Precisely Sentence Examples
The time, of day however, was precisely known.
You know, that's precisely why I don't want you up in the hills alone.
She uses words precisely and makes easy, fluent sentences.
She didn't want to, but Jessi showed up precisely at eight the next morning.
Just as it is impossible to say when it was decided to abandon Moscow, so it is impossible to say precisely when, or by whom, it was decided to move to Tarutino.
Precisely what was arranged is unknown.
But it is evident that precisely what the deaf child needs to be taught is what other children learn before they go to school at all.
It is precisely in Saul's time that the account of the Judaean monarchy, or perhaps of the monarchy from the Judaean standpoint, now begins.
The belt of folding does not precisely coincide with this central sea, but the correspondence is fairly close.
Most men would feel shame if caught preparing with their own hands precisely such a dinner, whether of animal or vegetable food, as is every day prepared for them by others.
AdvertisementPrecisely. Many a man has tried to break through those walls, but you are the first to succeed.
We cannot, therefore, call it precisely synonymous with theism.
More precisely, we will probably teach machines to teach themselves how to process it for us and surface findings to us.
It should always be specially noted whether the fungi to be consumed are in a fresh and wholesome condition, otherwise they act as a poison in precisely the same way as does any other semi-putrid vegetable.
It was precisely at this time that Flanders, and gradually the other feudal states of the Netherlands, by marriage, purchase, treachery or force, fell under the dominion of the house of Burgundy.
AdvertisementLeo, his favourite and most intimate disciple, and that the Legenda 3 Soc. is what it claims to be - the handiwork of Leo and the two other most intimate companions of Francis, compiled in 1246; these are the most authentic and the only true accounts, Thomas of Celano's Lives being written precisely in opposition to them, in the interests of the majority of the order that favoured mitigations of the Rule especially in regard to poverty.
This was precisely the reason why Ivan IV.
It is unknown precisely how the Roman word came into use, though an explanation of the earlier official title, magister populi, throws some light on the subject.
The meeting was held and ten months later Bourne was expelled by the Burslem Quarterly Meeting, ostensibly for non-attendance at class (he had been away from home, evangelizing), really, as the Wesleyan superintendent told him "because you have a tendency to set up other than the ordinary worship" which was precisely the reason why, fifty years earlier, the Anglican Church had declined to sanction the methods of John Wesley.
It may be well therefore to remember that precisely these laws apply to a secondary wave of sound, which can be investigated upon the strictest mechanical principles.
AdvertisementThe Divan seemed intent on restoring the old system of government in its entirety, but in 1783 the Russian representative extracted from the sultan a decree (hattisherif) defining more precisely the liberties of the principalities and fixing the amount of the annual tribute - for Walachia 619 purses exclusive of various "presents" amounting to 130,000 piasters, and for Moldavia 1 3 5 purses and further gifts to the extent of 115,000 piasters.
Why do precisely these objects which we behold make a world?
Although no two children reach these milestones at precisely the same age, a significant lag may indicate the need for assessment of auditory discrimination and/or other components central auditory processing.
If a curve is detected, one or more x rays will usually be taken to define the curve or curves more precisely.
In everyday life, people have a general understanding that some people are "smart," but when they try to define "smart" precisely, they often have difficulty because a person can be gifted in one area and average or below in another.
AdvertisementNo matter how conscientious the sitter, she or he will not care for the child in precisely the same way as a parent, and it is unreasonable to expect a carbon-copy parent.
A critical part of diagnosis is distinguishing these different meanings and allowing the patient to describe the problem as precisely as possible.
As of 2004 it was not precisely understood why or how these various disorders lead to uncontrolled intravascular coagulation.
Birth defects often have no precisely identified cause; therefore, prevention is limited to general measures such as early and continuous prenatal care, appropriate nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.
It is not known precisely what causes the abnormal growth of fibrous tissue in congenital adhesions.
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SVID) is not precisely an immunoglobulin deficiency, but a combined deficiency resulting from a T-cell disorder.
It is very important that the doctor know precisely how old the fetus is when the test is performed, because the AFP level changes over the length of the pregnancy.
It is very important that the doctor know precisely how old the fetus is when the test is performed, because the AFP level considered normal changes over the length of the pregnancy.
Mild, moderate, and severe classifications for PEM have not been precisely defined, but patients who lose 10-20 percent of their body weight without trying may have moderate PEM.
Amniocentesis is a more invasive test that carries a higher risk of complications than blood tests or ultrasonography, but is able to determine more precisely the presence of certain birth defects.
The creators used motion-capture technology to precisely replicate his fast footwork.
If you are a die-hard fan that wants to get everything precisely right, then you can buy their official teaching DVD.
Most importantly, don't forget to have fun; when competition is only about winning, the joy of dancing is often lost, and it's precisely for this joy that many people dance.
Simply seeking advice will not improve your hair, but using professionals' recommendations and following their guidelines precisely will help improve your hair's health, let you craft the perfect coif, and keep your style looking fabulous.
To create a new brow shape, first determine where precisely your brow should begin, arch, and end.
Refer to the manual for specific directions, but generally you will need to clean trimmers thoroughly after each use, removing any clipped hair and using a small cleaning brush to clean more precisely.
Pur coloring products must be precisely measured and proportioned properly for the best results, making them very difficult for novices to use.
This means that a visitor to Europe, for instance, will be able to pick up a product and recognize precisely what the ingredients are, regardless of language.
Competition for positions with the company is fierce, and failing to follow instructions precisely will mean that an individual's application will not be considered.
Watch a video to see precisely how each crease is made.
That means that, if a woman takes the pill regularly and follows the directions precisely, she has less than a one in 100 chance of becoming pregnant each year.
While charting these dates, it is also a good idea to chart your temperature if you want to precisely chart your fertility since a rise in body temperature is one of the signs of ovulation.
We know that this can be difficult to do, especially when the doorbell or telephone rings unexpectedly, but it is precisely times like these when you need to be most vigilant.
Another advantage to paying off your mortgage early is that it is less risky than investing; even financial experts can never precisely predict when the market will change.
In the other country precisely the opposite conditions exist.
When he had thoroughly meditated every sentence, he sat down to write, and then, such was the grip of his memory, the exact order of his thoughts came back to him as if without an effort, and he wrote down precisely what he had intended to write, without the aid of a note or a memorandum, and without check or pause.
One by one the details are being precisely determined, and the question may now almost be said to be settled.
The G- string is literally a piece of string that does a laughingly poor job of covering up anything - precisely why many love it.
Sling swimsuits may be shocking because of their sparse fabric, but that's precisely the reason why so many love this style.
Once you've narrowed it down, you can begin dressing precisely for the most flattering styles for your shape.
Though it was not precisely tuxedos that models sported as they strode the catwalks, their garments were close enough.
Air filters have become popular household appliances precisely because they can help fight against these triggers for asthma and allergy symptoms.
You'll need to know exactly what is required during billing, cancellations, and precisely what the company policy is regarding your email address and information.
Before signing a contract or making payment, the couple should have a written guarantee about the ring's design specifications and the possibility of alterations if the finished project is not precisely how they had envisioned.
To preserve diamond anniversary rings for many additional years, it is important to care for them as precisely as for an engagement ring.
Prices range from less than $50 to several thousand dollars depending on the stones' size and quality, as well as how precisely the two separate earrings match.
When shopping for a ring, keep in mind that sizing for this style can be a challenge since the diamonds fit together precisely.
In 1984, Michael Beaudry became a certified diamond cutter and spent the next ten years learning the details of how to precisely fashion an individual gem for maximum brilliance and beauty.
In that case, the company will take commissions to design an engagement ring that precisely matches a couple's tastes and preferences.
These designs replicate the filigree patterns and antique accents of older rings but use modern manufacturing techniques to create rings more quickly and precisely.
However, if the diamond clutter does not cut precisely cut the proportion that is needed to create the most brilliance in the stone, there is often a dark area in the center of the diamond.
Many couples wonder precisely what is an engagement party and whether a party is necessary to celebrate their betrothal.
All bags will state precisely which style and size laptop it will accommodate, so there is little room for error.
These animal signs function precisely in the order they are listed and cycle in such a fashion throughout the endless twelve year cycles of the Chinese Zodiac.
That said, Aries is correct in retaining his special warrior spirit; it's precisely that spirit that makes Aries so intriguing to others.
Ironically, children seem to have an innate magnet for sharing precisely when they are not supposed to.
But that reality is precisely what you need to know.
That's precisely why so many players turn to Tanel softball cleats.
There is nothing classic or no-fuss about the Edelman lineup; on the contrary, these shoes are memorable precisely for their extreme attention to detail.
Don't give up until you've found precisely the right script for you.
The photo safari used to be precisely that, a chance to get close to animals and take their photos in the wild.
Instead of blindly reserving a hotel, travelers can know precisely what a specific hotel offers - and if it's rated even one star from Mobil, be assured that their minimum needs are met.
A pavé is a precious stone set so precisely that none of the metal setting is visible.
Note that it can be difficult when putting the cover back on to get precisely the right fit.
The essence of Kripalu is to stop striving for things, and just bask in how things are precisely at this moment.
Teach the routine slowly so that everyone gets the new moves precisely.
Read the directions on the container and follow them precisely.
South Beach conjures up images of beautiful people in revealing bathing suits, tanned and with rippling muscles, which coincidentally or not, is precisely how many people would like to appear!
South Beach conjures up images of beautiful people in skimpy bathing suits, tanned and with rippling muscles, which coincidentally or not, is precisely how many of us would like to appear!
These meals and snacks must be precisely planned according to the guidelines Cruise outlines in his book.
The more accurate information the insurer has to base a policy on, the more precisely the coverage will fit your needs and the less likely your claim will be denied.
If you are looking for a quality undergarment that is precisely sized, Wacoal bras are worth the cost.
That's precisely what makes it such a great gift to yourself or a loved one.
You can see the various types of badges on the Scouting website, but the placement of the various insignia is spelled out more precisely on the Insignia Guide.
Frontpage is the WYSIWYG design tool of choice for millions of designers precisely because it can be easy enough for a a beginner to use and also allow the more advanced designers to tweak things like CSS and other web 2.0 technologies.
The vibrations corresponding to the two parts are precisely antagonistic, since if both were operative the resultant would be zero.
The proportions are precisely those now universally accepted in the system called "just intonation."
In later years this complaint was precisely that of the Uitlanders at Johannesburg.
The tunica was precisely like the Greek chiton; that of the senator had two broad stripes of purple (latus clavus) down the centre, that of the knight two narrow stripes (angustus clavus).
It would appear, too, from the Aethiopis of Archinus (quoted by Welcker and Haser) that the duties of these two were not precisely the same.
The movement of reform started, of necessity, with scholars rather than practising physicians - more precisely with a group of learned men, whom we may be permitted, for the sake of a name, to call the medical humanists, equally enthusiastic in the cause of letters and of medicine.
In diabetes this organ seems to play a part which is not yet precisely determined; and one fell disease at least has been traced to a violent access of inflammation of this organ, caused perhaps by entry of foreign matters into its duct.
His death occurred prematurely on the 27th of August 1898, when he was killed, together with one son and two daughters, by an accident the nature of which was never precisely ascertained, while climbing the Petite Dent de Veisivi, above Evolena.
So you should indicate precisely, what parts of your site are restricted in use — because the 1911 text as such (whether on paper or in electronic form) is free, and anyone may use it for any purpose, without any conditions.
Glass containing gold behaves in almost precisely the same way, but the ruby glass is less crimson than copper ruby glass.
This is decorated with circles of rosettes of blue, green and red enamel, each surrounded by lines of gold; within the circles are little figures evidently suggested by antique originals, and precisely like similar figures found on carved ivory boxes of Byzantine origin dating from the II th or 12th century.
When recommendations are made about liming land it is necessary to indicate more precisely than is usually done which of the three classes of material named above - chalk, quicklime or slaked lime - is intended.
Akhdar is wonderful and is in striking contrast to the barrenness of so much of the coast; water issues in perennial springs from many rocky clefts, and is carefully husbanded by the ingenuity of the people; underground channels, known here as faluj, precisely similar to the kanat or karez of Persia and Afghanistan, are also largely used.
The general conclusion from everything we see is that a mass of matter in Australia attracts a mass in London precisely as it would if the earth were not interposed between the two masses.
The design is generally framed at the outset with a ribbon of thin metal, precisely after the manner of ordinary cloisonn ware.
We find a precisely analogous effect in optics which justifies the term " electrical image."
Whatever this increased illumination may be, it can be precisely imitated by removing the mirror and placing a second lighted candle at the place occupied by the optical image of the first candle in the mirror, that is, as far behind the plane as the first candle was in front.
It was thence that Jacob, the father of the tribes of Israel, came and the route to Shechem and Bethel is precisely the same in both.
The appearance of the houses is precisely that of Swiss chalets, picturesque and comfortable - the only drawback being a want of chimneys, which the Bhutias do not know how to construct.
Even conservative students of the Bible urge that its historical passages must be viewed precisely in the light of any other historical writings of antiquity; and the fact that the oldest Hebrew manuscript dates only from the 8th century A.D., and therefore of necessity brings to us the message of antiquity through the fallible medium of many generations of copyists, is far more clearly kept in mind than it formerly was.
It is true that the cases are not very numerous where precisely the same event is described from opposite points of view, but, speaking in general terms rather than of specific incidents, we are already able to subject considerable portions of history to this test.
It is not, however, precisely known how they distributed their months of thirty and twenty-nine days, or, as they termed them, great and small moons.
It might not be easy to formulate precisely the doctrines for which he died, and certainly some of them, as, for example, that regarding the church, were such as many Protestants even would regard as unguarded and difficult to harmonize with the maintenance of external church order; but his is undoubtedly the honour of having been the chief intermediary in handing on from Wycliffe to Luther the torch which kindled the Reformation, and of having been one of the bravest of the martyrs who have died in the cause of honesty and freedom, of progress and of growth towards the light.
This was the state of opinion when the celebrated arguments against the possibility of motion, of which that of Achilles and the tortoise is a specimen, were propounded by Zeno, and such, apparently, continued to be the state of opinion till Aristotle pointed out that time is divisible without limit, in precisely the same sense that space is.
True it was precisely against this that Descartes' immediate successors struggled.
It was by asking precisely these questions that Hegel gave the finishing strokes to the Kantian philosophy.
But philosophical critics of his own and a later day are not hereby absolved from a certain perversity in interpreting these doctrines in a sense precisely opposite to that in which they were intended.
Whatever the shortcomings of individual writers may be, modern idealism differs, as we have seen, from the arrested idealism of Berkeley precisely in the point on which dualism insists.
A cause is that which contains the effect (" causa aequat effectum "), but this is precisely what can never be proved with respect to anything that is claimed as a real cause in the concrete world.
It is impossible to decide precisely how far the state retained control over the cleruchs.
More precisely, it is a theory of what doctrine ought to be, or a deeper analysis of its nature; it is not a statement of what doctrine has been held to be in the past.
It would be difficult to define very precisely the difference in French between a "conference" and a "sermon"; and the same difficulty seems to have been experienced in Greek by Photius, who says of the eloquent pulpit orations of Chrysostom, that they were oµLAiac rather than Aoyoc.
But this is just what the despatch does not state verbally and precisely, and accordingly Grouchy, like Ney on the 16th and 17th, misread it.
This circumstance appeared so anomalous that some astronomers doubted whether the surviving lines were really due to calcium; but Sir William and Lady Huggins (née Margaret Lindsay Murray, who, after their marriage in 1875, actively assisted her husband) successfully demonstrated in the laboratory that calcium vapour, if at a sufficiently low pressure, gives under the influence of the electric discharge precisely these lines and no others.
In the school of Antioch the impropriety of the expression had long before been pointed out, by Theodore of Mopsuestia, among others, in terms precisely similar to those afterwards attributed to Nestorius.
The evidence for the existence of the luminiferous aether has accumulated as additional phenomena of light and other radiations have been discovered; and the properties of this medium, as deduced from the phenomena of light, have been found to be precisely those required to explain electromagnetic phenomena."
Moreover, this is precisely the condition for the absence of interference between the component of a split beam; because, the time of passage being to the first order fds/V f(udx+vdy+wdz)V2, the second term will then be independent of the path (43 being a single valued function) and therefore the same for the paths of both the interfering beams. If therefore the aether can be put into motion, we conclude (with Stokes) that such motion, in free space, must be of strictly irrotational type.
Hull published accounts of an exact and extensive research, in which the principle had been fully and precisely confirmed as regards both transparent and opaque bodies.
A very few articles (spirits, beer, wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa) yield practically all of the customs revenue, and, so far as these articles are produced within the country, they are subject to an excise duty, an internal tax precisely equal to the import duty.
In London, where rent, rates and taxes have all to be paid, precisely as if the gardens were a profit-distributing private institution, the annual expenditure under these headings amounts to about £ 2000.
To these letters he attaches numbers arranged on a principle showing the century to which the MS. belongs and defining its contents more precisely.
How long before this the Nativity should be placed the Gospel does not enable us to say precisely, but as Herod's decree of extermination included all infants up to two years of age, and as a sojourn of the Holy Family in Egypt of unknown length intervened between the massacre and Herod's death, it is clear that it is at least possible, so far as the evidence of this Gospel goes, that the birth of Christ preceded Herod's death by as much as two or three years.
It imposed no new taxation, and left matters precisely as they were.
The Rio Grande de Tarcoles rises close to the Ochomogo Pass and the sources of the Reventazon, at the base of Irazu; and the headwaters of these two streams indicate precisely the depression in the central plateau which severs the northern from the southern mountains.
Broadly speaking these methods of revelation are found in all ancient religions, but no other religion presents anything precisely analogous to prophecy.
This, too, is certain; the fight for precedence at Arthur's board may be paralleled by accounts of precisely similar quarrels in early Irish literature, e.g.
Neoplatonism thus represents a stage in the history of religion;' indeed this is precisely where its historical importance lies.
I having most willingly and gladly done the same, finde it to bee most exact and precisely conformable to my minde and the originall.
All the fossil plants and animals of every kind are brought from this continent into a great museum; the latitude, longitude and relative elevation of each specimen are precisely recorded; a corps of investigators, having the most exact and thorough training in zoology and botany, and gifted with imagination, will soon begin to restore the geographic and physiographic outlines of the continent, its fresh, brackish and salt-water confines, its seas, rivers and lakes, its forests, uplands, plains, meadows and swamps, also to a certain extent the cosmic relations of this continent, the amount and duration of its sunshine, as well as something of the chemical constitution of its atmosphere and the waters of its rivers and seas; they will trace the progressive changes which took place in the outlines of the continent and its surrounding oceans, following the invasion§ of the land by the sea and the re-emergence of the land and retreatal of the seashore; they will outline the shoals and deeps of its border seas, and trace the barriers which prevented intermingling of the inhabitants of the various provinces of the continent and the surrounding seas.
From these are given off at irregular intervals short lateral branches, each of which terminates in a flame-cell (f) precisely similar in structure to the flame-cells found in Planarians, Trematodes and Cestodes; here as there the question whether they are open to the body cavity or not must probably be answered in the negative.
The citrates act in precisely similar fashion, and may be substituted.
These then were probably written before Plato died in 3 47; and so probably were most of the dialogues, precisely because they were imitations of the dialogues of Plato.
It is far more probable that he was previously composing them at his leisure and in the vigour of manhood, precisely as his contemporary Demosthenes composed all his great speeches except the De Corona before he was fifty.
Thus he would enter in the Metaphysics a reference to the Physics, and in the Physics a reference to the Metaphysics, precisely because both were manuscripts in his library.
This difficulty may be met, as in Keene's hydrometer, by having all the weights of precisely the same volume but of different masses, and never using the instrument except with one of these weights attached.
In comparing the densities of different liquids, it is clear that this instrument is precisely equivalent to that of Fahrenheit, and must be employed in the same manner, weights being placed in the top scale only until the hydrometer sinks to the mark on the wire, when the specific gravity of the liquid will be proportional to the weight of the instrument together with the weights in the scale.
Precisely one hundred years later religious troubles gave the most effective impetus to the silk-trade of England, when the revocation of the edict of Nantes sent simultaneously to Switzerland, Germany and England a vast body of the most skilled artisans of France, who planted in these countries silkweaving colonies which are to this day the principal rivals of the French manufacturers.
His drawings, of which he produced an enormous quantity, were always intended by himself to be studies or memoranda of buildings or natural objects precisely as they appeared to his eye.
The end of this period is generally said to coincide with the loss of the French provinces to Philip Augustus, but literary and political history do not correspond quite so precisely, and the end of the first period would be more accurately denoted by the appearance of the history of 'William the Marshal in 1225 (published for the Societe de l'histoire de France, by Paul Meyer, 3 vols., 1891-1901).
It is precisely the reverse of the typical action of strychnine.
Now, Mach applies these preconceived opinions to " mechanics in its development," with the result that, though he shows much skill in mathematical mechanics, he misrepresents its development precisely at the critical point of the discovery of Newton's third law of motion.
The two bodies therefore do not penetrate one another, but begin by acting on one another with a force precisely sufficient, instead of penetrating one another, to cause them to form a joint mass with a common velocity.
Precisely like Fechner, he holds that there is a physical causality and energy and there is a psychical causality and energy, parallels which never meet.
The ardour he had displayed in securing the recognition of Innocent and defending him against his enemies, particularly the anti-pope Anacletus and the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, involved him in a course which was not precisely favourable to the imperial rights.
Precisely as if the Holy See were vacant, the cardinals began to act as the actual rulers of the Church, and issued formal invitations to a council to be opened at Pisa on the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25) 1409.
Precisely as to-day inventions are guarded by patents, and literary and artistic creations by the law of copyright, so, at that period, the papal bull and the protection of the Roman Church were an effective means for ensuring that a country should reap where she had sown and should maintain the territory she had discovered and conquered by arduous efforts; while other claimants, with predatory designs, were warned back by the ecclesiastical censorship. In the Vatican the memory of Alexander VI.
All over the world shearwaters seem to have precisely the same habits, laying their single purely white egg in a hole under ground.
The slowly accumulating data have not yet made it possible to determine precisely the probably varying relations of these various names.
The climate of Tibet varies so greatly over the enormous area and different altitudes of the country that no two travellers agree precisely in their records.
We do not know precisely how the eucharistic rite was adjusted to these sacrificial meals; but, in the canons of Sahak, r Cor.
This is precisely the number found from the velocity of sound in argon as determined by Kundt's method, and it leaves no room for any sensible energy of rotatory or vibrational motion.
The history of the Foraes of the Portuguese towns, and of the Fors du Beam, is precisely analogous to that of the fueros of Castile.
The results of this experiment with the baboon and of those with the birds are precisely what would be expected if the theory of mimicry is true.
And such bodies placed under the command of a sovereign or grand master, regulated by statutes, and enriched by ecclesiastical endowments would have been precisely what in after times such orders as the Garter in England, the Golden Fleece in Burgundy, the Annunziata in Savoy and the St Michael and Holy Ghost in France actually were.4 During the 14th and 15th centuries, as well as somewhat earlier and later, the general arrangements of a European army were always and everywhere pretty much the same.5 Under the sovereign the constable and the marshal g or marshals held the chief commands, their authority being partly joint and partly several.
Such were the sleeveless surplice, which was provided at the sides with holes to put the arms through; the surplice with slit-up arms or lappels (so-called "wings") instead of sleeves; the surplice of which not only the sleeves but the body of the garment itself were slit up the sides, precisely like the modern dalmatic; and, finally, a sort of surplice in the form of a bell-shaped mantle, with a hole for the head, which necessitated the arms being stuck out under the hem.
A precisely similar structure is seen in the Himalayas.
The result of working the Beurre Clairgeau upon the Aston Town was the production of fruits precisely intermediate in size, form, colour, speckling of rind and other characteristics.
Thus the seeds of Primula japonica, though sown under precisely similar conditions, yet come up at very irregular intervals of time.
The treatment is precisely like that of branch cuttings.
The subordinate characters are conceived with even more force and vividness; and the plot, which reflects precisely the struggles and aspirations of the period that immediately followed the Seven Years' War, is simply and naturally unfolded.
The experiment has been tried of rearing rare, wild, fur-bearing animals in captivity, and although climatic conditions and food have been precisely as in their natural environment, the fur has been poor in quality and bad in colour, totally unlike that taken from animals in the wild state.
The limits of Judaea were never very precisely defined and - especially on the northern frontier - varied from time to time.
On the other hand, the thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground, and the bulk of the stems of the forest trees are bluish brown and russet, thus closely resembling the decaying leaves in an European forest after heavy rain; while the whole effect is precisely similar to that produced by the russet head and body and the striped thighs and limbs of the okapi.
Notwithstanding the great development which he gave to his work and the almost unprecedented amount of discussion to which it gave rise, it remains a matter of some difficulty to discover what solid contribution he has made to our knowledge, nor is it easy to ascertain precisely what practical precepts, not already familiar, he founded on his theoretic principles.
In this simple case the temperature cycle at a depth x is a precisely similar curve of the same period, but with the amplitude reduced in the proportion rn ', and the phase retarded by the fraction mx/27r of a cycle.
During this journey, the duration of which cannot be precisely stated, Hobbes acquired some knowledge of French and Italian, and also made the important discovery that the scholastic philosophy which he had learned in Oxford was almost universally neglected in favour of the scientific and critical methods of Galileo, Kepler and Montaigne.
The mountain range that runs out towards the north-east of Sicily is composed of crystalline rocks precisely similar to those forming the parallel range of Aspromonte in Calabria, but both of these are girt about by sedimentary strata belonging in part to an early Tertiary epoch.
The most prosperous epoch of its commercial history began in the latter half of the 15th century, precisely at the period when its political power began to wane.
Tradition, of course, knows in this connexion no doubt, and looks upon the Fatiha precisely as the most exalted portion of the Koran.
But precisely the example of Ammon proves the hopelessness of any attempt to change .the time-honored religious creed; his priests identified him with the sun-god Re, whose cult-centre was thus merely transferred a few hundred miles to the South.
But what precisely is the nature of the central mass is still uncertain.
It is probable, therefore, that we have here a sharp alternation of generations, both generations being, however, precisely similar to the eye up to point of reproduction.
But it is difficult to apply such a term at all to those cases in which there intervene between the oospore and the next sexual stage a series of generations, the zoospores of which are all precisely similar.
The young Germanic and Romance nations did precisely as the Greek and Romans had done before them, and the m otives.
It is precisely this question of the "soul" that the unknown author takes up first, describing how Nagasena convinces the king that there is no such thing as the See Iti-vuttaka, p. 44; Samyutta, iii.
It was precisely as a help to memory that they were found so useful in the early Buddhist times, when the books were all learnt by heart, and had never as yet been written.
It is not known precisely when the mechanical device of the rosary was first used.
Precisely the same process in a converse sense develops the casual raids of early times into a scheme of conquest.
In this then consists the significant turn given by St Paul in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians to the whole conception, namely, in the substitution for the tyrant of the latter time who should persecute the Jewish people, of a pseudo-Messianic figure, who, establishing himself in the temple of God, should find credence and a following precisely among the Jews.
At their best they fulfilled precisely the technical purpose for which they were intended; they fully tested the capacity of the candidate to teach the subjects which he was required to teach in accordance with the methods which he was required to use.
The organization and conduct of examinations, in such a way that each candidate shall be treated in precisely the same way as every other candidate, is a complex matter, especially where several thousand candidates are concerned.
Besides the chief temple, the capital contained temples and chapels to Anu, Adad, Ishtar, Marduk, Gula, Sin, Shamash, so that we are to assume the existence of a sacred precinct in Assur precisely as in the religious centres of the south.
On the other hand, many of his ideas have passed into the common literary stock, and have been more precisely elaborated by later writers on sociology and history; and though his own work is now somewhat neglected, its influence was immensely valuable in provoking further research and speculation.
Opposition and criticism only served to define more precisely the adherents of the new doctrine.
Both in theory and practice it here seemed to supply precisely the counteractive to prevailing tendencies towards empiricism and individualism that was required.
More precisely, they may be considered as two groups, one of which, including Teneriffe, Grand Canary, Palma, Hierro and Gomera, consists of mountain peaks, isolated and rising directly from an ocean of great depth; while the other, comprising Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and six uninhabited islets, is based, on a single submarine plateau, of far less depth.
The history of these centuries is of fundamental importance in any attempt to " reconstruct " biblical history., The fall of Samaria and Judah was a literary as well as a political catastrophe, and precisely how much earlier material has been 6 Cf.
The weak chlorine gas from the Deacon apparatus travels precisely the opposite way, from the bottom upwards, the result being that finished bleachingpowder is continually discharged at the bottom and air free from chlorine leaves the apparatus at the top.
Precisely the same can be done in the electrolysis of potassium chloride.
As has been seen, it was just at this pe.iod that philosophy and art ceased to be available for educational purposes, and accordingly the literary sophists were popular precisely because they offered advanced teaching which was neither philosophical nor artistic. Their recognition of the demand and their attempt to satisfy it are no small claims to distinction.
He investigated the expansibility of gases by heat, determining the coefficient for air as 0.003665, and showed that, contrary to previous opinion, no two gases had precisely the same rate of expansion.
The wheel W is therefore mounted on a guided rod, which is forced upwards by suitable levers and weights, and this relief of pressure is precisely proportional to the pressure on the respective bearings.
The result is precisely what should be expected from the theory of the shape of the universe which has been set forth.
The Aristotelian theory of the universal of science as secure from dependence on its instances and the theory of linking in syllogism remain a heritage for all later logic, whether accepted in precisely Aristotle's formula or no.
So too when the reflection is made that scepticism is after all a medicine that purges out itself with the disease, the disciple of Pyrrho and Aenesidemus bows and says, Precisely!
The consideration that mere double negation leaves us precisely where we were and not upon a higher plane where the dominant concept is richer, is, of course, fatal only to certain verbal expressions of Hegel's intent.
Quaternions (as a mathematical method) is an extension, or improvement, of Cartesian geometry, in which the artifices of co-ordinate axes, &c., are got rid of, all directions in space being treated on precisely the same terms. It is therefore, except in some of its degraded forms, possessed of the perfect isotropy of Euclidian space.
In 1806 (the year of publication of Buee's paper) Jean Robert Argand published a pamphlet 2 in which precisely the same ideas are developed, but to a considerably greater extent.
Grassmann made in 1854 a somewhat savage onslaught on Cauchy and De St Venant, the former of whom had invented, while the latter had exemplified in application, the system of " clefs algebriques," which is almost precisely 1 Die Ausdehnungslehre, Leipsic, 1844; 2nd ed., vollstandig and in strenger Form bearbeitet, Berlin, 1862.1862.
Hence the illumination of the screen by the light passing through the hole is precisely what would be cut off by a disk which fits the hole, and the complement of fig.
So unpurposed does cult grow up that it combines many elements of diverse origin, and is seldom precisely and wholly in accordance with the creed.
In the Protestant Churches the process is precisely similar.
It is impossible to discover precisely what he conceived to be the relation of this unity to the plurality of phenomena.
It is clear, therefore, that the best alphabet would not long indicate very precisely the sounds which it was intended to represent.
The sign x was kept in the western group for the guttural spirant in E, which was written X*; but, as this spirant occurred nowhere else, the combination was often abbreviated, and X was used for X precisely as in the Italic alphabets we shall find that F =f develops out of a combination FH.
The symptoms of this disease, called maha murree or mahamari by the natives, were precisely those of oriental plague.
The argument appears in a more demonstrative form in the theory of similar systems, or (more precisely) of the similar motion of similar systems. Thus, considering the equations d2x u dix u1
Now, it was precisely in this part of India that mainly arose the body of literature which records the gradual rise of the Brahmanical hierarchy and the early development of the castesystem.
In person he was tall and rather thin; his dress was old-fashioned and singularly uniform, and was inclined to be shabby about the times when the precisely arranged visits of his tailor were due.
As soon as this first sheet has been levelled up it is fixed on to the cylinder to its exact position, so that it will register or correspond with the type when the press is running, and another trial sheet is struck off, which is treated precisely in the same manner, and is then fastened up on the cylinder on top of the first sheet.
Yet, precisely because he met the world so seldom in easy dialogue, he was unnecessarily dogmatic in controversy; and many a bottle of wine went to pay for lost wagers.
This propagandism, however, was void of all national character, and ran on precisely the same lines as the propagandism of the Syrian, Jewish and Egyptian cults.
Buddhism and Zoroastrianism have been wedded in the state religion, and, in characteristic rndian fashion, are on the best of terms with one another, precisely as, in the Chinese Empire at the present day, we find the most varied religions, side by side, and on an equal footing.
From this developed (as already under the Arsacids) that strict principle of legitimacy which is still vigorous in Firdousi It applies, however, to the whole royal house, precisely as in the Ottoman Empire of to-day.
It is a useful method, and is often very satisfactory, but it has the disadvantage that it admits of but little progress, and when a trusted empirical remedy fails we do not know precisely in what direction to look for a substitute.
These form precisely that branch of economics into which moral ideas (beyond the plain prescriptions of honesty) can scarcely be said to enter, and where the operation of purely mercantile principles is most immediate and invariable.
Some of the works, however, with which he has been credited (including the Theoria or Theorica planetarum, and the versions of Avicenna's Canon of Medicine - the basis of the numerous subsequent Latin editions of that well-known work - and of the Almansorius of Abu Bakr Razi) are probably due to a later Gerard, of the 13th century, also called Cremonensis but more precisely de Sabloneta (Sabbionetta).
For this the Stoics substituted four summa genera, all subordinate, so that each in turn is more precisely determined by the next.
In estimating the opsonic power of the serum in cases of disease a control with normal serum is made at the same time and under precisely the same conditions.
The contrast had angered the country, and the Articles of War had been amended precisely in order that there might be one law for all.
As the newer school did not venture so far as to claim as Bodhisats the disciples stated in the older books to have been the contemporaries of Gotama (they being precisely the persons known as Arahats), they attempted to give the appearance of age to the Bodhisat theory by representing the Buddha as being surrounded, not only by his human companions the Arahats, but also by fabulous beings, whom they represented as the Bodhisats existing at that time.
This framework consists of short notices of important events, wars, prodigies, consecration of temples, &c., all recorded with extreme brevity, precisely dated, and couched in a somewhat archaic style.
Pollock, "the conception is that mind is the one ultimate reality; not mind as we know it in the complex forms of conscious feeling and thought, but the simpler elements out of which thought and feeling are built up. The hypothetical ultimate element of mind, or atom of mind-stuff, precisely corresponds to the hypothetical atom of matter, being the ultimate fact of which the material atom is the phenomenon.
The dead natural wing and a properly constructed artificial wing act in precisely the same way.
If the wing was inelastic, every part of it would reverse at precisely the same moment, and its vibration would be characterized by pauses or dead points at the end of the down and up strokes which would be fatal to it as a flying organ.
It, moreover, twists and untwists during its action and describes figure-of-8 and waved tracks in space, precisely as the natural wing does.
A vertical movement having been communicated by means of india-rubber in a state of torsion to the roots of the wings, the wings themselves, in virtue of their elasticity, and because of the resistance experienced from the air, twisted and untwisted and formed reciprocating screws, precisely analogous to those originally described and figured by Pettigrew in 1867.
It has been suggested that transfusion-tracheids represent, in part at least, the centripetal xylem, which forms a distinctive feature of cycadean leaf-bundles; these short tracheids form conspicuous groups laterally attached to the veins in Cunninghamia, abundantly represented in a similar position in the leaves of Sequoia, and scattered through the so-called pericycle in Pinus, Picea, &c. It is of interest to note the occurrence of precisely similar elements in the mesophyll of Lepidodendron leaves.
The object attained by the air-lift is precisely the same as that attained by putting a pump some distance down a borehole; but instead of the head being reduced by means of the pump, it is reduced by mixing the water with air.
Precisely the same thing happens in the actual crust of the earth, except that, in the formations usually met with, the strata are so irregularly permeable that no such uniform percolation occurs, and most of the water, instead of oozing out near the sea-level, meets with obstructions which cause it to issue, sometimes below the sea-level and sometimes above it, in the form of concentrated springs.
Into such blocks, charged with salt crystals and thoroughly dried, fresh water was then passed, and precisely the converse process took place.
The cause of this choking of the pores is precisely the same as that described below in the case of sand filters.
The Glacial striae, and the dislocated rocks - moved a few inches or feet from their places, and others, at greater distances, turned over, and beginning to assume the sub-angular form of Glacial boulders - were found precisely as the glacier, receding from the bar, and giving place to the ancient lake, had left them, covered and preserved by sand and gravel washed from the terminal morain.
On the customer's side of the machine the weight of the goods is indicated on a pair of arcs by a separate index arm precisely in the same manner as on the seller's side.
This is precisely the way in which the Apostolical Constitutions and other kindred documents have come into being.
This fact is probably due partly to the actual intrusion of warm water from the Mascarene current east of Madagascar, and partly to the circumstance that the different temperatures of the waters are so compensated by their differences of salinity that they have almost precisely the same specific gravity in situ.
Similar remains have been met with in the caves of Wales, and in England as far north as Derbyshire (Cresswell), proving that over the whole of southern and middle England men, in precisely the same stage of rude civilization, hunted the rhinoceros, the mammoth and other extinct animals.
We do not make it; its character is precisely the opposite of individuality; it is universal and necessary.
He is absolute substance only in so far as he is absolute cause, and his essence lies precisely in his creative power.
Fot precisely the same reason all classes in England, save the more turbulent section of the baronage, remained faithful to the eldei king.
His teaching at Oxford in 1250-1257 fell precisely into the years of the worst misgovernance of Henry III.
Since Wydiffe was, above all things, the enemy of the political clergy of high estate, and since those clergy were precisely the leaders of the attack upon John of Gaunt, it came to pass that hatred of a common, foe drew the duke and the doctor together for a space.
Yet, however far he might go on the road to tyranny, Henry had sufficient cunning, versatility and power of cool reflection, to know precisely when he had reached the edge of the impossible.
In Danby (see LEEDS, 1ST DUKE oF) he found a minister whose views answered precisely to the views of the existing House of Commons.
Yet this was precisely what it threatened of cabinet to do.
The only cure for waywardness is responsibility, and not only was this precisely what the Commons had not learned to feel, but it was that which it was impossible to make them feel directly.
For them, the question was precisely that which Hampden had fought out in the case of ship-money.
It is obvious that we cannot by consideration of the equation u = o in point-co-ordinates obtain the remaining three of Pliicker's equations; they might be obtained in a precisely analogous manner by means of the equation v= o in line-co-ordinates,but they follow at once from the principle of duality, viz.
This was precisely the actual course on which speculation was entering in France at that moment.
It is one of the signs of Burke's singular and varied eminence that hardly any two people agree precisely which of his works to mark as the masterpiece.
The winter whitening of mammals is, therefore, precisely similar to the senile bleaching of human hair, no shift of the coat taking place.
Precisely the same may be said of the hares, which, however, become scarce in South America.
The Greek mind threw itself upon the problem - who precisely is Jesus Christ the Lord?
Linguistic facts and certain points in the contents seem to him to show that our Esther is a work of the age of the Seleucidae; more precisely he thinks of the time of the revolt of Molon under Antiochus III.
The absence of such renal caeca in Limulus and their presence in the terrestrial Arachnida is precisely on a parallel with their absence in aquatic Crustacea and their presence in the feebly branchiate Amphipoda.
The question then arises, " Wherein does this order or harmony precisely consist?"
We have seen that in the latter's system the " moral sense " is not absolutely required, or at least is necessary only as a substitute for enlightened self-regard; since if the harmony between prudence and virtue, self-regarding and social impulses, is complete, mere self-interest will prompt a duly enlightened mind to maintain precisely that " balance " of affections in which goodness consists.
Hume concedes that a compact is the natural means of peace fully instituting a new government, and may therefore be properly regarded as the ground of allegiance to it at the outset; but he urges that, when once it is firmly established the duty of obeying it rests on precisely the same combination of private and general interests as the duty of keeping promises; it is therefore absurd to base the former on the latter.
And if the controversy which this school has conducted with utilitarianism had turned principally on the determination of the matter of duty, there can be little doubt that it would have been forced into more serious and systematic effort to define precisely and completely the principles and method on which we are to reason deductively to particular rules of conduct.'
If we ask what precisely are the ends of reason, Kant's proposition that " all rational beings as such are ends in themselves for every rational being " hardly gives a clear answer.
But it is precisely this, the only logical inference, which most evolutionary philosophers are unwilling to draw.
It is to the west that the best sagas belong; it is to the west that nearly every classic writer whose name we know belongs; and it is precisely in the west that the admixture of Irish blood is greatest.
If we conceive a pole to each of these orbits, determined by the points in which lines perpendicular to their planes intersect the celestial sphere, the pole of the satellite orbit will revolve around the pole of the planetary orbit precisely as the pole of the earth does around the pole of the ecliptic, the inclination of the two orbits remaining unchanged.
And this is precisely the case with the sun.
There is also a libration in latitude, arising from the fact that the axis of rotation of the moon is not precisely perpendicular to the plane of her orbit.
Precisely the same convenient line was taken by Sahagun in his account of Mexican religious myths.
But myths precisely similar in irrational and repulsive character, even in minute details, to those of the Aryan races, exist among Australians, South Sea Islanders, Eskimo, Bushmen in Africa, among Solomon Islanders, Iroquois, and so forth.
Precisely the same ideas are found at various periods among the ancient Egyptians.
The chief foes of Indra are Vrittra and Ahi, serpents which swallow up the waters, precisely as frogs do in Australian and Californian and Andaman myths.
This is precisely the Bushman view; the sun was a man who irradiated light from his armpit.
Here again biblical criticism cannot at present determine precisely when or precisely why the changed attitude began; see Edom; Jews, §§ 20, 22.
It is precisely this which has suggested the province of Tours.
It shows a portion of honeycomb (natural size) not precisely as it appears when the frame containing it is lifted out of the hive, but as would be seen on two or more combs in the same hive, namely, the various cells built for - and occupied by - queens, drones and workers; also the larvae or grubs in the various stages of transformation FIG.
They have indeed a common table, but it is kept up precisely as a regimental mess, by monthly payments from each member.
Kingsley's accusation indeed, in so far as it concerned the Roman clergy generally, was not precisely dealt with; only a passing sentence, in an appendix on lying and equivocation, maintained that English Catholic priests are as truthful as English Catholic laymen; but of the author's own personal rectitude no room for doubt was left.
So far as the air discharged from the expansion cylinder is concerned, its humidity is precisely the same so long as its temperature and pressure are the same, inasmuch as when discharged from the expansion cylinder it is always in a saturated condition for that temperature and pressure.
A vapour compression machine does not, however, work precisely in the reversed Carnot cycle, inasmuch as the fall in temperature between the condenser and the refrigerator is not produced, nor is it attempted to be produced, by the adiabatic expansion of the agent, but results from the evaporation of a portion of the liquid itself.
Secondary wood was formed in abundance, precisely as in most species of Lepidodendron.
This flora appears to have abruptly succeeded an older flora in Australia and elsewhere, which was precisely similar to that of Lower Carboniferous age in the northern hemisphere.
For there Kant states as precisely as in the critique of speculative theology his fundamental doctrine that real existence is not a predicate to be added in thought to the conception of a possible subject.
The only fossils of the clay are radiolaria, sharks' teeth and the ear-bones of whales, precisely those parts of the skeleton of marine creatures which are hardest and can longest survive exposure to sea-water.
He pronounced each word precisely, as if he was totally bombed.
To say that man is precisely what God made him to be is sheer blasphemy.
You need to preciselymeasure the exact distance between each plant and row.
Marx's greatest abhorrence was social atomism, that would be precisely what would result form his theories.
The whole policy behind construction contract adjudication is precisely the opposite.
In this it is precisely analogous to the English man (or men ).
Precisely how much residual angulation constitutes a failed attempt at reduction remains controversial.
And the times of national apostasy were precisely the period of the prophetic dispensation.
It is precisely at this point (' the first fishing ') when Amazon fishermen traditionally move in to hunt the arapaima.
Here the material covered is precisely defined, but these definitions appear arbitrary.
A " best fit " between the detections and the optical background is used to precisely fix the astrometry of each field.
I abandoned attempts to follow any description precisely and aimed for a beckoning crack above, which had featured somewhere in the description.
At precisely the same moment, in London, Prof Von Hagans began the first public autopsy for 170 years.
The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of these enzymes and localize them precisely in the rat brain.
There were also 12 deposits of vessels that looked precisely like urned burials apart from the absence of human bone.
All somewhat ironic, since von Hagens ' intention is precisely to combat the taboos that make cadavers so controversial.
Were chatting yesterday quot you can a precisely calibrated.
This is precisely Dante's description found in the fifth and sixth cantos of his Inferno.
Precisely the same kind of men; obedient formerly to Tory traditions, obedient now to Whig ditto and popular clamors.
The rnam grangs min pa'i don dam is precisely unutterable and thus cannot be refuted by ultimate analysis.
The solution was to focus the study on one specific genre of contemporary cinema, in a precisely defined time period.
The corresponding number of gene deletions in the human genome is not yet precisely known.
Like most terms applied to jazz music, hard bop does not define a precisely delineated genre.
The professional user can adjust any operation via numerical input and can precisely monitor the results using an online densitometer.
They is a distinct gray area in such a definition - how do you define, precisely, non-voluntary euthanasia?
Many of these discussions have been entered into precisely to avoid that eventuality.
This intellectual, precisely messy work takes Abstract expressionism and beats it at its own game.
As the great anarchist fantasist Michael Moorcock has pointed out, this is precisely untrue.
It is a consciousness whose problems are purely formal or technical, with precisely definable solutions.
Grants are available for up to three years duration in support of one precisely formulated line of research.
Your average village hag was usually dispatched by hanging at the public gallows or, more precisely, by being slowly strangled.
And it is precisely these problems that make genetic engineering so fraught with danger.
And yet, perhaps precisely because it was wholly gratuitous, and went unpunished, it felt peculiarly wrong.
It is precisely such reports and the actions and statements of the government which give the green light to the ' political backlash ' .
Erm, reporting hearsay and hopes is journalism, precisely.
All the new bi-wire cables in the Original Range feature an enhanced geometry that minimizes cable inductance by precisely spacing opposing sets of conductors.
He does not precisely sing, of course; but then he looks so unassuming in his open landau!
What precisely is happening in sierra leone and new guinea?
At twelve noon precisely Chartreuse left the office for a two-hour lunch.
I want to argue that it is precisely this seeming nothingness of reading that should concern us today.
So much land is hugely overvalued precisely because it is regarded as an investment vehicle.
You can hear sound coming from all around you and precisely pinpoint where they are coming from and where they are going.
This offers itself as precisely the sort of pc quandary that Anthony Browne highlights in his slim volume.
Molded precisely from the legend, each vein, curve, and bulge is perfectly re-created to create an exact replica.
The overwhelming majority of parents opposed the repeal of Section 28 precisely because they feared it would lead to the aggressive promotion of homosexuality.
But their role is to do precisely that - gather reliable information, not engage in Populist rhetoric like Sarkozy.
At precisely the time the votes were being counted, I was probably sipping a sangria on a balmy Spanish evening in Cordoba.
Three of the eight samples had complete sapwood and could be precisely dated.
It is precisely the elemental god of Browning's Caliban, and of the primitive savage!
The handling of FMD must have been a cockup, or more precisely a total bloody shambles.
More precisely, he was won for her by her mother, whose relentless pursuit of the Duke was quite shameless.
This allows the individual drivers to work together to produce a precisely detailed soundstage.
My first task was precisely to identify the on-line news sources.
Weatherson (2003) has replied that de re attitudes do not require to be about exactly one particular (precisely specifiable) object.
Through an extraordinary chance alignment, a face-on spiral galaxy lies precisely in front of another larger spiral.
Builds custom textbooks and online syllabi tailored precisely to your teaching needs.
Listeners find tropes easy to understand precisely because much of their thinking is constrained by figurative processes.
This adjusts the exhaust gas turbocharger to match more precisely the engine's running conditions.
On the contrary, the cues habitually trusted as sources of information are valued precisely in proportion as their informational content appears unintentional.
The broad selection of media is matched to precisely formulated ink that goes on crisply and evenly, for remarkably vivid, fade-resistant output.
Other conventions secure the exercise of the jurisdiction of the bishops in their diocese, and determine precisely their authority over seminaries and other ecclesiastical establishments of instruction and education, as well as over public schools, so far as concerns the teaching of religion.
It is precisely defined by a vibration number recording the frequency of the pulsations of a tense string, a column of air, or other vibrator, in a second of time.
The prediction in question was doubtless added by Ezekiel after the event; the code belongs precisely in his time, and the constitution was natural for a priest; Noah, Daniel and Job are old legendary Hebrew figures; and it is not probable that the prophet's " Paras " is our " Persia."
It may be noted, in confirmation of this view, that the naval supremacy of Aegina is assigned by the ancient writers on chronology to precisely this period, i.e.
The theoretical availability of heat is limited only by our power of bringing those particles whose motions constitute heat in bodies to rest relatively to one another; and we have precisely similar practical limits to the availability of the energy due to the motion of visible and tangible bodies, though theoretically we can then trace all the stages.
If the rates of vibration of the two tuning-forks at the two stations could be maintained precisely the same, the two arms would rotate in synchronism, but as this uniform vibration cannot be exactly A / 4 3/ Line /‘ --- /4 -- ?
Moreover, many proprietors contrived to curtail seriously the allotments which the peasants had possessed under serfdom, and frequently they deprived them of precisely the parts which they were most in need of, namely, pasture lands around their houses, and forests.
Precisely what form his worship took is a matter of conjecture; but it is possible that the religion must not be judged too strictly from the standpoint of the late compiler, and that Manasseh merely assimilated the older Yahwehworship to new Assyrian forms. 2 Politics and religion, however, were inseparable, and the supremacy of Assyria meant the supremacy of the Assyrian pantheon.
In Le Chevalier de la Charrette, however, which followed Cliges, we find Lancelot alike as leading knight of the court and lover of the queen, in fact, precisely in the position he occupies in the prose romance, where, indeed, the section dealing with this adventure is, as Gaston Paris clearly proved, an almost literal adaptation of Chretien's poem.
The former gas is continually being evolved by the plants and absorbed by the animals, and precisely the reverse actions occur in the case of carbonic acid.
It forms a striking illustration of the rural character of the so-called "towns" in Bengal, and is merely an agglomeration of 41 separate villages, in which all the operations of husbandry go on precisely as in the adjacent hamlets.
And, though it was precisely in his fine-spun subtlety that he departed furthest from scientific method and practical utility, it was this very quality which seems in the end to have secured his popularity and established his pre-eminence in the medical world.
So you should indicate precisely, what parts of your site are restricted in use  because the 1911 text as such (whether on paper or in electronic form) is free, and anyone may use it for any purpose, without any conditions.
The reservation thus made in favour of the native laws is precisely analogous to the similar reservation made in India (see Indian Law, where the Hindu law and the Mahommedan Law are described).
The epoch from which it is reckoned is precisely determined by numerous celestial phenomena recorded by Ptolemy, and corresponds to Wednesday at mid-day, the 26th of February of the year 747 before Christ.
No case precisely similar had as yet arisen, and, notwithstanding the precedent of Henry II., it might be doubted whether succession through a female was favoured by the constitution.
In 1877 he received the degree of docteur es lettres with two remarkable theses, a dissertation De Macario magnete, and an Etude sur le Liber pontificalis, in which he explained with unerring critical acumen the origin of that celebrated chronicle, determined the different editions and their interrelation, and stated precisely the value of his evidence.
Ultimately the discrepancy was traced to an error which, not by Joule's fault, vitiated the determination by the electrical method, for it was found that the standard ohm, as actually defined by the British Association committee and as used by him, was slightly smaller than was intended; when the necessary corrections were made the results of the two methods were almost precisely congruent, and thus the figure 772-55 was vindicated.
Under the first head he attacks mechanics precisely as Mach had done (see above); if this attack had been consistently carried out it would have carried him no further than Mach.
Mesopotamia seems to imply the view that beth is the preposition "amid," which has the same form,' but need not imply the meaning "between," that is, the idea that there were precisely two rivers.
Cuenot and Hurst have also shown that when albinoes of one colour extraction are crossed with albinoes of another colour extraction the segregation of the colour determinants in the gametogenesis of the albinoes takes place in precisely the same way that it does in the gametogenesis of a pigmented individual; that is, in Mendelian fashion.
To students of heredity this is precisely what would have been expected.
It thus denoted the whole country from the Tiber to the mouth of the Savo, and just included the Mons Massicus, though the boundary was not very precisely fixed (see below).
In Great Britain, however, the restrictive regulations were precisely those which aroused criticism, the objection taken being that the conditions imposed were of a servile character, if they did not actually make the coolies " slaves.
The attitude itself is as old as Scepticism; but the expressions "agnostic" and "agnosticism" were applied by Huxley to sum up his deductions from those contemporary developments of metaphysics with which the names of Hamilton ("the Unconditioned") and Herbert Spencer ("the Unknowable") were associated; and it is important, therefore, to fix precisely his own intellectual standpoint in the matter.
He found in Tycho's ample legacy of first-class data precisely what enabled him to try, by the touchstone of fact, the successive hypotheses that he imagined; and his untiring patience in comparing and calculating the observations at his disposal was rewarded by a series of unique discoveries.
The vascular bundles, in particular, show precisely the characteristic collateral mesarch or exarch structure which is so constant in the recent family (see Anatomy Of Plants).
This offers itself as precisely the sort of PC quandary that Anthony Browne highlights in his slim volume.
The transfer process is not sufficiently advanced, however, to be able to quantify at this stage precisely what will be required.
But this is a difficult area to quantify precisely.
The rapacious banks estimate precisely by mortgages the rate of increase of ruin of the peasants !
But their role is to do precisely that - gather reliable information, not engage in populist rhetoric like Sarkozy.
It is precisely the elemental god of Browning 's Caliban, and of the primitive savage !
To edit the beginning and end of sound clips precisely, use a larger magnification on the timeline.
These are precisely the sort of activities that CIFAS membership can show thus sparing the financial institution embarrassment or worse.
For its inevitable effect was precisely to stoke the self-righteous flames of imperial power, and fuel their spread.
The purpose of these seminars is precisely to unveil what is hidden or obscure in the way we apprehend the art world.
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They still have exactly the same nutritional needs that they have in the wild, and their food must precisely meet these needs or disease and organ failure will quickly take over.
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Cooking is a science, and while there's room for creativity in many dishes, you'll need to follow the recipe precisely when using saffron.
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The SAT practice tests, like the SAT Reasoning Test, are not about measuring academic achievements precisely, but determining whether a student possesses the critical thinking skills he or she will need to succeed in college.
Not only do the skirts hide nothing of importance, but also if anything, they attract the eye precisely to the specifically female sexual areas by framing them, presenting them, or playing peekaboo with them ….
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Although there is a wide range of styles available, sometimes precisely the right piece of jewelry can remain elusive.
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Just as no two roller coasters at Six Flags Magic Mountain are exactly the same, no two admission ticket deals are precisely the same.
Blurry, indistinct graphics and images that don't precisely match the official park logo.
Both are capable of running a variety of applications it's just that games consoles are marketed as precisely that; a games console.
Combine that with using the analog control to precisely and effectively position yourself to frustrating.
While it may be difficult to precisely describe Cabernet Sauvignon, the grape has some commonalities that flow across regions and winemakers.
Few descriptions of any mental illness specify its cause as precisely as the description of adjustment disorders does.
As such, their prevalence is not precisely known.
You can also use that tag and some CSS to precisely position the image and control other aspects of it.
However, in any case where screen-to-print processes are going on - such as magazine publishing - it's important for creators to be able to communicate precisely what color they want the viewer to see.
Howie was as excited as us once we could transport him more precisely.
The observation mirrored Dean's thoughts precisely.
It has precisely the same limitation as the treatment of form and emotion; it cannot change as the work proceeds.
Dots and dashes are distinguished by the interval between the sounds of the instrument in precisely the same way as they are distinguished when reading from the recorder by sound.
To eliminate the sluggish action of the selenium transmitter a selenium cell similar to that at the transmitting station is arranged at the receiving apparatus, and exposed to precisely similar variations of light, the arrangement being such that the lag of this cell counteracts the lag of the transmitting cell.
The geography of Central Italy is almost wholly determined by the Apennines, which traverse it in a direction from about north-north-east to south-south-west, almost precisely parallel to that of the coast of the Adriatic from Rimini to Pescara.
It is necessary to determine if the modification be a simple change that might have occurred in independent cases, in fact if it be a multiradial apocentricity, or if it involved intricate and precisely combined anatomical changes that we could not expect to occur twice independently; that is to say, if it be a uniradial apocentricity.
For the object of the piaculum is the re-establishment of the broken alliance, which was precisely that of the communion sacrifice.
Where the victim is an animal specially associated with a god (the most conspicuous case is perhaps that of the corn spirit), it may be granted that the god is eaten; but precisely in these cases there is no custom of giving a portion of the victim to the god.
This was precisely what was happening among the northern states, and Amos foresaw that this might eventually be Israel's doom.
Energyequations, such as the above, may be operated with precisely as if they were algebraic equations, a property which is of great advantage in calculation.
At the least there is no doubt that the genital funnels are developed precisely where the nephridial funnels formerly existed.
Like Malthus, Ricardo owes his reputation very largely to the theory associated with his name, though it has long ceased to be stated precisely in the terms he employed.
Three consuls had been appointed, she remarked, precisely in order that power might not be vested in the hands of one man.
Simultaneously with this Du Bus began a work on a plan precisely similar, the Esquisses ornithoDu Bus.
Before the battle of Culdremne (561) a Druid made an airbe druad (fence of protection?) round one of the armies, but what is precisely meant by the phrase is obscure.
Such identifications, however, do not fix the date of the book precisely; the author may have referred to events that happened before his time.
By many of these Chinese settlers the Japanese conquerors, when they came to occupy the island, were regarded in precisely the same light as the Chinese themselves had been regarded from time immemorial by the aborigines.
These intellectual principles are, of course, not without their own ground in physical sensation; but it is evident that Debussy appeals beyond them to a more primitive instinct; and on it he bases an almost perfectly coherent system of which the laws are, like those of i 2th-century music, precisely the opposite of those of classical harmony.
It was not without special reason - so Zoroaster believed - that the calling of a prophet should have taken place precisely when it did.
The figurative nature of the language respecting the future makes it difficult to determine precisely the thought of the book on this point; but it seems to contemplate continued existence hereafter for both righteous and wicked, and rewards and punishments allotted on the basis of moral character.
When once the fixed conditions which any hypothetical group of entities are to satisfy have been precisely formulated, the deduction of the further propositions, which also will hold respecting them, can proceed in complete independence of the question as to whether or no any such group of entities can be found in the world of phenomena.
In order to obtain the seminvari ants we would write down the (w; 0, n) terms each associated with a literal coefficient; if we now operate with 52 we obtain a linear function of (w - I; 8, n) products, for the vanishing of which the literal coefficients must satisfy (w-I; 0, n) linear equations; hence (w; 8, n)-(w-I; 0, n) of these coefficients may be assumed arbitrarily, and the number of linearly independent solutions of 52=o, of the given degree and weight, is precisely (w; 8, n) - (w - I; 0, n).
In order to meet the objection that the phenomenon might be due to electromagnetic action between the coil and the rod, Bidwell made some experiments with iron rings, and found that the length of their diameters varied under magnetization in precisely the same manner as the length of a straight rod.
But most important of the evidences presented by the trilobites of affinity with Limulus, and therefore with the Arachnida, is the tendency less marked in some, strongly carried out in others, to form a pygidial or telsonic shield - a fusion of the posterior somites of the body, which is precisely identical in character with the metasomatic carapace of Limulus.
But that one step, from the abstract to the concrete, was precisely that which the character of Lagrange's mind indisposed him to make.
The nation has only a municipal organization with a priestly aristocracy, precisely the state of things that prevailed under the Persian empire.
This is precisely the geographical standpoint of the post-exile author of Gen.
But this is precisely an instance of the hypostatization of abstractions in exposing which the chief strength and value of Nominalism lie.
To this general position Aquinas, it has been seen, makes several important exceptions; but the exceptions are few in number and precisely defined.
It is good because God willed it, and for no other reason; had He commanded precisely the opposite course of conduct, that course would have been right by the mere fact of His commanding it.
The influence of these great academies of the 17th century on the progress of zoology was precisely to effect that bringing together of the museum-men and the physicians or anatomists which was needed for further development.
Thanks to Fresnel and his followers, this department of optics is now precisely the one in which the theory has gained its greatest triumphs.
When the secondary disturbance thus obtained is integrated with respect to dS over the entire plane of the lamina, the result is necessarily the same as would have been obtained had the primary wave been supposed to pass on without resolution, for this is precisely the motion generated when every element of the lamina vibrates with a common motion, equal to that attributed to dS.
The raising of Lazarus, in appearance a massive, definitely localized historical fact, requires a similar interpretation, unless we would, in favour of the direct historicity of a story peculiar to a profoundly allegorical treatise, ruin the historical trustworthiness of the largely historical Synoptists in precisely their most complete and verisimilar part.
Certainly Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, made a precisely similar mistake when about 190 he described the Philip " who rests in Hierapolis " as " one of the twelve apostles," since Eusebius rightly identifies this Philip with the deacon of Acts xxi.
A little later the reserves of other chieftains were precisely defined.
This couldn't happen in nature (or, more precisely, could in theory, but is extremely unlikely).
More precisely, it catalogues and tracks them and then allows you to communicate with them easily.
If instead of a divine power some other force has appeared, it should be explained in what this new force consists, for the whole interest of history lies precisely in that force.
The simple lyrics and repeating chorus make it hard to forget and easy to dance to - precisely what makes a good theme song for a high energy, exciting place such as a theme park.
Highlights are not precisely the same as hair streaking measures.
While it is true that homeschooled children may not learn social skills in precisely the same manner as their public-schooled counterparts, homeschooled children develop into socialized adults nonetheless.
If you want an accurate estimate of exactly how long it will take you to recoup your costs in order to determine precisely when is it worth it to refinance, you can use an online refinance calculator.
Like other simple origami figures, weapons need to be folded precisely in order to have the best results.
If you fold precisely, this should allow the number "1" on the dollar bill to be visible on the folded portion.
If you follow the directions precisely, your rice will be cooked just the way you like it.
This set might be precisely what you need to emerge from winter into spring.
When signals are to be sent from either station the operator turns the switch c out of contact with the stop b, and then operates precisely as in open circuit send '" i ing.
Obviously no more than this is possible until physiologists are able to state much more precisely than at present what is the influence of common salt on the plants of salt-marshes, of the action of calcium carbonate on plants of calcareous soils, and of the action of humous compounds on plants of fens and peat moors.
The final breakdown of scholasticism as a rationalized system of dogma may be seen in Nicolas (or Nicolaus) of Cusa (1401-1464), who distinguishes between the intellectus and the discursively acting ratio almost precisely in the style of later distinctions between the reason and the understanding.
And the position assigned by the Sethians (EnOcavoi) to Seth is precisely similar to that given by the Mandaeans to Abel.
Precisely one month after the date of this reply the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.
It is true, on the other hand, that in her descriptions, she is best from the point of view of art when she is faithful to her own sensations; and this is precisely true of all artists.
Within this agency there are districts as independent as any in Afghanistan, but the political status of the province as a whole is almost precisely that of the native states of the Indian peninsula.
He always came to table under precisely the same conditions, and not only at the same hour but at the same minute.
The doctors were of use to Natasha because they kissed and rubbed her bump, assuring her that it would soon pass if only the coachman went to the chemist's in the Arbat and got a powder and some pills in a pretty box for a ruble and seventy kopeks, and if she took those powders in boiled water at intervals of precisely two hours, neither more nor less.
Precisely. It's a survival technique.
It is therefore extraordinarily difficult at present to know what happens, or rather what would happen if it were not prevented, when a country reaches " the stage of diminishing returns "; what precisely it is which comes into operation, for obviously the diminishing returns are the results, not the cause; or how commodities " obey " a law which is always " suspended."
Precisely at six the next morning, he strode through the medical facility's maximum security barriers.
Whether the closed primitive shell-sac of the slugs (and with it the transient embryonic shell-gland of all other Mollusca) is precisely the same thing as the closed sac in which the calcareous pen or shell of the Cephalopod Sepia and its allies is formed, is a further question which we shall consider when dealing with the Cephalopoda.