Predict Sentence Examples
I predict tonight will be a huge success.
He was in a place, emotionally, that was totally foreign, and he couldn't begin to predict how this night would unfold.
He was thus enabled to predict compounds which were then unknown.
We cannot predict with any exactness the characters of a single unborn individual; but if we consider a large number of unborn individuals, we can predict with considerable accuracy the percentage of individuals which will have the mean character proper to their generation, or will differ from that mean character within any assigned limits.
I can't begin to predict how he will handle it.
She could predict them but not Darian.
Others, however, are periodic, that is to say, the sequence of changes is repeated at regular intervals, and it is thus possible to predict when the maximum and minimum brightness will occur.
Dean found himself able to predict for instance, it was time to visit Baltimore again, and a week or two later, Byrne would travel there.
Can the system learn to predict crime targets?
The idea of possibly running into people whose alliances she couldn't predict made her queasy.
AdvertisementHe was able to see, hear, smell and predict the actions of those around him.
A third way to predict the future that I believe is reliable rejects both the slavish following of the straight line and the purely speculative approach.
I had not heard anyone predict even the possibility of these two events before they came upon us, in what seemed the blink of an eye.
Similarly, if we know by experiment the composition of water and of ammonia, we can predict the probable composition of the oxides of nitrogen.
Picus was the God of fortune that was able to bless good fortune upon people and predict their future.
AdvertisementI don't use history to predict the future, like some talisman that lets me pick winning lottery numbers (don't I wish).
My job is to extrapolate the data from these charts and predict our future costs.
Kopp, begun in 1842, on the molecular volumes, the volume occupied by one gramme molecular weight of a substance, of liquids measured at their boiling-point under atmospheric pressure, brought to light a series of additive relations which, in the case of carbon compounds, render it possible to predict, in some measure, the cornposition of the substance.
Regression analysis was used to predict the outcome.
The king, in his joy, summons astrologers to predict the child's destiny.
AdvertisementPerhaps what concerns the Christian is rather the assured revelation that God is acting in character, like Himself, and yet acting wonderfully by methods which we could not predict but must adore.
She was getting a better grip on her newfound talent and was now able to predict the winner of their rounds—without flashes of their deaths.
While he was intrigued by an interaction with someone he couldn't predict, he was also furious that he wasn't able to read her mind when he knew something bad was going on.
And yet most views of human behavior would not predict such altruism.
If a psychic claimant really could predict winners by using psi this would be of great interest to psychical research.
AdvertisementAir pollution dispersion modeling was carried out to predict ground level pollution concentrations in the boro in 2004.
But the massive rise in the last two years has led economists to predict a sharp slowdown over the next year or so.
What they didn't predict was an oil embargo.
The things we predict will happen need to be easily observable.
Ecological assumptions entered into the models that were then used to predict evapotranspiration and net photosynthesis.
However, it is impossible to predict how many times an individual can withstand such temporary tinnitus before the damage becomes permanent.
We can therefore predict that all oxides of carbon will have compositions represented by the ratio of 8m parts of oxygen to 6n parts of carbon, where m and n are whole numbers.
First, in the magnitude of what it claims, and second, in the degree to which it differs from what pessimists predict.
The result of this work was a rewrite of design codes to better predict the performance of reinforced concrete.
They fail to predict the effects of drugs with tragic consequences.
The little corrugated church is not long for this world - I predict yuppie flats coming soon.
No one can predict a baby who will die from SIDS before hand.
Your veterinarian is the only person qualified to predict how well your senior cat might pull through such a serious operation based on its unique health history.
Because no one can predict when a child may face an emergency hospital stay, it is a good idea for all parents to spend some time talking to their children about hospitals.
The Drano test to predict gender is not recommended because it involves dangerous chemicals that should be avoided during pregnancy.
The pregnancy and ovulation calendar takes several components into consideration to predict your ideal fertilization window.
Analysts predict that social media and Web 2.0 technologies mark the next chapter in World Wide Web history.
Wynn didn't like being out of control, at the mercy of one he couldn't predict or manipulate.
So clear is the evidence on this point that any one adequately acquainted at first hand with the phenomena, by employing an albino of known gametic structure and mating it with a coloured individual, also of known gametic constitution, could predict the result.
It is different, however, with physical properties, density, &c.; at present we have no fixed rules which enable us to predict quantitatively the differences in physical properties corresponding to a given difference in structure, the only general rule being that those differences are not large.
The old organism is more stable and responds in obvious ways to direct assaults from without; the young organism is at once less stable and more profoundly modified by environmental change, replying in terms less easy to predict from knowledge of the nature and amount of the impinging agency.
To predict post-election results and effects is too chancy a business for us.
Children as young as four or five can usually generate alternatives and predict consequences, but advanced decision making skills come later.
It is by no means a cohesive internally consistent theory which can predict best strategies for every scenario.
Results will define the age of the Scottish drainage divide and test models which predict divide migration in response to crustal deformation.
A quadratic average stress failure criterion is suggested to predict delamination and the interlayer at which it occurs.
Tim In light of the subsequent conversation, I claim prescience rather than glibness Prescience is the ability to predict the future through vision.
Thus, there is no reason to expect the viewer's front/back to predict priming or retrieval of information.
How severely any one vaccinated rabbit will be affected is impossible to predict.
Apply Nyquist's stability theorem, to predict closed-loop stability from open-loop Nyquist or Bode diagrams.
Who can predict what perils we may unwittingly unleash upon ourselves, without even realizing our mistake for years or decades?
Law of If we know the weights a and b of two elements that are reciprocal found in union with unit weight of a third element, then proporwe can predict the composition of the compounds which the first two elements can form with each other; either the weights a and b will combine exactly, or if not, these weights must be multiplied by integers to obtain the composition of a compound.
Title Female age is an important parameter to predict treatment outcome in intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Apply Nyquist 's stability theorem, to predict closed-loop stability from open-loop Nyquist or Bode diagrams.
However, there is more than one way to challenge bad decisions so I predict a summer of discontent.
Racing against time in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, no one can predict where this tragedy will lead them.
We predict that the number of Hard-core climbers will grow faster than the number of Weekend warriors.
Climate models predict that Northern Ireland will see warmer wetter winters, with drier summers.
On the entry form, entrants predict which driver combination they think will be top of the winner 's podium.
Women entrepreneurs are still rare, but some predict females may control 60% of the UK 's wealth withing 20 years.
Neural networks may be used to predict zooplankton abundance from a few readily available parameters.
The poll aggregator used data from 12 different sources to accurately predict the outcome of the election.
While of course you can't predict the future, giving a piece of clothing that features a family name and has been handed down from one generation to another is a great way to create a treasured heirloom.
Many baby showers include a frugal game where guests are asked to predict the quantity of an item, such as cotton balls, cotton swabs, or pink and blue jelly beans, stuffed into a clear jar.
Therefore, when you are buying more expensive lingerie, you will want to wait several weeks before purchasing these items as to properly predict your cup size.
Even if you don't predict a need for major dental coverage, you would be wise to secure it.
It's hard to predict what toys, electronics and general merchandise will be hot sellers.
This method is a complex statistical model which helps predict the creditworthiness of consumers.
As the successful use of ethanol in Brazil continues, some experts predict that the demand for ethanol in the United States will continue to rise over the next two decades.
Experts predict we will run out of natural gas by the end of the 21st century.
Scientists have spent several decades studying global warming in an attempt to predict what changes will occur in the future and determine how man can slow or stop these changes from taking place.
Go with your gut feeling - you can't predict the future, but you can give yourself the opportunity to meet someone who has piqued your curiosity.
Successful team owners have an in-depth understanding of NFL players and their fantasy value, as well as the ability to predict which players will be successful at various times and against particular opponents.
Have participants predict the total points in the championship game as an additional tie-breaker.
Destle offers a diverse number of ways to predict your future.
Since these stores depend on odd lots and close-outs, it's almost impossible to predict what may be in stock at any given time.
Like deep discount retailers, there's no way to predict what may be in stock, but making a weekly visit to check can pay off.
If you're trying to predict how much deep powder you can look forward to on your next ski vacation, there are a number of great resources at your disposal.
Of course you can't predict when you're going to fall with total confidence, but you can be careful.
After all the gifts are open, the designated guest will predict the bride's wedding night words by reading the list out loud.
It is difficult to predict the weather accurately, so if you are getting yourself together for an outdoor wedding of any kind, be sure to bring a cardigan or other outer layer.
A person might experience a number of symptoms, and it is difficult to predict which ones will be the most pronounced.
Your doctor can't predict which depression medication side effects you will experience.
For this reason, there is no definitive checklist or timeline that will predict exactly which symptoms each person will encounter and when.
The show is about the contestant who can most accurately predict how Americans respond to polled questions.
Their relationship goes to show that you just can't predict what is going to happen when it comes to two people in love.
When Miss Tequila joined the social networking site MySpace after leaving Friendster, no one could possibly predict how popular she was to become.
We predict that the small dog trend will continue.
However, we cannot always predict what is going to happen.
No one can predict the future, but the popularity of bluegrass in America and other countries shows no signs of diminishing.
Because there is no way to accurately predict the color of the pearl an oyster will produce, purchasing a matched strand of South Seas pearls can be very expensive.
The FAA points out that air accidents are infrequent, and there is no way to use information on past accidents to predict future safety.
Since you can't always predict the weather when you are entered in a group ride or rely upon cycling for your exercise, it is vital you have interchangeable shades to stay safe and adaptable.
Though it's hard to predict when or if a certain brand will ever be featured, sites like,, and may be able to offer you deep discounts on the shades you want.
Can any amount of programming produce a game so realistic it can predict events such as this?
The core gameplay may have remained much the same as the original NES game, getting you to learn and predict patterns rather than opting for more of a simulation approach, that's exactly why this newer game is so much fun.
She was born in Genoa, Italy and is said to have the ability to predict the future through tarot cards.
Many families have unusual special salads or other side dishes, and it can be difficult to predict which flavors will show up on the dinner table.
One thing that no one can ever predict is the sentimental value that some of these machines can hold.
While you can manage how much wood is on the fire, it's not possible to predict exactly how hot or how high the flames will be while you are cooking.
Because flame levels can be difficult to predict, the best way to control the proximity of your meal to the flames is by using a grill that lets you move the grill grate up and down during the cooking process.
From their experiences and from statistics and studies of bear behavior, we can predict bear behavior in particular situations.
It's difficult to predict when a Verizon Blackberry Curve will become available, but rumors on the Internet are pointing toward the first half of 2008.
Given the rapid pace of mobile phone development, it can be pretty difficult to predict the future of cellular phones.
Yes, there are many items that have no issues, but technology is hard to predict.
The National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) notes that there is no way to predict who will develop an adjustment disorder given the appearance of certain life-situation stressors.
Overall however, it is difficult to predict who is most at risk for PMS.
However, the prognosis for an individual brachial plexopathy depends on the location, severity, and extent of the damage and may be difficult to predict.
Once a child's lower baby incisors have erupted, an orthodontist can measure the child's jaw and tooth size, project their growth rate, and possibly predict whether the child will have orthodontic problems with their permanent teeth.
However, the course of the disease can be quite variable, and it is difficult to predict the outcome for any given individual as A-T varies considerably from patient to patient.
Some studies of boys with antisocial behaviors have found that companions are mutually reinforcing with their talk of rule breaking in ways that predict later delinquency and substance abuse.
A blood test that measures levels of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can help predict the likelihood of a specific patient's survival.
However, it usually is difficult to predict the outcome of a brain injury in the first few hours or days; a person's prognosis may not be known for many months or even years.
Although fetal surgeries heal without scarring, they are rare and risky, and it is difficult to predict the outcome.
The WADT is used to evaluate communication skills in general, as well to identify potential reading difficulties and to predict certain types of speech defects.
Child-rearing practices are frequently seen as contributing factors, and evidence suggests that the security of a child's attachment to its mother does predict how a security object will be used in new or stressful situations.
Vaccines are not always effective, and there is no way to predict whether a vaccine will "take" in any particular child.
Inflammatory myopathies often occur as a result of exposure to viruses or drugs, but it is almost impossible to predict their development.
This system is used to classify intraocular tumors and predict which tumors are favorable enough that sight can be maintained.
It is difficult to predict the severity of OI in a child who has inherited two copies of the faulty gene because of its rarity.
Though reactions are rare, it's nearly impossible to predict whether or not you will be one of the unfortunate few who respond poorly to hair extensions.
When they can predict what will happen most of the time, their behavior will reflect such understanding.
Reading Casablanca reviews from the original release can be a lot of fun because the reviewers had not yet declared Casablanca a classic, although many reviewers did predict this would be an important film.
Online Tarot Reading is a way to test your skill with using tarot cards to predict the future.
The test is fairly simple; you attempt to predict which of the five symbols the hidden one is.
The woman and her fiancée should have remembered a key Ouija board truth; an elemental or demonic spirit cannot predict the future.
Another advantage to paying off your mortgage early is that it is less risky than investing; even financial experts can never precisely predict when the market will change.
By reading the previews in the magazines, the websites and watching the commercials on television, fans can predict with some accuracy what will happen during the next week on GH.
This led to a mass upheaval of sorts, particularly since the media had started to predict that Coronation Street was headed for cancellation.
The town boasts a lineage of witches in the Bennett families and the novels predict that werewolves will make their own appearance.
There are also many insightful posts that predict what might happen in future episodes, and take a look at the program from various angles.
Reading the stars has been used to predict the future for hundreds of years, although there is no factual data to back it up, only faith.
They do indicate that this varies with each watch and its level of use, climate and many other factors that make the exact length difficult to predict.
The number generated is complex, accurate and can be successfully used to predict your behavior and ability to repay debts.
Since you can't predict which search engine will be used, it's a good idea to utilize all three criteria to optimize your webpage for the best possible ranks.
It's difficult to predict the average life span of a brake pad because typical wear is dependent on several variables.
In spite of what GM and Honda predict about US manufacturing, industry experts such as the Automotive News suggests vehicle manufacturing will be strongest in South America, China, and India where labor costs are cheaper.
Automotive industry statistics can provide a fascinating look at the ups and downs of this important industry, and they may even help predict the future for car companies and other automotive businesses.
Union officials predict strikes could end the standoff that could result from this problem, but with cheaper labor in other countries, bottom-line prices may have the final word.
It is easy to predict that the cars of the future will display similar revolutionary technological developments.
However, it's important to remember that the weather can be difficult to predict when painting outdoors.
Even if you are completely healthy, you can't predict when or if you will get sick.
You don't have to predict ahead of time how much you will need to spend.
Health insurance companies expect fewer claims from healthy nonsmokers who maintain an ideal weight than they do from people with health problems, or factors (smoking, weight) that can predict future health problems.
Whether it's cheaper to go with a large company or an independent representative for your insurance will depend on many factors, so it's impossible to predict.
The Kaiser Chiefs won 'Best Album' for Employment at the 2006 NME Awards, and 'I Predict A Riot' was also nominated for 'Best Track'.
Even if you are very familiar with the show and think you know the kind of person they want to cast, you can't predict who producers are trying to find.
Even though you are creating a framework for each episode, you will not be able to predict everything that will happen.
These are mobile Doppler radar units that provide precise storm tracks and meteorological information so that the storm chasers can predict outbreaks and determine where they can enter storms safely.
He chases storms in the hopes of collecting data about tornadoes that he can use to learn how to better predict tornadoes, so earlier and more accurate tornado warnings can be issued.
You can never predict whether your social game will work, so make sure your physical game is good so you can win Vetos and HOHs when needed.
We can presume that the television Johnny Smith will survive to predict and rescue for a long time, especially if the ratings hold up.
Wanda's ability to manipulate and predict probability was coupled with her gifts for magic.
No one can predict Death. No one even sees her, unless they die-dead." "It must be a lonely existence for her," she said, puzzled as to why he'd speak more highly of Darkyn than he had of Death.
It would have been a bold, not to say a reckless, dreamer who dared predict that any future researches could restore to us the lost knowledge that had been forgotten for more than two millenniums. Yet the Victorian era was scarcely ushered in before the work of rehabilitation began, which was to lead to the most astounding discoveries and to an altogether unprecedented extension of historical knowledge.
Various chemists had traced numerical sequences among the atomic weights of some of the elements and noted connexions between them and the properties of the different substances; but it was left to him to give a full expression to the generalization, and to treat it not merely as a system of classifying the elements according to certan observed facts, but as a "law of nature" which could be relied upon to predict new facts and to disclose errors in what were supposed to be old facts.
Equations of this form have received a striking observational verification in so far as they predict a tail or root towards which the lines ultimately tend when s is increased indefinitely.
The second part of the statement of Herodotus - the reality of the prediction by Thales - has been frequently called in question, chiefly on the ground that, in order to predict a solar eclipse with any chance of success, one should have the command of certain astronomical facts which were not known until the 3rd century, B.C., and then merely approximately, and only employed with that object in the following century by Hipparchus.
Herschel, at the ensuing meeting of the British Association early in September, ventured accordingly to predict that a new planet would shortly be discovered.
They copied the Ba by Ionian asterisms, appropriated Babylonian knowledge of the planets and their courses, and learned to predict eclipses by means of the " Saros."
She was an Oracle, a human with the spotty ability to predict the future.
It has been a fact of life in these parts for hundreds of years and nobody can predict such things accurately.
For example, a panel study of mild asthmatics could not be used to predict the effects on all asthmatics in the population.
Processing models are being developed to predict the distribution of fiber waviness and theoretical models are used to predict the effect on strength.
It also acted as an observatory, containing markers that enabled the Inca priests to predict eclipses, solstices and equinoxes (8 ).
Many predict they will be gone in 20 years, outside a few protected enclaves.
It will enhance the capability to predict and enhance the endurance of components and machinery.
Experts predict an exodus of millions from low-lying countries like Bangladesh if sea levels rise by just three feet (a meter ).
I predict it'll be a cult favorite within months.
Surf forecasts Information and websites to help you predict the future!
Current design methods assume steady homogeneous, full-bore flow and cannot predict these interacting unsteady regimes.
There are a number of studies that have developed mathematical models to predict the hydrodynamics around culture operations to optimize selection 18.
Chaos theory confirms that, even without quantum indeterminacy, many phenomena would be impossible to predict.
For [computationally irreducible] complex systems there is no other way to predict their evolution than by tracking it.
Entrants were challenged to predict which of the chosen 10 jockeys would perform best.
Unfortunately, our model could not predict the selectivity of the analogous methyl ketone reaction.
This suggests that the motor system can predict detailed kinematics.
Throughout the entire life cycle of a product engineers are frequently required to predict how changes could propagate.
All a doctor can do is predict the likelihood of success.
The ability to predict human or environmental toxicity without recourse to animal or tissue experiments seems very limited at the moment.
This research is providing information that enhances our ability to predict swarming, and so offers the potential of earlier intervention to control locusts.
It's the double whammy of ' Oh My God ' and ' I Predict A Riot ' which sends things really loopy tho.
It is also possible to predict polymer specificity using molecular modeling.
Lot of documentation predict results of energy believes suggested a no-fault.
Glasgow scientists have been examining the tsunami deposits in a bid to more accurately predict future occurrences.
Primate testing often fails to predict dangerous side effects of medications, especially pertaining to the induction of birth defects.
As a result most studies use physiological ' surrogates ' to predict these changes.
Combining a Regional Climate Model with a phytoplankton community model to predict future changes in phytoplankton in lakes.
Laundering money through electronic markets works only if you can reliably predict the direction of the market.
It was hypothesized that occurrence of these symptoms would increase on stopping smoking would predict relapses to smoking.
These results can then be used to predict why some sites make more attractive maternity roosts than others.
The project aim is to develop a new process-based numerical model to predict rates and styles of periglacial solifluction.
Just as Nitzsch had laboured under the disadvantage of never having any example of the abnormal Passeres of the New World to dissect, and, therefore, was wholly ignorant of their abnormality, so Muller never succeeded in getting hold of an example of the genus Pitta for the same purpose, and yet, acting on the clue furnished by Keyserling and Blasius, he did not hesitate to predict that it would be found to fill one of the gaps he had to leave, and this to some extent it has been since proved to do.
He was thus enabled to predict compounds then unknown, e.g.
Disraeli, who at first preferred retirement and the writing of Lothair, came forward from time to time to point the moral and predict the end of Mr Gladstone's impulsive courses, which soon began to fret the confidence of his friends.
The program computes a self-consistent field, then uses the electron map that lies over the nuclear position to predict the NMR tensors.
Be able to use measured strength values for a unidirectional composite to predict how ply damage will develop in a laminate.
To predict how to whopping percent increases members in their.
Fortunately, with a little knowledge and some great resources, you'll be able to predict what type of skiing you're likely to encounter, even if it's months away.
Even experienced meteorologists in towns located near ski resorts find it challenging to accurately predict exactly how much fluffy snow you're likely to have during the five days you'll be visiting a resort.
It is simply too difficult to predict how a person's body will react to the cessation of the drug.
Game Revolution game Wii Fit a 58, or a C+ in their book and they predict that most people will hit the game hard in the first few months, then finally just pack it up like Nintendo's Power Pad.
It is difficult for doctors to predict at birth which infants will suffer intestinal obstructions.
It is not possible to look at a person's repeat number and predict at what age he or she will begin to have symptoms or how the condition will progress.
However, genetic testing cannot predict which signs of the disease will develop nor predict the severity of disease symptoms.
The course of the other muscular dystrophies is more variable; expected life spans and degrees of disability are hard to predict but may be related to age of onset and initial symptoms.
Demographics Not every child reaches puberty at the same time, but in most cases it is safe to predict that sexual development will begin at about age 11 in girls and 12 or 13 in boys.
Physicians cannot predict long-term complications of prematurity; some consequences may not become evident until the child is school age.
Although children may lose their sensitivity to penicillin, if the reaction was urticarial or anaphylaxis, they are not re-challenged with the drug for safety reasons (i.e. it is not possible to predict who has lost sensitivity).
The adverse effects of oral contraceptives can be impossible to predict.
Information about the exact mutation and the quantity of WAS protein the defective gene can produce may help predict the severity of the individual's condition.
Visual jaundice present at birth may predict rapid rises in bilirubin and risk of liver dysfunction or other abnormalities.
There's no way to predict who might find your skills and experience to be a perfect fit for a legal secretary position.
Criminologists analyze patterns, statistics and behaviors of criminals to predict future behaviors and help prevent future crimes.
It's impossible to predict what interest rates will do a few years down the road.
Although no one can accurately predict what direction housing costs will go in the future, your Fresno mortgage lender can help you decide how to factor this into your decisions about the type and amount of mortgage that are right for you.
Often a good way to predict economic trends is to look to the trends of the past.
Economic analysts use the historical LIBOR to try to predict where the rate will be in the future.
Legend says that a Chinese scientist developed the this calendar 700 years ago as a means of helping a pregnant woman predict the sex of her baby.
The Chinese calendar follows a different schedule than the Western world; this schedule is what is used to predict your baby's gender using the chart.
In addition to the possibility of using a Chinese lunar calendar to predict the sex of a baby once a woman becomes pregnant, some women use the calendar or Chinese birth chart to possibly increase their odds of conceiving a boy or a girl.
There's no way to predict exactly what kind of person your baby will be, but reading about the baby's birth sign can be a fun way to think about his or her future.
Because middle children are so diverse, it's hard to predict what type of occupation a middle child will enjoy.
Doctors still can't predict exactly when any one woman will ovulate, even with precise information about body temperature, cervical mucus, and menstrual cycle.
It offers charts to help women track their fertile days, programs to help predict conception and birth dates, expert advice, and support from other women who are trying to get pregnant.
The ClearPlan Fertility Monitor, commonly referred to as the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor, offers a way to track urine levels of estrogen and lutenizing hormones to help you predict when ovulation occurs each month.
As her star continues to rise, it will be hard to predict how this family will fit another pregnancy into an already hectic schedule.
Women who suffer migraines as a result of using birth control are often able to predict what point in the menstrual cycle the migraines will strike.
There is always the possibility of treating migraines when they about to strike for those women who can predict this.
While it's hard to predict how you'll feel about working until your baby is born, the decision to resign requires careful consideration.
A doctor can usually predict a multiple birth in the first trimester.
For centuries, people have tried to predict baby gender before birth.
If male DNA is not present, the results predict a girl.
It's even harder to predict when a woman is two days ahead of her ovulation.
Labor and childbirth, even in low-risk pregnancies, are so varied that it's impossible to predict whether or not complications will arise.
Many strategies have been developed to help women predict when ovulation is about to occur.
Birth defects having a genetic link can be better detected while those caused by the environment or unknown factors may be more difficult to predict and detect.
An online fertility calculator can help you predict what your least and most fertile days of the month are.
Check out the Chinese lunar pregnancy calendar if you are pregnant to see if you can predict the sex of your child.
These tests predict ovulation up to 98 percent accurately with a simple urine test.
These small differences are what allow each company to patent its product, but they also make it hard to predict how your body will react to a particular pill.
Patterns began emerging that indicated there was enough evidence to predict the sex of a child before it was born.
Cervical fluid changes consistency throughout your monthly cycle, which can help you predict your ovulation window.
In order to create the most accurate and effective ovulation calculator to predict the best time for conception, you can track the main calendar components and utilize several popular tools as well.
Obviously, it’s hard to predict whether or not there will be complications during a delivery.
It is difficult to predict what it will say next.
Many reports predict that the cost of the game is only going to increase with time with its rise in popularity and as Mattel comes out with newer versions.
Each year, fashionistas look to what designers and stylists predict will be the biggest trends for spring.
It's hard to predict the toy of the moment before Christmas season, as manufacturers are always putting out new product at the holidays.
Since you can't predict the future, fear of the unknown is natural.
Even if they asked an exhaustive number of questions, a test will still never be able to predict chemistry between two people.
Tell him that you can't predict the future of where the relationship will go, but you are willing to give it a try and see what happens.
Trust is the ability to predict how another person will respond or react to our vulnerabilities.
Whether or not the other party receives it or responds to it, there is no sure way to predict.
No one can predict accidents that might befall an engagement ring.
The precise hues of each stone are difficult to predict but range from startlingly rich shades to light, vibrant colors.
Eventually, patterns were noted, and all the info was compiled into a chart that could basically predict the sex of any child according to its date of conception.
Can a Chinese birth gender chart really help you predict whether your baby will be a boy or girl?
In addition to using the chart to predict the sex of a child you've already conceived, you can also consult the chart beforehand to determine your best months to conceive your choice of boy or girl.
The impact of an eclipse is impossible to predict (although one can know, from the house, where the influence will be felt).
Chinese astronomers learned that by observing and charting the stars and planets they could predict changes on earth, such as the seasons and tides.
The Chinese astronomers first created Ten Heavenly Stems (the celestial ch'i and providence) and Twelve Earthly Branches to give some kind of chronological order to the world and allow them to predict earth changes.
While it won't tell the future of someone's relationship (or even predict every match), the information it provides can sometimes be invaluable.
The principles of zodiac romance can help to predict the overall longevity of a relationship.
The Mayan's were able to predict many events with the help of their calendar.
There are also other subsets of this theory that predict Earthly torment as a result of the gravitational pull on tectonic plates.
Chinese astronomers learned how to chart and even predict seasonal changes in the heavens.
You should also begin to introduce patterns at this age and help your child predict which comes next.
Children need to be able to predict their environment.
His mathematical bent, however, soon diverted him from legal studies, and the perusal of some of his earliest theorems enabled Descartes to predict his future greatness.
The consequences of this principle when applied to the adaptations of animals bring us to the very antithesis of Cuvier's supposed "law of correlation," for we find that, while the end results of adaptation are such that all parts of an animal conspire to make the whole adaptive, there is no fixed correlation either in the form or rate of development of parts, and that it is therefore impossible for the palaeontologist to predict the anatomy of an unknown animal from one of its parts only, unless the animal happens to belong to a type generally familiar.
I can't predict her.
Contemporaneously appeared The Dumb Philosopher, or Dickory Cronke, who gains the power of speech at the end of his life and uses it to predict the course of European affairs.