Predators Sentence Examples
The predators were silent, watching their lunch parade by them.
There are larger predators and weaker prey.
Predators sometimes pretend to be other kids.
In the wild, predators killed the weak so that there would be more for the strong.
If the men around her were predators, the man who entered next was their alpha.
There are predators out there looking to harm.
In the wild, cats climb trees as a way to protect themselves from predators.
Everyone wants to keep elementary students safe from online predators.
The mass dive helps to confuse predators who may be lurking nearby.
All would be vulnerable to mammalian predators (Ryan & Glass, 2001 ).
AdvertisementIn the wild, the safest time to give birth is during the night when many other predators are sleeping, and this remains the case with most domesticated cats today.
When cats are in the wild, they perch themselves in trees or higher places where predators are less likely to reach them.
For many predators, the ultimate goal is to gain your trust so they can actually meet with you in person, away from your parents or anyone that could protect you.
There again, it's hard to say whether they die from natural causes or attacks by predators.
He found it laughable that the living invented so many myths to create a false sense of security regarding the dark predators.
AdvertisementInevitably, predators such as aquatic beetles fly in and lay their eggs.
It is worth pointing out that virus infected crucifers are not tasty items and they are avoided by most animal predators including humans.
The vast flocks of wildfowl include handsome Smew, and this natural bounty attracts predators such as White-tailed, Lesser Spotted and Golden Eagles.
Can you imagine how much krill is taken daily by these higher predators?
Unfortunately, he has no time to mull this over, as the action quickly shifts to fighting off any number of predators, including the Crusade, that would love to make Theo a quick snack.
AdvertisementJust because you have to beware of predators on the Internet doesn't mean you can't ever communicate with others your age on the Internet; you just have to be safe about it.
A common question used by online predators.
She didn't know these men, but her instincts told her they were 100 percent predators.
He was a pacifist, though, and viewed his position on the Council as balancing out the outwardly aggressive predators.
Shipped to Arkansas for reintroduction, they had sustained injuries that made them vulnerable to predators.
AdvertisementHe admired the graceful predators and often tracked them when he wanted to escape Landis.
These creatures are fully armored and have very few predators.
Feral cats and larger predators sometimes feral cats and larger predators sometimes feral or other people's pet cats can be a nuisance.
Anyone fishing for specimen carp or predators must have a large unhooking mat and large landing net.
They can be important predators of insect pests, such as aphids, scale insects and bark beetle larvae.
They are voracious predators which the water vole has not evolved to cope with.
I to heavy armor protected it from the most ferocious predators.
They have many predators including weasels, stoats, foxes, cats, owls, hawks, crows and even pheasants.
The young leave the nest after weaning when they are at their most vulnerable to predators such as birds of prey and desert foxes.
Dog whimpers at door.) SCENE 5 (MULDER in hotel room with amazingly fast laptop looking at pages of predators.
The chameleon's ability tocamouflageitself allows it to adapt to new environments and hide from predators.
In today's environment, parents may find it comforting to have their child wear a watch that can keep track of his or her whereabouts and as a protection against predators.
They are pure predators, and their diet in the home must mimic what they eat in the wild in order for them to be healthy.
Most large predators could never accomplish the climb up a rickety tree, but cats are naturally strong and agile.
Predators tend to mark their territory with vocal and olfactory means as a way of saying that this area is taken.
Chickens can be escape artists and even in urban areas, there can be animal predators to be aware of, so you want to invest in a quality coop.
Finally, the eye-catching stripes designed to confuse predators, making them unable to distinguish one animal from the next, would add the right balance of contrast and design to an eclectic style room.
There are too many aspiring models out there falling prey to predators simply because they did not do their homework.
On the subject of predators and scammers, there are plenty of them, and it is important to recognize the red flags within this industry.
MySpace has received some negative publicity, mainly due to online predators targeting underage girls.
Child predators, stalkers, and those who try old fashioned ways to get personal information still run rampant on the Internet and probably will for years to come.
Teenage chat rooms are popular clubhouses for youth, which unfortunately attract many predators.
Just because you have to beware of predators on the Internet doesn't mean you can't ever communicate online with others your age; you just have to be safe about it.
If you are chatting about a favorite hang out, it might lure predators there.
Safe chat for teens isn't all about avoiding potential sexual predators and protecting your personal information.
Predators are everywhere, and they are just waiting for a naive teen to divulge this information.
Predators are people that are looking for any sign of weakness so they can victimize someone for their own gain.
Online chat rooms and social networking sites, such as MySpace, provide easy access for online predators to find unsuspecting kids.
The official FBI website offers tips on how to keep kids safe online, as well as warning signs of online predators.
There are many predators online and making modeling images public can cause one of the predators to target you.
As with any online activity, it is important to keep your identity and location a secret so that online predators or identity thieves do not get a hold of your information.
Braga has also appeared in the movies Repo Men and Predators.
It features a large picture of the Imperials walking around in search of predators on a colorful background.
A mother dog and her puppies are never as vulnerable to the elements and predators as they are during the birth process.
Attract and protect aphid predators such as ladybugs, lacewings, assassin bugs, praying mantis, adult wasps, spiders and chickadees.
She anchors the sacs to one side of her resting place near the center of her web to protect them from ants and other possible predators.
Spiders, according to Colorado State University, are considered the most important terrestrial predators.
Often just a blast of the water hose will knock pests to the ground where they will be eaten by predators.
Predators eating their way through the garden make it easy to see why the idea of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and insecticides became so popular.
Natural Predators - Another option is to introduce natural predators into the garden.
Breeders sell ladybugs and praying mantis as natural bug predators.
Instead, you will be using compost, mulch, companion planting, and beneficial predators to keep your garden at its best.
Organic growers use natural predators, mulching, and other methods to control pests and enrich the soil.
One would expect due to media reports that online predators were making more headway than cyber bullies were in online harassment.
Talking with your children about online predators and bullies is very important, and your first line of defense.
If you are going to be using this resource, you need to learn how to avoid Internet predators and other pitfalls that may affect your online activities in a negative way.
Internet predators may try to befriend a young person by pretending to be someone closer to his or her age, and teens should be cautioned about revealing personal information online.
Sell the eggs to purchase eggs of new creatures, fend off predators, and rake in all those profits so that you can move back into the royal palace at the top of the hill.
In classic Darwin fashion, it's survival of the fittest as you explore colorful aquatic environments, chomping on fish smaller than you while avoiding the predators larger than you.
Feeding Frenzy 2 is a cool underwater adventure game that charges you with the task to survive the ocean depths, avoiding predators while eating your way up the food chain.
You want to eat, reproduce, and thrive, while avoiding predators and other threats.
However, since the popularity of Xbox Live has skyrocketed this feature into a bustling online community, Internet predators have also grown in number.
Perhaps this maxim was inspired by the stag bounding away from his predators.
The hunters are permitted to take an unlimited number of wild hogs and other predators from the hunt.
With few predators, elk populations rose tremendously, until by the time wolves were reintroduced in 1995, there were as many as 35,000 elk in the park during the summer.
Cyber predators who meet young people in Internet chat rooms and convince them to leave home to meet or live with them constitutes a relatively new, but growing, problem.
Nearby exhibits include sheep crabs and deep-reef predators.
Inspired by the skin of some of the ocean's fastest and most dangerous predators, suits designed in this material will help you slice through the water with ease.
She has been active in work that helps prevent teen pregnancy, and she started a campaign in 2007 aimed at protecting children from online predators.
Obviously, a smart girl and her parents will act immediately if there seems to be some suspicious contact, but online predators know a lot of tricks too so it's best to give them as little as possible to work with.
Predators and pornographers have always taken advantage of the huge numbers of pretty girls who want to be models.
These vampires strive to fit in along the edges of society and curb their instinct as predators to mingle with the general population.
Since vampires are predators, they are portrayed as having elongated canine teeth known as fangs.
Also, even innocent pictures can be a draw for sexual predators.
Sexual predators are a very real danger online.
These rooms are tempting places for child molesters and sexual predators.
Sexual predators use the site as a major hunting ground for children and teens, most often portraying themselves as kids and obtaining a user's trust and subsequently that user's personal information.
According to Romance Scammers dot com, a site devoted to debunking Russian and Nigerian romance scammers, these Internet predators offer you the image of a wholesome, honest person who would be perfect as a business or life partner.
Ask around in online writers' forums and check sites like Predators and Editors to see if the freelance site might be listed there.
Predators and Editors has a sample query letter describing a novel idea.
Even more frightening is the existence of pedophiles and predators online.
Predators can become a 12-year-old girl or a 16-year-old boy with a few keystrokes.
Some predators invite their young friends out to meet them, still posing as kids.
Still other predators use their covert information to stalk the kids.
MySpace has become a hunting ground for sexual predators.
Online sexual predators are very adept at searching out sites that cater to kids, and these often include gaming sites.
These predators often make contact with kids through chat rooms and/or e-mail and often under the pretense of being kids themselves.
Even though many adults enjoy these toys as much as kids do, you won't need to worry about your little one encountering predators online while they are here.
This is doubtless a product of apocryphal stories of shipwrecked sailors being saved from sharks and other predators by dolphins.
Eagles range in size from small, pigeon-sized birds to predators large enough to carry off deer and monkeys.
This tends to confuse predators and scare them away before they have a chance to attack and eat the butterflies.
The human body evolved in the presence of stress, whether it be fighting off predators or struggling to find food.
The Lightbringers, as agents of creation, are virtually helpless in the face of psychic predators.
Lightbringers are at risk because the marked aural glow they exhibit is tempting for any number of psychic predators, for whom the Lightbringers are tasty little morsels.
It is also possible for child predators to glean a great deal of information from the things that students post online.
Find out more from the Women's Health article, Online Privacy Predators.
Sometimes seemingly innocent posts such as birthday wishes or awards can become tools for predators to track down children to victimize.
These glands secrete a weak poison which may deter some predators.
This pungent odor would normally serve to deter potentially, predators.
Small bodied species, like roe deer, may evade predators more by concealment.
Investigate their social lives and how they defended themselves against those fearsome predators.
The vast majority of arachnids are carnivorous, active predators.
Moorish Idols change to a darker color at night, to reduce their chances of being spotted by nocturnal predators.
There is some evidence that they are quite heavily predated by spiders and other generalist predators.
This is partly because of the presence of Cornish hedges and hedge bottoms which provide a habitat for natural aphid predators such as ladybirds.
The Predators gave humans knowledge and taught them how to construct pyramids.
Crocodiles and large pythons are the Nile monitors main predators, other than man.
A major plot revelation is that the Predators were once worshiped as gods by early human civilisations.
The conservation agencies have major concerns over the risks to top predators from exposure to second generation rodenticides.
We then move south to the more open, acacia savanna, with more grazing mammals and a greater chance of seeing predators.
One of the main predators are dog whelks which can be common on beaches with mussel beds.
The chameleon's ability to camouflage itself allows it toadaptto new environments and hide from predators.
Middle school kids are especially vulnerable to online predators.
She forced her face to remain emotionless, her form still enough not to draw attention, like a wounded animal trying not to distract the hungry predators fighting over it.
Research is being done on the possibility of introducing European insect predators in order to control the growing invasion.
Mice and voles also find cover here, attracting predators including stoats, foxes and birds of prey.
From his cold features to his controlled, efficient movement, to the low, commanding tone, there was no doubt he belonged in the predators' wing of the zoo.