Preference Sentence Examples
Their dates had been modest, but was that by preference, or because he had limited funding?
It's a matter of personal preference.
The chef can spice your entree to your preference from mild to vary spicy.
By preference the Andamanese are exogamous as regards sept and endogamous as regards tribe.
Her preference is to date non-celebrities.
In these buildings there is a great preference for apsidal terminations to the internal chambers, and the façades are as a rule slightly curved.
The choice will depend on your personal preference, budget, and placement options in your yard.
This selection, of course, depends on your overall personality and preference.
He also was a Khatri, and was chosen by Guru Nanak in preference to his own sons.
C. Fabricius (1775), is used by many writers in preference to Hemiptera.
AdvertisementWhich litter you choose may be a matter of preference.
The earliest writers upon cholera emphasized its remarkable preference for particular places; and the history of each successive epidemic implies, besides an importation of the contagion, certain local conditions which may be either general sanitary defects or peculiarities of climate and soil.
The main difficulty in the reading of Babylonian and Assyrian proper names arises from the preference given to the " ideographic " method of writing them.
He opposed the removal of Jewish disabilities, arguing, we are told by a contemporary, " on the part of the Evangelicals," and pleaded for the gradual extinction, in preference to the immediate abolition, of slavery.
Lunalilo, a grandson of Kamehameha I., was king for two years, and in 1874, backed by American influence, Kalakaua was elected his successor, in preference to Queen Emma, a member of the Anglican Church and the candidate of the pro-British party.
AdvertisementIf you already have a preference and knowledge of a specific manufacturer you trust, go with them.
He began to give some preference to English indirectly.
Altogether Biran's work presents a very remarkable specimen of deep metaphysical thinking directed by preference to the psychological aspect of experience.
Mr Ritchie's remission of the shilling import-duty on corn led to Mr Chamberlain's crusade in favour of tariff reform and colonial preference, and as the session proceeded the rift grew in the Unionist ranks.
He evinced no rancour or spite; his " Farewell Sermon " was dignified and temperate; nor is it to be ascribed to chagrin that in a letter to Scotland after his dismissal he expresses his preference for Presbyterian to Congregational church government.
AdvertisementThis was an office which, however congenial to Mr. Law with his colonial birth and his belief in Colonial Preference, did not bring him much into the limelight; and, influential as he was in the councils of the Ministry, in public he was content to play a comparatively subordinate part.
Browns and other shades come next in order of preference.
The reason of this preference for the eastern bank of the Tigris was due to its abundant supply of water, whereas the great Mesopotamian plain on the western side had to depend upon the streams which flowed into the Euphrates.
About 89% recorded their preference in favour of English at the outset; then, as a result of violent political agitation, this percentage was considerably lowered, but soon crept up again.
The rebel barons support the son of the king of France, Prince Louis in preference to King John.
AdvertisementThe results of the reading experiment, however, revealed no significant interaction of referential context with the attachment preference of the relative clause.
Mathematical Expressions Use the solidus whenever possible in preference to built-up fractions.
An orderly selection function should always choose the best element(s) of the remainder set according to some well-behaved preference relation.
Arguments could be waged endlessly about which is best of these features, but in the end it only depends on your preference.
While many factors are largely personal preference, there are a few universal elements you should be keeping in mind when buying a pair of tennis shoes.
As with the flexibility and stiffness of the racket, the string tension is largely personal preference and should be catered to each individual player.
The grip on the racket, much like the string, is personal preference.
Whatever the preference, Nancy also had some advice in this area that may change your perspective just a bit.
Black is the most common background color for biker T shirts but they come in a ton of colors to suit your personal preference.
I eat raw meat, too, but that's more a matter of preference.
In his appointments to governorships and other offices, as well as in his distribution of spoil, Othman showed a marked preference for the members of his own tribe the Koreish (Quraish) and the members of his own family the Bani Omayya (Umayya).
Everard Mercurian, a Fleming, and a subject of Spain, succeeded Borgia in 1 573, being forced on the Society by the pope, in preference to Polanco, Ignatius's secretary and the vicar-general, who was rejected partly as a Spaniard and still more because he was a "New Christian" of Jewish origin and therefore objected to in Spain itself.
In bringing about a system of penny postage throughout the empire; in forwarding the construction of the Pacific cable to secure close and safe imperial telegraphic connexion; in creating rapid and efficient lines of steamship communication with the motherland and all the colonies; in granting tariff preference to British goods and in striving for preferential treatment of inter-imperial trade; in assuming responsibility for imperial defence at the two important stations of Halifax and Esquimalt, - Canada, under the guidance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his party, took a leading part and showed a truly national spirit.
In Germany, since the victory of Kant over Wolff, realism has always been in difficulties, which we can appreciate when we reflect that the Germans by preference apply the term " realism " to the paradoxes of Herbart (1776-1841), who, in order to avoid supposed contradictions, supposed that bodies are not substances, but show (Schein), while " reals" are simple substances, each with a simple quality, and all preserving themselves against disturbance by one another, whether physically or psychologically, but not known to be either material or spiritual because we do not know the simple quality in which the nature of the real consists.
But Mr Chamberlain's new programme for a general tariff, with new taxes on food arranged so as to give a preference to colonial products, involved a radical alteration of the established fiscal system, and such out-and-out Unionist free-traders in the cabinet as Mr Ritchie and Lord George Hamilton, and outside it, like Lord Hugh Cecil and Mr Arthur Elliot (secretary to the treasury), were entirely opposed to this.
Yet this explanation is open to question owing to the very early date at which the regulation appears, and to the fact that in the case of widows the sum specified had to be paid to relatives of the widow herself on the female side, and by preference to those of a younger generation.
Thus when prices have advanced the manufacturer may find it difficult to obtain delivery of the yarn that he *had bought at low rates, for some spinners have a curious, indefensible preference for delivering their higherpriced orders; and, on the other hand, when prices have fallen the manufacturer sometimes ceases to take delivery of the highpriced yarn and actually purchases afresh for his needs.
The grains should show no signs of decay, and by preference should be of an angular shape.
The reason for this preference lies in the fact that being porous and full of air, they are a good non-conductor.
Charles seems to have been a prince of education and letters, a friend of the church, and conscious of the support he could find in the episcopate against his unruly nobles, for he chose his councillors for preference from among the higher clergy, as in the case of Guenelon of Sens, who betrayed him, or of Hincmar of Reims. But his character and his reign have been judged very variously.
It is apparent that in many cases lichens are quite indifferent to the substrata on which they occur, whence we infer that the preference of several for certain substrata depends upon the temperature of the locality or that of the special habitat.
After his fourth marriage in 1829 with Maria Christina of Naples, he was persuaded by his wife to set aside the law of succession of Philip V., which gave a preference to all the males of the family in Spain over the females.
With this object in view, the early improvers of hot-house architecture substituted metal for wood in the construction of the roofs, and for the most part dispensed with back walls; but the conducting power of the metal caused a great irregularity of temperature, which it was found difficult to control; and, notwithstanding the elegance of metallic houses, this circumstance, together with their greater cost, has induced most recent authorities to give the preference to wood.
For moving small plants the garden trowel is a very convenient tool, but we are inclined to give the preference to the hand-fork.
By 1907, however, the greatly increased production in India and Ceylon, with the willingness of many nations to drink such teas, in preference to those of China, had left to her Russia as a customer for nearly half her export of the article, a proportion rapidly diminishing, as that country too turned in the direction of using the stronger varieties.
Personnel .T he German navy is manned by the obligatory service of the essentially maritime populationsuch as sailors, fishermen and others, as well as by volunteers, who elect for naval service in preference to that in the army.
But clearly, whilst the arcs and bands, and to a lesser extent the patches, showed a marked preference for the magnetic meridian, the rays showed no such preference.
Most of them are decidedly inferior to the received readings, but some are quite as good, and a few deserve preference.
The interest on the Preference stock was reduced from 5 to 31/2%, and on the Domains from 5 to 43/4%.
By preference they were built in the Western desert, the Amente, near the place where the sun was seen to go to rest, and which seemed the natural entrance to the nether world.
There is probably a superstitious reason for the preference shown by the dead for offerings of this kind; no wish is commoner than that one may receive bread and beer that had gone up on to the altar of the local god, or with which the god had been sated; something of the divine sanctity still clung about such offerings and made them particularly desirable.
The formulae recited for such purposes are not purely cabalistic, though inasmuch as mystery is of the very essence of magic, foreign words and outlandish names occur in them by preference.
The movement began among the Arab officers, who complained of the preference shown to the officers of Turkish origin; it then expanded into an attack on the privileged position and predominant influence of foreigners, many of whom, it must be confessed, were of a by no means respectable type; finally, it was directed against all Christians, foreign and native.i The government, being too weak to suppress the agitation and disorder, had to make concessions, and each concession produced fresh demands.
By and by the boy found himself drawn by preference from goldsmith's work to painting; his father, after some hesitation on the score of the time already spent in learning the former trade, gave way and apprenticed him for three years, at the age of fifteen and a half, to the principal painter of the town, Michael Wolgemut.
When Mr Chamberlain started his new fiscal programme, combining Tariff Reform with Colonial Preference, Lord Rosebery at first seemed inclined to treat it as non-political, and on the 19th of May 1903 he declared in an address to the Burnley Chamber of Commerce that he was not one of those who regarded Free Trade as part of the Sermon on the Mount.
But this idea was quickly dispelled; on the 22nd he expressed his surprise that anybody should have thought he intended to approve of Mr Chamberlain's plan; he was not prepared to dismiss in advance a proposal for the consolidation of the empire made by the responsible government, but he believed that the objections to a policy of preference were insurmountable.
Congress therefore reduced the price of land from $2 to $1.25 per acre, and adopted the policy of pre-emption, preference being given to the claims of existing settlers.
Commerce between East and West had from early times followed this route in preference to that of the Red Sea, and when during the 15th century Genoa and Venice successively lost their positions in Oriental commerce, through the capture of Constantinople by the Turks and by the hostility of the Mamelukes of Egypt respectively, the country which most earnestly devoted itself to the quest of a new way to India was Portugal.
Students of international politics are familiar with the claims of nations to a position of preference in certain regions, based upon historic, economic or geographical considerations.
But many difficulties with his own people shortly beset his path, due largely to the suspicions aroused by his evident preference for the ardent Roman zeal of the converts, and especially of Manning, to the dull and cautious formalism of the old Catholics.
It is probable that St Luke found this narrative in the second document, and chose it after his manner in preference to the less instructive story in St Mark.
Again poetic justice is effected on the unfortunate hero who has chosen his own personal advancement in preference to his duty to the woman he loves; more pointedly than in Gotz is the moral enforced by Clavigo's worldly friend Carlos, that the ground of Clavigo's tragic end lies not so much in the defiance of a moral law as in the hero's vacillation and want of character.
The process of liming, which originated at the time when the Dutch held a monopoly of the trade, was with the view of preventing the germination of the seeds, which were formerly immersed for three months in milk of lime for this purpose, and a preference is still manifested in some countries for nutmegs so prepared.
In the company he chose by preference, honesty and knowledge were his only tests.
It may have been that the sophists' preference of seeming to reality, of success to truth, had a mischievous effect upon the morality of the time; but it is clear that they had no common theory of ethics, and there is no warrant for the assumption that a sophist, as such, specially interested himself in ethical questions.
Orientals sit on the floor in preference to chairs; hence it is thought very necessary by them that the carpet should be kept clean, which could not be done were persons to keep their shoes on.
At an early age he manifested a preference for the study of mathematics, but this was gradually superseded by an interest in natural science, which led him ultimately to the study of medicine.
In habits it is chiefly nocturnal, and by preference carnivorous, feeding on birds and the smaller quadrupeds, in pursuit of which it climbs trees, but it is said also to eat fruits, roots and other vegetable matters.
Livy's practice is exactly opposite to that of Cicero, since he has a marked preference for the S forms, "thereby exemplifying Cicero's saying that long syllables are more appropriate to history than to oratory.'
In the article Deportation it is shown how the discoveries in the southern seas led to the adoption of penal exile in preference to other suggested improvements in the English prison systems. The penitentiary scheme proposed by Howard was not, however, abandoned.
If Alexander is responsible for such doctrines as that of the intellectus acquisitus, it is to Porphyry, with his characteristically Platonist preference for the doctrine of universals, and for classification, that we owe the scholastic preoccupation with the realist controversy, and with the quinque votes, i.e.
His election in preference to Frederick was possibly due to the fact that owing to his absence from Germany he had not taken the oath of fealty to the new king.
According to a common Indian belief a wealthy man who dies without an heir returns to guard his wealth in the form of a serpent, and Italian superstition supposed that to find a serpent's skin brought good luck (Leland) .2 No singular preference for jewels on the part of serpents will explain the belief, and creatures like the jackdaw which have this weakness do not enjoy this prominence in folk-lore.
Finally, Brunnow was empowered to arrange a coalition of the great powers with a view to the settlement of the Egyptian question; and in this coalition the tsar was willing, for political reasons, that France should be included, though he stated his personal preference for her exclusion.
The Tories had for this reason her personal preference, while the Whigs, who included her powerful favourites the Marlboroughs, identified their interests with ' Macpherson i.
In 1850 he was made bishop of Mainz, by order of the Vatican, in preference to the celebrated Professor Leopold Schmidt, of Giessen, whose Liberal sentiments were not agreeable to the Papal party.
In 284 Arsinoe, desirous of gaining the succession for her sons in preference to Agathocles (the eldest son of Lysimachus), intrigued against him with the help of her brother Ptolemy Ceraunus; they accused him of conspiring with Seleucus to seize the throne, and he was put to death.
Just application of the outlay of the state, so that no class receives undue advantage, and the use of public funds for " reproductive," in preference to " unproductive " objects, are evident general principles whose difficulty lies in their application to the circumstances of each particular case.
And the more advanced Imperialists, as well as the more oldfashioned protectionists (like Mr Chaplin) who formed an integral body of the Conservative party, had looked forward to this tax being converted into a differential one between foreign and colonial corn, so as to introduce a scheme of colonial preference and commercial consolidation between the colonies and the mother country.
Each of the column headings is a button allowing you to sort the table of search results to your preference.
Many children express a preference for intravenous anesthetic induction.
You do not have to express a preference for a particular boarding house.
In 1797 Smith proposed to use the name Salisburia adiantifolia in preference to the " uncouth " genus Ginkgo and " incorrect " specific term biloba.
Abstract We study the variant of the well-known stable roommates problem in which participants are permitted to express ties in their preference lists.
A particular recent focus of my research interest has been the characterization of skewness preference or downside risk aversion.
Set the timer to preference, mine is three mins, 15 secs for a soft-boiled egg.
Preference will go to shortage specialties such as psychiatry.
Students who have learned by a certain method often seem willing to endorse the method in preference to other untried methods.
Inside, being given preference over a dozen people sitting in a waiting room, she is ushered into the office of Albert Einstein.
The more data you acquire, the faster you'll spot the customer preference trends and be able to morph your product effectively.
Again, this is an individual preference.
Most parents prefer a newborn adoption that matches them with a baby who has a similar background, but this preference may mean a longer wait time.
Bottles-Your baby will soon show a preference for certain bottles as well as nipples.
The type of campsite you choose to rent, as well as the amenities you desire, is simply a matter of preference.
The choice of gifts is infinite, and often very much down to personal preference.
However, the large selection of titles for each system means that every console will have several games that can fit any taste or preference.
To a certain extent, this is personal preference, but level of activity is a good sign of overall health.
When you make this decision, it comes down to a few key factors- financial, annual driving miles and personal preference.
Racket selection is largely personal preference and must cater to each individual player's style.
Other factors tend to be personal preference, such as how it looks or who manufactures the rifle.
The grip tape will be a preference, but if you wanted to add it to your stick, try it on an inexpensive pool cue first to see if you like the material and the fit.
Purchasing a brand name is a preference.
If you don't have a preference when it comes to the color of your gaming console, then you should have no problem finding a Nintendo Wii for your family to enjoy.
By the age of two, they begin to show a preference for children of their own sex.
Most kids have a definite preference about what they wear!
Of primary importance is your child's preference, of course.
To a certain extent, anything goes, but the overall preference is for the tried and true classics.
Masks can be beautiful, funny or foreboding, but the preference is mostly for the first two - Mardi Gras is a happy occasion.
Hannah Montana is seen wearing a variety of pant choices, though she clearly has a preference for leggings.
The great advantage to Internet dating is that you can be sure your date shares your sexual preference.
Even if you are a simple person who mostly prefers quiet evenings at home, use positive language to describe your preference.
Her acceptance of your invitation will allow you to spend time with her and discover what her interests, hobbies and food preference are.
Being married and choosing not to wear a ring is a personal preference and usually opens up the individual to some unwanted or perhaps wanted attention, as is the case with your co-worker.
Each ad can be active for either 90, 180 or 365 days, depending on the user's preference.
Because it is a very inclusive site, you are able to specify exactly what kind of religion, gender, income level, and even smoking preference you'd like to see in your potential match.
The electricity of a hovering or a passing cloud would thus be carried off slowly and silently; and if the cloud was highly charged, the lightning would strike in preference the elevated conductors.'
This disabled caelibes from receiving an inheritance unless the testator were related to them within the sixth degree; it limited the amount which a wife could take by a husband's will, or the husband by the wife's, unless they had children; and preference was given to candidates for office in proportion to the number of their children.'
He was not permitted, however, to complete the work, being compelled to yield to the king's preference for residences outside Paris, and to devote himself to Marly and Versailles.
The growth of P. Cembra is slow, but the wood is of remarkably even grain, and is employed by the Swiss wood-carvers in preference to any other.
The predominance of the long vowels is a marked characteristic, the constant appearance of a long final vowel contrasting with the preference for a final short in the later speech.
In March 1906 the customs convention was provisionally renewed (on a strongly protective basis, and with preference for British goods) but there was a distinct prospect of a tariff war when the convention expired in 1908.
By preference the condor feeds on carrion, but it does not hesitate to attack sheep, goats and deer, and for this reason it is hunted down by the shepherds, who, it is said, train their dogs to look up and bark at the condors as they fly overhead.
His intellect was profound and comprehensive, thoroughly qualified to grapple with the deepest problems of metaphysics, but by natural preference occupying itself mainly with the practical and moral.
Its most far-reaching provisions were those which admitted Portuguese wines to the British market at a lower rate of duty than was imposed upon French and German wines, in return for a corresponding preference to English textiles.
As a matter of fact they were at the head of a combination for selling Menshikov's corn in preference to the corn of the Russian government and the bulk of the proceeds went into Menshikov's pockets.
He is constantly admitting that on such and such an occasion he was terribly afraid; he confesses without the least shame that, when one of his followers suggested defiance of the Saracens and voluntary death, he (Joinville) paid not the least attention to him; nor does he attempt to gloss in any way his refusal to accompany St Louis on his unlucky second crusade, or his invincible conviction that it was better to be in mortal sin than to have the leprosy, or his decided preference for wine as little watered as might be, or any other weakness.
At the most it only presupposes a comparison with other versions, equally second-hand, but either less generally accepted or less in harmony with his own views of the situation; and in many cases the reasons he gives for his preference of one account over another are eminently unscientific. Livy's history, then, rests on no foundation of original research or even of careful verification.
The principle adopted in distributing the representation is that of equal electoral districts, modified in practice by a preference given to the distant and rural constituencies at the cost of the metropolitan electorates.
Some of them were even in direct contravention of the charter; and the old Scandinavian spirit of independence was deeply wounded by the preference given to the Dutch.
These appliances as indicated should not be unnecessarily expanded, but when expanded they should, wherever practicable, be converted into actively moving flying surfaces, in preference to fixed or inert dead surfaces.
His literary taste was conventional, including the standard British writers, with a preference for Shakespeare among the poets, Berkeley among the philosophers, and Montaigne (in Cotton's translation) among the essayists.
Simultane of preference accorded to France could be opposed to that of Belgium; and on the 29th of April the French minister took note, in the name of the French government, of this interpretation of the right of preference, in so far as such interpretation was not contrary to pre-existing international engagements.
The note further declared that, as a fresh proof of its friendly feeling towards France, the Association engaged to give France the right of preference if, through unforeseen circumstances, it were compelled to sell its possessions.
It has already been noted that the right of preference accorded to France in 1884, as interpreted in 1887, was not intended to be opposed to that of Belgium.
In anticipation of the consent of the Belgian parliament to this treaty, a Franco-Belgian convention was signed on the 5th of February 1895, by which the Belgian government recognized "the right of preference possessed by France over its Congolese possessions in case of their compulsory alienation, wholly or in part."
A canal ran through them parallel to the road, and for some reason that is not altogether clear it was used in preference to the road during the Augustan period.
Having distinguished himself in his father's Turkish war, he was nominated emperor in preference to his elder surviving brother.
It was the tendency of these writers to use dactyls in preference to spondees with a view to lightness and rapidity.
Keppel was by family connexion and personal preference a strong supporter of the Whig connexion, led by the Marquess of Rockingham and the Duke of Richmond.
Steel is generally used for columns in preference to cast iron, because it affords greater facility for securing satisfactory connexions, because its defects of quality or workmanship are more surely detected by careful test and inspection, and because, on account of its superior elasticity and ductility, its fibre is less liable to fracture from slight deformations.
It is used in preference to wrought iron on account of its lesser cost.
Flattered to excess by her surrender, yet conscious of his binding obligations and his real preference, he could neither discard the one beauty nor desert the other.
Without expressing any decided opinion as to the morphology of the double cone-scale of the Abietineae, preference may be felt in favour of regarding the cone-scale of the Araucarieae as a simple carpellary leaf bearing a single ovule.
He had been a lifelong supporter of Preference, but his majority over Sir George Reid and the Free Traders was small and the Labour party held the balance.
Community of creed, ancient traditional influence, the entire absence of Russian merchants, and t the consequent avoidance of many small commercial rivalries, contributed to bring about a sort of passive preference for Russia, while the bitter disputes that had occurred with Germany on the question of railway finance had left a very hostile feeling.
His somewhat ostentatious assertions of impartiality do not cloak a marked preference for the Burgundians in their struggle with France.
In 1907, the year of the Imperial Conference, he pleaded strongly for Colonial Preference, a policy against which, in spite of the support which it obtained from Dominion Ministers, Sir Henry Campbell * Bannerman's Government set its face.
He refused altogether to haul down the flag of Tariff Reform; it was his policy to give British workmen a preference, both in the home and in the colonial market; but he said that a Unionist Government did not intend themselves to impose food duties.
It must have been with peculiar gratification that he announced to the House of Commons in April 1917 that the Imperial War Cabinet had accepted the principle of Imperial Preference; and that it was hoped that each part of the Empire, having due regard to the interests of the Allies, would give specially favourable treatment and facilities to the produce and manufactures of other parts of the Empire - a hope which, as regards the mother country, was translated into action in the budgets introduced under Mr. Law's leadership after the war.
They were gradually, like the Cotswolds, improved from the original type of slow-maturity sheep by selection in preference to the use of rams of the Improved Leicester breed.
But when he filled his court with them, made them earls and bishops, and appointed one of them, Robert of Jumiges, to the archbishopric of Canterbury, his undisguised preference for strangers gave no small offence to his English subjects.
Very soon the barons began to return to their allegiance, or at least to slacken in their support of Louis, who had given much offence by his openly displayed distrust of his partisans and his undisguised preference for his French followers.
Piers was given the royal title of earl of Cornwall, and married to the kings niece; when Edward went over to France to do homage for Gascony, he even made his friend regent during his absence, in preference to any of his kinsmen.
His autocratic airs and his ostentatious preference for his confidants of whom he made the one earl of Suffolk and the other marquess of Dublin provoked both lords and commons.
The higher order of minds dwelt with preference upon the beneficent wisdom of the Creator.
His administration as finance minister of Canada was important, since in 1897 he introduced a new tariff, granting to the manufactures of Great Britain a preference, subsequently increased; and later he imposed a special surtax on German imports owing to unfriendly tariff legislation by that country.
Rightness of purpose, preference of virtue for its own sake, suppression of vicious desires, were made essential points by the - Aristotelians, who attached the most importance to outward circumstances in their view of virtue, no less than by the Stoics, to whom all outward things were indifferent.
This feeling is exhibited in the value set on fasting in the Christian church from the earliest times, and in an extreme form in the self-torments of later monasticism; while both tendencies, anti-worldliness and antisensualism, seem to have combined in causing the preference of celibacy over marriage which is common to most early Christian writers.'
These were at first commonly reckoned as eight; but a preference for mystical numbers characteristic of medieval theologians finally reduced them to seven.
He follows Aristotle closely in dividing the " natural " virtues into intellectual and moral, giving his preference to the former class, and the intellectual again into speculative and practical; in distinguishing within the speculative class the " intellect " that is conversant with principles, the " science " that deduces conclusions, and the " wisdom " to which belongs the whole process of knowing the sublimest objects of knowledge; and in treating practical wisdom as inseparably connected with moral virtues, and therefore in a sense moral.
Let us grant that there is as much intellectual absurdity in acting unjustly as in denying that two and two make four; still, if a man has to choose between absurdity and unhappiness, he will naturally prefer the former; and Clarke, as we have already seen, is not really prepared to maintain that such preference is irrational.'
But virtue, in Shaftesbury's view, is something more; it implies a recognition of moral goodness and immediate preference of it for its own sake.
The rationality of the former principle he takes pains to explain and establish; in opposition to Hume's doctrine that it is no part of the function of reason to determine the ends which we ought to pursue, or the preference due to one end over another.
But the direct or geometrical mode of attack has still the preference over any of the indirect plans.
Finding, however, that it was advisable to cement the ties between the empire and the papacy, John gave unhesitating support to Lambert in preference to Arnulf, and also induced the council to determine that henceforth the consecration of the popes should take place only in the presence of the imperial legates.
A scholar and a man of considerable erudition, he showed a strong preference for historical studies; and about the time when he was preferred to the deanery he began to collect materials for the history of his own times.
He had a preference for irregular measures rather than legal prosecutions, and a jealousy of all opinions save his own.
She was blamed for her friendship with the comtesse de Polignac, who loved her only as the dispenser of titles and positions; and when weary of this persistent begging for rewards, she was taxed with her preference for foreigners who asked nothing.
In 1654 Lightfoot had been chosen vice-chancellor of the university of Cambridge, but continued to reside by preference at Munden, in the rectory of which, as well as in the mastership of Catharine Hall, he was confirmed at the Restoration.
He maintained that the younger son, being nearer to the father than the grandson, had a right to succeed in preference to the children of an elder brother who had died before the succession was open.
In many cases the old language is more rigorous; thus, while modern Castilian has given the preference to mente, como, modo, we find in old texts mienle, cuemo, inuedo.
Thus Anaxagoras distrusted the senses, and gave the preference to the conclusions of reflection.
In South Africa - as in any other British colony, since all of them were accustomed to tariffs of a protectionist nature, and the idea of a preference (already started by Canada) was fairly popular - Mr Chamberlain had found this view well established.
On May 28th in tile House of Commons he spoke on the same subject, and declared "if you are to give a preference to the colonies, you must put a tax on food."
With this he purchased the estate of Varzin in Pomerania, which henceforth he used as a country residence in preference to Schonhausen.
The year following Newman supported and secured the election of Hawkins as provost of Oriel in preference to Keble, a choice which he later defended or apologized for as having in effect produced the Oxford Movement with all its consequences.
But it is certain that he explained to his own satisfaction and accepted every item of the Roman Catholic creed, even going beyond it, as in holding the pope to be infallible in canonization; and while expressing his preference for English as compared with Italian devotional forms, he was himself one of the first to introduce such into England, together with the ritual peculiarities of the local Roman Church.
In his criticism on Adam Smith, and his arguments for a system of moderate protective duties associated with the deliberate policy of promoting national interests, his work was the inspiration of Friedrich List, and so the foundation of the economic system of Germany in a later day, and again, still later, of the policy of Tariff Reform and Colonial Preference in England, as advocated by Mr Chamberlain and his supporters.
Perkins in his patent specification states that the volatile fluid is by preference ether.
The relations between capital and labour are the subject of a series of statutes, which prohibit the employment of children under fourteen years of age in any mechanical, mercantile or manufacturing establishment, punish with fine or imprisonment any attempt by an employer to influence his employee's vote or to prevent him from joining a labour union, and in cases of insolvency give preference over general liabilities to debts of $100 or less for labour.
Monday had been their original preference but pro football on T.V. had preempted their trysts.
In the absence of a common name, use the full name or a defined abbreviation, in preference to a trade name.
Again, however, denominational affiliation makes little difference to matters of national identity and constitutional preference.
Drink all alcohol in moderation, avoiding binge drinking, and if possible take red wine in preference to other alcohol in moderation, avoiding binge drinking, and if possible take red wine in preference to other alcoholic drinks.
Preference will be given to advanced graduate students and untenured assistant professors and instructors.
Please note that the list is not in order of preference, but simply chronological order.
Select a suitable color for your lighting condition or your preference.
Autonomy Sarah is exercising her preference not to have a child affected by cystic fibrosis.
The unit's 4-band custom equalizer and preset EQ curves help you tailor the sound to your preference or environment.
My preference goes to sail ties permanently fitted to the sail at suitably reinforced eyelets.
Selection of Deer control areas Give primary importance to underlying soil type, with preference to surface water gleys and brown earths.
Despite Wyoming's clear preference for Republicans in national offices, Democrats have held the governorship for all but eight years since 1975.
Dashes Please use en dash or double hyphen in preference to single spaced hyphen.
Which they do preference inpatient and for example percent affect the spending.
The term authorized interruption of study is now used in preference to previous descriptions.
This free service allows people to stop unwanted junk mail simply by registering their details on the Mailing Preference Service website -
One feature of this style is a preference for Latinate or classical lexis rather than vernacular English words.
What is also apparent is that the preference among students for animal sciences appears to be concentrating on horses rather than agricultural livestock.
As he is a liver out Andrew is most often found using the macintoshes, in preference to workstations.
The chandelier shows their trademark minimalism with clear preference for technology as decoration.
Do you have a preference for a male or female narrator?
Any customer who prefers not to receive an online order confirmation may " opt-out " by so indicating this preference on the order confirmation may " opt-out " by so indicating this preference on the order form.
Give preference where appropriate to those species of tree which deer prefer to browse or fray, such as Norway spruce and Lodgepole pine.
For 700 votes, a simple plurality should be enough to show the voters's preference.
You may indicate a preference for a particular week or weeks.
Methodology Stated preference techniques comprising a series of health-related choices were used to elicit the time preferences of a random sample of adults.
In my previous review I hinted at his sexual preference, which still does well here to convince me of the fact.
The impact of parental preference on Kingsway High School was explained.
The original six stops show a marked preference for unison color, including three open metal stops at 8ft.
You'll find your short user name by opening System preferences and selecting the Users Preference pane.
A personal preference would be a completely transparent picture - and completely clean disk pressings to go with them!
In the third paradigm NE operates as an unconditioned stimulus for odor preference learning in the rat pup.
The elegant rapier was used in preference to the older, clumsier cutting swords.
Even without electronic full-text retrieval, there are various other reasons for such a user preference.
Grand touring sedan focusing the cathode stokes ' preference for.
Depending on preference, players can choose to use short-range, long-range, defensive or evasive play styles.
However, they showed no preference for certain tree species or for live trees versus dead snags.
Mathematical Expressions use the solidus whenever possible in preference to built-up fractions.
The family consists of a double solvent socket, solvent socket spigot and push-fit socket spigot versions to suit any application or installer preference.
The HKS Hiper Damper Kit enables the suspension to be custom tailored to each drivers preference.
Chapter Thesis The conception of welfare used by preference utilitarians and many modern welfare economists is that of want-satisfaction.
My preference would be to have a suspended timber floor with a ventilated void beneath.
The decision to use cotton wadding, polyester wadding or a mixed blend really comes down to personal preference.
The constitutional methods adopted by the body of which she was president included an alliance formed with the Labour party (1912) by which the society agreed to support Labour candidates in preference to Liberal when the latter proved unsatisfactory on the suffrage question.
In Roman law the judge gave the preference to the equitable rule; in English law the equitable rule was enforced by a distinct set of judges.
At the Imperial Conference in London in 1907 Mr Deakin, the Commonwealth premier, was the leading advocate of colonial preference with a view to imperial commercial union; and though no reciprocal arrangement was favoured by the Liberal cabinet, who temporarily spoke for the United Kingdom, the colonial representatives were all agreed in urging such a policy, and found the Opposition (the Unionist party) in England prepared to adopt it as part of Mr Chamberlain's tariff reform movement.
Until 1869 specialty debts had preference under English law over simple contract debts in the event of the bankruptcy or death of the debtor, but this was abolished by the Administration of Estates Act of that year.
A grown-up daughter might wish to become a votary, perhaps in preference to an uncongenial marriage, and it seems that her father could not refuse her wish.
Their government became paternal; and, though there was no limit to their cruelty when stung by terror, they used the purse rather than the sword, bribery at home and treasonable intrigue abroad in preference to coercive measures or open war.
Those who have passed this examination are competent to perform analysis of all kinds, and generally obtain the preference for various appointments, such as head dispensers in government or other large hospitals, or as analysts.
The Anderson Institute, at the south end, was constructed as a secondary school in 1862 by Arthur Anderson, a native, who also presented the Widows' Asylum in the same quarter, an institution intended by preference for widows of Shetland sailors.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
In thus acting he proved himself a true follower of his great countryman Linnaeus; but, without disparagement of his efforts in this respect, it must be said that when internal and external characters appeared to be in conflict he gave, perhaps with unconscious bias, a preference to the latter, for he belonged to a school of zoologists whose natural instinct was to believe that such a.
Formerly the grain was raised by preference in the river bottoms, which still yield, almost invariably, the earliest rice of the season and perhaps the finest.
The second was called for by the preference which the common law gave to a distant collateral over the brother of the half-blood of the first purchaser; the fourth conferred an indefeasible title on adverse possession for twenty years (a term shortened by Lord Cairns in 1875 to twelve years); the fifth reduced the number of witnesses required by law to attest wills, and removed the vexatious distinction which existed in this respect between freeholds and copyholds; the last freed an innocent debtor from imprisonment only before final judgment (or on what was termed mesne process), but the principle stated by Campbell that only fraudulent debtors should be imprisoned was ultimately given effect to for England and Wales in 1869.1 In one of his most cherished objects, however, that of Land Registration, which formed the theme of his maiden speech in parliament, Campbell was doomed to disappointment.
The universalia in re have little place in his thoughts, which are directed by preference to the eternal exemplars as they exist in the supersensible world of the divine thought.
Westminster Abbey is pre-eminent; in part, it may be, owing to the reverence felt towards it in preference to the classical St Paul's by those whose ideal of a cathedral church is essentially Gothic, but mainly from the fact that it is the burial-place of many of the English monarchs and their greatest subjects, as well as the scene of their coronations (see Westminster).
The Babylonian syllabary which thus arose, and which, as the culture passed on to the north - known as Assyria - became the Babylonian Assyrian syllabary, 3 was enlarged and modified in the course of time, the Semitic equivalents for many of the signs being distorted or abbreviated to form the basis of new "phonetic" values that were thus of " Semitic " origin; but, on the whole, the " non-Semitic " character of the signs used as syllables in the phonetic method of writing Semitic words was preserved; and, furthermore, down to the latest days of the Babylonian and Assyrian empires the mixed method of writing continued, though there were periods when " purism " was the fashion, and there was a more marked tendency to spell out the words laboriously in preference to using signs with a phonetic complement as an aid in suggesting the reading desired in any given instance.
In these buildings there is a great preference for apsidal terminations to the internal chambers, and the façades are as a rule slightly curved.
After some hesitation, he accepted the advice of his chief engineer officer Eric Dahlberg, who acted as pioneer throughout and chose the more circuitous route from Svendborg, by the islands of Langeland, Laaland and Falster, in preference to the direct route from Nyborg to KorsOr, which would have been across a broad, almost uninterrupted expanse of ice.
His supposed preference for Lithuania was the real cause of his unpopularity in Poland, where, to the very end of his reign, he was regarded xxi.
The preference given to the steward's court was largely due to the practice, founded upon the Southampton case, of summoning only a few peers selected by the steward, a practice which made it easy for the king to secure a conviction.
The adoption of this platform was accompanied by a party reorganization, those who approved it organizing the Constitutional Union party, and those who disapproved, mostly Democrats, organizing the Southern Rights party; the approval in other states of the Georgia Platform in preference to the Alabama Platform (see Alabama) caused a reaction in the South against secession.
Planting themselves, as a rule, in large towns, and by preference in the poorest and most densely populated districts, the Preaching Friars were obliged to adapt their buildings to the requirements of the site.
At the head of a large shop with many assistants, his business was to turn out, generally for a small price, devotional pieces commissioned by mercantile corporations or private persons to decorate their chapels in the churches - the preference being usually for scenes of the Passion, or for tortures and martyrdoms of the saints.
His researches indicate that, instead of being haphazard, the proper motions of the star show decided preference for two " favoured " directions, The Two apparently implying that the stars surrounding us do Star not constitute a simple system but a dual one.
The option that works best for you will depend on your style preference, lifestyle and budget.
When it comes to picking a Kindle or Nook, it all comes down to personal preference.
In fact, many musicians feel "vintage" instruments provide generally higher quality than more modern ones, but it is a personal taste preference.
The perfect martini contains quality ingredients according to your specific taste, and it should reflect your unique preference.
Pour passion fruit puree into a Champagne saucer, and stir in the simple syrup according to your taste preference.
Choosing the right mix is really a matter of personal taste and preference, and experimentation can help you find your ideal combination of flavors.
In order to understand why there is a preference for using a certain type of cup with this cocktail, you'll need to know exactly what a Mint Julep is if you've never had one before.
Adding alcohol will act as a preservative, but adding it is a matter of preference.
There are many reasons to cancel accounts, whether for debt management necessity or personal preference.
Depending upon your personal preference, changing the look of your log furniture is easy to do.
No single style or preference can sum up the period.
With the push of a button, the driver can choose to maximize fuel efficiency or performance, depending on his or her preference.
It may seem that taking capsules or drinking the acai juice would largely be a matter of personal preference.
Either type of table decorating can be a winner; your choice is a matter of personal preference.
There is a multitude of available lamp base and lampshade materials to suit any design preference.
Color is a matter of personal preference and should reflect your decorating style and the overall atmosphere you want to create.
If you don't have a strong style preference, the eclectic bedroom could be the perfect solution.
No matter what the preferred interior design style, the most important consideration is that it fits your lifestyle and personal preference.
Sometimes the dessert cutlery is placed at the top of the plate, but that is a matter of personal preference.
Consider first your personal preference.
Feel free to experiment with a variety of strong colors to find your preference.
Depending on your preference, full lips can be managed using foundation to cover the surface of the lip.
Whatever preference you have with your evening eye makeup, putting the extra effort in will make you more alluring than ever before.
Which to use is really a matter of preference but for mature skin powder usually looks best.
While some lens-wearers don't have a preference (and may actually find it irritating), others favor waterproof makeup because it minimizes the likelihood of flakes entering the eye.
Make sure you have well-maintained brows and in a clean shape that is right for your eye shape and makeup preference.
However, there are variations goths can choose depending on personal preference.
Either way, and depending on your preference, you're sure to look stunning.
Auctions are available with new and used products, whatever your preference.
Pick 13x13, 15x15 or 19x19-sized puzzles, based on your time and preference.
In the end it comes down to your personal preference.
Choosing a method of scrapbook organization is entirely a matter of personal preference.
Deciding between a traditional or digital album depends upon personal preference and factors such as time and Internet access.
What is your preference for viewing and sharing the scrapbook?
It really comes down to personal preference.
There are very different benefits from each type of store and the decision will largely be down to personal preference.
Consider your preference when looking for a job.
Tiffany, with their lace, bold or pastel colors (depending upon your preference) and exceptional designs, has the perfect dress for you.
It is also considered bad form to include any listing or preference of graduation gifts within the announcement.
Skin showing prom dresses are a matter of personal preference, but it doesn't hurt to take a look at what's available out there.
Whichever camp you fall into, adorned or not, depends entirely on your own personal preference.
The bracelet corsage is traditionally worn on the left wrist, but ask her preference if you aren't sure.
Many such recipes are also easy to customize, so it's always an option to tweak them to fit every palate and preference.
When it comes to wedding gift baskets, one point of etiquette to always consider is the preference of the bride and groom.
Names of the Parents-Depending upon the situation and the bride and groom's preference, the bride's and the groom's parents may issue the invitation, and if so both sets of names need to be on the invitation.
The choice you make may depend on your personal preference, the amount of room you need, or fitting it into a color or year theme.
Regardless of your preference, make sure you pair the right reading with the right segment of the wedding.
Sheath and A-line cuts are outstanding choices, but don't shy away from long gown styles if that's your ultimate preference.
No matter your preference, you can count on a high-quality invite with outstanding artwork.
If neutral is your preference, opt for linen, sand, and taupe with a hint of blue.
Don't be afraid to interject a little humor if that's your natural way, and don't shy away from a few simple lines if that is your preference.
It depends on the overall style of the wedding and preference of the bride.
The amount of decorations needed depends upon the style of pagoda and personal preference.
Popular vendors and locations are booked quickly, so if the vendor or location you want is non-negotiable, you must make other aspects of the wedding work with your personal preference.
If an individual displays a distinct preference for solitary drinking, especially on a daily or frequent basis, there may be cause for concern.
This really becomes an issue of personal preference because both fibers make excellent towels.
As with any personalized styling of a product, choosing to monogram a towel is strictly an individual choice and preference.
Regardless of size, style, fabric or personal preference, shopping for a high-quality shower curtain should be a fun experience and should allow you to express your personal preference and style.
No matter what your preference, count on spending some time choosing your Christmas bedding.
You can do them with fondant or buttercream, depending on your preference.
While some gay celebrities may still feel their sexual preference is their own business, other superstars have screamed it from the rooftops.
Gay, straight, or bi, the issue of a celebrity's sexual preference may seem like a moot issue.
George Michael then admitted his sexual preference and gave I Want Your Sex a whole new meaning to fans everywhere.
Jennifer Aniston's preference is Mexican food, and her favorite snack is tortilla chips.
First there was speculation that Al's preference is for men and their marriage is one of convenience, which, of course, Jones-Reynolds categorically denies.
Questions include your preference in milk, whether you are a risk taker, your ideal pet, card game preference, ideal vehicle, and more.
Clothing and musical tastes, what his house looks like, hairstyle preference and more are put to the test. - This quick quiz questions your ideal fun activity, pet preference, personality and whether you drink or smoke.
The sock or tight preference also depends upon the weather in that particular youngster's hometown.
When a certain parent scoffs at another parent's "need for labels", she is typically criticizing a preference for well known brands over the children's inventory at Target.
How much highlighting, underlining and other writing you are willing to accept in a used book is a matter of personal preference.
Many machines can fit into those categories, and personal preference also plays an important role.
Format is a matter of personal preference, but it still may play a part in your choice.
If there are special considerations, however, such as a specific date for a honeymoon cruise or a preference for a balcony cabin, finding appropriate discounts can be more difficult.
When choosing to sail on one of the largest cruise ships in the world, passengers need to consider both the pros and cons of the vessel as well as their personal preference.
Many Nile cruises start in either Luxor or Aswan and travel one-way or round-trip to the other city, depending on your preference.
If you'd like a ship that is almost kid-free, then voice your preference when booking.
The opportunity to select an activity level preference, from active, moderate or minimal exertion is provided for each daily excursion.
Purchasing a dog bed is largely a matter of matching your personal preferencewith you dog'sneeds.
Several of the shirts designed for casual wear are made from 100 percent cotton or a cotton blend, so be sure to check the label if you have a preference.
However, if that's not your preference, you may still enjoy wearing the regular cut.
Firmness has nothing to do with mattress quality - only user preference.
Since squash bugs show a preference for Hubbard squash and many types of pumpkin, as opposed to melons and cucumbers, stay away from plantings that will present an attractive buffet for squash bugs.
There are bras to fit every woman, no matter what her preference.
The sweater styles you select are a matter of personal preference.