Precision Sentence Examples
He made a precision cut through the meat.
These excerpts, however, have been so pieced together, that it is often impossible to separate them with precision, and to distinguish accurately between earlier and later elements.
The velocity of light (q.v.) has been measured with all the precision necessary for the purpose.
Quinn worked on increasing the precision of time and location but it remained about the same; anything longer than a couple of days was a problem.
After a few repetitions of the reversal, the process becomes strictly cyclic, the upward and downward curves always following with precision the paths indicated in the figure.
They would begin to sing almost with as much precision as a clock, within five minutes of a particular time, referred to the setting of the sun, every evening.
The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn cut off with surprising precision (the latter somewhat less so) the tropical from the north and south temperate zones..
On these occasions the actual parallax would be six times greater than that of the sun, and could therefore be measured with much greater precision than in the case of any other planet.
His recent discovery of the " fixed lines " allowed a precision of observation previously impossible.
Lana listened, chilled at the coldness and precision of his directions.
AdvertisementThis false precision can have had no practical value, but may have enforced habits of minute observation.
By these, and other instruments of precision, such as the thermometer, of which we have already spok en, the eminently scientific discipline of the measurement of functional movements, so difficult in the complex science of biology, has been cultivated.
With grammatical precision, antiquarian learning and critical discernment Origen combines the allegorical method of interpretation - the logical corollary of his conception of the inspiration of the Scriptures.
But as he was unacquainted with the law of the velocities of running water as depending upon the depth of the orifice, the want of precision which appears in his results is not surprising.
This degree of precision is far beyond any we 1 Mon.
AdvertisementThe second chapter of that book sets forth the various forms of the doctrine with admirable lucidity and precision, and gives many references to other writers.
Brown is the first investigator to determine the theoretical motions with this degree of precision; and he finds that there is no such divergence between the actual and the computed motion.
Precision, which was at first unattainable for want of an epoch, was afterwards no less unattainable from the multiplicity, and sometimes the variation, of epochs.
A great part of his theoretical work consists in resurveying things supposed superficially to be already known, and elaborating their theory into precision and completeness.
Here no such precision can be attained.
AdvertisementHowever that may be, they are known to be used in the folding of the wings; and their importance as weapons of defence is attested by the precision and effect with which they are wielded against assailants like ants.
For shallow water greater precision and certainty are obtained by using a lever actuated by a weight slipped down the line to cause the reversal, as in the patterns of Rung, Mill and others.
It had been supposed that, with the greatly improved telescopes of modern times, contact observations could be made with much greater precision than in 1761 and 1769, yet, for some reason which it is not easy to explain completely, the modern observations were but little better than the older ones.
Starting from these men arose a school of physicians who endeavoured to give to the study of symptoms the same precision as belonged to anatomical observations, and by the combination of both methods made a new era in clinical medicine.
A second epoch comparable to that of the " Challenger " and resulting like it in a leap forward in the precision of the methods previously employed was marked by the institution in 1901 of the International Council for the Study of the Sea.
AdvertisementIn all the cases which have yet arisen in astronomy the extraneous forces are so small compared with the gravitation of the central body that the orbit is approximately an ellipse, and the preliminary computations, as well as all determinations in which a high degree of precision is not necessary, are made on the hypothesis of elliptic orbits.
The first led him into a teleological system so minute and overstrained as to defeat its own end; the second was successfully attained by giving greater precision and certainty to medical and surgical practice in difficult cases.
Even in the practical sphere, however, Fichte found that the contradiction, insoluble to cognition, was not completely suppressed, and he was thus driven to the higher view, which is explicitly stated in the later writings though not, it must be confessed, with the precision and scientific clearness of the Wissenschaftslehre.
He maneuvered each turn with precision.
Meaning in general the "king's court," it is difficult to define the curia regis with precision, but it is important and interesting because it is the germ from which the higher courts of law, the privy council and the cabinet, have sprung.
Jacques was the first outcome of the journey to Italy, and in precision and splendour of style it marks a distinct progress.
On the other hand, they are constantly impressed by his power of reasoning both deductively and inductively, by the subtlety and fertility of invention with which he applies analogies, by the clearness and keenness of his observation, by the fulness of matter with which his mind is stored, and by the consecutive force, the precision and distinctness of his style, when employed in the processes of scientific exposition.
Experience has shown that there is little that can be advantageously changed to improve this instrument either in convenience or precision of working.
Benjamin Franklin in 1775 and Charles Blagden in 1781, by means of numerous observations of temperature made on board the packets plying on the Atlantic passage, determined the boundaries of these two currents and their seasonal variations with considerable precision.
It is impossible to speak with any precision of the number of the native population, but the white population' in 1906 was 149.
Nevertheless it passed out of use, because incapable of any great precision.
The Babylonians and Assyrians were probably the first to construct and employ a fixed chronological standard; and the numerous contract-tablets, and list of kings and yearly officials, discovered within recent years, afford striking evidence of the precision with which they noted chronological details.
We see in both the same general principles of arrangement, which indeed belong to all Benedictine monasteries, enabling us to determine with precision the disposition of the various buildings, when little more than fragments of the walls exist.
Other top of the line features include one touch radio station setting, two independent alarms, nap or sleep timer and precision radio circuitry.
Whether you require precision timekeeping or simply want to take part in the nuclear age, an atomic clock may meet your needs.
In consequence of it, the values formerly found were systematically too small by an amount which even now it is difficult to estimate with precision.
Its weak point is that the apparent motion of the node depends partly upon the motion of the ecliptic, which cannot be determined with equal precision.
The times at which crises were to be expected were naturally looked for with anxiety; and it was a cardinal point in the Hippocratic system to foretell them with precision.
The method employed by Maclaurin has been thought not sufficiently rigorous; and that of John Bernoulli is, in the opinion of Lagrange, defective in clearness and precision.
On the loth, covered by Kaulbars, who held off Nogi, and by strong rearguards at and east of Mukden, the movement continued, and though it was not executed with entire precision, and the rearguards suffered very heavily, the Russians managed to draw off in safety to the northward.
As will be seen later, modern experiments have confirmed the entire absence of any effect, such as convection would produce, to very high precision.
It has in fact been found, with the very great precision of which optical experiment is capable, that all terrestrial optical phenomenareflexion, refraction, polarization linear and circular, diffraction - are entirely unaffected by the direction of the earth's motion, while the same result has recently been extended to electrostatic forces; and this is our main experimental clue.
Prior to the establishment of the monarchy the conditions for securing an exact and consecutive chronology did not exist; the dates in the earlier period of the history, though apparently in many cases precise, being in fact added long after the events described, and often (as will appear below) resting upon an artificial basis, so that the precision is in reality illusory.
The balance of internal evidence - copyists being more likely to accentuate than to diminish the precision of a note of time - inclines, like the balance of external evidence, against the article.
Exactly what modifications were first made in the system under which each month began by simple observation of the new moon we do not know, and opinions are not agreed as to the historical value of the rabbinical traditions; but probably the first step in the direction of astronomical precision would be the rule that no month could consist of less than twenty-nine or more than thirty days - to which appears to have been added, but at what date is uncertain, the further rule that Adar, the month preceding Nisan, was always to be limited to twentynine.
Clarke, Charles Schuchert and others have re-entered the study of the Palaeozoic geography of the North American continent with work of astonishing precision.
Ehrenberg included the Rotifers in his Infusionsthiere, and described and figured with fair precision many of the genera and species.
This claim cannot easily be stated in language of precision; it is indicated rather than formulated in the last of the five points specially submitted by the treaty.
In the first place as regards style, though the Stagirite pupil Aristotle could never rival his Attic master in literary form, yet he did a signal service to philosophy in gradually passing from the vague generalities of the dialogue to the scientific precision of the didactic treatise.
This error diminishes as the diameter of the stem is reduced, but is sensible in the case of the thinnest stem which can be employed, and is the chief source of error in the employment of Nicholson's hydrometer, which otherwise would be an instrument of extreme delicacy and precision.
Clouds, mountains, landscapes, towers, churches, trees, flowers and herbs were drawn with wonderful precision, minuteness of detail and delicacy of hand, solely to recall some specific aspect of nature or art, of which he wished to retain a record.
On the important question of the purity of elections it is difficult to speak with precision.
There is a school of industrial art (engraving and enamelling watch cases) and a school of watch-making (including instruction in the manufacture of chronometers and other scientific instruments of precision).
Rutherfurd's photographs of the Pleiades in 1866 entitle him to rank as a pioneer in the use of the camera as an instrument of precision; and he secured at Cordoba 1400 negatives of southern starclusters, the reduction of which occupied the closing years of his life.
With Locke, Hume professes to regard this problem as virtually covered or answered by the fundamental psychological theorem; but the superior clearness of his reply enables us to mark with perfect precision the nature of the difficulty inherent in the attempt to regard the two as identical.
With regard, then, to the first problem, the formal element in knowledge, Hume has to consider several questions, distinct in nature and hardly discriminated by him with sufficient precision.
Working on these lines, and attaching special importance to common descent, naturalists applied the term with more and more precision, until Linnaeus, in his Philosophia botanica, gave the aphorism, "species tot sunt diversae, quot diversae formae ab initio sunt creatae" - "just so many species are to be reckoned as there were forms created at the beginning."
The comparison between the increase of population and food had not, perhaps, been stated with sufficient force and precision," and "few inquiries had been made into the various modes by which the level" between population and the means of subsistence "is effected."
His chief aim in writing was plainness and intelligibility, but his want of order and logical precision thwarted his purpose.
But they did justice to the acuteness of his observations on morals and manners, to the constant precision and frequent brilliancy of his language, to the weighty and magnificent eloquence of many serious passages, and to the solemn yet pleasing humour of some of the lighter papers.
His Elements of Political Economy, which was intended only as a textbook of the subject, shows all the author's precision and lucidity.
Many of the auroral lines seen in any single aurora are exceedingly faint, so that even their relative positions are difficult to settle with high precision.
Jung invented or gave precision to many technical terms which Ray and others at once made use of in their descriptions, and which are now classical; and his notions of what constitutes a specific distinction and what characters are valueless as such seem to have been adopted with little change by Ray.
The importation or possession of arms of precision is forbidden, except by permits in conformity with the Brussels Act, and in further application of that act the importation of spirits for sale to natives is wholly prohibited.
But the honor of inaugurating an epoch marked by greater precision belongs to Germany.
The typical Coptic root thus became biliteral rather than triliteral, and the verb, by means of periphrases, developed tenses of remarkable precision.
Here the anatomy has reached its limits for such work; the precision of the muscles on the inner and outer sides of the leg, of the uniform grip in the left arm, and the tense muscle upholding the right arm, prove that the artist knew that part of his work perfectly.
Since Ewald no one had written Danish lyrical verse so exquisitely as Schack von Staffeldt, and the depth and scientific precision of his thought won him a title which he has preserved, of being the first philosophic poet of Denmark.
This last contains much valuable information, but the references in footnotes are often wanting in precision, and it has no index.
Nothing can exceed the fulness and variety of invention, or the searching force and precision of detail in this picture; nor does it leave so much to desire as several of the master's other paintings in point of colour-harmony and pleasurable general effect.
The old trade-route from Cappadocia to Sinope, which had passed out of use centuries before the time of Strabo (pp. 540, 546), fixes this centre with precision.
The last great assault was delivered with more precision, if with less fury than the others, and had Dannenberg chosen to employ the 9000 bayonets of his reserve, who stood idle throughout the day, to support the 6000 half-spent troops who made the attack, it would probably have been successful.
In his appeal to the Nobility of the German Nation he had stated with severe precision the causes of social discontent.
Great advances have been made in the utilization of this property as a result of the growth of the precision grinding-machines, which are able to correct the inaccuracies of hardened work as effectually as those of soft materials.
The third and last of Akbar's characteristic measures were those connected with religious innovation, about which it is difficult to speak with precision.
The base plate rests upon levelling screws which permit the adjustment of the polar axis to be made with great precision.
The instrument is thus a theodolite, although, compared with its other dimensions, feeble as an apparatus for the measurement of absolute altitudes and azimuths, although capable of determining these co-ordinates with considerable precision.
Also it is impossible to make levels that are in every respect perfect, nor even to determine these errors for different lengths of bubble and at different readings with the highest precision.
The method of lagging the calorimeter with cotton-wool or other non-conductors, which is often recommended, diminishes the loss of heat considerably, but renders it very uncertain and variable, and should never be used in work of precision.
The earlier forms of ice-calorimeter, those of Black, and of Laplace and Lavoisier, were useless for work of precision, on account of the impossibility of accurately estimating the quantity of water left adhering to the ice in each case.
The photographic method, however, now appears to yield results of equal precision, and is likely to be used very largely in the future.
Old catalogues of precision are accordingly of great importance.
The advance was carried out with precision; the Russians were quickly dislodged, and Ney was now closing upon the rear of Blucher's corps at the village of Preititz.
Hence in the case of dead languages or past forms of living languages, it is often very difficult to define with precision what the sounds of the past epoch were.
But the history of the alphabet shows that at no time has it represented any European language with much precision, because it was an importation adapted in a somewhat rough and ready fashion to represent sounds different from those which it represented outside Europe.
In his later work, on St Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen (1895), Ramsay's views gain both in precision and in breadth.
The style is wearisome and prolix, attaining to precision at the expense of circumlocution, and setting forth the smallest particulars with the same distinctness as the main features of the narrative.
On assuming the directorship of the Nautical Almanac he became very strongly impressed with the diversity existing in the values of the elements and constants of astronomy adopted by different astronomers, and the injurious effect which it exercised on the precision and symmetry of much astronomical work.
In details of execution and harmonic combinations they illustrate the precision, logic, lucidity and cheerful spirit of the national genius.
The precision of his earlier work is evidenced by his Micrometric Measurements of the Elementary Parts of Man and Animals (Leipzig, 1834).
This was the principle of utility, or, as he subsequently expressed it with more precision, the doctrine that the only test of goodness of moral precepts or legislative enactments is their tendency to promote the greatest possible happiness of the greatest possible number."
His chief interest is that he sought to give precision to the use of words.
Oliver Heaviside after 1880 rendered much assistance by reducing Maxwell's mathematical analysis to more compact form and by introducing greater precision into terminology (see his Electrical Papers, 1892).
There is required in the process not merely a preliminary critical induction, but a subsequent experimental comparison, verification or proof, the canons of which can be laid down with precision.
Something of the imposing unity of his work was also, no doubt, due to an extraordinary power of memory, which enabled Millet to paint (like Horace Vernet) without a model; he could recall with precision the smallest details of attitudes or gestures which he proposed to represent.
On the other hand, he is full of cumbrous repetition, he lacks precision in argument and is prone to digression, his quotations from Scripture are often inappropriate, and he is greatly influenced by Jewish exegesis.
The return march of Nadir to Persia is not recorded with precision.
The graceful precision and dignified familiarity of the epistle are particularly attractive to the temperament of France.
One is also often tempted away from the main course of the argument by the care and precision with which Butler formulates small points of detail.
The very perfection and precision of this method constantly tempted the later Stoics to abuse it for the systematic depreciation of the objects analysed.
The arrangement of the subject-matter, while pretending to much precision, is often far from logical.
In the r3th century this undeveloped stage has passed, and a fine, but still restrained, quality of engraving ensues, which, like all the allied arts of that century, charms with its simple and unpretending precision.
Modern astronomy of precision is essentially Bessel's creation.
The teaching of history, during the three to four thousand years of which contemporary chronicles have been preserved, is that civilization is gradually developed in the course of ages by enlargement and increased precision of knowledge, invention and improvement of arts, and the progression of social and political habits and institutions towards general well-being.
His pervading characteristic, therefore, is that of an eloquent vagueness, very stimulating and touching at times, but as deficient in coercive force of matter as it is in lasting precision and elegance of form.
In drawing from life he had early found the way to unite precision with freedom and fire - the subtlest accuracy of expressive definition with vital movement and rhythm of line - as no draughtsman had been able to unite them before.
Nevertheless, in its dimmed and blackened state, the portrait casts an irresistible spell alike by subtlety of expression, by refinement and precision of drawing, and by the romantic invention of its background.
The stipulations of the treaty, though deficient in precision (the Walachians, for instance, had no authentic record of the privileges enjoyed under Mahomet IV.), formed the basis of future liberties in both principalities; but for the moment all reforms were postponed.
Such filters are not, and in the nature of things cannot be, worked with the precision and continuity of a laboratory experiment.
Therefore for balances of precision the end knife-edges are fixed on the top of the beam so as to present a continuous unbroken knife-edge, and the fulcrum knife-edge is also made continuous, the beam being cored out or cut away to admit of the introduction of the stand bearing.
With balances of the highest precision it may be as high as 17 - 6 - 6 4, 0 o th of the load weighed, while with trade balances when new it would be about 2000 t h of the load.
His Hebrew Syntax has the same admirable clearness, precision and teaching quality.
He would find, in theory at least, that he possessed a weapon of matchless power and precision.
The truth is that neither Locke, on the one hand, nor the intellectualists of the 17th century, on the other, expressed their meaning with enough of precision; if they had, Locke's argument would probably have taken a form less open to the charge of mere empiricism.
A notion so vague could not possibly be used with any precision for determining the subordinate rules of morality; but in fact Cumberland does not attempt this; his supreme principle is designed not to rectify, but merely to support and systematize, common morality.
Accordingly his treatment of external rights and duties, though decidedly inferior in methodical clearness and precision, does not differ in principle from that of Paley or Bentham, except that he lays greater stress on the immediate conduciveness of actions to the happiness of individuals, and more often refers in a merely supplementary or restrictive way to their tendencies in respect of general happiness.
The precision with which the path of an eclipse is laid down years in advance cannot but imbue the minds of men with a high sense of the perfection reached by astronomical theories; and the discovery, by purely mathematical processes, of the changes which the orbits and motions of the planets are to undergo through future ages is more impressive the more fully one apprehends the nature of the problem.
Even this degree of precision may be impracticable in the more complex cases.
This is one of the most troublesome problems in astronomy because, owing to the ever varying density of the atmosphere, arising from differences of temperature, and owing to the impossibility of determining the temperature with entire precision at any other point than that occupied by the observer, the amount of refraction must always be more or less uncertain.
He further introduced, in 1821, the method of duplicate observations by direct vision and by reflection, and by these means obtained results of very high precision.
Only one " catalogue of precision " - Nevil Maskelyne's of 36 fundamental stars - was available in 1800.
A high degree of precision in measurement thus became attainable, and has since been fully attained.
The fine atmosphere of the Lick observatory was well adapted to this work, and a complete photographic map of the moon on a large scale was prepared which exceeded in precision of detail any before produced.
Although the precision of the mathematical solution has been placed beyond serious doubt, the problem of completely reconciling this solution with the observed motions of the moon is not yet completely solved.
In the hands of Hipparchus the theory was brought to a degree of precision which is really marvellous when we compare it either with other branches of physical science in that age or with the views of contemporary non-scientific writers.
Though naturally knowing nothing of the modern idea of a progressive revelation, his judiciousness, penetration, and tact in eliciting his author's meaning, his precision, condensation, and concinnity as an expositor, the accuracy of his learning, the closeness of his reasoning, and the elegance of his style, all unite to confer a high value on his exegetical works.
Demosthenes urges that such an enterprise would at present be useless; that it would fail to unite Greece; that the energies of the city should be reserved for a real emergency; but that, before the city can successfully cope with any war, there must be a better organization of resources, and, first of all, a reform of the navy, which he outlines with characteristic lucidity and precision.
In precision and fulness of detail the Ymagines are inferior to the chronicles of the so-called Benedict and of Hoveden.
The first action was fought at Brown's Ferry in the Wauhatchie valley, where Hooker executed with complete precision a plan for the revictualling of Chattanooga, established himself near Wauhatchie on the 28th, and repulsed a determined attack on the same night.
We find Newton's theorem, that "action and reaction are equal and opposite," stated with approximate precision in his treatise Della scienza meccanica, which contains the substance of lectures delivered during his professorship at Padua; and the same principle is involved in the axiom enunciated in the third of his mechanical dialogues, that "the propensity of a body to fall is equal to the least resistance which suffices to support it."
Owing to the softness of the outline, it is not possible to fix the position of the axis with precision; but, so far as observations have been made, it is found that it lies near the ecliptic, though deviating from it by a quite sensible amount.
When the fluctuation in the position of the pole was fully confirmed, its importance in astronomy and geodesy led the International Geodetic Association to establish a series of stations round the globe, as nearly as possible on the same parallel of latitude, for the purpose of observing the fluctuation with a greater degree of precision than could be attained by the miscellaneous observations before available.
In all probability Kant gave some attention to this work, though no special reference to it occurs in his writings, and it may have assisted to give additional precision to his doctrine.
The position assigned to logic by Kant is not, in all probability, one which can be defended; indeed, it is hard to see how Kant himself, in consistency with the critical doctrine of knowledge, could have retained many of the older logical theorems, but the precision with which the position was stated, and the sharpness with which logic was marked off from cognate philosophic disciplines, prepared the way for the more thoughtful treatment of the whole question.
There was no need for precision regarding the time.
The height of Knight's Peak is not given by the OS, so the SMC measured it with a " precision altimeter " .
Clock signals in Transporter are handled not as ones and zeroes, but as precision analog signals.
Mean velocity measurements were taken by using a precision constant temperature linearized hot-wire anemometer designed for low speed water flows.
It is possible to scroll the display to the right to generate essentially arbitrary precision in the result.
Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic is provided by some implementations of the language.
Everything I've said here can be understood in terms of the polarity of precision and meaning discussed in the previous article.
Up front the three forward worked tirelessly and with more precision in front of goal could have had a bagful.
Cutting head runs on precision ball bearings for smooth operation.
Inexplicably, but as on so many precision bench lathes, the tailstock barrel carried an inadequate a No. 1 Morse taper.
These two features operate independently, i.e. it's possible to have a high precision bevel but low Object Quality, and vice-versa.
The measurements of the guage boson properties enables the Standard Model of particle physics to be tested to incredibly high precision.
It has bags of attack and precision to the notes, and yet it's not brash or harsh.
Discipline, precision and concentration are key elements; sheer brio isn't enough on its own.
The Optional OPTIX colorimeter X-Rite's precision colorimeter is designed to simulate the human eye.
The amount this differs from the baseline provided by the precision compass is plotted.
She holds her skirt with her hand as she dances, with stately precision, after the manner of the grandes dames.
The PRM says " Use of this expanded format allows conversion from extended precision to packed decimal and back again without loss of accuracy.
There's no point drafting convoluted legalese to be sure of precision if people then ca n't disentangle the meaning.
I can also vouch for the skill of the Flight's pilots, who display the aircraft with seemingly effortless precision.
The blades are precision machine ground and the assembly is finished with an attractive blue stove enamel.
The company is a subcontract precision engineering company with premises on the Carlyon Road Industrial Estate that has been trading for 27 years.
Thus the smallest and largest normal positive double-precision IEEE numbers are and, and the machine epsilon for double precision is.
The precision value specifies the number of fraction digits in the result. | Pops three values and computes a modular exponentiation.
Then it's about to face to unleash the fury, done with really impressive technical precision combined with a truly ferocious speed.
His stated objective was to prove to the Government that qualified precision fitters could be turned out in 6 months.
Classical music requires a high degree of precision and skill before it rises above sounding grim.
Precision Acoustics are funding the development of a fiber optic hydrophone.
In places the lack of precision in the use of terms and concepts makes the book impenetrable.
Also, since all operations are performed with finite precision, the results are of limited precision and necessarily inexact.
We are low-volume manufacturers of heavy-duty, precision instrumentation products - we mill, turn & weld.
There's no point drafting convoluted legalese to be sure of precision if people then can't disentangle the meaning.
There he became an expert machinist noted for his dedication to unequaled precision.
In the early 1990's, I was working as a precision machinist and toolmaker for a manufacturing firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bakan brings a degree of precision without identifying individual malefactors.
The astrometric precision will also enable proper motion studies, and accurate comparisions of oh masers with methanol, water and other species.
This requires rather fancy technology and very, very high precision measurement using what's now become known as interferometer.
The RSG is ideally suited for calibrating image analyzer systems and can be used as a high precision stage micrometer.
Moreover few European pilots have flight experience with precision guided munitions.
However, squadrons of aircraft armed with precision munitions would serve the same purposes more cheaply.
He refers to his own oeuvre as his " stuff " while speaking in slow sentences of remarkable precision and grace.
Overall, the Precision is also lighter, and provides better toe spring, thanks to its more cushioned blown rubber outsole.
It is nearly 20 years since Bill Bryson first penned his deliciously witty paean to precision Troublesome Words.
The term Grid computing has joined the august pantheon of IT terms which are banded about without much precision.
The injustice of this still piques me, because I'd planned the whole thing with military precision.
For extreme precision, the resistance element is made of platinum and the RTD known as a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT ).
An aural attack of widely varied ingredients that come together with pinpoint precision.
Numerical values can be integer, real, or double precision.
He didn't just kill them, he mutilated them, extracting certain organs with surgical precision.
Playfully agile, it has unmatched precision in the corners while maintaining absolute track stability.
The range for x can be further extended by using quadruple precision for the input x and related variables (see LONG WRITE-UP ).
Two theories cannot be compared with absolute precision by reference to data.
It's also that the campaign is being coordinated globally with an unprecedented precision.
The idea of being able to engineer biocompatible materials with nanometre scale precision is an important and attractive idea.
Steering precision is a particularly important requirement on a sports motorcycle.
The GPS guided 155-mm artillery projectile will hit with high precision even at ranges beyond 50 km.
The degree of precision is going to remain questionable for some time I think.
All metal CNC machined alloy swashplate with precision radial bearing and hard chromed PTFE lined center swivel ball.
The output radix must be at least 2. The precision must be zero or greater.
N. Mtetwa and L.S. Smith, Precision constrained stochastic resonance in a feedforward neural network.
This comparison verifies the steep rise of the gluon density at low x with a precision of @ 15-20% .
It has a high speed and precision auto focus, a depth of field preview button and four frames per second continuous shooting.
He uses high-resolution solid-state detectors to make precision measurements on the gamma rays emitted by radioactive nuclei.
It offers all the tools you need to handle paperwork, including a stapler, precision hole punch and much more.
Full-text subscriptions Precision Agriculture Search / Browse methods You can browse the list of journals by title or subject.
Mills dropped funky, minimal and and darker techno which was mixed with military precision.
Berger Tools Ltd formed in 1977, is a respected supplier and distributor of high quality precision tooling components and machine tool standard parts.
Phoenix Tooling and Development is a well established and privately owned precision press toolmaker.
Good holding torque stops the focusing lens group with precision without overshoot.
Barden's high precision bearings are also having a major impact in the rapidly developing automotive aftermarket for ball bearing turbochargers.
Editing & Mixing Digital Performer is simply unrivaled in the area of editing precision.
To be sure, the contemporary precision weaponry was not available in the existing quantities during the Gulf War.
The V Class range of sports yachts combines the advantages of the Princess flybridge motor yacht, with a precision engineered high speed design.
All values must be given to the correct precision, including trailing zeros.
It is difficult to fix the period with precision, as the judge (or duke) Gozbert is not known through other sources.
It seems also to take a very clean V cut, as the webs can be laid in their furrows with an astonishing ease and precision.
Under such powers the webs can be brought into apparent contact with such precision and delicacy that the uncertainty of measurement seems to lie as much in the estimation of the fraction of the division of the head as in the accuracy of the contact.
Vogel of Potsdam introduced the method of photographing stellar and terrestrial spectra on the same plate, and in this way obtained an immense advance in the ease and precision of observation.
Pytheas, a navigator of the Phocean colony of Massilia (Marseilles), determined the latitude of that port with considerable precision by the somewhat clumsy method of ascertaining the length of the longest day, and when, about 330 B.C., he set out on exploration to the northward in search of the lands whence came gold, tin and amber, he followed this system of ascertaining his position from time to time.
Trained as he had been to the study of marbles and the severity of the antique, and openly avowing that he considered the antique superior to nature as being more eclectic in form, he now and always affected precision of outline, dignity of idea and of figure, and he thus tended towards rigidity, and to an austere wholeness rather than gracious sensitiveness of expression.
In 1894, however, Sir Patrick Manson, arguing with greater precision by analogy from his own discovery of the cause of filariasis and the part played by mosquitoes, suggested that the malarial parasite had a similar intermediate host outside the human body, and that a suctorial insect, which would probably be found to be a particular mosquito, was required for its development.
He thus learned early to grapple with difficulties and to accustom himself to the necessity of precision in argument and expression.
The manorial accounts were kept with precision and detail, and we are told that a skilled official could estimate to the utmost farthing the value of the services due from the villein to his lord.
In addition to the doubt thrown on this result by the discrepancy between various determinations of the constant of aberration, it is sometimes doubted whether the latter constant necessarily expresses with entire precision the ratio of the velocity of the earth to the velocity of light.
Struve (Description de l'Observatoire ' Central de Pulkowa, pp. 196, 197) adds a few remarks to Steinheil's description, in which he states that the images have not all desirable precision - a fault perhaps inevitable in all micrometers with divided lenses, and which is probably in this case aggravated by the fact that the rays falling upon the divided lens have considerable convergence.
The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers.
For the study of Zeeman effects (see Magneto-Optics) the echelon seems specially adapted, while the great pliability of 'Fabry and Perot's methods, allowing a clear interpretation of results, is likely to secure them permanently an established place in measurements of precision.
Barcelona thus comprises an old town, still consisting for the most part of irregular and narrow streets, and a new town built with all the symmetry and precision of a premeditated scheme.
On the other hand, in the case of the obdurate, he showed a relentless precision, which gained for him his evil name, ` The Bloody Clavers,' the commissioned servant of the powers of darkness."
This led to his invention of the micrometer and his application of telescopic sights to astronomical instruments of precision (see Micrometer).
Similarly, though not with equal precision, the last wave of influenza was shown to have started from central Asia in the spring of 1889, to have travelled through Europe from east to west, to have been carried thence across the sea to America and the Antipodes, until it eventually invaded every inhabited part of the globe (see Influenza).
Single proofs of type, stereotype, electrotype or blocks of any description can often be struck off without making-ready with fairly good results, but if precision of " colour " (that is, inking) and uniformity of impression throughout a volume are desired, it is necessary to put the forme, whether type or blocks or both, into a proper condition before starting the printing of an edition, whatever its number.
The farm of today already has tractors that use GPS to make perfectly parallel rows with great precision.
Berg always spoke quietly, politely, and with great precision.
This should be used on systems where complex numbers are not available in quadruple precision.
The remarkably quick AF response time, especially in the 1-point high speed AF mode, achieves outstanding focusing with both speed and precision.
Finally, the surface of the mirror is given a precision reflective coating.
This comparison verifies the steep rise of the gluon density at low x with a precision of @ 15-20 %.
Precision Cutting Mechanism High shredding performance and a self-feeding facility are guaranteed thanks to the obtuse precision cutting mechanism, with accurate counter blades.
The blue train sped with the precision of a skein of geese in flight.
I am always excited by the prospects of the interaction between the precision of my designs and the spontaneity of the fire.
Synchronized skating was previously called ' precision skating '.
Precision timing, the work was done and all that was left was to eat, drink and be merry.
This must be by far the most ingenious piece of precision engineering in any tin-plate toy in current production.
Barden 's high precision bearings are also having a major impact in the rapidly developing automotive aftermarket for ball bearing turbochargers.
Alloy washout base features precision bored brass sleeve for a smooth and long lasting slide action.
The paring knife is much smaller, and is used to peel and to make small, precision cuts.
Bearing in mind that badminton is largely a precision game, the size of the grip should not be too large nor too small.
Your computer may already be able to automatically update its system time based on information pulled from the Internet, but even standalone alarm clocks can have this level of up-to-the-moment accuracy and precision.
The date and time are automatically synchronized with the time broadcast by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, so you can be sure you are getting split-second precision and accuracy.
The precision of the balance and ability of the cat's light limber body to absorb the impact often means that a cat can land unscathed, even from a height of three stories.
The most important aspect remains paying careful attention to the instructions a mediator provides and filling out the forms and documentation with precision and attention to detail.
Bobbi's innovative eyeliner offers the precision of liquid liner and the ease of a gel-based formula.
When applying cosmetics and other precision facial care, an 8x lighted makeup mirror can be indispensable for a variety of reasons.
Some of the lighting choices mimic natural daylight, which is the best light to judge the color and precision of makeup application.
For many women, however, the precision lighting many cosmetic mirrors provide is a coveted companion to the powers of magnification.
Gel liners also work well and give the precision of a liquid liner without the mess.
This loose powder is quick and simple to apply with flawless precision.
As a splash, Rain is lighter and can be worn with a bit less precision than Marc Jacob's regular perfumes.
The stain is designed with a precision applicator tip to make applying easier.
As mentioned, I don't rely on the included applicators; instead, I use a selection of high quality eye makeup brushes, which pick up just the right amount of color and allow me greater precision and control of where my makeup is applied.
It allows for precision application for those perfect Kat eyes.
The foolproof formula provides the precision of a liquid eyeliner, minus the smudge factor in a versatile dark chocolate shade.
It also boasts ease of use and a wealth of quality features such as vertical shutter release, smart capture, HD performance for photos and video, 0.2 second click-to-capture speed, and precision manual controls.
Companies such as Precision Camera are staffed with employees who are trained to repair Sony cameras to manufacturer specifications.
Canon added a larger baseline sensor for enhanced precision in the camera's center-point autofocus capabilities.
The combination of precision nine-point autofocus and 63 zone metering also provides consistent digital photographs across a wide variety of light conditions.
This increases precision in focusing and decreases flaws in the final image.
Precision is crucial, since mistakes usually can not be corrected.
Experts like Andrea Kay insist that some jobs "will be less demanding, have less responsibility, or will demand less in terms of precision or stamina" but won't be stress-free.
In the end, entertainment won over precision, and Emmitt and Cheryl danced their way to victory in November 2006.
They were the first precision drill team in the world.
The tabs can tell you roughly where the notes fall in the beat of the song, but lack the precision of sheet music.
You need to make sure you can take it slow and easy so you minimize mistakes and complete every step with precision.
Dual fuel cooking - Combining the precision of electric heat and the instant heat of gas, dual fuel ranges are available from a variety of manufacturers in a variety of different styles.
Amber lenses have one of the highest levels of contrast, which is good for activities when precision is important.
If you have ever participated in a cycling race, you understand the importance of precision and speed.
Take a look at how to find an eyeglass laboratory and purchase your precision eyewear for less.
Additionally, the Trestle features precision flex hinges for the utmost in comfort.
Their mineral crown glass lenses are precision ground, scratch resistant and allow natural light to pass through while providing maximum UV protection.
Have some more fun with this unique puzzle game that takes advantage of the precision offered by Sony's motion-sensing control scheme.
Entering them takes a lot of time and a lot of precision.
Game Maker 6.1 is currently available which includes better tools for precision special effects.
Running, precision passing, and other on-field maneuvers require the use of the analog stick and this is good and bad.
The other premiere new feature is an overhauled passing game thanks to the additions of the QB Vision Cone and the Precision Passing System.
You have to earn Kudos which are based on your skill, style, and precision on the circuits.
I kept my speed up and turned corners with precision.
When you play hunting games online, you will find realistic looking first-person shooter type titles to goofy simple cartoon versions that are more for basic fun than strategy and improving your precision shots.
It picked up the range of motions nicely and registered each step and movement with precision.
There are rumors that Wii Sports may be bundled in with the Wii machine at launch in an attempt to help people adjust to the "intuitive" motion-sensitive controller, its incredibly intricacy and precision.
This new peripheral attaches to the bottom portion of a regular Wii Remote and it is meant to provide greater accuracy and precision with the motion-based gameplay.
Our fantastic winemaking team, led by Steve Leveque, uses precision wine making techniques that include wild yeast fermentation and micro block blending.
The innovative trackpad replaces the trackball of old for greater precision and reliability.
This provides greater precision, but it is not as "finger-friendly" as its capacitive counterpart.
By contrast, a resistive touchscreen is one that offers greater precision (usually with the tip of a pen or a stylus), but is not as responsive to fingertips.
Firstborns often choose professions that require precision, such as careers in science, medicine, law, engineering, computer science, or accounting.
Coordination-The ability to do activities with precision and proficiency.
Although cases have also been reported worldwide, the exact incidence is unclear because of a lack of diagnostic precision.
They can flap their wings between 15-80 times per second, enabling them to not only fly backwards but to hover and maneuver with incredible precision.
Conversely, the party atmosphere is also ideal for loose movements that belie the precision required to accomplish them.
In this routine done to a Madonna medley, the precision required for a dance team to wow the audience is well illustrated.
Shawn Johnson is a seasoned gymnast, no stranger to physical movement, athletic precision, and a touch of grace to go along with the talent.
All of their dancing features the precision that is required for a large group of dancers to be able to all dance on one stage and look like only one dancer is onstage.
Indeed, their precision, timing, and uniformity are enough to make corps de ballet dancers jealous.
Older generations are impressed with the dancing skills and the precision of the chorus line, while younger audiences are pulled in by the fun and surprise surrounding the Christmas elements of the show.
In videos of the Rockettes Christmas show, you can see the precision of the dancers, the beautiful costumes, and the impressive scenery and lighting.
Judged on choreography, showmanship, precision, technique and overall merit, entrants to the Prestige Dance Competition will enjoy watching the other groups and soloists as much as competing themselves.
This classic musical dance number features showgirl-style dancing with a precision that can't be beat.
A short number with a rapid beat, this chorus dance wows with its precision, bright colors, and high kicks.
Blunt tips can grip more than one hair at a time, while angled tips provide greater precision for delicate areas.
From the accident in the mirror trimming your bangs to the random precision of a professional haircut, choppy hairstyles are just plain hip.
If you want to keep your look softer and go longer in between stylist visits, you'll want to avoid sharp linear and precision cuts and instead opt for a softer, blended shape.
Precision is key with every bob hairstyle.
This one is not difficult to make, but it does require precision folds.
The thickness is ideal and the edges are precision cut into a square.
Each fold leads itself to the next one, which in turn requires careful alignment and precision.
They are relatively simple to make and require less precision than many other origami animals and bird figures made with paper.
Learning the principles of centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow will help you during your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.
Acupressure requires a great deal of precision and accuracy in order to be successful.
A San Francisco laser dentist can provide precision dental treatment with minimal pain and recovery time.
Using lasers in dental procedures provides a level of precision that can't be achieved with conventional dental procedures.
The procedures for lasers currently center on the laser's precision in removing gum materials from the mouth and the laser's effectiveness in killing bacteria.
Because it's digital, it has precision settings allowing you to make your toast exactly how you like it without the guesswork.
Series 7 razors utilize Pulsonic technology, sensitive flexing heads, precision comfort blades, a power comb, three stage cutting system, and their Clean and Renew system.
Series 3 razors feature a triple action free float system, Smart Foil, the Clean and Renew system, a precision setting switch, long hair trimmer, and come in silver, gray, and black.
The product is a sleek all-in-one solution, delivering the same temperature precision as commercial equipment, but at a much lower price - bringing sous vide to home chefs everywhere!
For example, the Smooth and Silky Epilator with Moisturizing Comfort Technology and Precision Detail Head can leave you hair free for up to six weeks.
The smiles and taps of the precision dance troupe, combined with incredible light shows and amazing sets, cast a festive spell over a live audience of more than two million throughout North America every year.
Markert thought that it would be a spectacular sight to see precision American dancers that were "taller, with really long legs, doing complicated tap routines and high kicks."
From the randomness of ChatRoulette to the precision of Match, the options are almost endless.
The precision and expertise of the cut affects the stone's sparkle and interior fire.
Precision is key for this type of setting.
Various colors are available, and the watches are Swiss-made for ultimate precision and quality.
While every diamond, no matter what its color, is graded on its carat weight, clarity, and cut precision, the fourth C - color - is naturally the most significant when evaluating colored stones.
Cut diamonds are particularly fragile and easily damaged because much of the stone's beauty and value is related to the precision and perfection of the cut.
Because of the precision necessary to create invisible settings, each ring must be fashioned for specific stones and cannot easily be adjusted for alterations or upgrades.
Since a puzzle ring requires absolute precision to fit together, the durability of the materials used is a very important consideration.
From funky shapes to contemporary design, Zenith continues to merge precision engineering with the latest aesthetic trends.
Swatch watches are known as a trendy watch worn by upper and middle class suburbanites, but the Swatch collectibles are also popular with the crowd that just loves watches with precision and lots of style.