Precondition Sentence Examples
God sets no preconditions here, not even the precondition of repentance.
Yet such a desire seems to be a precondition of the highest kind of creative originality.
The first precondition for the development of acute otitis media is exposure to an organism capable of causing the infection.
A task's precondition is examined when, and only when, its scheduling constraints are met.
Hence, morality and patriotism cannot be meaningfully contrasted as distinct strands of normative thinking; patriotism cannot be meaningfully contrasted as distinct strands of normative thinking; patriotism is the precondition of moral functioning.
Consequently, mass media as the site where ideas and interests can be freely presented and discussed, become a precondition for civil society.
Each action has a precondition stating the BMI range value that allows that action to run.
The kind of work the UKAEA is doing in clearing up the legacy of the past will be an essential precondition.
Certainly the participation of most of the revolutionary left in a united campaign has been an important precondition of success.
The description of the previous tranquillity may be exaggerated, though it is clear that the Jews, like the other inhabitants of Palestine, must have been left very much to themselves; but the enmity between the adherents of Simon and the pious Jews, who supported and venerated Onias, seems to be a necessary precondition of the state of affairs soon to be revealed.