned and the right cut for your figure, and must take into consideration the bride's personal taste and preferences.
The different locations, activities, and amenities offered vary by community, and interested seniors should investigate several options before choosing the community that best suits their own needs and preferences.
By choosing a gift that ties into his former career as well as his personal preferences, it is possible to meaningfully honor both the retiree's individuality and his years of service.
For example, take their quiz about your lifestyle preferences to find out what type of community may be ideal for your personality as well as what region might suit you if you're planning to move away from home but not sure where to go.
Consider what is important to the senior, such as social, religious, and recreation preferences.
After the application is reviewed, senior dating services and other agencies arrange a one-on-one, free consultation with the applicant in order to understand preferences and goals.
The one you choose will depend on a number of factors, including your geographic preferences, your lifestyle, your needs, and any nearby family or friends.
As people age, it's a fact that their clothing needs and fashion preferences change.
For many seniors, comfort is the primary factor that influences clothing preferences.
Having an ongoing conversation about what is needed in a nursing home, preferences for place and location, and easing your way into discussions about a higher level of care will help reduce resistance and make it a welcomed transition.
Other preferences used in finding a match include whether the person is a smoker or non-smoker, specific hobbies/interests and if the other person has been married before.
The best time to take your Disney vacation depends on personal preferences.
Each person has their own personal needs and preferences; the goal of your search is to find the best state for you.
The bed sizes that are designed for more than one person come with two remotes so users can adjust the firmness of the mattress based on individual preferences.
Treatment options vary according to the type of sleep apnea as well as personal preferences.
It's avoidable and reversible, but the eyeglass lab could initially make the tint too dark for your individual preferences toward the bottom; that could make it difficult to read.
Online catalogs make it especially easy to narrow down based on your size, color, style, and other preferences.
Both combinations are recommended for everyday wear and which one to buy will partially boil down to your personal preferences and coloring.
The exact shape and dimensions of lenses varies, but most bikers can easily find a style that both suits his fashion preferences while providing excellent safety precautions.
Full and partial frames are available to meet consumers' style preferences.
Thick or thin frame settings to suit different facial structures and style preferences.
Custom made eyeglasses are created from quality materials and are designed based on your physical features, lifestyle, and eyewear preferences.
If your job necessitates wearing this type of eyewear, take the time to shop around for the style and lens options that meet your personal preferences and needs while also providing sufficient protection in your workplace.
Also keep your personal preferences in mind.
There are over 28 different temple options that can be used for the frames, making the eyewear easy to customize according to your own style and preferences.
This step also includes selecting the specific type of room in terms of bed size, view, smoking preferences, and other details.
Of course, lodging preferences vary, but if a property gets consistently bad reviews, you may want to rethink your overnight choices.
An amusement park is a part of the entertainment industry and when guests' preferences change, not every park can keep up with those changes to continue operating successfully.
With a wide variety of options available to suit any vacation preferences, this club can be perfect for anyone.
Choosing whether or not to become part of a time share vacation plan should be a carefully considered decision that takes into account a typical vacation budget, family member preferences, and the appeal of Disney vacations.
With so many resorts to choose from, you'll surely be able to find accommodation options that are perfect for your vacation, no matter who you're traveling with or what your preferences are.
Visitors looking for an indoor water park hotel in Michigan need to look past the fun and excitement of the aquatic attractions and find the best hotel for their budget, vacation needs, and personal preferences.
It's easy to work up an appetite at any indoor water park, and Fallsview has a range of dining options to suit any budget or preferences.
Whether you're into playing with a plastic guitar and drum set in Rock Band or you'd prefer to scope out a good sniper position in Call of Duty, you're bound to find a game that suits your preferences and skill set.
Just as there are many different genres of computer games in the Windows environment to satisfy the widest of range of gamer preferences, the same can be said about Linux games.
There are six character classes and every attribute can be customized to fit the player's personal preferences.
Skin color, hairstyle and hair color can be changed to your preferences.
You partake in an incredibly short "Puppy Survey" that helps narrow down which breeds will be made available to you, based on your preferences for size, sex, and energy level.
Free Battle Mode, as its name implies, is a single match wherein the size of both teams can be openly selected depending on your preferences.
Sound levels and screen resolution can be adjusted in the game to your preferences.
The guide also tells you some background and shows you how to adjust controls and sound for your preferences.
In most modern games, this can be customized and altered to fit the player's preferences - or even the play of the moment.
Whether you like fast and furious action or you prefer puzzle video games that are more methodical and cerebral in nature, you will surely find several free online casual games that suit your preferences.
Also, it may be a good idea to adjust your controller and camera options to your preferences if the default settings frustrate you.
Varying from adventure, mystery, arcade and puzzle games, there is something to fit any gamer's preferences.
Each race has certain advantages, disadvantages, and characteristics that may or may not suit your particular preferences.
All you need to do is create your own account with a user name, your preferences, and a little bit about yourself.
If you are having problems with sound, video or the controller you can go to the Settings menu and adjust them to your preferences.
By selecting your own video game desktops, you can customize the look and feel of your computer, personalizing it to suit your likes and preferences.
There are a few choices available, depending on your preferences or type of games you play.
Racked wine is then left for aging which can range from three months to over a year, depending upon the type of wine and the personal preferences of the winemaker.
By taking time to consider your gift recipient's tastes and preferences, you can provide them with a meaningful gift they will truly appreciate.
Ask your server, or better yet the sommelier, for Pinot Noir recommendations based on your personal preferences.
Remember, wine ratings are opinions and meant to guide you to finding the perfect bottle of wine, but they are no replacement for your personal preferences regarding bouquet, aroma and flavor nuances.
Pinot Noir is unlikely to clash with any of the flavors on the table, and it's a perfect choice if you're uncertain about relative's wine preferences.
This way, you can accommodate the wide range of flavors in the meal, as well as the varying taste preferences of any guests.
Taking notes about the bottles you try can help you establish these taste preferences.
These things all mean different things to different people so the value can vary depending on the seller's preferences.
Whatever your taste or preferences, make sure you decide on them before you start looking.
First, consider the preferences of the people you'll be traveling with.
Whether you choose to purchase a motor home or a travel trailer really depends upon your own personal preferences and, of course, your budget.
The lineup of Sprint PCS phones offers a great deal of variety, ensuring that all kinds of consumers will be able to find the right handset to suit their specific needs and preferences.
Regardless of whether you enjoy superheroes, cartoon characters, funky graphics, or trendy celebrities, you want your cell phone to reflect your personal tastes and preferences.
Choose the design that best suits your ear shape and preferences, but also be sure to read up on reviews for ease of use, audio quality, and range.
The point is that you can not only make your phone your own; you can maximize its utility to suit your needs and preferences.
Thankfully, the popular wireless carrier has handsets that can suit a range of preferences, needs, and desires.
Unlike most other Internet radio applications that only provide you with access to pre-set radio stations, the application lets you develop your own station based on your preferences and recommendations.
Depending on your specific needs and preferences, the concept of blocking cell phone numbers can mean several different things.
Do bear in mind that you may lose some data or preferences during the process, so it is best to backup your data accordingly.
You can easily spend hours or even days sifting through the catalog, finding just the right apps to suit your specific purposes and preferences.
The Pandora app offers streaming audio tailored to your music preferences.
Whether you want a physical keyboard, a high resolution digital camera, or a large touchscreen display, there is likely a phone that suits your needs and preferences.
There is no such thing as the perfect phone, because everyone's needs and preferences are different.
The firmware may or may not be in English, but this can be "flashed" or "updated" to suit your preferences.
These are among some of the questions you'll need to ask yourself before shopping for the best possible plan to fit your specific needs and preferences.
At the end of the day, it really depends on your specific needs and preferences, but there are many notable cell phones and smartphones sold through Verizon Wireless that will certainly whet your mobile whistle.
Using a more specific set of criteria, then, can help a consumer better decide whether she should go with carrier A, B or C, given her general preferences and cellular needs.
Different people have different needs and different preferences.
Which one is best for you depends on your preferences.
So, one of the first Motorola Droid tips that you'll want to keep in mind is choosing the right DROID for your needs and preferences in the first place.
One of the greatest things about the Google Android operating system is the ability to customize the smartphone or tablet device to suit your personal preferences and needs.
This great Android app provides access to literally thousands of different recipes for all tastes and preferences.
As such, they'll have personal preferences, and there really is no such thing as the perfect smartphone.
For starters, you can purchase something like the Apple iPhone and customize it to suit your preferences and your desires.
At two months, a baby will visually lock onto a human face, watches people who are some distance away, is able to alternate his or her gaze between two people or objects, and demonstrates simple visual preferences.
The specific choice may depend on what is available, the woman's preferences, her doctor's recommendations, and how the labor is proceeding.
That is, as children grow, their preferences for play change, and the thinking skills and language skills that provide a foundation for social competence also change.
The choice of where to have chemotherapy depends on the drugs, delivery method, and sometimes the patient's and family's personal preferences.
Use of piercing guns and preferences for upper ear piercing have led to increased infections.
They want to be independent but still require continuous supervision and assistance, and their preferences are often unrecognized, ignored, or refused by their caregivers.
Prejudice reduction may also encompass teaching the tolerance of various religions, sexual preferences, and disabilities.
This may be due to the increased acceptance of children determining their own hand preferences.
Many children repeatedly switch hand preferences until at least the age of three.
Basic nutritional requirements for children with diabetes can be provided by the pediatrician, based on the child's age, sex, weight, activity levels, food preferences, and ethnic or cultural factors.
A nurse usually consults with the parents to learn about the child's dietary restrictions or preferences.
From two to seven months, infants tend to interact differently with primary caregivers than they do with strangers but in general still do not display solid preferences.
It is topped with plywood or hardwood and finally surfaced with either vinyl or hardwood, depending on the preferences of the performers.
The customer's culture, beliefs, and unique style preferences all are considered when designing spaces.
Your hair texture will determine which updo looks will be most suitable for you; if you can work with your hair instead of fighting its natural preferences, you will be more successful with your ultimate style.
Checking out teen hair style pictures can help teens choose the best hair styles for their personality, face shape, hair type, and other preferences.
Certain elements of different hair styles may appeal to many teenagers, but the style should always incorporate personal flair and preferences for color, length, styling, and other details.
With a wide range of consistencies and fragrances available, it is possible to find a cream to suit any preferences and skin care needs.
What a man chooses to do about this hair, however, is a personal decision guided by his preferences.
A French twist can be the perfect solution to an elegant hairstyle to accompany a fancy holiday outfit, and there are many variations to complement other style preferences and types of parties.
The best hair style is one that is suitable for the individual's face shape and hair care preferences.
Styles can be adapted to different men's preferences, however.
While the styles may seem set in stone, individual stylists are well-equipped to adapt looks to meet different individuals' style preferences, creating a personalized style with minimal hassle.
Each hairpiece uses approximately 150,000 strands of hair and is custom-made to fit the recipient as well as to incorporate their preferences for color, length, and style.
It is a good idea to look at several pictures first, and show the styles you like best to your hair stylist so they can help you find the best look for your hair type, face shape, and style preferences.
Compare several facilities to find the one that best suits your hair removal preferences and budget.
The Pur Hair company is an innovative and highly technical manufacturer of hair color products that can be customized to meet each individual's needs and preferences.
Whatever new look you choose, remain true to your personality and your style preferences and you can't go wrong!
Despite popular myth, turning forty doesn't mean you have to lose your youthful hairstyle or fashion preferences.
Cool guy style can really reflect fashion preferences too.
It is important to review all movies for conflicts with your personal beliefs, tolerance for language and violence, and preferences.
There are various methods of homeschooling, based on different educational philosophies and preferences.
Getting the job will be a fierce competition, and opportunities and earnings will, of course, be reflected by economics and consumer preferences.
You simply answer questions online about your job preferences, background, and fill out a questionnaire.
When deciding what type of position to apply for, think about your likes and dislikes and look for a job that matches your interests and preferences.
Choosing between a 15 and 30 year mortgage depends on your preferences and finances.
Read up on the styles and learn about what will look best on you as you take your body type and clothing preferences into consideration.
What a maternity photojournalism session consists of will vary depending on your preferences and the photographer's style.
It may depend on recommended maternity leave, your personal preferences, and, in some cases, how safe your workplace is.
No matter your lifestyle or preferences, there is a non-hormonal birth control method that may work for you.
The best way to begin the process of choosing videos for online viewing is based on your personal preferences.
Be realistic about your fashion preferences and what types of clothing you need for work and home.
This "unique travel company" puts together tours of the Napa Valley based on your "wine preferences."
Your options are as endless as the variety of clothing styles and preferences the visitors to Monterey possess.
Today, Fairmont President's Club, which is complimentary, offers an exceptional guest loyalty program and personalized room preferences which are noted at all Fairmont properties.
With so many different tastes and preferences out there, it's best to just keep it neat (even if it's long) and shiny.
It's this inherent versatility of these tops that allows you to select the look that not only suits your body type, but your style preferences.
Combine that with a fitness craze, and men want more choices to show off their physique and express their own fashion preferences.
Basic trunks can be worn at the natural waist, lower on the hips, or sagged as the wearer's individual preferences dictate.
By choosing the best pair to suit your needs and swimming preferences, you are guaranteed to have a great time at the pool, beach, or lake all summer long.
From color selection to cut and style, the tankini suits many personal fashion preferences.
Well, these board shorts look as if someone who did sat in on an SU meeting, took note of the preppy styles they were wearing and decided to re-fashion their clothing preferences in a way that would certainly warrant a demerit.
When choosing your cover up, make sure you consider your beach activities as well as your style preferences.
Staying true to your own fashion preferences means that you'll feel great, and when you feel confident, you'll look that much more attractive, no matter the suit you choose.
In short, when it comes to choosing the right swimwear, let your preferences guide you.
Decide just how much skin you're willing to show and what styles meet your personal preferences and flatter your figure.
Varying standards and preferences mean that the definition of "modest" is a flexible one.
Whether you're simply looking for an easy way to prepare coffee at home, or you're a coffee enthusiast with gourmet preferences, a Braun coffee maker can be an excellent addition to your kitchen.
Depending on the size of your home, how cold it is, and your family's temperature preferences, using propane space heaters for some or all of your home's heating needs can help you stay warm in a cost effective manner.
Choosing the best electric razor is dependent on a number of factors, including your shopping budget and shaving needs as well as and other things like name brands, special features and preferences.
People who love to play board games often make changes to the games they play so that the games better suit the preferences and needs of the players.
Approximately 1/3 teaspoon is usually enough scent for a medium sized gel candle, although this ratio can be adjusted to suit your personal preferences.
The one that will garner the most income for you depends on your location, skills and personal preferences.
If you only use all-natural candles, it can take a bit of extra research to find some that fit your preferences.
Some artisans offer vintage items for sale in their shops, while other sell retro-inspired holders or will custom create an inspired look based on your preferences.
Candle lovers are a diverse group, with many different preferences in regards to the types of candles they purchase.
In addition, selecting a pet involves taking into account personal preferences that are hard to determine unless you have a very close relationship with the recipient of the gift.
Furthermore, modern musical artists often make small changes to the lyrics of classic carols to suit their musical style and preferences, so be sure whatever music you are looking for has the appropriate lyrics associated with it.
The traditional dinner menu can be changed to reflect the taste and preferences of the culture.
Plenty of other holiday winter scenes can be created using your personal tastes and your family's preferences.
When looking for kids' Halloween costumes, the first thing to take into consideration is your child's preferences -- and not just for characters.